TIME TRAVELER FROM 2036!?! - Deep Web Browsing 160

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hello guys and gals me Muthu horn welcome to another episode of deep web browsing dank web browsing dark web browsing part of the week will be capstone my week off and hopefully some of yours with some lovely browsing of the web that's a little too darker for regular viewing we've got out we've got special tools to access it but as always the theme is gonna be random and most likely it's gonna end just being a hilarious little mess at times but that being said I'm gonna sit back over here relax ladies and gentlemen and go to our very first web site love North Korean children oh man ok first of all I almost feel like I've seen the site before but that's because I've seen so much Asian stuff on the deep web and stuff so much Asian stuff in general that it's all just amalgamating into one make that some slight racism on my part so I don't [ __ ] know but in reality almost feel like I've seen some of these sites but anyways let's go into his love North Korean children I'll tell you one thing if if there was an award for the worst way to name your website or company that is [ __ ] it okay alright that's where it's that dude Chris Hanson is uh Chris Hanson is watching from everywhere let me tell you but we've gotta improving children's lives in North Korea so already much [ __ ] want to say there's you know murderers and [ __ ] everywhere we've got this so let's say we feed impoverished children in North Korea by opening and operating bakeries across the country so you got a photo of a woman baking flatbread I guess what it is how we feed the children we purchase we directly purchase and deliver flour from other raw ingredients from China to North Korea oh so that makes sense if you guys don't know North Korea's like only trading partner I think is China like obviously South Korea or Japan or Vietnam or any of the other Asian countries are obviously not friendly with North Korea okay [ __ ] you think you think Japan with all the nukes that are being said over there things like you know we'll send you food why not write that China is their only partner and they establish a pretty good relationship between each other for for as much as I know right we directly employed the staff needed to open and operate our bakery so all funds go towards feeding the children the staff are compensated with flour not currency so the people that work in these bakeries are not paid with like money but they're paid with food instead right which is yeah I mean in a communist totalitarian estate like North Korea food is a pretty hard dealing to come by with anyways if you don't know food in North Korea is like scarce like those guys are always starving down there just because the government puts more money into like building nukes and saying [ __ ] e to America instead of food like I mean if you're France and you're saying [ __ ] you to America and make sense because you have money for weapons and food but like man no [ __ ] I feed your people like I don't want to start a political turf or my [ __ ] feed people all right let's be serious here in 2001 the North Korean government granted access to love North Korean children to open bakeries across North that [ __ ] name dude that name just does not help in general so what is this like a u un un or something like that they got a Facebook page for God's sakes now I don't know how this opens let's go let's go look around over here so this is their story oh they got a whole team of Baker's man this is actually pretty cute they get they got people here helping to bake North Korean stuff I'm pretty sure like this [ __ ] and this guy there that they see like that badge over there oh yeah [ __ ] this has to be North Korea dude they got the DPRK emblems everywhere that's oh my oh my indeed which started ln casey was first identified on backwards gun down what started ln Casey was first identifying an inadequate supply of food and nutrition that exists in North Korea for children within the country in 2001 the North Korean government granted access from love North Korean children's bakery project to open multiple bakeries across North Korea to date Ellen Casey has opened and operates six bakeries in various cities throughout the country so our founder is Reverend George REE REE is the founder of manna mission of Europe love North Korean children George immigrated from Seoul to London in 1990 and became a UK citizen in 2001 in the same year after a visit to China North Korea where he saw firsthand many poor and homeless kids he decided to establish a charity to open and operate bakeries in North Korea George's father was from North Korea and had come to South Korea during the Korean War where he was separated from the other family members looking all that's that's [ __ ] up dude that's oh man mr. e works tirelessly in all aspects of the charity whether its fundraising securing raw food ingredients conducting monitoring trips meeting with officials related to the charity work or responding to unforeseen challenges that can arise often from any one of these areas Georgia's commitment to the children and getting them fed is unwavering and shows no sign of slowing down and then they got the whole partner with them so ten bucks will sponsor a North Korean child's lunch for an entire month as yet it's this wholesome man okay so