Coyote and the Cooker - Hermitcraft Season 7: #29

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do you remember the last episode when I asked zombie Cleo to make us a Wiley coyote do you do you remember do you remember how crazy I thought it sounded like I didn't think she could pull this off right but oh my gosh has she done it guys I need you to prepare yourself for what might be the coolest thing I've ever seen in Minecraft I give you what I don't give you Sambi Cleo gives you Wiley coyote look at this guy hi are you kidding me right now with how perfect this is look at the detail she put into this he's holding this sign check it out look at his little tail in the back he's even got like poofy feet and everything I absolutely love this his cheeks the expression on his face if he could even have one his nose is a little Flint it's just it's just perfect absolutely mind-blowing ly perfect so later today we're gonna definitely pay Cleo because she deserves a lot of money we also updated we did a lot in this weekend a lot there's a lot of livestream so we got a lot of progress to show you guys but we also updated the fly and the falling piano with the action lines and I decided to go with iron bars because you can see them from all directions and it's just great like even against the sky you can see them they're a little bit darker but they're not too much so and I got the spacing I got them like you know thicker lines closer to the piano I think it just looks great so between that and the coyote this is just amazing I'm so pleased with this whole scene over here and and and and we started prototyping some roads for out in front of our buildings there now nothing is official yet so don't get too excited but I'm thinking of doing some kind of road like this I was thinking between black and gray and I was also thinking between honey blocks and yellow concrete and we took some votes and everything and this is what we ended up with I think the honey blocks are fantastic because they're not too bright but they also have the benefit where I can put I can put lanterns down below there and get free lighting without it it's just perfect it's perfect we also hit some black wool here which i think is great gives a little bit of texture and it's so so salty don't even see it we play with some street lamps this is the prototype not summer stick with it but I kind of like it but we need to get started we need to get started because the the project I am doing today is basically insane it's basically this is by far the biggest project I've done on hermit craft this season okay what we're gonna do today is gonna be colossal we are going let me show you what we got going on here I got I've been gathering you know a few a few resources over a thousand hoppers crazy other bits and bobs over here and stuff and I think this is even no there's no way we got more than that but I've been hinting at this for a while it's time to upgrade this nonsense that and this just come on really I can't be bothered with this I mean that's we need a super smelter all right and I am NOT gonna mess around and make some kind of you know look it it's melt 16 at a tip no no no no what we're gonna do today is gonna be colossal and it is a custom design that I just came up with myself from scratch pretty much all last night and I am crazy excited to build this thing so here's the deal I'm gonna use this area right over here as my smelt applicator 9,000 okay you're gonna come over here we're gonna have a little bit a little high iron we're gonna have like a more floor and stuff build a little room out and stuff here and the idea is you're gonna come over here and just throw your bits whatever you whatever you want to create you just throw your bits into them into a hole in the wall or something and it's gonna fall down probably cascade off the side of that and go deep deep deep underground this entire smelter is gonna be down down down down down now it's gonna be huge and I don't have a place for it up here I'll make another building fort so the items are just gonna freefall all the way down there get cooked and then bubble Veit back up to the top into like a storage room or storage chamber or something right up here I think so easy easy you know easy way to drop your items in wait just a few seconds and they're all gonna come flying right back up so something like this like this so here we go amazing room I know you guys are all impressed we'll throw down some carpet here to cover up the lights make it super fancy I know I know let me get a little Slappy's you have the action right there so this is gonna be the this is me the whole view three bits in right I put the slab there so you can't fall in and you're just gonna be like bow and then just like you know control QQQ or whatever your hotkey is to just dump all the things now I could have like a shulker unloading system here or something and that would be a little bit better but it's also it just adds more complexity in stuff that I just don't think it's necessary sorry I just want we're just gonna throw it for all your items down the hole here and they're just gonna you know like only show you they'll probably like bounce off of this and then cascade over a little bit and then go down right down there and I think the items are going to come in up on top here another reason the reason they're gonna come in up on top is because our gonna be coming in so fast that I'm gonna need like a custom loader system up top that I'm