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on the 17th of december 2020 members of the hermitcraft server gathered at the turf wars end game arena for the final battle to decide who would be victorious in the fungi-fueled conflict between hep and the mycelium resistance nine epic minigames have been built by both factions and the day of deciding the victor has finally come the first group to win five mini-games leaves the battlefield victorious and well nothing much happens but at least that group can say they won and well everybody had a good time in the process anyway at the point of recording this video hep have won two games in a row already leaving the resistance the current underdogs in the battle of the mini gamage can the resistance make a comeback only time and much derpage will tell hermits you look so cute down there welcome to floatage whoa hi hey that was that was the cue yeah so dudes floatage is a very fun game we're gonna be blasting five of you into the sky while the other team tries to shoot you down you gotta land on the platforms to get a point and we're gonna be playing three rounds each and most points wins at the end very simple and there's gonna be a lot of death involved so i hope you guys are serious okay awesome okay well we've decided hep is going first into the tube so please heps get into the tube xp and etho onto the platform round one let's begin friends get on in there okay we're going to spectate so just one at a time we just slide on in here um yes i want to say yes untested oh we're all together in here resistances pulls the lever good luck to you guys round one etho pull here they go boom here we go lift off nice it works right so now the resistance go in the cheap head uh pick up that armor resistance now into the tube zero zero after round one everybody you know this is the stuff nightmare's not made of all right is it you and i is it you and i over here yeah sure do i go in the tube too yes yeah everything should be five people is there five people in there who's in the tube should we count off one all right we're all in here now why am i in the tube why are you in the tube oh my god all right that's flying for another resistance prepare for liftoff scar pull oh there we go here we go nervous oh come on come on come on come on come on i gotta hit it can i make it all right that's one point for resistance they go really fast i'm not coming down i'm staying up here forever all right next up is happen to the tube make sure you guys are yeah you can just go in actually you should be fine i'm sorry round three guys the score is currently one zero on the resistance side everybody's in the tube ready to go wait who's up here with me okay i'm coming i'm coming oh doc is up here doc is up there rocket in the offhand impulse right okay okay all right ready shoot is ready ready we shoot him right out of the hi friends oh this is terrifying you're my friend oh it's so close the black cannons are so close oh okay fantastic performance by hip three points wow good job guys why are you in the whole scar i did one way to go out i didn't go i didn't go i just stayed in the tube apparently i think phoenix crossbows might need quick charge yeah i think it's all good though current score three one next up resistance into the tube please two shooters from hep oh man do i just hang out in here with them you know just you're coming with me yeah you're you're part of the uh the cannon fodder right now sorry dude this is going to be round two i believe for the flying resistance cub when you're ready pull oh goodness here we go round three it's all about this oh what i died oh no okay oh they got two already oh i think we might need a redo unfortunately green unfortunately um there is some casualties in floatage it happens okay unfortunately it's that i cannot be held responsible for what happens in floatpitch you didn't read the fine print green there's fine print sorry dude you're on my team this is not about the team this is about the game cannon fodder are you ready all right shooters are you ready here they come here they come cub bands he's locking in hit him that's two points for hip guys it's five three this is the final round that's three right actually yeah okay so six three final round resistance i never launched i just sit here in the middle are you holding shift are you hanging out are you jumping were you holding the shift scar no i wasn't uh oh okay i was everybody okay i need i need a punch i need a punch resistance members does everybody have glass protection armor on right i think that's why i died okay guys final round of floatage cannon fodder are you ready remember to hold remember to hold shift get that spring does that work no i mean sprint control control not crouch control okay cannon fodder are you ready oh shift we are ready shooters are you ready yes corrales here we go oh no good luck don't shoot me that's what all the pilot wings training was for oh that was a close one oh that was a close one well resistance won by one point everybody good job on floatage that was amazing i am very happy there was a lot of carnage oh hi there cyberdogs it's rain diggity dog how you guys doing you guys enjoying the show so far yo listen we're taking a very quick break from the turf wars mini game battle because there is something that i have to do in this episode and floatage was so intense it went so brilliantly i thought you take a little bit of a breather before we get straight back into the action of the mini games next up we're playing riptide guys ethos game it's going to be insane but before we get to that look at this my dudes it's tango tech's christmas half slash christmas present giving area and apparently as i've been told by at least 10 000 of you guys on twitter and in comments tango gave us a present actually we were the first to get a