like you say what you will about charity man but at least this guy is I guess transparent with it again I don't know how the North Korean government allows it because isn't it the whole mentality that they want their people to [ __ ] know that they're they're not starving or anything like that I don't know I don't know how this works but our bakery so here they got bakeries the each bakery has a capacity of feeding 2,500 to 5,000 children and the staff the cost of running one bakery is 8,000 to 15,000 US per month costs include fuel flour cost of repairs and the salaries for 15 people you can make a difference all man dude my gosh you just opened a bakery right now actually Jesus Christ that's all it is sorry WAN Grail Nampo Pyongyang Seoul Hwang Sun in najin sunbong which are the cities that they've covered so yeah I don't even know there were that many other you know that makes me believe that like they're actually like legitimate about that because I don't even hear about some of these cities before dude Nampo sorry Juan quail I mean I knew about Pyongyang and Huang Shan but didn't even know about nausea and sunbong which is Wow okay so yeah they got charity bake locate even got photos of it all they got foot as a ration somebody I'll learn more dude let's learn the way no I gotta learn more about this [ __ ] oh man that's that is wholesome dude all you said know-it-all a flower and [ __ ] goddamn you know for a country where there is a lot of impoverishment impoverish miss this guy's doing a good thing I will say it's got this guy's got a good he's providing jobs and ultimately feeding feeding your [ __ ] children I guess so you can contact them leave them a nice message actually actually I actually leave them a nice message muda horror okay all bad feels wholesome you know that's a great way to start today man aside from the size from a crappy size from uh I feel wholesome dude besides from like a weird naming scheme it a good-natured website man I gotta say that much but that being said let's go to something else John tight for time traveling all man okay so we got a time travel website ladies and gentlemen old you know I love you time travel all right so here he goes time travel is not not as impossible as you think it to be okay let's look at it why are we asking this now to russian mathematicians have suggested that the giant atom smasher being built at the European Center for Nuclear Research CERN turn may be near Geneva could create the conditions where it might be possible to travel backwards or forward in time in that essence arena our FF a-- and igor ivanovich believed that the Large Hadron Collider at turned which is due to be switched on this year for the first time might create tiny wormholes in space which could allow some form of limited time travel time travel into the future is absolutely possible in fact time passes at a different rate in orbit than it does on the ground you tell me we could go we could do the future I'm in reality alright so this is a whole website basically based around time travel dude he's made a song are you kidding with me there's a song oh I got here oh it's gone I came in here dude but he made a song for it two suns time-travel remakes hotter alright Jesus Christ so it's not just time-travel okay a lot of you wants to talk about state right so I can definitely guess this as a united states-based individual mad cow stories oh man fertility drugs pose risk of mad cow disease mad cow fears put Saudi Arabia on Canadian Blood Services exclusion lists oh boy dude Saudi Arabia's got some mad cow disease the be fatal all this time buddy let's go down over here I apologize for not updating the site for almost a year now so the last update was 2010 okay meaning the site is almost 10 [ __ ] years old okay almost so that that let that be known may be time travel hasn't been discovered last Sunday I got a Google Alert that took me to an audio chat room discussing John Titor at godlike productions calm I was amazed to see how many people are still following the post and the many diverse opinions and ideas of who wrote them okay so religion you don't know godlike productions I think as far as I know isn't it like a conspiracy sharing website or something III haven't I seen it mentioned a couple times for like weird [ __ ] but I don't know from what I know it's like some conspiracy theory like showing the Doomsday or whatever the hell it is I don't get whatever so let's go down over here is there code in John's post so you can see that there's definitely a form of religious indoctrination over here what we religiousness but the more you go down like it just goes from place to place man researcher uses a hundred thousand degree heat to study plasma and you see 20 2009 was a better year now we're using [ __ ] thousand degree knives to [ __ ] catch it damn it so yeah you can definitely tell a no.9 it was fairly active so oliver williams he's got a lights-out paranormal radio deer in Matkal host fear what is up with like it's time travel god and mad cow disease okay sometimes things should not link the way that they do just same gauge [ __ ] weird okay so the current black hole reasons for texas to secede in 2009 oh my lord scientists propose lab grade black holes what we're gonna make wouldn't that kill us although like isn't that something we read on exit and monday where it was like they had black hole like