HermitCraft 7 | SECRETS & PLANS & BASES! | Ep 32

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[Music] greetings cyberdogs and citizens of the interbus this is ren diggity now coming at you in another minecraft episode from the hermitcraft server we're kicking things off today my friends from the valiant tattoo ren after a rather lengthy break from the server since the last episode before christmas last year and i gotta say my friends it feels so damn good to be back in our star wars inspired corner of the minecraft universe am i right now i know some of you have been worried about where i've been but please rest assured all is well in the world of the ren diggity dogma dicks you see i usually take the whole of january off to visit my family in south africa every year and even though i didn't get to go home this year because of the lockdown i decided to still take the month off to get my brain refreshed for what is certainly going to be an incredible 2021 especially for us here in the valley attache rate so the good news is we're finally back on the grind in 2021 the bad news is looking at our map here in the tattoo rain hut we've got an ungodly amount of work still to do before we can call this megabase project complete so i've spent the last few days on the server sorting out chest monsters gathering resources and trying to figure out where we even begin from where we left off last year maybe a good place to start would be to finish off the lava rivers that surround the mustafarian biome as that's a pretty easy and mindless grind although the more i fly around tatty rain the more unfinished projects begin to show themselves to my brain so maybe the best thing to do first to kick the new year off with a bang is to make a good old-fashioned project list somewhere so we can see exactly how much work we still have to do sounds like a plan buddies now as i'm not exactly the most organized fellow in general making plans and lists and things like that is not something i'm very good at to be honest but i'm thinking we can use our map of tattoo rain over here to help guide us in this logistical endeavor right the first thing that sticks out to me as i mentioned earlier are these unfinished lava rivers around the perimeter of our mustafa buyer and even though we made pretty good progress on these molten rivers last year we've still got a few sections to complete here at the back of the mustafa biome and behind the renpuras fortress although i just realized we've got slightly ahead of ourselves but dudes i mean we can't start making a project list if we don't have an actual project list right so i guess first things first let's make a freaking project list somewhere you know what we haven't really used our tie fighter hangar bay for anything yet so this storage room in the hangar will be perfect for our tattoo rain project plan wall of things and stuff we need to get done around here i've set up five categories here to keep our projects and brains nice and organized we've got the mustafa biome the valya tattoo ren the renpers fortress business and of course shenanigans of which there are already two projects already plugged in unsurprisingly we'll get back to those in a second but let's get our very first project added to the mustafa biome list whoops okay mistakes have been made uh yeah i'm still a bit rusty my dude so this might be more painful than anticipated all right there we go first project is to finish the lava rivers in mustafar boom plugged in i probably should have just used signs my dudes oh geez the next big thing i see on the map are these massive areas of undetailed blackstone around our mustafarian biome we've clearly got a ton of terraformification still to do here oh yes i completely forgot about the fact that we've got a huge section of land to still turn into blackstone at the back of mustafar not only that we also need to completely cover all the blackstone landscape with lava pools and rivers to complete the mustafa vision we originally had for this custom biome right oh and while we're at it we definitely need to do something about the connection between the mustafa biome and the natural mesa biome here at the base of the jawa sand crawler i mean i think you'll all agree it's looking hella janky up in here man we need to find a way to make these two biomes blend together better right mustafar biome terraformification plugged in okay inspiration is kicking in my dudes i've had some ideas while flying around for a couple of new projects here in mustafa to help bring the world to life i really love seeing all of these star wars inspired builds on the map and i think we need to add more of this sort of thing into our world and the first thing that came to mind was maybe a space port with a landing platform somewhere in the mustafa biome right perhaps a place where travelers of the universe might land one day intent nudge nudge oh this looks like a great spot for a spaceport actually right behind our awesome lava swampage with the rainpros fortress towering above it in the background oh yes that'll do very nicely i think right mustafa spaceport with landing platform plugged in and speaking of new projects i'm thinking now we need to add some native inhabitants to our biome of mustafar we've already got the jawas in their crawler but how about we use this massive space behind the fortress for an outpost of bad guys that are raiding the hermit infested jungle beyond their borders or something like that yeah we've got a huge bit of area to work with here actually and my first thought is to maybe make some sort of a tuscan raider outpost from star wars perhaps a tribe of tuscans who have adapted to their molten surroundings and maybe have some beef with the space port yeah that sounds pretty sweet we'd be cooking with gas today my dudes although it's probably time to get rid of this old nether portal to be honest the ocd is kind of kicking in right now and boom tuscan raider outpost plugged in right now with all the mustafa buying projects added to the list let's turn our attention to the valia tattoo ren and a very sad project that's been left all alone for a very long time now the tattoo ren cantina we were going to build next to the hangar bay that we just never really