ESCAPING THE SEWER!! Roblox Ultimate Slide Box Racing

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this is the moment this is my time I'll fight it it's over and I'll probably fail [Music] hey dimmers today I am playing ultimate slide box racing let's go all right oh okay VIPs productive mr. duck what up what up yeah yeah right whoa rainbow box I don't know what again what again yeah go did it did it did it no I am box but whoa right into a trade where are we going did you ow right into a mountain Gina above where the hunters oh oh my goodness what what oh my goodness we're going so fast whoa oh no wait happily left right oh oh oh [Music] Doritos waffles out everybody literally missed it oh the Illuminati one Illuminati box I don't know where are we going oh no how books I'd have no no completely mr. toilet this is good going backwards oh my gosh if we win can I think it's for me sweetie telling you okay oh no oh gosh oh oh right in the middle lobe is it good is it good this is good this is good this is good no we are so close come on come on Oh Oh always done a back flip still going still going come on come on come on yes yes can we still make it I don't know I think we can though it's this bit I think we're gonna make it yes no I'll be like don't you dare okay did you just oh this is the end incoming drop okay and how come on you can do you could stop spinning go go go go go go go go go go go go Wow come on come on Pepe Oh do it for me man do it for me yes Aziz I think we have done it ladies and gentlemen if we don't make this job I am literally going to be like why why am i down here and help we didn't make the jump though we're backwards again mmm dad like inside right now I got butterflies in my stomach here it is this is it this is the moment the same time our fight is over and I'll probably fail which I still have not yes no no you are not you are not yes holy moly now I just need to make that jump we just need to make now a job okay so incoming drop which is nearly the end come on if I fail this incoming drop then I don't know don't hit us Mike okay spies don't killers slows us down though oh man oh come on come on exit exit exit wow we hit yet come on yes yes yes so close I'm so close I will do this guy's some too close calls too many close calls yes oh by like centimeter we did why watch Ready Steady Go nice yes yes yes Oh bacon I know he's taking so long die daddy dad come on incoming drop oh my gosh she's legitimately Oh wasn't be like he legitimately pulsing this he was until that happened I'm not I come on over this way then no I don't come on II think if you do not make this jump then I just don't know anymore see the dog and I can see freedom yes yes yes oh my goodness oh do we did we does that say Dain shipping jump I don't want to fail this Oh big jump holy moly come on what yes yes yes yes no don't fall off no no I'm so happy that I'm able to be anything are you by there I never move okay I'm glad you're happy man I'm glad you're happy this is it this is the moment this is my time by 10 it's over and I hopefully will succeed why okay my heart is pounding but I know exactly what I have to do once I've crossed this big drum holy mackerel I had no chance so far the only winner is productive mr. duck Wow awesome [Music] oh no it's nice nice nice out nope not nice bouncy are you going the right way you're going the right way the moment got a lot of altitude yes gross so far so good come on come on come on it's big drop need to slow Susie slow down okay okay okay okay okay this is it this is the moment I thought I had it all right so perfect oh man I'm literally facing right now I'm literally shaking I lost connection hey guys I am back baku the game crashed so let's do this oh man I got lots of nerves I have lots of nerves I think the Doge 2.0 will give me more look ok is it good this is good this is good I love you so much thank you me too thanks imma through incoming drop okay Wow you're like wow this is doping do me I can actually hit one yes let me just hit same old ones good job oh wow okay my goodness crazy okay um um um no I thought we could do it I'm actually not wait sad now gosh me Gomez I'm coming me then okay come on right I don't see you oh oh man knows clothes no don't do it don't do it to me give me look Doakes give me look wow I was like what no no how many times are gonna be one this fails yes how do you know really you will know once I upload this video you will know yes will I follow your real one when a click a name Hussein unfollow but cuz he just good because he ate dog hmm no no [Applause] no winners I know right yep got a company this guy's trying to test me like if you're real do this do that really as toilet hates me rolls for days lots of momentum yes perfecto he's in just show you the fake one but I'm not I should I say stop being me and I guess it happens me beans Ashima hey donut he's fail what no I'm not fake he 100% real actually that's true real why don't you visit meal I ice climbers but really you gotta believe man oh this is so hard concentrating so much right now [Music] he's a gem investors defender Thanks thank you come on No we bounced off the roof I will do this oh goodness I was so close I nearly died oh my I'm like oh and then a miracle happened I pray awesome 1 2 now the objective is to complete this that bits gone the the toil a bit done done and dusted it is now this is this I can see some either someone's in there or the bot is it's just the Box on its own yes ok it's right where are through and then keep on going all this low slope if it slows if it slows oh my gosh they actually slowed we write we write something right no it's not no it's gonna run right directly in No [Music] no don't know no just don't know don't do it so here my box it's come true that's how I feel worse oh wait a minute whoa whoa that's a line my friend said you soaked that's a lie a huge one Hey oh my goal no way what let's go get this clear no oh why they're on Pikachu when it's for me we mix for me go okay so saying exactly in that place to see literally you see all of the boxes just littered around the bathroom okay this is kind of good do the best you trip alone Thanks hey that's motivating me thank you I don't want to go back up there I am NOT going back up there yup thank you it feels good to have bands that well trust in me ethan dry dryer i've actually played terraria hey hey and we had you will actually recorded a video but I have played two Aria and it is it is fun this is it I can do it thank you big jump go no way oh my gosh no way I don't know how you get all of these yeah it's like aha you can fly using that that's cool or hang glider please ah ha hiya fires noobs to go around in circles having me back man Oh My yes yeah this is amazing please click a roadblock see it oh okay so you can move into a type of dog I have escaped the sewer this jet pack is ready hey what's up flare doing in it but when you go by this itches flew around my room like I don't care why yo dude now I'm just sipping it's a milkshake whoa should be bead whoa okay oh no way I'm getting this red one and this one that went flying oh just actually kind of cool but how do you use this oh okay how do you oh whoa gyeongrae and we haven't stuck in the edge of the toilet ha ha ha yes on top of here I'm just gonna fly like a bird what will this do this is like I think that right like there's lights is flowing yay this is awesome right guys I have finally completed this long it is took so long but we haven't done it I hope you liked the video if you did smash that like button and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: EthanGamer
Views: 22,902,887
Rating: 4.6215272 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, family friendly, ethangamer, ethan gamer, ethangamertv, ethan gamer tv, let's play, video games, gameplay, roblox video, play roblox, roblox games, ethan gamer tv roblox, ethan gamer roblox, roblox online game
Id: fOYmMxWF9Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2016
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