Disney want Critical Drinker BANNED on YouTube + Nerdrotic CANCELED over The Acolyte Review?!

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hey guys nuon here you know it's become a trend for entertainment companies to put out lazily written garbage products created by people that either are untalented at what they're doing or have no knowledge and respect of the project they're working on but when it comes to Disney's The acolyte show you actually have both and what you get as a result out of that is a master class of terrible writing and law destruction that's then this liked by both General audiences and Star Wars fans so it's not really a shocker that the audience reviews will reflect that so over the past few weeks we've seen people's negative reactions being shared online from negative posts to tweets to comments to videos or by it receiving negative ratings on sites like rotten tomatoes IMDb Etc but instead of Disney taking a look at that and at the objectively bad quality of the show and just being honest to themselves and taking some responsibility they've instead decided to run with one of their favorite strategies once again using their friends at the established media companies across Hollywood to run them Dage control for them by pushing the blame onto fans but now it seems like Disney has sunk into a new alltime low a recently deleted article that was published by a big Hollywood firm in Looper came out attacking both the critical Drinker and nerd rotic directly claiming that they're pushing hatred and bigotry because of them not liking the acolyte Lupa was quickly called out for that and in an attempt to save their asses they deleted the review again but as we all know the internet never forgets so let's take a look at the the portion of the video in question some audience members have issues with the show's diversity and lgbtq plus themes and those should be dismissed however viewers should genuinely examine the legitimate criticisms the acolyte has received cultural critics like the critical Drinker and nerd rodic have dubbed the show L breaking for its recent Revelations but their commentary isn't productive rather it encourages bigotry and hatred over a show that's just getting started so it's being claimed that they're encouraging hatred and bigotry over just calling out an objectively bad show I can't say whether Lupa would have provided Clips to prove that Drinker and not rotic are spreading bigotry since they deleted the damn video but since they've deleted it I guess they didn't back up their claims something that would have been somewhat important to do I guess considering those being serious claims coming from a big established media firm like Lupa that could have led to harassment or cancel campaigns against Drinker and ner rotic and it also would have helped me out cuz I've watched all their reviews on the aoly and I still have trouble finding the supposed hinged bigotry that they are allegedly supposed to have spread all I've heard of them is legitimate criticism directed mostly at the writing of the plot the characters and the logic of the show you know it's interesting that characters can survive lightsaber injuries like this but a small throwing knife to the chest is enough to take them down and end their lives and shows how much I know about human anatomy I guess anyway she works as a mechanic or sorry mechnic are you serious on the outer Halls of space freighter do doing the usual stuff like repairing power couplings and putting out fires sure yeah okay I guess fire in the acolyte doesn't need oxygen like in other shows anyway discount Ezra Miller's killed the owner of a local drugstore and taken over the place why don't know but if your intention here is to operate covertly then killing a local businessman and stealing his shop probably isn't the best way to go about it I mean people generally come to know local shop owners because they're an important part of the community and if one of them was to go missing suddenly then I'm pretty sure they'd start asking questions and the first person they'd ask is the random arshole that's suddenly squatting in his shop anyway those are questions for a different show a show written by functioning adults who actually understand cause and effect and that's not what the acolyte is about you know they say that characters are only as smart as the people writing them and I think the acolyte is a perfect demonstration of that nobody in this show acts with anything even approaching common sense or logic people make completely in congruous decisions that actively work against their own interests for no other reason than to keep this absurd parody of a story trundling forwards the problem with a murder mystery plot is that you actually have to build up and maintain a mystery to keep the audience invested and it's pretty difficult to do that when every character spills their guts about everything that's happening at the very first opportunity and all the major players are so completely boring and unlikable that you don't even care who lives or dies anyway what it feels like is like Disney Lupa and the majority of journalists are trying to create this negative narrative about influencers or just regular fans that didn't like the Acolyte and that they to call it out for how objectively bad it is which is of course ridiculous since they're completely disregarding just how unpopular the show is and how it's getting attacked from basically the entire internet no matter people's gender skin color sexuality political opinion or whatever else the overwhelming majority of people everywhere online seems to come together on this and agree that the show is just garbage and that in pretty much every way so I watched the first two episodes of the acolyte so you don't have to sorry I didn't dress better I feel it's important to dress for a f you know what there as I was saying it's important to dress for a funeral sweep the leg Johnny a lot of people were upset that I gave the acolytes first two episodes such terrible reviews and that I said it was most definitely going to tank Star Wars but after watching episode 3 that was embarrassing and the thing that really bothered me in here is how the Jedi are portrayed the Jedi just come across as weird predatory groom or monk they show up and they're like you have Force wielding children on this planet under the law of the Republic then the matriarch witch mom's like we're not under the Republic I was like you might want to figure out uh where your jurisdiction ends but the point is the Jedi are like hey we want to talk to your kids and the moms are like no so instead of right off and taking no for an answer against the wishes of the parents the Jedi just persists to talk to the kids dude was like I know what you want to see ooh how cool is this check it out you can hold it if you want to you can hold my really deadly laser sword that's dude why would you give a kid your weapon what if the kid was like oh this is cool for context that is no different than being like Hey kid you want to hold it check this out it's pretty awesome it's not real just so you know YouTube algorithm so they child napping creeps who are irresponsible with their Weaponry sure and while Disney and Disney EX like Kathleen Kennedy have been saying that they truly want to respect the vision and creation of George Lucas they've done anything