not sure how but I know it's gonna involve many hoppers all pointing into that chest I'll probably actually have to lower this I can get side chests there anyways yeah it's gonna be a lot of hoppers pointing into there so because the others are gonna be coming in like 30 per second or something like that I think so now all we need to do is set the beacon for the zippy mode Digg mob be it that is what I'm doing digging a giant hole this is about the size it's gonna be it's about 30 by 50 ish I think 30 150 long I just need to make it deeper now all right the hole is dug I think this should be big enough here we'll expand if we need to I've got a little bit of the the furnace array here kind of built just enough where I could talk to you and describe the basics of how this thing is gonna work and I'm actually really excited about this I think it's pretty cool someone's probably already done this before something like this but I've never seen it so I think it makes me happy that's all that matters so we're gonna be working with hopper minecarts mostly okay but because regular hoppers are just too slow hopper mine carts are crazy stupid fast let me like first as I've set this up here right I can put in a stack of items into this barrel here right ignore this guy going well done right there we go I go over here yeah okay it's it's not even close to done so you can see hopper minecarts that's their power they can suck up items like incredibly fast so we can use that to our advantage for faster item distribution so the idea here is we're gonna have like a main artery going right down the middle of this farm all the way down to the end there okay and that's gonna be our main hopper minecart there's just gonna have all the items that you're cooking it's just gonna suck them all up and drive back and forth and then we're going to have these wings every real like alternating we have like one left one right so they're gonna kind of go back and forth you can see how they're kind of zigzagging on their pattern here each one of those is ten blocks long and is also gonna have a hopper minecart underneath the main artery line here waiting to pick up items now when a when a hopper minecart goes over another hopper minecart and I'll show you how we do that in a second the one on the bottom it's not a long time but the one in the bottom has just enough time to suck up exactly five items each time so when this main you know main guy goes all the way down the line and comes back he's gonna drop off five items to every hopper minecart below in the system and then on the way back drop off another five so that's gonna be ten items picked up by every like what I'm calling the wings here and when they get that they're gonna book and they're gonna drive down and deliver their ten items into those ten hoppers and wait for the next pass now it should take it should take the guy on the main artery exactly ten seconds to go all the way down there and come all the way back and that's intentional because that's exactly how long it takes to cook an item so just as an item is stopping to be cooked as finishing it's it's cooker rating the next batch of ten should be coming right after it all right more progress here as I build up this item distributor here so what we have now is five wings mostly built out with it with a couple exceptions of how the items are gonna be distributed here okay so you can see each wing now has a hopper minecart it's up on an angle on an angled track like that being held back by a closed fence gate two on this side and three on the other side over there and that angle up bit there is what allows it to suck up items from a hopper minecart driving across it on this top slab here so as this guy comes across all these it's gonna be like just close over there for that guy just look up some items then this guy then this guy there but a little way down the line right so there's five of them I've got 50 items in the track that are in the in the cart there so as it goes down it should drop off five in each that's 25 and as it comes back another five that's another 45 that should be 50 and they each have ten so go down come back and this guy should be empty and these guys you should have ten each yes excellent so excellent that I was concerned there so now all I need is a way to detect when this guy goes down the track delay a little bit and then trigger all of those trapdoors nakshatras all those fence gates to open up and release their guys to distribute their items down the wings oh by the way so I'm up here at the storage room getting some supply with yeah I was gonna die there for a second getting some supplies and I want to show you what I did to the chicken cooker Raider in the water tower here as you guys know I've been having troubles getting getting my chickens to fall straight so I did something that honestly it was suggested by quite a few people in the comments it was a good idea but it still doesn't work and it's driving me absolutely nuts oh I made a little like oh here we go here we go a demonstration a chicken coming here we go so we have a we have a glass pane here that catches them and then they just fall straight so see see look what is that what is this nonsense why why do you turn this drives me she's batty so yeah all my chickens are shooting out of the nozzle there now and just going sideways for some reason I don't know it is I have one more thing I want to try with some double carpets but I I'm just about done with this chicken