present in the advent calendar i'm so sorry it took me so long to get here tango been super busy with floatage and the mini games and all that jazz but dudes i'm gonna be opening up my present right here in this episode it's number five and i have no idea what is in there this is absolutely insane isn't it it looks so cool so many presents so many gifts and well at the recording of this episode we are literally five days away from christmas so i guess being number five is actually relevant uh in some really really weird way uh so yeah this is our present nice yo uh what do we do do we just break into it i suppose man i have no idea what's in here is wait wait is this a prank is is this a prank uh this would be the most elaborate prank of all time though so it's probably just a present oh it is it's just a present what the heck what is this ten shulker boxes yo tango um bro what this is absolutely insane what have you given us black stone lava black stone lava black stone lava black stone lava black stone lava dudes that's exactly what we need for our our tattoo rain project this is ridiculously generous thank you so much tango i mean we need tens of thousands of black stone thousands of buckets of lava to complete our mustafa biome build oh man this i gotta say guys out of all the christmas presents that i would have asked for this is exactly what i would have asked santa tango for this is this is perfect i was gonna spend a few days mining these resources very soon anyway so tango you have saved me hours of time my friend thank you so much for the present that is amazing oh bad that's got me feeling all good warm and tingly inside just before christmas thank you so much dude oh man that's amazing the christmas spirit is certainly alive on the hermitcraft server isn't it my dudes although at this very moment in time there's a massive battle going on so let's head back to the turf wars mini game area guys we're playing riptide next and the scores are pretty close especially considering the resistance went into this competition zero two down can the underdogs make a comeback let's get back to the action baby welcome hermits to the rip zone yes oh yeah so this is a pvp trident riptide game your goal is to get as many points as possible within about eight minutes or so um your points you get one point for handing in fish and you get five points for handing in a player head from the opponent's team in your gate down there each team has their own date that opens up for about 15 seconds after you unlock the three uh key spaces there by throwing in a cod okay and randomly we're gonna have fish spawning in the arena in three contention zones you'll have to fight over them and uh you have to decide do you collect fish or do you kill players it's up to you i have one question yes the fish fresh they are as fresh as they get by yourself today okay all right i'm ready sounds good yeah let's do this all right have fun everybody good luck we got four boys so i'm thinking we need one fish boy two delivery boys and one headhunter i think i know which one i want to be the fish boy obviously headhunter your fish boy i fish boy look at your outfit i'm gonna i'm gonna try to go for the gates try to okay you know actively keep the gates open also yeah i think if you three coordinate on the fish and trying to get points that way i'll be i'll i will go for the kills and disrupting and stealing their fish yeah okay keep in mind uh ahead of them is worth five points yeah really big but we also don't know how easy it is to get them because they'll be riptiding everywhere it might be really difficult to hit them okay so i'm just going to chill at the top and collect fish correct and throw them at you guys below well they come down in three places so you're going to want to kind of bounce between the three places oh yeah middle and then in the corners you know you have the two spots yeah all right sweet sounds good briefly rifi in the in the chat all right we're good we got this come on guys let's go fish boys let's go yeah is that our team name now the fish boys here we go i'm in there we go oh man okay harder to hit than i thought okay i got one fish i'm gonna go for one game sorry my bad what my oh geez okay the damage is real i hit him twice and it didn't kill him no no okay this is yep lots difficult lots of damage coming in i'm gonna go fishing on the other side where it's not so busy and unlocking one gate i need to get a kill i've got two fish guys three fish i'm getting lots of kills here one fish i'm getting lots of kills i got loads of kills here i got it i've got heads i got heads i don't have any fish to open today guys i got three heads please open the door yeah trying i have no fish at the moment can you try to get up there where is our the last gate is it all the way at the top two i got the left one the right one no it's not here guys where is it i don't know it's over there i'll go get it i got it oh it's that one all right oh okay lots of fish in the ground right it's open it's open wow oh that's not going in the hole there we go another one okay i forgot to get it right 15 points i got 15 points nice nice nice very well done okay did it close again already uh don't know okay we have about 15 seconds opening time so i guess it's close together and the other two again maybe out of tridents on our side i've got loads of fish so i can give them to you guys um okay we're we're at a you have to just dive back in yep i found a trident on the ground get in all right i got loads i load ahead i opened one i'm trying to open the other one here left one is done green where's the one you triggered that was the one over on the left hand side who's going for it ren's going for it all right be quick why is it that it's not going in all right nice nice nice that was big points that was big points i'm getting fish