sudden death | 2024 New Movies 2024 Based On A True Story 2024

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for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] for [Music] I uh I woke up down the street the last thing I remember was uh coming coming into your apartment and what about the bedroom do you remember that he uh he held on to my legs yeah right what does everything have to be a competition Marcus is going to feel good about himself well hey you you challenge me oh you call that a challenge you want to go again oh hey guys it's Saturday let's relax I know I can relax better than you I doubt it you're sexy when you wet why do I put up with this CU you love me hey Ann why don't we clone you so I'm not always the odd man out well why don't we invite someone else along tonight what about my sister she just moved here she doesn't know anyone your sister when did that happen we had a big falling out years ago she stole one of an's boyfriends it was more than that but we've made up so I have a sister again I don't know maybe she's not a good idea she's not used to you know guys who like to keep their options open hey I can settle down I'm just waiting for the right girl to come along yeah the perfect girl there's no such thing oh well that's um not what Justin said I already won that competition now that's going on the fridge [Music] [Music] this place is dead I'm going to check out the action the clubs night still young I'll catch up with you later you bye gorgeous bye hello who are you with tonight excuse me are you happy who is this you won't remember me we were together several months ago how could I forget a beautiful voice like yours to sleeping with so many women satisfy your appetite hey I'm just having a good time what are you running from Marcus who is this I bet you're hooking up right now aren't you some pretty girl you won't remember the next day guess we'll kill you killed you hello hello man sorry I thought I called Justin's phone no you did he's asleep do you need a ride so what happened to that girl you were with NADA she's cute we're in LA they're all cute you're more beautiful than cute thanks you're so intense okay we should stop before we get in trouble yeah we don't want that to happen [Music] just for you scared me what are you doing I woke up in my car were you too tired to drive home last night what do you mean what happened are you trying to be funny tell me exactly what happened what's wrong sometimes after I fall asleep I I keep going what it can seem like I'm awake but uh I'm really sleepwalking I don't understand Justin's been asking me to see a doctor about it you were sleepwalking while we were kissing why were we kissing we are I'm sorry I'm so sorry you were very aggressive I yeah I never meant for this to happen you kept pushing me well then why didn't you stop me an you're the one who's married why do you flirt with me all the time I'm not flirting with you I'm just being me what did we do hey you love Justin it's been difficult C between us lately Justin is crazy about you we've been trying to get pregnant it's not as easy as everyone thinks lately when we've been trying it's felt so mechanical what are you going to tell him I'll tell him that I was at my sister's I've gone over there a couple of nights to keep her company they'll understand you're not going to tell them about last night I've been been angry with him I can see that now that's what last night was about wasn't about you and me well explain that to him and destroy everything we have everything you have it'll get easier over time this isn't like you which part sleeping with you or hiding it from him I'm sorry there's nothing to apologize for this never happened [Music] your lab is your EEG came back normal your MRI shows no abnormalities ever been to a Sleep Clinic I don't need a Sleep Clinic to tell me I'm a sleepwalker what you told me you're more than just a Sleep Walker look I just need something to keep me from wandering off if you're a parasomniac you need something strong what's a parasomniac well someone who can do just about anything while they sleepwalking drive a car yes make love been documented cases of that swim which is the one thing I haven't done I've never heard of anyone swimming while they're sleepwalking how long has this been going on I don't know since I was a kid it's just got much worse lately well this should keep you from going anywhere if it doesn't call my office and I'll refer you to Sleep Clinic have a nice day it's disgusting all I'm saying is throw your food when it stinks if you're going to bring in dead flesh for lunch don't don't leave it around a rot I'm sorry we can't all be vegetarians Ben oh really I'm a vegan vegan there's a difference I don't eat God's creatures you do so how's your medicine working out Mr Parc woke up in my own bed last night oh just start hey and wants to try a new place you up for going out this weekend uh I better stay away from the scene for a while you want to go grab some lunch I can't today I'm uh I'm checking out a group at lunch a group it's for uh it's for