got around to building i think it's about time we get this cantina up and running my dudes it's basically going to be a dusty bar where travellers from all over the galaxy visiting the tatiran hangar bay can rest their weary souls and sip on some mustafarian crab juice while a hideous alien band plays some soothing jazz in the background oh also we might turn it into a functioning potion brewing facility or something nerdy like that but uh yeah dusty bar sounds amazing right tajirin cantina plugged in our next big project in the valley of tajiren is to start filling up this massive desert area with the city of tatiren the original plan was to also build a connecting tunnel filled with slum housing and passageways that the citizens of tatiran city would use to get to the industrial factories on the other side of the mountain so this tunnel and the city will be one project with the aim being to create a bustling desert trading outpost at the base of the rainforest fortress basically we're going to make a star wars version of a minecraft desert village out here and it's going to be absolutely freaking awesome the construction of tatiran city plugged in oh and let's not forget about the massive cliff above tachyren where we cleared out all of the trees to make it look more star wars like and where our plan was to start setting up some industrial factories to help make our lives a bit easier on the server i'm thinking a fireworks rocket factory for elytra flying might be a good spot to kick things off so a sugarcane farm and a gunpowder farm maybe sounds like a plan industrial district on the cliff plugged in and speaking of the city of tattoo rain we need to get back to work on our first big project we started out here namely the tie fighter hangar bay while the hangar bay is looking really awesome right now it's still not completed i think and we need to start filling in the different hangar bays with stuff and add a bit more detail to the build in general including maybe an underground connection to our tattoo ren huts and the cantina or something like that right tie fighter hangar bay upgrade plugged in and we've left the best four second last here buddies the time has finally come for us to start doing some major work in the renpres fortress itself of course we ended last year with the preparation of a giant area inside the fortress in which we'll be building a massive auto sorting storage system but there is so much room inside the renpro's fortress that i reckon we can squeeze in a few more builds within this giant structure quite easily so i'm thinking we'll build the storage system first followed by an epic throne room for the renpra an awesome star wars inspired portal room and finally another thai fighter hangar bay near the bottom of the fortress somewhere now that's a fortress of a man's power am i right muddy storage facility throne room portal room and hangar bay plugged in for the emperor next up on our projects list is the very important matter of business i'd like to expand our log business this year by maybe setting up a few lucrative partnerships with my fellow hermits as well as potentially expanding our long store to sell more than just logs potentially oh baby this project list is really coming together now isn't it although we've still got one final column to talk about guys that being the column of shenanigans you see when i first got back on the server a few days ago the first thing i stumbled across was a book outside my front door and in typical hermit shenanigan fashion it's an invitation from my buddy old pal green to build a secret base inside of corrales base because well why not ironically enough i was planning on making a new base anyway to store my mini head collection so later on today we're gonna try get away with the secret base inside of corrales base because well um why not and speaking of shenanigans this is one of the things i love most about this server guys you take a few weeks off and you come back to absolute madness every single time i mean you gotta love it and speaking of madness i found a really strange new machine in the shopping district when i first logged on it's filled with fire and flames and cryptic clues and signs all over the show i mean i literally have no idea what this is all about so please help me out in the comments below my dudes whatever it is we're going to be plugging it in for sure and so there we have it two major shenanigans plugged in alongside a massive list of projects for us to get cracking on this year and you know what even though this list was a pain in the butt to put together i think it's really helped us to see everything organized and what needs to be done and i must say i'm feeling super inspired by all of this organizationification and i'm ready to get back on the ground baby although i'm thinking after all of that logistical brain thinking let's crack on with the shenanigan today before we get down to any real business up in here what do you reckon buddies let's head over to corrales base where we're going to try and build a secret base in corrales base because well why the heck not you know what my dudes before we start sniffing around trying to find a perfect location for a secret base let's just take a moment to admire how incredible corrales work is here on the hermitcraft server i mean there is so much amazing stuff going on here it's really difficult to even begin to take it all in it is a sprawling metropolis here on the hermitcraft server with so much detail all over the place and i gotta say man it absolutely blows my mind i have no idea how this came out of corrales brain onto the server it truly is a magnificent piece of minecraft art in my opinion although we can't spend too much time admiring this work because we need to find a spot somewhere in this amazing city landscape where corrales will never suspect that we are actually living here or making a base inside of his base and that means we also need to keep our eyes open on the server to make sure that when corrales logs in we are not around and yeah i guess i better start looking around the dark alleyways of this city to find a perfect location for a secret base that not only corrales will never find but that you guys won't be able to find either