Escaping Natural Disasters in Wobbly Life! (Full Movie)

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all righty sir I've arrived here at my brand new job that you're telling me what I'm supposed to do here on my first day is to take these toxic waste poisonous barrels and feed them to a monster named Louie that sounds ridiculous I don't think Lou wants to eat any more toxic waste sir but I must make my money so I will accept this job with pride and dignity mhm okay let me go ahead and get all these barrels for you sir let me go ahead I'm just going to go ahead can I drop a this this is dangerous so I have to wait okay that sounds a little boring honestly but you know what I'm new here I'm just going to do A Hard Day's Work get my money get paid all righty got all my barrels all suited up nicely back here sir I'm going to go take these to Lou as per the request of yours here not my own doing of course cuz I would never feed a poison this Barrel to such a luxurious creature but it is try times and this economy I got to follow the rules of the job and make all my money okay so Lou is going to be down there don't worry Lou you'll never have to eat toxic poisons again OB will protect you okay let me just come over here to this prestigious farmland and just make sure no one's looking okay I think I'm in clear here and let me just go ahead and give him one of these and one of those W careful oh okay time to open up the back there you go perfect now for the final plan just got to EMP the all that come on come on perfect there we go all right all right now it's going to go back and lie to the he'll never know he'll never know what I've done hello it's me I have completed the task I fed all the barrels to Louie just as you requested now may I please please have my money sir thank you I appreciate that I needed that money to pay some bills that I have mhm yep what's that oh yeah Lou Louie ate all of them yeah yeah don't even worry about that okay you have yourself a wonderful day sir I'm going to go home and get some rest this been a long day for me all right Grandma hi it's me you're your little boy Mr obron I worked really hard today Grandma you would not believe it do they wanted they wanted me to feed Lou the gentle nice monster poisonous toxic waste and I said no way I said no way Grandma I put that stuff in the ocean you would not believe the day I had what the huh no no no no no no no no no is that okay that that's that's so get inside your house that is acid that is toxic acid do not get touched by that it'll dissolve your entire face from your face will be faceless grandma grandma listen listen do not do not go out there Grandma where'd you go oh my goodness she has dissolved grandma grandma oh oh jeez okay listen stay inside the house or actually abandon the house and run up the hill cuz we have a an acid tsunami or something happening right now oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez it got higher it got higher oh no oh my goodness it's rising it's Sir Mr jelly man get inside your house oh my goodness he's a goner he's a goner there's nothing I can do sir do not drive down there do not drive down there no no no no no no no no no no please please it's not green water don't do it he is as good as gone okay okay there's got to be a way to fix this there has to be a solution to the problem um uh I got to go back to the toxic waste toxic waste plant I'll talk to the guy I'll explain what I did wrong there must like I got to steal this car I got to steal this car there's it's got to be like a precaution in place right oh my goodness oh jeezus it's slowly Rising it's slowly oh I'm sorry about the fence it was going to be rude anyways though don't blame me okay okay okay go go go go go go go oh my goodness the whole the whole City's like under acid this is really bad this is really really bad okay oh my goodness a Subway I hope no one was down there working or anything okay okay oh it's climbing the ass is Rise oh okay okay as long as it doesn't hit the road my car won't melt and everything will be totally fine I will be fine cuz I am in a hazmat suit and this is designed to keep the place safe okay this is bad this is bad this is bad the water the car is slowing down there we go okay go go go go go go go is it Horizon still how high is it going to go oh my there was put four barrels in the ocean how did I do all this this is possible oh my goodness the Museum oh the price artifacts what the heck was that a giant doctor fell for this guy oh my goodness I am I have contaminating the environment oh jeez this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad real bad real bad real bad why did that duck fall from the sky I don't even know y'all I don't okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay sir sir sir sir hi yes hello hi yes it's me again uh listen I know you you told me yeah help us out with the toxic weight yes I did that I remember take it to Lou yeah remember that you told me that uh what I did was listen to me stop talking and listen to me what I did was I took the barrels and I threw them in the ocean and now I think we have a giant acid flood and it's heading this way right now and I'm noticing you're not wearing your Hazmat mask and you are a great danger sir listen what do I do do you have any ideas take it to Lou he'll deal with it bro this take what to Lou the ocean that makes so sense that makes no sense how close is the acid okay we still have some time I think unless everyone's already melted okay okay okay this is fine this is fine sir please stop your vehicles please please stop in the name of the law please don't go down there no no no okay yeah there you go don't no no no sir no no no don't do it don't do it no please why would you do this it's dead it's over okay okay okay okay okay okay there's got to be something we can do here there's got to be something we could do okay this is so freaking bad it's definitely Rising hovercraft hovercraft okay all I got to do is swim to that I have a plan I should be protected by my hbat suit it should be totally fine here okay swim it swim it okay okay okay okay get the seat ah okay minute okay we're good okay okay okay okay all I have to do is fix this this is fixable I know the entire city is buried in acid right now but this is fixable I have an idea I have an idea it's crazy but I think it could work okay got to use my underwater there it is okay there's Lou down there why isn't should he doesn't he like this stuff shouldn't he be like absorbing it or something do I have to go down there and like convince him to do it okay okay I'm going to do it I'm going to go down there and I'm just going to have a chat with him I have my air mask on my hasmat suit on everything's on all right listen fellas if I never see y'all again because of the acid please leave a like on this video and know that I've always remembered you and I'll always care for you please don't forget me get him okay Lou Lou oh my goodness where Louie Lou Lou I'm squeeze it back there I'm coming in there Lou where are you buddy oh my goodness did he dissolve is that his goop goop okay okay I got to get out of here I got to get out of here I got to I got to swim back up to the surface I got to get back at H this thing there's no way how could Louis be be done for like this this is crazy okay okay okay okay okay okay okay this is bad this is really really bad I mean there's no way Lou could have dissolved right I mean he's a monster he eats this stuff there's no way he would eat something that can melt him I think Lou was kidnapped and I do remember Ario 51 I bet they're holding him up there like a hostage or something probably doing experiments on him or something I got to save Lou he's the only one who can save the city okay what I need yes this's hang glider here this will be perfect for us all right I sure hope this bad boy can start still there we go oh yeah listen to that baby purr okay hold up this is really really bad okay no problem everyone that I know in love has dissolved into acid the entire town is ruined I'm sure this is all reversible Maybe okay okay just got to get up here I'm sure Lou up here somewhere oh my goodness there he is Lou Louie Lou sorry Lou didn't mean to do that that was a mistake Lou Lou listen it's me it's me your friend you you you know you know me right I I I was supposed to feed you but I didn't feed you but remember like 10 years ago when I fed you a sword remember when I fed you Excalibur dude listen I I did this down there all the acid I did that for you it's a buffet you can eat all bro listen open those lips and eat away my guy it is your time to shine you're kind of heavy though huh you don't really move do you that's okay I do have a tool just for this situation something I built a while back I think it could come in handy here all right Lou I'm going to pick you up gently okay I know you don't like being moved but I'm going to grab you from the butt it's going to be weird a little bit but don't worry don't worry I got you there you go there you go little guy come on now listen there's a big big amount of food down there okay and I'm going to need you to eat I'm going to need you to eat the entire ocean I know it sounds like a big idea but I think this is something you can do okay I'm going to dip you in there now from well how far do we have to go down let me see okay we have to go down okay let's just walk down the hill I'm not going to throw you off a cliff Lou I'm not a monster like you buddy all right Mr Lulu this is as close to the acid as I'm comfortable getting to my suit is starting to deteriorate I'm going to put you in the bottom there good luck little guy start drinking the acid you can do it all right now we just wait and hope that everything works out for the world of w town oh my goodness it's working it's actually working the ass is going down this is crazy Lou do you need you need a hand to get out of there Lou Lou Lou what's happening why you why you getting a little bigger Bud Lou you're too heavy to pick up this thing isn't working on you anymore I can't pick you up Lou I think you need to stop drinking actually no Lou Drake more Louie Louie Lou what's going on with you um oh my goodness dude you're you're driving too much I think you're going to pop buddy okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay but the acid is going down this is good this is good okay okay okay okay okay okay okay um yeah this is fine this is fine okay this is good news though I mean all the acid is going down where did Lou go huh oh my goodness okay Lou you got to stop drinking the water dude I I think I think you Sav the town this is enough this is enough buddy you don't have to drink anymore guy guy look I was going to try to pick you up and put you back in your cage okay dude you got Lou Lou Lou Lou okay oh [Music] jeez okay okay just ain't my fault I dude this is not my fault I didn't do this Lou I didn't do this okay buddy you need to stop drinking you need to stop drinking the ocean this is getting ridiculous Lou sweetie listen maybe we can talk about this you are taking over the entire city this is not good buddy oh no this is bad this is really really bad okay okay yeah um let me uh let me go up let me just okay okay okay start activate there we go huh okay this is I mean the city's back to normal at least this is fine no one ever said this was a bad idea Louie deserves to be free too that's a big teeth you got there guy well you know all things considering this could have gone a lot worse I'm noticing all the water is now gone he drank the entire ocean huh well at least he got his hydrations in for the day and so ends the tale of how one little boy flooded the entire planet with acid and then solved it by creating a giant enormous probably dangerous monster that will destroy the world afterwards Granda what are you saying what do you mean I'm gra who whoa watch yourself I'm grounded are you Ser what did I even do I'm so proud of you are you proud of me for being grounded now that's just freaking weird you're acting like an absolute Maniac you know what actually no you're grounded that's why I flipped the script you're grounded can you know why listen to me I don't respect you Grandma you don't even have a job I have you kind of strong though why you bringing my arm all right Grandma Grandma ah Grandma no no please listen Grandma fine walk away walk away then I don't need you you know what in fact I don't need you either in fact I don't need any of y'all I think wobbling life this town has really gone down in quality in fact I'm going to make my own City in fact I'm going to burn this sh it go I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that I'm not going to burn it down but I am going to have to do something a little devious all righty here we are at the toxic waste PL well watch yourself man children walk here in the middle of the road that's right all right the wobbly power now if I'm not mistaken what I'm looking for is somewhere over here down there perhaps I think I see it hold on let me just let me just h m ankle M anle oh my goodness I'm going to sue this freaking company for everything they're