Hermitcraft Civil War - The Fight For Second Place! (Minecraft 1.13.2 Ep.53)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Concord live broadcasting Center high above the battlefield the camera's not on okay all right oh my god what could be a professional broadcast is this the teams are assembling in their bases as we speak to determine who will be the second best team is con Corp won this war long before it ever started that's right long long ago con Corp claimed victory in this war and I'm gonna be honest no one else has come close ever since I mean from that first moment of the war con Corp was on top and we've stayed on top the entire time the entirety of the war but not only that scar we've been very fair and very just to all teams throughout this entire war one of my favorite parts about this war hub is the fact that I barely even participated but I'm also a winner and I take much pride in that yeah you should you should I mean you played a vital role in not doing things by the way I'm gonna point out you know how we're not only rich by this war right but we're also in good health I see some of these other teams they've taken a lot of licks you know they're walking around with the with a crutch they got a sling on their arm but we up here in our ivory tower with our diamonds it's never good to participate in a war it's good to be on the back end huh running in with the strings high above by the way it's not easy to make cake in high altitude up on this tower that was the hardest thing about this build yeah we had this importer from the factory you know but yeah we got we had some some cake over there you know we got some refreshments for the crew and stuff so it's all good speaking of diamonds scar Con Corp has made so many diamonds from this war we also have actually implemented a bedding station that some of the teams were able to bet on themselves to win the war should we go and check that out let's go check out our sponsor best team bedding we're live here on the battlefield in front of best team bedding and cub it looks like some changes to the betting windows have occurred so let's take a look yeah I'm very excited to see how many diamonds people have bet what the current score is it looks like we got somebody this sign says all bets are off per MLB Hall of Fame voters there's an anvil here yeah I was gonna say that looked like a little bit of a trap I'll tell you that right now it's not team here there's roses in here cub there's roses yes there really Pete Rose Pete Rose taller so Pete Rose was a baseball player who bet on baseball this has to be a Joe Hill's thing for sure ha Joe bullet and he didn't read the book he didn't read the book only diamonds are allowed to be bet in here so all these bets in here are disqualified what's in here buckets Pete Rose buckets there's diamonds there's flowers so we got to take those out those are not allowed apparently G team did not bet anything so it looks like star team is the best team confirmed right their best bit yeah they bet 39 diamonds so if they win they get they get 17 diamonds from us from from Concord people thought we were gonna somehow rig this now we're a legitimate company very fair to both sides yeah I can't play people thought we would cheat people first of all this is a legitimate business second of all we're hydrating people with these drinking fountains and nobody really took advantage of that here on the battlefield you must maintain hydration at all times here on the battlefield now that we know we can we can take these diamonds here we'll keep these in the secure location and yeah we'll pay out if the star team wins if they lose though then they lose everything so then we keep the diamonds oh yeah it's all gone so you want to send it back to the broadcast Center welcome back to the cotton Court broadcasting Center scar we have a Mexican standoff look at the number of people on a server that right there is the most amount of people I've ever seen AF King at once mercy that is very exciting to see how many people are on the server and it is looking like a good day for war it really is it really is we can go live now to DG teams base and it looks like we have yeah some people taking a collective poop before the battle on their giant toilets what do you think about that is that a good move for him you know I still don't understand the pigs what are the pigs rolls in the toilet you know you see them down there and I'm still confused by that but I noticed they do have a lot of food in there like staying staying keeping the nutrition up not as good as cake our cake here has vitamins for war then nobody came over here to eat any and let's also check in with star team star team looks like their Cham down on some pork chops on top of the giant turtle one of the slowest land animals known to man interesting choice for that base don't you think yeah I still don't know why the turtle comes in but you know if that works for them it's that that gets the the inner warrior spirit going I like it and also I do point out they have the most ferocious weapons I've ever seen it is painted a formal thing for G team G team is like the apple