Hermitcraft 8: Episode 35 - BLOW UP THE MOON

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"Have you ever slept so well that your jacket materializes back onto your body, I mean that, I've- I've had some good sleeps in my time but never one that good"

~ Mumbo Kills-a-lot Jumbo, 2021

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Patient_Jello3944 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for the warning. Watching it right now

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/X4tnt 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Im upset the plan didn’t work

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BandMan69 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’ve come to make an announcement,

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lols0827 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by audible and this moon is about to film my wrath because i'm at the end of my tether i haven't slept in hundreds of hundreds of days now i i think it's starting to show i feel like it's starting to show on my face i'm seeing things that aren't there blocks moving around phantoms are laughing at me and grian setting off with us in botum which i like to think he wouldn't do if if he had slept but then again he probably would do that wouldn't he but still there's lots going wrong here and i think i have a solution to the problem you know that saying make love not war well if love doesn't work then you should at least try making war why do these things have to be mutually exclusive what if i love making war first part of call i'm finally going to do it i've been hiding the bed back here just in case this day came it is time for me to rest this feels good but it seems like the game doesn't like it very much you know there was a small amount of resistance to my rest but i am feeling so much better now and my jackets come back on where did that come from have you ever slept so well that your jacket materializes back onto your body i mean that i've had some good sleeps in my time but never one that good and it fixed my door i slept so well that my door is fixed wow this really is magical okay it's not quite fully fixed chicken is still one nil to you but just know that when you quietly sleep at night thinking you're safe and sound in your little bed that this end crystal has got your name on it now we'll be coming for you soon did i just threaten a chicken you know i feel like not sleeping wasn't actually causing my problems i feel like i just have problems anyway i should probably own up to this muna stuff i lied i can't believe you all believed me you fools i oh yeah i'd say that just about sums things up i have come clean and that feels good hopefully the other members of bottom aren't too angry about the whole situation so now it's time for me to disclose my master plan i am going to blow up the moon i i'm going to blow up the moon the moon is going to be exploded now i know i'm not the only person who's working on exploding the moon there are multiple people working on exploiting the moon but you see i want to do it using ground to moon missiles i need to think of a cool military sounding name for these things i would say the lunar obliterating launcher sounds pretty good which if we abbreviate that down you've got luna obliterating launcher um okay that that's not actually that sinister there was an extra tagline that i came up with it that maybe maybe i could put into the acronym it would be the lunar obliterating launcher it's the fastest astronautical interspace long-range explosive device i mean that this is quite a long name but that that couldn't possibly spell anything yeah i mean it might just be the longest name but it it doesn't look like it spells anything to me so there we go our missile has now got an official very cool sounding military name which means that about 90 of the work is done the remaining 10 actually you know building up the missiles and the launchers and all of the redstone timings and things you know that's that's the easy bit do you know how long it took me to think of this you know i had all sorts of thesauruses open so first things first i need to clear out a little bit of space around the bottom of my base i'm going to build this missile launcher in between these two here which means if it explodes not only is my base going to get destroyed but also impulse his base is going to get destroyed as well which i'm sure he's used to by now not a day goes by on the hermitcraft server these days without part of impulse's base being destroyed so with a little clearing created it is now time for us to start work on putting in the actual missile launchers themselves but first a quick message from today's sponsor when i'm working on a big project it's almost guaranteed that i'm listening to an audio book on audible one of my personal favorite audio books is finding ultra by rich role and it's also narrated by rich role as well it's a story of multiple lifestyle changes that led to rich completing some ridiculous ultra endurance challenges i listened to it last year and it motivated me to head out onto some of my local trails for the first time i got absolutely hooked i actually completed a trail marathon and then that transitioned into me cycling and pursuing all sorts of audacious cycling adventures so you can see there's like a direct through line and it all started from an audio book but you see there's more while i was listening to it kubo was in my office and he's clearly picked up on some of it as well because his running form has massively improved and also he can't stop eating carrots and like eating lots of vegetables is a big theme of the book being able to consume great audio books everywhere and anywhere it honestly has brought so much positivity to my life i absolutely love audible i recommend it to everyone even when i'm not being paid for it that doesn't mean that you shouldn't pay me for this one audible please as an audible member you get one credit a month that you can spend on any title in their entire premium collection and the best news is right now you can save up to sixty percent on your first three months of audible membership which is completely ridiculous so head over to audible.com forward slash mumbo or text mumbo to 500 500 to get yourself signed up today i've just realized green doesn't look that tired anymore green i'm assuming i'm invisible and he has no idea how hilarious and rude that looked hey hey you are uh you're looking you look good so are you you're looking you're looking you're your jumpers looking vibrant again yeah your eyes are looking good did you sleep oh i totally slept and it was the best thing it was just the best my jacket regenerated i mean um does does this mean the moon is kind of done uh yeah yeah i hate to say i i totally made it all up you know you know what i'm not