Dusty Trip But I Ruined The Car in Roblox?

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all right I'm back in a Dusty trip in my awesome vehicle all by myself nobody else here what was that I'm going to ignore it I'm going to still ignore it oh my goodness hello hey hello you remember how bad this went last time yeah let me pop on out of here real quick how we doing today fella how are you doing let me go ahead and pop up here hi well I'm do doing pretty good I I spent way too many roblo on this truck and you know what this is going to be the thing that gets us to the end of the road okay that's the goal today that's why I'm joining you today my guy you said you said at one point your longest journey was 15,000 M or something 15,000 M yes our goal today is 100,000 I don't think the game even goes that far dude last time I think we didn't even make it to 2,000 M because of all the stuff that happened but this time it's going to go way better way better are you sure yes cuz we're going to take turns driving every stop we got to change drivers oh so you want to drive dude this truck is fast I don't know if you're going be able to Li Coto you ready now first things first I got to give you a like on the video of course okay I'm going to go to beautiful ob's Channel and give him a like okay thank you for so much for that okay I'm I'm doing it right now as driving so if I fly actually don't do it while driving do it later do it later you sure yeah do it later okay okay I'll do it later I don't want to I don't want to crash man look at that we're already at 500 M 600 you this is almost as far as we bait it last time okay okay there's a guy there okay hold on what no no no I got this handle check this out I'm I'm watching dude I'm watching let me see watch watch me right I'm like a secret agent so I'm going to sneak up the side how many bullets have got how many how many bullets he's got 1,200 bullets oh my wa that thing is crazy good okay oh here comes okay boom hold on check any more check in Corners are clear all right let's uh search this place out and see what kind of fluids we in here we got water uh we probably should take that yeah put that in the back of the truck yeah I'll go ahead grab a bumper here okay never know when we might hit something you know yeah you know might hit something OB are you driving now yes sir you know I I trust you I trust that this is going to be a good process okay closing the door okay I got we go remember remember par handbrake you want okay you got it oh remember I got two stops I got two stops now if we find the church we get to kill the vampire and trust me that gold gun we'll get it done instantly can you put your feet off the dash please kind of acting this is my vehicle I put my feet where I want him to oh jeez I can't even get on the RO come out yeah you wanted to drive for two stops two stops baby you've got kidding me all right can you adjust the mirror so it's looking at me please no this this isn't a long drive you can can you put the radio on put why do I need to put the radio on put the radio sing to me or something I I don't s what do you want sing sing to me sing songs to me any song anything you want um something about a stripe sweat do not hit that rock I won't I won't sing sing the stripe sweater for me please I can't sing I don't sing me in my comment section are rooting you all right now s Comm s dude did you just look at we made it further than we did last time oh another stop coming up I'm slowing down I'm slowing down calm down P us the road we don't have to stop at every stop just just FY well let's just take a quick glance at it oh some people said these were really good ones one with the two garage doors okay well let's stop here then I don't know if I would leave that in the middle of the road have you seen the Rog traffic that comes by the way I think we might need something mutants ready open it I dude oh my goodness I wasted like a whole clip there it's okay you're good look at all this stuff dude oh there's another mutant he was up in the ceiling oh what is this what is this dude what is is this a speaker okay watch what you touch in here if you grab Dynamite or something there's a potential you could blow us both up there's Dynamite right here uh gas this thing is all gas dude so I'll put it over here outside get anything that's got gas in it get it out if you want some food there is some food in here oh I do need food I'm getting kind of hungry yeah there's more food in there just go and do that and I I'll go ahead and take care of the food I swear if I get hit out here oh that was good F food want going eat one more I me a donut also dude we're not doing that random running out of gas thing oh it's going to get hot out here you're probably fine just don't run around too uh-oh that was me oh what are you doing I was t to the car why are you putting Pottery on the you got to make it look good what are you do I got to get in here you got to get in there what are you talking about boy wait how are we out of water already all thankfully you grabbed water if you find oil please uh grab it too it's really hot out here Koto I know it's hot out here it's fine bottle caping our stamina faster oh wait I got a bottle cap oh yeah yeah yeah there's there's chops in the game now have you run into any of those no yeah do not steal from them cuz you'll get shot in the face