product of this war they're beautiful but functionable questionable yeah this standoff we don't know how long it'll last so we're gonna stick it out here and we'll bring you an update once we see some action we're back here at the broadcast center and we have been waiting for four hours for anything to happen between these two teams come it's been a long time had to had a lot of bathroom breaks we ate a lot of cake to see this thing get started man it's disappearing I've also had to put batteries in my golden microphone here that's how I say yeah so we ready to do something to instigate a little action I'm ready I'm ready should we do this oh yeah back at the broadcasting center here I'm looking over G team and come is over at we're looking at star T and we're looking at star team we got some major action going on over here it looks like doc heading for the super weapon alongside Welles Ren dog also they're sporting his little Ren t-shirt he's very classy classy wearing that into battle for sure I bet he's doing some some beats boys walk is that a little rig it's its little rant it's you know I'm over here looking at GT man and there's nothing going on oh oh somebody to merge from the base and they have jumped into the moat for a quick little swim cleaning their armor it looks like zombie Cleo moving out towards the main gate no I see I fusion I see you know what I think I see I see an impulse Manning is gas cannon up there looking quite majestic up there and Mustad looks like he's followed by false on the opposite side I also have team roof at the moment rocking with her skeleton heads except for disco he is the rebel of the group not choosing to wear the same skull as everyone else and they're overlooking everything zombie Cleo has made it to war of the store taking some yes taking some fire taking some fire she's even she's nice total disregard for your own safety oh man impulse coming in with the gash cannon cheese what a guy you know what I'm gonna go in for an interview scars as cub is doing the interview we're watching Grant down here on the ground building up barricades as a man con caped wielding action figure of some kind is moving close up to the walls I think that is the Joe Hill's looks like decoys here in the star Ford but the real guys are up there at the top false and impulse punching away apparently that's some kind of mechanism to activate the gas cannon still haven't used the Concord rockets at at the moment and war the store full of armaments who will actually use those armaments is anyone's question it looks like that is actually Jevon moving off to the far right side and oh my gosh we've got Graham bringing in the pain to the walls TNT is about to go off here as Ren diggity dog puts down the pain with the super weapon as it's arranged they better hurry as green is infiltrating the base with the broken walls cub coming back into the broadcasting centre here tell me what was going on there cub impulse was feeling confident he's got that square with the the gas cannon up there so yeah it looks like oh it looks like the drone may have already hit through the drone strike may have come early oh and it did it did come early yes it did did it mean any casualties it doesn't look like it man oh man look out look out G team now placing down defensive barriers here that is quite something that is quite something as you're interviewing Green came in there and destroyed their walls with TNT it was a very very clutch move Rin Diggity Dog part of the beat squad is still pairing to ramp up the super weapon it looks as doc is inside there may be technical difficulties Oh or or are they going to launch themselves with the super weapon that right there is a very interesting question would it then become a super-duper weapon that's the question we need to ask ourselves Skaar I think so interesting development over here there is lava and bridges being built over at Star team base false holding it down apparently these were built by G team oh snap yeah yeah look at the shoe my shoe much placing down lava over his own moat bold move bull move I'd like to actually hear from G team because they are not doing anything over at their base I'm gonna ask miss caliph you'd like to be on TV what do you guys do in to protect your base you got ID Evan over here doing some work it looks like he's about to die I like that we did see a clutch move by Green taking down the walls of star team base what's your next move visco I'm gonna sit back make sure they can't invade our base and all right we have a few questions from the audience and they asked will you be taking on the MVP of hermit craft PvP fall symmetry at any time during this battle this is a question from the audience opportunity arises I'll be sure to I'll be sure to take that fight I ain't backing down from well this has been scar from the field it's called very confident if false enters the battlefield also will throw it back up to cub welcome back by the way I saw it was getting a little crazy down there there were some charged creepers oh it was dangerous down there but it was good to hear from a teammate down below from the G team so we got a little perspective