the collide they could make black holes one day and they could just suck us all in within a second one day scientists may create the ultimate tempest in a teapot an artificial black hole and a millimeter long gadget such laboratory-grade black holes may illuminate enigmatic physical properties of their wild galactic counterparts all from the safety of a lab bench a study to appear in Physical Review Letters suggests changing the strength of the horizon creating magnetic pulse may create conditions that fluctuate this is some death strand [ __ ] - goddamn is the US government going to war with US citizens oh boy find out Matt cast oh why why is the mad cow here why is mad cow okay why it's so [ __ ] out of left field that I just I can't I can't do it so war in the u.s. watch the next thing mad cow mad woman dies for mad cow disease oh it's time travel dude what is - oh my god I remember 2036 very clearly it is difficult to describe 2036 in detail with us spending a great deal of time explaining why things are so different in 2036 I live in Central Florida with my family and I'm currently stationed at an army base in Tampa a World War in 2015 killed Wow kill three billion people remember that world war ladies and gentlemen 2015 when three billion [ __ ] died the people that survived grew closer together life is centered on the family and then the community I cannot imagine living even a few hundred miles away from my parents there is no large industrial complex creating masses of useless food and recreational items food and livestock has grown and sold locally people spend much more time reading and talking together face-to-face religion has taken seriously and everyone can multiply and divide in their heads oh man could you imagine John Titor like looking at [ __ ] 2018 now and that's almost the exact opposite of what oh my god how is our world line different from this one for starters the fact that I'm here makes it different I've also noticed little things like news events that happened at different times football games won by other teams things like that I mean John football teams there's only two of them right either one of the others gonna win come on dude I would guess the temporal divergence between the world line and my original is about one or two percent of course the longer I'm here the larger the divergence and divergence becomes from my point of view are you drawn back to a world line of origin for any reasons okay this is John but he's from another world okay I'm not sure what you mean by stable if you mean mentally there are many things that bother me here but being with my parents right now is important to me physically the only thing really wrong is the number of colds I get all right so so John is basically an individual that claims to be from another time period and he has wrote and he has written everything can you explain what the purpose of time travel is in your world time okay why is time travel used it is used to get information or items that would be helpful in getting post-world War 3 world back to a normal condition so he's from like almost a post-apocalyptic scenario that suddenly is doing better I don't [ __ ] know this is a this is interesting okay what is music like in 2036 uh what what music is much less centralized oh my god what what social prejudices okay what does health care like you'd probably not like it at all what is the entertainment industry like there are movies and TVs but everything is distributed over the net and more people produce their own shows okay so he's kind of predicted at least some things that have happened in our time so yeah I don't know dude I don't I don't even know anymore this he claims to be from form 2036 in a different time line and and and now now it's back not now now you went back to the future in another timeline right over here I don't know my brain hurts dude okay you know what John Titor we're gonna come back to this site at some other point this is gonna happens is gonna be a continue next week we're gonna look at some more of John Titor stuff so hopefully let's let's let's get out of here and let's go somewhere else totally real hit man services you can tell this is fake as [ __ ] because it's a totally real but anyways let's read it welcome we are a team of experienced gay bisexual I can't imagine that okay well they're gay and bisexual no straight people out on this hit man service I'm dedicating to carrying out various are you are you are you a man unlike the vagina will [ __ ] you you better like dick as well otherwise you ain't in this club flat carrying out various forms of warm fuzzy trauma on those who deserve a swift five across the check the tape I've never heard those sayings before check the table below to get a rough estimation of how much cash you will need to be dishing out total prices may vary stupid [ __ ] okay so extreme tickling is 15b TCM alotta whatever a tickle thirty two percent success rate how do you have a thirty three percent success rate mo'fucker you tickler you don't surprise is twenty veetc ninety-six percent okay at least you got that cohen surprise tongue kids like i see the success rate thighs as five BTC more passionate hug is ten BTC 99% but slap is fifteen BTC crotch grab is expensive things ear lick leg grinding a noodle egg grinding love note other method contact us oh my [ __ ] god dude alright first pick the method of