Henry Stickmin Saves The WORLD?! (Full Movie)

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H I wonder what kind of wacky trouble we're going to get in today all right looks like all Henry Stickman wants to be Breaking the Bank today Bank literally in the middle of nowhere perfect place to perform a [Music] heist I'm in trouble I'm in trouble okay what would I do if I's think about this logically what would I do I would dig underneath the fence I would take the shovel it's quiet it's safe and if a fails you don't oh okay my man's going for it exactly now this is what I'm talking about gas man don't like the B what are you what are you doing oh never dig straight down well I didn't know he I thought he was going to go at an angle okay well now that we know there's gas underneath there surely explosives wouldn't do well a teleporter however would just get me to the other side of the wall I'm going to go with teleporter I feel like that's the right choice teleport right to the other side of the wall there you go something tells me [Music] oh it's emergent technology I'm sure it will get better okay you're right you're right it will get better cuz next time we're going to make the right Cho okay laser let's do a disguise I think a disguise is a great idea look there comes the car put it on act like a sack of potatoes hey how did we lose one I think we should throw it in the back yeah be safe yeah it'll be safe you know you ever wonder why there's a bank out here I I've been asking it's supposed to be like more of a vault you know got point my man knows what's up wait are they going to put me in a vault how am I getting out of the Vault if I'm in a vault hello free wa Oh Henry what have you done so wait a minute was that the right choice cuz I could have gone on or is there a better more clear way to get in there let's try to laser be now that's smart there you go stupid Henry what have you done wrecking ball you can't go wrong how do you get this Machinery out here where do you get this from Hello all I'm a construction work it's [Music] fine okay well there's only one thing left the explosives at this point in my life [Music] why should have known that was going to happen Okay listen are you I'm in prison okay the disguise actually worked wait what not really but we've got a package a package you say what's that package you say don't get your hopes up we've already checked it for anything useful haven't we Dave what yeah yeah of course I checked it I mean check it I'd lose my job and I don't want to lose my job yeah see bye Dave stupid idiot don't you know anything Henry what kind of friends do you have who sent you this let's focus here a rocket launcher although smart also stupid a cell phone I could call somebody but who would I call an energy drink now that's what I would go for first I'm going for it it's working I can feel the power oh no I'm trash wait oh oh my goodness I'm so energetic I'm going hypers speed no way what he's hallucinating there's no way he's doing it yes there is no way this is happening is it oh is that the right [Music] idea this guy eating a donut though give me that idiot bye donut wait did is that the right choice no way no shot fresh air everything's going uhoh is he having a heart attack Henry energy side effects include nausea headaches rapid heart rate and possibilities of stroke and a heart attack well that's good to know okay I'm going to go with my gut feeling here I'm thinking okay my gut gut feeling is saying drill my heart is saying rocket launcher I know this is a bad idea you're too close to the war it's just going to blow up in your face oh oh I I just say he was going to blow up in his face I didn't I didn't think he was going to poke his eye out with it though I'm going to do a file I'm going to file through it that's what I want I going to file through the wall oh oh sell door window I feel the window feel a little window here actually maybe the cellor would have been better well maybe not okay the sellor would have been better let's try to F out the sellor now I want to know what happens here cellor go perfect get the bottom and the top you're a stickman so you don't need all use it as a weapon wait what it told me to click I was too slow oh my goodness wait wait wait click you ready again click oh my goodness which way do I click next he's escaping hey no I'm not escaping we talk to Boy Child oh bu the grenade or a chair okay definitely a chair cuz we're going to go through the roof here I feel like the belt of grenades which just oh do I want to go left or right oh my goodness there's so many options here I'm going to go left okay talk about daughters in the break room shut up janor you yeah shut up janitor you don't cow man hello hi it's me they call me fratty are you serious let's two chair and this time we're going to go to the right I feel like the right is the right way right go right we're on the roof [Music] okay I thought that was me falling we're safe we're fly oh my goodness okay oh jeez I think a parachute jetpack though plungers okay come on we all know in real life I would do the plunger Technique No not like that okay yeah we know this is the route I would do in real life if I had the choice pack just seems too danger did that really [Music] work run run little guy run wait did I actually beat it no way there he goes end it's one of three oh wait what we got to go back and test a few new things we know we can file through the door that's a good start but let's try some cell phones here let's call the cell phone here hello I'm going to call my attorney absolutely let's call hyper chicken oh September 9th my birthday it's a sign it's a sign yes guys I just had a birthday not too long ago hello witness please continue your testimony okay oh I was riding alongside my partner in the armored van but suddenly spotted a bag on the side of the road he's not lying eventually decided to throw the bag in with the others he did do that there was someone hiding in there objection objection so the defendant crawled into that bag in to break into the Bank Fal is that correct is it not obvious false is it really that obvious I have proof that the defendant didn't hide himself in that bag well then what are you waiting for yeah please present this evidence already provide that uh-oh wait security footage maybe security footage of the night of the intrusion shows the defendant leaving his disguise and send the alarm that sounds good to me how I want to present that take that what is this it's evidence it's evidence them and how exactly does this prove anything well I I was just kidding let me try this is no time for joke I'm sorry I see no reason to further prolong this no no no I was just playing a prank henryman are you kidding me right now with that I'm going to do my attorney's badge it's an my all important badge it shows that I am a defense attorney take that this will prove to him that I know what I'm doing is this it's proof evidence evidence oh it's not the right evidence isn't it exactly does this prove anything I'm sorry well when I right cck it says do bio what does that mean jokes I see no reason to further prolong this trial I find the defendant Henry Stickman okay this what I'm going to do for real okay let's see okay a diagram of the bank and a surroundings an advice whose use is unknown security forage we tried that one doctor name examination of the thing that the rest suffer many bruises and cuts I was beat up and forc it to that bag I got his bio what is this it's evidence and how exactly does this that I was beat up and placed with a bag against my will I was just kidding let me what do you mean are you Ser jokes reason further prolong this what else would it be I find the defendant Henry Stickman the knch is tied on the outside of the bag if I'm on the inside how can I tie it from the outside come on take that idiot is is that the bag the defendant H in he said something different but there's one thing that's been bothering me yes the defendant really was hiding in this bag how do you tie for the outside how did you tie the knot from the outside bag I'm a genius he was inside the bag it'd be impossible for him to tie the that not on the outside I'm doing it but then how did he do it how did they do it I don't know he didn't what are you saying I'm saying my client wasn't hiding in that bag at all he was stopped in there by this very witness oh my goodness as you can see by this doctor's analysis the defendant had taken quite the beating while I was in the bag he was unconscious that's true I was this is absurd the witness was attempting to dispose of the body yep they were trying to murder me knowing he'd drive by it on the way back to the bank when the witness and his partner passed the bag he convinced his partner to throw the bag in with the others that's true but why would he do that why to dispose of the body of course there are millions of bags of money in that bank and the witness knew it would take a long time before the victim was found that's so smart the witness Phenix soart woke up and tried to escape from his tomb he was arrested on the spot and the witness thought everything was over let come back to Haun now you guys can't you can't you can't happening to me you guys see all those new bios popping up by the way that certainly was an interesting trial however I'm now ready to deliver my verdict innocent I find the defendant Henry Stickman not guilty inos set I'm out of here boys I'm going I'm going free can I get this guy's bio oh I can what about this guy oh I got a guy in the background too wait am I chasing a bank now a lawyer adult I laer it [Music] enough bindings two of three there's one more out there what is it though all right what haven't we tried yet the drill and the teleporter let's teleport it let's just see what [Music] happens and a free uhoh oh my goodness get the [Music] bias you just can't seem to get the hang of that thing can you not yet but maybe one day I will let's try to drill now we're going to drill our way out of here if this doesn't work I think I know where the final ending would be I think oh what's an OPAC theator I don't know what this does you'll walk through walls just move the blue slider to the right and you'll become as opaque that means see through for all you uneducated folks as you want not only that but the more pck you get the easier it'll be for you to pass through solid objects okay okay I'm ready oh do I hit skip okay I'm opaque ohoh wait am I going to fall through the sand oh hello I'm getting our bios I'm going to try to get their bios wait I got the B the skeleton oh my goodness I dropped to the core that's not good let's not do opaque then let's go crowbar style oh there's a hole there the whole time wa uh get those bios hello oh my goodness am I going to have to click I'm ready I went up I should have gone down next time I go down okay get ready down okay I got the BIOS I'm kind of nervous go straight to the door that's not what I thought was going to happen bye idiots oh I was just kiding about the idiot joke oh get ready get ready made a bio I need these trying to get the BIOS why okay ready ready ready I clicked holy moly I caught a bullet [Music] Henry you're some kind of God who are you what [Music] the okay that might have been the coolest end of so [Music] far what ending three of three let's go to my BIOS real quick guys I was clicking like a madman oh I missed a lot apparently but look we can learn about him now she at the end there I got the skeleton in the ground there he met a harsh fate many many many years ago okay I just want to try to Belt the grenades I just want to know what going to happen yo check yourself idiot oh my God what the so stupid okay we go this I declare the Tunisian archaological open we're going to be stealing that diamond see that diamond we need that diamond rent Lake 10 days oh that's not good that is not good oh but there two guards look two guards down there I'm going to go for a little sneaky sneaky here I want to be a little sneaky here stealth has always been my for oh liquid for cater now you don't just give me this and expect me not to use it and of course we're going to Liquidator it turn yourself into a liquid and bend your molecules around or through any object it's fantastically easy to use Gadget game said so okay I can use it then this a stupid why did I do this what did you think was going to happen I don't know I never know anymore okay we've never had any look with the teleporter so let's use the teleporter I feel like at this time we're getting better at it wait what did that actually [Music] work Penny tranquilizer Falcon Punch or invisibility okay we're going to go with the Falcon Punch no that's not that's not good for sneaking in though I think an a visibility pill though you can't go run with that see what happened I lost track of you oh we're going to throw a penny at this guy I've seen this in the cartoons it actually worked see okay drop wire Wormhole Wormhole definitely Wormhole uhoh oh no I've been in this situation many times okay I am not reading all this no shot let's try a wire here we're going to kind of like rope down here just like in the movies I've seen this okay now we're going to use a laser cutter here for quietness we should have used Hammer you get cut why are you no bleed cuz I'm only a stick come on man let's try the hammer out this [Music] time oh got it okay wait is there a SpongeBob why is there a Spongebob picture in the back okay what would SpongeBob do he would use a plank like a pirate walk the plank and after that they just St and arrested him really yeah what am I am I doing this snap oh my goodness okay let's do [Music] it I think I snapped my own neck I told you man I told you about stairs I'm going to try to steal his weapon I'm going to need to be uhoh man those first person shooters make it look so easy they really do they really really let's try jumping on this guy ha oh oh I'm surprised you made it that far with the heavy Diamond okay drop the diamond on this guy's face idiot that's what I thought can I have this weapon though unseen burler yo what we made it out we we actually made it out no way I'm getting better see we get a little better end is one of three oh wait really well hold up now my dudes all right so we're here last time we used a plank this time I want to try a little cheese here just want to try a little chees a little bite of cheese [Music] here oh don't eat the cheese what about a cannon though you cannot go wrong with a [Music] oh I feel like it worked it sounded like a I feel like this is okay you almost saved it almost what happens if we start the bank with a good old busted right through the front door so now this is what I'm talking about this is what I'm talking about a little bit more action Pace this time you see what I'm saying oh hello idiots [Music] Ram now who's e it hey get over here don't you try to stick around the corner oh got him got a headed towards the medieval SE cop it out oh my goodness oh my goodness okay we got to click Shield I just figured the shield would be better perhaps the diamond grab the diamond put it in the basket I bet you wish for wait what okay this time we going to use a tow rope tow R go [Applause] quick and after that they just up and arrested him who ready yeah that's when I decided I should probably get a different job you definitely job is much less dangerous than driving crap yeah I got two SS oh what about a police you're the branch wait I don't have to die me though uhoh okay this time we do the other one which was why I didn't even read it I panic Rock thr rock at him ID are down are down off are down this guy has a rifle bubble that actually worked I didn't even see what the other option was at I I didn't even look come on come at me Bros uhoh we got a diamond on us we're too heavy to jump this sir place your hands where I can see them bribe bribery is a federal fense sir oh oh my goodness what really ret try sir place your hands where I can see them if you do not comply I will be forced to fire upon you I'll put my hands on a diamond wait am I going to drown is it heavy I got the diamond no shot Intruder on a scooter no way guys there's still one more ending though what is it where could it possibly be what if I falcon punch the idiot in the face FAL [Music] oh okay well what if I tranquilizer guy a face huh blop come on idiot he yawn my man yawn at the last second you got to be joking me oh what are the odds of that honestly I have no idea all right what if we take a different approach to get inside of the place we tried to liquor we tried to teleport her the time try pick it at the wall did not see that coming at all yeah so apparently there's something wa it work and uh he used it to escape and then I got fired pretty lame huh yeah I don't really like this please shut [Music] up okay well clearly I want to use the bomb cuz it's right there idiot can't shoot me he shot so fast he didn't even look the guy Scream ah okay wa I got to warn someone hey you better warn someone idiot I'm going to go to the Retro wait it didn't let me click go Retro Room who holy [Music] moly okay okay you got to be kidding me uh well clearly I want to throw a Pokeball at [Music] him oh no I'm in trouble night guards Tim and Joe would like to battle [Music] okay this is going swimmingly well for me okay I'm get it Cal down well that's a fail I feel like everything I did that was a right I feel like I did right there this time we're going to go with the Metroid the samis alien here get in there go bye baby go [Music] I should have known that was going to happen this time we're going to go into mushroom here now that's what I'm talking about now who's in trouble now Tim and Joe never set a [Music] chance oh [Music] oh oh what's happening literally have no idea what's happening right now somewhere in the southwest uh sir you might want to come look at this I'm getting chaos readings at 10.6 chaos re my God it's over 9 don't do it yeah I'm leaving this decision up to you corpal just hit one of those buttons to deal with this resing situation who's watching TV get back to work yeah stop watching TV idiot serious B chaos read is all over the charts here oh