what if we shoot them with the AK I so is getting super crispy out here so uh we need to beide uh let me the last speaker here on why are you grabbing speakers what are we going to do with those to amplify the the road amplify the road amplify the road don't don't get it stuck in the vehicle it's stuck in the vehicle okay I got one more drive one more Drive oops uh what what are you doing over there starting up the car okay here we go how do you keep getting stuck I'm just not good at the buttons yet okay good at the buttons so hopefully the next stop is a vampire so we get that engine right yeah you know the thing is I don't know if that engine it's really good for like other vehicles I don't know if it's really going to do us any favors in this particular we'll take it and just have it just in case okay okay yeah 3,000 M just about yeah skip this stop these stops suck going we can skip this one too we've already found quite a bit of stuff okay if you say so we got to keep the party rolling in here you got enough food buddy oh yeah no I'm plenty fine so about at 5,000 have you run into a bridge yet never this is the first I've ever been wait this how many episodes have you done on this is my third one this is the furthest you've been I think so holy man okay to be fair my first stop in my first try was a vampire uh-huh I didn't even have a gun can we stop here or keep rolling I say keep rolling let's roll one more here okay do you want to start driving soon or what's going going on does stop on the right uh roll one more next stop we will have to stop at okay okay yes sir yes sir left side uh let's stop at that warehouse okay so what stop here oh there's a shop oh these are worthless do not put money in these okay every time I've done it I haven't gotten anything good I got like a pistol once and I don't need a pistol I already spent money on a gold AK well should I try it though you want to go spend r robu on it oh I I thought it was bottle cap yeah but you need to have a ton of bottle caps I have one I have one B help me okay open okay open it got it okay we got Diesel and let's see what this one is Water Axe there's an axe in there can you use that I have no idea I mean I have it I don't know if you can actually do anything with that I don't know if that hurts people look dangerous though huh I'm not going can I just hit you with at one time to see no if I die oh sorry hey watch yourself if I die this is going to be useless put that there you don't want me to die do you of course not you're my smoly booly I'm your what smoly booly oh what is this is a giant tank oh if you're not in the car in the next 5 seconds I'm leaving you okay ready all right let's get it okay truck pretty cool huh pot thing on the front is bugging me it's nice right it's not nice it's point bro we have to have a gift from Mom when we make it to the end of the road mom's dead what yeah and I wasn't invited to the funeral no she didn't like you she what did she die from what did she die from she died from watching your channel wait what now yeah oh it was so good the Beautiful video Center to Heaven I got you sure you can say that shop shop no this is the bad one now the big shops are the ones that you want to stop at the big shops okay wait OB what the bridge what about the brid what's wrong with the bridge we've made it to the bridge okay what what does that symbolize it symbolizes that we got to be careful and not fall off the bridge because if you do you die well thank goodness I'm not driving no pressure on me yeah thank goodness you're not driving you want me to drive this I'll drive it if you want oh there's some fuel up here so here let's uh do not fall off you will die I'm not going to I'm not going to fall off sweee I know what I'm doing what do you mean you know what you're doing you didn't even make last time gas and gas double gas ooh double gas okay we might actually make 100,000 if we really try how do you think there is 100,000 in the oh I let the cap open oops come on oh dude we have plenty of gas we have over 20 lers in the tank right now it only holds 60 maybe I should run through the bridge on foot why and then I'll guide you across it I I know how to get across the bridge Obie I've done it several times yeah but I better be on the other side to catch you but why do you need to be on the other side you don't have to be on the other side you could we could perfect you scary it's going to be on this part in particular with the wheels okay you know what if you want to guide me no no no no no if you want if you don't want to go no I'm already getting in I'm coming let me get let me come let me get in stop no stop stop come on please sweetie come on I got come on the door's open no oh come on wait wait let me get in oh now you want to ride with me I've been saying it for like 20 minutes okay I'm ready 20 minutes it's been like the sun's going down okay I know I know I know I know I know got to be careful here okay let's keep going here let's keep going what was that all right let's not keep going so just shut down I'm pretty sure we overheat it oh we need water I got water uh I used it but how do we overheat so quick I don't know the radiator is not great there are performance oh dude run run run run run run run no no give me dude shoot him shoot him don't shoot the truck don't shoot the truck get no get out of my you're to break of