heads do they count ah no um okay right tridents are being enough fish to open the gates nice right where are they more heads him got him i got loads of heads again let me open up okay i'm opening the gates oh my whole inventory full of stuff i got any fish i haven't got any fish oh i just dropped a ton of heads at they're not going in oh man oh yeah they went in i got it got it got it got it got it trident's on the floor in front of our thing i think rallies just grabbed them all um okay got two tridents in case somebody needs one and hasn't one of our team i can open the gates again yeah there's lots of fish on the floor who's that okay i got cop here sorry no okay open it up it's open feed the beast beat the beast okay no oh no all right i got a lot of tridents if anybody needs guys falsies the farmer someone take out falsies she's doing lots of farming on that side on the side fish thing i mean oh dude oh no all right i can open the gates i need to try it should be on the floor yeah if you have an additional one okay i'll pick up the laser heads we need to open up i'm opening the gate oh it's open wait wait no almost okay i got tango i'm coming with a ton of heads let me know when it's open it's open it's open it is yeah okay ah they don't go in this there we go there we go there we go i think you want to take out the head there's a head next to you i can't throw them in oh man it blocked off the bad timing that time in bad timing all right all right what's good open it up again ryan if you can there should be plenty of heads in front of it if they didn't pick them up oh damage i need to find a trident i have five five godheads okay i think they might have tried an advantage guys i have additional trident if needed right one fish is in force is falling like crazy oh come on two fish is in i haven't if you get if you can get open now got pulsey yeah what here i'm just tossing it behind you and my hair to save it here's tridents to split them out a bit um oh dang it straight trying to drop some trainings i couldn't i couldn't shoot because you were in front of me all right try and open the gates guys can you get falsely yeah that's another one right someone be who's fish boys where are my fish boys i can open i have no trident i have no trouble i'm throwing one on the floor by the door i'm opening the gates okay go for it i've got a lot of kills freaking cocky in there it's a bit difficult to toss in okay here we go it's better to stand in the water to toss i just saw okay i got caught with a lot of my head right someone open the door i think it's been reset okay we need to open the door quick i'm on the right side right door should be no we need one more card all right i've got it okay okay best game however one second okay okay all right everybody ready to hear the scores oh yeah ready i mean ready i'm gonna put each of your boxes on your side you can take a peek and then peek at the other guy's box all right oh jeez you're gonna do us like that though come on all right it's pretty clear just from looking at it but uh wait a minute resistance got 107 and the hep the warp side got 34. why is my head the only one in your box guys as well come on me and doc what you got you guys got our numbers heels nice man wow well well played everybody the reason for this is because we were submitting our own heads to save it from hep taking the points for them yeah you did the good thing that game is amazing well done well done that was amazing all right gentlemen are you ready to escape the mycelium yes yes uh already no why is k not training i'm ready to embrace it there you go i like that confidence doc that's good yeah okay all right so this is a like kind of like an escape the room kind of game where you're both gonna be doing these same puzzles it's a 2v2 you're gonna have to like go in there communicate work together and uh the first two like accomplish three rooms and get to the end and eat the cake and press the button we'll win well well there's cake there's cake there's cake oh it was better though so drowsing over here for a second and you say hey i got excited i think it's exciting it is exciting okay uh so yeah a couple rules you can't break any blocks that you don't create or place um you know you'll kind of figure it out as you go i think i'll be hopping between the rooms to uh eavesdrop and uh you know if you guys have any questions or something hopefully i'll be there yo time all right let things begin do you want to give us a clue maybe the mycelium resistance maybe a special clue you go get out of here you could a special come on batman you're on the wrong side dude geez okay let's get on the stinky side dude you're standing in the back on the right am i stealing on the left okay um yeah and then it's puzzled you both have the same puzzle so when i say go you guys can go into your first rooms there and uh switch audio channels and all this ren is peaking i didn't see anything nothing has been seen okay all right so so we go in and then you you give us a refee in the in the in the chat i'm going to say go right here so we'll go okay do that all right i'll be player one okay sweet good luck hip okay you're gonna need it dude okay i can hear things going off we're way behind already wait what okay what up what is happening my sign says nothing here okay we've got redstone dust we've got a birch sapling we've got coal we got a torch right put a cooked cot in a barrel put a cooked card in a barrel cooked card oh geez i think they might have sold something they did this is do you have any sort of cod action back there what are the panic you have to fireworks gun oh yes right what's back there i've got a bit of coal we could cook cod with the coal how do we make the cod what do you have i've got cold i've got coal oh oh they died oh what's going on okay so uh they sort of had a creeper