Hermitcraft 6: Episode 84 - PROJECT COMPLETE!

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Mumbo's confusion about the Jangler is absolutely hilarious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-GalaxyFarFarAway- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

you don't get much classier than sitting around designing complex redstone contraptions in your volkswagon vw camper van, as the heat from your monitor combats the outside british winter

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PsychicTempestZero πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That’s a whole new level of classy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NoisyMicrobe3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
one this is member welcome banks for the episode on the hermit craft services episode 84 and today we're starting things off in front of the big hole as always I mean that's been the intro to pretty much every single home craft episode for the past couple weeks anyway today's episode we're gonna get this thing finished I'm going to use your suggestions down in the comments because you guys are smart on me is it just me or are my leader I'm making a really strange noise it's slightly robotic anyway a lot of you were suggesting that I create slow fool potions and that seems like a great idea so I'm gonna pop over to green space I'm going to grab some phantom membrane because he has absolutely tons of the stuff and he always takes things from my base so I think this is life or two unless makes them of course I totally asked him first and he totally said yes that may or may not been a lie now I'm curious has anyone ever boy shorts from Zed have Zwarte schools and shorts shop because I mean these still seem to be here right so this is making its way through and now we have ourselves potions of slow falling and then I'm guessing I can expend the length of time that they work for so this should push up to eight minutes hopefully I'm gonna have to really keep my eye on this it's actually only four minutes but hopefully this should be enough so if I now take this potion and wow this is gonna be I don't know if this is useful or not I would yeah it definitely is useful check this out I could just kind of gradually make my way around like this you know I've realized I I really don't need to use the TNT technique anymore I can just do this I can just oh okay okay I do need to be careful about landing on blocks and mile each of the activating but still this is it it is slow though I mean it could definitely be faster by suppose if I fire this then yeah I kind of I get around like that ah this is the best thank you to everyone who suggested this idea this is fantastic Oh we'll be done in no time I mean look at this I'm essentially just minding my way through okay no no no I'm falling I'm falling I'm falling down well I gotta say I'm impressed by that so I have used 1 2 3 4 of my potions and I have cleared out this entire side so that means that I've spent a maximum of 15 60 minutes doing this and it's all gone whereas on the other half I spent the best part of an hour and a half trying my best to fly around igniting all of the TMT so yeah I think you're safe to say that as per usual the comments were correct anyway now it is time to remove what all of the rubbish that we have lying around this thing so I'm going to clear up all of the chests move everything into the storage system and get rid of the flying machines and this should just about do it so this is the final flying machine that actually escaped from the system I hadn't realized that all of the observers were there let me break this now didn't need to do a quick fly off but this is it the hole completely clean and looking at awesome now few people have been mentioning down in the comment section about the lava this is something that I've mentioned a bunch but I'm planning on keeping the lava because I think it looks awesome even though have you found it in the previous episode I might I might have to regret that a little bit anyway now that it's done there's still plenty of things left to do with the witch farm area itself so obviously the farm itself is completely finished it's fully operational and looking good but the items are currently just floating out and they're d spawning essentially so we need to do something about that and we need to create some form of massive storage system for all of the items that's that's an issue that's actually a big that's quite big issue so I've just I I fell into a cave spider spawner called stuck in a cobweb and then immediately got killed hopefully we can do this I don't have any form of sword oh dear I kind of wish I had taken my potion of slow falling with me oh for goodness sake well I'm just gonna die again instantly however to kill this girl with a big axe no okay here is the new plan we have a potion of slow falling so I can gradually drop in and hopefully pick up almost stuff without taking too much damage I mean I really want to keep as many hearts as possible because I need to rush in there okay I think I've just about done it right now why is that still there I mean surely they'd be gone they don't despawn oh that's just a regular spider I was gonna say I swear how I took out that spawner oh I just panicked then so I'm currently suffering from a bit of a strange medical condition don't know where has come from this has never happened before but over the past 20 minutes I've had a total blind spot in the center of my vision and I can't really see things properly at all so I'm kind of flying blind a little bit and I panicked because I was looking at my inventory for about five minutes thinking that I'd lost a friendship but it turns out is right in front of me which actually makes me slightly more concerned than I already was about my eyeballs anyway vision problems aside we need to mine out a space for our storage system and this storage system is gonna be relatively smart I hope that we can do a good job on this one and the first thing that we need to do is yeah clear out a space and start getting some hoppers in but first I think some lights and I got to say there's serious noises coming from that area well we found where they're coming from and I think there might be a spawner there that's the only reason why I can imagine there's ah no yeah this gigantic hole is essentially stopping anything from spawning in this whole area so that means that obviously caves are going to be filled to the brim with mobs have beacons always made this noise that's super cool I've never noticed it before either way we now have a haste to beacon it goes right the way through the center of here I think it's here to stay even if we don't keep it as haste and we could do something now that the hole has been dug out there's this natural forming hole in the area here and I mean come on well