action indicated in the table then contact us with as much information about your target as possible this includes name address phone number if possible pant size bra size hair color this will indicate which one of our team members will be suitable for the task before we assign one of our professionals to your case will be required to pay 60% of the BTC price up front once the case has been completed we will provide evidence of the that the task was successful and carried out to your satisfaction once you have confirmation from us you paid the additional 40% we will not open a case on anyone under the age of 18 political figures get a residence or police officers at this time the continent of africa is not an option for action we previously had numerous ebola and AIDS outbreaks within our group and we're not dealing with that [ __ ] again canadian cases will only be opened under special circle and an assist them off to munch dude they got special cases this due to members [ __ ] everything up because they smoke too much weed blew through all of our funds and forgot to do their [ __ ] job damn what value like got whatever dude us a customer notice if you are if you are a customer for the united states please we beg you please let us know if this person gun enthusiast since there are more guns in the States than people we would prefer to not suffer an embarrassing failure by one of our professionals being shot in the face rednecks are also risky so please let us know the person's level of white trash come on your hand Oh Rasmus don't you think we do not accept cases from the state of Texas or Mississippi anymore Alaska and Hawaii may require additional fees for travel oh well least there at least you're secure that additional fees may be required after everything has been completed in some case our team members will be forced to seek medical attention due to the severity of action taken against them while the shenanigans are in progress this means we get our asses kicked a lot yeah I mean if you're gonna come up and new to hug my leg I'm gonna [ __ ] punch you so hard in the face that you're gonna [ __ ] live it for the rest of your life this is not a guaranteed fee but most of the time it does happen and that [ __ ] gets expensive especially when it comes to teeth repair that's true man that is that is pretty true so they got to contact us over here all right as a security measure we advise you to use our PGP key this will ensure that nobody can intercept communications and read exchanges of information do not if you don't use PGP your email will be slap in the face ignored also if you use the words brah or bro one [ __ ] time in the email we're coming to your house oh man so here's their team in action they got a video but I can't actually play it well let's get awesome we're not real hitmen gay or bisexual we just think all of those hitman services are funny ok you know what I'm so [ __ ] glad we got a hitman service that's not full of nonsense it's I'm so glad I'm so glad I can come across spoof [ __ ] like this you know you know the problem is if somebody who comes across this looks at it really quickly as I go man I'm backing out of this a man service just give it a read they're gay bisexual pros dedicated to carrying out various forms of warm fuzzy trauma you ever need a butt slap or a crotch grab maybe a little bit of an ear lick you want that surprise tongue kiss or maybe you like that extreme tickling or you want that love note I don't know what that could mean or another special method and these ones are the ones you should call man but yeah I don't know dude this some of the stuff is borderline rapey so I wouldn't bother purchasing it for somebody I mean if you want it done on yourself then consensually why not right get that get that surprised tongue kiss you know what I mean but for 25 BTC a little bit too expensive you know what I mean but two up in the price maybe knock that down to a couple you know you for fifty bucks maybe and be down but let's go somewhere else and hello guys Gail and welcome to our dink web video of the week 27 second video actually below our average ladies and gentlemen believe it or not finally you know we've got some short videos but we got some a skyline look of a very foggy City I always loved the fog man it's always a bet best time this time of it that best weather conditions for me but you know what regardless of what I think about the fog it's time I hit play and see exactly what we're dealing with holy [ __ ] [ __ ] my ears my god dude my god let me fix that up real quick my ears are gone okay what the [ __ ] okay as a mark project that is is this a movie there's some World Order's like war of the world should no it's not oh my god you can see like the shake and everything what the [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] that's really yes that's something oh my god hold on a second hold on posit wait a minute wait that's a special effect okay so there's definitely a [ __ ] art project but it's not like edgy or anything this guy that's that took me by surprise it's like you're over the video a while back where we saw the UH what was it like the Slender Man like thing that was walking like literally on the on the what was it like it was just walking on the on the sides of building and at the time that was like you know it was I was like a spider that was on like a meshing or