in their room they haven't even just killed the creeper oh okay yeah all right whoops so uh take your time because you got about a minute to head start there good luck yeah okay um okay ren here on my side i have hoppers that could potentially collect something that comes through and this slit here going over and then we have a chest where we can share this to pass through right so i could give you something yes okay example i don't know if i give you that ice okay i'm gonna put everything i have in here let's put everything in this chest oh yeah smart call okay this looks like a spot to place the sapling okay okay um right yes that's the plot that's the place to plant why do why do we want to put water here that's just a question i guess you can you could also break the water by hand right oh yes oh maybe i can yeah we could we could flush each other through that thing or we'll need to flush something through this tube right it looks like it how do we get a cot that is the question oh can natural cod spawns right theory but here we wouldn't get caught to spawn you put the ice on your side i cannot access this the water will flush down the cobweb out of that we get three string we can make a fishing rod yes i'm bone-wheeling the tree okay okay so i gotta put the ice in here right the tree grew i'm gonna drop it down okay i'm gonna put the ice in the tube yeah i put it far back and i can i can't break that ice now right yes by hand and then it should turn into water and should flush the coal there we go there we go i've broken it ah there we go okay water should be flushing it didn't reach it didn't reach ooh interesting did i place the water in the wrong place maybe do i need to place like another yeah maybe i need to make the water stream um stronger or something hold on let me let me try again here i mean it will it will flow down here it will not get get the water okay the uh the string if you uh yeah you can't see on my side okay the water is flowing in here wait i can swim through here dude yes i can swim through here now okay okay you think that is intended i mean i don't know but i guess it's working did that flush it why did the ice not why did the water not appear i am okay that's oh geez i'm drowning okay no you caught it oh oh oh oh oh no this is bad is this bad is this bad i don't know i don't know how you're gonna get out of there flash him away wait wait wait wait wait why is there no water what's happening why is there no water coming out of there dude you need a sauce block below it oh no i know what to do there we go big brain big brain oh yeah okay yes figured it out nice not really there's nothing in the chest i'm getting it i'm getting it dude i'm getting it i'm getting the cobweb okay one more one more block here oh jeez dude this puzzle's insane there we go here we go totally not solving this the way you're supposed to but i'm impressed nice okay i have to string okay you got the string i'm gonna have to try swimming this stream i think yeah there we go all right all right nice nice nice the crafting table is over there with you yes so here it is just here take the wood and make the fishing rod right okay we need to make a like a water source too right and um how we're gonna cook it dude how are we gonna cook this i'm getting the word man dude we're killing it this is what i'm talking about baby resistance for the wind it's going interesting on the other side we'll just say that um no okay now i'm in panic mode again i don't know is this fish work is this fishing working though it should i mean it's on a solid water source make more you have more eyes right make more like give you more source okay like don't waste it like that put it here in the diagonal corner so it fills up automatically uh yeah i i do want to say guys i want you to clear the water up before you finish the puzzle otherwise things will break oh okay okay we're trying to get a fish here i mean i'm sorry man no no you're good you're good come on fish come on come on fish it's got to be cod too like it has to be a very specific fish which is quite frustrating come on you're stupid fish bro look at the bobber like this is not happening can you i see particles now oh oh it's a cod it's a god oh dude we're doing it what's in the chest i'll put the campfire cook that baby cook that baby my dude oh yes i'm gonna clear up the water done it's done i'm putting it in oh god burning okay yeah clear the water there's the cooked cod okay dude do you want do you want to take all the items in the chest just in case something happens when we put the card in the barrel i don't know if you're allowed to take him with us um yes we might need them later on right listening all right putting the card in the barrel boom it did something dude ding ding ding ding ding's happening ding dings are happening where do we go guys oh oh here it's opened here it's open on this side there's lava here oh here's a hole yeah oh there's lava oh my god okay um jump in water we can turn it into no if we turn it into obsidian we're done no we can yeah no no what would it do for us um it wouldn't help don't don't no rash actions if you have obsidian yeah we have no pig axes we could just place a block and get rid of it are we allowed to just remember where you guys slept oh oh oh taking one dude okay i'm r2 so is that room one complete nice dude dude high five wait we need a high five okay good nice doc we're killing it baby we're killing it player two okay okay i'm playing one all right next room next room okay once again focus mode okay we cannot share this time but i can tell you i have a bamboo a few jungle slabs gunpowder and birch plank okay our objective is to activate the target block this one okay activate the target so how do we do that arrows or what do you have i've got 64 nether wart block i've got two string two iron three sugar