what is this I want to press that I want to press these screws here unscrew that I'm going to do I'm going to divide by zero the calculator Le [Music] no so I was in the bathroom what I miss where's everybody what this time I'm was going to drop a nuclear bomb on it all because that sounds something like do I have to click something what do I do I gra the pictures was there something else I was supposed to do there okay okay just time I hit this little Cog wheel [Music] thing I don't even know anymore I don't even know anymore literally I don't have any answers anymore I am out of the [Music] answers oh oh [Music] what wait what what is that I saw a new come out [Music] oh well I mean we are getting out of here I think right we good was that an ending and I got a diamond too no way no shot just plain epic yo no way hey but there is another button we could have pressed I press the satellite no this is a bad this is a mistake I made a mistake I made a oopsies poopsies I made a oopsy poopsie the game crashed okay so the last time I pressed this button my entire game crashed I don't know if that was supposed to happen or not so I'm going press it again and hope it doesn't oh here was the oopsies poopsies that I made it did he crash [Music] time okay instead of going to the Retro Room let's go straight time go Red Light Green Light we game oh you know what for this part let's just do the old crowbar [Music] here didn't expect the head traps and especially not that many I didn't expect that many head traps to be falling out of the roof let's try to break into the museum using a shink right here cuz we tried so many other ones don't oh I was going to say don't aim it there though of all places well that can't be good that's not good at all man worms are so much more vicious up close yeah you darn tooting they are okay clearly an anti-gravity cap could not go wrong I feel like we just press the button when you get to the top no get over the left get over the left oh uhoh you're lucky I've always wanted to go to space that is my biggest fear right now that gravity will just cease and I'll just float out of space I don't know why it it'll never happen I hope but be scary if it did all right of course The jble Hoppers has got to work look how cool these shoes [Music] are oh [Music] oh oh sweet flip bro all right let's try something else with a scooter let's go with a flail okay let's not go with the flail oh oh I already have a bio we're try that the Lance we're going to the Lance we're going to stab in the face idiot just kidding what about this time I kick when I go inside before I even get to that part I just kick the guy cuz cuz Ramen worked last let's try sweet jump idiot got your bio idiot fck oh guys I'm grabbing the pictures off the wall look where picture I got seven out of 30 pictures wait what happens if I get all the pictures is there a secret if I if I get all the pictures a secret I got one on the wall now oh we don't Shield oh my goodness okay wait grab everything grab all the loot okay guys I'm just going for secret sh out of the wo with the shield okay block that grab pictures okay that's not a picture I can grab hello I you oh I got bias okay uh it was toe cable toe cable toe cable okay look for pictures now that L up in the rest ready yeah that's when I decided I should probably get a different shut up ID I figured Night Garden is much less dangerous I don't think there going to be any pictures of the outside of the museum I want to I need to get back to the inside I need to get back to the inside guys okay so over here we can pick exactly where we want to go where would there be a picture do I have a sp about picture no I don't let's use a plank it wait I can't grab the picture and after that up no no no no no no I don't want to escape I want to go back I want to go back I'm a step get out of here idiot okay we got to go back a whole step here no wait the picture no let me have it I got it I got it yes that's 15 out of 30 all right I'm going to go in with the pick gently as we do okay the Creeper's going to blow me up pictures I need those I need those we never used a gun we never used a gun before Oh a picture back there too look at that eight more to go eight more to go go go go go I don't like I'm going to shoot this guy I'm going to shoot this idiot in the face shoot the idiot in the face yeah shut up idiot guned to the face idiot oh all right they wouldn't keep it loaded would they they would not keep it loaded okay let's just use the uh with plane look for pictures look for pictures Retro Room maybe there's a picture of the Retro Room that I missed hold on I fall asleep go okay there was there's a lot oh picture pictures okay so we know we're supposed to use I forgot okay I'm using the mushroom to see if I miss any pictures here I I'm being very diligent today I'm going for 100% completion of all okay wait I got one there was one there look I was hiding I came back to the roof to see if there was any secrets on the roof let's thr the penny idiot look pennyos okay now we're back in here maybe if I use the Wormhole a picture will show up and I can click it really fast let's see here a picture oh okay that oopsie oopsies guys what if we just don't do anything at this point Partners so I just they're talking just wanted to what if I just sit here get to know each other a little bit oh like they're talking having a good time I just kind of wanted to have a conversation we're becoming buddies just you know just lighting things up I mean yeah lighting things up man you know no pressure here no pressure reason at all hey oh oh oh okay let's try this part here let's try this part we're going to use a sticky grenade last time I used a bubble oh it sticks to your hand I just want to know which go I have what okay let's go to this one here sir place your hands where I can see them let's put my hands on the scooter wait oh okay this time we're not going to do anything if you do not comply I will be forced to fire upon you yo my hand you can see my hand you can see my hand you can see my hand you can see them you see I hate you check it out fellas let me show you exactly what going to do here well well look who finally decided to wake up sure my man been quite elusive watch this catch you'll be perfect for the job thank you for saying that we've been having some issues with a group of Thieves known as the top hat Clan know they're guilty we just can't him to any crimes you'll be going into the Airship to bring him down okay we don't need to remind you that we've got you on several charges okay robbery breaking yourself out of prison I didn't do that I didn't do that even stealing the Tunisia Diamond that's not me got quite a lot of that's another sck man do this job right and we'll drop all charges against you Roger that's be bringing you close to the Airship the rest is up to you find a way to bring him down and you'll be forp hatat hey uh how do you want me to bring you in okay okay so okay mhm okay here okay so we have to infiltrate this Airship here we have some options we can do the earpiece okay handing ball doesn't seem safe grappling gun I'm not sure about that I think a sticky hand honestly okay I only got one shot to do it right if I messed up it's over sticky hand told you you can't go wrong with a sticky hand okay hold up focus focus what's next a balling chain or Z Point Energy okay one of these things is real and the other one isn't Zero Point Energy is not real so I'm doing it that was a mistake that was a mistake let's just um editor uh don't show that part they will never by they will never know they won't ball and chain they will never know ball and chain did you hear something I feel like that was also a mistake maybe not okay we can get out of this predic this is a predicament oh wait what that was the ending of the mission oh my man I couldn't have know how was I supposed to know that y'all told me to steal it I stole it y'all should know what theide the safe what do I have to do like okay so I have to go back maybe my entry plan was wrong is what it is we're going to try getting on there with a nice old grapple gun I didn't want to go this route but the trying times call for trying measures oh hello okay now my friend told me that people can break into Like Houses using expanded foam I'm going do that surely he can do it into a house I can oh I think I said not to shake it oh I shook it let's try a little Joy buzzer bring a little Home Alone style into this a little tactics here they told me to bring down the ship right remind me to never shake your okay y'all told me to bring it down I brought it down you know what we're going to use a bomb that's smart a bomb on a plane can you I can't even say that legally should have used the remote B oh okay so okay okay so okay now we're just going to wait we just wait it's a long day you know I I got I got got plans for later on hello get bi I got to click them okay top at Clan there's a key there's a key I got a key wait what are my opers here oh I want to use a computer okay go to the secret files here of course incriminating evidence or let's go to civilization 5 here it's a very fun game and I do have a lot of time to kill I'm on a plane for crying out loud hi oh oh you know what let's go ahead and take the elevator down we're going to take this a nice safe journey here we're not going to do anything crazy to where am I going hello what I thought that was an injection thing well either way we're free now we're free let's go let's get out of here okay this time for real not event this is what I wanted to do the first time but y'all will yall probably didn't want me to so I didn't do it so you know it's not my fault there there's a diamond that's what we're looking for okay Vault okay so we okay so we know where we got to go okay so I could clearly make that jump look at the size of my guy's legs right now they're very strong looking we're going to go for a leap of faith here he actually made that my apologies everyone here to deploy some bive Manu oh products flew by oh he just turned a ship the same time I jumped so that's why that happened hello let me out of here well you have you have a oh cuz I have the key no way oh thank you mhm interesting that he had a uh security hat on retro glove yes that always works no put it on the pad put on a pad you look like an idiot oh come on now we're going to go for a little hack AO here give a little hack in there C with those wires though okay that's what I was trying to tell you about you didn't want to [Music] listen okay that's good it's great we're going to go with a wizard magic here wizard magic here oh okay we're going to go with a paper paper rizer here paper rizer he's going to turn me into a sheet of paper and you see how I can kind of like I can out fit through the crack like kind of like a like cats can do this in real life cats can slip under doors I've seen it happen I need to take these pictures or anything is that Team Fortress too why is long cat back there hello okay let's think about this logically here claw pack that's logical to me I saw the guy and Spider-Man do this [Music] I also SE that happen in Spider-Man I should have known that was going to go down okay I shrink and grow we're going to shrink it get into the other airplane and then we're going to grow it look at that now it's in my pocket here he stop right there I need these bios what's going on look like he said off some sort of alarm in the vault what he's going all right wait what plan B cone reinforcements what do you mean I I am not going wrong I'm trying to help you I'm trying to help you yeah this is Jeffrey I got him right here so you guys don't need wait a minute Abol alive I'm not in a very good place to be but I'm still hanging on okay every time I get the green turtle shell somehow it always bounces off the wall in Mario Kart and hits me in the face surely it won't happen this time that's not what I respected you to do what what exactly was your plan I was going to throw it and knock the airplanes out the helicopters out of the sky come on man you know my plan you lie to me we're going to use an umbrella here because that's going to catch the wi exactly like that and Y I can just gently float away to safety see like maybe a spoonful of sugar will make you feel better I don't think anything but surgery is going to make me feel better at this point we're going to go in a propane tank here cuz the gasoline propotions will get me out of here safe and S okay tell you what I can't do a hand kill Bobby okay we're going to go guys oh let's be H have I picked the wrong choice every single time so far let's go armor here now that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about now see I can jump right through like Iron Man basically okay you can't do that even with armor you can't do that okay well that's got to be an ending come on now don't touch me give me those bios oh my goodness there so many people I got to click on I can't click on them all Wilson we've got to get out of here we got CS out our front door step we're not built to deal with this man how did I cause all this evacuate everyone I can take care of this my I got a par of scissors okay OB Focus what does d EB stand for Deb a d a period e a period a b a period dead enough boys sounds good to me sounds good to me Dark Energy bomb Oh that's not what I thought it was going to say oh can I have those bodies before you die oh oh oh give me those no it's so sad not like this not like this well we got another retry here now L cut the MK2 here what is this Iron Man kind of thing here we're going to go ahead and give that a shot what uhoh okay there's no way I could have predicted that was going to happen this is literally impossible how do they even get to what you know we're going to go with the Prototype it's a brand new prototype okay it's just been invented here okay it's things are going down things are going down cuz I don't know which bios I've have already gotten they all the stickman look kind of same except for something with a mustache here he got the Ruby now forget about it we've got to retreat or else the topic Clan will be history yeah see I got that guy wait can I see look they're identical twins are you ping did you just go to take a PP um K let me in I got the diamond I got the diamond I will give it to you let him go what what we got what we came for he's not worth the trouble wait I'm free yeah you better run idiot yo pure blooded Thief I got away with the diamond all right here's the problem though end it's one of four there's a lot we missed there's got to be a better way to do this that got really sloppy really quickly so this time I would like to board the Airship using a canonball hey I've been I've been looking at the the numbers here what do you think yeah they're not too good let me have a look yeah take a look there my man oh jeez can I have this on your neck what is that go go I'll hold him off no no no don't hold me off come on then okay this is getting epic okay clearly I'm going with the laser gun there's no way I'm not doing that was that a good idea noon's Third Law one force is actually two forces and they are the same but they're also different absolutely I've been trying to teach you all this we're going to go with it the obvious answer is going to be the chair the chair is a smart idea look at this it's some type of injection chair notice how I did that please take notes children for this is very important work I'm doing here listen up we've got a security alert keep looking for a got big plastic ball no no I'm serious oh hey hey what's you do with that rock I'm still alive hurry up now activate the doors okay okay oh what run faster beans eat beans okay it's actually working I think hello I'm going to use more Robo pants and this working fine I think it did not work fine you forgot to wear the harness didn't you oh well they didn't offer me that option we're going to go to rocket jump cuz I've done this before with a 360 no scope one time oh oh working going oh what ination get out of here I'm giveing you the old yo-yo my man oh my goodness okay I beat this game before I can do this okay focus we're going to go with a bash here Henry attacks okay good this is one of the hardest gam I've ever beaten before though Earth Brown is no joke wait what did I die yeah see Earth bound is no joke what did you wait hold on I want to go back into that though no no no there's got to be a way there's got to be a way there's got to be a way this battle here I'm good at RPG I can do this be Focus here what kind of goods do I have how do I fill the multi bottle rocket no shot we one shot him I gained so many XP I'll level up a little bit there it goes clearly we used the beef up my M told me to eat my Flintstone vitamins and this is what oh that okay don't eat the don't don't oh jeez we're going to go with the glider here because that is it's practical right this is something you could do in real life probably see what did I tell you who you yeah choke that guy with the necklace press the up button we're getting on out of here nobody say anything I don't think we should jump defeated my right hand man defe yes you're done for buddy you you're done here now just get him to us get your life back I don't want my life back I just want this gold chain Dummies Wait what is this top hat on the right there you see that Top Hat when I'm going go Dummies Wait what we're Faking It wait did I just go Rogue I think I just decided with the bad guys big fall I'm no way had a plan Oh Henry always has a plan what is it freaking idiot Henry rapidly promotive executive that's what I'm talking about all right hold up though that's only two out of four what happens if I use the ear pierce to kind of communicate myself into it hello Charles there's a guy down there a bad guy so uh yeah good luck Roger there we're going to go ahead with a nice uh pool of acid here I really the vacuum cleaner though make a little bit more sense to me see how I can suck them out of their little area there see how I did that now it's clear in here oh uh so we should probably look for something incriminating something we can use to prove that they're criminals you know absolutely to all right