something like that or somebody like edited that in this is definitely a CGI work dude and like really impressive CGI work like this [ __ ] should be working for like goddamn like Disney or DreamWorks like a big production studio because that's actually pretty well made so basically for those of you don't know alright he's got this done in After Effects After Effects blender for sure there's definitely a 3d model that was made and he's got this thing rolling around but he's also got like a little like like nudges added in like every time like there's a sub looking when that foot lands and the shake of the camera yeah like like they've got a little [ __ ] going on it's really nice but they've got they've got everything really going the way that it is but none of this is obviously real because had this obviously been real we would have it would be in the news everywhere let's be serious here okay nobody could sit there and say well maybe they're real moot it no it's not it's far from reality but there is definitely a person who made this and they made it really [ __ ] amazing dude if you watch this video whoever made this definitely comment down below I will pin the [ __ ] out of that you deserve whatever [ __ ] respect you get dude or dudette woman or man away I don't know anybody but whoever made this work of CGI stuff very well they should work for like a big production team I'm think if I can Disney or something like that because this is well-made this is some good graphically effective stuff now one of the things that I'm also impressed by is the sound right so like you can hear that there's like a siren rain I think the siren actually exists in the background like if you look at if you listen to it really closely the asides from where it goes Paul all the sirens actually real so this is definitely got to be someplace where they have like a air-raid siren or something kick off I mean I think it has something to do with like because there's so much rain and fog going on there might actually be a lack of visibility in some place it might actually be flooding so I think the horn is that it in just because like I've edited sound so much that I feel that the horn is definitely real like it's from an actual environmental thing the the bar effect and obviously that and the walking effects are obviously from the graphical artists themselves adding that in post audio mix so I don't know dude it's very well and convincingly done and if I if I looked out my window and saw this [ __ ] yeah I died I died god I'd go see Jesus let me tell you that much but I don't think there's much else to see other than the first actual dank web art project which is actually a proper art project and really well done dude so hey we got to see some pretty mighty awesome CGI this week dude I gotta say it definitely beats last week with the mass going I don't know what the [ __ ] that was all about but you know what this this I can [ __ ] with man this I can't ooh alien the crew aboard the deep space vessel Nostromo response to an SOS call upon arrival disaster strikes when they discovered they are not alone Oh what is this nonsense ladies and gentlemen we have an ale amount desktop dude it's been a while since I've seen some male Mouse [ __ ] but over here let's click start to see the ale amount desktop ladies and gentlemen they got bootstrap code timestamps dates hello agents 727 whoo you can find me inside mmm oh my let's actually start this up so what is if somebody made like a [ __ ] argh or some [ __ ] like out of out of an alien desktop in space no one can hear you loading well I'm on earth and everyone can see me loading actually so I don't know it seems kind of away from it I even got an email saying something about a Lamaze but let's go load this up loading alien API all right taking a bit of its time but it's got a web-based [ __ ] what is this mu this is interesting so you've got you've got I believe the the Alienware logo or something like colorize like it has to be the Alienware logo but it's loading up so you've got search console it's even got like dates and everything around but let's open up a console real quickly so what it's just like a terminal shell or something is a shell Center ok so well it takes forever to load up stuff so on the Ayla Mouse definitely have crappier tech than us so they've got a nail EA lamelle console let's type in help okay show me dir I guess and a directory or command not found you know dai is in session sorry LS okay LS LS desktop maybe what the [ __ ] clear okay clear desktop what is this okay now give me help again give me help again what is this chat open a chat with alien IRC clear the console close the frames exit the console reload show the session keys okay so first I'm gonna do is maybe open up chat is there another group of people around here it's got it's got a whole chat Center to be honest with you so let me just move that wow it's like a full-on desktop I like it man it's kind of cool so it's loading up over here alien IRC I don't know there's like a bot or something but it loads up not evil which is the deep web search engine right over there so it's got some cool photos for you to go look around with but uh yeah it's loading up right over here so we've got an alien key what is this they have one opera 11 user 7 invisible 2 servers one operator online what if I typed in hello anyone there like typing that over