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hey gamers I am back with heroes of Robloxia and they have an update spider-man is here and it's going battling the vulture I'm really excited for this Hey aye aye sir okay power I love speed overdrive da no no no yes here we go so help your friendly neighborhood spider-man defeats the vulture I'm gonna call them spooderman defeat the vulture and prevent the theft of the shatori weapon tech be sure to see spider-man homecoming watching at home now Donna Lella alright I have spinach spinach Oh cut it OMG can I take a selfie done don't get another look we have core quarrelsome man it's a piece red 50 plus I look so cool I mean look at this let me take a selfie dun dun sorry oh yes no problem no problem all right boom I love that it's like Batman liking in the old band yes so I have to go here and then I go to missions and it's mission 5 vengeance of the vulture oh I'm really excited for this vulture his men have been terrorizing parts of the city using alien technology and must be stopped here is strength speed telekinesis telekinesis electricity and spider-man I'm gonna actually rooms I'm going to create a room great to partay please join my party ducks in the party which mr. buuder man Behrman which mission spurred her man okay nothing's awkward here is not spider I know it's spoiled or a man how many people can be in one for okay one more person dun dun pour water a mine butterman spooderman guys would I ever ask boudoir gone like that's the song that's run on song except this time it's border man right then uh I think like there's literally one chorus on back hmm friends only now I don't yep please you can see some villains are in there is there be joining the Boomer man we have one person I think we'll just stop vengeance of the function oh here we go oh yes these combinations of punches and kicks swing between houses using webs and cover opponents within close vicinity and web make them unable to move yes oh wait oh dude I'm just not do it use different spiderman outfits costumes i inspired a vibe yeah back ok donor how do you like sprite I forgot oh oh gee I fidget spinner but just better something leader will they do it let's peek at spooderman sprue Demond still dressed it's in a bottom or you know pop on the scooter ban speedo mom while there a lot of bad guys on the streets today nope that's costumes I beat them all then trying to figure out where they all came from can we swing I want to throw you from a web click your proneness to attack there's also track nearby is web and F to climb walls hole cutest yes oh my gosh guys Oh boom oh I love this hahaha yes guys Oh buh buh smacking roundhouse kick kick nice okay Oh keys Liam suck boop-boop boop-boop oh they're all stuff Oh somebody owed up lining it on my head oh yes boom that always happens da da da da da oh yes I'll hate you oh they just stop yeah whoa wait be careful as I know right where am I not able to oh there we go YUM nope boom he went first with much wear this is so cool looks like mmm 11 out 10 left oh ah - on boom BAM boom she's up getting the water yeah let's call some backup what oh there he is hey girls the back man boom oh my gosh dude legend holy guacomole holy guacamole what happened up there I love that holy guacamole boy macaroni and up traditional tea I could probably climb up the bridge support to investigate Wow ah ah all right then let's climb up bridge the board well I don't know spam I don't need to climb what wait I want to I just actually want to try climbing okay all those so cool hello haha I some oh the vulture ah how you climb again oh say in a minute men never made okay let the vulture no no well then where'd it go watch for you I tried to meddle with my plans yes ha we'll see about that a lot about to like hidden tight ruin this for me they're not tights they're super high-tech pants Oh am I gonna do this I earn a better job why not Oh No hi duck oh yeah yeah go you're gonna like it in tights for you what did you do to my henchmen that's it no more playing around when you've dumped spider don't call me a dumb spider I'm very very small spider okay you have to get to the other side of the bridge did I just say that looks so cool Oh wrong way right way wrong way oh whoa no oh hi [Music] well bring help like it's saying like stuff like you need to swing across no and I'm dead okay um so it's this way so oh you stand hearing them oh are you serious / like rough gauge please okay there we go hi oh oh this is the waste of my time my plan is about to be set in motion anyway that's not why you can't believe I'm forced to hurt you nice going guys do you really think you can stop the Voyager yes I can stop you but my Tim something can stop it I should follow him try to stop him for getting away with those stolen wetlands yeah probably should um yeah so where is the app hey nice / nice bra can I just um I'm gonna climb instead dip it in it it it please will you not cook it you know I think I'll just go over it not every star when ever nature good good dude you to do you don't climb up this know I hate spider-man I'm catch some roblox of my heroes that were walks here ah I got word that will do stealing weapons so we're here to help yay yeah yeah