I Built a Fairy Village in Minecraft 1.18 - Survival Let's Play

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hello everyone and welcome to my 1.18 let's play world grove is looking fantastic and i thought today we prepare for some more building so let's start off with some enchanting just kind of looking at all of my options and to be honest the boats look like the best option right now so let's go ahead and get ourselves depth strider oh those are good boots if we had feather falling they'd be perfect there's much enchanting still to be done but i feel great in these new boots now dandy as for the building side of things i actually have something that's for you yeah that's right you see dandy has inspired me to want to add more color to my world so i had the best build idea for this growth i failed inspired by the lovely dandy is going to require some sheep food and even more importantly than sheep food it's going to actually require sheep luckily this can be fairly easily achieved in my sheep farm here our lovely dandy has been living here inside my starter house since episode 1. i personally believe that my pink sheep dandy deserves a palace all of his own however i can't build a palace on episode 5. whip so dandy we'll have to compromise my grove here is home to lots of species uh if i think yeah it's got we got bees and there's a sheep up there and there's a full meadow over here filled with flowers and bunnies anderman that's my block thank you thank you so let's look at this grove from a builder's point of view it's completely surrounded by frozen peaks and also the grove biome here we have a forest a birch forest and also a meadow back there we got a lot to work with and i think today we'll work on the birch forest corner one of the things that i imagine when i think of a grove like this one is fairies and there's a mob in minecraft that i greatly require in order to build that reminds me of a fairy bees unfortunately for me though the bee population in this grove is not thriving we can fix that though sometimes a little destruction is required in order to fix things don't ask questions it's just how it is i definitely want to take advantage of these amazing waterfalls but there's a few too many so i'm gonna stop that one up for now and we'll work with this one over here so i'm thinking i build a tower for dandy right here right where this waterfall exists i think it'll be extremely magical and it'll allow for dandy to hopefully do a bunch of healing to my growth isn't being cheap after all i think it'll be perfect now it's just sort of a matter of getting the water to do what i wanted to do that is beautiful i think i just had to fix the rest of it it we're flooding we're flooding hey that's pretty good i think so we'll have dandy's lovely tower right there between the spring very magical if i do say so myself this is looking perfect now it's only missing one thing or well more than one but one very important one dandy i've made a very cool thing i promise okay oh did you just you didn't tell me you knew how to drive a boat well that's my impressive little sheep okay dandy so the thing is i've been working on this really cool area for you so next stage of this journey is getting some friends for dandy to help with uh only problem is i don't actually see any bees bees is anybody home i don't hear any buzzing but there is honey so ouch ouch that's mine i'm pretty sure beehives have a really good chance of spawning in meadows because of all the flowers so i'm gonna plant a few birch saplings and see if we can just naturally get some in the growth this will be plan a and while plan a is happening i'll go get started on plan b it's better to be prepared i suppose might even need a plan c don't worry dandy you'll have friends soon okay so with the lovely honeycomb that i just got i can create my very first beehive and this is fantastic because i can turn this area into like a little village for the bees going to take some effort of course and some clearing out of the area but i have great hopes for the entire look of this grove just gonna require some terraforming okay so we are officially at population one beehive and uh zero b's i swear i thought this would be easier since the grove's population of bees seems to have abandoned us i must go adventure on the hunt for bees birch forests are supposedly a good place to get some but so are meadows so we've got lots of options oh there we go there's some bees oh and a giant hole in the ground hello that's cool uh focus hello bees oh there's three of you oh i didn't bring any flowers how this was such a major oversight on my part how did i why are there no flowers there they are there's their hive oh hello bee do you have any friends i need you to have at least one friend okay this plan is going quite well oh three bees it's a whole family hello that's it that's it here we are we're at the tunnel you know what this is going fairly smooth i think this is good and we're through this is the grove everyone come on come on i've set you up your own little home right up there on that cliff you've got a great view of the mountain spring and it's a burst forest we just breed you guys there we go perfect okay good so glad we're on the same page about this i absolutely love bees i think they might be one of my favorite passive mobs oy no no none of that you're threatening my bees excuse me excuse me yeah no thank you no thank you in order to keep these bees safe it may be a good idea to light up this entire growth after all i'd be extremely disappointing if any of these bees were to get harmed by a rogue creeper or something it's gonna be torch spammy for a little while everybody but i promise we'll fix it eventually oh hey there's lilacs oop and a child and a child and a child there's a child oh there's two children twins oh dear oh gosh oh goodness this is not ideal i'll be the first to admit oh goodness my light up job got a little cut short but i've lit up a lot of the grove to be fair andy's doing a fantastic job of protecting the spring and the bees seem happy this is all of the flowers that i have to my name and some sweet berries hopefully the bees will like it eh this is not the best bee garden is it we could do better everyone we could do better i don't have silk touch so i can't bring any beehives home i can however go and harvest some honey from some beehives and hopefully be able to make some more hives luckily for me i see another hive i don't think anybody's home okay on to plan d the the next time oh here we go look at this the villagers have been taking care of some bees for us oh look there's another one and it's got bees oh and this one's got honey as well perfect honestly i think our luck may have turned around this is going amazingly now trees are pretty rare in meadows but when they do spawn they