Hermitcraft 6: Episode 135 - 4800 Iron per Hour!

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The cursed episode!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/optimisticpsychic 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
it's cold it's wet is dark and I'm about 130 blocks above the ground I guess you must be a heavy an industrial district now everything has sort of been going to plan I've been at AOF cave for one night so far and if we just quickly pop over to the chests you can see that we have managed to successfully get a pretty ridiculous amount of iron already so things are going well the iron farm is working brilliantly and so far we only have one of the five modules and also of course our village a breeder has been going to town and we have a bunch we have a bunch of villages that somehow despite this entire area being mob spawner Bal surely ya know all of this is mobs portable somehow no zombies have spawned and these guys have managed to survive which is brilliant I actually think that massive pile of lava next to the village breeder has helped it actually saved me there but on the iron farm front I do believe I've actually run into a problem which nem bomb warned me about with this design and just villagers in general I've actually run into the same problem that I kind of ran into with my villager trading hall but it's slightly different in that these guys right here this guy does not recognize that bed as being his and that means that he refuses to sleep through the night and that means that currently we aren't actually getting iron golems now the easy way around this is all I have to do is replace their beds so it's nice and easy if this ever happens all I guess I do is place blocks across the top here so that these guys can't escape anywhere remove the beds and then put them back in I'll let you know how that goes not good not well not good not well please just don't know what to say he's there and he shouldn't be there oh gosh please don't run off okay I don't know what these guys are all stacked up differently but they do seem now to be all in their beds so this is good okay we fixed it so now with it all fixed I'm going to go afk overnight once again to just get a ton more iron because I've got me an I'm greedy to be honest it's cold it's dark it's wet and it's goodness me uh-huh I haven't visited Vicki someone's been over that that has me nervous I actually can't believe that just happened in front of my eyes right in front of me all of them that has to be a joke every single one of those villages has just had to do a witch even the ones in my village breed oh my goodness I'm going to die uh I'm actually in shock what on earth well I guess you can't do my own farm today then I was talking with this event it's that I started recording literally just after the lightning struck but I saw it happened I walked down there to see how my villages were doing that is by far one of the most hilarious things that's happened to me in my history of playing hermit craft I mean sure okay I've lost about 30 villagers I'm sure has to come up with a completely new idea for good to do in this video because all of these have now D spawned [Laughter] the laugh that was a direct hit they caught fire oh good there's also one of those skeleton horse things yep yep yep yep that's gonna happen okay that's the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse I mean G is just what on earth seriously guys they know what I mean to be fair they all seem to have died but please tell me thank goodness for that I thought I thought I thought maybe one of those skeletons would shoot and completely obliterate one of my villagers right I am going to put some serious glass around these guys so that they never get struck by lightning oh I mean if you didn't laugh you'd cry wouldn't you there's simple of that this one guy survived so I think I'm going to use him to kind of repopulate the entire the entire after just jumping around my studio room for a while I decided that look I'm just gonna get these things back in order so I went out I managed to find another villager he was chilling out underneath the bamboo farm so I chucked him in place and then I've just gone and collected another two villagers this guy is just cruising in now so now we are once again going to have ourselves a working villager breeder and we're going to have to what that boy he's had a baby on his own he had a baby on his own I don't even know anymore what's going on I'm just I'm not even questioning it okay so much weird stuff has happen in this episode I'm just gonna leave it be these two villagers are in place this guy's in place we are now getting villagers out of our village breeders first Tom's got AFK once again to get all of the villagers required to fill up our iron farm but before we do any AF gang there's one very important thing that we have to do and that of course is to do a little bit of lightning protection yes I I really really don't fancy having my villagers turn into witches again as hilarious as that was I don't know if I could face that happening a second time so let's get this done just thought I'd let you know that I'm one of my villages just died because for some reason the farmer popped out of his farm and ended up over here and then he fell in the lava just watts so after replacing him again we're now good to go please nothing else happened I bet I get struck by lightning now twelve hours later I think of successful AF gank please let it be successful we are back on the server and that looks promising I can see Zed bashing I think that's what that's called debt bashing is when textures are going