worth after I destroy it okay something down here is what I'm looking for not the bombs I think it's this over here let me see let me get a little closer here yep that's it okay a giant vehicle containing Lou poo poo exactly what I need here here I am going to take this and dump this into the river into River just got him there we go and done done it's over it's done I did oh it dissolved it dissolved freaking finally now let those poo particles separate it disperse to the water uh-oh wait hold on I should probably get out of this I think it's stting to turn brown oh that happened way faster than I thought all part of a master plan though you can't ground an OB and not expect to have a giant mess of poo poo taken over the city that's right I'm evil now now all I need to do is cause the ocean to run R thus consuming wobbly town forever in the poo poo all righty right over here exactly what I needed to see today all right oh yeah we do have some employees in there all right let's just act normal act normal how you doing friends I'm perfectly normal and safe to be around I'm not a volunteer you know who I am remember I helped build this place back in the day mhm how you doing over there uh what's your name Greg Greg how you doing buddy I'm going to go ahead o yeah I see that it is looking a little brown on the screen there well you know in these trying times then this economy yeah okay I'm going to go ahead and borrow this though here don't mind me sorry ignore the Laughing I'll keep it down absolute perfection exactly what we needed to see today finally My ultimate plan of world domination has come to futti if everything goes Accord to the plan then everything has gone according to the plan do you understand me Greg if everything goes Accord to the plan then the plan has gone according to now stay inside it's going to get stinky out there oh absolute perfection absolute perfection in no time at all wobbly life will be buried in the poo poo tsunami I think I can see Grandma's house from here let me use my binoculars to get a closer look here let's see what we're looking at oh yeah in moments now Grandma's house of be completely submerged in what I like to call the dooky dookie Warfare there she goes there's her house buried beneath the brimstone liquidy goodness of dooky dookie let's see what she's doing in there oh looks like perhaps she might evacuated very interested I didn't know Grandma even left the house huh better for for her own good the poooo sh is rising actually the pooo rising kind of high hopefully it doesn't rise and touch my toies that would be kind of nasty I've taken over the world let me get closer to the poooo oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez stinky okay well there's not many places left to live in Old wobbly town now maybe I can get like an apartment in one of these H rods buildings and just watch everyone suffer and bathe in the poo poo Delight well well well look at wobbly life now the train completely submerged in dooky dookie the only place unsubmerged is over there because of the farm animals that's right Obie takes care wait the Farm's over there uh-oh well Muka and poo poo they do go together now what do I do what's the plan I guess I need to find a place to live wait what am I talking about I live here completely safe from the dooky dookie I can look down on the world and just admire my work in my work wow I've done really good today haven't I I think it's time to perhaps take a nappy nappies oh boy boy it's been a long day this is how I sleep now by the way 3 days later all right Mr Teddy listen it's been a while now I don't know how many days it's been but it's been a couple of days I'm starting to lose my mind Mr Teddy there's no one left everyone is abandoned wobbly town oh I feel kind of bad why did I do this this was a mistake all because Grandma grounded me but maybe I deserved it maybe I was just being bad I was just being bad there's not even anyone to play legal Legends with because all the servers have been shut down because of Cent doy doie this sucks nothing to watch on TV the TV don't even work anymore cuz the cable company's gone I really messed up this time and I don't think there's any save in this one boy okay I'm going to have to I'm going to have to figure something out let me go up to the roof there's got to be a solution here hello is anybody out there can anybody hear me if you're alive say something let me know just as I suspected it everyone's been either drowned in the dooky dookie or they've abandoned wobbly bille I'm going to assume they had us all left isn't that right Todd my only friend and of course Jamon my other friend I got to fix this I got to fix this somehow okay I think there is one thing I can do but it's very dangerous I have to get up to the lab I have one last idea this it's crazy but I think it can work just this one time all righty this is the place how we doing here fellas yes I know listen listen I know I'm banned from this facility for causing acid tsunamis and Chaos back in the day but you got to hear me out I'm sure you've read the news there's a giant poo tsunami out there and I'm the only one who could save it what was that I'm the one who caused it and I'm [Music] and karate karate press the button press the button press the button press the button go go go go go press the button that's the wrong button Obie what are you doing press this button ah you're you'll never stop me security I know what I'm doing I am the poo poo Master oh wait hold on I got to wait should be quiet here got to go stealth go stealth sneaky okay I don't hear any alarms going off I think I have infiltrated this facility pretty well so far okay there's a guard up there 360 okay if I'm going to stop a poo tsunami then I need something that can absorb a poo tsunami 360 all right I just have to make it over there to the left because back in the day when I made another psunami on accident by flushing too much poop down a toilet I used a giant toilet to undo do all the effects and I connected it to this machine here and the propulsion did suck out the poo poo from the from the city okay here's my toilet here so it looks like they disconnected it oh wait something's wrong here I think this thing is decommissioned well that's kind of weird hold let me try it mhm yeah okay just as I suspected here this toilet doesn't work it's broken there's got to be there's got to be another way then wait how do I undo what I've done if the toilet don't work that's the only toilet I know of that's that big thank OB be think there's got to be a solution here maybe if I can sneak past this guard at the door here perhaps hold on I have a plan very quiet now I do oh talking to himself don't worry about it I do have the ability to flatten myself down like a cat and squeeze through the crack of the door I'm going to go ahead and just kind of got to just kind of squeeze hi how you doing um it wasn't me it wasn't me that guy did Tommy Tom did it it was Tom put on disguise I need a disguise right right right away perfect they'll never suspect me now sorry what was that oh how you do it sir my name is Cory I'm a scientist how you doing I'm Cory my cor my name is Cory I'm a scientist okay let me think okay there's got to be something we can do here guys stop watching TV it's a it's it's crazy what you say to me I'll break this whole thing if I have to okay I'm sorry jeez oh my goodness it's so freaking obvious but it's dangerous if I do this formula here there might not be any coming back from this one okay take a mental note of this this is the key to stopping this listen here Felicia and Phillip I will always remember you enjoy your TV show I must go now the world needs me more than I've ever needed it Mr Bradley did you get the recipe that I submitted to you over fax machine you did okay go ahead and build that prototype for me I'm going to need it it's to save the world I know I miss Louis too guy don't even wor don't hey don't even worry about it we'll get Lou back okay don't don't you worry about that now go ahead and build that prototype I really need it all righty fellas that was a wonderful show okay it's been about 30 minutes surely uh Mr Bradley's done with the uh designs now I have to imagine he's done Mr Bradley how you doing dude this is perfect this is exactly what I needed to see here thank you so much thank you so much guy you just saved the World by the way you just saved the world all right now I just have to find a nice place someplace private where I can change my my wibbly wobblies mhm all right this is it the ultimate strategy I have hand wash on my head to disperse the poo poo into Soapy Suds I have a plunger because it looks cool and then wrapped around my body is handcrafted by Brad High absorbent toilet paper the only problem is it's a around my body which means I have to jump into the Poo tsunami myself and live in the Poo to absorb the Poo into the toilet paper oh boy to save W life I must commit the ultimate sacrifice but it'll be worth it farewell security guard who never really liked me this might be the last time we ever see each other for I'm about to do do pretty Unthinkable to save the town it'll be worth it all righty here we go I guess the best place to do this would be honestly right where it all began right over grandma's house and hopefully hopefully I haven't caused too much damage yet but I feel like even if I fix all this and somehow survive I don't think I'm welcome here anymore I mean look at the place it's buried under a flood of dooky dookie who would accept me after this chaos my calculations are correct I should be right over grandma's house this is it once I do this there's no going back okay it's time to start suspension the hand wash into the poo poo water I jump it into a head first okay I can't hold my breath forever in the poo poo but I must gble you're down here too gble what are you doing I'm going to pass [Music] out I feel like like I've been poisoned and okay is it let me just I need to get out I need it outside I need some fresh air please I need a shower and some fresh air hello nurse nurse doctor anybody where do people work here hello I need shower fresh air how does it I can't even press this button y i hello hello I need shower I need fresh air I need poo poo antidote I have been stricken listen listen what do you mean I stink don't tell me that oh oh my goodness the Tail's back to normal though people are moving back in oh my goodness it's finally happening I got to check the water situation it could still be brown if it's still dooky dookie colored then my job's not done okay please maybe the hand soap has dispersed into the water causing it to turn a nice Crystal Clear Blue again oh thank you Heaven Stars there's only one more thing left to do I have to see grandma again Grandma it's me I'm back from the hospital you never visited me I'm so upset with you right now I'm going straight to your bedroom and I'm rubbing the dooky dookie all over your bed sheets that's right you did this to your yourself grandar I'm sorry I'll wash him in the morning after I get a good night's rest all right Obie I thought you were going to be in your Beach attire it's over here I'm a detective oh what the heck this is why I'm in my detective what what why are we I hire you wait yes absolutely I'm I'm I'm available for hire the world is a Bo to be destroyed get out of town what makes you say that that soundous itous what come here come here okay put your little feet in the water and let it soak in do you feel that it's wet no no wa I feel a little bit of a rumble wet it's rumbling what it's tingling it's rumbling with likes on the video and it's warm in here that's just cuz I peed [Music] oh yeah but you know there's going to be a giant flood that's going to consume everything and we have to survive oh I would get out of that water I would not get in that that's dangerous wait wait you just had a flood coming yeah should be no you can't you yeah you have to hold on I am holding on wait oh my god oh jeez the thing the thing he was right I was right okay okay but as long as we're an airplane we safe got to get to some location we got to come up with a strategy we got to Grandma pull over at Grandma's house get Grandma hey look at look at the got pull Grandma's house are you st Grandma we got to go to High Ground I will destroy this helicop J I'm jumping out I'm Grand all right to save Grandma okay run in there and I'll pick you guys up I'm I'll give you updates on the flood it's our oh my goodness okay is it what it's in the neighborhood okay well Grandma first I got Grandma oh my goodness SPID whole time get out Grandma's glued in wa Grandma ground get to the top of the wall babbe oh yeah yeah yeah okay I See Spot oh my goodness my touch my land on top of the ball we can't get up there though we have to go get the second Flo oh my goodness it exploded okay okay okay this is bad this is bad this is bad we're going to drown oh jeez oh jeez trying to get oh buddy is breathe with the waves just breathe with the waves what do you mean breath the waves I think I'm right now what is that sound wait if I get in the pool water it's technically surviving