I Filled My House With POOP To Skip Work in Roblox?!

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all righty f o a bright sunshiny day just what I needed oh what was that hello bro what's wrong my guy I feel sick I should go poop go poop my mission is to go poop that's right fellas we beat need more heat we beat need more cold now we need more poop that's right and if you look over there to my left end then's unlocked zero out of four how is this one going to play out I have no idea y'all let's go poop and figure it it out one step at a time is this the same house almost um oh here's a toilet should I close the door I'm close the door is Mom or Dad home I'm just going to pop look at my face oh jeez okay I plus 0.4% poop flush the toilet okay do we wash our hands maybe go to dad daddy dad at poo poo tell Dad Dad I am sick and I keep pooping okay how is this going to play out y'all I have no idea I don't believe you son again use your poop meter count the poop particles and molecules in the air please what okay face counting to poop particles y'all 0.4 poops this is not enough poop now go to your job interview you really need his job son a man go poop again what I can play the lights wait okay hold on wait H how old am I if I'm going to a job interview what am I 18 19 years old or something and I'm trying to convince dad that I have to poop what okay I mean I pooped again maybe if I don't flush eat the poop it says wait over there it it says it says eat the poop um wait um I mean okay yuck why would you do this oh well here we go I'm going to throw up my man you ate poop for 0.4% more poop go to Dad bro brush your teeth why would you do this to yourself oh these this is getting out of hand who told me to play this y'all who is in the comments I am once again here to tell you that I have a pooping problem what uh could you please test me again to see if I have more poop molecules sure but please go to your job interview I am sure I have diarrhea or any other form of a pooping disorder you cannot tolerate an an normal living person please test me father okay y' I'm being honest if this is my kid I'm kicking him out the house I'm sorry if you if you're my kid and you're eating poop you got to go or we going to have a big talk or to 1.2 poops though this is not that concerning please go to work what how could it stop be concerning I need to get more poop find hammer in the garage where's this going oh my goodness where is this going what break the toilet okay [Music] what go to dead what the heck is going on and how is there four end to need more poop dad father I'm pretty sure there is too much poop okay I will test test my test the poop molecues father how does this end 2.6 poop okay still not enough poop how are you getting how are you even getting more poop what um don't worry about it I will go now I need more poop poop on your books Y how many wait wait you can see that wait there's a poop molecule floating in the sky what the heck is that if poop did this in real life I'd be freaking out pooping what are we doing okay why this house is going to be disgusting it's going to be full of poop particles how many times have I said poop this video does anyone keeping track let me know at the end of the video please if anyone's keeping track of my poo counter there's six books I got a poop on why is there money here what is this friend phone okay I'll be calling out later to tell him that I pooped everywhere all right the final book I got a dooky dookie on yeah I'm changing it up it's dooky dookie simulator what is this hit Man's phone oh this got to be a secret ending y'all right here this is got to be a secret ending let me tell let me tell my dad though I am once again requesting a test father you should be at work already father I'm too busy pooping in the house look at the poop article flying around up there you see it 12.8 poop still not enough to stay home what okay then I know what I have to do poop in the back no no I crossed the line eating poop was bad enough if you poop in the bath to me take a poo bath I'm going to lose my freaking mind I'm to do it cuz I have to do it but I'm not going to be happy with it don't you dare no stop why just go to work dude go to work it's not worth it that is gross this is gross okay I mean how do I even make a thumbnail for this video y'all what I just put a giant turd I don't know what to do you know what I'm here for watch just go to work bro you know what to do [Music] whatever oh boy oh boy 17.8 still not enough to stay home BR now this is getting serious open the water installation in the garage what why is it this find a crowbar okay break open poop in the poop poop in the pipes bro why go to death that was only plus seven poops look you can see the poop Li out oh it's getting nasty in here oh jeez how does my dad not smell this hi okay I will test your you Mr smart pants oh actually it's Mr poop pants now I go by Mr poop pants please be respectable to me 24.8 yeah watch this turn on the shower oh no there's poo in the pipes though uh turn on the Trap oh my goodness uh H it's going to be in the sink where we eat are you kidding me oh my goodness just let me stay home dude trust me it's for your own good at this point why are you still here hope meter me bro po Meer me 27.8 go to work call some friends okay well clearly if I call this number we get a secret ending but let's go through the motion first I want to see how this plays out 44512 3 4451 2 3 call it okay let's see what's going on happen here hey can you all do me a favor oh uh hello what this is totally natural thing to do exactly my plan are you sure this is a good idea you have to