people who might be addicted to sex oh what why are you looking at me like that my mom was asking about you the other day tell her ey and apologize for whatever bad thing she remembers about hey I think it's really cool what you're doing thanks hi my name is Rob I'm a sexaholic hi it was a tough week this week I watched a lot of porn online kept me up most nights so I sold my computer no more porn [Applause] hi my name is Marcus Turner just your first name my name is Marcus and U I'm just trying to figure all this out we kids at the beginning of this process we're used to getting whatever we want at the candy store this week I asked my husband to forgive me for being unfaithful for all the lies and the deceit when you want act out call someone you're going to need friends to help you work through this hi my name is David I'm sexaholic the first 30 days can be the toughest stay away from places that are toxic are you trying to not feel something make healthy friendships don't go for the quick face you're acting out of pain [Applause] what's going on Happy Birthday man did you do this I had an idea it's amazing how'd you get in here I you're landl and you knew who to invite your address bu which one I I took care of that I am a little black oh oh man I'm sorry I'm sure we speaking know hey sweetie look I've got the shoes on yes you do Marcus honey you changed your number and never gave me your new one last time I saw you we Soul kissed against your W though we sounded like whales making love excuse me two seconds wa yeah I don't I don't remember that one yeah right so uh where's an oh she help me set up and then I took her home she wasn't feeling it here she is hey sweetie yeah we're just talking about you yeah right here you want to say happy birthday okay yeah I'll tell him yeah you feel better I love you too bye she I'll call you later nice job all [Applause] right too bad this isn't a pool party I'd like to see these ladies wet oh maybe not all of them I I Ed some t to get a stain out of your rug oh that was nice of you yeah I think I made it worse uh Ben this is Brenda uh Becky sorry Becky she lives upstairs this is my best friend and boss Justin he only says I'm his best friend CU I'm his boss Yeah we actually met I helped him set up wait is that is that your Sketchbook over there yeah W you're you're really talented I can tell you have depth thanks hi depth right I can help you try out those later if you want thanks what's this that's one of the gifts from me and an yeah it's a relationship game a couple was originally made for got married Al so there's hope would I like to play with me sometime an and I were going through the wedding album realize we never got you a copy of that nice thanks man use wisely Marcus wow someone did a good job of forging my signature uh who gave me this seriously who gave this to me someone is not used to shopping for guys it was under the kitchen table I mean it it wasn't with the other presents well uh well thanks to whoever it's from there are a lot of women here tonight some of them even look familiar maybe you give some of them a chance sometime yeah that never works my sponsor says I use sex to escape I'm talking about hooking up just saying going more than one day for a change that never works The Adventurous okay I got to go pick up some chicken soup in happy birthday thanks [Music] for for [Music] for [Music] I'll be there in a seconds [Music] just a [Music] minute uh hello your doorbell broken we got a 911 call really yeah really I didn't call 911 well someone called 911 from this apartment and hung up from this apartment are you a parrot they didn't say anything they just called and hung up I didn't call that one one you mind if we take a look inside make sure everything's all right no not at all hello this here for a while yeah nice area it is now it looks like another sunny day yeah rooms are clear you know what I did I uh I called 411 this morning I must have dialed 911 by mistake don't take so long to get the door next time yeah I'm sorry about that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello who are you [Music] [Music] [Music] hey thought you weren't coming until later to they I went sleepwalking again last night medication isn't working I guess I need something stronger and then I going to have a picnic on the beach for lunch you want to join us uh thanks I have appointments come on we're celebrating it's our anniversary W happy anniversary how are uh how are things between you two she been a bit Moody misunderstanding me a lot but uh nothing we can't work out what time is it time for you to got to watch it's 12 I got to go hey um tell her tell her thanks for the picture and the game hey I made you some lemonade it was supposed to be pink lemonade but I think I may have added too much that die does it need more sugar yeah sorry do you mind if I take some shots I guess not yeah I mean it's it's just an excuse to talk what does your tattoo mean I don't know I'm not even sure why I got it you like taking photos yeah I love capturing moments when I was a kid I used to pretend that my