pretty much always have a beehive which is great look at this there's two hives here i just need to hang out in this area long enough and we should be able to harvest some honey from both of these big trees what is a patrol doing all the way out here i'm just looking at the bees honestly they're so rude luckily they also share about one brain cell so uh they don't know i'm here right combined with what i got at home this should be enough let's go back home now and set this all up so here's the thing i'm just going to set up six of these right here and hopefully we'll be able to get more and more honey from all of these to expand even more there we go perfect oh it looks great already and look we're already producing tons of honeycomb all we gotta do now is keep braiding these bees to get more and more of the population up i think i'm going to free roam these bees normally i would put them in a greenhouse and that's very effective but i kind of want to see bees fluttering all around this area so i'm just gonna have to hope that they like it here and that they stay now if i want the bees to actually enjoy their time here i think it needs to be a little bit more bee like i really enjoy the pinkish hue of jungle wood so i think that will be what we use for the main building block in the bees area i decided that the easiest part of this build would probably be to build off of a path so i'm going to have these sort of support beams coming off of the stairwell my goal is to have these look like they're sort of holding up the terrain and the gardens that are on them and now that we've got this established i think we can just go ahead and sort of border it just like so yeah that's pretty cute i think some safety railing okay but jungle wood is so cute i definitely don't use these blocks enough look at that oh it just blends in with the dirt so well which really works for a garden so bad news it's raining good news garden looks great oh dandy your wool is getting all wet isn't it i'll tell you what i'll build you a real quick little shelter just for you because i know you don't like the rain see we're trying now it's good but that would be perfect we gotta work on the tower this tower is going to be dedicated to the lovely dandy i am extremely excited for it it'll allow dandy to oversee the entire gardens of the grove which i feel like is a perfect job for a pink sheep i love a good tower build and this one's going to be very layered and a little inspired by the movie tangled kinda like what i do with my starter one but bigger and better the issue with this is i really can't tell when i'm high enough i mean is this is this high enough it's probably high enough right luckily i built a stream first hey see that's why you always do that that is looking pretty great so far if you ask me i like it it contrasts against the garden area quite well as for the rest of the build i think that we're going to need some copper and also some spruce luckily i'm well prepared and i know exactly where to find both of those things in the morning we gotta sleep first bruce wood perfect these drip stone caves should be a super good source of copper if i can just get past the mobs hello goodbye here we are perfect this will give tons of copper look i think this is more copper than i even know what to do with i've been here for just a couple of minutes and my inventory is almost full i think fortune might be a little too good on this okay i've got what i came for and more so let's head home this just needs a few moments in here and in the meantime i'll go get to work i need to remember i don't have feather falling i should definitely make some scaffolding for this luckily i have tons of string in here and that should be able to make us lots of scaffold perfect now it's time to work on the details this is my personal favorite part i want it to look like it's getting much wider at the top to give us a space for an interior up here i'm going to throw some drip stone in there just for fun i think okay i think that should do it for the base details now it's time to build the actual house part that'll sit on top and i think i'm going to do that at a direct basically this will be the size of it right here the walls will be a beautiful white and then we'll have a copper roof and grand reveal i actually really like it i wish the diorite was calcite and maybe some white wool mixed in but we'll get there once we have the blocks for now those details are looking pretty cool i really like the drip stone now for the roof it's going to be a copper but the irony of this situation is i'm not going to wax it which is weird because i've just spent all this time creating a farm to wax things but i really like the pretty blue color that copper turns to so we're gonna leave it bees do you like the look of the tower i think it's quite good ah there's nothing quite like a garden in early game survival minecraft dandy i've gotten a roof and a chimney on your tower it's looking great i think only thing is there's nothing really dandy-like about it in order to fix this situation we need two things wool which we've taken care of earlier and die dye is most easily acquired from flowers fortunately for me this world has no shortage of flowers look at these meadows they're glorious and the sheep are glorious too 42 wool not bad so as far as dandelions go we have tons but i need more than just yellow dye we ought to go adventuring for some other colors starting very conveniently with corn flowers which are blue just picking some flowers don't mind me look over there we've got some daisies let's go get those i think a good smaller goal of this world could be to collect each and every one of the flowers that we can it should be pretty easy but wither roses are where we would get stuck [Music] hey look roses there is so much cool stuff in this world it's so fun to just walk around ouch ouch i was just bragging about the oh come on rude i was hoping somewhere along the way to find maybe a sunflower planes but so far it's just been all normal plants which is great but uh there's no new flowers oh hey lilies i love these how did i manage to find two of you hello an ocean has been discovered and we must explore it this ocean is a whole lot of nothing i'm not gonna lie i might be lost at sea i do not see any flowers out here this was a mistake floaty grass block and look at that new flowers perfect that's what i needed don't mind if i do i love sunflower fields these will look great in the grove look everyone tulips it's taken a couple hours of exploring but i've finally gotten so many flowers dandy and the bee family are gonna be so happy look i think the tulips are definitely some of my favorite flowers in minecraft look how pretty these are all so magical they'll look absolutely fantastic in the grove now speaking of the grove i