Burning Down The House to Skip School in Roblox

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all righty everybody it's a brand new day it's going to be a great day oh no it's Monday again I have to go to school I lied it's got to be a terrible day now oh boy I don't want to go to school uh I really want to stay at home today okay I know I'll go tell father I'm sick he'll have no choice but to allow me to stay here I'm a genius y'all that's actually a great idea I'm down for this Daddy Dad I don't feel very good I'm kind of sick today Papa Dad where my daddy at hello hello Dad oh hey father hi yes it's me beautiful OB I'm ill today Father I'm feeling unwell okay perhaps it would be an erronous decision to allow me to be a potential disease spreading at school you know Dad may I Su just staying home instead let me see okay go check my temperature dad listen I'm very sick 97.7 F you okay get ready for school I'll be here if you need me if I turn on the lights in my bedroom my body temperature will go up and father will allow me to stay yes sir Daddy Let me just go take a quick look around my room okay okay get the lights on get the lights on okay close the door turn on every light in my room this is not a light oh here we go lamp and other lamp Okay okay my let my let my body temperature rise a little bit okay think I'm good dad can you reassess the situation for the record the the mom would have displayed the wrong temperature earlier that is true could I perhaps suggest try one more time okay see surely it's a little higher now 98.6 see Dad my temperature going going up a bit it's a bit more than before but nothing to worry about go to school I need more heat let's turn out every light inside this house dad you're pushing me to my absolute sorry just turn the slap on sorry sorry sorry sorry poo okay okay we need more we need more heat um maybe the microwave would be a good source of heat oh yeah oh wow that's a big light um oh here we go oh it's going to be it's going to be boiling up in here soon this whole house is going to be cooking maybe in the garage oh here we go there's got to be there it [Music] is okay now surely surely father father I truly am convinced that I am indisposed today okay gee Dad look I'm not feeling good let me have this 99.9 Dad I'm disease rid you're fine go have breakfast and take a bath oh that's a wonderful idea father wonderful idea a nice hot bubble bath should I get my food first where my food at okay I got yes hot chocolate baby heat it up the microwave to a million deg F let that cook maybe put it on longer for 5 seconds though I need it to be scalding hot right got my hot chocolates um how do I eat this y'all eat okay now I got to go have my bubble bath to close my door and we going to crank this bath on 9,000 F I'm basically going to be boiling here okay good let the water soak into the poorest areas here we want to make sure I'm boiling hot just like the likes on this video are Dad hi Dad father I must request if you kind of take my temperature again okay Dad what do you think how am I looking I should be in the hospital that I'm at 104.4 no problem here you must go to school go change your clothes oh my all right father I will okay I going to put on like 50 sweaters or something yeah okay put on my winter attire look at me look at me you know what just for good measure let me dip into the tub real quick what I got to rub a ducky yeah Dad I'm ill today oh the ass is silly blue yes I know your temperature let me see Papo what are we reading here let me see 105 oh my goodness see you are not dead I need to go to the hospital I think I'm dying oh dear this will be harder than I thought maybe I need to keep the heat inside the house close all the doors and the windows yes AB sorry sorry D just oh oh jeez I don't want to be he we dad he's crazy okay let's see get all these windows closed we really got to heat up the house wait can I go outside wait okay close this one this one this one I kind of want to go outside though can I go out there what out here thank you for 50 million visits oh my goodness that's a lot of visits y'all wait what is this guy hello donate please he $500 what the some guy donated 20,000 robblox that is insane oh I got to turn the heaters on as well okay so I got to get these radiators kicked on o it's going to be boiling up in here oh my goodness am I going to even be able to survive this is there one out here I wish I could close a garage door but I can't maybe maybe father needs it open so he can take me to school later where the heat is at oh why oh and then excuse me father father I request another measurement of my temperature please okay D 116 you're fine and you're finally ready to go to school so go now all you're Mr bus still not enough okay I will skip school one way or another turn on a stove in every fos