is that what you the elevator I think I think I have failed here boys oh wait it'll recede it'll recede wait it'll recede it'll receed my goodness water but I think it's coming back I think I passed off for a second that was that was the first wave is this a tsunami I this is some kind of disaster back it's goinging back wait why you in a nerd outfit what did you say you got like a nerd outfit on okay pajam samam like shut up get out of here these are comfy guys we got to go we don't have time for this we do not have time for this okay guys guys guys I got a secret here okay what okay rocket machine somebody hit the button s there's only two hit the button I've already tried these don't work guys hit the buttons we're flying away try wow great idea Koto great idea okay well you come up with a better idea an idea I got an idea let's hear it let's hear it okay let's see that zipline up there we're going to ride that all the way to the bridge ride I that takes you to the aircraft carrier well there you go fighter jet does it float there aircraft carrier aircraft carrier hour oh we go for the Blimp there's a blimp yeah a oh hot a i at hot airon here here here climb into this Obie we'll fling you across the map all right you guys ready ready w okay that didn't really go that far so maybe uh Plan B B what hot air balloon hot air balloon okay how about we zip line to the aircraft carrier grab a fire jet fly to that hot air balloon and we'll go up together that makes so much sense I love it all right boys I think it's coming back any moment now yeah okay okay just keep going keep going watch your big head please shut your mouth watch your big stupid head it's all bald and ug your big stupid head that's in the way why you knocking me off dude stop grabing me your hands sticky it's like made out of it's like made out of cotton what wait I don't even know what you said you I'm just I'm jumping I'm making it yo we're making this we ain't got time K you goofing around like a goofball I got time to poopa pants what are you talking about poop pants I'm almost up there we got to go down together okay we got to all hold hands we hold hands hold hands guys look down it's already receded all the way down to the beach yeah but for how long soon the tsunami will hands down ready yep okay ready how does this even we're doing it okay oh my goodness you're lucky I'm so strong that I can hold on with one hand and hold two wibbles I holding on to your butt cheeks they are very very Flappy bro what are you saying I have the toest button Town yeah I'm holding on to I will let go right now man you know when you explode a thing of biscuits oh you get the tube oh no I let go back to and then you you pop it and it explodes open that's what your butt is like right now just saying wait I will slap you in the back of the eyes until wa there's a freaking boat right there why would we take that cuz we need this to the air balloon go Bo that's a tugboat tug boats aren't good perfect yeah cuz the tugboat doesn't float okay let's take the fire yeah take the fire fire wait did we each get our own yes we each get our own yeah nice I call this one okay I call I call the last one oh careful there's no room here we're good Tak the tug boat we're good uh guys guys that water's going up that I'm Laur up take off clear the St go go go go go pull it back he exploded wait wait oh no what the I'm under the water I need a boat he's under the water well I mean you could have grabbed the tugboat you know remember yeah grab the tugboat but now the tugboat is too stupid how did you explode I don't know it didn't pull up it pull down are you okay down there no I'm Dr okay let's just get to High Ground real quick we'll get you back yeah we'll get you back I'm going to land this thing you Sav me I'm down down air balloon I'm warming it up for you dude we're coming we're coming oh my goodness the water's Rising fast wa why don't we just stay in this police helicopter no that balloon's better cuz that we go higher atmosphere better I see you guys I'm in the balloon that is uh red yellow and green red yellow I see it as a rainbow color I see it I'm one hand I can see it it's overtaken the blood is coming top I'm On Top I'm good I'm good I got to land this bad boy I got to land this bad boy do not explode my air balloon I'm On Top I'm On Top I'm fine you really going to stay up there yes I have to for scientific purposes oh this is a bad idea I don't think was a good idea well I mean I could have told you that you're the same person that crashed plane I kind of want to come down I want to come down a can we land it again no no no the flood the flood's already in the city we can't do it I'm coming it you are going to have no okay okay I here we go okay it was too scary up there you don't understand oh there goes the city oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez so where do we go the highest point uh guys this hot air balloons a little slow well I mean we're out running the flood think are we really yes can you turn it to the left we need to go up the snowy mountain we're going to freeze the flood oh this thing does not have Good Steer but you could do your best I'm wa look at you better do better than your best because the city's uh almost gone well whose fault is that your mom because she jumped in the water uh slap in your face floppy biscuit butt cheeks hey you shut up okay yeah we're surviving yeah we're doing great out here we doing that um I kind of do wish this was a little faster is there thing with balloons is they have the capability fell out wait how do you fall out of an air gra it anymore oh my gra grab the switch gra it grab it I got I got I got it I got it oh I my goodness why is hanging out of I got you I got you oh no guys stop stop stop stop we're heading in the right direction now okay I'm good we're go 51 uh do you see how much the flood is caught us it's kind of going off the mountain right now the thing with a balloon it has the capabilities to go higher in the atmosphere I don't know I kind of feel like we're heading straight from the mountain right now and we're probably going to die so how do we turn this oh well we have to drop some weight so you're going to have to throw a spy out no no no wait hold on no please you can totally throw him out see I dropped you no you're fine you're good um so are we they can buy planes or we staying in the hot air balloon um we could do helicopters or planes or something I mean there is helicopters down there I feel more confident in a helicopter personally okay I'm going to start releasing ready release it all right letting go oh my goodness fell out all right works okay I'm going I want the green helicopter well I want the I want to be in the blue one cuz it has bombs yeah I don't want that that's too dangerous there's no bombs in it that was mine you can ride with me jump in all right fine you know what I'm leaving by the way the flood is at the bottom of the mountain right now and it's oh it is racing its way up going wa oh there goes the observatory oh thank you he the stars were safe fellas yeah that was scary wait so at what point does the flood stop though where do we go oh it never stops wait so does that ultimately mean we're going to die how do you helicopters run out of fuel though and they're dangerous look at that I almost hit you oh you watch that there go the skyscrapers this is not good Fellas not good guys what we got to find a way to reverse the flood so how do we do that get a giant silly straw and drink it okay can we get in this right here what what right here are you going to fly into the nuclear reactor no I just look by that this could actually work baby it'll oh water is almost touching me this could actually work nothing about this looks like it's going to work wait is there a floaty Castle in one of the nuclear reactors yes there is yes there Isle that's how you survive it stays above the water yeah cast do take we could add a bathroom in there we could add anything we want in there I mean to me you just aim your butt cheeks off the float and poop we we need a kitchen once the flood goes down maybe we hop in there grab a floaty castle and then survive uhoh dude that's so smart this is definitely smart um at what point oh my goodness just don't land anywhere yet okay okay okay wait for it to go down guys look yeah finally reced it but for how long okay where's the it's inside the castle wait there's one there's one at the carnival there's one at the carnival go to the carnival go that it's safer okay okay we got a limited time before it comes back up so crazy go landing my helicopter same uhoh all right spy crashes into the roller coaster I'm landing on on top K watch yourself this is my spot you stupid ID serious you saw me going for it first that was down there close crazy he just Skyrocket me we don't have time we don't have freaking time just got here I'm going to kick him in the where you going to kick me in you know in the cast wobblies oh yeah in the wibbly wobblies hey watch where that car goes shut up where do you guys go we're we're we're riding toward it right now we're here we're here who roll Coaster Fine not now we got to give the one we got time we got time what do you mean get off the stupid thing and get here we're going to leave this without you we're going to leave without you okay I'm on my way how do we not bounce here grab the walls baby grab the walls why'd you make that noise oh I was grabbing the wall my muscles activating okay you guys good over there yeah we're waiting for you you got to get in here man don't worry I got a strategy instead of walking I just roll Coter the water's flooded up you got to hurry yeah I'm coming what do you mean I like how you're Cas we got to wait for the water anyways I mean you're on a roller coaster I made it save my nog get inside get inside get inside get inside the castle so we think this is actually going to work or gra can't not working oh there we go just grab the wall you can't see it working or not working not working I think this is going to work it's genius it's made out of air it has lots of buoyancy and floating properties okay well everybody calm down we got this I like how you're saying calm down when there's a deadly flood coming this way yeah but if we're in a balloon who cares this isn't a balloon if this works we can patent this oh oh oh well the other one was floating why was oh my goodness this is working wait a second this is Rocky it's working great what are you talking about yeah as long does over bouncing it right now we all are yeah we're all I'm on the side wall so am I SP you Bing it no I'm not you're going to flip it what happens if you ciz it touching anything SP you're going to flip the bouncy you got to counter the weight somebody go to the other side okay oh my good he out oh my goodness okay okay okay grab the other side we got to counter the weight it'sing countered it I think it's working okay this is looking good okay now we we just float up to heaven or something like what goes on now yeah yeah I mean we technically we have done the thing we have survived right we have sured techically we have survived oh I'll pay $5 you let go and bounce I'm bouncing okay there I ain't afraid this is fun uhoh guys okay too much momentums too much momentum we got a lot of bounc went too high I grab you buddy I grabbed you I grabed you oh my go got I got you I got you no what's happening where's spy he's on top he's on top he's good okay does this mean we survive the great tsunami of wobbly wibbles we have yeah I think we're fine I think we finally surviv I think we won all right Grandma you ready go hide go hide okay yeah okay okay okay you hiding all right here I come okay listen listen listen you're going to pretend to be some evil dragon sorc and I am the humble Knight here to stop the evil and I'm going to kick your freaking butt lady okay where did the grandma go where you hiding Grandma where you hi I found you aha evil evil witch the Knight will attack Kaka Grandma you're not even pretending to play come on man who whoa whoa whoa whoa Grandma did you feel that Rubble what was that what the heck is going on hold on what the heck is whoa whoa whoaa who whoa whoa what was that Holy freaking moly grandma grandma get inside get inside stay inside don't go outside listen there's a giant tornado in the city do not go outside get to the basement go to jellyman's house and go to his basement immediately it's the only place safe no what is going on oh jeez this is not good at all okay I got to figure something out and figure something out quick all all wobby life is going to be completely destroyed oh no it's starting the r rain this is really really bad okay okay um there's got to be a way to stop a dryer tornado is there a cow with the tornado I just saw a cow fly by in a tornado that's crazy look at it oh my goodness Mr mow okay okay thank OB be FK there's got to be a way um I think I have to go up to the science lab maybe one of those fancy pancy scientist up there I have an idea but how do I get up there I have to go past the tornado to get there oh jeez this is so freaking bad maybe if I steal this car