gentlemen we've been tasked with developing new weapons for the clan copy that of think um we're going to go in glue here yeah we're going to go a little glue on this one here just like Spider-Man did I'm lauring see how this is working here see that notice how I'm doing this fellas you don't just do this willy-nilly this takes craning jammed again was that the toilet what I oh hey uh you see that record sign yes where it says record a good place to look right help you get across that Gap yeah give me a little give me a little uh we're going to go with a uh Tail's Robo helper here all right here it comes okay wa and that was actually Flawless there thaty know that open the door oh than all right Charles go ahead take care of it we're going to go ahead with a Gatlin gun here very subtle uh right get to bring out the big guns yeah bring out the big guns careful with those weapons though my dad oh we're going to go with a mind control that's a mind control tactic here is a [ __ ] can't believe he does not open a door wait what huh what are you doing we're going to go with a bone melt here a bone melt I say now I I get it and now I put it in the machine now I'm here I remember this thing nobody knows about this here we'd be in a lot of trouble lot of trouble here we're going to go with a spooky spooky oh hello Mr spider all right you got some evidence oh wait wait there's no way you're getting through there there is guys and there's lots of guns that's all I'm going to say I will get through there it looks like you can get around not feeling air duck my dude not feeling the air oh all right I've hacked into their power grid what do you want me to do turn it off make animal noises okay I I don't understand what that means you know exactly what it means I don't need your help sorry I just thought you needed some help I don't you're not even my friend I lied I need your help come back please I love you let's go ahead and re reroute that power there gentleman that's fine random room just be careful way you reroute that though maybe the bathroom all right Henry almost there I'm right outside so just open the bay doors tank in a box Chopper yeah go ahead and give me all that chop chop my B what are you doing I'm going to drop out the back here B hello we're going to have to go ahead and use the banana bomb for this one here they never see that com in here that's a secret weapon oh maybe I should have ran away from the banana bomb though we're going to go ahead with a sleeping gas here a sleepy sleepy time gas here just kind of spray it up in there kind of what I think they snoozed themselves we're going to go ahead with a force gun that's a force gun I repeat a force gun your earpiece should press it okay press that button here okay oh my goodness and that's how you shoot two people out of a airplane what a toration bye loser this could be a problem oh it's could to be a big problem for you my man that's a big problem for you rank government supported give it something the infamous top B Clan has been apprehended hundreds of arrests made many still are at large authorities tipped off by an anonymous source wait we're still missing an ending though how's that possible okay remember this one here this one here where I did the dummies and then I escaped we're going to shoot a missile out they're firing on us now take down fire oh well hold up okay I was going to say we could live that we could live that but no there someone going to use a tank the tank in the Box Thing notice how I'm doing this notice the strategy here with a Noz Point straight down I can fire it hi it's me Henry are you good and you good here official pardon Henry Stickman all day collected all this individuals will be good we ended Relentless Bounty Hunter yo no shot no way ah hello Henry hello welcome to the wall okay I'm here I'm at the wall guys some of the most cunning and notorious criminals are kept here we have the infamous Henry stick you're going to be here for a long time gregoryi take him guys what do they even do what do they do here until cell found oh hello um okay so I think what I want to do here is I want to play dead I'm just going to die h it was too much I'm dead dude trust me yeah you know new one Henry I di I'm dead dead yep yes wait don't throw me the trash though throw me the trash no no no no okay that was a mistake this time what I do I think what I'm going do I'm going go for a charge tackle here I'm just going to charge track this guy idiot no I'm going to run grab his bio he's got a gun oh no no yes yes yes oh my goodness quick time events here we go make the right Mist speed Sonic time oh that might be too fast that might oh my goodness what's happening that was too fast for me all right this time we're going to make a different decision quick act B we do my back flip and stuff okay oh my good I got some front flips going what am I doing oh to climb wow don't don't tell me to stop I do what I want open okay two G two gun I don't know why I couldn't even read the other ones this is scary much stuff oh snap what I have been kicked from the server for cheating are you serious right now bro I mean I guess it makes sense all right uh R Spider-Man time okay don't be a Spider-Man if you don't have Spider-Man Powers I got it all right this not for real this not for real cuz this one that's my favorite item oh everybody calm down don't make a noise they don't no wear that idiots idiots uh sir I got a message yes go ahead what do you got on the wall there what Henry stick man stick stickman stickman has escaped you still there attention we have't escaped conflict towards the surface guys they have battle tanks out here why do they have tanks out here uh-oh okay you are a master of these sort of situations I feel like okay let's attack a tank let's I just want to know what's going to happen here honestly okay about what I expected to happen gee tanks a lot let's attack the guy with the box of gloves oh my God just punch out okay I got tked okay this time they got the sword now I know this is a stupid idea but I would do it anyways maybe I get a lucky what I what wait no way no shot somewhere we cannot let him get through this skate yeah oh nice that okay this time okay let's take about this logically here fellas okay I just heard the truck turn on so what would a key honestly do I could dress up in a costume sure but I am pretty hungry you see how thin I am I need to put some fat on my body so I need a sandwich here it is a jelly sandwich that's not what I was expecting this is why y'all need to eat your peanut butter jelly sandwiches by by the way oh oh he kicked me in my my stick spot what this time we're going to put on a costume TR what's up losers just hang it out here oh my goodness wait why why would you do it to Frosty okay we'll just take the truck key but I heard the truck SP oh my things are going down Stickman how did you get into this situation they got shotgun oh shoot back shoot back don't take that get R of this guy it's basically like texting and driving bail who's bail out idiots IDI oh so I'm just going to do the other just always pick the roong with slam down Hy okay oh St my no no listen I have to say Henry I'm impressed I am please I'm qued already first person to escape whoop are an you ever see kby anything oh come on Bo wait wait did I have another option that's all I saw hold on hold on let me Focus Here Am think about it think about to escape the wall but this is the end you do nothing here two options here Henry you do nothing now airbag surrender with us back to the complex let's do absolutely nothing let's just wait the timer out well that's just too bad uhoh all right everyone back to work I get back to work about this yes I'm alive oh my goodness I'm [Music] alive you stupid stupid idiots what presume dead yo it's a cold night roll head but he walks this Earth knowing guys there's four more endings we have to find them all okay look we're back at the truck surely surely we're back at the truck but I want to try the airbag I want to try the new things that pop up okay not the warp star wait for it to pop up you got two options hold up hold it stay in there [Music] airag one more there's only one other thing I can surrender I can surrender clear I am they'll never see it coming watch this okay wait for it to pop up wait for it to pop up not yet two options here hry stay in there surrender you up right choice I give up that's what I'm talking about is it really so bad in here Henry you got a window you got oh it is bad I guess okay remember the part where we was running away when we did this thing this time we're going to do hide can go on the toilet maybe oh oh that's not good what if I do nothing here I don't pick any item here what's going to happen oh boy you know I don't think this guy knows what he's saying okay remember this situation here we know that the tank and this guy are bad this guy is good what's here we just run wait we made it oh my goodness oh it's Freddy uh all right here's where I am confused about fellas because this is the map you can see everything is golden right here except the one that says two out of three but there's four edits that I'm missing so there's got to be something I missing oh we know not okay well I'm not missing that one so I put myself back in the cell we know that the charge tackle works the play dead does not what if I boost up and what about this poor woman in here hey what was that H stick talk like a noral person man oh can I save her what about her what is that is that a rock wait a minute what's going on here fellas I want to go up oh hello I sve her no shot hi you're welcome and I'm like look at how much I do I don't care I ended up buffing up my guys and doing like 70 damage that's F 70 damage okay okay uh I heard the distract when it popped up made a farting sound so I'm going to pick that one oh yeah that's not that's not exped at all it's working though it's actually working I'm a genius wait something tells me this is a bad bad uh okay so don't do that um let's ret try this one just going with a tall guy here I'm going with a tall guy excuse me fellas let pass it on thir you fellas okay that has never worked for me in real life I don't know why I thought it would here we're going to go with a bounce Bros here a bounce Bros okay okay apparently I'm just going to pick the worst options first and do the right one last every time SEC KN take down one two okay go perfect oh guys if we can get you up there you could get in and open this door that doesn't make the most sense now how about a gravitator 2.0 here that seems smart that actually Oh I thought I thought I was going to I thought it was going to work here okay how about a u nice the force this is a Star Wars okay watch the neck don't grab the neck though oh actually that's fine good job good job good job there you did great okay okay we're in the west block oh grab a B click on everybody right there Ines wait what did I do okay here we go I'm going to do a sniper rifle I cuz I can no scope these idiots with a 360 no scope here seems like the most in I uh that's literally me trying to pull up a 360 no scope grenade taser that was amazing oh what that was bad I thought that was awesome grenade [Music] crossbow wait okay hold up now so sniper taser she's smart she knew what I was about to do you say all inmate is out of cell some idiot I just grabbed these maybe they'll come in handy I don't know what are they hats okay so I can toss blend in or pass by I was going to toss it regroup with that what was that hey guys convi here that actually worked no way guys it's getting crazy out here there's a lot of oh boy oh [Applause] boy okay I'm going to make a f face it's crazy enough to work upet me oh very much you see that I guess you're welcome you see that I predicted that okay so we have options here left where all the other prison guys are running from the truck which more prison people or we can take I see a bike up here I want to go to the left though look at this green hair guy I like him this was a m fake how about we just jump into the truck here thank you for letting me in we're good we're good everybody good start it up all right I feel I feel I feel good about this oh right we do need a driver right okay this timeone going take the bike clearly this is the best choice it isn't don't touch me there has not been an incident here in 50 years and the day you show up this she led me you are going to regret everything wait I hear her coming back that's what I'm talking [Applause] about yes wait we're still missing two endings though all right let's try something a little bit different here let's wait for a transfer just going to wait for a little bit go have a good time [Music] okay okay um the cookie does look pretty delicious I could fake being sick here I think I just want to eat the cookie though you know some calories in me you know a little sugar raise the blood sugar up a little bit oh what I'm just going to fake sick okay I got the stiffles here excuse me excuse me sir excuse [Music] me hi hello wait these people are actually very very s oh no what you don't like your new friends no these people are disuss and they're full of sicknesses listen I didn't want to have to pull this out but we're going to go with the laser plane how did [Music] you that seems so dangerous but it worked Top Hat you always wear a top hat oh my calling them hide help where are you where is in the complex called W pretty s isn't it yes of course so we uh we'll be right there yeah please help me tight uh I'll let you know when we're close there's a guy underneath that rock I'm sitting on where exactly are you cafeteria cafeteria okay got here wait are they actually doing this right how do you want to do okay I want to use a drill pod to drill out of the window or something come on have go oh help me the Airship okay get there oh s right bro you know it no way no way no way that was a close one Henry but I'm not going to pull you up without you I become the leader of the topet clan again I just wanted to look you in the eyes as I took it all no don't you dare goodbye no no not like this no why would you do this to me it was all my best behavior that guy was definitely the impostor by the way just to let you know impostor however this time I'm not going to take a sick ride this time I'm going to magnetize myself to it cuz that's smart I always thought maggots with a few F not that mag that one's too strong though let's try um let's try a slingshot perfect they all give me a thumbs up they know it's the right way to do it okay none of these options were good remember when my girlfriend or this lady was kidnapped what if I just take a KNE that's not what I thought was going to happen perfect I thought I was going to kneel down and say please let her go adrenaline that's cool okay that didn't work either all right remember this part where we tossed a hat and blamed everyone else what if we just blend it the elevator yep cover can you believe this inmate outbreak crazy huh so crazy pretty crazy oh are you guys new here yeah oh yeah we transferred from the eighth floor yep from the cafeteria nice trying mates oh come on that's where I was working was the cafeteria that's time we're going to just pass by we regroup with walk all by no big deal maximum how you doing gentlemen have a great day du I like Hello who get the guards why would you do that I want to try breaking out of this cell using a Sonic pulse oh that is loud oh that hurt my ears what about a teleporter let's teleport her out of here guys we let teleport to Henry sck 2 it's fine [Music] come on Brothers is that protos how do they put every single game in the world in one game wow all right remember this part where I the force worked at the gravit did it well what about a judo throw okay should have known better should have known better remember this part where the drill pot came out in what if we just go ahead and use a neurotoxin here a neurotoxin okay so far so good zombies oh my goodness I turned the zombies this time we're going undercover agent style this cannot go wrong hey Henry do I have all these I'm under cover yeah I'm here to break you out oh thank you what let let me know idiot are you stupid why would you say that you're so loud all right what are we missing here fellas and why is this bottom one that says cafeteria top hat caught of like a beige color and the rest are gold colors what's going on here remember in the main chat where I helped the the girl get up here by using the up Arrow this how it's going to leave her Ellie will remember that so at this point he has like 10 and he plays the gates are open and I'm like look at how much I care what are you talking about I don't care I'm going to use a whoopy cush here because I've always wanted to do this I ended up buffing up my guys and oh come on okay I'm so sorry that was so stupid was to wait what you what don't you accuse me come on just a me wasn't me no way this is working out like that okay so now I'm here alone and I don't have the redheaded girl with me mhm yes okay so I power jump now I'm feeling that [Music] one whoa that actually worked guys okay you know I'm going to go with the balloon like do you even have to ask surely this is this is what I I would blow the balloon up first before jumping down but he did it right he did it right my man knows what's he doing balloons never fail oh plunger boots absolutely 100% plunger oh oh well you can still take him off you can still take okay we're going to try some helium here cuz this will make me light and I'll float probably see just like a balloon it all comes back to the balloons Henry you're so smart dude how do you get here man come on okay this time we're going to use the Mario 3 Leaf perfect and it's working okay okay let's use the rocket because that just sounds like a blast literally blast off that seems a bu something I would do that's right we're going to go to the SS Annie cuz it's massive boat and you cannot go wrong with a boat this I you just can't go wrong with a boat who this that was sus that was sus that was [Laughter] actually we're going to go with the dingy here a little dingy here okay this the seal Runner 3000 someone just leave I think