with hot water look the house is like glowing hot okay it's going to be hot water there let's go to the sink in here hot hot take a quick poo poo Okay much better there there's got to be another sink somewhere around here am I missing one I must be missing a sink y'all uh oh the stove the stove okay the house is literally on fire Dad how how is my dad not hot father huh is still here I thought you had already left is everything a ra for that you appear distraught yes yes I fine anyways yeah 126. n f you are fine now go dude what what else can I do the fireplace the fireplace that's it the fireplace it has to be the fireplace crack this bad boy on wait how do how do I use the fireplace burn your homework oh what excuse me this is fan art oh that's cool but this is no time for cool we need my homework oh this n is heavy y'all oh my goodness this n is so heavy this was today's homework yo no wonder if my guy don't want to go to school okay or that let me get my rubber Dukey back I need that what the heck was that Dad father father I'm very ill today I don't feel good do you hear my coughs father 135 there's nothing wrong with you okay stuff get serious now we we we're put a fork in the microwave don't try this at home all right right if I got to let me get my Fork put it in there um okay Dad Dad father listen I feel a little ill today may I skip school 1539 you are not sick I need more heat father father listen or in the car oh my goodness okay we're just go straight to that get the gasoline pour it on the car oh jeez y'all this is not a good idea light it up um is this a crime can I go to jail for this I mean I got to go tell Dad I'm very sick today Dad Dad I'm very sick today hello father listen I'm very ill today I had some bad beans for dinner yes I'm 200Β° father have to go to school dude burn the trees I mean if this is what's going to this is what's going to take all right don't burn down the entire neighbor if I have to but I mean I guess I got you too there's one tree here okay perfect perfect thank you exactly what I needed that's 180 more Fahrenheits 180 make sure we close this door y'all we got to keep the heat inside okay we can't be letting that get out now maybe close all the doors so it centralized on my body father I'm a little sick today okay can you take my temperature Pap let me see what it says 387 I'm a little bit I feel indisposed today I don't want to go to school dad oh you feel goodness gracious um fill the pool with lava okay yes a very reasonable ex uh Next Step here is to fill the back your pool with lava as I was going to do my child I finally got the machine to work now don't touch it or you'll break it like last time wait what weird machine made by father hold on let me not touch that let me I got I got to fill this with lava somehow Mighty Ignatius master of flames I beseech thee hear my prayer I must call upon the lava oh my all this so get out of school huh so oh oh Noble ignatus I employ the to grace my H pool with the he of a thousand Sons what please fill my with lava okay got you bro what's up okay okay here we go noing narus bye all right surely my temperature must be very hot now I'm going to go in the lava to make sure it's it's really cooking in there okay oh boy a lot going on today very busy day I mean by the time I skip school school's going to be done with I feel a bit ill today can you take my temperature sweetie mhm mhm cough cough 1,872 my goodness that's a lot of fever is that so father wait no I misread that you're fine actually what I don't even know what to say I'm so Bamboozled I cannot think of anything to increase my temperature maybe there's something TV that can help me okay let's go check the TV out where is my TV oh here it is can't get the remote turn it on need less heat no no no we need more heat nice no is your house on no don't call the fire department don't call no wait what call us to hire a dragon and burn your house 3 2 1 4 5 6 3 2 1 4 5 6 this is this is it this is the answer icking a dragon the burn in the house that's your computer has vir no wait what wait what that was that did I did I put the wrong number what's going on 3 2 1 four five six right maybe I just maybe I Mis died the number before that's got to be what it is oh and then the little kitten found why there is that no baby on the left can I poke him no what sound does the cow make moo okay this is the little kitten's Adventure oh I'm getting a call okay children Mr Dragon has an important work to do with the work is done though we will finish reading the book now ride on my back and we will go do this work together okay what is happening I'm not I'm a I'm I'm cure what okay children I hope you enjoy a little stroll now hold on TI okay what this is why old baby from G turned out to be so evil cuz he's witnessing dragons burn down houses the work is