let's go find uh we seeming up yeah we are I see you finally found me it's about I'm going to destroy you now yeah how are we supposed to Oh we speed you speed here to get up an attack Bulger and then wellies here shock the blue barrels to damage vulture so what is here and when he's here you punch the crates knock one onto a vulture and when he's here he's telekinesis to throw the green barrels at vulture okay who subhanallah can use web solve ultra hovers to take outs his engines or let's go there's so many people are gonna take out his engines okay come at me I still kind of want to be spider-man so do be not what me me please oh geez this is punch this is BA it's a swap sir no you don't gonna stay as him please wait he's gonna knock wait oh oh there we go sweet okay nice job duck was he gone oh there is so telekinesis telekinesis telekinesis telekinesis telekinesis oh come on I want I want to hit you ah whoa where is he going I'm gonna actually just be I think I'll go for weed or is it ah there we go oh this is so cool boom boom boom boom boom boom just like shaka laka defeating his henchmen power power power powerful person powerful person No despite the spewed urban actually it's okay where is he where is he boy yeah no okay someone who's got telekinesis telekinesis help please help me no look can I could one not lift barrels no all right Karkat some robots pump them up yeah I'll defeat these hoes turn it over come on mercy boys over there token we need to change to what he is weak from change to what is weak what he is Oh where is he where is he worthy yes Oh like that works okay I think how do you knock this down like do you just right where is he where is he where is he Oh Grove I'm gonna grow it's probably bit easier so you still want to use your spoon oh man quick Budiman yes gonna go go it's a bitter pitted Oh God spider-man like he's hurt he can't fly as well Kenny oh gamma yes whoa okay that was awesome oh I got zapped Oh Oh where is he where is he where is he where is he oh he's over there he said that oh look he's not going over that again come on oh no where's it going what what what was over that food did they stop stop it okay cool so far so good we're doing it guys what's got next what is it speed whoa okay I'll solve it for a man I was like whoa boom boom okay where's your na oh there is click like I'll just kind of web them up telekinesis oh come I so where's he now where is he where is he Oh speed speed speed please think think think ah ah but um where's you now so he's over there okay I don't get this one okay shock it for some pac-man shopkeeping eat me oh that's me first but what will we wait wait wait chill bro how do you how do you get doubt help oh there we go okay where is he where is he where is he where is a I'm gonna change to overdrive no it's the wrong bus stop guys I stole a pause Oh God okay wait wait wait how do you do stuff with him slow down time Oh BAM come on I need to know why I can't I run my god please hidden hit him hit him let's guy stole a lot of stuff yeah didn't he Oh guys come on we're gonna do it guys come on guys gggg you yeah the city safe again thanks to you you're a hero congratulations on defeating vulture enjoy your prize as token of appreciation whoa yeah Hey okay I'm gonna go swing now bye hey so do we do anything does it tell us what to go oh nice whoa whoa yes she's power spider-man completed in 16 minutes of 49 seconds I used to think 239 and I like to head sound all right ed stand please we did it guys yeah oh so happy about that how many people are in this the prime so it's this is the practice server like we're gonna go speed you defeated me you've defeated me it's still more evil to conquer why are you outside of their free play we'll add you to battle additional evil explore an open city with others oh well a lot of people with infrequent and free play yes spare mine oh wait different costume costume I think we'll go for I think I better just stays classic cuz classic is ours are what nice okay on top of a building he'd I wish you could like run and be really cool what buh-buh-buh-buh-buh nice ok ok bye I love this web-swinging stuff I finally got it you don't use one well if you do if you kind of want to go right oh there we go oh I love this like this is so cool I would have play this game so much more now what boy all right Oh who write in a building club where that where the bodies it'll shrew is right hopefully Oh oh my gosh this is so cool whoa many 32100 Wow and three two one and touchdown boom I'm gonna end up the video here guys I've loved it spider-man's loved it absolutely loved it swing it around he's happy like it's a swinging thing in spider-man vulture everything awesome so if you guys like the video so much that like button and I will see you next time bye you
Channel: EthanGamer
Views: 11,843,231
Rating: 4.6334438 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, family friendly, ethangamer, ethan gamer, ethangamertv, ethan gamer tv, let's play, video games, gameplay, roblox video, play roblox, roblox games, ethan gamer tv roblox, ethan gamer roblox, roblox online game
Id: p8Sjt9MdsnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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