cane dude i've got we've got a messenger look we've got email we've got watermail i can send you something that looks like it okay yeah i can send you stuff okay yeah um so what are what are the ways to activate a thing like that bow and arrow or um any any charge or level yeah but we only have two string right yes two string we could make a wood button and just put it on there and click it would that activate it though and it sends a redstone signal through might might be good enough to short wire here's the problem though i can send you stuff but you can't send me stuff right oh really that's what it looks like hold on let's test this with the netherworld block okay i'm gonna chuck another block in there whoops uh hello okay there we go come on near the wall block there down there down there oh no oh okay you've got email too dude you've got email too yeah it's too wise it's too weird okay now well uh what why do i have these blocks here on the ground hmm oh yes what's that about the crafting table dude let's try the button to send me a bit of wood how much wood have you got only one one piece of wood it's coming should we try it is this is this worth trying now dude i don't know it might we could ruin the game if you need the item for something else we can't make anything what do you have again i've got nether wart blocks two string two iron and three sugar cane three sugar cane makes paper sugar i have one bamboo i have jungle slabs what why are these slabs dude make a button and put it on there and press it i think that is just all to bamboozle us okay okay i'm doing it you know yes yes yes boom okay let's move let's move don't forget the high five the most short circuit i've ever seen in my life don't forget the high five dude oh well where are you bro bro you gotta come down you gotta go to the third room high five baby okay third room go go go go go here here we go here we go come on doc come on dude do you think that was the right one i don't know but whatever it's all good okay uh i've got a smoker a barrel can you reach this can you jump is there any jump reach that you can do no i can't touch the hoppers and all i've got is a smoker i've got nothing in here dude find the objective okay open the shulker box find the objective oh yeah yeah put cooked chicken in the in the barrel okay i uh cooked chicken oak i have oak five oak planks pretty much that's it um dude is there glass above you completely yeah i don't have any glass above me so i might be able to climb dude can you access that chest through through those um cold stairs i'm trying but i i can't get a line of sight on it at all okay not a picture quick we don't know about wait wait here's the button oh wow oh there's a listen yes hit it what did that do nothing it it opened something wait listen you hear that at the top up there up there dude up there yes okay i think i figured this out i need to climb i need to climb somehow there's a trapdoor just above you here i can see it when you hit the button it opens there's a barrel behind it how do we get the items to me i need one item to build so that i can climb i can then climb up onto your roof think about here's the crafting table what items have you got dude what options have you got i have five i mean it would be enough to craft what i want to give you guys too many hits because you're ahead boat a boat boat place the boat through the stairs sit in the boat yes boom baby boom baby that's what i'm talking about i got 16 eggs now okay oh this is rng we got to make a chicken yeah right yeah okay how do we uh where do i make the chicken oh i can access the barrel here boom um got the eggs now you know you need to toss the eggs on top of the hopper no wait what what is the job neither put a chicken in the egg no what no forgot i placed the boat too give me the boat give me the boat i can't i can't reach it oh really no oh no i can't oh no nothing else in the chest no if you gave me the boat through the barrel i could stand on the boat and jump up here i think that's what we have to do my god this is a flaw in the game i can't get it back dude try breaking it it might break toward you and you might be able to pick it up come on no oh no dude oh no kill yourself oh wait no no i'll come i'll come help him okay yeah you're fine that's fine okay okay you'll be able to kill yourself by just jumping and then eventually dying to hunger right but you know you need the boat now anyway so you can jump onto it right i think so well that's the theory but if i'm not back in the other room oh yeah then you can't push the button do we grow the chicken yeah throat yeah throw man making chicken yeah that's for sure okay we've got one chicken one chicken um i guess we have to wait for it to grow up now right before we can get a cooked chicken dude we need fuel for the smelter wait wait wait if you can get up there probably yeah there's probably fuel and something you can feed the chicken to make the grove quicker yes we could use the boat though we could use the boat to cook the chicken right but how what we use the boat to cook the chicken can you can you get up there if you have the boat um yes i think so but the thing is let's try it no but you won't be able to get back oh no uh because i can pass the boat back but maybe yeah there's five more wood in there or something go for it go for it we need to definitely check what it is right all right we've got it we've got a bunch of chickens growing here my friend good bunch of chickens growing so good that's going to take a couple minutes in the barrel goes to boat yup yup can you check the barrel grab it quick so not the hopper pulls it out or something okay there we go there we go chicken get out the way you're stupid clucking idiot oh no it's gone can't get up here on the boat oh wait no i'm an idiot what am i doing check in get out of my