if I just borrow this it is an emergency sir I'm borrowing your vehicle I am a KN a night of Honor I need this all right I just have to get up to that the area 51 it should be super easy just drive around the tornado it should be super wait a minute there's there's four tornadoes yes four tornadoes that's insane um okay well clearly I can't drive through it I'm just going to have to be very careful to drive around it I think that's all I can really do yo what do y'all doing get indoors don't go this way it's super dangerous oh my goodness whoa who watch yourself dude use your blinkers use your blinkers if you're going to change lanes like that and the bridge is going up is the wait hold oh oh my goodness I did not mean to go down here okay something bad is going on here I don't know what it is but the water slowly Rising as well okay I'm going to have to drop the bridge and hopefully somehow okay it looks like the water went down just a pinch here uh so how do I get okay my man watch yourself oh my goodness whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa tornadoes are strong torat are strong I'm hit reverse oh no please how do I do this drive okay this is a bad idea oh jeez oh my goodness and the water's Rising again oh my goodness okay maybe maybe go over the train tracks can I beat the water to it though maybe just maybe go go go go go go go go go I don't know what kind of vehicle they use in this situation okay okay I'm going to go across the train track super dangerous the train might come at any moment here but it's the only thing I can think of this isn't going to help me at all I'm going straight forward tornado okay backup plan somehow find a boat and let the water rise and then we can drive the boat up to Area 51 it's the only thing I can think of y'all oh this is bad okay just got to wait for the water to recede it sometimes comes in wav so it might it might go down please please go down oh jeez okay the water receded just enough and I think I can spot an opening in the tornado Gap I have to go over here to that bridge before the water rises again I don't know why it's waving up and down like that it must have something to do with the tornadoes they're doing something weird to the world okay I'm going to be getting pretty close to these tornadoes soon but if I can get across probably the trains bridge over here this gives me a lot of distance from the tornado okay this is perfect the perfect course we can do this now how am I going to climb the mountain though that's going to be super dangerous unless hot air balloon we'll be really close to the tornado but maybe I could I maybe I could grab one and just kind of fly away or maybe that that hang glider thing right there as well okay hold on let me get a little closer okay I'm not being picked up by a tornado this could work perfectly okay okay go go go okay here we go there we go yes this is working perfectly okay now I don't I know what I'm supposed to do when I get into Area 51 but there's got to be something I could do to revert all this there's only I mean I'm the only wobby life hero that I know of oh my goodness that tornado's very close let me park this here there we go all right perfect ah perfect enough okay okay I have to create some kind of tool that could reverse this I need to like re I need to unspin it it's spinning clockwise I need a tool that can make me spin counterclockwise like unraveling a spool of wool all right let's head on down okay I'm going to go visit my old friend Mr scientist oh jeez do y'all see that so of the tornadoes coming inside of here thank goodness we have thick walls up in here or else we'd be doomed could also try sucking up with a um a UFO as well that could be a good backup option here and if worse comes the worse I'll have to do the most drastic thing I've ever done in my life I'd have to bury a tornado but first let me get on my nice scientist outfit all righty got my scientist shirt on this should allow me to pass through the doors hopefully hi I'm a scientist don't mind me thank you how you doing sir I'm a scientist don't mind me thank you oh W the tornado it's grabbing me through the air vets fight it oh my goodness okay okay okay oh jeez oh oh okay okay what is happened oh oh my goodness the tornado's strong it's a very strong tornado okay listen I don't have a lot of time to explain what's happening right now the tornado has grabbed me and only me it knows I'm the only one who could stop it you have to create a tool that you that we could what's that you have just the thing okay go ahead and slaten in my pocket did you do it do you you want to get closer here slide it am I okay this is weird but yes thank you okay you got it okay this tornado so strong okay okay I got the tool he told me it's a tool that I've used before but he didn't say what it was but he said I'll know what it is when I know what it is so whatever that means I guess we'll just go outside and try it and see what happens okay we got to be careful though that tornado is very strong as y all just witnessed it can even suck people up out of buildings also it's raining inside of here y'all got a leak what is going on okay excuse me sir I got to figure out what this tool is okay so I got a little something here let me how's this oh it's the terrain grower tool okay so I guess today's mission is to bury the tornado under the ground cuz that totally makes sense all right so I guess I just had have to get somewhere kind of close but also kind of far cuz I don't want to get sucked up into it and then I just aim the terrain tool and try to bury it is that even possible I guess there's only one way to find out just got to try and hope for the best let me get on top this little ledge here maybe see what I could do oh I think I might have accidentally raised a little bit of it okay this should be far enough maybe if I could just stand okay get up here maybe oh my goodness the tornado's kind of grabbing me a little bit just a pit I'm just going to try to do it from like right here okay okay okay okay it's really hard to do this I can't get too close that's the problem can mayy here oh my goodness I'm raising a Terrain I am literally burying a tornado right now is this oh sorry oh you're calling the tornado here let me bury you too baby here you go I'll put I'll put a wall up for you there you go should be safe now all right I'm going try to stand up here on this mountain and just go for it okay some definitely is okay I'm going to destroy wobbly Ville this is not a good idea this is a bad idea it'll never work the way I want it to work put this back down fix it I got to fix it I got to fix the whole world I broke everything oh jeez that was the okay put the Stu back down oh my goodness all right step two I have a plan we're going to try the UFO strategy and just hope for the best all right let's give this a whirl and see what happens here I see the cow oh my oh my goodness the water I forgot about the water wait could the water possibly stop it or will it just create a world pool I'm going to try to suck this this tornado up in the UFO I don't know what else to do y'all it's the only thing that makes any kind of sense to me anymore okay okay luckily it seems a UFO does not be affected by the tornado maybe cuz I'm spinning oh I heard the cow oh jeez I'm going in I don't know what this means for me but I'm going in is it working is anything even happening I don't think this is working at all but I don't have any more ideas oh my goodness we're in the eye of the storm with a tornado and a UFO oh no this is so bad y'all this is so freaking bad I think it's I think it's hopeless I think wob life is actually done for I mean look how do I even begun to stop this oh wait a minute there's a weird button in here this wasn't here before where I I I can make lightning strikes oh my goodness I'm creating lightning maybe lightning will stop for tornado I don't know how but maybe doing it you can see the Sparks happening is anything even happening I think I'm just making an electrified tornado uhoh this is bad this is really bad there's only one thing left to do I think we're just going to have to hide and wait out the storm because there's no stopping this luckily for us I know exactly where we need to go we need to head down to jellyman's basement it's the only place that's safe enough that I could think of okay maybe I can peek through this little Square here find out exactly where jellyman's house is at so I can just what happens if I go into this what is this like a Whirlpool or something like a worm opening here there's definitely water here okay but I do see jellyman's house I'm just going to somehow go down there get down there oh the UFO exploded but I see the house I just have to get oh my get into his house as POS just have to get through the door and maybe seal it fast before the water get sa okay okay okay I'm so sorry to barge in on you like this it's just have you seen what's going on in the world up there Jellyman I think we're the only survivors I think the whole world is doomed do you have food and supplies down here we do have a lot of jelly we can eat the jelly does contain a little bit of water too for hydration and I guess nutritions maybe you can invent something that could stop it you've already been trying you can't huh I understand I tried everything I could think of too I think the world of wobbly life is just done for oh boy well I guess this is where I live now for the next however long it takes for everything to go back to normal Mr Jellyman it's been numerous days possibly weeks maybe even months or years I don't know I've lost track of time I'm old now I'm going out to the land I must survey the land and see the damages and let's just hope the water has resided and everything's okay here we go we can do this I'm going to open this door in three 2 one here we go oh boy I hope everything's okay on the other [Music] side okay things look pretty normal so far uh things do not look normal outside this door okay front door Mr Jellyman you out there dude how'd you get out there oh my goodness dude what is going on hold on what the heck is going on I'm going to jump to this window yeah oh this does not look good at all oh this looks awful what happened to Wild My Life um okay well clearly the roads have like over broken carefully balance yourself on this gate I'm okay I can I can get over there got up pull myself up okay okay all right well sir um be careful cuz half of the world is like missing what are you wearing everyone here has turned into some kind of purple noosed monster people what in the world well from what I can tell this world is completely messed up from the tornadoes however there's still people driving around occasionally so the human race of weville has survived it's just this is the world we live in now well better go tell Grandma and also better go shave my beard Grandma it's me grandma crab crabs oh thank goodness grab are you're still alive it's me I'm older than you now you could tell by my manly beard but I am going to bed I've had a long day today hold on M Mah M love you holy freaking moly look at all these fishes that I got Grandma is going to be so proud of me we are going to be eating fish healthy fish for the next year we are going to have so so much fish vitamins I can't wait I got to get this hope to her immediately this is so exciting she's going to be so proud of me okay all I got to do though is just park it right over what the heck is going on over there oh no not again the aliens have returned back to wobbly City okay I see a small one okay it looks like there's two small ones in one mother ship and it looks like it might be right over grandma's house oh no oh jeez I got to get home immediately I got to make sure Grandma's safe hey get out of our wobbly City you big jerks you're not supposed to be here get out of here just go on get we don't have anything for you guys and no you cannot have any of my delicious fish that I CAU that's for me and Grandma only grandma Grandma I'm coming stay inside don't leave the house it's dangerous out here oh oh my goodness did did that get closer to Grandma's house I could have I could have swore that it wasn't that load of Grandma's house oh my goodness oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez this is so freaking dangerous look how big this thing is okay Grandma Grandma oh my goodness have you got a ducted what happened to the doors grandma grandma grandma you in here oh my goodness oh thank goodness Grandma listen I know me and you get into arguments sometimes but you have to listen to me I need did you to stay indoors there is a massive alien UFO right above your house if you leave you might not come back grandma no please don't leave grandma legs grandma please no no no no grandma do not go out that door I forbid it okay yeah go back in the kitchen or something Grandma watch Grandma okay okay listen listen okay let me go Grandma let me go seriously grandma Grandma I'm sorry I'll handle it C Grandma I'mma kick you in the but if you don't move okay okay listen I'll handle this you stay inside trust me I know exactly what I need to do here I know just what to