camera froze time I uh I thought you were a singer no no that's just me practicing for this concert that my church is putting on this weekend hey you're welcome to come I I'm actually um I'm actually a photographer for the LA Observer sounds interesting does this mean I'll make the front page you're nice to me do you um do you like to swim I used to take lessons as a kid that was pretty much it for me why don't you jump in oh no I I think like a rock nope happy over here freezing time come on I'll teach you how to swim I'm going to teach you photography oh you don't have to do that no I want to did you notice anything strange around the apartment last night what do you mean did anything seem out of the ordinary to you uh I saw you pacing out here by the pool last night are you sure it was me well when you walked back into your apartment I assumed it was you why did you have a friend over no sometimes I Sleepwalk wow oh that's wild yeah you know I once read about someone who gained 20 lbs because she Su pies when she was sleepwalking did you see my face no it was too dark did you notice anything else no now just w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey what's wrong Ann's missing what do you mean she never showed up for a picnic yesterday well when's the last time you saw her uh two nights ago after your party she um she got a call just after midnight said it was her sister her sister's been battling depression an goes over and spends the night at her place every once in a while she said she was going over there but but what her sister said she never called an well who could have called her I don't know I've left a million messages on her cell phone they call the parents work Hospital nothing you called the police of course of course I called the police want to take the rest of the day off with me go look for her absolutely that's him hi I'm detective Kerwin I'm looking for Justin wheeler yeah that's me what's going on it's about your wife you may want a little privacy um Marcus this friends with an well I'm afraid that we found a body that matches her description in Triangle Park I don't understand there were um multiple stabs we need you to come and ID her that's not possible I know she's alive she must be looks like the body's been there about two days when did you last see your wife two nights ago she helped set up for a party they threw for me I'm very sorry would you like to ride with us [Music] moving please moving all right sir hold it there we discovered it off from that [Music] marus hey hey so did you hear what happened yeah I uh I knew her she was a close friend I'm so sorry that's so tragic what are you doing here oh I I'm taking pictures from my paper do they know anything more about who did this no I haven't heard anything but I mean I can let you know if I do okay I should uh I should get going [Music] [Music] I've never heard of anyone swimming while they're sleepwalking [Music] who would do this to her police are asking me all kinds of questions they want to know if anybody had it in for her everyone loved Dan right of course I'm going over to her family's place do you want me to go with you no no you you don't have to do that no I want to I I just need to call my sponsor don't miss your gr that's no big deal I'll with my family I'll be fine you need that group right now I know how important it is to you it's not as important as you I'll be fine Justin I'll call you later you won't remember me we were together several months ago [Music] anger anger more anger I think about escaping going to a bar hooking up angry again sounds like a tough week that was this morning keep thinking about his going out and hooking up or getting wasted what happens when you try to embrace the pain I keep thinking about the guy who did it and I want to find him and hurt him your feelings want you to run away I'll walk through this thanks for being my sponsor keep letting those feelings in I'll try we're making progress it doesn't feel like it my arm fell asleep the other day it was all numb couldn't feel anything but I kept hitting it over and over until the feeling came back life is like that sometimes there are parts of you that have been asleep for a long time haven't seen you here before um first meeting nice I'm Marcus quen I actually don't have a middle name really really my mom didn't believe in them I mean what are they for anyway well something happens to your first name oh if it breaks or if you lose it oh who uh what's what's your last name Troutman and it does doesn't main fish man it's German are you German my ex-husband was he helped me get my own condo when I cashed in my wedding ring he loved women lots of women so I started to love lots of men at first it felt like I was getting even with him but then I couldn't stop I'm sorry about that I'm doing my residency at La County Hospital the business keeps me from thinking about it too much it sounds like you've been through a lot I uh I didn't mean anything by that no no it's fine it's fine [Music] um it's just it's hard for me to be just friends with a guy anymore it's the