The Word Bearers are Pure Evil | Warhammer 40k Lore | Uncle Sam

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the traitor Legions are heavily varied with each Legion having a different Motif or general theme that can be boiled down to a single word for The Emperor's Children I believe that would be depravity or for the word bearers I would say that is truth the word bearers are a legion that defy convention and are a truly distinct entity within the pantheon of the chaos Powers as Legion itself is not a legion of Warriors or soldiers but of teachers Scholars and Priests they are not the cornate Berserkers of the world eaders they're ideological first and warriors second and this is what makes them truly unique as a faction sure they will attack planets but never just because there is always a larger plan at the head of their actions and this is how they have always been during the unification Wars the legion was not known as the word bearers but as the Imperial Heralds and where task was spreading the Imperial truth to those who do not know the Imperial truth was the ideology the emperor spread the idea that there are no Gods no religion or any higher power only what we can see rational thought equality and science were to replace the Superstition and fear that had brought Humanity to its needs and the word bearers were the ones who took these ideas seriously the most where other Legions say like the Space Wolves would attack and after Victory they would move on the word bearers were iconic classs they were tasked with spreading the ideology of the Imperial truth and this meant their intentions for Warfare were not just to defeat the enemy but to demoralize and eradicate any uniqueness that world and its people brought put yourselves in the shoes of say an average civilian living your life on a farm or in a hive City when ships you could only only dream of appear in the sky giant armored men with sigils and runes on their armor an even larger bald figure at their head beginning to preach about the glory of their faith the glory of the Imperium and the light it shall bring to your ignorant world but say those in your government resist well you would witness Untold atrocities leaders executed publicly history and culture are raced as any significant figures books or intellectuals within your Society are killed burned and branded as Heretics and anyone who gives any mild Ascension or concern turn is then branded the same way but to you is a martyr a cause to fight for for them is a mere statistic and any sort of descent or thought is stamped out and exterminated place with Decades of re-education and brainwashing to become a part of the Imperium of man ruled by the god emperor of mankind the only true Sovereign power in the Galaxy nay not the Galaxy but the universe but despite the equality logic and reason his servants preach all you saw was the violence of Barbarians and the horror and Slaughter of your world's identity under the Golden Light of a mad man who only shares his likeness now I can imagine many of you went wait a minute I thought you said the emperor said there were no Gods why are the word bearers spreading the emperor is a god well I can answer that for you and that answer comes with the legion's Primark lurar AR Alan lar unlike his brothers is not a soldier never was one even his brother Magnus who he himself was a philosopher master psycher and was drawn to the ideas of knowledge and understanding was still an able-bodied Warrior lorgar however never saw himself as one but despite that he was expected to occupy the role that his other 20 Brothers filled that of a general but he was first and foremost a man of Faith a shaman a clergyman while initially believing in the power of the four basically the chaos Gods but with different names he would experience visions of a golden figure On Eagle's Wings this being the Emperor of mankind by the time he had arrived to meet lorgar he was already convinced of The Emperor's Divinity and the reason why lurar was so devout and Drawn to religion and faith is because from a young age who was nurtured and taught to think like this by his adoptive father coron when lorgar landed on the world of Cultus coron took over the role of adoptive father for lurar but in the loosest sense possible as coron was an emotionally manipulative brute he would smack him around punish him and was just completely abusive he emotionally traumatized lurar in ways that he would never come to understand even going as far as to groom lorgar for his role as the religious leader of the world using lorgar for his skills and as a primarch and almost nothing else so while lorgar was out preaching to many cities on the various continents on the planet of Cultus often without a single drop of blood being spilled coron was busy killing political enemies and wiping out entire populations that merely disagreed with him all under lorgar's nose during his time as the first captain of the word bearers Legion he would continue to have this type of manipulative influence on lorgar albeit less so but he would secretly spread his belief in the four the chaos Gods basically despite being tasked of spreading the Imperial truth showing more than anything else that he was brainwashed not only by his own beliefs but was more selfish than anything else and would only do things that would benefit him in the long term however there is another figure that was equally manipulative and arguably far more dangerous first chaplain arabus arabus is someone who I would consider genuinely evil like the best kind of mustache twirling 100% fully cognizant of their own actions evil he like coron never truly bought into lorgar's face faith in the Emperor of mankind in fact arabus only believed in things that would give him some semblance of power even as a child who name wasn't arabus he was told to say hey why can't you be like that other child arabus so not arabus who is now arabus went and killed the original arabus and just took his name and identity he is a master manipulator the perfect kind of neutral evil that would do anything for his best interest and this included not only manipulating lorgar coron but Horus himself and anyone else that would help him achieve his own ends so when someone who is a genuinely good human being like lorgar driven by the ideas of Faith trying to find the truth being surrounded and influenced by two of the most slimy people imaginable things will inevitably go wrong and throughout the great Crusade the word bearers would achieve the fewest compliances out of any Legion but those worlds were rebuilt and made so