it was Smith oh yeah probably have to see his family just Smith going to see his family yo what ghost inmate let's go I want to try the command Melody instead of the whoopy cushion in this situation perfectly executed okay I I use my ability to command him kind of like a mind control technique here fellas this guy did not appreciate that what if it this pigpet the guy kind is he a pants oh yeah loot all this stuff all this doing like 70 damage oh that was too heavy okay just let's just run by like like don't even care I'm buffing up my guys and doing bye bye idiot is that the convict no yeah I think surely could be how could the when someone tries to escape again leave it alone I think shoot him yeah sounds right let's leave it alone oh come on man all right instead of doing a power drop here I'm I'm going to actually use a spring it works exactly the same I mean almost did let's just try to Long Shot let's just try it that's very long shot oh oh H hello just pass it all through my man all right this time I I just want to try a bungee jump down because I I honestly I feel like bungee jumping is super scary you don't use rope I don't think I use rope for that use stretchy kind of materials cuz you'll break your back just time just press the button dude just call the elevator and that's how you do it I say now now we have a lovely ride going on here okay we don't have to do everything crazy hello hi fellas how can you even tell out the convict I look exactly like you all right there's something I've been wondering here how good is Henry stickman's balance [Music] not [Music] bad okay the pipe was I fault here not Henry all right last time we was here we used the leaf I'm going to use the Box we are going Metal Gear Solid St see this has worked many times for me a Gary's Mod why C this fall for this before okay this did not okay that's that's not right we're going to use the shadowa here blend in become a shadow I'm going be honest with you this one isn't that great oh well you know we got to try it anyways what do you mean this isn't great this is amazing what's happening oh maybe it's not that good Fellas fellas fellas there's still one more ended out there and I don't know where it's at it's here isn't it last time I called the top back Clan now I got to call the government yeah Oh Henry hi government I'm in trouble not good not good yeah yeah oh I'm in prison I'm in a complex here oh I see can you go get me yeah I'm uh I'm playing right now actually oh okay excellent where are you I'm in the complex the wall think I've heard of that place yeah come get me please I'm I'm on a mission but uh I should have some time to swing by okay 1 hour later Hey so uh I'm getting pretty close okay yeah just uh try to get outside and I'll I'll uh you know yeah yeah exactly okay totally going to take this door back here probably should be fine okay okay earthbend flash okay you know I got to go with the flash where you going Ty if you can do all this if you can do all this how did you why do you think you need help uh I see the wall oh you're outside nice yeah hi can you come grab me real quick yeah there's a guard in the way oh is this guy bio for you just like the old times yeah man yeah I want to go with Charles I got the perfect plan okay let me see that this is the greatest plan okay yep that's what I expected here okay good job Charles this time I'm going to try a mini helicopter here can't go wrong with a baby helicopter idiot who it actually worked and there you go hey I'm seeing a helipad up here you want to land get picked up close though they'll uh they'll probably raise the alarm probably huh this going to be kind of fast here I'm coming and get ready oh definitely take out the guy with the Bazooka oh my goodness I picked the right option hi yeah get back up to what happens Bud holy moly that is five out of five edes don't leave yet there's something I must try I really just want to do some Earth bending [Music] yo that's so cool oh my goodness aw so so so such good try though such good try there can I just see what the bubble Shield does does anybody want to know what the bubble Shield does cuz I want to know it's perfect why do you even eat body armor oh wait we can't leave oh oh all the scenarios we did back in the past we can combine them so for example when I stole the Ruby and the top hat leaders fled I combine that with becoming an ally with Ellie to make my own story or I could do this one here where I just fled undetected no no no let's do you're a bloody Thief with CCT allies and then we're going to hit launch and we're just we're going to make a custom story here and Things Are happening okay yes that's what I did remember okay I had the rocket and then I escaped with Ellie on the motorcycle okay we did that we did that this is so cool how do they make this I know it's been a long ride but we're almost there agreed we all the top at Clan right we have a secret base out here I'm hoping they might let us join up with them now that we're on the Run okay should be right around the this guy has a TR yes sir we found them they took the bike here like you say yeah just like you say the get the bi it seems like some other government is here where there's gunshots there's gunshots down there don't worry about them focus on Henry and the kill you okay wait I have to get her bio again give me that click click click on everybody here we're sitting ducks okay oh my goodness okay okay okay okay okay so we have a teammate now I want to use a controller combined with wings I I don't know what that's going to do oh should have known something stupid was going to happen let's just try that one I I do want to use the controller but I want to use it with the RPG plug it in wait what Oh I thought that was okay that that was going to work let's try to rope with the RPG okay this ISS smart okay okay let's just try the last option the rope with the wigs this is the stupidest idea two enemies the stupidest idea sometimes the smartest idea my friends oh they're coming in got one of them right here bro no nice no now where's the other one okay honestly I'm thinking we want to use the tech this is going to get them what uh-oh hello what what are you [Music] joking completing the mission to count an error R return to the previous location let's try and get up to the two enemies I'm so confused I'm so confused I don't know what's happening so [Applause] wait I think something went wrong do you [Music] think okay this time we're just going to uh use a time machine here we're going to go back a time a little bit here and crank that back a little bit here not too far not too oh now one month into your trading this is only the beginning it will be hard C twins you boys will never be fit for combat Duty I will personally see to it that you are discharged what is happening let's try and get up to the oh I got I went back in time and got them fired or something so now they're not going to be here you good all right let's get the is launching in 2 minutes once we get to the top of this Tower easy we'll cross the bridge and be on the rocket Absolutely I'll get Rocket top Clan will let us join why are we going on the rocket are we just going to like escape to another planet here on the bridge open fire no no no no no no no don't open fire don't open fire no no no no no no no no no block that worked quickly hold it okay got him you're not to it no no no no we're here to join you we're wanted just like all of you yeah we just want to join you guys I like your metal still our Ruby you do have some skills I do have skills man join as long as you return the Ruby not to belong to me you are coming with us well hold up I'm mean Charles falling up on that disturbance we saw at the bridge yeah yeah turns out the top at leaders are here I'm in quite the pick on Henry come on help me take down the top okay calm down everybody I don't know who do I join with I definitely don't like the wall oh I run away with my true love oh I'm going to run away with my true love I love you okay that was so stupid wait she's so powerful and smart and skilled this is quite the predit are we all the rocket right now did you just put a hole in the rocket though ah this can't be [Music] smart this isn't smart we're going to die up here there's no okay this is why you don't pick true love apparently let's try going with the government hello it's me it's Henry oh I still get to take her with me all fall back okay we're going to shoot out the support maybe we be further away though I feel like a rocket would explod oh oh wait really yeah nice work both of you thankk you for saying that Charles reporting the base I got a couple of friends here with me we're going to guess who they are Henry well and if it isn't ell2 we've had you on our watch list for a while is that a good thing or bad thing your help here today I didn't think we could trust you after last time definitely trust H well now that you mention it we do have kind of a criminal history problem it's true we do yeah I figured that was coming I suppose you've earned a pardon yes pardoned something Pals we're pardoned Pals well hold up what happens if I side with the top back Clan take these than wait trolls trolls I got troll get out of there well done now get St in we're about to blast off what where we're actually going wow I can't believe wait there's a hole there oh my goodness no not like this you've taken everything me I can't breathe when you CH my is ruined now I will ruin that's where the air goes the air goes there oh W we've made it we live in space now she got a little concussion but she going to be okay I'd like to welcome our new members they really show their gust oh oh my goodness I think I do they promise to return the Ruby [Music] Ruby top at recruits well hold what happens if I side with the wall all right this time the wall this wall here we go nobody nobody to do anything you will never see wait I'm going to prison wait I just give myself up to go to prison oh my goodness I'm back here and they froze me alive well I don't think there's any way to get out of that situation all right we used the time machine we use the corrupt tick I'm just going to disguise myself I'm going to go in and a little bit of the disguise here put some makeup on little makeup on here how you doing gentlemen it's me hey brother how you doing Brothers okay that was not smart Okay this time I just want to know what happens if I just use the grappler hook here [Music] okay remember that okay what if I just do this hold on catch okay what do you just do nothing they called me fat so are you serious look how skinny I am I'm not going to do anything this is what you get for call me fat Okay that was not smart I want to know what happens if we go with the pure blooded Thief like we did last time but this time we go with the ghost inmate this means I fled undetected and Ellie was abandoned the entire time she shouldn't even be here right okay so the same opening as last time there's me with the Ruby being all cool and there's me fleeing on a boat and now we got a new station now good evening top Clan continues to remain Untouched by the governments of the world true that true that their rocket launch earlier this week space station in a stable orbit around the globe so where am I the station has plenty of room to store all the Clan's members as well as the stolen valuables among these valuables is the Priceless Norwegian Emerald stolen from the queen of Norway's Chambers just last year the top Clan are also thought to be the ones responsible for the theft of the Romanian Ruby and the Tunisian Diamond the orbital station allows the topper Clan to easily raid any place on earth [Music] oh oh hey chief i c you our satellites have picked up a hostile object right oh no is it the government did they send a destroyer after us it's me you guys are in so much trouble now you ID will never see this coming I'm going to get you all your laser beams are no effect for me I'm going to do a barrel roll see I learned this from Star Fox don't find a big bom oh that was an lron roll what I'm going to do some light speed here lights you got to hold on to it okay you forgot have to hold on to your butts I tell you guys every video to hold on to your butts this is why okay let's have for real let's have a real mosquito mode which are very tiny and Pierce them like a mosquito oh pop on okay oh yeah uh we completely missed and they're uh they're on ship now completely missed completely missed we spent so much money on that I'm so sorry to hear that my man I'm money is not cheap these days okay so the gravity chamber to the weapons of the oxygen big fan to the Vault I'm getting some amongus Vibes here we're going to go with a ramp car because I saw it and it looks no no no oh don't worry the top hats validate parking okay this time we're going to go with a cannon where are you getting this equipment from oh my goodness okay that didn't work either gosh darn it okay okay let me think logically what would I I do in real life here I would use if I was in this situation I would use a teleporter yep it can't go wrong don't even think about it just press the button you're fine what why would you do this okay this is why you don't play with oh oh oh jeez oh oh the good stuff say in here wait hold up okay he jaed it will shoot it out Wall clip I don't know if you want to go in there can you wall CP out smashing it sounds smart I want just wall CP and see what happens oh are you stupid are you stupid Henry you got to be stupid dude this time we're just going to go ahead and smash it open I've tried this in real life it actually doesn't make you stronger Jee calm down this time we going hit the open button and that was it that was my first gut about say something say something oh hey oh no you don't hi hey yeah I'll found that Intruder exellent work I knew I could count on you no no no no no no no this is the guy that stole our Ruby no I didn't to steal Emerald I'm giving it back probably you better take care of him don't take care of me dude pleasure no no no no no no no no no no no no no chance time wait I want to yell oh my goodness those Skyrim dragon skills really do come in handy some days right hand man what happened what's going on breach in Orion Lounge that's what's going on let IDI you never saw this coming did you Chief we spotted him outside get him stop him fire Supreme dominance now no no no you ain't got to fire Supreme dominance okay no no no that's a little unnecessary that's a little unnecessary hello it's just me I'm just a guy super Henry well you know I got to click that one okay I don't know what's going to happen here it can't be good it was not good you need like six more emerals before you can transform it into Super Henry is that even a possibility though can I get all the emeralds this time I'm just going to grow and Shrink I know this is stupid but I'mma click it anyways it's not stupid it work it was brilliant I knew it all along I knew it was the best idea I knew it you guys thought I was stupid for that huh oh not you hello it's me again cash you I did it I'm a genius [Music] I get this this was me breaking news the topet orbital station has been completely destroyed we are unsure of the exact details at the moment we all are we all are pods have been seen entering the atmosphere wait those look like a skap pod was found but there is nobody inside government forces State they do not know whether he survived oh I survived all right did I I don't know Jewel Baron yo I got all three of the jewels look look at M there's one thing I want to try fellas in this last one here I want to know what happens if I loaded safe dominance now okay okay let me load my game here Lo back a couple minutes wait don't save it here wait what dominance now is that your save point this is the stupidest save point you've ever had Henry this is something I would do with the senders oh my goodness all right I want to go back in time a little bit and explore some different options let's go over here remember this part here where this thing happened here wait I already tried all these oh I didn't try doing nothing though oh oh that's what happens if you do nothing well sometimes you never know let's try this area here now look at all these options we have here let's try making a bridge this is actually what I would do in real life oh now I feel stupid now I feel let's try Mak it a rocket though now this is what I would try real we're going to go with a catapult here that this is what I would try real okay oh we're going to go with a pole vaol here this is what I would try in real [Music] life we're actually going to go in a leap this is what I would try in real life no well now we know what happens when you try all the things now this time we over here I'm going to go ahead and just eject the emerald just going to eject it out we don't need it nobody gets it oh oh well over here I'm going to chance time it one sec okay would I roll here okay that means I give it to them oh this time I'm going go with Emerald you'll never stop this they stopped it they really really stopped it okay we're going to do pure bloody with my fake death where I do not meet Ellie let's just see what happens let's go let's go for it let's let's take a little iy peeky here so here I am again once again with the Ruby as I've always planned and here's me escaping by faking I died you can see life has turned out pretty well for me people can I speak to the chief please you available well look I was just wondering if the rocket plan was still in action you know the rocket plan firing up that space station into orbit totally yeah the one where we can just sit around who's this person with the purple bandana is that Ellie you know luxurious Lou plenty of room great view of Earth far enough away from any meddling governments interesting you would say that so loudly still happening then here right we're leaving from that jungle base then right true what relax mate no one's going to be listening in here you really think some's going to try and steal an entire rocket you must be mental it was me the whole time you fools you have no idea what I'm capable of 4 hours before launch okay it's going down Henry why are we