same for me and women but to start as friends that's friends you're Marcus right uh yeah you are Mr popular here aren't you what do you mean I don't know just looking at your appointment book and most women too that must be nice they're uh good tippers yeah is Ann a good Tipper she wasn't one of my clients did she need to be is there something you want to ask me where were you the night she was murdered I was sleeping no before that an and Justin threw me a surprise party before that what was here do you know what I like about sunflower seeds you got to crack them just the right way in order to get the good stuff inside look I can tell that you like Dan and you'd like us to find her killer so give me a call if you can think of anything that would help me do that okay you promise this isn't some wacky thing you're into no it just keeps me from wandering off aren't there drugs for this yeah I'm on some but uh it doesn't work all the time my doctor said he'd refer me to a Sleep Clinic okay well here's a seduko puzzle just in case you have trouble nting off leave me like this until morning even if I call and tell you to take these off really until tomorrow morning okay Marcus marus [Music] he hi Mom I thought you were my taxi I'm fine thanks how are you can I can I come in I just waxed the floors need a ride somewhere I'll get by hey hey Mom you remember when you used to get mad at me for eating the leftovers how are you never admitted it well I could never remember I think sometimes I did it while I was sleepwalking oh please well I did other stuff while I was sleepwalking nothing like that do you remember me doing anything violent I have better things to do than talk nonsense I've been sleepwalking a lot more lately and I've been thinking about Dad sorry where's that darn cab keep up the good work at the massage parlor it's a day spa mom for Dad I'm studying studying what are you studying let me see what you're studying oh mathematics as taught by the comics dour I don't think so [Music] do you thinking things done TV I'd like some quiet people said a lot of nice things about Dad do heart attacks run in families just eat well get lots of sleep he seems healthy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] I thought you might like some dinner before I lock you up wow that's thanks it uh it smells tasty I tried out a new recipe that they were cooking on a cooking show it didn't work so that's actually a TV dinner well it looks so homemade with the the foil and everything thanks yeah come on in do you mind if I dust is my place that bad no you're just you're going through a really rough time with what happened to your friend and all and you know when I'm Blue the first thing I don't do is clean you uh you don't have to do that no I love dusting yeah it's like brushing away all the old stuff out of your life gosh you you remind me of someone are you from this area uh no I'm from Paradise up north you know I think they named it that so that people would move there I work for my parents nice place to grow up lots of trees oh do you mind if I do these dishes cuz that is always the second thing I Let Go honestly that's nice of you but sorry I'll replace that so how are you working through everything well I've been having some interesting dreams lately oo I took a dream analysis class once well these don't mean anything no no no just just just describe what happens because sometimes in your dreams you do what you really wish you could do in reality come on try me there's a man and he's in my bedroom and he's wearing some sort of a mask with a keyhole at the center was he floating at the end of your bed yeah and his face was unrecognizable that's right and while he hovered there did you see a rat no cuz rat symbolize betrayal there wasn't a rat what about a pig pig means a greed no no Pig sorry huh well we didn't actually go over men with keyh masks do you sometimes feel like you're wearing a mask like people don't know you the real you well you know how tough it is to get to know people in this town yeah but if there is a key to unlocking you what do you think that key is do you want me to get that no wait was there a rabbit in the dream a rabbit it with big ears Marcus Turner yeah that's me you want to come with us what's going on should I call someone for you we got it [Music] [Music] aren't you supposed to read me my rights got the suspect in custody we have a positive id id confed look I was going to turn myself in what did you steal from me Mom I turned that taxi right around I knew that you were going to break into my house what did you steal from me you called the police on me yes and I had every right this your son ma'am unfortunately yes did you take something from her house it's in my pocket I don't recognize that that is not from my house it was in my room I forgot about it it it's private it's a necklace no dad I love you so so so says so for the rest of the page all of this one half of this one so so so much but the rest is torn off what else did it say I don't remember it was like that when I found it I don't I don't know when I