the truck okay now sometimes you'll find like a higher Performance Radiator we really need one of those oh yeah oh the gas the water cap was open buddy wait it was yeah oops Yeah oops indeed I me eat this bell pepper this is fine look got a gun fine right oh jeez okay you don't need a gun watch what you shoot that I'm not shoot I was just practicing okay see if any need have water in it uh you like that wouldn't you buddy yeah we need water yeah say something nice to me right now Komodo give me a shout out right now okay you want to try me no no you want to try me no can I have a shout out though you want to try me no I don't want to try you leave me alone I know you got Dynamite buddy here 0.2 L of gas I don't need gas I need what's in this orange one is this water hold on Dude You're so needy if it isn't water I'm setting this off what is it it's diesel get back here come stop don't we're already 5,000 m almost all right I'm trying to drop it okay okay well we got a problem though we need I should probably call in I'm going to have to call in and spend Robux Obie yeah yeah yeah you want this Milky bar it's chocolate no no there's plenty of there's plenty of bread down here I'm going to eat it oh I got three bottle caps now oh congratulations you can't afford anything here I'm going to put some food in the back food there's uh fuel there's weapons there's car parts I don't chocolate to the roof I got chocolate stapled to the roof hold on this thing is broken here open these up real quick open the crates I can't believe I left the cap you sure the cap was open yes the cap was open okay here let's see if we can get to the next stop real quick there's one right up the road let me get my gun hello H out got it going to put it that stop waving that around I'm not trying to I'm trying to attach it to attach it to a door or something I'm trying try harder I'm pressing it okay I'm ready well press harder ready you okay drive me I'm ready all right drive me can we break open a cactus and get the water out of that don't what a dynamite are you were Saye I saw that you did that on purpose you was hoping it would explode no I did not you ran over it on purpose buddy not on purpose don't you fool me man it was a mistake all we're going to overheat really quick we need to go find water jell burger that sounds better than the komoto burger hey oh look what you did look what you did look what you did you did this there's the C open you left the cap open you left the cap open OB I will go back there and grab that Dynamite I will go back there and grab the dite first cuz I way faster you I feel like you would blow yourself up with it okay let me practice with this gun all right you go in go ahead and shoot it and then we'll see if I'm sure there's a mutant in here yeah I got to practice see how far you make it I'll make it all the way buddy there's no back door kodo yeah I'm trying to figure out where you're going I'm trying to give you cover oh can you open the front door oh you want me to open oh jeez I got I got to shoot there you go hello on there's one the roof heads up what did you say there's one in the roof well kill it I don't I got it that it just one there one buddy hey that I think that's water behind you oh nice dude is this a posy ball no way hey they got those we don't dude water we need the water what is that oh that's a lot of water all right good we're back in bu even more water even more water here make sure there isn't a radiator in there I'll check in a second I'm putting this I'm stapling the water to the truck you're stapling the water yeah we use staples here that makes sense okay I got to remember to close the cab today yeah yeah please do yeah that that definitely should be a we got a little bit of gas a door a toilet more gas gas gas we're we're doing pretty good on gas I I don't know if it's necessary to take more mean the more you have the better though right but if you don't want to take it we don't have too much stuff to the vehicle I feel like this game likes to freak out sometimes no it doesn't this game is perfectly fine what are you talking about you flew across the world several times last episode it's not my fault though honestly surprised it hasn't happened this one honestly I agree there you go all right now get in the car come on we got to go coming okay I'm ready that in case we have to take a dookie dookie are you serious all right par break come on see you've placed something in one of the wheels and now I can't Okay C yeah we'll fix it I'm telling you you've collect you're collecting too much stuff what's even Place through the wheels nothing I don't know like it does even it could be near whe we need the toilet you don't need the toilet bro leave the toilet okay I'm going to have you remove stuff and let me see if I can move forward you try on let me try to toilet I can't move let me try to toilet how's that uh not the toilet I don't think just staple some stuff on the sides here a little better how we looking oh I can move okay let's put the toilet back on cuz we no that that it we don't need a toilet just get in the car why oh my goodness I'm going to drive you off the next Bridge it's fine there really all I'm ready oh my goodness why do I take you places you know you're having a good time are you sure about that okay listen I know you have this hard exterior like you're the cool smart guy in