farm like can we just get the chickens to fall in the hole but we also made some good changes I updated the flambe cycle on the chicken now and the chicken does fall in the the burn cycle here they cook the cooking cycle is a little bit longer which I like and I don't if we saw it the the egg yolk we turned it or we changed it from all all yellow wool to to some yellow and so honey and I really like it I think it breaks up that text a little bit as a little bit of randomness to it kind of feels like some of them some of the yolk is running a little bit I like it while we are taking a break from the super smelt applicator 9000 we need to head over to Cleo's and we have a definite debt that needs to be paid and I think there's no better place or no better way to pay her than to pay her at her Museum which I have to show you guys I know if you guys watch Cleo or not but she obviously is just an expert with these with these armorstand magic like so she's got a little caterpillar it's like a bug museum okay you're not gonna believe this we have we have a lazy parent here on their phone not watching their kids we have kids here we're looking at the spider look at this spider it's just incredible Tarantino Jolie I love this thing we have more people just hanging around he's got carrying hey check out this scorpion I love this covered with it with a tripwire hook and and the slipper bids with the that's just unbelievable that she can do this stuff I don't even know what this thing is some kind of twig monster thing or something but it's incredible it's all incredible and she's got a sign I think was right here yeah I already gave her some donations we're gonna give her a lot more so to show my appreciation for the wiley coyote mate we made we're gonna get a little bit crazy here so I learned on stream that she's really low on shulker boxes and she needed to go do some end raiding she wasn't sure how or I didn't have the confidence or whatever so we're gonna hook her up with 27 shulker boxes okay we're gonna we're gonna sprinkle in some some bling here we go a little bit of bling just a little now we're gonna do something else here she obviously she's got a go to the end she wants probably want some Electra I've got a few I've got a few of those we're gonna sprinkle in some of these here let's see we'll do how many how many Electra is the appropriate amount I would say what we'll go we'll go six Elijah I mean we can't have empty holes there how's that how's that look just splashing it around okay I think she's gonna be happy Wile E Coyote thanks you for bringing him to life done Thank You Cleo and back to these super smells of cater 9000 all right I have the main artery line all the way done shrimp out to the maximum length such that the hopper cart right here will take just over 10 seconds to go all the way down turn around and come right back which is great cuz like I said that's that's exactly how long it takes to cook an item so the new a new batch of goods will be just applied to all these furnaces just as it finishes cooking the last one right here you can see this is the glass tube er I'm actually gonna be throwing down like the raw bits to be cooked you know whether it's glass or you know sand or meat or whatever it may be it's just gonna be drunk right from my inventory in item form there's no inventory conversion I don't have to shoot out of a drop or anything and that is great because items in an item form the hopper minecart picks up just incredibly fast it'll pick up like all five stacks in like one tick or something ridiculous and then just be on its merry way furnaces are in top poppers are in racks for all the wings are done my car pickup systems are in on both sides oh now this this is a thing of beauty all right the full item delivery system is in and I just love ya watch the waves go out and come and out and and okay that is amazing so here we go we got like I said the full delivery system is in now and you'll notice like half of the wings this front half here are triggered when it goes out in the and then it stops and then the other half are triggered when it comes back in and that's for a very specific reason we need to make sure that whenever the main delivery hopper minecart this guy right here crosses over a wing that the hopper mind cards are below it for the wings are always in the docking bay ready to suck up some items and if we if we hook them all up this main line here by the time it got down to here it would kick a guy out like right now and it would bounce and come back and the guy wouldn't be back yet so this is how we solve that and it works out just great like you'll see watch watch these guys right here this last guy would get back in time right there and here comes the minecart to drop off the items so it just it just works perfectly this thing is like the perfect length and now this part has worked out great job I'm just loving this whole thing fuel fuel fuel let's talk about fuel alright so here's the thing okay we're gonna power this auto smelter with my bamboo farm I've mentioned that in the past and I'm kind of excited about that but I'm also a little bit cautious about that bamboo is interesting and for multiple reasons one it's one of the few if not the at this - to fuels that are like completely automatic afk no problem and that is sticks and bamboo and they're both really horrible sticks are even better it takes it takes for bamboo to cook one item okay we're talking bad right but the good news is