Playing Red Ball 4 - THE END!!! (iPad/iOS/Tablet Gameplay Video)

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previously on eating gamer TV whoa aha yes coming a bit that boss what are you kidding [Music] Magne Magne Magne ha weak affected the buffs defeated the boss next on Ethan gamer TV oh oh is a sense of Internet dying hey gamers proper baptism or red ball for chapter 3 a box factory let's go well this look oh this looks so creepy near the sewers well oh hello there oh oh dang Oh Laser laser Laser laser but I don't want you doing this so bike Oh imagine that oh no big hot was mess wait hello who's a meaty to like getting hit didn't hit my laser again hello [Music] how'd i laser go change oh oh I'm gonna TV and almost dead if you don't even go yeah thank you hello hello who you who you bad hello I don't think I should've been here to do mmm bloat okay what is it oh that's a bit too low and wait come on I think I'm gonna die oh yeah dunk oh hello I'm going perfect balance perfect balance oh it's Tyler hello and then hold it oh wow let's savor my boo Bing coming around commit it will do send event laser hello hello yeah don't go go go pee sir what star back back back ah I really don't like these lasers that's cool Rick Burnet is back back back now here go go go go go go yes yes thank you Oh however when he says hello hello miserable arms in Oh boombox achievement unlocked now I totally missed it hold on achievement unlocked yay thing they go you go bang ha ha ha ha ha right on the edge it's so funny oh yeah you might only get me back on an egg like an old granny oh then oh yes oh oh yeah I love that part hello mr. explosive [Music] you know here we go here we go bang ha hello what are you doing right I donate oh honey comes running up a new game start and go yay thank you bro yep think absolutely luminous oh let help rum go go go go go oh I'm the Lord [Music] forget boombox look let's not oh yeah look at the heart off me so down angled oh yeah oh I think I'm gonna wait it reverses it okay it's too hot so [Applause] and go go go go oh hey oh yes boom now where's this technique okay oh thank you yes yes Oh pop Oh so hop on here and I'll go yeah oh and you just hurt me dude I'm pinching the pen GG's of yours no lice get the checkmark Oh Mama's got closed I got not on the edge and then you sell off all that imagine now it's like a big holy holy laser Oh add a terrible laser stop whoa [Music] Oh steady steady steady Hey Oh more of those things Oh give me that starter do that over there no no they just run tada oh hello hello matey and bye well I'm sticking on this man sticking on this leg blue oh oh hello hello oh I think I got a jump on that and then I got lured him and then he just comes up me but I don't know how hey I hello oh yay I did it bye bye Oh oils abide to myself as well Oh stops and it goes over this way [Music] go google mama goes huh survives I'm like human survives I mean human always dies or the boulders the basketball hoop that's good we've it it done yes thank well Oh [Music] Oh Oh is a sense of easier than dying hello hello mate and the mine oh I'm you oh I would only wanted to say hello you look great you know Nick Easter Bunny you what are you oh hi Baby Bop and uh [Music] okay Oh oh-ho oh this the bow let's move to little one oh okay so I gotta roll ah don't I see take me to the end of the world five hours later ten years later you know what go bit faster well yeah thank you bro come on 10 G's late 1/2 seconds later and it stops I don't see other way how'd you feel if I did that you'd uh nothin bro what you doin no no no no no Evo what's so an evil bull get over that out get over them think there's a punishment though suppressive wants man just press it once 10 years later yeah thank you Thank You Emmett have no trip I'm J no lines Oh woody always kill myself when I just won't [Music] what a nasty trick Dave Dave oh just misses Aram they died so it was kind of pointless ding [Music] let's do this three two one fine boom bang awesome unsafe chain this is very unsafe oh yeah this is fine don't want to know it so it stops that laser thang thang [Music] go go go go come on don't clean bro Oh mmm thank you for getting in front of oh whoops building me a kitten put this and get in front of it well push it this way and just bang yay thank there we go what's this Oh Elmo hey waiter and boo-boo day thing oh I think I know what I'm gonna do I have to roll this up here and push you push push oh oh I'm gonna squish me as well something want to leave this oh yes [Music] thank you baby go oh yes oh yes oh yeah have some chain does that's a chain quantity okay how we gonna do this oh yeah yeah yeah yeah don't bend it thank you both very kind of you you stop the ladies are falling oh and you pick me Woodson is very tight I don't win you bit me again come at me bill I just totally died then oh yeah I pushed that over with me that was good hello Oh [Music] Ok Go Go Go push it yes yes now you're over and I'm over as well now hello ding oh yay no oh it's gonna have to die [Music] try again [Music] boom [Music] yes huh Oh boss Olli Olli Oh [Music] my home I'm mmm Oh [Music] Oh Oh dangerous bad to thank thank you hahaha oh well oh no again are you doing how you doing oh - ah - wait ma'am oh oh oh I took a Holloway oh good good good good it's gonna do a couple times I'm just gonna keep dodging these things easy battle battle come at me Bo's thing come on your king timidity squads I pull you a squirrel night I'm gonna call you a squirrel a squirrel might get you oh gosh yeah be with the Polish be with the Boers Oh kill me still has to arts oh three now come on then start to master drawing the balls join the basketball team don't one gang thing Oh Hassan Oh hit me yeah come on give me some more your food splattered squad piece of spaghetti [Music] oh my if I spot this I will be so up big-ass nibble unlocked emboss loss whoo up oh my gosh yes oh hello yay yours then they big troubles yes you're just bouncing around like don't don't we're going hey blue red bow fool oh yes we've I think we may have completed red bow fool yes don't read guys that's the end of the video and red bow fool looks like we've completed the game I hope you liked it see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: EthanGamer
Views: 21,810,530
Rating: 4.1180644 out of 5
Keywords: ethan gamer tv, ethangamertv, ethangamer, ethan gamer, egtv, family friendly, let's play, gameplay, video games, mobile games
Id: MuTm12Ffy9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 17 2015
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