YouTube blah blah blah what but deep down you know you're just as dumb as I am now let's have a good time and stop all this whining buddy okay we are driving straight through right now we're not stopping for the next little bit unless we need to we have everything we have guns gas water we have chocolate and pizza stap to the roof what else do we need we have a toilet for po pees what I mean you really we're in the middle of a desert why want why not just go you know it's called proper manners my guy okay proper bathroom that's not actually hooked up to anything that would actually blah BL blah here we go here we go my name's Komodo gaming blah blah blah uhhuh oh oh what is that what is that what is that that's are you in a c what you say I'm trying to avoid the thing that's trying to kill us it just popped up out of nowhere oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh Jee oh jeez oh jeez should I shoot him with the gun no oh we should try to flush it down the toilet oh let's just run away from it B we should have definitely flushed it oh I can't see behind us but I I don't think so yeah we can't see behind us cuz there's a freaking toilet in the back seat oh my goodness all right we're coming up to a checkpoint you're going to need to raise actually I don't think you have to raise the gate I'm going to hit this full speed checkpoint checkpoint checkpoint yeah oh church church church okay stop stop kind of far I think yeah yeah yeah it's going to be loud for a little bit okay it's okay we're good all we got to be careful the vampire is pretty quick I know it teleports I'm going to take out these mutants okay watching I see the vampire inside I think that's a vampire there's more mutant inside baby okay getting some hit markers yeah the the thing will teleport okay oh I see the vampire yeah yeah shoot it I think I'm far enough the way where it's not like aggro me W oh my goodness w w nice dude nice okay there's the uh dagger yeah I need that cuz I ran out of ammo what do I do with the dagger oh I think you stab things with it the engine's in here too if we want to take it how I stab up I don't know I haven't quite figured out the dagger I didn't keep it long you just you just you just run into people and they oh don't touch me okay don't run into me let me put this knife away before I stab you on accident yeah that'd be nice I don't I don't think I want to be St I got to glue it to the car we're not losing this glue it to the front that way I can run over mutants and poke him in the face actually that might be a viable thing I don't know don't think there's any secrets all right let's get back on the road how come you're doing all the driving now what' you say so why are you doing all the driving now do you want to drive yeah okay take out Swap all right don't kill us please we won't die we're fine you sure about that look at me go I'm already doing great you've barely gone anywhere but the road is that another church what is that no it's not Warehouse we keep driving okay just driving let's go for 10,000 going for 10 000 I need food spoon though you have food literally attached to the top is restaurant on the left where is this you have food yeah but what is this there's a rock right there I know I pull it over to this one more stop one more stop then we get 10,000 we don't have a drive through over here OB be one one more stop oh my goodness we're never going to get anywhere because of you no this Hamburgers stff on roof hold on check in the back back's the gun you want this smell pepper no no I'm actually good you know we have stuff on top of the the truck I like to stay fully in charge that it I just ate some pizza oh there a chocolate bar well eat the chocolate then I got I'll be in the [Music] truck what is you doing guys get you'll you'll find out of the next stop buddy I don't I don't trust anything that you do oh what' you do nothing it's fine what did you attach to the veh nothing it's fun you'll see it at the next stop stay tune to the end of the video to see what it we put on the car I'm okay I'm okay come down it's a little we don't have the most water in here right now so we're need to make it last well what if I cut the engine and we Coast that I don't think that helps I think it does does it I'm not using the engine I'm coasting why does it feel like we're picking up speed see Obie knows what he's doing you know maybe my comment section was telling me about this the other day oh I I mean me and your comment section we're we're linked mentally we see eye to eye yeah it's starting to slow down you might want to crank it at least okay go some speed and we go to 120 mph and then we cut it ah okay I see the Strat here okay now it's slowing down a little faster than usual though yeah now you broke it it's fine calm down okay we broke it for real this time it's completely out of water uhhuh yeah do we have any extra water in the back I really don't know I really don't know didn't you pack water like extra I packed everything I saw look there's a building up ahead okay that's all we got to make it to there there's about to be water in there right oh yeah I would think so come on come on baby you can do [Music] it okay I think forcing it on and off is not going to help probably not let's go check see if we got any y okay there's did you notice what I've attached to the top that's why we overheat it just by the