Here In My Garage, My New 2018 Range Rover Supercharged!

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hey everybody thanks for joining we're gonna show you this new toy it's a new 2018 Range Rover and it's not the one that you've seen before it's very very different we'll go through that in a second but before we do I want to bring to your attention some questions that have been asked about the giveaway so last week we announced a giveaway the black diamond tennis bracelet a lot of people have been asking can they answer if they're not in the US the answer to that is absolutely yes you absolutely can the reason that we said you had to be in the US is because if we send the bracelet to a country outside of the United States the winner is responsible for customs duties and there's going to be quite a lot of money on a $10,000 bracelet so if you're outside of the US and you want to enter what you need to do is provide a u.s. address if you win or alternatively come get it we'll be happy to give it to you so there you go don't forget enter the giveaway because if you don't enter you can't win and best of luck to you now let's get on to this new toy I got [Music] so this is a 2018 Range Rover supercharged 5-liter it's the top-of-the-line car and although it looks very similar it's actually very very different so let's point out a few of the little cosmetic differences on the exterior and then we'll go to the big changes let's start with the headlights these are completely different and it has all LEDs I guess that didn't do what I told you would do but you all know by now I have no idea how any of this stuff works so there you go but it do we go mirrors oh yeah so you have these little I don't even know what they are but they're very cool and then the the lights themselves they're LEDs and they're they're formatted across there the front bumper is different it's similar but it's different this is very very different to I say very very different it's not very very different it's subtly different so this is 2018 the other one that we've shown was the 2017 no the other one was a 2016 okay all right this is the 2018 and it's the new model and it chose to do that by itself I did not have any assistance I don't know why it did that but the rims on it these are factory rims but they're not the standard rims these are the upgraded rooms a 22 inch and I actually really like them but I'm still thinking about changing them because I wouldn't be me if I didn't do something to the car it has the blackout package the last one I had I wrapped the mirrors and the roof and everything was actually wrapped this is from the factory I ordered it this way it's all painted the real lights are different they changed sorry about the dirt on here they changed the way that the bezels are and a little bit of the design there big difference is the exhaust it has these two yeah because you had an aftermarket system on the last one I did yes I did this one well again it's not sure but it comes this way if you want it this way [Music] the back opens in two sections the top and then there's another button here for the bottom section very cool very cool right yeah yes listen goodies that didn't have in the last one so these top buttons here put down the rear seat so I'm gonna crush one of these and hopefully I get it right so there we go so that is now pretty known the seats I'm going to stop and put it back up again but that's really cool because you know nobody have to undo things and unbolt things this one you don't this here is something I didn't know that the car had Adam kindly pointed it out to me as we were putting his camera together and what it does don't know why it does this but you can press it and the car will actually go yeah why is it doing this I think it's because if you were parked on a hill and you needed to level out the boot so that you could get stuff in there flat I think it's for that or so you can use it as dinner table and have yeah that's where it's for picnic have your lunch on it but it goes so high just don't pop it pop it all the way up oh yeah yeah I want to I want to show people just how high it goes I was amazed and iov yep still going still going that's crazy it's still going I'm six foot three and it's like oh my gosh just cut so big yeah there you go all the way up okay I'm gonna put it down otherwise I'll never be able to get in it is it going down it is and I think we're nearly there right that's it you're all the way down okay is this is this automatic or no no this is oh wow that's great those up and then fold it again and you can also see it has these speaker pods this this one has the big Meridian sound system with 16 speakers in it and I think it's 800 watts not that you need 800 watts in a car but it has it I figured why not they have it I might as well have it right go press this once and hopefully everything closing how about that lovely yay so far so good I haven't messed up really right look look who's here it better come around here attack it also has soft close doors for sure Oh while we're in the baqia yeah it has rear electric seats which the other one didn't have as well and it has real massage and heat and air conditioned as well they are air-conditioned yes they are so nice isn't it beautiful yeah it's truly beautiful it's making Meridian sound small pleasures in life sitting on air-conditioned seats wearing gym shorts there you go understand but uh but yep that's that's very nice but I have to attest to the fact that that's a good thing okay so the stuff closed doors if you don't close it all the way it will close it's it again so I have to do it gently because of what they see how is it so very cool these lighter I don't think you can see it maybe you can't can you say that mmm they changed color actually right now they're set on like a purple color yeah and another fun feature that the car has is when you come to it at night underneath here there's a light that shines down the pub lights yeah and it says Range Rover it's a supercharged v8 Range Rover I know really pretty cool yeah Wow I think you can get custom ones of those done you should get like producer Michael Dunn that'd be cool right yeah yeah if that's the case I've seen them on like some some big Lambos and things I've seen them like custom installed really so it has like people's logos for like brand new I think in fact your illegitimate son Logan Paul Ryan Lincoln for I think he has the Maverick logo on his four by four by four thing you know the big G Wagon CAF I would imagine it's very easy to do it's just a little cover that yeah so hop in and that's actually you've probably better off if you jump in the back okay and then you can see all the fun features at the house