you can make a ton of it a ton of it so what I'm gonna do is you know there's no way I can make enough fuel to keep up with this thing cooking so what I've got is a double chest for every line here of that'll be like backup fuel so there's no way I'd have to smelt like you know 15 million thousand and twelve items to actually you know you go through all the bamboos so the idea here now is I'm gonna hook up the bamboo farm to dump into this chest right here okay hopper minecart goes down this line here and it's dumping fuel into these hoppers and into all these chests okay and then whatever I want there you can see all these other hopper chests or hover my cars below when I want I could just power the rail that is not that you know he's underneath all of those guys and they'll all just the right back and they'll deposit two bonemeal all the way down and all the way across because I think it's pretty good and then of course this line will just go all the way around and do the same on the other side so I like this it's gonna take a long a long time to fill this up though but a world we have like 32,000 double chests of bamboo cutting it close oh man I think we're gonna be right up against the creeper file I really should have moved that thing over a few blocks you know what I'm pretty mentally spent right now I've put so much progress into that smelter I think I'm gonna change it up I think it's gonna have to wait until next episode to see that thing run it's gonna take forever to load up with bonemeal anyways so that's okay so I want to check out this new build right in front of the town hall appropriately it is the mayoral poll now I think I think of just did this to support right-click the candidates face with concrete powder from the chest to one support click the button on the pedestal of the candidates oh oh mayor poll presented by urban herald welcome happy yay great show you sport okay so we have six people well five and a half people running for mayor we got fall see we got that we got the stash stealer we got one boat we got Joe we got doc we got stress and we got scar nobody has shown their oh wait no there is there's a little bit of support here all right we got one block each support here interesting so I haven't talked about who I supporting I don't know who I'm supporting here like I like false she's my neighbor I know she could do good things I think you know she keeps she can definitely keep the peace this guy I mean I mean that right there that that's an issue I'm not gonna lie that's an issue took my stash back I don't I don't know if I could vote for him dog catcher not not too concerned with who catches the dogs around here doc now is interesting I you know of course doc and I go way back but he's a shady character I don't know stress I'm not all about getting gorgeous really and scar I think it's gotta be scar I think it's gotta be scar this is not Mike this is where I currently stand to be clear this is this could change at any time but the fact that whoa okay that was that was pretty slick good job good stuff the fact that my mind b-dubs is his campaign manager I I think that means I got I got a stick with my kind you know I gotta help them out here we'll see maybe the boomers can possibly help Skaar win and speaking of the boomers a little birdie told me that let's see there's a bird disco Alan paper false yes okay so falsies got a job for us and this is ridiculous it might be the biggest job it is the biggest job the boomers have ever had so here we are approaching the Casa de false right see what she's got right here all this down to bedrock okay massive massive digger fication here right and spy today there is another one of these right here this needs to go down to bedrock now false used TMT to break all this but she kind of used the cheesy dupe stuff right she duped TNT and boomers aren't about that so we don't we don't do right it's just all natural TNT here so according to my rough calculations we're gonna need seven all all the TNT to blow this up seriously thousands of TNT now the good thing is though I'm not concerned about the Gunpowder at all I thought I saw a parrot up there I am officially seeing things we got we got tea and tea not TNT we've got gunpowder forever that's like 25 double chests plus I've got like shockers full chokers full I think there's more chokers for somewhere around here but I think we have like 50 double chests of gunpowder unfortunately what it's really gonna come down to is digging and we're gonna call on shovel boy for that if you know what I'm saying all right guys unfortunately the coyote and I are gonna have to say farewell for today I will try to get a lot of progress done on that Co crater in between episodes there hopefully you can show you guys how that's working get it all filled up with bamboo and it's gonna be amazing I can't wait also I am getting ready soon ish I think we have one more building one more building that I'm planning I think it may be more but right now one big building I think it's gonna go right here it's gonna be tall and it's it's once all have you been waiting for [Music]
Channel: Tango Tek
Views: 553,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bamboo powered super smelter, bamboo powered, bamboo powered smelter, minecraft smelting system, minecraft cartoons, wile e coyote, tango tek hermitcraft 7, tango tek 2, tango tek
Id: dR2Z2zvfqoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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