loyal to the Imperium that even after 10,000 years they have largely still remained loyal to the Imperium because of the work the word bearers did despite how zotus and downright evil their methods were if they did not get their way however this cycle of abuse the word bearers reported would finally be reflected back at them by the Emperor of mankind himself on the world of Kerr there was a city named monarchia it was the word bearer's Crown Jewel their biggest and best city it was their greatest point of Pride but because of lorgar's spread of religion something the emperor repeatedly told them to stop which led to Superstition amongst the populace piousness and things the emperor explicitly forbade the emperor finally had enough and with the help of the ultramarin Legion they would Evacuate the city and summoning the entire word bearer's legion to face judgment on the Sands of Kerr lorgar and his Legion would stand before their Golden City lorgar arguing with his father and asking why he is denying his divinity but despite all of lorgar's pleas for understanding the emperor did not listen and monarchia was turned to glass as the Emperor of mankind made every last legionary including the primarch himself Neel through his psychic prowess alone imagine erecting a City in the name of your chosen God dedicating your entire life to him only for him to destroy it in front of you and telling you that not only is your faith misplaced but your faith was never real that you in essence were his greatest failure because of this and that you never understood his vision this broke lorgar aside from the devastation lorgar was just distraught his father his God hated him and with that Darkness came the two Souls that would drive him into the clutches of the four gods of the old faith on cultes arabus and coron operating in opposite to each other but both seeing the impact this made on lurar began to influence him into looking into the old Faith after all if the emperor is not a god despite presenting himself as one there must be other gods more worthy of his worship and as such the Legion in lorgar would take a pilgrimage one that would take them to what would become the Bastion world of kadia in an attempt to find the truth of the universe either for himself or to prove the emperor wrong this pilgrimage would be under the guise of them revamping their approach to the great Crusade putting them in good standing with the Imperium and bringing more worlds in the compliance over that period of time more than any other but as they landed on Cadia they' meet a woman named ingel who'd become anointed and designated by the chaos Gods as the guy dorar and ingel would reveal the truth of the universe to him his purpose the reality of the emperor what would come and why he was the one chosen by the gods to bring about the future that every psychically capable race up till this point failed to do in this moment the word bearers for now and for all time would be the chosen champions of Chaos not as the Warriors but as the clergymen and Prophets of the great Powers they were the ones who had to start the war against the Imperium they were the ones who had to spread the word of chaos because they would fight for the powers instead of just trying to control the gods or use them they were the ideal candidates for this task unlike the selfish and power hungry individuals that came before them species like the Eldar and even Horus failed to understand this as anyone other than lar and the word bearers would have fought for themselves instead of just letting the natural Order of Things play out this is why why every other species failed to achieve that higher standing within the universe and if lorgar and his Legion were to pursue this path they would be more than worshippers but conduits for the great powers and Servants of the primordial truth of the universe and to lorgar this was all that he ever wanted lorgar would accept this knowledge and bring it to his Legion his greatest champion argle tall the rated son at his side they would spend the rest of the Crusade not as bearers of the word of the emperor but bearers of the world of the powers that would truly rule the galaxy they would spread the warrior lodges pop up Cults on planets like d and slowly but surely they would sew the seeds of the Horus heresy until the fateful day Horus was struck with the anathan blade and the Galaxy's fate was altered forever the drop site Massacre would begin decimating the legions of the iron hands ravengard and salamanders with lorgar himself fighting corvis corx and almost dying in the process but the word Bear's true success during the heresy was not a istvan or Tera but during the shadow Crusade the events of which would tie up the three most dangerous loyalist Legions the blood angels dark Ang angs and the ultramarines the ultramarines in their Primark route Gillan were a particular sore spot for lorgar and while Gillan himself was uncomfortable with the events of monarchia he saw it as his duty and was not his place to question this event put a firm hatred of the 13th of both lorgar and his Legion so when the attack in the Ultramar sector began with the incursion at Cal the carefully planned rituals and Strikes and other forms of sub Refuge were absolutely devastating with nearly half of the 250,000 aaries of the 1 Legion dying at Cal but this was just the beginning as when the world leaders would come to give the word bearer's Aid the realm of Ultramar would be subjected to near irreparable damage however the cracks would begin to show as arabus and cor Faron would begin to pursue increasingly personal goals often going against what lorgar wanted directly arabis got so far out of line that he would not only be kicked out of the word bearers by lorgar but by Horus as well but lorgar was not innocent from this either as lar realized that Horus was not the man for the job and tried to pull off a coup that would fail and lorgar would not be at the siege of terara and while some of the word bearers would go to terara during the scouring after The Siege inevitably failed all the legions would flee to the eye and post heresy the word Bearer roles as Arbiters of the will of the Gods would become more and more prominent you see unlike many of the other Legions the word bearers did not fall into Petty infighting they stayed largely unified both in structure and in purpose and despite the fact that lorgar had stayed in isolation in his Temple for about 10,000 years lorgar and his motivation still spread throughout the legion through the book of lurar the various other writings he had and the fact