boat bro i'm an idiot dude look look look look boom boom boom uh i'm going to try and paste the boat on top here yeah yeah okay i get it get it get it okay hit the button hit the button now that's the problem yeah this is the problem now oh no um wait oh no dude i've got it this uh tango this game is genius dude you are an absolute jesus you guys are killing it oh you're smart man you're smart smart man dude how did you come up with this man you got big brains man you got big brains dude okay ready to yeah yep yep yes wheat uh seeds seedages for the chickens oh yes dude all the chickens ended up in the hole here though and we can use the boat to cook it man that's to be the way yeah all right i'm going to grow some of these one of these babies throw one yeah uh it's hard is he grown you grind bro i don't know you grind bro don't wait to waste all our seed and random chicken man oh he's also floating it looks like he's stuck in a block too which is not good chicken get the heck of the ladder idiot chicken all right he's up he's up dude look at him he's so cute i shall name you billy the chicken okay the boat is back in the barrel okay i'm gonna keep one seed in my hand to keep the chicken near us okay one one seed in the hand grow you stupid little idiot yes yes yes okay ren we'll get yes yes yes yes yes dude okay grab the boat out of the boat smoke this baby are we dude we haven't smoked chicken for dinner the victory smells like smoked chicken baby that's what i'm talking about yes here we go here we go ding ding ding get in the lava dude get in the lava yes baby yes that's what i'm talking about cooking with gas going down to the end of the hallway into the hallway you get cake dude celebration's too early boom baby oh man oh yeah five five high five dude bam all right well congratulations team stinky fungus well done well done i gotta give you credit leave it to the top he came up came up with that clever way to bypass the entire second puzzle that i didn't think of yeah yeah what what was the intended solution for that yeah all of the things were not done the way they were intended so you know that was that was good yeah okay it's my new house guys that was really awesome all right guys welcome to the um yeah amaze amazing very quick explanation it's amazing you run around in the maze there are blocks spawning the best block in the game mycelium as we know you gotta return it to the middle you can see your return stations marked out with mycelium in grass the game runs for about eight minutes we have to spot us up here they are allowed to tell where to run and where to go to help and um yeah that's pretty much it if you are ready and pull your levers on your redstone lamps and the game will actually start right away so if you want to split it up i'm ready all right green you ready i am i'm probably going to get my lefts and rights muddled up though right so you need to direct me to the target blocks that's where my cname is and then you need to direct me to like so maybe look at a good path yes okay and then make help me get my way to the middle to submit the blocks okay so i'm basically going to be controlling you like a computer game yeah okay here we go all right uh straight green go just absolutely straight yep to your left is going to be your first target block but i guess oh yeah okay no i got it fantastic yep to your right beautiful take a left now i think wait take a lift take a left there's another block there's another block i see it yep right take a right take it right okay okay around the corner there now yep oh there's two blocks there's two blocks they are dispensing very fast they are dispensing very quickly are you going to get them i'm going to put this in there which side do i go there i've submitted my tv inside perfect uh oh jeez okay you're moving very very quickly no that door just locked ah all right where are you okay so turn left left yep turn left perfect okay i've got three i've got four my ceilings turn right turn right turn right turn left no no no back back there yep around there around the corner nice oh my goodness okay i think i have enough i have enough i need to submit it to the middle okay go let's get you to the middle then go through the the closest blue daughter run run run there's loads of them oh my goodness run dude no jesus okay that's madness that's madness okay uh all right take your first lift no corrales is going to get that that one right okay so you're left in my turn right not the same thing i'm no i'm trying to do your right i'm trying to do you all right turn right turn right perfect perfect i've got eight perfect in the middle now you okay uh there's full hogland action in the middle dude full hog action beware i'm going for it nice i got it in run dude nice to your direct lift the door closed it just trapped the hog it's amazing okay got my celium i got 16 mycelium oh okay the hoglands are tracking you they're tracking you they're currently trapped in the room if you take that right okay that's fine um that's fine all right so do the same route that you did in the beginning perfect through the blue door straight ahead yep yep yep follow that around follow that around you want to go this way perfect yep go right turn right beautiful nice i got 12. i want to submit i want to submit turn right turn left through the blue door blue door what yeah there we go this one that one yep turn right oh my goodness the other door's open but there's hogland's right on the other side of this wall i don't think you're gonna be crazy i'm gonna be quick oh nicely done nicely done all right get out of there they're tracking you they're tracking go go perfectly straight there yep yep yep okay tracking is over perfect right the hoglands are on you um get out of there that door's gonna open real soon yeah i see oh the doors just opened okay there's one behind