do trust me just got to get this out of Mr Jameson's backyard okay oh sorry I'll bring this back when I'm done with it oh sorry about the fence this is an accident I'm not meaning to do this on purpose okay that's it Mr aliens whoa whoa a pirate oh jeez okay everybody calm down I'm handling the situation just act now natural just got to get this right underneath the thing stuck get out just put it put it over over here there we go something like over here it's stuck on something get over here okay okay put it right in the road there we go this shall allow me to jump up there and tell them to go away here I go uh okay I got to get a lot of bounces here I'm going to need a ah I'm going to need to aim my bounces better there we go I'm getting pretty close maybe I should go from the side and not directly underneath it okay this is the perfect spot I'm on top of a hill I'm on side of it so I can land on top of it this time this is going to work I just got to maximize one more bouncies and this should be the one go go go go go yeah okay okay okay I just got to climb up there just wiggle your little heads okay okay we made we made hey hey you I know you can hear me I know you speak English hey come here look at me you and your little UFO Invasion y all got to stop this this is crazy you hear that that's right I think you're ugly alien and you're not welcome welcome here in this town whoa whoa W hey hey hey hey what did you do what is all this dude do we are you taking me to outter space are we flying out of space right now no bad bad monster okay I got to get down for this thing where are we what is this dud what have you done okay I'm just going to jump off maybe I can land on a trampoline I think it was this way if I could just why is there a cow flying around the UFO are you abducting cows you m M mad man alien no is this because I made fun of him and yelled at him oh no oh no oh geez oh no oh no okay that's it you want to play like that buddy then we'll play like that I'm going to get strong artillery power and I'll be back you'll ruin the day you summoned a tornado on top of grab grab grab's house okay just got to steal this pizza truck here and then I have to drive down this road over here right back here and just get over here somewhere let me look there it is right over there heavy artillery in the form of jet fighters airplane things okay yep you have caused me to do this this is all on you Mr alien you should not have messed with wobbly City or Grandma especially not Grandma I'm the only one who can yell at Graham grams okay just got to climb a board there we go perfect okay wo that was a that was quite the journey oh how you doing uh sir you enjy that nice BLT sandwich nice bacon lettuce and Tomatoes I'mma go ahead and comer this real quick uh I will bring it back in perfect condition though don't worry about that there we go okay that's it Mr aliens you have crossed the line buddy you are going down nothing can stop this air fighter jet thing it's almost impossible to defeat okay I just got to find the point of entry here I think I'm going to try to go above the tornado like this and get a sneak tack on behind you are going down buddy you never stood a [Music] chance Jess it buddy you are messed with the wrong wobbly I know exactly what I'm going to do what I have in my back pocket was my absolute final Trum card you are going down buddy for you see and OB never leaves home without T oh my goodness oh jeez oh jeez oh je oh Jee oh je oh oh je jeez bed ship okay that's oh my goodness okay this is what I'm talking about now buddy that's right looks like the TNT Mr mukow can you calm down buddy I can hear you from a mile away all right looks like the r TNT really brought you down the side buddy now listen how about this instead of you know what hold let me get up there real quick that's it that's I'm coming up there hold up do one of these all right I'mma hold on to your butt while I speak to you Mr alien how about you come inside the house for a nice cup of tea you can bring Mr mukai if you want and we can discuss all of this sound good okay I'll meet you inside B the tea and cookies Grandma This Is the End alien this is yours now why did you block off the staircase Grandma I don't know Mr alien lay in bed I'll go get Mr mukow and we'll all have a a nice celebration hi Grandma I got a cow this one also lives here now we have a oh jeez oh jeez okay Grandma you must take care of Mr Cow and Mr alien monster stay safe I love you I'm going home hey Obie hey OB yeah yeah yeah I'm looking I'm looking look over there you see that guy over there I do I see him I think secretly grandma might love him dude I've been saying that by entire life like I really thought that all this time I think that's Grandpa that's Grandpa I'm not sure entirely but I think so okay I know how to prove this how what if we give Grandma so much jello she can't deny it like a like a love trap mhm F house with jelly dude that's amazing idea and again and then the jelly guy going to come over here and then he's going to fall in love with grandma again cuz they used to be love back in high school and then he's going to give us more Christmas gifts oh dude okay let's do this circle want Christmas I want my Christmas okay do you have buddy do you have buddy I got lots of money we got to get the box truck we got to fill this bad boy up with jelly and everything okay I'm good I'm good let's do this oh that's a little dangerous oh that's I live dangerous that's okay okay okay I'm good I'm I'm going Drive in a seat oh okay all right so we just go up here like this we pop this here wao hold on we're get a gas station jelly gas station jelly I mean I can't afford the best jelly well you got to be careful with that stuff cuz it could have petroleums in it okay you buy it I'll grab it okay I'm buying holy man this is actually pretty expensive yeah this is crazy man but it's worth all of the money to prove that Jellyman is our grandpa that's true okay look at this look at this look at this I don't know if we can get any more in here though it's pretty it's all bouncy and jiggly okay okay hold on hold I'm try I missed the button got it boom nice okay okay we have some residual jellies but that's okay yep and now we just go up to Grandma's house and dump all of this in the living room oh oh it will lie we'll say it's all from Jellyman yeah yeah yeah make sure she's not watching okay back up okay okay let me let me look there we go there we go there okay she's staring at the front door spy okay don't go in yet oh she's looking sneak in as soon as she goes into the kitchen we rush in with all the jelly oh she's looking look at her she's looking yeah she look no don't look don't look don't look get out of here you old lady go make us some cookies or something oh jelly cookies yeah jelly freaking cookies she says you're one hardworking wobbly does she know get away from her she's she's lying get away from don't go don't go by her she's lying yeah she ly yeah she crazy okay okay all right I don't know where she went let's let's grab the jelly go go go go quick go go go go perfect go go go go go get some more get some more get some more what happens when jelly heats up by the way uh nothing Jello is like w w w nothing don't look nothing to see here old lady cover eyes I'll get some more jelly I'll get some more J doesn't jelly turn liquid when it heats up um only in the most harshest of environments you would need some kind of volcanic activity according to the scientific books anyways okay okay yeah that's just what I think oh she's moving around I don't think she could see anything okay good good good I got a lot of jelly and sock by a lot of it's in here but we're going to need a little bit more a little more okay okay okay just two more just two more yeah yeah yeah I don't know I don't know I can't I can't there's a lot of jellies in here a lot of jelly grandma that was a gift from Jellyman yep and he also says that he loves you and misses you uh-huh uh-huh oh wow oh you can see she's walking around in there look she's peeking out of the little jelly hole Grandma she's waving she just waved that jelly man oh my goodness oh my goodness this is happening this this is happening this is happening happening okay so what do we do what do we do I have an idea okay we can make this official okay I actually have another idea oh what yeah do you want to hear it yeah all we got to do is get some way to make the world hotter so Jellyman would have to go inside of the house to get some air condition oh uhhuh uh-huh what if we explode this van oh that might be perfect right next to his house yes exactly do you got any dynamite um you could trip my back pocket maybe all right who why your hands there fell oh my goodness whoa oh my goodness that's a lot that's a lot that might blow up too much there a lot of TN watch this oh okay um I feel a little bit of a heat difference I feel the heat wo oh yeah it's getting really hot out here go over here oh yeah it's a little toasty over here oh yeah jelly you going to have to go outside get some AC buddy go get some air condition Budd go ahead oh I can't believe that worked dude we finally have Grandpa yeah they got married yeah dude cuz honestly I was thinking Grandpa was a train the entire time wait what um by the way did you notice that uh there might be some jelly in the ocean that's from the heat the jelly melted and I saw it l it to the ocean I don't think that's a good thing no it's going to be fine don't worry about that this is jelly okay I got to save some power turn that off that's not just jelly what about the fish no fish love jelly do trust me oh I think you can actually fish with like jelly beans and stuff but exactly fish are actually made out of jelly beans I don't know if you know that oh that's why I like fishing so much that's it that's exactly why oh is that oh spy oh we better go the Jelly's Rising it's a jelly tsunami jelly tsunami don't sit don't sit grandma get it grandma get I don't have a car I don't have a car steal something steal something quickly steal the guy we're going to come here come here sorry taking your car I'm in I'm in in go go go go go how do we escape this I don't know maybe Area 51 or something uh it's really high in the mountains though yeah we got to go up to the mountains cuz everyone knows jelly cannot climb snow no it can't spy it learned how to I learned that it's school oh really oh amazing jump okay okay we got to come up with different idea then we just got to get up there I think I don't know get up there unless the jelly will hit the snow it melt the snow comine with the water be sticky oh like freeze it oh solids freeze it into a liquid solid yeah okay we got to build a freeze gun what or free block out the sun entirely look to the left oh my goodness oh no you better drive boy the city the city jeez okay okay right here yeah yeah we're also saving a small family of two in our car here yeah that's Henry and Oliver in the back oh well they're lucky to be with us today or they would have died yep that is true do you think everyone else has died died no no jelly is immune Jellyman immune oh okay Grandma also immune yep okay I'm here okay okay okay okay so I don't know how to get rid of jelly other than the freeze gun right freeze gun uh maybe we yell at it I heard jelly can be pretty sensitive um oh look at this look at this look at this look at this oh that's way better maybe I take my own car in case one of us messes up that's true we got to leave those two guys in their car there we're sorry sorry fellas you'll figure it out okay you know what I'm going up here like this that's dangerous that's what I was talking about so what I must mess it up no it's fine it's fine okay I'm following your tracks exactly all right oh I'm going to stop here take a look oh it's that jelly is not stopping that jelly is consuming the world um okay keep going yep going this way sir follow me okay wait isn't there like an ice cave or something what ice C cave remember the ice cave we get the we get the ice cubes we get them in the ocean and it resolidifies the jelly and not only did we save the world we get delicious gelatin yes we could also get a spoon or we could sell it we'd be billionaires billionaires maybe trillionaires we can even give some of it to Grandma and Grandpa as a wedding gift oh okay we're almost there now we have to somehow get around the mountain we maybe get in a helicopter that makes sense that makes sense or plane I like the plane idea cuz that sounds more risky oh that sounds dangerous spy it's fine it's fine okay you think you could do it I I this you fly that properly I can do this okay okay hop on okay connected okay look I'm standing on the wing see how Brave I'm being yep me are you okay down there I'm trying to get up to the B before jelly stick sper jelly stick okay I'm back I'm back St D hi take off backward that is risky butt cheek my okay where is the jelly right below us it's really fast it's really fast it's almost up here that's okay cuz we're still technically above the jelly in the cave right here wait it's actually really high up here okay land it land it land it I might be okay