doing this is Henry a bad guy or a good guy I don't know anymore oh here we go stop hey can you oh yeah sure thing thank you sir appreciate it wait a minute yep oh command a guy just zipped right by me I I couldn't do anything about it he was too fast Intruder yep no I'm not an intruder I'm a guest I'm a guest I was allow in here oh they have no idea what's coming for them so hot look you're not allowed to change heads all right now drop it Among Us in there among us oh my the dread it run from it the sh AR all the same that is true there's no getting away from a blue turtle shell fell so wait what am I supposed to do here I'm not allowed to change heads all right oh I picked up the Among Us guy getting on my nerves oh we go over here the items you yeah I was going to say those look like mines you know what I bet what you do here is literally do nothing watch getting on my nerves over here go run right through these idiots loser been spotted on the premises look that nice hat there stop is that better oh wait who was that guy he look like the rocket close the main door immediately hey hey okay spike wheels we're going to climb the wall I knew it he's riding straight up what is this guy doing trying to steal our rocket no I would never do that take care of this I would never do that don't don't you dare oy Chief got a clear shot here yes go ahead no no no no no no Hammer Hammer Hammer [Music] okay what wait what's the other hammers do though did they all do the same thing use this one oh okay what was the okay hold on they make different s effects listen clap Bonk I don't know what this one is what my man emergency launch protocol okay slow down please you're going crazy man hijacking the rocket right man where are you I thought we had like I thought we had a few more too bad I don't know what going on here on my watch no no no no no don't don't you there's no way dude come on that is just ridiculous I'm going to do a Precision shot here you're done for buddy let go of the grappling hook idiot yep never saw it coming did you losers and that's how you complete the mission fellas by getting in oh what's this little gra to fly by is that St welcome to Stickman space Resort built out of a former topat base it's been refitted for your luxury enjoyment I can't that have reformed and now work as crew members the topet that remained on Earth were arrested as you know the resort is run by the man himself Henry Stickman you may wonder why did he steal a criminal Clan's rocket and decide to turn it into a resort we may never but hey you wouldn't be here if that didn't happen that is true enjoy your stay welcome to my hotel fellas now listen remember this spot here what about this you stage boosters I released him oh okay um let's go ahead with a different fuel speed here really cranking on here I feel like that was a good idea just kidding I was just joking the whole time I ran out of gas that was a bad idea okay remember go what I go to jump here I was going to oh oh that looks painful Henry oh his legs gone let's go with let's go with the other one here the limbo here there go whoa Henry let's go to absolutely nothing let's go to absolutely nothing see what happens here Let's do let's live oh okay for this part here I'm going to go to drill I'm going to drill through inside of there he he he drill go okay um this time however we're I'm going to do here but this I'm go with a batter and RAM it was very top heavy wasn't it there something I'm do nothing I'm going to do nothing I'm going do nothing watch this watch this do nothing watch this lag okay for this one though remember this part here this time I going do nothing here surely I woke a shot at in the face oh oh well I should have known okay this time this time though for this last part here this last part here this time I going do nothing here watch Just Watch What Happens here these guys are so stupid they have no idea the pain that they're about to cause themselves this is what I was just talking about Return to Sender we're going to go with government supported private investigator and we're going to combine that one with ghost inmate and see what kind of story we get this is where we fled undetected and Ellie was aband but we never really got to know her very well snaps here's a recap of what happened okay hundreds of arrest made Ellie will remember that and that's me escaping on the boat leaving Ellie behind playing video games now okay message to reach the players of hosting a t most recent message this is a C2 broadcast the remnants of the top hat Clan have been seen mobilizing near the Dogo BOGO jungle dooo jungle are there attempting to launch an orbital satellite of some kindell unconfirmed reports are telling us they are shipping their assets by train to this Bas TRS these assets include all treasures and artifacts they have stolen throughout the years treasures and artifacts now these Treasures are worth quite a lot of money so we got to make sure [Music] yes is Henry Stickman a bad guy or a good guy no no stairways here this is checkpoint Inspection Team five we are all clear we'll be out here am at okay how do we want to get onto this train here I'm thinking obviously a magical hat you don't say no to a magical hat okay actually think about it logically OB make the right decision yes Magic Hat is the right decision I suppose we should hop in time all right I'll get the door see you see I'm going to make zero mistakes this entire video watch everything I do is going to be perfect on the first try you were standing right next there hey you there oh jeez no no one's here no one's here click on everybody okay we're going to do the mannequin thing yes pose who check out this crazy coat rack me I'm a little hat holder person o can I take your hat o I wonder what's out the window oh it broke why would you do that that press F to what happens if I actually press [Music] F literally nothing happens this time I'm going to the mannequin though stupid we're going to with the window this seems smart this is intelligent look how beautiful now we get the sunrise and there's no way we'll be detected up here just get down no free transform I I panic I paniced I just click the button okay transform there we go all right Lads trades here let's get everything packed up before it gets too late okay things are looking good so far for me fill with beer okay here fellas I am going to go with the oh they all look like fun options we're we're going to try them out at the end of the video guys don't worry um Infinity 3 store anything in this Cube It's got virtually Limitless storage thanks to its creative use of pocket Dimensions do they all have something they say oh just place these on any object and it will turn into a leaf it'll vacuum up anything you aim at it let's do infinite 3 okay that's just absolutely amazing it's full what are you talking about it's supposed to be infinite oh this is why you don't buy things used it already had a boat inside of it oh let's do leaf mode oops sorry about that excuse me oh picking them up all at once good thing let's go with the suck pack here fellas the suck pack [Music] here nothing exploded and a car is that a Lambo what is that no we'll take it though that's how we do it that's how we do it gentlemen so we just what we just went on the train made it to the base [ __ ] everything up in a vacuum stole that car and now we're we're home free with Millions everyone today the day why is it empty in here oh you stupid idiots cleaned them out y y but clearly we got to go back and try some new Alternatives that could have went down like what if I used the top hat box just hit in the Box I suppose we should hop in HP on oh I got a box my hands how did we lose one I think we should throw it in the cut just to be safe absolutely throw me on the train man what what do you mean nah I mean they made the right decision I can't be mad at them but what if that was really a product let's use a prop here I should hop in you idiots will never see this coming was that bush always there yes he was I'm not sure I'll give it to test give it the old Bush test why would you do that oh it was a fake you guys are the worst people I've ever met in my life okay what happens at this part if we just take a good old sit down nothing crazy nothing weird just going to sit here excuse me uh I was saving that seat for my friend I'm sorry D I'm just really tired today hello hello I'm just tired oh hey there you are yeah no this guy just took a seat his face let's go to this one let's do nothing here I should have expected that that was that was all me that one was on me fellas let's um let's try another Pinterest wait Sage Dickman has drowned okay okay this how we're going to do the window going back in the window hello oh this butthole closed the window why would he do that okay okay okay so we completed this part here let's go to the hub here let's go back to the government supported private investigator but this time we're going to have Ellie on our side so let's see what happens with this one here okay there it is repeat again just in case you forgot somehow but this time we escaped with Ellie my girlfriend that's right boys are you sure this is where he's going to pick us up ah there he is yep good old Charles some work with him in the past or something yeah this is if you trust him then so do I good good good on you Ellie for trusting me to trust man nice to see you again who's your friend Ellie I'm Ellie well nice to meet you any friend of Henry's is a friend of mine so uh I was able to swing by and pick you guys up yeah what's wrong well you remember the captain he had to sanction this pickup in return we're going to need your assistance again the top hats with the top hats gotcha I hope that's all right absolutely well it is the least we could do he is helping us out it is true Ellie good let me fill you in on the details when we get into the air absolutely absolutely give me those details give me those deeps I'm ready all right so what's left of the top at Clan is set up a some sort of secret base out in the jungle seems like they're planning on launching a some kind of space station Orit they'll be sitting pretty if they pull this off so we got to make sure that they don't stop them from going into outou of space the general and he said he's pulling out all our main forces he said that Henry and I made a good team last time so he trust that we can pull it off H and I make a pretty good team too don't count me out it's true and we're going to make a great Squad great squ three of us we have no problems zero problem Miss zero problems zero problems I'm not going to make any mistakes this entire time watch I don't think I can get any closer without getting shot down no worries we can get there from here where are we dropping boys okay zero mistakes so you've already made that claim here so we can drop into the satellite PL place we can use Wings to hover into the rocket an umbrella and a parachute we're going to go with the umbrella because you always leave home without an umbrella and now that you don't see perfect we got some delinquents on the window of the control tower I'll take care of it yeah I was just about to close outplayed okay we're going to go with the wings see we're going to go the wings wee look at this that's about what I expected Hest all this is a pilot Wings reference if you guys ever played pilot Wings it's the best Nintendo 64 game in the world we're going to go for the jetpack we're are not playing around anymore today we are taking this 100% seriously oh I'm alive weirdly smooth that's not what I expected at all so what's the plan oh I don't know the rocket will be launching very soon please get on board immed ropes and bouncy balls to leave you behind ropes we're going to uh sounds like they're about to take off you guys should get over there right away to help as soon as I can this flower thing back here we're going to use a ducky Kong Barrel here oh the's swap oh wait oh Minecraft build though Barrel okay it works for Donkey Kong it can work for stick people too see right here combo time Cannon funny story this cannon was actually built to fire human it's kind of weird oh neat no good thing okay I am killing this right now now quick guys you got to stop that rocket from taking off I am crushing this got a little bit of a situation why look look at all these people you kind to be out of your mind how am I going to do this we're going to go with the DB Z Fusion technique that's right you've never seen anything as dangerous as this C who will challenge me I'll take care of this you think just cuz you fuse you're a match for me yes don't make me laugh enough waiting around oh wait a minute hold up let's get pretty intense I'm not going to lie to you I don't know what's happening right now did we lose certainly we can [Music] fly all that for that all that for that you know what we're going to do a diversion here okay check it out this is not what I expected to happen I don't know what's going on [Music] it's fortnite this is what I picture fortnite to be like wait a minute Ione getting down though it's actually [Music] [Music] [Applause] working what is going on how's this [Music] working situation sorted how how wait is that what we're going on out of space guys the Rocket's launching we got to do something before we need to stop this we need to come up with a plan quick okay Henry's plan Charles let's go with Henry's plan cuz Henry Henry's got a plan I do so yeah yeah oh yeah okay oh yeah it's a great idea all right you guys do your thing I'll be ready I'm ready what who's that h new course set did you set the autopilot all right autopilot onil bail out yo what that work I wonder what would have been Ellie's plan or Charles's plan we got to go back I got questions and I need answers can't believe we did it I can't either where' you end up sending the rocket anyway good question where did it go ah the wall that was a lot of fun you know feel free to call us if you got any more jobs to do Charles please call me again right Henry absolutely and we got married and everything was great and I got the TT ending so before we bust into this place what happens if I do try to parachute over here I mean things are going down oh right for this part here I really want to just build a Minecraft Bridge there we go now this is what I'm talking about fellas take a Time hold your Crouch key don't fall off the ledge or anything like that oh oh I'm a man don't worry I've been there many times many times before it happens to the best of us it happens to yep let's just swap place this here oh throw [Music] [Applause] to be honest I knew that was going to happen I think let's go with the the swap climb down and run you can't go wrong with a good climb down and run situation I'm [Music] there you guys are still running oh I can just pick you up I'm getting my cardio in man come on it's a long you're staying committed to your choice I can respect that thank you for respecting than that you got to get an exercise these days okay oh only 20 more minutes until you're almost halfway there oh okay for this part here let's use a net hey that's a net loss for you too com this time we're use hand I got you what is that my man this time we're going to do nothing we're just going combo time okay let's go to this Mission here we're going to use the downgrader look oh it's working we're Geniuses wait this is the thing he used it's just a DOT you mean we're stuck like this hey just a noise that's a nice okay let's go to the final one we're going to use Ellie's plan see plan Henry and I will overload the engine room causing an explosion Charles we'll need you to wait outside the auxiliary exhaust by the forward left booster we'll only have about 20 seconds to get out before it blows oh all right I'll be ready now hurry okay this is way more complicated than Henry's plan way more complicated where is he all right I'm in position I don't see you guys though we said left we said left oh let's try Charles's plan at least was too complicated the okay my I'm going to crash head first into the cafeteria window perfect what do you mean like you're going to jump out and smash it with your head no no with my helicopter what do you guys think I'm ready to hold on I don't really understand no he's just going CR understand it's simple I fly the helicopter into the window I got it but how does that help yeah how does it help I don't really think you get it Henry you get it right oh yeah me and Henry get it yeah I guess I'm out voted then um I think it's a little bit out of range now oh helicopters don't go that high all right we got two more scenarios to play out here government support and private investigator with presumed dead where I did not meet Ellie and I faked my own death how does this play out in my favor you ask yourselves we have no idea blop blue BL blue okay so here is where I live now gra that gra that guy the orbital station allows the top to easily raid any place on Earth that's the top hat Clan stealing the stuff there Charles Henry I heard you died I did die fake the top back Clan has been causing a bunch of problems for me lately yeah ever since they got that orbital station set up they've been super strong yeah now that I think about it you and I made a pretty good team in the past we did that we could take him out dude we totally me and you Charles personal oh yeah let's get personal well what do you say you want to help me take him out for good you darn too I do boy awesome all right follow me I have a way we can get into space okay I trust you Charles so we're going out of space for real secret government prototype what do you think I think it's amazing that you can do this it is okay all right how do you want me to bring you in oh this is so how do I want to go in there just like last time okay I can I I I want to be oh jeez they all sound fun I want to be thrown out of a trash ball space suit and hide in this ball of trash okay what it's a good idea trust me I do trust you Charles I trust you my entire life in existence right now here I am in the trash ball okay see I told you it was a good idea the top bats have no clue you're there now true I'm going to stick back here though so