hope i haven't gotten myself lost home sweet home now for the next part of this adventure we need just a couple of things firstly alum and then a banner and then we put the loom in the banner and then we just need dyes black dye thank you thank you oh uh no thank you now i think i have what i need so i should just be able to follow the pattern little circle it's an attempt at a pink sheep with a sky overhead a like misty background and snow on the bottom to represent this entire area dandy do you like it yeah i i can see the resemblance for sure so we'll just copy a few of these and this will be the banner of this entire area only thing to do now is to hang it from dandy's tower okay and just like that oh it's cute i actually think it works quite well it's dandy's tower oh i love it and we can put one right here as well for good measure now i feel like the next most obvious area of concern is definitely these bees getting them bred up and making this area into like a paradise for them so they'll want to stay one of the ideas that i actually had for this was to turn this area into like a little rainbow bee village so i thought that we could just make these little shelters maybe for the people who work here with the bees or maybe for the bees themselves i'm not sure ultimately it really doesn't matter who uses them just that they exist and people can use them we have so many different things from the lush cave i think we ought to use some of it the items from the lush cave definitely give me the perfect opportunity to get like a nice dream garden going and have all these bushes out front yes i also want to do some moss in here and then maybe bone mail it oh perfect maybe mixed in with all this green we can plant some sunflowers and we'll do some dandelions from dandy's homeland oh the bees are gonna love it look at them come here little bees they are so adorable this is perfect i had a thought that maybe we could also use this area to sort of farm glowberry so i think i'm going to set up a couple of stands for that like back here i'm hoping that with these couple of details we'll be able to really get a cute little vine growth area look at this this should be rather nice i think and then we can bone meal it and get even more to fill out the whole thing similarly we can also grow some drip leaf of various heights all around here i think that would look good too then i think it's sort of just a matter of decorating the entire place getting tons and tons of flowers all around this garden not there though not there and then of course the secret ingredient leaves tons and tons of leaves in order to add to this waterfall here i'm going to try to add lots and lots of mossy cobblestone mixed into the foundation here i think the texturing really makes a big difference here on the stream i like that i think i want the inside of the tower to function basically as like a garden center where i can store all my flowers and things work generally in this area i want lots and lots of shelving like so definitely want to have some honeycomb blocks around like barrels of honeycomb i think that would look really good in here maybe we can put one on the outside as well like here honestly i just have so much fun decorating these little tiny spaces making them very green and chaotic it's super fun and definitely my favorite part of building spending a lot of time now thinking about what houses bees and a pink sheep would like the most i don't know if you've ever asked yourself that question but uh i haven't uh so i've had to think about it i have however come to the conclusion that dirt is probably the answer it's episode five and and i'm making a dirt house how do we get here but anything for the bees my plan is to go ahead and make most of it moss and then plant some flowers on it hopefully it'll give it that casual cottagey look that i'm looking for and the bees will be able to come up here and get pollen yeah honestly so far that does look very bee like i like it now all i need is more and there it is our first section of the grove the gardens dandy do you love them i kind of love them oh dandy hey come on i want to show you them dandy look dandy see we've got a signpost just for you this is your area to watch over there you go i think i've done my best to make this entire area dandy proof so dandy can walk around here hang out with the bees and the flowers and hopefully have a fantastic time i can also bring dandy over here in the tower if it ever gets stormy honestly i think it's perfect look dandy blends right in don't need this anymore it's time to do the final stage of details to this fairy garden area and some of those things that i want are simply some moss added to the structures i really think it'll make a really big difference to the build as a whole if i mix in a lot of this pure green color can of course also mix in some mossy stone brick and i think that'll make a big difference to the design as a whole then once enough moss is in i'm also going to go in with a bunch of leaves i just want it to be very green that definitely makes a huge difference already i love it i also want to refine some of these gardens down here to have a roof over their heads i think that would fit in a lot better with the aesthetic that i'm going for that's really cute i think for a little rose garden being able to come in here i like that i also want to have a proper entrance i think like a really cool archway right here i absolutely love it i think i could spend all day in these gardens and it's great because i can also bring bone meal here and farm each of the types of tall flowers that i want in a more organic way and of course the honeycomb has been amazing we can totally build out of this here look we've already got tons of it my goal for this grove is for you to feel like you are walking into a fairy tale when you step inside so the entire grove is not going to be just this theme it's going to be entirely fairy tale themed which sometimes means we'll have beautiful gardens but in other areas around the globe we'll have other fairy tale stories all about and i cannot wait to start building them overall though i think the pink sheep gardens have gone quite well thank you so much for watching and i hope i'll see you in the next one goodbye everyone
Channel: GeminiTay
Views: 26,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, GeminiTay, minecraft 1.18 lets play, minecraft 1.18 series, minecraft lets play series, minecraft fairy tower build, minecraft bee farm build, minecraft bee house inspo, minecraft tower build inspo, minecraft 1.18 lets play episode, minecraft 1.18, geminitay lets play, minecraft survival lets play, minecraft 1.18 survival, minecraft survival series
Id: Lm0nYDdsdmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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