here what the [ __ ] this is the weirdest [ __ ] dude it's like a it's like a cool little a like what is this supposed to be like a full-on org or something you're open up the console again show me the About section really it's like legit loading up different segments it's like a full on desktop man and you're starting the first time I've seen it but [ __ ] it is it is interesting so let's load up all their sections real quick let's even minimize the console or maximize it oh no I think I think the site might crash if you think as much as it can on Firefox which is not too much though so here it is welcome to alien first I'd like to thank my friends libero store kick the supporting endlessly making a lien what it is today so what is a lien it is a tour only communications portal with the emphasis on privacy and security in a hostile environment at its heart a lien as a custom LS delivering and delivering a httpd service daemon configured for reliability and robustness starting in the beginning a lien OS was customized custom designed okay I couldn't read it but a web service that powers this normally found on the regular service when aliens land on your browser and turn it into a desktop essentially a lien is a Web OS a platform remotely delivered to provide a secure communications front-end to an insecure device so basically they made like a super tour relay I guess you want to say it so basically you can browse the Deep Web chat to other fellow alum out agents and use a basic console to communicate over here so at the end it's a web operating system if you want to like deal with it in that case but other than that it's what it is there's not much else you can do on the ALM au services all right but I mean if you want to browse the Deep Web using a llama services I guess you can like there's nothing guiding away from it but there's nothing else to it like all of it is just pretty much done and done like I mean maybe if I type in like candles which is another search engine on the Deep Web yeah I mean I can Bret no I can't even browse the Devo but just sends you out to another web page right so yeah it's it's something weird dude I don't know how to categorize it but if you had a fetish for browsing the Deep Web in a situation like this by all means you absolutely can ladies and gentlemen there is nothing stopping you but for me I'm gonna back out of this and head off just somewhere else Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven oh boy probably triggered like 90% of other religions on the planet but hey you know let's not turn this into our religious turf war you know you know your boy Buddha I just hates that [ __ ] but anyways let's go to Jesus is the only way to heaven I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me Jesus John 14:6 so about Jesus is Savior calm okay so Harvey that's the official side of it I guess how to be saved you must be born again salvation is by grace through faith + nothing okay so so great salvation the grift of prophecy alright so they've got photos of soldier destroyers shooting up a mom and her child oh my lord well not shooting up like just before the inside job unmasking the 9/11 wolf in sheep's clothing we hope you liked our bible' all right and then you've got you've got was your distant granddaddy a gorilla sadly some people would like for you to believe in there is not one shred of proof of evolution oh boy oh boy ladies and gentlemen old boy they just triggered some [ __ ] okay so before and after so how the universe doesn't work the insane claims of the unscientific world evolution is unintellectual fraud a big hoax NASA lunar or loony yeah you [ __ ] NASA scientists are all lulululu nerd lunacy the young earth creation movement deceiving their followers for over 40 years all right so let's go down over here origin of moon alright so this is a site that's obviously pretty heavy when it comes down to when it comes down to religion for sure I mean let's be honest here how the figure how watch how it 150 made by hand still think a chaotic bang formed a universe the flood local or global evolution is not science the evolution deceit the fable of evolution okay so they got a bunch of arguments over here against evolution and they're all run by Jesus as Savior calm I frequently receive emails from evolutionists accuse me of being ignorant of science we have certainty their accusation rests in the fact that evolution is not based upon science but rather upon unproven speculation science means to study how can you study something that doesn't exist how can you call evolution science if it can't be studied oh my [ __ ] god evolution is a theory and out of science the reason why evolution is only a theory simply because no one can prove that it has ever happened if you ever sit down and take the time to ponder over some of the teachings of the evolutionist you'll then realize the foolishness of the whole theory of evolution for the evolutionists teach that the giraffe is a longneck because it evolved over millions of years all my [ __ ] guts so he's saying that because you can't repeat evolution you can't test you can't observe it it's not science David just look at the micro cellular level you can see evolution and some elements and that I mean if you have a lifespan of 600 years let's look at human being six hundred years from now why not buddy let's let's pull that off proofs of an