from them what is going on down here it looks like mass chaos it does it does indeed we have Kevin and Cleo sort of tag-team in it right here in front of the star team base and Joe Hills was killed trying to hurt Asuma that is another G team death so is G team for deaths remaining four lives remaining yeah it looks like the whole G team is heading over right now they are making the AES salt on on the Starbase on the Starbase it's looking like let's go over here they're crossing the moat they're walking the plank across the moat they're going with iron bars that's a bold move looks like one of them made it in definitely made it in there's another death by star team and two deaths by star team red and Doc both down Flynn and Doc both down Turtles coming off the board Turtles coming off the board current score Star team 7g team four and we have an infiltration going the opposite way now looks like the star team heading towards the G team they're using the ender pearl scar old move yeah they've taken some damage out front here from all of the charts creepers and I'm gonna say it I don't think G team has plugged the hole of the water cooler in the back where star team has infiltrated now three times into their base yep yep I'm seeing some of the aquatic nature of the G team in action here they're going down the the water elevator in the front it's a pack of charged creeper heads I don't know who they are these are weight weapons are being deployed in the control room oh my gosh sweet buttered crumpets look at this ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness we got a firestorm going on we got a firestorm going on looks like a Japanese sort of on the middle of it he's on his own doing something over on this side coming back underneath of us right now around the back and he's chasing no Cleo is actually following him I was actually just shot off by something what do you see scar I was blown away by that storm of fire just flowing from G team is unbelievable this is quite a fight it looks like we have two members emerging from the base dodging and weaving a zombie but may potentially be driven right into one of Concours very own traps huh whoa we just had a spawn of two creepers now zombie Cleo just dodged a trap one of her lone cats here down at the bottom she's entering the trenches being attacked now by a skeleton she is running with a mission and she will not be stopped by one two three creepers nor skeleton into the caves now into the caves yeah and zombie cleo man she has made the advancement hot stuff let me tell you if the apocalypse comes scar I want to be in a bunker made of zombie Cleo's face she is tough out there she is tough out there jeez who else do we have down here Jevon fighting skeletons mobs seem to be a major problem out here on the sheffster the tank he just took on two skeletons now a zombie and dodged two Khan Corp traps Wow a zombie just threw him into a hole and he dodged and weaved that hole like crazy dodged another creeper as he goes around the premature drone strike apparently arose a glitch in the con Corp system at the time mm-hmm-hmm yeah definitely a glitch in the con Corp systems yet and still betting the battling creepers you know what it's time for Skaar let's grab a piece of cake out of here let's get some cake time for cake break good just real quickly I like there you go just just absolutely wonderful all right back to the battlefield now back to the battlefield we got who do we have over here we this is an interesting development non playable characters are using the bridges built by G team and he fell off I Jeff in the tank once again just getting did but maintaining composure duck ups their undefeated we thought Jevon would might be like crying for mercy from the gas cannon here but in fact it is mercy crying fried Ravan look at him just standing up against that gas cannon basically so low basically solla one of the bravest acts of heroism towards a team I've ever seen it's cold no it is Wren dog coming in to finish Kevin off but Jevon once again comes through from G team and pulls out the victory on that one pushes Wren dog back into a hole Wow unbelievable yeah Brent looks like he might be in trouble here against Javon Jevon expert PV Peter he's got rin on fire and running haven't oh we got we got some action near our Oh when dog is down take one turtle down off that board send him back Davy Jones's Locker alright that's star 6g team four we got a battle ladies and gentlemen we got a battle now we come back to the battlefield with new information that a sneaky green potentially using invisibility potions by stealth infiltrated the base and has a flag but we do not see him yet hence being invisible pulse was slain by Isco I assume what was slain by stress and that that is a couple more deaths so we have let's see is Cole on the G team went down and stress on the G team went down so G team down to two now so we now have star we have let's see well force was slain by yeah okay you got it you got it yeah yeah yeah so two five two five two two five flag captured green oh we've got action over here at the broadcast center down below there is a fight brewing