wrote it take his cuffs off hey you know something don't you Mom you can help me figure this out please Mom I've been having dreams like they're trying to tell me something dreams will go [Music] away no no no no I still can't feel [Music] it that's a little better what's going on they want me down the police station what for they must think it's me why did they think you killed her maybe they don't have any other leads what kind of monster would do this maybe there's a a reason that this happened and when we find out what it is it'll make more sense would make sense for somebody to kill an that's that's not what I mean if they hold me in jail I want you to give her eulogy it won't happen it could maybe um maybe somebody else should give it no you're my closest friend you were her friend too okay hey where'd you learn to cook well my mother she tried to refine me when I was growing up tried I'd cook more often but when you live alone you know how it is oh I I know thank you vegetables please I'm impressed there better knife knife knife knife knif knife knife knife knife what I know do you have a sharper one no um I got rid of all my knives I Sleepwalk sometimes I didn't want to hurt myself um Sleepwalk have you ever harmed yourself before just the other day I um I woke up with some blood on me I'm not sure where I came from well um maybe you coughed it out yeah maybe could you get a sample of blood tested for me before I want to make sure it's mine oh I know that's a weird thing to ask yeah it's a little creepy I mean probably is mine I'm just I want to make sure I should go hey are you ready for me to lock you up Becky this is my friend Gwen oh hey good to meet you are you going to put the handcuffs on him handcuffs no I am just uh leaving we were having dinner I'm sorry it it's it's nothing kinky really uh we should talk about this later hey do you want to have your first photography lesson tomorrow which does not involve handcuffs maybe it's a very La answer so wait do you have the you know what covered or not yeah you know I knew that this wasn't a good idea no it's uh it's my sleepwalking Becky handcuffs me so I keeps me from wandering off there's other forms of treatment for that yeah I know this is just temporary it's just gotten much worse lately oh sounds like it please move like this I slept with my best friend's wife while I was sleepwalking is that even possible I'm not making this up look I I haven't even told my sponsor this why why am I telling you this cuz it sounds like you need someone that you can trust I'll test a sample for you give that to Becky she'll unlock me in the morning just trying understand why these aren't working this um here's the sample if you come by the hospital tomorrow I should have something for you who's that good friends thanks for dinner it's a pleasure what are you running from Marcus this will kill you kill you [Music] where's Mrs Turner aquaa I let you go that's great detective King wanted to ask a few questions I'll give you guys some privacy so what is resistant to the cold and can survive a drought a pistachio as you try one you can explain to me why Anne had several adorable pictures of you in her dresser we were good friends no no no these were pictures meant for a some sort of a collage now last time I did that was for a boyfriend in high school I am I didn't know about that were you and Anne going steady were you wearing each other's Rings Anne was Justin's wife and a good friend that's all beautiful woman loving wife good friend whoever did this to her must feel really awful right now I cannot imagine what it must feel like to be living with something like this I'll be in touch they uh they showed me the claw yeah I don't know what that was all about she was she was making something for you she does dead stuff like that can I ask you something what's up I feel uh I feel funny asking you this but was there anything going on between forget it nothing was going on between us I guess that's what I needed to [Music] hear you ever feel like he did something really bad you couldn't remember what do you think you did something horrible I know I've I've done things that I thought were unforgivable you miss perfect I'm far from perfect when I was growing up and I did something that hurt someone I used to go to the beach and write my name in the sand I would imagine that the ocean was God's love and as the ways washed away in my name I would pray that God would wash away what I had done you I've never been into religion my parents didn't even own a Bible I wanted to see what it was all about once so I I stoen from a hotel maybe I'd be more to God if you let me grow up with my father I'm sorry about that God's the one that needs to be forgiven any word on the test sit down those are the initial results what does it mean I want your blood type oh that's not your blood Marcus well can I have the sample back where do you think that blood came from I think someone's trying to set me up set you up for what yeah I get phone calls from this woman who says I slept with her and I forgot about it I think she's