I might be okay come on come on I'm on okay I'm falling down the mountain there's a rope here there's a rope here I'll I'll run it down to you okay thank you okay climb up if you can [Music] buddy it's okay it's okay it's okay I'm good I'm good no my head my head save me wait where are you I'm below you on the stairs okay I'm coming buddy I'm coming I'm coming coming my head is wedged don't worry don't worry Obie's here OB oh no okay don't move don't move the jelly is below me I got you I got you you good good got you got okay thank you careful careful there's a one people stairs at a time one people stairs at a time we need the ice cubes okay we could do this look at all this ice in here this is perfect okay there's a cube right there there's an ice cube right here oh oh it's really all there isn't it is there like solidified ice somewhere it's really in here I think we're going to have to go into the penguin Colony the penguin colony now be careful they are hostile sometimes that too and I hope there's no jelly down here let me in there SP okay I'm going here we go B sling we're going to go down the middle one I don't know which one's the correct one we're doing it here we go woohoo oh ice cubes they're breaking oh oh I fell out I fell out what did you a knocked out oh oh kill the penguin oh no he's okay they they can get flattened out like pancakes okay so where's the ice cubes I would assume they'd be somewhere in here can we buy some from the Penguins uh perhaps perhaps they are quite Savvy businessmen ice cream ice cream that could work that could work yep let's see uh hockey thing chisel oh yeah look at this a a a lollipop ice cream a Lolli dude this is so cold feel this feel this oh my gosh that'll work dude that can freeze anything so we have to dump this off the mountain to try to solidify it yes exactly okay let me grab some too okay look at this look at this you got two chocolate chocolate and this weird one oh wow that's a lot yep all right let's go try this yo this is going to work trust me watch this okay right behind you buddy I don't know if this is the right way oh watch your head they got some spiky ices up here yeah little uh stag ice kns slag ice nights yeah icicles that's what they're called ice kns are not nice oh oh oh oh you good oh you hear that noise I'm doing the perfect split are you well I was oh okay um right behind you buddy oh no what's wrong what's wrong who who what's in the game there's jelly in here okay okay do we just it's not moving anymore dude the fro the Frozen Yes has started to work around oh okay oh no I fell in don't fall in I get I get are you okay buddy I got sucked into a whirl pool you got to get out of there because it's going to solidify it's going to solidify oh no wait it's starting to go down a little bit it's going down it's going down wait what it's harder than it losing its buyy I'm back I'm back I'm back well dude I don't know what's going on like it went down a little bit but then it stopped again oh so it is the ice cream I think the ice cream's working we got to get more of that stuff you know what happened we threw the ice cream in it solidified I jumped in and I ate some of it dude that is genius so we got to throw ice cream in and get some silly straws oh my goodness up I love that idea half hardened I don't know that makes sense that makes so much sense to me let's get some ice cream okay okay okay okay we're up here on the mountain I got a bunch of ice cream here look at this yeah yeah yeah get it out of your pocket oh this is perfect this is great okay I'm start dump in start dumping it in okay dude we're so smart dude this is working it is I think so I can feel the coldness yeah keep it coming keep it coming here go I'm just I'm just going to spawn some over there dude it's working it's all going in there I think so okay we're freaking Geniuses yep I you know it makes sense when you throw jelly in the fridge after you make like gelatin it hardens it no one ever puts it in the oven exactly okay look at that yep I don't want to fall in it though yep there we go and hopefully it just starts going down soon I think it will I think it will um does it going down is it uh let's look I think it is it's going down it's going down more more more ice cream more ice cream more ice cream go go go go go don't go there don't go over there it's fine I'm still spawning the ice cream okay that's great that's great keep going buddy keep it going I'm pushing whatever's left up here I'm almost zero though oh my goodness okay don't go poor it's fine it's to save the world that's true the money is not important I agree has anyone ever went bankrupt from buying ice cream never you be oh you'll be the world first I'll get dude you'll be famous award I'll be famous they'll make a movie the ice cream man and then you'll become a millionaire and buy more ice cream exactly please ice cream's in there wow okay okay I'm starting to slide a little bit it's get a little risky yep okay maybe we just hang on here oh I'm made it I'm made a spot me up let me up let me up we could do it okay wait yeah I can almost see the city under the jelly dude it's becoming more opa oh that's not good you good it's fine it's fine if you just hang on the jelly will disperse ice cream Avalanche oh my goodness dude look it's all going down yeah we did it dude it's going down fast my gosh like a little wait a little too fast a little too fast what happen I don't know it's going down way too fast uh maybe it just has to get rid of the jelly you know the fish are eating the solidified jelly dude I think the Whole Town's eating the the jelly The Whole Town's eating the jelly guys stop eating the jelly that's too much jelly you're eating oh no wait that makes sense where is everyone dude they must be all at the restaurant eating jelly it's our new main food course I saw something fly into the sky oh wow oh jeez dude they eating so much of it though yeah this is kind of crazy oh hold up maybe they're eating the perfect amount wait yeah maybe they could save the world oh m a whoa wait a minute wait a minute wait a second wait hold on it's supposed to be water here yeah this is supposed to be the beach the ocean oh uhoh look I'm touching the seaweed that's weird um well you know what we may have caused a jelly tsunami but we didn't cause this no this wasn't us this was the restaurants hey OB yeah buddy stand still okay um what hello I didn't just try to delete you hey get back here you little guy oh look at our new business proposition we're going to be millionaires look at all this cheese that I'm holding in my hand yeah yeah yeah so don't look at the truck yet because we haven't changed anything just imagine it says say nacho cheese truck yes but we're going to keep the sprinkles oh sprinkles pop of cheese that is actually really good yes yes absolutely but we are going to remove the cherries cuz no one likes a cherry cheese and the strawberries on the strawberry actually you can dump a strawberry into cheese I think that's a chocolate uh-huh exactly exactly dude we're going to be millionaires so let's pack this stuff up and let's drive around and see if people want to buy our Nacho cheese here take Gary take the cheese we're paying you minimum wage just for the nacho cheese is this bread what about hold what does this thing that's that's tortillas that's all we can afford oh gotcha okay bread cheese it doesn't exist in wob grilled cheese sandwiches Nao grilled cheese is that a thing did we just invent something high five yeah we're millionaires oh my goodness is there only one seat in this that's okay I'll just yeah that's fine you could be you could yell out you're the music of the nacho T truck oh oh does it like I music or is it like is it wait what is it like it's nacho cheese music you know what that sounds like right uh splash splash in the chest yeah your chees is [Music] here um it's fine oh yeah I can't wait cheese is the cheese come onp the cheese yeah cheese oh the cheese the cheese and we like the cheeses cheeses are really good by your chees is here oh look look look competition where compe right up here right up here get him get him he's stilling hot dogs hey hey no hot dog sir get those hot dogs out of here this is a cheese town now sir wait can't you put cheese on hot dogs this dude's trying to quarter the business get him punch him in the face you know what actually let me buy one of these Hots real quick I'm a little hungry yeah thank you sir I do appreciate you we were working hard today yeah um only issue is we don't got any customers do you want to buy some nachos sir he said yeah buy some nacho cheeses he literally just told me no oh this guy is a Maniac Okay we're going to try maybe one more person see if they want to buy there's a guy in there guy in a little scooter guy in a little scooter sir Nao chees it would you like some cheese cheese na cheese nacho cheese you like nachos and cheese sir what this is mine yeah check that from him you do not deserve this I don't think our business is working I don't think it is either but I mean to be fair we did everything right yeah except for the Ice Cream side but that's okay yeah uh um cheese you like cheese and sprinkles cheese and sprinkles cheese and sprink ah oh okay I don't think this is working no this is terrible I thought for sure this would be a million dooll idea I would buy cheese from a truck same here I feel like I've done it before many times what if it's about free samples you know what happens if we just like free yes on the world like yeah have free samples but we'll we'll call our names into the cheese so people know it's our samples and not more like you know if we make so much nacho cheese it just kind of like spills on the ground oh and then people come by and they're like they eat cheese like this like oh cheese yeah cheese oh cheese I think we need to get making some cheese let's go to the cheese factory we can make it at that plant over there um yeah that's sanitary it is trust me oh here we are it's fine we're got to drop the cheese into this giant vat of green stuff okay I got the cheese ready for this yeah here we go there you go that's perfect dude oh yeah oh yeah I know what you're thinking we probably shouldn't Mix Radio Action toxic with cheese yeah probably not that might be a a health hazard but I think the cheese is going to counteract it oh yeah oh W wo wo cheese going everywhere yeah you got a lot of cheese sprinkles here that's fine oh wo holy man okay I can I can hear the sizzling of the oh cheese give me cheese no you got knocked up by some cheese this a cheese emergency okay it's okay have some cheese oh yeah let let me try it out delicious delicious okay there we go yeah keep that cheese coming keep that cheese going in there let me know when it's the perfect amount of cheese to Nao cheese radioactivities oh that okay yeah I think the cheese is going to counteract the the oh shaking okay we got a lot of cheese in their spot I think we're cheese in there yeah we're hitting that critical mass of cheese oh it's orange down here well GRE orange oh a yeah okay okay and now what do we do do we open like some pipes and maybe it gets released into the water system people's sinks will be spraying out cheese they toilets full of cheese as well genius high five high five boom okay close enough let's do this okay I'm going to take some cheese with me too all right looking like uh we got critical cheeses yep critical cheese MK AC sir I also put cheese in the fuse boxes that's a perfect amount of cheese for the fuse box okay in order to put cheese through all of the water system click that button I will do this for all of cheesy toow yeah oh oh oh it's green we did it it worked there's cheese everywhere now chees the water system the sewer system the ice cream system everything is cheese now Grandma's house full of cheese my grandma myself cheese yeah we're we're cheese we're cheese yeah cheese you know po cheese let's go inside and see see our see our cheese Perfection our cheese yeah yeah okay okay all right um hey dude look look wait a second what who what wait a second what what uh um don't look we might have overdid the cheese Factor here uh yeah it's very cheesy down there you know that might be a good thing well we did want to get our free samples out so now when people go to the beach get a little cheese action a you don't have to worry about jellyfish just cheese fish o yeah only only problem is uh that was a infinite supply of cheese well wait how do we sell it if the whole world already has it did we just put ourselves out of business no we patented it we we did yeah we we have to patent it well we got to go to the patent store copyright we got to go to the copyright store okay I almost slipped into the cheese remember how we said it was infinite yeah it's literally infinite wait did we turn the machine off no it's infinite it never stops supplying cheese to the world it's rising wait that wait wait that's bad though that's bad what is it good we just called the cheese tsunami it's the cheese apocalypse cheese apocalypse jeez okay we got to we got to you know I like the p idea so we got to go into the city