with AI Jevon and wells Knight alerting the conquer up to fences it looks like nige evan has popped a potion and he's being assisted by multiple other teammates doc and Ren dog have sent them down into the concore shop there which can be looted that's true that's true Jevon slain by wells as well look out that brings it down to one live left for G team I ride Qi team only one left and their their coach zombie Cleo zombie Cleo went down and no sorry doc was stock went down in impulse so to store team's stew tourists to start team decimals those are two Turtles tried to keep track of who's the ones team I think we took down three let's do me Charles we're get we're getting over over over anxious total action nice nice fantastic and I'm not sure is this is over it may be over pull the lever oh geez quick get on the boat come we gotta go break your break your break your break you out of here we're at the land boat no no come on the land boats now scar that's all we got that's all we got we're under attack heavens life to the machine we got to go are you on it we got to make our escape we got to retire to the golf course ah the Concorde flying machine here guys has been defeated by a turret and chicken potentially pulled Turan but I don't scar Hey ladies I made it something my boat got destroyed by a drowned but I made it somehow man I made it oh I'm so happy I'm stuck here Cobb like I'm stuck at this giant turret there's a chicken it's giving me a lot of looks it laid an egg it's making me feel uncomfortable hi huh my gosh okay let me come down there I thought you said this was going to the golf course oh well I mean it was but you know Falls just had to build this giant beautiful turret in the way she's the least oh yeah she got us you got us it looks like the turret has a runny nose like it's very oh yeah yeah yeah but we got away man we got away from the explosion they didn't get us we got all the diamonds time to retire man we got to get to that golf course I'm so happy to retire with all of our beautiful diamonds and especially being the victors in the winners truly of the war indeed indeed now time to relax with some cake and some golf ah sweet sweet retirements nothing like it scar nothing like it ah it feels good to be back here at the golf course relaxing in our little restaurant here after a long day I have the looks like I have a stake and you have the vegetarian option for dinner tonight yeah I went for the cake instead though you know why not you know we're retired now we're totally done with everything on the main hermit craft island just sitting out here you know no shops to worry about all our shops closed down and it's good to just be here so we got some project still to do out here in our retirement now that we won the war were the true winners clearly evident by our inventories and our hands look get the size of those Devon bucks you have over there mm-hmm plenty of plenty where this came from as well like so many diamond blocks we can't even begin to count them just crazy amounts of diamonds oh it's glorious it is glorious so what do we still have to do over here but not in any rush because retired people don't need to rush around or anything along those lines yeah also good news G team came in second so that means that we get to keep all the diamonds that the the star team bet so we get two even more diamonds from that so we ended up on top that way as well so we need to privatize this members-only keep the riffraff out you know how it is yeah we also need we need to finish the golf course and the clubhouse here there is no place to use the restroom here it has been a problem since day one mm-hmm yeah yeah I mean we have plenty of stuff to eat my cake and stuff but no place no place to go poop you know we should have stole one of G team's pig toilets on the way out yeah we should have definitely done that and also we need to maybe build some retirement homes out here on the course oh you know we're gonna we're gonna be out here for a while and I'm enjoying retirement enjoying our wealth so uh yeah we got to build some retirement homes I think I like the sound of that we can use a little bit of our winnings from the war for that which will be really nice and yeah so bathrooms houses and a few other things around here as we sit back and relax in our little retirement community as winners and yeah look at this just beautiful diamonds from all diamonds now just wonderful just wonderful this is gonna be great we got games here we got food here in the restaurant we got all the facilities we need live out here in our retirement [Music]
Channel: GoodTimesWithScar
Views: 120,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, Hermitcraft Season 6, hermitcraft ep 53 season 6, minecraft 1.13.2, minecraft 1.13.2 survival multiplayer, minecraft survival lets play, hermitcraft civil war, hermitcraft con corp, hermitcraft season 6 concorp, hermitcraft convex, minecraft flying machine, minecraft flying machine plane, Hermitcraft G Team, Hermitcraft Team star, goodtimeswithscar, scar
Id: wtU3_v7CxTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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