which is a clean don't worry [Music] this card does not close the door itself so you may want to pull it cheap I know you know I was trying to get them to install automatic electric doors but so close the door second and I'm going to see if this works theoretically when I closed did well when the doors are closed want to start the engine the roof should automatically open not the glass portion but the shade shade sure we'll see if that works yep okay so press the button and music our music let's switch the music off and there it is there it is it's actually doing it that's pretty cool right I mean that's the whole roof is glass yeah everything's nice and it sort all opens - yeah don't obviously the whole thing slides back we don't know where it goes but what if it folds in two halves like one one half and then the other no idea I don't even know how to do it that didn't do it it went over the top so check that out that's pretty cool see I lied again it goes down as far as it goes that's nice there yeah it's very nice let's close it just kill that music for me all of this is completely different to the last one this is as you can see a glass screen so this screen here it's all touchscreen and this is the basic basic setup for the vehicle these are different rides so this is no dynamic this is economy all sorts of stuff is also happening here oh very nice when I change I've never pressed these buttons before the cars down as you can see 118 miles and they had about 4550 on it when I got it so I haven't really can manage to Zach off all the way please Thanks so these are different settings and we'll just leave it be let's start over here with climate so the climate is currently off so if we want to switch it on just turn this one level I turned it off because we didn't want the noise from the fans but this allows you just to select whatever part of the body you want the air to hear which is pretty cool or you automatic and it will work and work it out for you this is for the front windscreen the rear windshield this is recycling this is the fan which I'm going to switch off because it's noisy but it is very pleasant and these are the temperatures you can sync the two temperatures together by having that button synced this is in fan mode and I think if you press it once that goes away so if I turn this they both turn together that's so awesome as well but if the dials are actually set into the screen and then they've got the little tiny displays inside the the buttons yeah it's quite brilliant and if you press them the outside now it gives to the seat control so if I turn it now to the right that's the heat the other seats and if I turn it to the left that's air-conditioned for the seat well but it gets better than that it gets better than that so now somehow one of these buttons here one of these buttons makes the massage settings come on this is my favorite pilot car so by pressing this it activates the backrest of the seat and this allows me to select exactly what I want do I want wave do I want pulse combination and it does other stuff I had it before they're quite know how to get back to it but it is doing things that can feel it on my back back would have to be the base no does the base as well so rolling setting from you click the seat I don't know what I clicked oh yeah rolling up down oh that's the down portion shoulder and lumbar which is all fun and then if you press that it goes to the back and the back you have again you touch it this is now I guess that's heat is that he oh yeah here it goes he and you can control whether it's air or heat XM radio it's like an iPad you can swipe it no you can you really can see look you can you can swipe it I just maybe not this one what does that do now look do not exceed vehicle limits okay we'll continue we don't need any of that stuff news to news why do we have the news don't understand where that came from CNN now this is stuff I've never seen before I don't know why the Supreme Court says tourism victims can't seize oh this is cool so it actually distracts you while you drive yeah and you can read the news it's doing stuff what is it doing why doesn't this move stop it telephone oh come on what's that media give it I know it moves cuz I just did it have you saw me do it on press home and then see if it does it on that Oh does it there oh it does yeah okay seats last used media look at all this stuff I'm the worst person in the world to tell someone what a car does because I have no idea but it's fun we've been watched nice and I know but it's the Oscars there's a big deal mo out here picking people up for the Oscars another big change is the steering wheel so this is no longer buttons this is all just touch so the heated steering wheel for example you just touch it alright maybe you don't Oh there you do yeah and it lights out and this is now heated which is really really cool it has active cruise control which means it won't let you theoretically it won't let you hit a vehicle or a wall or anything else it will actually apply the brakes for you and there's all sorts of monitors that around the carnot comes up in the heads-up display can you can you see that with the camera by the window I probably have to come and sit I don't know I can just not see it you can yeah currently I'm seeing speed limit the lane and the speed obviously which stops and none of its active but interestingly it actually holds you in the lane as well it won't let you Lane Departure thing yeah but it doesn't just shake the wheel like the rolls does this actually keeps you in the center of the lane this here in the middle is showing currently navigation but you can select whatever you want to see there you can even change the screens from two dials to one dial so that whole thing is just a big LED so it's a big screen let's see if we can make it work so if I press menu there we go so let's scroll down let's look at display layout because that's what I was just talking about one day let's change it to one down see if it there you go and you can make the whole thing a map theoretically as well so that's full map oops let's go down to format see what that does and there you go up and then you can zoom in somewhere something zooms it in anyway trust me in zooms so let's get this back to where it was because it will be very confusing oh wow did you see that the whole thing turned into a map that just disappeared let's close it there yeah the whole thing is a map and again then you have digital display for you miles per hour and your gas and everything else oh yeah underneath I was gonna say I guess because you've got your heads-up display it doesn't matter if that whole thing's a map but it even does keep telling you in the but that's very