they don't detect me that Mak sense should still be able to help you get inside from here though uh okay uh super accurate laser shot this might make you a little nervous but I'm going to fire super accurate laser shot right next to you it'll make a hole you can climb through and get inside you know oh I know we're under attack maximize Shield wouldn't that cause the rocket to like oh that is not what I expected to happen at all who let's go with a hot knife on your helmet go ahead and press what did that also do the same thing it's a knife that's so hot you can cut through any material oh my you dropped it didn't you no no this Charles you know what no this calls for some bold action I agree bold action I'm the Bold Action Man warning damage to core please evacuate immediately oh that's me right down the ground I've always wanted to do that anyways should probably find a way off the before it exp but we just got on it wait why why did I need it this is the only way through why did we just Z it with a million lasers at once okay we're going to lift the door up one [Music] two scre got to go into the V this vent leads somewhere on the other side okay keep your eyes peeled there going to be a little mous probably in here he's singing to himself oh boy we're running out of time yeah Dage [Music] to hat um I saw them go wait I let's go 32 room for two more hello oh guy I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it okay let's retry that let's pick another let's pick this [Music] St oh there we go well that was intense can't wait to go home oh my goodness save me CH don't worry about me I'll find another way CH no no like this Henry you there man that roughed me up you good I don't know it's got to be another Escape podt around here somewhere oh my goodness no we did it though we got him it was a pretty good plan could say it was the greatest [Music] like death General the topat station's been destroyed excellent news no what's wrong we lost a good man [Music] today oh is it okay to cry am I allowed to cry let's um let's pick the third door reverse threr engaged wait what so no matter what you do Charles probably guys Dies at the End hold on let's go back to the map we got to go back to the start okay this time instead of a trash ball just Dro me off dude all right I'll just swing by we're going to drop over at a different location to change the entire outcome here drop me off hey chief we're detecting a government ship approaching okay so blow them up already yeah no I mean no I mean no wait why why did I say yeah this dude straight up drove with the lasers let's use an air cannon sounds weird but this air bubble's going to keep you breathing so you get to the side W wouldn't just pop if it touches the side of the rocket though it's also really sturdy see on well he answer my question then that's good fortunately it doesn't move very fast still working that one out that's fine you shot me with a lot of propulsion I'm sure don't wor I'll keep you company until you get there am I suffocating what kind of movies you like you used up all the AR already you Glutton I am a heavy breather we're just going to beam ourselves on board noig de give you right a board should be a piece of cake yeah get me in there guy hello oh hey bud well okay we have one more situation on our hands here we're going to hack the door I think I can hack this panel to get the door I believe in you maybe let's will change the entire outcome of our [Music] future yeah I have no idea what that sounds about right all right back to the hub government supported private investigator with the International Rescue oper we are assisted by Charles fled in the helicopter here we go just a recap for you fellas right here this this is what we did last time where Charles saved us okay here we go General ah perfect timing boys waiting for you two to get here let me just get we've discovered that the remainders of the top at Clan have been seen building some kind of Rocket they've been Gathering the remaining members and supplies here in the jungle watch with that they're able to get this station into orbit they'll be impossible for us to take down now I know you don't owe us anything Henry but we could really use your help on this one help us out with this one and you'd be we'd be ow you a big big old favor Roger that you and Charlie have worked well together in the past so we figured you'd the Dream Team hey what do you say Henry you can count on us just don't die this time Charlie I can't handle another emotional now really put of potatoes in one sa on this one a lot of potatoes in one sack my man hopefully that sack is pretty strong right hey I know uh we just started and all but uh I think I'm getting targeted by a Sam turret what yeah oh yeah oh my goodness let's go ahead and uh deal with that I'm going to stomp on it stupid machine oh no saved you we we save chars guys that's all that matters we're going to go to Cupcake well I can't stop the rocket on an empty stomach that would just be irresponsible we're going to do a draw in here watch this we're going to confuse the laser beam by putting a picture of a a thing a cloud only clubs I don't really know what you did but uh seems to have done the trick could you do that in real life the rocket will be launching very please get on board immediately it's always the one your last think it's going to be oh we really got to get you in there yeah give me should be able to get you in there with this you definitely know I want to go with the trapeze all right Henri H go ahead and grab to the the thing and then I'll helicopter you across wa see it's always the one you think won't go to work oh man looks like every member of the top at Clan is on here so looking at a schematic here um if you get to the engine room you can shut down the engine and then uh the Rocket won't be able to take offer and they'll all be stuck in here okay so we just going to shut the engine down while you make a run for it to the engine room got it that a Minecraft statue in the background what is that um okay so we're going to go with a remote Top Hat all right I know they have one of these AB board I think I can remote hack into it yes yeah look at me I am the rob a [Applause] [Music] bio me and Charles are the best team in the world room in no time I guess this rocket has an internal engine room it probably like manages the electronics or something I don't know I'm not trust me anyways trust me buddy I am amazing at sinking boats crashing helicopters and airplanes and definitely blowing up Rockets we're just going to turn the button off oh wait that usually works oh off St for offense let's use a red fish here seems like we're having some problems with the engin yes can we get the CR to look at that you can take a look but you ain't getting far should we be helping with the engine n they're sending some from the storage nice disabling that engine is definitely going to buy you some extra time now here's what I'm thinking if you can get up to the cockpit you can gain control the rocket disable it and lock everyone inside I'll call in the reinforcements and we'll make these the rest easily what do I click on pretty good plan right um what am I doing now bug yes please this will turn the user into a bug be that fly in the wall and listen in on hot [Music] gossip that looks painful I can't even see oh there I am in the middle oh that didn't last long at all what was that let's use the good old swaer room here little little swap swapper instantly swaps places with anyone just point the right at the person and you like to swap place where it's that easy I use it every day it's great Gadget game okay swap place with that guy idiot the cockpit is coming up you should be able to gain complete control of the rocket from there do all right I will be able to did you fix the engine hold it right there please don't point that at me wait a minute I know you you're the guy that arrested the Airship division now you're here to bring down the rest of us I changed teams again Henry are you in trouble you're in trouble flank steak no wait if you're in trouble say nothing I still can't tell oh actually I can see it from here yeah it looks pretty bad yeah it's not good let alone a rocket I got your back buddy use the horn use the horn leaders left details for this plan and I had to [Music] dig okay then let's you did it now you just got to lock it up I will definitely lock it up all right time to call in the refor all right mission complete fellas we are out of here once again you might want to get us out here we got the Govern coming right that was really easy sir hello at least open the locks and let us get to our weapons you are not getting anything not as long as I'm here look at this guy's stupid face give me that H give me that give me those bies yeah nice work man yeah this is uh this is every last remaining member getting hauled off fine work indeed boys thanks General you two really do make a fine team of the best you both into special Co Ops agents no way h's not even enlisted well he is now unless he doesn't want it you'll be running a lot more missions together with Charlie yeah Special brover Ops what haven't we tried yet though so many options we could try look what happens if I open the panel here let's reprogram some of these wires yeah pull them out so it kind of looks like the Sam turret's shooting all of its missiles that can't be right I just wanted to make sure I am so sorry about the trolls I did not mean for it to go down like that remember this part here where we used the trapezes and it worked fine what about an invisible Bridge all righty I've uh teleported that platform in there for you copy that yeah go ahead and just uh make your way across then Roger that I trust you oh oh we put it somewhere else the idiot jetpod oky dokie sending down that jet is that how you spell oky doie I haveen been spelling it wrong my entire life we're going to use a subsonic wave here a Subic yeah hold your ears everyone that hears it so you might want to cover your ears okay yours are [Music] covered all right coast is [Laughter] clear we're going to do a TV broadcast no one can resist a TV broadcast hey guys come check this out someone's streaming TV out here it's actually working getting upset Jeremy Oh Henry you goofball what are you doing giggling come on man what are you doing all right this time we're going to try to shut down the engine use on a wrench just to see what [Music] happens it looks like I got stronger sooner than we thought it'd be let's get out of here all you did was make it better this doesn't seem right it's not right at all someone save me please all right I just have to know painting portal okay painting oh it's Mario let's go hey hi pleas wait not like this not like this all right for the ending we're going to go with an IR sniper I got the sniper that spots out bad guys I'll just take him out from here don't worry there's there's zero chance that I'll hit you with this zero uh oh I'm losing control what do you mean you're losing control oh boy oh boy oh man and I dropped my sniper come what is going on out there Charles get it together my man [Music] uhoh all right sleep do one sleep sleepy boy coming right up sleepy boy on the way and I had to dig through mountains of paperwork find it and now of course sty class now we already did the government supported private investigator and the pure blooded Thief ones playlist in the description if you missed those videos it's a very fun series to watch now we're going to be doing Relentless Bounty Hunter and we're going to combine that with the ghost inmate making our very own story let's launch it let's see what it comes out as okay so this is what we did back in the day we had a tank and we just stuff then we left Ellie behind and we just fled by oh here we are hello you've got to be pretty tired of waking up like this wait I this is my first time it's me but you thought you took me out I did think you were dead get away from the top my man's out of space soon as we got into orbit I'll make sure to go down and capture you okay enjoy your stay wait a minute wait hold on what is that hole in the bottom bear you're not going to drop me out of this okay hold up everybody hang on to your butts here I am not going to make a single mistake this entire video what I'm going to do to break out of this laser beam here is I'm going to use my inner strength to power through any kind of pain that I'm sensing here that's right idiot you never saw this power oh okay that was a warmup though everyone gets one fail one warm up per fail this time what I'm going to do is actually use a magical spell magic Will trump science one day I've seen Harry Pot I'm using Thunder too and I'm free exactly as I predicted I would be okay now everyone knows the metal hat in Mario 64 is by far the strongest thing in the world oh my goodness it actually is working holy moly be advised uh Henry's Escape he has a cheese hat he's on his way towards the main cabin now coming from Wing seven yeah I metal always wearing out oh there he is hey he my man don't don't don't be doing that okay he's locked himself in Armory s who left this open some idiot left it open I don't know who it was always like the Armory after you're done it's not that hard okay under Barrel grenade launcher oh my goodness that's Cloud sword or the pew pew NES zapper I'm going with the pew pew zapper I am making good decisions I am making good decisions today I need an update on that situation everyone's dead gun he's us like crazy we can't I got to do everything around here okay hello holy moly he's strong you should have stayed in your cell [Music] okay I have to go with Harden think just not going to attack holy moly that guy is strong Nano suit oh that's super cool idiot impressive but that's nothing who Henry there you are what are we doing oh what these solar panels oh Max grab boots wait I think I did I didn't click I did a click a time oh okay Max gravity boots St go yo uh Chief we lost a solar panel yeah I know I'm dealing with it okay don't even get snippy about it for real follow your attitude sir where he go where did I go that's the thing maybe I'm over here okay what do I want to jump to wait Earth can I just jump straight to Earth I just want to know what's going to [Music] happen toasty okay I want to jump to this I don't know what it is but I want to jump to it blop casually land on it open it up get inside close the door destination Earth Hey sir sorry to bother you uh one of our offside drop pods is on a direct collision course with the the station what oh here we go 3 2 1 hey get out of here my man oh yo what mission complete Henry you've done it again you son of a gun how do think keep getting away with this and he's defeated wait maybe he hasn't defeated him yet he took out our Central core we don't have any power can't really get down to earth without it so we're kind of just should have thought about that before going to space why' you why' you grab him yeah why'd you grab me bro why you got to be doing that I'm a free man yo however I have to go back and try other scenarios like there's so many things like what happens if I use a remote here come on e oh that's not good that's not good that's what happens don't do that Among Us I got him guys I missing a lot of them though Henry was not the impostor you're not wrong but what's going with's what about over here like I used the metal happy for what if I used the metal Ray surely that'll do something nice what it melted all right oh the Melt Ray just a bomb now you know that's smart wait it's not smart I lied to you and I knew that would happen from the beginning what are these things in the background oh I can't click on those let's use a lockpick wait there's a lock huh do it again huh one more time third time the charm surely surely oh okay this time I'm going to use Cloud's big sword H idiot take this you're done for now that's a big boy sword for big boys only well what about the under Barrel grenade launcher surely H up oh I probably blew a hole in a spaceship and then I got sucked out that does make the most sense all right instead of going hardened or Nano suit I'm going to sweep the legs and go for some kind of karate maneuver here oh jeez oh now that's cute right he's like made out of metal oh jeez okay that's going to be an ouch for me dog I'm going use fire missiles here I'm going to fire some missiles at this this guy here and now the release mechanism is located near your thumb on the right hand it's a small button with a missile symbol on it all you need to do is hit the that to fire off the missile War if you do not disconnect the missiles it may activate while still connected to your suit oh so I blew myself up this time this thing holy moly that was so cool all right there's a lot of other places we could have jumped to this was the correct one this was obviously wrong what does this do jump to that [Music] uhoh Henry what have you done okay let's just pretend I didn't happen let's go to this one over here this looks smart there we go okay see see how I'm doing that what is that that's me again we're picking up a data stream from our broadcasting satellite sounds right to me don't say yeah it just keep saying attack attack attack fire shoot the laser okay hang on it just stopped oh they killed me did I do everything I could possibly do I think in this scenario we did everything except I can't figure out this one I've done the bomb the Melt Ray the metal hat but it says I miss an end in here what like use lock pick lock I I mean that's that's the only thing I haven't done yet but I I'm doing it it's not working oh wait the dialogue's changing you got to stop trying this man how many times we got to do it there is no lock wait a minute hold on okay now the computer's getting mad at me use lockpick unlock fine you want to oh can I find a secret [Music] okay that was totally worth it this time I want to know what happens when we have have Ellie with us on our side let's launch the mission let's get a little recap refresh the brain here so we did all this with the tank at the end there it is and then Ellie escaped with me and we're boyfriend girlfriend now and we love each