trying to make it look like I did something to get back at me you have no idea who she is my neighbor said she saw someone going into my apartment the other night when something happened when when when what happened I'll tell you when you need to know can I can I have that sample back I sent it out for more test what kind of test a DNA test they're much more specific well good that'll that'll show us something too bad we won't have the results before that girl's funeral uh what I mean you probably don't want to show up if you know that you murdered her do you think that I'm stupid do you think that I I don't watch the news I mean her picture is next to your bed do you really Sleepwalk or is that just some sort of cover what has gotten into you you're just like every other man that I've known I mean who knows when you're telling the truth the truth is exactly what I'm trying to figure out now give me the test back and let me get it tested if you ask me for that again I swear I'm I'm going to have it tested in a crime lab Marcus please please just tell me the truth did you do it you can trust me we're friends right just friends rology okay and why do you look so Snappy it's an's funeral oh I'm sorry are you are you leaving soon it already started I'd like to be alone right now if that's okay oh absolutely absolutely I just I had a quick question I was just wondering what was your friend doing at an's crime scene thanks for coming call you later bye hey what you been I I really wanted to be here I miss her so much I'm really sorry uh we're all going over to ancestor's place address on the back she's over there if you need directions how you holding up out to be a nice day thank you finally meeting an's sister why are you here you need to leave an was my friend too really was she your friend or a trophy it wasn't like that oh really she said you were aggressive I told you my problem I know I talked to Justin about it he told me that you Sleepwalk I believe you know is that what you want to hear now please what else did you tell him I told him that I didn't think the police were doing a good enough job and that I was uh doing my own investigation but that's all how can I believe a word you say I don't I don't need to explain this to you how'd you know how to track me down um an told me that you were going to those meetings Justin must have told her why why me a hunch I get those DNA test results back tomorrow and we'll see if my hunch was right I would never hurt an tomorrow know the truth I like truth you here to pay your respects you know you are the only one of an's friends who hasn't given me any leads I thought you said you were close do you always uh question people at funerals only when the victim still cries out from the grave for justice I'm sorry I can't help you and you're not helping for and it's missing what does the tattoo mean they were um multiple steps dreams will go away you have reached Dr Gwen Troutman to page me please enter your number after the beat if this is a life-threatening emergency please hang up and dial 911 hello Becky it's good to hear your voice what's wrong um uh nothing nothing um I'm sorry to call you so early uh I'm going to have to talk to you later bye for [Music] [Music] [Music] for I have candy set for I betrayed innocent blood [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who did this Gwen who did this was it me was it me I need some help here we have a code blue what happened she's been stabbed she lost a lot of blood I'm need you to wait here I need you to get these to Dr Troutman okay as soon as she gets her room is Dr Troutman going to be all right I hope so so sad about her sister you knew Ma I sure did she and her husband we in here buying gifts the day an was murdered Justin was here he was in a bad mood that day he should have been happy why is that they just found out she was [Music] pregnant I was about to call you yeah Justin we need to talk you meet me your dad's gr no I'll explain when you get here [Music] hello Becky hey it's Marcus yeah can you do me a favor oh I'm headed out the door no it's very important at the bottom the swimming pool is a grate that has a knife behind it for safekeeping I need to know if that knife is still there what just about no I'll tell you later just just send me a text to let me know if it's there this is very important I'm not a good swimmer look please [Music] [Music] Becky there's something I never told you what's that the police yeah they found an's purse here after they found her body I didn't tell them it was next to your dad's grave what a coincidence there's something you're not telling me you know exactly what happened to an what are you talking about she told you she was pregnant but it wasn't yours that's when you killed her that's when you gave me the knife that you killed Anne with so I would think that I did it and then you spent the next few nights planting evidence on me is this some kind of sick joke that phone call you got at the party that was wasn't Anne calling you she was already dead then you just wanted me to think that she was alive