that everyone was acutely aware of what they were supposed to do no matter how much they disagreed or almost came to infighting the legion would put that aside for their higher purpose as to please the gods is the only existence worth fighting for and that is why the word bearers are so fascinating to me because in practice they should sound like the cleric of the group The moral and emotional leaders and nothing more but that could not be further from the case because during the heresy like I said before they were routinely effective in combat especially with support from demons and Mortal forces they often have yes mortal forces because more than any other Legion maybe except the black Legion the word bearers constantly Recruit new individuals to their cause resulting in millions of followers serving the powers and spreading the prophecies and teaching that the legion and its prime Arc were chosen to do it is my opinion more than anything else that there is not one chosen Legion or champion of chaos better than the word Bears despite abidon being the warm that was a position he fought and took for himself he is not interested in the goals of the Gods only to see the Galaxy burn but loron the word bearers aren't like that they were chosen by the gods and the legion itself after learning the primordial truth are perfectly performing the role the universe gave them when you look at how they behave they are more than just the religious black Legion they are more than just the Marines who a better relationship with demons and some of them are often they are zealots they are the dogmatic focused and lawful Warriors of chaos that follow the codes and truth of the universe that they themselves occupy they are the definition of lawful evil make no mistake they are evil burning people at the stake kidnapping hundreds of thousands of slowly sacrific over the course of years it is absolutely barbaric but they believe what they're doing is necessary for Humanity in beautiful in ways that we just don't understand no matter how many atrocities they commit they operate on a system of belief with tangible achievable goals and are truly committed and devoted to their cause so despite many considering them ineffective and sitting out the less 10,000 years their recent reemergence into the Galaxy says quite the contrary is they have been waiting training and doing their best to make the most of their skills over that time period so when avidon broke down the cadan gate and let the catric maledictum spread across the Galaxy the first Legion out of the eye to really make a move was the word Bears which brings me to my final Point without the black Legion or the word bearers chaos would be an unfocused mess of a force they are the yin to each other's Yang they are the two sides of the same coin where the black Legion is the spear piercing the heart of the Imperium and opening the gate for chaos the word bearers are the shield Shoring up the rear and making sure their Holdings and servants are fully devoted to the powers of the four this is why they take such an active role in creating cults spreading chaos not taint or pleasure or power but chaos the faith itself written and preached by lorgar and that is truly their greatest Triumph nobody can spread chaos better than the word Bears no one not even the alpha Legion the Masters and subterfuge and influence they are can match the sweeping scale of how the word bearers can make entire sectors fall into the most loyal decadent depraved Servants of chaos the galaxy has ever seen they are so ungodly d dangerous that rabou Gillan considers the word Bears the greatest possible threat to the Imperium right now and considering the fact that their recent efforts and awareness of The Emperor's reemergence in the form of the star child they potentially have the best chance of finding the last Light of the Imperium that keeps it together and snuffing it out forever it is not only the black Legion that will bring ruin to the Imperium it will be both and with lorgar finally active within the Legion of once again it will only be a matter of time before the Imperium will begin to crumble under the Grace and Faith of a man who met God and saw that he hated him if you want to learn more about the word Bears Legion read the first heretic betrayer lurar Bearer the word in the short story aelan which was collected in the eye of Terra Anthology these four are a great primer for the legion and truly show the tragedy and philosophy of the Legion as well alongside arabis coron and lorgar it it does such a good job breaking down these characters and showing their motivations more than any other reading recommendations I have given for this channel I beg you these four are essential reading not just for the word bearers but for the entire setting past that I'd say uh Space Marine Conquest apocalypse is pretty good it shows the Legion in the modern day and shows a little bit of the power struggle that's going on and read The Dawn of Fire books specifically avenging sun gate of Bones and Throne of light these three featur the word Bears heavily and really show a lot about what they've been up to and this plus a apocalypse is a really good modern companion piece to the four previous things also last thing read the word bearers Omnibus it's a bit older but it is such a good series of books and they're some of my personal favorites Unfortunately they are not available in audio format I listen to mostly audiobooks because it allows me to do other things while I listen I'm able to take notes and stuff like that but these books are wonderful and I highly recommend reading them thank you all very much for watching if you'd like to support the Channel please consider becoming a member and thank you very much to the YouTube members for supporting the channel your support is greatly appreciated thank you all very much for watching have a great night [Music] n [Music]
Channel: Uncle Sam
Views: 32,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, lore, 40k, gamesworkshop, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, wh40k, wh 40k, warhammer 40k lore, warhammer lore, 40k lore, imperium, imperium of man, chaos space marines, horus heresy, primarchs, emperor of mankind, word bearers, word bearers lore, word bearer, lorgar, lorgar 40k, lorgar lore, monarchia 40k, word bearers horus heresy, word bearers 30k, word bearers army, word bearer lore, lorgar aurelian, lorgar aurelian lore, erebus, chaos gods, ultramarines, uncle sam
Id: mbzSudY209c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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