you one behind you try get get away from him oh it's a dead end yep i fell i felt mistakes have been made all right let me get my bearings okay how many blocks do we need to submit to win i don't know but go perfectly straight nope no there is no straight oh this way yep yep turn right no at the end turn right at the end yup turn right at the end perfect nope uh back yep there we go that's the one cheese all right oh yeah 18 okay 18 blocks turn left that was right that was okay right here yep yep left here left now left first left first left this one no that was right that one but there's a dead end here there's there's mice okay okay okay there's juicy mycelium no you missed it again go back go back go back turn right turn right turn right ah do you see my cm okay 38 i want to submit oh 38 insane okay carry on going carry on going uh keep your left mycelium perfect yeah i got i got a stack nearly beautiful go through uh yeah yeah go through behind you oh perfect you're right there yes nice hog i submitted it i accept my fate okay same route again load my helium half time okay half time half time dude i mean that went okay we've definitely got our left and right am i an idiot am i telling you the wrong let's say i don't know like when you say when you say go left there's often nowhere to turn left okay so if uh i think i think you have been going the wrong way oh okay so i'm turning right left left turn left left turn right left turn right oh you did turn oh dude okay that was definitely my brain right left left left yep we're still playing i don't know i'm not actually sure oh no oh no we were still playing dude oh we were it was just the halfway point oh dang it okay fine this isn't football we don't get a 15 minute break okay uh what are we doing hogging in the middle careful turn right guys turn right turn right perfect turn left turn right turn right turn left no turn left okay why does my spotter not know left and right okay i'm going for the submission okay go for it oh no okay corrales has got a hogland on it okay um chris has got two hogwarts i'm going back to the middle maybe i can submit yep go back to the middle there's lots of stackage there hogden right on you double hogged an action oh no double action okay there's one waiting for you oh stace okay hit like a truck okay if you go if you go straight turn right okay turn right left left left left perfect right right right yes no bad right bad lin you are not giving me the right direct left oh my gosh someone help me dude i think my brains malfunctioned oh no okay this is good though there we go there's someone here again all right um yep through that door good through the blue door there's another blue door that's right the center you're at the center you're at the center dude it's so close uh there's more it's so close right now hogland's on you though okay oh there's an enderman there's an enderman and zombies in the house now things are good that's yeah that's the ramping it up for the end man if corrales picked up my debris we might be in for a loss here yeah that was you dropped a lot there turn left no yep perfect there's a some juicy mice in your mouth beautiful okay there's pogba on you though hoglet yep one run oh he's snagged it there's a hogland dude careful hogwarts action double hogglin action triple hundred action oh my goodness okay okay i submitted dude this is it on the final leg uh left yes through there you're gonna get some juicy mycelium nice turn right turn left right left that was left turn right wait hold it dude i'm following your instructions okay 36 here okay all right we're going to start again yeah same route as the beginning forward right left left left yes we're doing it dude forward yeah right right i see i see him i see them no you you you got to follow the instructions can i see them oh they're dude there's hogwarts over there you got to trust the red voice in your head right there game over what it's over oh time's up time's up didn't know left from right oh my goodness guys i am the worst i don't know left and right how did it go it looked quite chaotic i think i'm going to give up on the brain i'm going to ask for i'm going to try buying a new brain on the internet okay there is three stacks and nine three stacks in nine on mycelium that was yeah sadly i have to say i mean i have to be advised i thought you're doing well too bro she did great you did great did you put them in the wrong barrel i don't think so i think yeah well well i mean you win by mycelium yeah ggs ggs better get his building hands ready yep oh the back of that mansion the dodge ball is a splash damage potion which you can grab from those barrels at the back there so does someone want to come up to the front here and press the button and see which team gets to go first go and volunteers okay so all y'all are going to be splitting into two different teams and you can only use one potion at a time so between yourselves you can discuss a little bit of strategy who's going to throw the dodge ball and once it's been thrown to the other side it is then that team's turn to play all right good luck everyone all right okay good luck okay team dodging weaving dodging and weaving what if i just stay in this corner maybe they can't reach me that's a big brain stay back here all the way back form a wall in front of me right so here's everyone hide behind etho you know it has the area you know area of effect it's a potion so i don't think that would be a good idea to club spread out as much as possible etho i think that's an idea stay up front and make sure it hits you and we'll all stay back here i think that's genius my dudes i'm a cat for the team i'm gonna catch the dodgeball for you guys okay catch it ready catch it a so maybe you could take our first shot then if you all right all right because it's not easy right to get the