we can't not use that I think it'll be cool if we just kind of patch that up with glass and then this is where the chests are going to be in lines down here but we have to be able to see out into the hole because otherwise you'd never be able to spot it now I've been doing some thinking about designs for this thing originally I was just going to a regular storage system but then I thought it would be cool because we've cleared out the entire swamp to bring the swamp back into the storage system so you've got some grass we're gonna have these kind of muddy tones and then I thought for the walls we'd replicate what we have going on with the walls of our hole because I mean I actually quite like the way that they look now in terms of the storage system we're going to have a shoka box storage system for all of the redstone so that's going to go into this chest and then we're going to have all the other drops over here so that is going to be glass bottles glowstone gunpowder spider eyes sugar and stakes this floor is looking really cool I'm really really liking how this is coming together so far so the next thing I have to do is obviously clear out the extra space because we've had to expand this room a tiny bit and then I can start work on the walls I don't really know how I'm going to do that just yet a creeper just blow up my bed and she know what's funny I think I might have actually seen it coming but this I think that I have going on where I can't see properly meant that I couldn't actually register it as a creeper and didn't do anything about it I think I might be the first person ever to have actually been caught out by the camouflage of a creeper and because of that I think I'm actually going to take a break for today so I've hooked up a bunch of hoppers into these chests and I've also placed in all of the water for this item stream that we have right here so this in theory should now be sending the items right the way out into the storage system let's just have a quick check okay yep so all of those items are being dropped outside angry guy FK overnight and we'll see how many items we actually get from this new witch farm and the answer is quite a lot we managed to get ourselves just over three snacks or redstone blocks from one 12-hour overnight session and the server was incredibly busy there were people online all night so if the server was empty I imagined the drop rate would be even higher which is absolutely fantastic but he's actually been a couple of days since I've last been on the server for those of you who follow me on Twitter you will know that at the studio I've been having some issues with two construction sites have opened at exactly the same time on either side of the building that I record videos on and even though I'm moving out in a month into the new house that's still a big issue because obviously I've got one month of recording left to do so I've had to take some fairly drastic action give me a second so here we are here we are in my new recording studio now for those of you who haven't quite worked out yet we're in my 1974 VW bus that's where you drive my PC's down in that corner there and you can see all of the cables and things and then we have got both my monitors set up we've got my speaker's down there that's my preamp we've got my microphone so I'm talking into that my keyboard my mouse my feet and yeah just stir this this is where I'm going to be recording for probably the next 30 days or so and you know what it's actually quite cozy and is better acoustically than my actual studio so now that I've explained that ridiculous situation let's get the rest of this storage system built oh yeah we also got tons of other useful stuff like glowstone and gunpowder and everything I mean it's pretty good so this is going to be the storage for all of our general items and you can see that I've placed in all of those in there so they're in this kind of stack and that will gradually fill up but here we're going to have ashoka bulk storage system so i've actually placed in the redstone here the sugar books will be dispensed out when it fills up it will be pushed across and then a new shoka box will be put in place so all we need to do is place a hopper running into the top of this and that is that setup done so now we just need the sorters along the top and then this thing's completed right so all of the items flow in here then this is the hopper that takes the redstone in so that's our redstone sorter and then these right here are all of the other items sorters and I'm just trying my best to make this thing look nice so I mean you know it's not stunningly beautiful but I'm trying to build up the area around it and I think up at the top here we're going to close off the cave and then this here is going to be a little storage system and then this is where our nether portal is going to be going and this right here should round things off so this is going to stop me killing the server this is something I never really used to install back my old sorting systems for farms and it's stupid so all the overflowing items will make their way in there all right I think we're done now the only thing that I'm kind of concerned about is I don't know where my shocker shells are and they're not in there they are in there but we only have enough for 20 that could be an issue but I mean it's kind of not alright that's 20 chests filled in with items of redstone if I start overflowing from that then you know I really have way too much redstone and of course we can always gather up more sugar boxes and that's not the end of the world anyway the entire thing is now fully completed so now I'm just in the process of a I've fixed up my storage system but more importantly B I'm now transporting all of the valuable items that are over at the witch farm which there are tons of them back into my base I am so confused as to how this system keeps breaking I keep patching up and it keeps broken again what wait where did I literally just put the SUBSCRIBE blocks I had them in my inventory where have I put them okay there's some spares I mean what what course is this what is causing this seriously I I have very little understanding as to why this specific spot is the one that always breaks because it happened again and there's no subscribe blocks running through the system and even if there were subscribed blocks running through the system there are oh yeah I mean and there's a DS number of opportunities for the SUBSCRIBE blocks to go in somewhere else I don't understand why it's always here these specific ones they're always the ones that break is it a chunk boundary it's a chunk boundary but it's the ones on the inside of the chunk break you would think this one would break oh I suppose if I'm over there maybe I unload here so I don't know I found the solution and it turns out it was me being silly as always so