even going to put this down as like one of your worst ideas that's almost that's kind of offensive but also you know i mean it was the village the villagers started talking english to me and that was it enough is enough no yeah that's that can't be happening that can't be happening yeah there's no chance yeah i mean you know i there's there's there's been a lot going on i can't help but notice so that even though i have slept things are still weird on the hermitcraft server i kind of thought everything would be better but yeah so it's funny you say that because uh on the off chance that the moon has had no real plan yeah i actually spoke to scar not long ago and asked him to make an evacuation plan okay so so you're so am i am i invited to in the evacuation plan or is this just between you and i'm scar i i got the impression that scar is gonna fleece us for everything we have right okay so everyone is invited as long as we pay out as long as you yeah as long as you've got something to give scar in return that's my understanding well i i also have a plan just in case you know it's always good to have many i am going to try you do have a plan yeah i mean like yeah like because you know they're saying make love not war but then if love doesn't work then you can make war yeah i'm going to i've declared war on the moon so i'm is this before or after you slept um this was after i slept i woke up and thought this was a great idea i think i'm gonna put not sleeping below declaring war on the moon i sort of expected green to be more on board i mean he loves starting walls the first thing i have to do here is i need to make actual zones where the missiles are i can't just have missiles in a field that doesn't make any sense this is the lunar obliterating launcher it's the fastest astronautical interspace long-range explosive device i can't be shooting that out of some kind of meadow so i've created one of these little things and yeah i think it's pretty good and i would say judging by the current size of the moon which i can't actually see at this point in time but i definitely remember it i reckon three missiles should be enough to do some serious damage so i've built up three of the little holders the missile holders i'm not very good at this sort of terminology which i think is a good thing in the grand scheme of things if i knew too much about missile launch terminology i'd probably be on some form of government list somewhere now it's time for the really interesting bit which is actually building up these missiles now they're going to be slime block flying machines that have some tnt at the end of them that when they come into contact with the moon they will compress causing the tnt to ignite exploding destroying our lunar neighbor into the redstone testing world i go i must admit despite the fact that slimeblock flying machines have been in the game for a very long time and i've been building them for a very long time i haven't really ever built a missile this is my first time doing it and if i have built one because i have like a super loose memory in my head of potentially constructing one it was many many years ago but i'm imagining that the engine for this thing should go down at the bottom and then it should push upwards so that's going to be pushing up and then that will allow the whole thing to compress and i'm wondering i actually think we can do like a multi-layer explosion here because we could have multiple layers of compression or not uh let me try and think this is difficult so i asked a little bit too much of my brain there so for now i'm not doing a multi-layer explosion instead this should just be like an explosive tip and as you can see when the whole thing compresses these observers will be pushed upwards into the tnt for now i'm using redstone lamps because destroying all of my progress seems frustrating just to make it absolutely abundantly clear i have zero expectation of this working in the slightest but i guess there is only one way to find out activating good all right that went way worse than i was expecting that went like so much worse than i was expecting that's so embarrassing the pesky block push limit strikes again so with a little bit of a slimming down on this section now let's see if it works [Music] it almost did i have just miscalculated a tiny bit that is so close to working though my two brain cells apparently aren't very good at counting past two because well that was three blocks and i needed it to be two blocks they can only handle one number each hopefully now this should oh good it's exploded already do i even have two brain cells anymore after much pain and frustration i think i finally have i hate my life okay i promise this is the one i sincerely hope this is the one yes there we go so it was flying no tnt would have been ignited as it was flying but then when it hits the moon explosions occur and that is a decent payload as well that's not bad i've got 10 bits of tnt attached to each missile so that means 30 pieces of tnt oh i reckon that will take out the moon don't you antonio reckon sounds like enough and you're saying like that it doesn't sound like it's gonna be enough but this isn't called the lunar obliterating launcher is the fastest astronautical interspace long-range explosive device for no reason it's called that because it really is the lunar obliterating launcher is the fastest astronautical interspace long-range explosive device it's also incredibly difficult to say so with that missile all designed and engineered and worked out now it is time to actually get them constructed in place and just so that you're made aware if i mess this up and accidentally explode it while they're still on the ground expect me to wail like literally make the sounds of a whale expect me to wail so much that i actually become a whale cry myself an ocean and go off to find friends i don't know what i'm talking about let's start building these things shall we this is incredibly satisfying right now let's start building things shall we and i have to say i don't want to speak too soon here but everything seems to have gone fairly smoothly i'm incredibly happy that i decided to design these things in a redstone testing world first because if i hadn't done that i would have been doing the testing that we did in the redstone testing world on the hermitcraft server that would have ended in destruction and a lot of crying thankfully designing in the testing world taking various screenshots and then copying those over onto the hermitcraft server seems to have been successful maybe i do have two brain cells after all and actually on the brain cell front i feel like i should mention that i have significantly improved the firepower of our missiles and of course by missile i mean our lunar orbiting launcher is the fastest astronautical interspace long-range explosion device that