Henry Cavill Wants to EXIT Amazon's Warhammer 40k Show & REJECTS Woke Feminist Lore Changes?!

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hey guys nuon here there's a crazy story to cover today we'll talk about how the Warhammer controversy is unfolding where there's now allegedly even behind the scenes drama around Amazon's upcoming Warhammer show with Henry kevl clashing with Amazon Executives and now allegedly even threatening to leave the show we'll get into that and then also cover the reasons why the Warhammer law was redcon and female custodes were introduced and how Amazon allegedly forced game Workshop to make those changes against their will so let's take a dive into the Warhammer fandom and the gatekeeping battle that's currently in full swing a battle that's now allegedly even joined by Henry kevl himself I'm saying allegedly because various media sites still label it as a rumor but of course they do that since it's behind the scenes drama that neither involved party wants to officially confirm yet so take everything stated with the information kept in the back of your mind that everything stated isn't official at least as of yet I don't like to report on things that are based in fact but I do it here cuz I think that this story could very well be accurate cuz not only does everything mentioned make sense but because the person the story stems from has accurately leaked stuff surrounding Warhammer in the past already so this Insider stated that he has signed a non-disclosure agreement but still wanted to inform the public on what's Happening behind the scenes at game workshop and Amazon that's why he went anonymously onto forchan and posted the story there so this Insider says that games work Workshop the studio behind the Warhammer franchise actually wasn't planning on ronning the lore and introducing female custodes until Amazon forced them to do so cuz they wanted to have both male and female custodians in their show and yet the problem for Amazon was that the Warhammer franchise used to have strict rules on their law one of which is that they were always very clear about the fact that the codus Warriors or the Brotherhood of demigods as they were also referred to are and always were an all male group and that ever since their introduction decades ago and now allegedly Amazon wasn't happy about this aspect in the lore and told Games Workshop to change the game law so that Amazon would be able to Showcase female custodians in their show without criticism from fans and should criticism arise from fans they could simply point to the changed law and say that female custodians are part of the law and always existed to shut them down that of course to me at least does seem like an incredibly disen genous strategy that Amazon pulled here if what The Insider reports is true to go back and change long-established law that used to be set in stone just to be able for Amazon to fulfill their diversity quota goals cuz they believe that every ethnic group and every gender and every sexuality needs to be represented in every show and every movie and every game even in cases where it doesn't even make any sense we've seen them do it with other popular properties already like rings of power where they disregarded the law law from Jr atolan just to make gadriel a warrior princess when she never was but girl power I guess and have every living race meaning humans dwarves and elves to all have populations that look like the demographics of San Francisco or New York City even if it didn't make sense lorewise or looking at a Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies Amazon made their changes anyway so we already know of their obsession with Dei quotas and their willingness to even disrespect extremely beloved long established franchises just to be able to change it to their liking or as they like to call it quote unquote appropriating outdated content for modern audiences so it would be fitting for Amazon to pull a move like this on the Warhammer law and yet some other leaks from that Insider include that apparently Games Workshop was opposed to these changes and scared of how their fan base would react he claims that the female custodes are only going to be mentioned in the Codex and that they won't release any new sculptures or character of them that they just wanted to briefly mention them and hope that barely anyone would notice it that of course didn't work out because some employes screwed up and made comments that they weren't supposed to make which then went more viral than expected and now the whole community of course being aware of them which reminds me of the Tweet by it a Gundam where he responded to their statement saying just in time for the Amazon show coincidence I think not if this leak is true then it a gandam was actually right with his assumption it was weird timing to suddenly Ron theore and to pretend like the female custodians always existed shortly before the release of the Amazon show instead of actually introducing them into the law and make it make sense story-wise so that it wouldn't feel forced Games Workshop instead attempted to silently change the Old Law so that the Amazon show wouldn't break it once it released and yet the social media Department screwed up and now they're panicking behind the scenes cuz now things are getting worse than they ever anticipated with them getting a massive backlash online their stock value dropping and plenty of Warhammer players canceling their subscriptions and announcing a boycott of the studio allegedly a lot of the people responsible are currently being fired at Games Workshop and with that controversy going viral former fans that would have supported the Amazon show are now probably not going to do so great job Amazon you just upset a huge chunk of the fan base and with that your potential audience it's the same thing over and over again and with big franchises that took years sometimes Decades of hard work to build up just to be destroyed by a few moronic and unnecessary decisions it's like they're blind to all the other examples that suffered such a fate in the industry whether it be Marvel DC Star Wars Disney Pixar Lord of the Rings Harry Potter Witcher or whatever else and with Witcher we actually arrive at Henry kevl who's also part of the league the alleged Insider claims that people involved in the Amazon show are angry angry about the current events cuz they've been moving ahead on eisenhorn and the talks of inserting female custodians into the eisenhorn story have allegedly caused heated arguments between Henry kevl and Amazon with him even threatening to walk away from the project he signed onto the show as a producer and lead actor because of him being a big Warhammer fan and collector and being not just a lead actor but also producer he apparently thought or maybe even was promised to have full creative control over the show that was was part of the reason why he agreed to join the show and with him being a big fan of the games and the law and Amazon now forcing them to make crucial changes he probably got into a number of heated arguments where he now allegedly even threatened them to leave the show should they go through with their lore redcon Amazon's playing with fire here not only are they pissing off the Warhammer Community but they could now even lose their lead actor and the big reason for why people are even excited about the show is mainly because Henry Kev is is attached to it people remember the whole Witcher controversy Henry Kev joined that show as a huge fan of the games having played through them all with Witcher 3 being one of