other very much wait you have a tank yes yes I do you said you stole this from the top hats yes ma'am that name sounds familiar mhm I think I heard of them when I was getting locked up at the wall you criminal organization right right and you cross them huh I beat them too we got to put this bad boy to use what do you say we hit him again I'm down I don't know about you but I'm running pretty low on cash I'm running low on I'll get in touch with my contacts and find out where they're at wa what you're running low on cash what does that have to do with anything these tracks should lead us right to the I don't think I say supposed to be riding on a tank that seems so dangerous find that's it the transport train I think there's supposed to be there it is their money cart how do you know pretty sure that cart contains all the money they've amassed oh yeah I'm starting to there's our payday let's take it to it kind of sus right now you know a lot about the top hats you here is that you better turn around Budd I don't know what's [Music] happening [Music] what okay this is getting okay hold up do I have okay I got this bio [Music] here wait is that a sword Sho a Hunker I'm hunkering down just done this for yeah we should have probably been inside the tank it again and you're not wrong oh that we can't see wait is that how tanks work we try fire nice shot that's not what I was aiming for idiot stop the train you're in a lot of trouble now big guy trouble I can't stop it I'm on away oh no this guy's dangerous but can he beat a tank I don't have a tank anymore that's one way to do it now how are we going to get all this money out of here um we're going to go with your purse cuz my wife has a purse and I feel like it never runs out of space man this is going to take forever yeah but we're going to have a lot of money in that oh hey you two look like you could use some patented purse of holding carry and person what are you just saying we're going to use this we're going to airlift this bad boy out now that's just smart to me [Music] see oh I don't know okay what it didn't let me pick anything [Music] uhoh okay we're going to go with the Wombo Combo happy there's no [Music] way oh that worked no way danger zone that should do the trick yo what no way that worked I thought cuz he was made out of metal remember when I tried to sweep his leg and I broke my legs on him how did we just do that something doesn't feel right about this Stickman fell or Ellie one of these guys are up to no good I bet capital gains we're rich okay this time though I'm going to try swords hey see that see how I'm doing that betrayal lost the lead I ran over Alie with the tank okay let's go back to the map and get out of here before realize what up wait there's something else to do here you can do nothing oh should have known better than that okay remember this part here well I'm going to use a for sft I'm just going to force sft this bad boy up like still Wars see we get it you left I'm come over here and there some use a needle I'm use a needle here what a popet idiot we're all in trouble now oh he's not in trouble yeah that actually does make the most sense when you say it like that what was the point of that not the sharpest idea I see what they're doing here going to pin the blame on you for that one did you really needle that money this time I'm going to go with a shell bounce and know let me predict what's going to happen here we're going to kick the shell it's going to bounce off his metal head and hit me in the face that was pretty close to what I predicted ouchie all right fellas it's time for Relentless Bounty Hunter combined with presumed dead this is where I did not meet Ellie and I faked my own death to get out of all kind of shenanigans recap time let's learn there I am and I died well I mean I'm not dead but I think that I died so the plan's going through even without the chief that's right yes we have all the good loaded up on the train I don't want to be on Caravan Duty oh it's not so bad you get to sit on the train and hang out that is true are we meant to protect all our stolen Val no you just hang out all the money all that oh yes I suppose that's true well you don't have to all of our money in one cart important to protect pretty stupid well guess we better get going watch watch your s hey idiots they had no idea was me the whole time now I know exactly where they're keep it all their pre precious preciouses in one C there it is however this time I don't have Ellie with me this might be interesting okay it's actually it's going to be interesting and it's going to be a lot more stupid cuz Ellie's a smart one I'm going to join the Caravan hello I'm one of you all you had to do was follow the dang train Henry we're going to go to plow we're going to plow right into it never see it has been smashed by a tank we're under attack it's working wait there's a guy in the window he's on the top of the train looks like he's headed towards the money C I'll gun him down do not gun me down do not gun me down do not do that Commander oh oh no no no no uh come on man why okay this time let Che everyone inside okay is everyone ready click on somebody's pictures here okay that didn't work out this time on the word time agility it's the one you think isn't going to work that does work way we can't follow through the tunnel do I have to do everything myself yes you do sir yes he stopped the train is that good or bad oh so you're the one causing all the trouble sir yes sir I didn't expect to have to use this oh goodness it's under okay I can do this okay um do I have any items I have a mirror I equi a mirror oh my goodness that's impos Mr MC Beth was defeated yo undertale beasy yo oh my goodness I have a prodigy that was just an accidental misc we can't get in why don't we go out the back hi hey um okay so by SE inflatable raft oh my goodness am I getting away huh this is pretty no way I get away yo am I some sort of Genius are you that like almost all one shot by accident there I go you get this lovely music here no luck boss can't find it anywhere forget it come back take off some more P what look at that little face he knows exactly what he did now look he buried it under some trees and some grass there so they'll never find it now what happens if I just fire at the train though instead of just plowing right into it idiots oh oh okay um but but this time what happens if I go over here and I do nothing doing nothing is almost always the wrong choice okay this time I'm going to fight Mr MC [Music] Beth I did one oh my goodness okay there's literally no way to dodge that there was literally no way to dodge that hold up we try this what if I act I'm going to bribe him okay you attempt to bribe him oh this money ain't even yours kid oh I don't think there's any Dodge in that what if I just have mercy I'm a spare you he's not taking me seriously Dodge oh boy instead of trying to escape by sea we're going to escape by air that makes sense hey oh that seemed stupid Henry why would you do that we're going to escap if I land we start the train back up no we go see that is connected and now we are good to go see well the sounds of things that worked up perfectly we're dead everyone died we have one more scenario to go Relentless Bounty Hunter with um International Rescue operative all right let's see here so a recap Once Again there's me with the tank this time I have Charles on my side Charles is the man oh what it's like a movie a puff balls United game oh boy things seem like they're heating up right [Music] now Charles Calin John frog pilin oh top at air space Dogo BOGO Jungle 2 hours before the launch 20,000 ft wind speed nominal we're taking this surprisingly seriously right now ability is clear standby for drop I hope you don't mind that again never mind helping a friend ahead and got the all clear from the general I'm sure you've got a lot of questions I've got a few wor he'll fill you in when you arrive you'll be droing in on the outskirts of the top at launch site copy that we've also got a squad waiting for you when you arrive I'm ready time to drop let's do this okay looking pretty nice oh boy here we go Henry I've never seen you so serious before there he is do you think he's as legendary as they say oh I am more than that the most legendary man you've ever seen in your life now you'll all Ru the day Henry quack kept us waiting huh yeah I sure did nice to meet the legend in person that's me Henry glad to see you made it saf let me introduce you to your squad cop that first off is John pilson he's been doing this for 30 years and he excels at stealth he'll be a go-to man for anything involving stealth okay he'll be going by the code name frog liqu up is Gordon Banks he's a master when it comes to electronics he knows his way around any interface and very helpful when it comes to hacking he'll be gone by the code name eeler lastly we have Amelia estabon expert known to tackle problems head on it will blow a hole in any problem got her code name turtle turtle General what's all this about ah frog I'll run through the Frog we recently learned at the top at c space station into orbit around the a if they're able to get this station operational they'll become Unstoppable they be able to attack any place around the world easily with no way for anyone to Counterattack all right the top ads weren't they brought down by Henry un that's no only the leader was captured they're now being led by the previous right-hand man the right-and man I'm confused I thought he was defeated seems someone's fixed him up and given him cybernetic enhancements to boot he'll be quite a handful to deal with so we're just cleaning up another mess y well it is what you do best your mission is to capture or eliminate the right-hand man we'll be launching an all out assault on the compound at the same time our Focus being on preventing the rocket from launching sounds a good time that's why we're sending all you good luck out there Henry wait what's my code name it's just Henry started let's get in there and find it we need to get past that car okay I can do that okay um the dance off seemed to work last time I didn't I'm going to try a dance off here hey okay okay um it did um it doesn't work twice the dance off dides not worked twice let's go with a stealth here sneak increased oh but it wasn't high enough level we're going to go with to convert wait wait you want to join my team Narin you stand guard a wck drog there's no one here they must be out fighting looks like they left in a hurry got into their security feed looks like the right-hand man is hled up in the warehouse us the Halls are completely empty we should be able to get close without getting no Myas what's the plan sir keep the door idiots there he is let's do this okay how are we going to get in there Dance Off hey okay now we know now we know we're going to go in a suppressing fire no dog pile OT oh we do in a dog pile heck yeah bro let's get himg yeah get the guy that guy is way too strong okay this time we a cluster charge will launch a cluster of bombs through the door through the door you say the odds with that are unbelievable unbelievable but I got a triple that's what I'm talking about this time we're going to go with the suppressor fire the one that I want to cck on first fire you loop around and get behind him copy that now go ready hang on you hello see you Henry hey come on man I was going to hunt you down when we got set up but now you just fall right into my lap is that what happened my man gone on your feet I'll give you one shot okay dance off Dancing has not been working for me today that does not seem like the right move for me ret try this time self-destruct this time cheap fighting combo okay see once you get in that combo guys I'm telling you you can't get out I've played many fighting games at a high level and once you get that combo rolling there's like you're kind of trapped for a while yep it seems accurate [Music] [Applause] [Music] actually that's right never saw coming did you idiot can I these people the I am going to go for a dance off they never saw it coming they never saw it coming those idiots I'm just kidding okay I'll stop dancing we're going to try a rewire here I really want to use the Ocarina of Time I've tried it like six times and it keeps breaking my game we'll try it again later rewire okay Henry we got to put a stop to these topits come on he's on my team now never mind guess the leader's got him yo we're on the same side the top BS are finished you're not going anywhere yo this is cool is happening oh I don't know stand back Henry I'll take care of this guy oh my goodness what are you doing you're our boss you're you really going to side with the guy who locked up the chief oh oh oh deep down he is always going to be a top at there's no rewire in that finish him [Music] no no he's killed him I get it oh yo he's needing like a new boss man oh okay this is problematic cuz if I click on the Ocarina my game's going to crash it crashed guys it crashed I'm so sorry all right unfortunately I can't do the Ocarina one it says I got three out of three so technically I've done it but we can't see it because I can't complete it let's go back a little bit here and let's try some rock paper scissors on this man I lost wait what is that you're cheating laser Blaster beats scissors you don't say well hold up now what about to start though remember this I could have done a Close Quarters combat here idiot okay this guy's way stronger than me yikes well fellas we have done every single scenario except rapidly promoted executive you see we only have four more scenarios to go through rapidly promoted executive with the four on the right here so we're going to go ahead and start with ghost inmate all right here we got a little recap this is where Henry becomes the leader of the top hat Clan and betrays the government and we also never we we just left Ellie behind basically what happened okay here we go 3 days after fleeing the complex I got a little oh there's Henry oh Ellie following me though what's going on here where have you been oh you want to know he was locked up the wall with me oh um who are you how did you get here yeah how did I'm Ellie I heard the guy I helped Escape was the leader of the top busted myself out and followed him oh jeez I helped you escape and you just left me I did do that have you no honor I'm Sor actions like this men is this really what we want out of a leader he barged in here and took control of the toppet clan for himself wait a minute he's not worthy of being our leader calm down every everybody calm calm down listen Okay this is not how this is supposed to go why are we doing this I thought Henry was a pretty good leader I am a good leader this doesn't really take any loyalties to the break Henry you are here by position as I'm going to want that hat H idiot do we get idiot now come at me idiot jump okay or I'll make you okay Ellie let's calm down I am about to use a chain saw to chop your face off I am thinking about it okay OB no please okay I could go with plead could you the helicopter hat let me know in the comments which one y'all would pick I'm going to go with ple I'm just going to back I'm just back I don't want to hear it that was a mistake okay I should have known better okay I think I'm going to go with the chainsaw chop the face off H idiot again oh okay listen listen listen listen I'm just warming up I'm just warming up we're going to go to the Save State here watch this wait a minute I realized my mistake now I realized my mistake too late okay we're just getting all the fails out early so I can succeed later on bye losers I got the helicopter hat you never saw this coming did you pays to be the leader of the top hat Clan that's right Henry we're with you Henry get us out of here yeah me okay uh let's see here Mine Crystal me Dave or toppy me I kind of want to try Dave Out Come On Dave you got this whoa whoa whoa buy coming at me like oh did I get Judo chop good teamwork Hold Up Wait you Henry it's not right what they did you the announcement ceremony has been completed Henry is no longer the leader of the top head Clan that's that true how do you want to proceed boss I got a few ideas I got a whole crew of me now yo okay so we can do the midnight surprise the Deuces or the good we're going to go midnight surprise it's midnight almost come on we put here oh my goodness I missed the Among Us guy thank you for rescuing me from now holy moly wait what I thought it was going on so long I thought that was the right one to do don't worry guys I went back and got the Among Us guy it's fine all right let's try deces yes quick everyone get into this Escape Bar surely I won't pick all the failed ones first right surely I'll pick a oh Titan here there's a little Titan here what's going on where's the where's the seat bels at wait a minute what hold on I has a question mark do I need that guy oh what was that wait that was a complet ending looks like we're on our own no wait did I just do this for real guys I did something I did a good well hold up what is the good gents though let's just not C Henry's still the leader enough of is oh holy moly whoa jeez he chopped me in half with a laser beam all right fellas so to get the secret ending what I need to do is try out every single scenario in this entire game so we just did Dave a little while ago let's see what Mine Crystal does oh it's like the Sims is it actually working shaloo oh no wait no cancel that let's try toppy little Mario Odyssey here no big deal okay toppy seem to be working actually with Henry wait what who oh cuz I was wear to hat didn't know I was Henry but all yeah all stick figures look the same game jeez well I'm not going to lie rapidly promoted executive Wick ghost inmate was pretty short let's see what happens when we meet Ellie and we bust out with her all right here we go are nearly complete should be able to launch within the hour sounds right to me this place is cool this place is cool so this is the top hat Clan secret base yep sign me up you're welcome to join that guy Henry dropped him in half something I took charge in your stad I hope you don't mind I do mind Step Down Soldier uh I'm Ellie