Old Earth everything this is a [ __ ] Deus Ex [ __ ] an e GE presentation to you claims is ut3 mr. J social manipulation if further ICD implants can be used for medical and other purposes in both cases informed consent is required okay so yeah they're talking about cyber humans dude this covers everything man cyber humans microchips or brain chips Universal soldiers ones Universal soldiers dude working with you experimenting super soldiers by sticking microchips in their brain what is this crisis stuff man what the hell is crazy the Washington Monument is that what is this weight of it at six six six wait hold on hold on hold on John Kerry campaigning in October of 2004 Senator John Kerry tie two six six six vodafone remember the six six six ah vodafone at six six six dark no what is this six six seat six has two of those barcodes six six six 0.6 oh man what is this photo of Condoleezza Rice to the UN in 2005 in the number six six six behind her six six that has to be [ __ ] rotoscope dude or come on man come on it's that's just silly Alice Bailey mentions Christ six hundred and sixty-six times in her book a Washington Monument what is this obelisk four phallic male penis symbols related to your Egyptian Sun god Osiris the four sides are aligned with what is this a second so they got this 660 inches the brighter the envelopes 6666 inches okay so because that has a dimension 666 in it devil devil the infamous Lucifer trust publishing company founded by Luciferians Allison Foster Bailey originally located at 666 and United Nations Plaza oh man do 666 the signs of satan t-pain 666 all right everyone six six six six a little bit of Kevin Spacey in there oh my god dude six isn't that just like peace dude why is that always gotta be 666 I mean come on now Oprah's what six six six that's just pushing it nobody's laughing in hell Donald Trump is a member of the Illuminati oh really now 666 and the New King James Bible oh man they got it everywhere Iron Maiden is one of the most demonic rock and roll bands ever did oh my lord okay well I don't know what to say ladies and gentlemen I don't know what to say special special virus cancer program they're spreading cancer through 666 oh the rapture could happen today okay so the rapture is like what is it it's basically like where all the good people get like sent up to heaven and we're sent down over here and for like 30 seconds a minute it's gonna be total biblical violence and carnage is now what the rapture as far as I know really is so the following is a mock newspaper or perhaps one day might expect after the rapture thousands of people missing White House blames terrorist group Tiger Woods hit new records massive terrorist attacks several thousand confirmed dead oh my lord dude so the rapture basically so they're telling us about how the rapture is happening but the one thing cool about this is they don't actually have the rapture exactly listed like a lot of other locations where like the [ __ ] in at least reference and the rapture is is just it's just literally upon us like right there next to us the rapture is available so I'm glad I'm glad they've got they've got their own things kicking out for it you know it is what it is but the more and more we go down to the end of the world we go back this is just one tiny part of everything else lady and gentlemen Jesus man protests gay day oh boy keep the Homefront pledge warning freedom isn't free there is no war on drugs what is that no one are we are we gonna excruciating to Jesus oh man there we go dude they've got dude you know something I got to say one thing the people who write this the people are behind this are definitely the most passionate people I've met and I got to respect them for it I have to respect them for this and that opinion because well I might not agree with what they're saying you can definitely tell it everything they've written they mean they mean it okay they're definitely behind it they got it you will burn in hell holy [ __ ] okay you know what maybe maybe man maybe might happen to me dude I don't know man but you know I I hope one day I can sit down by Evangelion Evan jealous Phil kid and we can have a nice drink and talk about the situation I don't know but what I'm gonna do now is back out and definitely go somewhere else and ladies and gentlemen and ladies and gentlemen that was another deep web video of the week the part of the week where we sit back relax and look at some dank or sides of the internet this week you saw a lot of Jesus stuff a lot of a time traveling the best hit man service I've ever come across within some pretty nice t GI ladies and gentlemen this has been another dank web video of the week let me know what your favorite part of it was let me know what you like to see next week if you got some money and links you want to share definitely post them in the reddit link I leave in the description below but that being said if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you disliked it this is me muta Hara and I am [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 168,683
Rating: 4.9204841 out of 5
Keywords: time, traveler, from, 2036, deep web, dark web, deep, dark, browsing, exploration, 160, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, some ordinary gamers
Id: GYk57QT5z0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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