what he's gotten into you I hid that knife in a place I could never get it while I was sleepwalking it's too bad you didn't know that how many of those knives do you own let me stop it huh who got her pregnant Justin why would you ask me that you wanted me to think that I did this while I was sleep walking you think you did something while you were sleep walking you set me up [Music] Marcus how could it be me Marcus what is going on I'm I'm sorry I don't know what happened why did they find an Paris here yeah why do you keep coming back here I I don't know why did you ask me who got it pregnant did you sleep did you sleep with an I was sleepwalking at the time do you think do you think you killed her I don't know maybe this has something to do with my dad oh everything's always about your dad maybe if I could figure out figure out what all you've done is tell me lies I need to figure out what happened because everywhere I look I just keep seeing my dad stop talking about your dad it happened while I was sleeping just tell me about an what happened to an I need to know the truth yeah get in my car we're going to police no I just I'm [Music] sorry you have no right to barge in here no more stories mom no more games you need to move on you are holding something something back about Dad leave it alone leave it alone just the note you have the rest of the note Marcus Marcus you won't find anything [Music] please stop hurting mom love Marcus how was he he was a darling I let him stay up a little bit later after he finished his homework where's Mrs Turner show me on there [Music] about it you're a bad girl [Music] I would hear him every night and I would see him with other women I would see them in his clothes I remember the way they smelled they didn't smell like you they didn't smell like my mom stop it stop telling me this it's the truth and I am remembering it for the first time I have some in my purse that's my mom's room Greg yeah what is why are you up jennif Jennifer Jennifer wait look don't be such a kid okay Jennifer Jennifer come on stop it Dad please Mar this has nothing to do with your mom okay I still love her Jennifer going to tell her don't threaten me I hate you I hate you dad wake up wake up please I I don't hate you I love you I don't know why I never remembered this I know why honey oh God what's wrong what happened to your father what are you talking about you don't remember anything was sleeping you okay I want you to go back to sleep go back to sleep I was trying to protect you you were keeping me from the truth I was trying to protect your future I am living my future right now and it's a nightmare I knew it was probably me all alone I'm sorry I just wanted to make sure you were okay before I turned myself in someone attacked me do you think it was me it was wearing your headed jacket but I couldn't see his face I'm going to the police what happened to your chin when he punched me watch did some damage I don't watch was it a silver watch the leather band yeah detective kwin please [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hello are you still there sir hello stay on the line we're getting you help is the person who attacked you still there police are in [Music] R you can't leave your own crime scene please on their way your fingerprints roll over everything it's amazing the things you confess in your sleep is that how you found out about the knife at the pool Gwen knows who attacked her this morning you forgot to take the watch off that Anne gave you last Christmas I'm sorry all this happened [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's how it felt when she told me what you two did that's what it felt like when she told me she was pregnant with your child that's how it felt when she said she was going to have your child she loved you Marcus she loved you you always have to win you always have to win well you're not going to win this one no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] go [Music] [Music] [Music] no for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello come in the door's open hey hey are you uh you going to go on vacation no my my sponsor's taking me to a retreat center this will take time to heal through Ian not that I've gone through anything like this when I first moved to LA I was so lonely that I slept with a guy in my building who didn't recognize me the next time I saw him so when I called to put him in his place he said how could I forget a beautiful voice like yours I was so mad when you didn't know me now uh now you know why yeah but I wish I hadn't made that call I should have just talked to you face to face but I just what happened between between you and me it was it was a wakeup call for me you know when I get back i' I'd really like to learn more about photography well I might be available can we start over again absolutely e [Music] [Music] [Music] e
Channel: Relax NC
Views: 234,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zd9AEyxiCf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 10sec (6070 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.