finished now we can go back to daycare continue reading the book bye little babies come back soon okay okay Dad we have a big problem I'm not feeling good today at all okay I'm feel very sick dad I don't feel good okay yeah 5,000 de dad that's not what do you mean I do not want to do this but you leave me no choice father hold the Sun closer with a rope yes absolutely that was my next thing to say it's the only way so it's come to this the Rope of Truth you forc me to do this father I'm pulling I won okay are we going to survive this are we deay I won't go to okay hold on that there be a long scream all right wait for it go maybe maybe I can skip today maybe that was enough my temperature must be in the millions maybe even billions dad daddy father what is my temperature okay let's see 15372 oh dear you will ride all along you have a mild fever I guess you could stay home today Al righty father Yes wait now there there's more endings I did a good ending wait what well at least you did not go to school but the world blew up all right so there's something I saw on the TV is there a way to read do I I think I have to go tell my Dad I'm sick real quick hold on Dad I'm sick sorry Father I feel like I don't care blah blah blah blah blah take my temperature blah blah blah blah blah blah wait wait a minute there's other things here there's four different ends well how do you get those school bus stop are you wait yes I'm sure like sure sure yes I want to go to school yes I so let me see it if you leave this green area the bar ending will be aborted well I can't stop you actually I can if you want the end it so bad give me it then clict this away 30 long and more seconds are you kidding me hello hello hello they even even took my happy music away they really GS to be doing me like this 30 seconds this is a long time in the world of a school day oh boy okay um guess I'll see you all in about 30 seconds how long's it been oh wait is it over this is too boring for you it should you could just leave it it'll get normal ending no I'm starting to think that I won't be able to convince you that's a shame okay I have an idea how about you just give me the ending then click here wait for 50 seconds without moving oh my goodness I can't move oh boy okay you can move now but aren't you like extremely bored yes I'm bored of hearing you talk let me let me give me the edit give me the freaking edit 80 Seconds click or leave I'm I'm S 80 Seconds that's a lifetime okay y'all 80 Seconds have passed wait no that was 40 no it was not that was definitely oh my goodness that was only 40 seconds are you serious we are never getting this ending y'all this is the most hardest ending I've ever had to get in my entire life and they took away the music they won't let me move this is a shame y'all this is a crying shame okay now it's been 80 Seconds I am quite persistent yes I want this ending I want to see it let me see the ending hold this for 100 second and the endings will be yours oh my goodness are you kidding me I have to sit here for a 100 seconds and hold this button down if I mess up one time it's over oh boy this is really bad too cuz I have to PE PE in real life now my keyboard is a wireless keyboard I could take it in there with me but now that would be extremely dangerous because if I slip up and drop it in the toilet then I just ruin this expensive keyboard okay I'm just going to sit here and be quiet and let the time slip through my fingertips just want to chime in real quick y'all let y'all know I'm halfway there and I am still alive in real life but yes I still have to take a PE PE too just wanted to try them in real quick y'all I'm about 34s the way done still alive still hanging in there but I really got a PE PE and my finger is starting to cramp now I feel like I might have to let this go but I'll let y'all know when I get to around 98% how I'm feeling all right y'all we're about 98% I still got a pee PE my finger hurting I did it I did it okay made it get it bad ending you went to school how boring boring boring all right fellas I'm going to wrap up the video here I want to try to do another video where I get the good end the insanity ending and the Fatal ending I have no idea how to get those but I'm going to figure it out in the next video thank you all so much for watching hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you all in um the next video where I get these endings okay bye
Channel: Beautiful OB
Views: 25,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beautiful ob, roblox, oops i failed my math test, game, gameplay, roleplay, sandbox, ob, need more heat, roblox need more heat, need more cold, roblox need more cold, roblox ob, beautiful ob roblox, ob roblox
Id: fBVbyqTJbg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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