cool isn't it so on the steering wheel then you've got it's a heated wheel you've got your lane departure this is beautiful wood veneer I like the fact that everything is this gloss black as well yes this is telephone control this is voice recognition yeah this is a diamond in case you want to go shopping I have no idea what that does this is Lane Departure on and off this is the active cruise control there are floppy paddles behind you changed gear of late which only activate in sport mode and so in terms of the modes then we've got the usual Range Rover mode so you've got high and low ride height that you can lock out we played with that last hand and we're this building hill descent as well up on the top if you going down it this one steep hill and then what's that although range so if you doing any off-roading that bottom right is a low range right gearbox and then traction control off at the top there as well correct and then this here is a drink holder what they did with this which is very clever they made an additional compartment underneath it so I have magic howdy it's pretty cool right now that's very cool I just I'm in love with this screen the fact that it's great right yeah and the fact is a refrigerator in here really yeah it does that's a you can't see in here but it is a refrigerator and then for you guys this is what you can see in the back here so I also have these dials that I can adjust so I can do heat and air conditioning for the seat then I have my own temperature here again you can have it blow in to the face this is all just a haptic touch as well there's no there's no click on this it's just big wood for a Sunday afternoon I know especially hungover have to actually you know what I don't know it isn't haptic so haptic feedback is where you just touch it right but but it's where you get a little vibration so you like on your iPhone you know and you smile a bit kind of vibrates that's haptic touch so this is just touch but even so it's still a bunch of controls up there - oh yeah so we've got audio mute the you close the screens I can close the shade up here open it I think I have to wait for it to go all the way now that's interesting so if I can I'm sure I can disable them and then I've a reading right here which turns on this that oh they go so I didn't realize that there's actually vents up here as well so yeah okay that's very cool so this up here is your little blower fee face or top your head that is what's that it looks like a microphone or speaker or something not even the door handles in there grab handles are nice nice a leather like beautiful stitching on there like it's I mean it's it's a very very well put together car isn't that nice use that light off so I don't forget thank you very much I'm sure there's a switch foot up here so I don't know where it is what do you think then because obviously the dawn and the Wraith they're both beautiful cars but in terms of simply have to show you sorry but this is cool this is one of my favorite things I don't know if I'll be able to find it but this whole screen moves screen angle so watch this so for the Sun and it's automatic as well but I just I've show you but it's on it's Auto as well so that if there's a shadow from the Sun it will actually turn itself you don't have to do it so yeah I like how saying then in terms of the the spec of this and what you get in it what do you think compared to the wrath and the dawn I mean would you say this is any less luxurious in terms of the features this car has everything that the rolls has I honestly think there's there's not a whole lot of difference it drives incredibly well it's incredibly competent very agile very fast I'm not quite sure what the horsepower of this one is because again I always get it around lash it up on the screen there you go being it's that many horsepower and it's also lighter so it's quite considerably faster than the last one which was nippy you know so these are all aluminium that the bodies that the same as aluminium like that you know I believe it is it's all aluminum there's also some composite parts on this one so there's carbon fiber as well yeah so yeah it's I'm sure I've missed a bunch of stuff I like I mean it's the the interior is a massive up grabbing the last one was nice but the interior is a massive upgrade like even down to fact you've got handles here surf handles your arm rests here so that when you're just the heights with them the each one of these side panels is electric and adjustable and they blow up when they're active they call it active okay so they hug your body and it's just will mean a flight not explode well hopefully they in flight not over in flight because that would if that blow up but no they they do inflate and yeah there it is very good one cool crime very happy with it very happy with it absolutely the last one the 16 that I traded in had 6,000 miles on it can you believe that oh six there's a lot for me I don't own a car has 6,000 or I don't guess so you said you don't have a car that has more than 6,000 miles on it I don't have a car that has more than 6,000 miles yes how many miles the Benz house over there your Benz my Benz guess how many miles that thing has on it fifty thousand it's a 98 98 sixty thousand two hundred and six thousand miles stop it in thirty thousand miles it will officially have done the same I'll adjust driving to the moon well and I'm just about to put a big turbo on it so it'll be 500 horsepower that's crazy that's crazy those engines aren't two hundred thousand mo and it drives like that in terms of the engine it drives like new I think the highest well I get scared once your car goes like three or four thousand miles I start to freak out they turn to change the tires and the brake and all of those things I love the fact you change your cars more regularly than you change tires [Music] thanks for joining me again today before I say cheerio one more time do not forget to enter the giveaway anywhere in the world doesn't matter where you are into the giveaway producer Michael calm Adam please flush that on the screen will and subscribe hit the bell hit everything and we'll see you very soon thanks again see you [Music] and I would really be thrilled to literally hate that because when I do that you bring your foot it in
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 510,156
Rating: 4.8605556 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, logan paul, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, celebrity, range rover, range rover sport, land rover, SUV, car review, car test, range rover supercharged, supercharged
Id: Aqo7RWkmN-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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