way no it's not you liar okay bad news we don't have any water well good news is there's a stop right right there yeah let's go get it you should be able to roll it here here you try rolling I'll start running wait what and I'll take your AK you're going to take my gun do not lose it I'm not going to lose it it's fine I don't trust you you try to get the truck rolling and I'll start running how you doing I'm doing great oh snaps yeah I feel kind of stupid now I got the gun so don't go too crazy now not going to lie you should probably feel stupid for that one I didn't know it crank so fast it did it didn't overheat that much yes it did it was bone dry up in there trying to see oh yeah there's mutant in here oh I'm almost there calm down almost there 20 hours later I'm almost there calm down you're doing a good job there buddy thanks man I'm breaching the cursor is kind of weird it kind of like jumps everywhere sorry if I waste a lot of bullets one more okay oh wait a minute there is no water here uhoh uhoh uhoh BR what do we do OB I don't know why are you asking me it's cuz you put so much weight on the vehicle with all these toilets that literally doesn't matter at all probably right uh I mean apparently no we'll just take the to off then we need them though [Music] we don't need oh you've got to be kidding you going stare at the sun Obie no I'm not star at the Sun get in okay oh OB yeah buddy uh we're coming up to the Bandit Camp what does that mean there's people here with guns can we drive through it well we're over heating so there's a good chance we break down in the middle of it well that's not going to be a good thing okay we're 10,000 well do you want to just drive through it I don't know what's the best option just just let it cool down real quick that way we don't overheat in the middle of it and then we'll just drive through it okay yeah right does that sound safe it sounds as safe as it can get all right ready ready all right got it oh please sweet baby don't break down on us now this the one time we can't have a break down yep yep yep rock rock rock we're good it's not my fault it's not my fault I know I know I know you're almost there you're almost there you're doing it oh dude it's overheating okay just keep coasting I think we're okay there you go crank it there's uh there's two more up here or three more okay maybe stop right here let's see if they're tracing well they're not tracing and we didn't pull these we're good okay stop the car give it a second cool down give it a second right act natural act like you belong here they might just think we're other Bandits like they friends you think so yeah all right here we go all right you do that I'm going to go ahead and open my surise zero you're doing right buddy thank you crispy it's fine it's fine we good doing great doing good this I'm chilling I'm chilling dude we we're going to make it through this we're going to make it through 10,000 I'll go I don't know about that we need water CU we'll get water we'll get water it's everywhere look house right there all right maybe there's water here look guarantee guarantee are you sure about that guarantee 100% okay okay we don't have much of an option so did we lose some extra stuff got it I don't know shoot him I got him more oh what what is this dude is that shk okay well take that take that um what about the water I don't know what to tell you dude I mean we got this I mean the Shrek statue got to be worth a lot of money I mean you feel like that's that's worth it in itself that's what we came here for right we found the secret golden Shrek statue I mean I don't know if it's talking about clickbait I mean all the other Roblox YouTubers do it [Music] e golden Shrek yeah golden Shrek D we got golden Shrek so what do we do put it on the top of the car so I got no what do we do with the journey well we can walk the next 2,000 you serious you're going to tell me that's not a good golden Shrek though what' you say about walking come on no we've come way too far buddy we're almost there we'll go over this way to the right right this way yeah uhhuh okay wait come on wa please we're almost there almost we're 2,000 M away you see how slow we're moving yeah we're going like 1 m a second so in 2,000 seconds we'll be there oh no oh no what that back to the building Comm back to the building is that a tornado what is this uh it's a dust orb what does that mean for me I mean we're probably okay it's just hard to see oh L be have I ever taught you about gun safety what about it what are you doing wait can I not kill you wait really you were trying to end the video by killing me oh was it you was trying to murder me I was not why is your face so low resolution wa you no you you feel it okay feel like you got too much sand in your eyes hey look I shot the storm away come go no no no no no no no I'm going on a trip by myself you'll be back for me you always come back for me I'm not coming back for you loser you love me don't lie I'm out of here bye loser uh you don't happen to have some water on you do you no no no okay I'm going to let it go
Channel: Beautiful OB
Views: 34,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beautiful ob, roblox, oops i failed my math test, game, gameplay, roleplay, sandbox, ob
Id: vhXehMnuXv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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