goes without saying we now have far more than 30 pieces of tnt so that should definitely do the damage on our lunar neighbor so this is obviously a very strong start but now i feel like we need to create a little viewing station do a tiny bit of decoration and get ourselves set up properly for the launch and if i'm honest with you it probably doesn't need that much i mean i've got some got some chairs laid out i've put some paths down that looks pretty good and then and then there's our button that's the thing that actually launches it i've got the name of the missile on the signs as well i mean really what more does one need although i can't help but notice this is probably a health and safety violation just sitting this close to a launch zone that seems pretty ridiculous my mustache and my eyebrows may not be safe but otherwise you should be all set and ready to go so moon you don't know what's coming mate you're about to get a face full okay a full face full of the lunar obliterating launcher is the fastest astronautical interspace long-range explosive device all right that is what you that is what is coming your way my friend all i've got to do is wait for nights and also wait for some friends because currently all i've got is pal and pearl actually has moon in her name so i feel like she could be an undercover spy wouldn't want her sabotaging this launch let's get ready to rumble people friends i have brought you here today because i thought i had a solution to this moon thing and then realized that i really didn't have a solution to the moon thing and like not sleeping was a really bad move we totally shouldn't have done that it was terrible scott you still look quite tired are you are you okay oh no i've been rested quite well i'm actually incredibly stressed out about the moon that's why right okay well this is okay we're all stressed about the moon and that is why i've made the decision to blow up the moon i think we're gonna blow up the moon we're going to blow up the moon yeah do you need to be still no no no if you just follow me i have well by the way green uh i did need tnt and you have unknowingly provided the tnt so uh uh okay there's some lag yeah little tiny bit lag but yeah if you just if you follow me over to this area here okay i have i have a tiny little setup over here oh no oh no i'm gonna die oh my goodness i should have lit up this place especially as we were definitely going to be here at night i can't hear it i can't hear it guys we already have a short space of time watch out for the creeper do not let that blow up our missiles this is awful guys i'm gonna have to hit the button soon otherwise we're gonna miss the moon i'm just doing it should i just do it all right we've launched the missiles that's gonna take a while oh my goodness look we killed the moon sort of i mean the wrong moon we've killed that one mumbo you might have you have killed the wrong mane remember i think you might miss this moon buddy am i gonna miss the moon how long did you time this correctly i don't know i killed it i killed it guys does it explain when it hits the top well yeah it explodes when it hits the moon but you're right i think there is there is a chance that i could potentially totally miss this moon could somebody do something about these phantoms i'm almost dead i can't oh guys everyone stand under stuff this the gracious then we can't see the missiles there's another one this is [Music] everything that could have happened has gone wrong i mean i guess do we count i don't think this could have gone any worse mambo no well i i don't know it depends oh look they're exploding look at that it's all gone it's all gone no right well okay look a little bit of triage here okay pearlescent moon you i hate every second of this yeah this has not gone well guys uh i've got no plans i think we should uh switch to a plan plan b which was always secretly plan a start time time to work on this aircraft because i mean if anything i just want the phantoms to go away okay so are you saying you are all in need of off-world escapes yes i believe so yes very much please please everything it's now because i have a rocket well it doesn't exist yet but will exist that will take you off this world save your life and it will only come we don't need the hard sell yeah we should probably pick up some stuff oh my goodness i mean yeah i guess i guess uh look he's the only option that we've got at this point in time i missed the moon so i'm definitely not building any rocket that gets us out of here because we'll end up somewhere completely different the ticket for your salvation on my rocket is the costume you don't need to sell us anything scott i don't need a speech build the rocket we're all in agreement here yeah we need to get out so you're all in agreement that i get all your diamonds in your hourglass for a ticket on the rocket sweet guys all right all right have a good time wait wait wait wait wait that's right my hourglass is mainly filled with just copper and stone brick so i'm all right mine's not mine's full of diamonds yes i worked hard for it the whole season well i think it's safe to say that didn't exactly go to plan the moon the moon is still incredibly big it's very very big and and we missed with our missiles and i'll be frankly honest i'm not even sure that the missiles really would have made it then i'd forgotten how big the moon actually is and i'll be honest you know i've been looking very closely at the name of this thing and i think we were doomed to start if i thought the initial lol was bad the acronym of this is lol it failed i mean imagine calling your missile lol it failed there was me thinking it was super smart you know the lunar obliterating launcher is the fastest astronautical interspace long-range explosion device that sounds great when you say it like that but then when you take it down to the first letters i mean that's just oh it's just dreadful everything that i have done to try to combat the moon has failed my missiles failed the muna stuff the muna stuff was incredibly successful in that i managed to brainwash a large number of the people at least in the bottom area to believe something that i totally made up that is a huge success and you know maybe i can use those techniques that i picked up on in the future to actually you know like extort people or or do something useful but all i did is not sleep and a bunch of other people didn't sleep and we all had a terrible time it was rubbish at least my base looks good eh at least we sort of have a plan from the man who literally can't go three minutes without dying he's the one who is responsible for getting out of of this place safely i don't have high hopes
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 964,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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