because of course if we're gonna keep this base a secret not even you guys get to know where it is which is gonna be pretty difficult to do because you guys have got super eagle eyes and i don't think us hermits can hide anything from you but i'mma give it my best shot oh we'd be cooking with secret gas out here today my dudes i just spent the last couple of hours trying to find a perfect position in corrales base for a secret base and i think i done found it i've installed some redstone over here and when i hit this button we'll be going down into the foundations of my brand new secret base and guys don't even try and figure out where this is okay some of you corrales fans out there you think you know where we are right now but trust me you have no idea there are no clues absolutely nothing is going to give away my position in corrales base you guys can try as hard as you want but there's absolutely no ways you're gonna figure it out i mean look it's not much of a secret base at the moment it's just a hole in the ground which i now need to excavate and actually turn into a base but um yeah this is perfect this is where we're gonna be setting up and as i mentioned earlier on in the episode this base is going to be where we store our mini head collection so i'm thinking about making a secret base with really awesome display cabinets in the walls or something like that where we can show off all of our mini heads in a really sweet way hold on those hyperdogs we're getting a bit of ahead of ourselves up in here i mean how are we gonna build a secret base without any freaking resources am i right now that i found the perfect secret location in the city let's gather up some resources for the base build starting with my mini head collection of course which is the reason we're making this base in the first place next up we need to quickly head into town to buy a few more bits and pieces for the secret base build and i guess we can start with some chains which might work pretty well in the build and maybe we get a few of these soul lanterns over here too those are going to look pretty sweet in the secret basin i don't know maybe there's something else around here that would work well in a sort of decked out inspired build wait what the heck dudes there's a whole bunch of mini heads here for sale in the barge many of which i don't actually have at the moment so this is absolutely perfect noice and i gotta say at one diamond for three hands that is a deal i cannot resist my dudes so let's pick up as many of these mini heads as possible oh man you do love to see a plan come together am i right you know what while we're out here let's pick up an extra shulker box from scott's chess monster to store our new mini head collection over here it looks like scar has recently restocked the shop and at four diamonds a box that's another bargain i'm happy to spend some diamonds on thank you scar finally we need to pick up some dark oak logs for our base build and for that we will dive into our bigger logs incorporated stock storage warehouse and yes for those of you bigger logs incorporated employees who have been wondering i have been slowly but surely stockpiling hundreds of stacks of logs to get bigger logs up and running again this year but more on that next episode buddies okay that's everything we need i reckon let's head back to corrales base and start working on our secret base inside of his base which i guess can now be considered as being our base which is inside of his base too uh or something like that oh this hurts my brain my dudes let's kick into a bit of a time lapse to get this done [Music] [Music] seriously guys you could stop trying to figure out where i hid the base now okay i have covered my tracks in the most sneaky of ways believe you me i mean if you think this button is a clue of some kind you're completely wrong you'll never figure it out guys and neither will corrales which is why this is a secret base any usual i've just completed the first room of our secret base and it's looking amazing although i still need to figure out a better way to get into it because even though it's super secret right now this button does kinda give it away somewhere in the city so yeah we need to find a better entrance in the next episode but check it out my dudes the first room of our mini head collection base is done and i think it looks absolutely sweet man also by the way i've made sure to cover up the drop tunnel so there are no clues up there guys don't even bother but yeah guys i gotta say i've really enjoyed this project today although it has been a little bit stressful here and there karanis is logged in and i've had to hold down the shift button to disappear uh but other than that it's gone off without a hitch we haven't been discovered and well i don't really know what happens next i mean green invited me to make a secret base in kerala's base i've i've started doing that um now what i don't know does anybody out there have any idea or was this just a really pointless but super fun shenanigan i have no idea welcome back to the hovercraft server in dog well i guess we're just gonna have to wait and see what happens next with this whole secret base shenanigans stuff my dudes and in the meantime well unfortunately we've run out of time in today's episode had a great time today though building this base in corrales's base my dudes let me know what you think in the comment section below and i gotta say guys super happy to be back on the server back on the grind and can't wait to see you all in the next episode and uh speaking of which we'll smell you all in the next episode
Channel: rendog
Views: 223,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft vanilla, hermit craft, minecraft hermitcraft, rendog, rendog hermitcraft, hermitcraft rendog, rendog hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7 rendog, hermitcraft7, family friendly, rendog hermitcraft 7, rendog minecraft, minecraft nether update, hermitcraft 1.17, mc 1.16, minecraft 1.16, secret base, keralis, hermitcraft, minecraft server, hermitcraft server, hermitcraft bases, prank, hermitcraft pranks, hermitcraft video, ren
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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