in some of the sports in my storage system I have things like this going on and it turns out that these hoppers fill up so fast that's the hopper I actually can't keep up so this number at the front say for example we put a full stack of 64 emeralds in this number would keep creeping up because it can't unload the items fast enough which means that that number combined with this number gives a stronger signal strength which then activates both of these little modules activates both of them but there's no items flowing in so they gradually unload all of their items which of course opens them up receiving a bunch of nonsense yeah yeah it's all my fault and I've been complaining about it for the past 84 episodes why do I have to be me right the sorting system it is now back up and running and hopefully that'll be the last time I ever have to say those words because I have patched it up probably about 15 times this season seriously so this is all done now let's head back over to the witch farm because this project is now all done the witch farm has been completed there is nothing else that I need to do over here we have cleared up everything the hole is dug we've got the perimeter done we've got all of the item transportation done we've got the item pickup systems done and we've set ourselves up with a pretty nice storage system - which is holding up all of the items and I'm proud I'm definitely I mean this is probably the biggest farming project I've ever worked on it's been tons and tons of fun you got me back into live-streaming again which is fantastic I mean this is all great and then he messages and just Bruins but what does he want I wonder what he wants it turns out all this guy wanted to do is congratulate me on how smart my concrete maker was so this is a pleasant surprise normally when a scale says mr. Mumba in the chat it means he's gonna blast me for something anyway as I was saying the witch farm is done super super happy and I cannot wait to use this thing a bunch because obviously we need tons of resources for Sahara and we also need all the stuff to sell at Sahara too anyway let's move on but before we do I'm planning the VW bus for about four hours today and the PC is actually warming it up this is great jangled cookie x16 - why - 50 so that's pretty high up zedd - 3 - 7 do I go and check it out I mean I feel like I should go and check it out does this have anything to do with the jingler I mean I really hope that this doesn't kill me I'm assuming I probably do I wear my good stuff I mean let's go and let's go and look let's bring a shulker box with us an empty shocker box so we can dump some stuff in it we've got some food I'll bring some rockets and then we'll go and check out what this is all about because yeah I mean I'm curious well I've just taken off and I've completely forgotten what the coordinates well where is it okay it's minus 162 by minus 3 to 7 so if we approached that there okay we should now be on a bearing for it well I mean that definitely seems to fit the description is there anything at all special well what I understand any of this I'm just gonna leave I feel like I want to check the inside of this thing I don't know why I mean I'm assuming it's just empty it is just wasn't it on the topic of Sherlock though it has reminded me I should probably tell Gris in the I saw sound man yeah apparently apparently he's the guy's to deal with these sorts of things because he knows he knows at least investigating one of the sama man thing is hopefully yeah he can lend a hand I think we can all say that just ran into a cave and dropped a pickle I mean that's a that's a pretty accurate there's a pretty accurate description of what actually happened I think very weird cryptic cookies aside and also Simon man discussions all gone in the past I thought it would be a good idea to round up this episode with some work on the crypto machine because I mean with all the stuff that we've been doing with the witch farm and also Sahara we haven't really had a chance to work on the mum box system and I thought it would be good to actually implement a few things but first I'm actually got to I've got to reef Emilio's myself with the redstone circuitry because yeah there's a mess now one thing that does need a lot of attention is the volt system so we see the mum box system that we've created here with the value fluctuations the increasing value when people trade the actual cash shell and cash in system that's all done and functioning but the volts where people store all of their hermit coin or mum box is is completely non-existent at this point in time so on to work on that today and originally it was going to be big rooms where each home it had their own kind of 5x5 area but I think about it it doesn't really make too much sense I actually quite like the thought of keeping things really nice and compact and kind of locked away so hopefully we can do something smart here this seems this seems large I mean it works it also doesn't extend the pulse that long I wanted the pulse to be longer I'm trying my best to make these things one wide so that we can tile them next to one another after maybe make things a tiny bit bulkier you know this is an improvement this is considerably smaller it's nowhere near as bulky and it works just fine so right now my secret key code is yellow wool if we try and put anything else in there you can see that it doesn't go through and it doesn't open up the system but if we put this yellow wool in here and hit the button then we get access to the chest which obviously cannot open at this point in time and that that's a floor so if I was to put a shocker box in there okay that works that's quite a lot cooler than the chest as well that looks a lot more vaulty fantastic I got scared then so now that we have this little vault sorted out it's incredibly simple but I thought I'd share it with you because I know that some of you might want to build them for yourselves now that we've got that worked out and we have this system worked out as well we're kind of good to go with the mum buck system but I think I'm going to wait until suhara is done just because Sahar is a massive project and I really want to commit myself to it however once a horror is built then you best believe mum box is coming for the hermit craft server so I hope that you enjoyed this episode on the hermit craft if you have please don't start like ban and if you loved it too make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is the mumbo I'm out I'll see ya later oh and filming channel stuff you know what to do I think we'll be on the N screen [Music] Oh
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,105,698
Rating: 4.9700689 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: 8sFubQSJQnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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