but that and with that I might call time of death on this series I don't know that I can subject myself to any more of Star Wars the acolyte you can let me know in the comments down below if you truly want me to keep going and Go episode by episode on this series but I don't know whether or not I'm willing to commit to that at this point so because everyone and their mother dislikes the acolyte Disney is panicking since they've spent $80 million just on the production of this show with probably another couple of hundreds of millions of dollars that were spent on marketing it paying off critics and whatever else so they of course want this show to do well and now they're trying to turn the social tide on it by presenting the negative backlash it's been getting is just coming from a toxic loud minority of sexists and racists the disastrous reviews the eate has been getting like it's 15 or now 14% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes are being blamed not on the show's quality it or lack thereof or that the team behind it failed at their job but the blame is instead put on the audience it's our fault that we don't like it and they're pulling out all the excuse cards again they're calling it review bombing which has to be the most idiotic term I've ever heard when something gets overwhelmingly good reviews everything's fine they haven't thought of a term for positive review bombing cuz why should they but when it happens to be overwhelmingly negative it's review bombing and once again blaming fans cuz Hey when the majority of fans dislike something the issue is not with the product but with the fan base apparently when something is actually good then people won't give it a negative review just for fun a couple of people will cuz trolls are inevitable but the overwhelming majority won't trolls don't make up the majority of the audience or the tens or hundreds of thousands of people rating these shows they're just searching for excuses to explain the bad rating instead of just facing the harsh reality that the show is just bad it's as simple as that and again Disney situation is understandable they have hundreds of millions of dollars on the line here and they don't want to lose that much money and yet while understandable it's still a Despicable strategy they're driving here of blaming and attacking fans of publishing hit pieces against certain individuals that did nothing wrong just to save their own asses that's why Lucas film and the Star Wars CEO Kathleen Kennedy is giving all these interviews with journalists about how big of a problem sexism in the Star Wars Community is and how that's the reason why the acolet is getting bad reviews just because the showrunner and the lead actress are women and why we're getting dozens of these ridiculous articles writing about how the acolyte is being review bombed and yet its negative reviews have allegedly nothing to do with the quality of the show oh really apparently the bad reviews are only happening because once again there are women and people with different skin colors in the show there it is once again the stupid racism and sexism narrative the idea that the Star Wars fom is supposed to be racist and sexist can easily be disproven by looking at how popular plenty of the female characters are so many are and have always been extremely beloved Star Wars has always been a very diverse franchise and yet just because OSHA from the acoet isn't popular they're pushing the narrative that the whole fandom is sexist or racist now meanwhile the reality is that people simply like well written and likable characters and that people don't care whether a show has a male or female lead as long as the character is good something that's once again easily proven by just looking at another currently airing show that's also another installment in a popular franchise House of the Dragon season 2 A Game of Thrones prequel that has two women in the leading roles season 1 was very popular and season 2 sits at an audience score of 87% meanwhile the alkalite sits at 15% how can that be did the sexist not get the memo to also review bump House of the Dragon the answer is simple house of the Dragon is an actual quality show with good writing real sets talented actors playing complex characters and the storyline that makes sense and respects the source material it's based on meanwhile the acolyte has none of that I could list dozens of shows with diverse casts or female leads that are very popular and reviewed accordingly for example Arcane season 1 is one of if not even the best season of a show I've ever seen and that show has a diverse cast and once again two female leads and the show got great reviews and ratings and I'm massively hyped for season 2 so the idea that the acolyte is disliked for those reasons is just Disney hoping people are delusional enough to believe their shitty excuse that's extremely easy to debunk even their take that critical Drinker somehow pushing bigotry and hatred because of him hating diversity can easily be debunked by just listening to his arguments and understanding them something that the media is apparently unable to do hammering home in the simple but often misunderstood point that well written characters who happen to be diverse are a perfectly good thing that no reasonable person can object to whereas diverse characters created for the sole purpose of being diverse are not they'll never mention takes like these in the hit pieces they write on him or in any article talking about fan backlash that people aren't opposed to diverse characters in general just to the ones that were created with the sole purpose of them being to fulfill some diversity quota so when looking at the whole picture surrounding the Acolyte and actual reality and not the narrative that's being pushed by Disney and the media of every hater just being a bigot then it becomes clear that the show is simply disliked by most people because of its awful writing and its disrespectful attitude towards the law of Star Wars something that people care about and yet disne clearly doesn't so I highly encourage you to think critically and to not be afraid to speak your mind whether you agree with the mainstream or not and that's what I will keep doing on this channel as well and if you want to support me you could like the video share it leave your thoughts in the comments and subscribe to the channel I really appreciate any kind of support so make sure to subscribe and follow me on Twitter for updates as well you'll find me under nearon or by clicking the link in the video description but with that said I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll hopefully see you again in the next one till then take care
Channel: Nyrion
Views: 136,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the acolyte, star wars the acolyte, the acolyte show, the acolyte series, the acolyte trailer, the acolyte review, the acolyte reaction, the acolyte is bad, the acolyte woke, woke star wars, kathleen kennedy, the acolyte actor, star wars the acolyte review, star wars the acolyte reaction, star wars the acolyte trailer, the acolyte analysis, star wars woke, critical drinker, critical drinker star wars, critical drinker acolyte, nerdrotic, critical drinker reaction, nyrion
Id: pExbTZCi6e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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