patent our cheese things before we have to survive that makes sense just got to get to the patent store it's down the street somewhere patent store yeah the police station listen did you wipe your fingerprints off the Machine by the way I don't have fingerprints I got cheese uh wait cheese dust uhoh it's like Doritos dust when you're eating chips that's really police no the wob prince it's fine oh jeez where where's the pant is the police station uh uh no don't go there cuz we we might be wanted criminals now oh chees chees chees go up run away from the cheese oh okay never mind about the cheese P okay okay baby it'sing down the car the cheese is getting clogged yeah yeah the filter is clogged with cheese yeah good idea good oh my gosh the cheese is ring everyone evacuate it's the chase apocalypse not the bowling ell you can't B why is there a giant Duck here I want to hit it boom a wow cheese B look to the left no like this okay what do we do I don't know do we just wait do something garbage trucks what is that going to do it's going to neutralize the cheese you going scoop it up or something yeah I mean we could try we going to dump this into the cheese because once cheese gets contaminated by garbage it's no longer edible the taxi driver drive drive little taxi guy Drive no I'm going to back this into the the cheese water okay okay okay the button it's too late run run hot air balloon or something I don't know there's no chees there's no go they were going to drown in cheese my toes there's cheese between them ew okay okay I got a car oh oh get ma' ma' more CER with this it's a cheese emergency sorry oh no I don't think there's time to get in the hang glider no there's no time go go go go go where do we go I don't know wait where do we go the cannon it's the only way it's the only way it's the only way oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez ohe jump out oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness I flew up I'm getting in jump you got to go you got to go first you got to go first oh no it's one thing oh no I'll be there soon jeez wait there's a helicopter right up this little Hill wait we can we can eat our way out of this oh yeah just oh go you good I'm full of cheese I don't like cheese anymore this is nasty look get to the H glider get to the H glider it's a one seater yes no oh yeah it is but hop on just don't hit the propeller okay and let's go go go go go go the ches is rising it's rising oh no wait where did we go where did where do we go where what did we do I didn't do this did we I guess our fishing pond no cheese fish oh no wait a second what we have to go to the source of the cheese we first engineer it we don't go into the wherehouse we go into the factory tubes oh my goodness and down here we go so brave oh oh look at this oh we're in oh we made it dude dude wa wao it's like a cheese Paradise in here wo and look our cheese containers cheese containers produced yeah okay look around so weird look the cheese duck a cheese duck yeah oh look another cheese duck oh my gosh they actually look crazy what it's Louie Lou the monster alien mans what if we go over here right uhhuh see if Lou likes cheese and if he does free food for him I think he does like cheese cuz look he's sleeping in it really kind of and he's holding one of the cheese barrels yeah normally eats waste but if he doesn't have to anymore that's yeah L eat the cheese he's saying BL blo Dum D woba Blaha what why would you say that what the heck huh interesting that he is aware that there is cheese potential here yeah hold on let's see what the news are saying okay nothing nothing this is a rerun rerun the world's still destroyed SE that one the answer is always B+ C oh mhm mhm okay so he has to eat the cheese he has to eat the it's the only way is he either that or the cheese apocalypse will continue forever yep mhm eat the cheese eat the cheese why W he eat it eat the cheese eat the cheese eat the freaking cheese grab cheese put it in his mouth I try he w't eat it though something's wrong no uhoh jeez oh no oh I'm coming in oh all right you know what I think we just have to cut our lost is here say that the cheese business was a failure drive off into the cheese Sunset we'll let Grandma handle the cheese business mhm this is her responsibility after all oh look at all the cheese it was a great business idea buddy we really had it all but now we're going to launch ourselves off this mountain on a cheese speed motor boat the only way and find a new business idea that's all we can do okay push me try oh no oh no oh wait oh wait hop in hop inop in woohoo it's cheese time oh w wow oh we landed it perfect we can drive on top of cheese dude wow I think we're going to have to open our own cheese fish business that is genius but first I think we need to find some place to live yeah two little wobblies drive off into the cheesy Sunset oh I can't wait for some bud come on look at those cookies man they're nice and warm right out of the oven come on oh I'm so excited grandma grandma you got the cookies ready cookies oh let me go dear oh she's mad she's mad oh sorry sorry Grandma sorry Grandma did you get the cookies or not wait why is she just staring off all weird oh no dude sometimes this happens one time she made steak but she forgot the sauce I bet she made cookies with no milk wait the fridge is really light there's no milk in here I knew it I knew it that's okay that's okay we got the cookies all we got to do run down to the store get some milk come back boom milk and cookies mhm genius genius except you don't want to buy the store stuff cuz we don't have any money wait also they have additives in it we don't want that no we want pure from The Source pure from The Source yes we want some kind of cow sauce I mean milk milk okay let's go to the farm to get us some sauce yeah yeah yeah yeah it's cookie sauce it's basically dipping sauce for your cookies oh it is Cookie sauce it's cookie sauce yeah okay we can't we no time to wait for the bridge Jo no we got to go we got things to do should I stop with this red light though no no no go through it go through it got permission from Grandma she says you get that milk right away cookies are going to get cold oh SNS the cookies are going to get cold she knows the police if the cookies get cold they're going to get hard and we're going to have to put them in the microwave it's going to be all ruined stuff don't break stuff I'm not trying to I'm not trying to but the cookie get cold then I got to get the C cookie sauce okay how much milk do we need though probably like eight gallons with a lot of cookies eight gallons maybe 30 maybe 30 30 okay that might be doable yeah I think it's possibility right over here sorry for my driving by the way I'm trying my best fine you're actually driving under the speed limit I'm not meaning to I'm trying to go faster it's just fine no damage on the car at all no proof it's not even my car so I don't even care really I see the farm okay we just got to pull over next to a cow put it in the trunk you got to go faster though you got to go faster I'm going as fast as I can I'm going as fast f hit the braks I'm hit the braks I'm hit the brakes let's go no no he's gone dude he flew you just you just hit the prime cow the cow that provides all the milk to wobbly city that was King Cow yeah um don't no maybe this one maybe this one let me get we got to put it in the truck put it in the TR got to put it in the truck oh no no okay well I can't can't just leave these here I got to hit them all so they can be with their friends and family yeah they can't be lonely oh no yeah see a hey don't worry about those cows over there those are the chocolate milk cows yeah we don't want chocolate milk that's not as great for cookies well I guess we get to eat cookies without milk we could go to the store you know I don't have any cash though do you let me check my pockets let me check back here no wait I don't I don't got pockets well should we just go back and break the news to Grandma yeah we can we could just eat the cookies without milk you know yeah it's not going to be the same though okay I don't want to break the news to Grandma you got she be so upet I can do it I can do it I could do it you got this she's looking out the Widow she's waiting for the milk Grandma listen bad news bad news all the cows were abducted by aliens yeah aliens we saw it firstand it wasn't our fault UFOs did it yeah wait so proud of you we told the truth she likes tell us she doesn't know it was a lie though no no no well you know what if we eat all the cookies yeah as long as we eat the cookies right yeah eat the cookies and then we're like oh oh lose intolerance are you pooping I'm pretending I'm pretending I'm lactose intolerance me too I got a poop I got a poop can you make farting noises yeah make a fart noise I'm poop it I'm pooping a pooping there you go there you go I'm just not going to I'm looking out the window I'm not watching yeah that's smart that's smart um you still pooping I'm still pooping buddy uh I could see something out there what you what I could see something out the window sorry about that look over there look over there wait what is happening what is that that's milk that's milk oh my goodness the cows they fell into the water oh my goodness grandma grandma milk apocalypse it's the milk apocalypse Grandma you know what I don't think I don't I'm I'm going I'm hopping in this car wait how do we stop this wawe what do we do we need cookies we need like a million cookies oh no milk milk go go go go go the milk is all the way looks like also it looks like the stuff you white out paper with that's dangerous oh okay oh my this SM is rather fast where do we get cookies I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I never needed the cookies so bad oh okay okay okay we're fine we're fine you're driving is there a store is there a store like up on the mountain or something oh maybe maybe yeah a gas station there's a the furniture store maybe they have cookies now I don't know oh yeah I don't know I don't know sometimes oh no no no no no no no no go go go go go all right we need to find wait there's a gas station right here do we have time come on we have to try it's it's open go go go go go we need cookies immediately uh have any no cookies there cereal wait cereal Cal works yeah buy cereal buy cereal I'm spending all my life savings on this the house buy milk a second ago wait I'm buying milk too wait why are you buying milk don't buy milk to scare the other milk get more get all the cereal outside spot it'll absorb it it'll absorb it yeah okay is this enough this is genius no we need more we need more we need more okay I we got to order extra cereal I'll buy like preorder can I have $158,000 of cereals to buy the milk's almost here you got like 5 seconds I can't buy it fast enough oh no okay this will help some that though yes yep I'm going to throw it into the milk hurry spy hurry it's the only way we need to go okay get in the car get the car H SP Drive drive go go go go go I'm on W the milk is here which this way yep no I think I have toing in no no okay serial order just came in look at this yep yep yep get in yep we're got to put it back in theu let me know when I close the door I think you close it now okay there we go I'm inside I'm okay oh okay all right so we have so much cherro here um um but it's still enough it's not enough I don't think it's enough though okay so what do we do um bring it to Area 51 Area 51 we're going to let the scientist make it bigger alien technology alien technology for the enlargement of a cal hoop cuz these are little ciros they are like the Cheerios exactly if we can make one so big it take up the entire ocean then it'll absorb the milk and then we eat it then we eat it that's it genius and then we have unlimited bowls of cereal yeah how you doing back there I'm doing okay I'm hanging in there I might be eating some of the cereal oh no because it's very delicious yeah you got to stay Nutri that's what I've been trying to say all these years hey let us in we got an emergency oh we got a cereal milk emergency okay feel a lot of bumps back here what's going on out there um just parking this oh no no no no the recovered recovered oh that was so close man come on come on there we go all right let me let you out I'm kind of scared to come out but the I got I got a couple box I got two boxes wait a second this is bad look what do you see the city consumed by milk it's getting there yeah can you drown in milk yes you can yes you can that's bad that's bad that's bad we got to go so we need to enlarge some cereal yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah now bring it in there we'll put it into the shink machine but if we reconfigure it we can make it a large machine genius we still got a little time before it gets up here EX exactly exactly I like the noise it makes yeah it's very crunchy in there huh yeah okay I don't need two what flavor is it this is a I don't know what is this oh I think they're like peanut butter flavored like reesei puff cereal that s yummy open up we got cereal we got cereal oh yeah it worked it always