his favorite games of all time he even mentioned that he completed it multiple times and after that he read through all the books his cast members mentioned how he was behaving like a huge nerd on set constantly mentioning things about the law or making recommendations to the showrunners to make the show more accurate as that's something that was very important to him yet it sadly wasn't important to the showrunners at all as they strayed far away from the source material and made plenty of changes and eventually Henry Kev left the show willingly because he was unhappy with it yet the show Runners knew that that would shine a bad light onto their show so what did they do as soon as Henry left they started spreading lies about him about how immature he was behaving on set on how he apparently made the women feel unsafe and how much they disliked his gamer bro language and him arguing with over creative decisions things by the way that were debunked repeatedly by his co-actors in the show which all repeatedly mentioned how nice he was and all you're seeing now whenever the show gets mentioned is people saying that it died as soon as Henry Kev left although to many including me it was dead even before that cuz it was inaccurate garbage from the beginning not Henry's fault though as he was praised as the show's only redeeming quality they had a huge fan on set and they lost him and now emazon got their hands on him for their Warhammer show and now they're already in danger of losing him before their show even started because they aren't able to learn from the mistakes of others all of that because they want to R cond theore to introduce female custodies they could have just let the custodians stay male and instead used any other female faction from Warhammer there are even some that are entirely female like the sisters of silence or the sisters of battle two groups that are entirely female and it wouldn't even go against the law and yet the Lea stated that that Amazon rejected the idea of the sisters of Silence because they do not speak and they rejected the sisters of battle because of them being apparently too religious and Amazon thinking that they would be a turn off and that people wouldn't like them also they state that the female Inquisitor in power armor was the last hope but that Amazon wanted to be able to take the character out of the armor and still have them be powerful to me that just sounds like Amazon neither understanding nor appreciating nor caring about the lore and simply like Amazon having a clear idea in their head that they want the show to fulfill no matter the cost no matter how much they must change the law on top of that the Leica made another post where he talked about some details on how they plan to introduce the female custodians into Amazon's alleged adaptation of eisenhorn saying that it was going to happen during the scene where eisenhorn gets debriefed by the Space Marines a very quick reveal maybe one or two lines and then never mentioned again and that the story is going to be told in past tense recollection form so that they could have it happen at the start of the story they wanted to virtal signal with that scene to generate press that's why they were only going to be mentioned in the codec so that when it happened they could say that it's law accurate because it was in official Publications and we also already have an idea of what this official publication is that they're talking about the female custodians are to be introduced in an upcoming book called codex adeptus custodias and we also have some excerpts from the book this little passage here for example says says custodian calad tarila cash stood upon the bridge of a cobra class destroyer named Vigilant Flame the warship belonged to the mighty battle Fleet solar she lingered in the shadows at the back of the bridge positioned at a spot where she could observe the actions of every crew member be they in the instrumentation pits at the armorment shrines or in the case of ship Master lewick stood ramrod straight before his command throne and here we have another excerpt that states cash was W before any anyone else aboard sensing a sudden empiric energy Spike coupled with a surge of over pressure and sharp temperature drop that pre-aged a Teleport strike her guardian bear was leveled and armed before the first Cry of alarm or hole of a clex and rang through the bridge with those pictures and those leaks being out there and getting so much attention Amazon has big problems on their hands and all of that just because they didn't want to Simply use any other female characters for their show and desperately wanted them to be custodies and yet weren't even creative enough to come up with a good way to implement them into the law and now they have the fan base against them and another problem that came up that they probably didn't expect is Henry kevl threatening to leave the show and they're scared of losing him cuz as the alleged League says if he leaves it will cause a noticeable hit to the share price and potentially even kill the show I mean let's be honest here no one knows whether the Amazon show will be worth watching or not whether it will be worth subscribing to them or not and yet should Amazon or Henry kevl suddenly announce that he's leaving the show those news will be everywhere you will probably see trending for quite a while everyone would find out and people will immediately assume that the situation is similar to The Witcher one which if the rumor turns out to be true will shine a really bad light on the Amazon show it will cause a lot of backlash their stock will drop and many people will lose interest in the show so Amazon is trapped in a dilemma of their own making they wanted female custodians to get their ESG rating up and to please investors and all the woke journalist Publications so that they get good press and yet on the other hand a lot of the fan base will turn against them and they could potentially lose their main star of the show which would hurt the show a lot now it's up to them to decide now I already know what they're going to choose cuz they always take the stupid option but we'll see I of course hope that everything turns out fine and that the show won't be the thing to kill the Warhammer franchise at least this controversy gave the community a reason to unite again and it's a great Showcase of why gatekeeping the franchises that are important to you is so important I'll definitely try to keep you updated on how everything's unfolding and all the other important stuff that you shouldn't Miss but now I'll first have to decide what topic to talk about next cuz there's so much happening right now so like the video If you enjoyed it leave your thoughts in the comments share the video with others and subscribe to the channel to stay updated and to support my efforts here and with that said I hope you have a great day no matter better the news and I hope I see you again in my next video till then take care
Channel: Nyrion
Views: 325,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, warhammer custodians, wahrammer female custodians, warhammer female custodes, female custodians, female custodes, games workshop, games workshop warhammer, warhammer woke, warhammer controversy, warhammer amazon, warhammer backlash, warhammer gameplay, warhammer explained, warhammer community, warhammer fans, warhammer games, warhammer story, warhammer lore, henry cavill, henry cavill warhammer, warhammer henry cavill, endymion
Id: v_R1UE0oFFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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