still live in this house you know that right why are the walls missing paint go to Dad sure why not I'm game I'm down to see where this goes hi no bro okay I'll proof there is too much poop fill the pool with poop you know I'm just jumping out the window oh here's a pool um call the [Music] cows what what is going on I am so confused that's a very real looking C cow what's that said the cow moooo somebody needs my help moooo I'll come huh now I know for a fact cows can't do that in real life can they no oh boy Yep this is really happening this is really really happening everything for you thank you Goodbye Mr boooo we love you um should I go in there or should I go in there what's it like in there it's disgusting it's disgusting in there uh father it's me please poop beer me bro hello father did you get a job I haven't gone yet father please check my poop I can't go I mean it please I can't go Dad oh my goodness what am I at what's my poop molecule levels 327.2 poo poos go to work I will make the poop melt close all the windows oh okay so we're going to heat up the poop now I'm I'm down I I'm I'm good to go let's do it let's eat the poo poo let's just heat it all up y'all um okay uh turn on all the lamps oh a double one okay um where the lamps at what is this fireworks I'm sure that has something to do with the dooky dookie later where the lamps at oh oh wall lights oh okay there we go all the lights are what is happening dad I do something dad hi Father what you know [Music] father what does it look like 827.071 [Music] he actually is okay if this is my kid and he pooed this much I'm taking my man to the hospital poop on the couch okay that seems like I feel like this is like the the least I mean sure it's gross poop on the carpet don't you dare this is brand new carpet my kid oh Dad you have nothing to say about this you literally have no concerned about this huh I mean okay you I mean you watched me do it though which is very weird poop no no well he already ate some who cares there we go just go ahead okay oh we're got all the plates why do we have four plates out right now by the way so do I have a mom if Mom home sees us she go have a temper tantrum y'all go to Dad okay F whatever I I'm just going with the floor at this point y'all hi Father ha what does that smell it is the poop I have been telling you about y go take a shower then you can go to work yeah about that the shower is dripping poop instead of water I at least we're getting all out of the open here what did you just check my poop count thank you oh my goodness 2,000 107 poop go to work now little bro what the okay I'm going to teach you a lesson pick flowers outside okay doesn't seem too bad to me at least the outside air smells nice we'll go with a nice let's see like a nice blue one I want this blue one okay I got the oh I got to pick 10 of them oh am I making a poopet okay more now what poop on the flowers okay totally sure this is what I expected okay give it to Dad why don't give him this yo we've gone too far here Dad hi hey finally how was the job um I'll tell you later enjoy these flowers thank you I mean perfectly reasonable reaction there ew get out still not enough okay okay poop in the phone sure why not let's kick it up a notch let's get the poop outside of the house oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy what are we doing with our lives y'all what are we doing okay that was 690 more poop particles [Music] oh did not see this happening [Music] huh go to Dad sure let's go to Dad y'all I don't even know what to say at this point okay I'm all out of breath from holding it so long okay okay I know why you are here took you long enough to get to this point dad 287 poops you going to work little kid I'm about that I missed work well what you are so grounded okay this is where I draw the line for what you know what go away move to a far country for all I care some fall Planet like Uranus or something H grab the poop Planet I'm pretty sure the planet is pronounced Uranus by the way I don't know actually I just heard that so I don't know that's true p po where is it what I mean if we're going to go this route why not let's go ahead let's just do it go ahead everything for laziness oh boy this is we've gone way too far we've gone above and beyond what is natural no okay keep pulling it struggle it's two 1 over oh um okay see what happened here there's a giant who in the side of Earth okay now this could happen to anybody scam me again Dad if he tells me go to work I'm going be mad error too much huh I guess you can stay home today thank you Dad no problem child why is the floor shaking though oh good ending oh well you didn't go to work okay this does not seem worth it just go to work y'all just go to work fellas today you have witnessed me do the Unspeakable the unthinkable not only did I fill the entire house out with poop I ate it y'all okay I I crossed the line I did too much today I did too much today but when we come back we have three more poopy endings to find thank you all so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it make sure to check out my second Channel dark OB links will be down in the description I love you guys and I'll see you all in the next video excuse me
Channel: Beautiful OB
Views: 27,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beautiful ob, ob, roblox, beautiful ob roblox, ob roblox, roblox game, roblox gameplay, roblox roleplay, don't burn the house down, roblox dont burn the house down, I Filled My House With POOP To Skip Work in Roblox?!
Id: i3j8XfCAf6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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