I'm new here what are you guys up to World Domination probably Henry remember that orbital station idea we were talking about I recall such a situation that plan we've got all of our Assets in there already once the final preparations are complete we'll be ready to launch into orbit that should keep us far away from any governments trying to bring us down that sounds right to me hey what did I tell you about calling me that Henry is the chief remember yeah Henry yeah yeah I see you my man we're under attack oh no okay of course we are okay it's probably Charles or something Charles and the government are coming after me okay I got a key holy boly press the buttons is launching in 5 guys we're going out of space we were escaping the government okay I'll do something I got you I got you okay okay I am actually thinking about a very accurate target assist no I'm thinking about a super punch or Gra I want to Super Punch this idiot oh my gosh that actually worked what in the I mean if you could punch an entire helicopter surely you could survive the fall let's uh let's go a very accurate targeted system here okay look at that accuracy oh Fallout gotcha Fallout reference that's about right every time I've used an in Fallout that's what happens okay let's go head with a wrist stra grapple hook am I ever going to pick the first the correct answer first time right what hands up hands up wait a minute I'm leaving my man behind wait what about Ellie where's Ellie abandon we're going to abandon him just you wait till my friend gets here watch this yeah sure watch we got a bow here inbound wait a minute wait no it's me they didn't know they didn't know it was me I'm just going to go with helicopter just already in sure who do you think you are Charles okay for real this time for real this time mounted gun just you wait till I knew it was this one the whole time I was just testing you guys see look at oh wait where's Ellie bomb has been planted isn't this an EMP wait a minute wait a flute oh that's a loud sound I'm going to do flute oh you're terrible Henry yeah I mean that almost worked it's the leader I was wondering when you'd show up I'm always by your side bus cck these people real quick though hold on slow down okay whoa summon wait hold on okay I got to style on him first oh my goodness it's working oh it did not work not going to lie that was pretty stylish though okay this time I'm going to use a summon in here there we go holy moly what's happening um is it going to fire his laser don't do it it's too strong I think I messed up wait what what last week but not to worry what um okay going to go ahead with a dual Tech here or should I charge I'm going do a dual Tech a dual Tech [Music] here I don't even know okay that was awesome though wow yeah W Ro is launching in 1 minute hurry you guys need a ride oh Alie you you just know exactly what to say to a guy people oh Jee cck them all fast enough Ellie oh she was driving though she was driving what if we do nothing here watch this do nothing I'm just going chill watch this don't let get through man watch this oh those guys we got company yep do nothing watch this holy Moy that guy is strong but he has full body armor and we're not wearing seep Bel okay this time for real this St for real plus okay okay I C all these guys we got company okay I'm ready right hand man use your laser beam who oh that was too powerful okay I'm going am I just going to pick the wrong one want to get through man every time we got okay here we go Henry handle it Henry you're so strong wait a minute 2 1 wait wait a minute wait Henry's still down there I'll keep the door open as long as I can come on we got to go what what what guys okay hold up we can use the Mario Cloud here the gravity inverter or the abandoned tank I'm going to use the gravity inverter that way it comes back down or I go up see oh oh oh oh a little overshot there a little overshot there pretty sure I had a nightmare like this I think we've all had nightmares like this where you're just floating into outer space and you can't stop very scary abandoned tank not sure how this is going to help in this situation but I'm going to try it anyways no way [Music] got you Henry you know I could drop you right now and nobody would know well hold up but why would I do that yeah exactly that would be stupid man I saw you out there put yourself on the line to save the top hat I'm all about the top hat my man you truly earn my respect I can think of a better person to lead us yep mission complete but there saw some things that I myself able to establish our orbital station guys unfortunately we lost quite a few members during the raid that's okay who cares about it right at the station in orbit we were able to raid any place on with ease was officially recruited into the topet clan right hand lady right hand lady did we get married no way rightand man went on to become top operators in the clan performing several successful operations this is Happy everyone's good we're all best friends now we're the top hat Kings yo but if a C on map here and I find the blue squares that's a loud sound let's go with Boomerang here remember this part let's go Boomerang that's oh oh oh what if I used a revolver surely I knew oh my goodness it's OverWatch wait do I have to click that happens to me in OverWatch all the time all right I wanted to go back to this part and I wanted to try charge Henry oh okay that's not a good idea and I also wanted to go back to this SP to try Cloud but the cloud runs out after some time it'll start the BL okay there it goes yeah yeah okay all right fellas in this scenario here Henry is the lead of the top hats like always however I thanked my death and I never met El so let's see what happens I think Charles is going to be with me perhaps or no we betrayed the government though unless I persuaded Charles somehow to get on my side there's a chance Charles shows up and like these people guys no listen listen oh my god there so many people to Clan won't even chance against that D yeah they they don't even realize that that we know about their secret jungle base they think they could just launch a rocket into orbit and be free to do whatever they want that's exactly what we're thinking we're going to even show them what are you two idiots doing we need to ship out right now you guys are the worst yeah get on out of there fellas little did they know I was here all along listening dude Henry is scary smart I mean he looks like an idiot and acts like an idiot sometimes but when it comes down to it h know what he'd be doing whoops that was too early what am I doing abuse physics engine well absolutely I'm going to do that one that's just sounds the funest oh it's like okay I see what happening here B missing 10 bucks says he shows up and stops our entire operation wait did I get it right all right guys H H give me that okay I would hit the lag switch here watch me get all of them right bro it's lagging what do you got to do ah idiot get him oh my goodness am I getting all these R in the first shot okay come on OB do not let us down just pick the stupidest looking one every time like okay these all look kind of stupid though a walk through that way I know what I'm doing okay hey everyone this is part 65 of my henry5 how do you make 65 doing the part with the tank only got four likes on the video started I just want to thank my sponsor I got a patreon account if you feel like I don't have one of those this part's kind of a big spoiler so in the tent now uh I'm going to quick walk through here opens up this video of this super boring guy oh here we go just says fun of me right now Henry Stickman today going to do a walk through okay I picked the wrong okay make sure you leave a comment it's very important it helps me out com expect to work but uh you know how this game is things and when you get to this tank part you want to pick walk through play this video of a guy starts talking and he's like welcome back to part 65 of my is this what my is this what you guys look like when you watch my videos now started make sure to like comment and subscribe on my video what is happen you might be tempted to pick the more logical choice Choice here now you'll come up to a 78 minutes and if you choose walk through here it makes uh this guy who's all hey guys this is going to be a walkr of Henry stick game comment and um subscribe forever the video I've gotten up to like 400,000 fails SE the big tank and you want chose walk through here and it uh makes a guy come out and he keeps saying like y just click something else Henry the video guys time for another walk through part 65 oh my goodness [Music] never rate the video like the video and subscribe if you want to see similar to I'm dying this game has a lot of fails in it I'm only like halfway through you got to be kidding me so now you got three choices here okay if if you pick walk through start playing a VI this boring guy who's please hey guys back to the video again end going if you like the video just punch that punch the like am to subcribe um slap the support button expect that to show up in here but I guess you got to be Kidd me brings you up to three choices Henry turn off the video when you select watch plays a video with like wait I was supposed to click I was supposed to click and then it turns off I was 0.1 second away from 150 huh feel like I should watch it again for longer though okay let's go with a Scrambler here and let's never watch a walk through him again there we go we're going to scramble it up here oh holy moly what's happening going on a rampage I thought Big Boy wasn't working hello hi can I borrow that hey [Music] what Center for chaos containment mobile unit come in command we are picking up minor chaos who people got little chin muscles Roger that commencing chaos containment please don't contain the chaos okay fellas do you see where it says do not reveal secret that's where the secret end in his app but I I don't think I can do it yet until see the Multiverse imbalance I have to fill this bar up by failing everything else so we're going to come back to this in a little bit for now I'm just going to click this button up here on the top left I don't know what it does com in Phantom you've got the all clear copy that know what hit him that's right yeah I've got a oh my goodness it's a Starcraft 2 reference it's ghost nearly it's a ghost oh oh oh holy moly all right we're going to hit this little button in the bottom left here oh it's a fingerprint scanner okay press that launching gab gab what I don't even know that's right I um General what's going on nobody knows what's going on I have no idea there's no way we can do the mission now oh are we winning or losing General I'm calling it a full Retreat repeat the mission is a noo freaking Henry in the background peing man excuse me hey uh Chief hello yeah we got a tank approaching with Henry [Music] inside I'm back what are you doing in a tank top raid has been aborted fall back did I win you protected the clan yeah the future of the top B Clan looks right with you as our leader that's right it does that's right it does I'm back all right so let's go ahead and get some fails out of the way real quick last time we abused the physics engine let's go ahead with a nice climb surely I think somebody oh oh yeah eat that there you go get your get your stamina back there you go keep climbing he let go rookie mistake rookie mistake never get your hands off the mountain that you climb and eat food let's go to rope [Music] here I've been here before I know exactly what's happening I have done this many times before in my life I understand the fails I get it all right last time we used a lag switch let's use a duplicate or dup duplicate what that's cool wait a minute there that work don't except the original Henry oh snaps let's use a knife let's use a knife watch this no dude wa yeah yeah all right this time I'm going to try to hijack the tank just going to get in there do my thing is it out of gas bro you had it reverse the whole you know what honestly I can't blame him driving a tank is probably very hard and confusing all right there's two buttons here that we haven't pressed yet there's the I think this the air conditioner perhaps commencing ultimate [Music] freeze oh oh hello hello game I do what chaos contained I just freeze the entire planet okay let's hit the heart there's a little heart [Music] here oh my goodness it's Major's mask that is guys I've had nightmares about this like no joke when I was a kid and I played this game that gave me nightmares and I'm not even joking I still have nightmares about it sometimes it's weird okay that doesn't help the creepy laugh doesn't help all right fellas we got one more scenario to play out here where I become the leader of the top hatch but I'm rescued by the top hat Clan but then I'm betrayed by their leader let's get to it okay here we go I was betrayed by the top bat leaders sitting here just doing my thing okay oh who's this cool looking guy hey e e you were gone for a bit I was able to bring you back to life wait what I specialize in military grade augmentations augmentations I was forced to replace spine and lift arm as some damage you sustain was beyond reparing have I become a cyborg you had run in with dopet cland yeah I've encountered them before E see you're still healing dude I look awesome wondering I'm just a slightly I'm just gray now instead of black but oh my goodness what learning so quickly yo good luck dude Henry not playing around anymore things are getting serious up here once we arrive we should be able to it's me everyone's going to die I'm not playing around anymore out right hand man time for a little pain I'm hyped oh boy okay clearly gun is probably the best I'm doing Spirit form okay you can't you can't deny that face okay yeah just a little JoJo here no big oh wa a [Music] minute thank this guy's too powerful oh oh stop me yeah why don't you euse your metal oh snap did not see that wait he's backy [Music] [Music] oh my goodness oh my goodness D I don't know what's happened anymore it's getting [Music] crazy no this that was so long for that are you serious okay let's try something else gun form activate that's right idiot you never saw a gun form have you now prepare to meet your match that's right oh my goodness this guy's insane oh I should have used a sword then if Spirit form doesn't work and gun form doesn't work it's got to be blade form here we go the final showdown let's do this my got a way bigger sword okay okay hold a Dodge did he catch it with his chin was that one Henry oh my goodness this is going to chop my face off but surely Henry wins right this the this is the only one that didn't fail time to finish you Henry oh my goodness wa a minute oh my goodness I poked the Man's eyes out I poked the Man's eyes out oh wait he still has a sword though I don't have my sword oh you you oh my goodness okay everybody hold on your butts I need to make a decision here I'm going to go with the stupid Choice which would be baseball bat things are going down wait that was the right one I'm going be honest I did not expect that to wait a minute hold up that's what I expected to happen let's go with the let's go with the Y type move feeling it feeling this now this is seeming right to me there's no way this one goes wrong literally impossible with the G wait it actually work what wait hold on for real well I got him right hand man defeated no we're losing out yeah we're going down get out and you're going down to the Grave oh my goodness what are you going to do staple wait what [Music] I stapled the little wall so that's it then you're just going to leave me here to go down with the ship y later loser did shoot me we be sharing this last Ry together W I'm going be honest this does not sound good for Henry right now or perhaps what well you got us you're don't right I got you was it worth it yes mission complete let's go that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about Henry is he okay though he was acting a little strange oh he was shot I forgot my man's been through a lot give him a break he's been through a lot [Music] revenged he's alive right Henry are you alive I can't tell you're a stick man it's hard to tell if you're alive or not okay I just want to know last time we used the Y type move this time absorb let's absorb it we'll gain its nutrients and strength oh that might be too much that was too much okay I knew it that was too much yep okay I should have I shouldn't know that wow that's got to be play of the game you don't say you don't say let's go back to the map here we got two more scenarios to go through here uh we did the staple and that was correct let's try drop we just go drop them yeah you don't have to I do have to do this I do anyone available there's an attacker in the cockpit you got okay yeah I honestly I deserve it I deserve that okay oh one more thing to try is the [Music] Airship I feel like this was a bad idea wait Henry I don't think we should be here why are we doing this why we just get to C it I think Henry's Dead mission failed the story ends I got the Achi the story ends look at it fellas everything is fully completed whoa all right fellas here we go the final secret ending to Henry Stickman the Multiverse imbalance we're going to fix it there it is okay alert Multiverse e capacity initializing Multiverse defragmentation oh boy I have no idea what's about to go down oh okay the fragmentation complet complete warning anomaly detected correcting the anomaly wait a minute approximately 1 year [Music] ago what oh a package huh o Dave yep I got a package here for someone named Henry I love delivering packages wait I'm confused what's happening thank you for enjoying the Henry Stickman games all these years wait huh what I did all what that might have been the most anti-climatic secret ending in any game I've ever seen in my entire life
Channel: Beautiful OB
Views: 45,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beautiful ob, henry stickmin
Id: TE8EwiuEwCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 3sec (11823 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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