over the top of one another when lots of things are stacked into one place I was about to launch myself off of my platform without wearing any elite row that would have been an absolute disaster brilliant fantastic amazing glorious and all those words 28 entities right there which should be enough for us to get all of our villages in place with room for four errors so okay I'm gonna gather up a bunch of mine carts we're going to hook up this minecart line into the correct place and we can get going and what's funny is the amount of AF gain that we've been doing to get the villagers to make iron farmers actually rendered our iron farm a little bit obsolete because we've managed to get so much iron from all of the AF gang to get the villagers to make the iron farm I guess you could say that this first one hasn't exactly gone to plan in the it seems because I'm an old human being I did not place a powered rail next to the dispenser and therefore yeah this guy yeah the the my garden tree moved forward that far so then I pushed it and then it didn't really go anywhere and I've just realized actually it wouldn't have gone anywhere anyway because there's no minecart there I really need to start checking things anyway hopefully if we just push this dude along you should now be on his way and despite the Salani Harry start it looks like things have worked out for this guy and he's popped out of his mind heart and gone straight into bed I panicked then cuz that looked like that was some kind of horrendous glitch that was also very stuck that's also very straight what's going on over there a village is just cour sent up and then came back down and died so I don't really know what's happened there I mean if we dispense a minecart we then have to push it it then picks up a villager and wraps around like this does it just not have enough momentum yes it does okay it's a slightly unorthodox system but it does seem to be working now I hope so we've only suffered one death so far so this guy right here should be the final guy for this module so this will have effectively doubled the size of our iron farm they should all now be in place and actually if we watch this guy come round I'm kind of going to be in the mix here but these guys will pop out they're bouncing around and we might have gone on Gollum there I mean I'm not sure if it happens that fast no it doesn't look like it does tiny bit embarrassing I must admit but I imagine it will start working soon for some reason I think it has something to do with them having to sleep all the way through the night it's a little bit of a strange one anyway once I remove all of this glass we can then redirect this minecart rail over the to the next module and then we'll have two more left to go actually almost halfway done except as I said I can't help but notice that none of the modules that I've created so far seem to be producing any iron and it's been multiple nights now he coming back down okay okay oh that's a scary take off every single time I do it alright he's gonna make his way over and that will be the third module all completed but despite this as I say still still no iron very peculiar but I don't know enough about this stuff to actually diagnose any issues just yet so I'm just gonna keep moving the villages in and I'm gonna cross my fingers very hard it could have something to do with this redstone torch right here so that redstone torch was actually meaning that he wasn't pausing on this one now that he pauses here it should be longer between each one of the cycles let's just make sure he does stop yes okay let's see what happens now so he's about to make his way over to that module we have panic and we still have no iron and I know exactly why it is the chat was right again I totally forgot so during my livestream the other day I was putting my hair out I couldn't work out why there was no iron spawning a little bit like how I was doing just then it's because iron golems don't spawn on grass there's why we've built everything out of grass here but I even built the platforms out of glass and that means that the high columns that actually spawn in the dedicated spawning platforms okay let's get that sorted I do worry about myself sometimes seriously I mean I don't know what's going on with my memory this is a very good sign we have got our first iron golem spawning on this module which is a little bit strange to be honest because I am yet to see an iron golem spawning on this module even though I built that one first is it to do with the dirt like are they offended by the dirt track that I've placed next to their homes they just disgusted that is there and they're refusing to spawn iron golems that seems like the only that seems like the only plausible explanation at this point in time oh oh we just got our first iron golem from that module now so it looks like it looks like this is now producing iron this one is producing iron as well at a decent rate and then we have that one too so now we have three modules actually working and you know I know they were controversial but I am a big fan of the new iron golem sporting mechanics this seems so much easier than the old iron farms even if I have spent probably around about 20 maybe 30 maybe even 35 hours just trying my best to get this thing up and running purely due to my own stupidity by the way anyway now that that's all done we're back to moving villagers so this guy is just making his way around and eventually when he falls into place we'll be able to pull him out of his mind cart and he should hop straight into bed I said he should hop straight into bed he should hop straight into bed it isn't go to bed is he