distance um to throw far it's not okay not super easy we're gonna psych them out though guys okay i'm not going to put it in my hand so they can't see who's got the ball right and we're all going to run like we'll run as a team towards the middle yes genius i got a bit we had a casualty on the other side i think i think we'll just restart oh dudes you gotta wake up you gotta wake up no i didn't know you went already nice nice nice ether you have to throw next right i think we are meant to go in turns so yeah uh yep okay i caught it for you guys oh nice nice hit come on guys you got this oh oh man don't go too far at least give him longer we should make a wall and then doc just like busts through the walls i didn't think they were gonna have one on them yeah i thought they were gonna have to go grab it yeah that wasn't this yeah nice nice nice okay you've evened it up guys but we lost the serve we lost the serve now careful scars oh i think make sure you stay all right he's looking at you like nice oh my god scary's got it scary's got it all right is there a turn he's trying to hide it but it's car yep it's gone might be a quick transfer there though no still scar come on i don't think they know it's their turn can you guys just type in chat with some fake you just think they're messing with you yeah i think they're just like they're lulling you to sleep oh come on you might try a no-looker again and and i think he might go for you either no all right it all comes down okay here we go here we go two one all right the trenches oh no they're faking this out trying to catch it if i can't nobody's nobody's grabbed it yet i think this first one you don't want to nobody's grabbed it yet let's watch the right hands watch your hands oh yeah he got me he got me that's all right that's all right all right there's only one two though i got one i got it okay all right on three we all run towards the bottom it was close it was grouped together don't group together it's probably going to be uh yeah oh oh okay i can take a shot okay on three we all run oh they definitely showed that to them when you you wanna see okay we're ready three three two one this has got to be mumbo right if they're going to take it in turns yeah it's mumbo he's got it oh no okay he hasn't got one doc documentary shot incoming take a hit for the team also i'm trying yeah yeah he literally can't win if we just stay spread out let's go for a quick one okay yeah you go for a quick shot right away if he shots then we get we go oh okay he's showing us your hands being around you're getting close together yeah you guys oh he's going to toss over here you got him there in the corner you had him all right next time we try it again try again just want some and that's all i forgot that i actually need to put in my hand yeah oh he went right over here right in the middle okay watch where he's going watch where he's going okay someone else needs to go i can't get that back shot oh yeah yeah we have to alternate anyway guys yeah yeah oh yeah sorry okay okay i'm gonna try oh i'm so close so close come on guys no way is he no way can he do this all right okay do you want to go xb you got the mustache the lucky mustache you got this let's go let's go let's go went right for it okay he's going to walk into magma let's try to say separate it though we don't need a blocker go quick guys go quick throw him off his game go for it just keep it going oh yeah yeah we got to keep the pace high pace high if through this is thrown we go again yep yep xp is on the next one watch out next week welcome turf war participants we have fought long and hard to create these minigames and then we fought long and hard to win the mini games and we are going to reveal who is the winner i think we already know who the winner is but we're gonna do it anyways so the viewers the yeah the so hep finished with three whole points they won showdown stars minigame grass jump and my game rings of death and the mycelium resistance won so many games that i had to make the scoreboard bigger so absolute landslide we won dodgeball waka stand escape the mycelium rip zone a maze and floatage meaning the mycelium resistance take the win and scar you've got to build the back of my mouth i still don't even have my baby yoda pack farewell pumpkin pie hello course fruit how's that chorus tasting so all wages are now final if you made a wager then that you have to do whatever the mycelium resistance uh tells you to do however you did it i think b dubs is a delivery boy now that's right i um does this mean that genuinely the shopping district is going to stay as mycelium though because it is really ugly no no no no no war part two if that's the case i was gonna say the agreement is that the losing side has to restore the shopping district back and make it pretty still better it was never about the block let's be honest in summary in summary we we ruined the shopping district and we made you fix it so i think it's just been a win-win-win-win-win well done resistance we we did it we beat city hall let's have a hurrah for the winners here yeah hey hey i just had to sterilize you guys from all your spores
Channel: rendog
Views: 150,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft vanilla, hermit craft, minecraft hermitcraft, rendog, rendog hermitcraft, hermitcraft rendog, rendog hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7 rendog, hermitcraft7, family friendly, rendog hermitcraft 7, rendog minecraft, minecraft nether update, hermitcraft 1.17, mc 1.16, minecraft 1.16, mycelium resistance, hep, turf wars, minigame, mini games, player cannon, tnt cannon, hermitcraft minigames, turf, wars, floatage, winners, games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 29sec (4049 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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