I Made 100 Dreams and 100 Villagers FIGHT

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me and my friend grocks each took 69 subscribers and had them simulate a civilization and at the end of this video they're gonna fight each other in an all-out War there's gonna be five challenges along the way where the civilizations can compete to win massive power-ups that'll help them grow to start off each civilization had to decide what they wanted to look like grox's Civilization decided to look like a bunch of villagers and my civilization did this yo every see what viewer get a dream skin I need to see every I need to see like 40 dreams in this Lobby we're gonna intimidate him by using the best of the best maybe a little bit of a cheating scandal went down but we're gonna that forget about that why is there a bunch of people with dream skins bro what bro no I mean are you guys gonna have hacks or what it was now time for the civilizations to be created so grocks let the ceremonial upside down T and each group was teleported to their civilization my civilization started in a desert with massive jungle trees while Crocs civilization started in a plane's biome with a village right off the bat my side started collecting wood from the jungle trees to make tools giving them an early advantage over the Grog civilization who had such little wood they had to start collecting it from the Villagers houses and while doing this they accidentally started a fire or your village is already in like chaos dude what you mean look at your main town bro uh I mean they gotta get all the resources they can get wait what I just get on fire bro you don't have a flint stealing your inventory nah you really think I would have fun steal my inventory all right let me check let me check your stream let me check your stream real quick yo yo yo yo what are you doing hey yo it was you me what you mean check my hey all right you know what if you can do a little trolling I can do a little trolling guys should I do it should I do it guys do what [Music] it was now time for the civilizations to start the first challenge it was going to be a build off each side was given a bunch of different colored wolves to build as many amazing things as they could in 15 minutes whichever side won at the end of the 15 minutes was gonna get a giant diamond block spawning on their side giving them a massive boost in armor tools and weapon the seawat civilization got right to work starting off by building a few really cool dream builds but after a while we just had a bunch of cool builds in general we had this Turtle this Enderman this boat a lot of good stuff the thing is the grock civilization also had some pretty amazing builds and to be honest I started to think maybe theirs were better so I came up with the plan see the build battle was going to be judged by Preston a really famous Minecraft Youtuber so I decided to tell my viewers to build Preston themed builds to try to get him to pick us but I accidentally set it in front of Grox I'll see why people to this corner on stream build like a build like a Preston logo we need like a person Preston we need to buy is him guys guys get on that right now we need a Preston logo please both teams were scrambling to build as many different Preston builds as they could in the five minutes left before he got on and after five minutes it was now time for the builds to be judged so obviously this has definitely got to be C Watts side you could tell by his fans huh so Preston started off by looking around my side and he all around seemed pretty happy with it he liked the Enderman build over here he really liked the corner where we built a bunch of Preston logos and I thought it seemed like it went well then he went to grox's side and to be honest I almost thought he liked grox's better so I was a little nervous but after looking around grock's aside for a while he went away to think and came back and said this I've evaluated all of the builds and I'm going with this one Preston's favorite build was in the seawat civilization meaning we got the W for challenge one this was huge because a giant block of diamonds spawned in on our side giving us a massive power Spike sadly this wouldn't help us in challenge two that's because challenge 2 was a parkour race each civilization was gonna pick one player to send to the race and whoever civilization finished it first was going to win a giant prize each civilization decided to build a little parkour course to hold the competition whoever got to the end of the course is first would be the person their civilization decided to send in you're not getting picked you're not getting picked oh my God bro eventually grox's civilization decided to send James JL and my civilization decided to send Luna King we gave each player a will to write their final words in case they fell during the parkour all Luna King wrote was one thing I will live and all James wrote was subscribe to see what yeah subscribe to see what now that each player had written their will it was time to start the race right off the bat it was pretty neck and neck that's until grox's player took an early lead this caused Luna to try to take a risky jump to catch up and he slipped crocs's player kept moving down the course finishing it easily claiming his civilization the win let's go he's dead bro he's dead Luna is a liar but really though this was very bad the prize for winning that round is Grox got to kill five of my best players and he went on a massacre bro why are you running you're done oh you thought you were gonna hide give me those diamonds not only did I lose five of my best players but Crocs collected their loot bringing the diamond gear back to his side making things a little more even going into Challenge three Challenge three was gonna be a 1v1 battle but instead of me and Grox picking who gets to fight for us we each pick somebody from the other team civilization who would have to fight I found this guy hiding on grox's side without any good loot and thought he would be the perfect pick no way this guy was gonna be able to kill any of my players this guy absolutely outplayed me he had all his Diamond gear and Equipment away in his inventory so that I would pick him and it completely worked meanwhile Grox is having a way harder time on my side finding somebody without Diamond gear since we were so stacked from winning the diamond competition eventually he gave up and just picked this guy's spark among and it looked like we were gonna have a really fair fight till Grox realized this all right you got a shield though right man you got a shield oh my God we're gonna lose let's go the player I picked for grog's aside didn't have a shield and my player did this gave him a huge advantage in Minecraft PVP grox's player tried to stay hidden away from him and built himself up eventually though my player went up after him then the fight moved on to this Cobblestone bridge where grocer player kept running away eventually my player caught up and knocked him off luckily though there was water placed earlier than he was able to land into but my player did not stop chasing no don't let him create you out you have a shield you literally you should be free just uh you're done for what we're done for we're done easy because grok's lost Challenge three a lava sacrifice pit spawned in on his side and he had to sacrifice five players to the pit even though he didn't want to I don't want to kill any of you guys but it's what we have to do Grox was having a tough time picking which players to sacrifice so some of them helped out by making a lion and volunteering gamer dude you're a real one damn all right bet bro W's chat good job man W go for it after grok sacrificed these five players the teams were now tied at 1919 going into challenge Four challenge four was a Minefield race each civilization had to send one player in to compete in this deadly race and whoever got to the other side first would win their civilization a massive final power up before the war but I had an ace up my sleeve I had noticed a YouTuber Canadian was on my team during the event and he's known for being incredibly smart so I put him in hoping think he would bring home the dub the race began and right off the bat I was right Canadian was using a way more effective strategy to clear the Minefield than grox's player however Crocs player was getting a lot luckier so it was still neck and neck Canadian was using a strategy of Shifting between blocks so he could check multiple at a time while grox's player was only checking one at a time but due to the luck it was still so close until Canadian finally got some luck of his own and managed to close out the race and bring home the W for team siwa because Canadian clutched up in one that meant we got the power and it was a huge one we got to revive five dead players going into the final war this made it 24 vs 19 and it was now time to start the final battle even though seawat civilization had the numbers Advantage going into the final battle grox's civilization got all the early kills oh let's go let's go teamwork teamwork that's because they were staying together in groups of five and specifically targeting seawat players they found alone and it was working they were starting to kill us it was looking bad that's until the Border started closing in and a group of 10 Seawall players that have been hiding had to come to the surface and join the fight now we were winning oh no you've got a bigger squad though they targeted grox's group of five and started picking off players and after a little bit Crocs was down to just three players and then he was down to just two players and after that he was down to just one single player James JL this is the same player groxs had used in the parkour event earlier who brought home a w did he have another miracle in him could he clutch up one v11 for the grock civilization he started running because he was being swarmed by the 11th throughout players left alive they chased him into this cave and that was his fatal mistake he got knocked back and got pinched between a wall and the world party order killing him instantly meaning the seawat civilization wins
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 612,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I simulated a Civilization in Minecraft, I made 10000 villagers worship me, Seawattgaming, Grox
Id: S_NmIaM-N7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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