oh we do have another slight problem in that I've built design farm a little bit close to the edge of the perimeter and occasionally we can get iron golem spawning there I fixed that earlier on with this module but it looks like it's been it's happened again we're on to the final three villagers now and one thing that is super satisfying about this is knowing that while I'm building this it is producing huge quantities of iron anyway I mean look if you just look around there is constantly multiple iron golems on fire and with this the iron farm is now all done it is finished it is completed I just need to take out this snaking minecart rail here and then the project is over we actually managed to pull it off and I gotta say I'm really really happy I'm exam tired okay but I am I'm chuffed to bits and I know for a fact that you guys are gonna hate me for the way that I'm taking this stuff out but you have to remember we are in an area right with a witch farm that produces infinite sticks and now an iron farm which produces infinite iron so I essentially have infinite rails all this left me to do is just fill in any areas that I think could potentially spawn iron golems which of course will affect the efficiency but I think that has to be the entire area done surely maybe that block I mean I don't think they can spawn that far out maybe that one okay these couple here that's go to be it I'm going to say that's it and now it is time to check out the fruits of my labor because obviously we've been over here for multiple hours with it running at fairly high efficiency and I mean honestly I can't tell I can't remember how much iron we had before but I think this is an improved Lynda I'm not sure I decided to craft it all up into blocks and it turns out wit I genuinely didn't realize you had as much iron as we did because we've got more than one full shocker box worth of iron blocks I think this might be the most iron I've ever had on the hermit craft server that feels that feels pretty good is tango still selling iron surely his iron farm has stopped working now maybe Sahara could sweep in and sell it if we aren't selling it already I'm starting to forget what we sell and I know I should really be stocking observers right now I'm doing anything to not stop observers seriously though in the next hermitcraft episode I promise okay I promise I will stock up on observers on will go out I will gather up the courts I will then use my farms to actually get those in stock because I don't mean it's do that for months anyway back over to my base now I have caught wind of the fact the discern someone who plays on the Houma craft server has filled my doomsday my demise bunker with a bunch of traps and things now I haven't had she's seen his video I Jevon has done it okay and I you know I've read through my comments alright and I've read through the tweets I've received emails about this I've received Instagram comments about it I mean it's impossible for me not to know about it so I've been pre warned but I feel like in the nature of being a good sport I should go in and just see if I can spot these traps this could be a terrible this could be a genuinely terrible move I'm just I'm really curious and not that I don't have any faith but I am removing my good Elektra I'm gonna check those mines a chest and I'm going to put some bad aura later on just because I don't want to lose my one good set of a liter right now oh and all my pickaxes you know what I look like I'm confident I'll be able to do this but still I don't want to lose my good stuff I'm sure it'll be fine alright you know what I'm gonna go with all my good gear let's go so the first question is is there anything obvious from the outside they seems to have gone missing that's that's that's an obvious change oh okay here we are okay I'm not seeing anything I'm not seeing anything oh I can hear Guardian noises I definitely feel like all right I'm so weary of all the buttons and things terrified okay we seem to be safe on the button front now I'm just curious as to if anything has happened down hit hmm hmm I don't remember there being a pressure plate there but clearly there was that's definitely my fresher plate all right we're safe there okay honestly up I think it's just this chest at the end which does appear to be a trapped chest oh I think we go so that now I'm curious because I kind of want to take that diamond door so he's literally a joke trap that's hilarious so I Devin has trapped me with a non trap I was terrified the whole time you guys have been warning me non-stop I thought this would be the worst thing ever I kind of half expected the whole thing to blow up then when I hit that button I am still nervous to go anywhere though right well we survived we made it do it that is hilarious I guess that is one one big joke from everyone there I am assuming all of you were in on it I thought this was gonna be the world's biggest trap it seems that I've survived another day of demise anyway I hope you enjoyed the episode and I'll catch you in the next one see ya I can't believe I'll be no drink like that normally I'm pretty sensitive to this sort of thing but so many people warned me about it that I thought this has got to be a killer one but I'm guessing in I jebin's video he actually told he told you guys to warn me that's that's hilarious I you know what I feel well and truly had nicely done guys nicely done
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,761,063
Rating: 4.9495811 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: ZCj9JGVlfdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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