works these people know me by name I have been banned multiple times they don't know me but watch this here's my badge I'm coming in okay we have authority to come on through Yep this is going to work by trust me do you trust me I trust you 100% this will work I promise we got a giant elevator here to bring the giant cereal back up too yes okay here we are all we got to go back here to the right don't go under this though I'm going to go under it it's fine it's fine nothing hidden one oh there we go oh perfect okay excuse me we're coming through with cereal okay this better work oh it will trust me okay put it in there put it in there now you got to go ahead and press some of these buttons here now we just have to oh see here it goes have to wait for the magic to happen oh is it open is it open wa wait holy stuff going on here what is this this is huge oh oh uhoh what's happening I can't get bye I got it I got it I got it you got it you got it oh jeez okay holy man this could beat a small family of 36 for real we got to take this bad boy out there okay oh yeah too big to be out in the real world too bad yeah yeah this is crazy but hold on it still might have some residual growth I think it does I can feel it getting a little bigger yep if you shake it a bit it's like one of those um I don't know they just grow it's like those Orbeez thingies the Orbeez yeah yeah like those growing creatures you know you put them in water they grow oh if we put it on the snow the snow will melt it make it grow don't eat them that might be bad that will be very bad yeah we need this to save the world soak up some of the snow yeah put it right here whoa let that soak in there it goes y okay I think I'm going to drop it off right back here yeah yep but it needs to be be a little bigger and then we can throw it yeah we got to let it soak for just a little bit in the snow okay Obie how's yours looking it's the size of a mountain um yeah okay so I'm just going to throw it in there you're just going to throw it in let me let me throw mine in too I fell okay okay okay I fell off the mountain but I got fell off the mountain I'm trying I can't get the the cereal okay is your sliding down Uh something's happening I'm going down with the cereal I can save you I can save you I'll put the cereal the cereal is in the milk I repeat the cereal is in the milk okay here we go I'm throwing mine in oh my goodness spy oh I'm falling I'm going to be consumed by the milk soon it's rising oh no oh no spy is this it I'm right here right to your right to your left no grab my hand the milk sing that's my head sorry okay what do we do here we just have to wait for the cereal absorb it okay okay and hope it happens in time yeah I would start climbing I would start climbing good good call good call no we can do it no we can make it please we almost got it it's over don't let go it's over no it's over this dude it's working look at this the milk is being absorbed by the cereal dude that was genius yes we are smart individualist men wobbly man high five high five buddy hold my hand watch this and watch the milk tsunami it's fine it'll go down it's fine I'm going to back flip into the milk no one's ever done that before that fine it's to dangerous coming down it'll go down it's a milk tsunami all right back at Grandma's house she's not going to believe this yeah dude we saved the whole world from a wait what is this is this milk that's milk I think I had enough of milk kick it in there oh um might have to try the back door try the back door wait what's going on in there oh oh my gosh I think I know what happened yeah our cereal didn't absorb the milk spy Grandma caused the milk tsunami and then bottled it all up so she could sell the milk and make a million dollars hey this would have never happened if we didn't just throw the cows into the air where's our grandma knew we would do that though she's an evil scientist that's why she didn't buy milk for us you naughty old lady I'm taking my cut and I'm getting out of here yeah same I got a burn cookie and a bottle of milk put up this one let's go let's get out of here buddy now we got ice cream oh no it's raining it's raining yeah yeah yeah yeah Cal down Cal down it's wet it's wet get in here just a little drizzle just a little drizzle worry about it it's okay I'm allergic to the rain wait what I do not like rain and wobbly life it's my worst nightmare oh I didn't know you was a larger dude we got to get in here quickly yeah yeah yeah we got to like break this we got to click these buttons here yeah turn it right off turn it off turn it off c one I click one wait hold it's R in the world it's red out here the simulation broken okay okay okay okay okay hold on we're going to break something we got to calm down though we got to break fine it's fine as long as we break it and Rain doesn't happen What look at this what is that that's a map of like the current winds or something whoa there's a massive storm over here look at this it's like a heat map heat index oh it's very hot out there yeah it's really hot up on the uh is that the mountain but that's where all the snow is at yes no that's that's the that right there is the jungle oh oh that's a jungle yeah I don't know how to read this very confusing oh no look at this right here oh we got a lot of rain incoming look at this chart here the chart says rain to the tippy top rain to the ti tippy top wait wait I clicked something oh no did I break it dude I think you broke it oh no uh-oh that's not good okay it's fine let's just go outside and just take a look stop maybe stop R it stopped raining yeah um no but it's clear yeah it's a clear sky but it's it's it is um wait spy what's that what what is going on down there that's not normal wa it's colorful the water's colorful I I know what happened I know what happened wait what so I do like one thing about rain yeah the rainbows um wait I think we shattered all the rainbows we shattered them that's what a fire in the machine was you you broke a rainbow I broke a rainbow is that even possible I don't know it happened what do we do what do we do okay so I got a theory okay we reverse the Rainbow by bringing the rainbow back to the sky what in the world are you even talking about we need a unicorn I don't what is this machine I don't know I don't know wait okay okay okay okay okay it's okay the rainbow's down there yeah that's true all we have to do is pick it up and put it up there it's still water right it's just water it's just colorful water that's all it is Popsicles or Skittles but do you see that the beach is now gone yes I was worried about this Rainbows are quite uh person they come from clouds Cloud watery it's trying to get back up to the clouds yeah but it's taking the whole ocean with it wait look across the look across the rainbow ocean do you see that Observatory Observatory okay we got to get a flying Contraption we got to get over there okay all we got to do honestly is just separate the rain from the ocean okay um I got an idea I got an idea Canon dad dangerous spy I don't know if you should do that oh no I'm going already oh boy oh boy oh no oh don't no don't come down here oh rainbow water oh my goodness what do I do what do I do grab a flying thing come get me okay okay okay I'll try I'll do my best oh my gosh there's so much is it is it is it is it close it's already consuming everything I'm coming buddy I'm flying help I see you I see you I see you come on come on buddy okay I'm going to jump okay okay okay so we got to go this way yes yeah we got to go to the observatory we got to see things oh my goodness look at the rainbow dude you see it oh that is so cool we got beautiful pinks Blues there's oranges I got all the colors down here man and it's just as dangerous as any tsunami can you even swim in a rainbow that's a good question I don't even know how that works I don't know but we're here at the observatory all right let me go ahead and go this way a little bit okay look at that boom land it boom good okay yep okay we got to in here and take a lookies at the sky the lookies at the wookies hello oh oh oh no where this oh what what is this I don't even know how this works this log I've been here we're not scientists what are we doing here I don't know I don't know I thought we could look at the the the sky telescope telescope at the top at the top come buddy oh see anything I see blue I see nothing up there wait what there's nothing up there that's where the rainbow's supposed to be yeah oh man okay um it's fine okay there are other telescopes but is that going to help us no no we need a plane right yeah a plane plane this is cool but we need to get high up yeah this doesn't go very high you want to try flying it yeah okay it's kind of there you go oh oh no it's fine it's fine come bud come you good you okay you okay it's sparkly it's SP do does it hurt does it birn or anything yeah yeah ites it does yeah it does okay here me out we get a water balloon tank and we take some kind of hose and we drip it into the water and then fire truck oh okay okay okay so we need I'll get the tank and then we just need a fire truck let me in you oh okay you got the tank I got the tank I just need a fire truck what about a cloud car oh oh that has water yeah yeah if you press r r o ooh okay okay um sure okay we got something going on here sorry about that how do we do we just U I'm not exactly sure what are we doing with our lives I don't know no but I got the water going in we're going to dilute the rainbow oh hey yeah I don't know okay yeah okay this is this is a terrible idea what if we suck up the rainbow like this right okay yeah and then we bring it over to the big old art studio and we paint with colors we take the color out of the ocean put it to an artwork uh-huh Cuz look at this we got red we got blue we got yellow and mix poop rainbow poop rainbow trust me you do not want a poop tsunami on your hands wait what what wait what if we just you know mix some more color in the ocean make it poopy Brown Hold on hold on got an idea look at the color chart here yeah we could try to make it blue again we need purple green and brown make blue purple green brown okay we got we got brown okay we got brown okay and we got oh uh where's the purple at I don't know how do we make purple spy make purple sweetie more red hold on hold on hold on grab this right oh yeah you got to hose it off yeah hose that off okay okay get this one over here got some brown okay so we need green and purple green and purple how do we make green I think green is yellow and blue yellow yellow and blue blue Gren grenen okay okay and now we just need purple which is uh red and blue red and blue red can we help there it is okay so careful we made purple we got brown green and brown we got green now we combine them together make blue make blue blue wait yes yes absolutely yes I a color scientist I passed kindergarten okay look at this we got some pink I got purple you got brown I got brown pain the ocean okay we're smart this is the only way to stop a r it's all right it's okay then we just throw it in okay all right here we go oh no wait we need the green we need green we need the green okay fly by your face or something okay you think grandma's going to think we're stupid I think we're failing our kindergarten grades wait where's the grade boom green okay go go go go I'm going to paint this whole oce wait SP you're painting the ground what if I painted Grandma's house that's another that's another time that's another day wor hey look I'm scraping the paint see that I'm doing that oh there you go look we painted the entire ocean oh okay yeah it almost doesn't look real it looks fake but I mean it's not is just sitting here yeah we got to scoop it down go down scoop it down look like buckets or something well you remember I did click the machine like a bunch of times yeah I think I flooded the world too oh that's not good oh oh okay okay um that's not good we just released a rainbow from the water and now the water is lighter so it's I don't know what I'm talking about dude it doesn't Mi sense that's a pink C though that's colorful that could be rainbow color it could be I don't know I don't know oh no oh no not the cannon dude not the cannon not the cannon yeah maybe I don't know oh no we're trapped up here maybe this is just where we live now yeah what if we zipline into the water that's the only way I'm one final fun ready go for buddy no
Channel: Beautiful OB
Views: 31,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wobbly life, wobbly life gameplay, wobbly life survival, wobbly life funny moments, wobbly life secrets, rising ocean, the ocean is rising, rising ocean survival, ragdoll, ragdoll game, funny ragdoll, funny ragdoll moments, ragdoll sandbox, ragdoll sandbox gameplay, wobbly life mod, secrets, wobbly life ocean, wobbly life flooding city, wobbly life the city is flooding, beautiful ob, ob, beautiful ob wobbly life, ob wobbly life, beautiful ob ragdoll, ob ragdoll
Id: ADma2M0zkFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 36sec (7956 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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