Help! She's Lost Interest

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hey so the title of this video is she's lost interest why does a woman lose interest in a man well there's a lot of reasons for this and if you're watching this video there's a good chance your girlfriend or your wife has lost interest in you and she's pulled away she's not responding to your text messages she's gone distant she's become less responsive and you can just sense that she's pulling away from you she might have been really into you now all of a sudden she's pulling away and she's not as interested as she was before doesn't matter where the girl comes from how old she is what country she comes from this happens all the time around the world and there's a very logical explanation for this if she pulls away and she loses interest it's because she's lost attraction for you all you need to know is how to rebuild attraction and what you need to do in this situation to keep her interested when she pulls away and how to prevent the situation from getting worse and if you know how to deal with women then you can actually prevent this from happening and you can basically cut it off before it gets serious now I got a really interesting email from a guy and probably one of the funniest opening paragraphs I've read and his email says I am 34 creative passionate loving she is 32 black professional after I asked her if she'd be able to make some time for me this weekend she completely ignored my message when I asked her again if she was too busy to see me she told me to stop being so annoying and leave her alone I feel her losing interest in me she's always been difficult to deal with but recently it's gotten a lot worse and she doesn't have any time for me what do I do and how do I stop her from losing attraction for me well in this situation when your girlfriend loses interest in you and she suddenly pulls away you need to essentially mirror her emotions right if she pulls away from you and you chase her that's pretty much the worst thing you can do because that's gonna turn her off you're not giving her space she obviously needs space and she might be a she might be difficult to deal with but there's a reason for that right there's a reason why she got to that point and why she's become difficult first of all she's probably lost respect for you second of all she's lost attraction for you and that doesn't happen overnight right somebody doesn't act and difficult especially a woman if she respects you because she knows she can't get away with it but in this situation she think she can get away with being like that with you because you haven't dealt with her the right way so when she pulls away and she acts and she's difficult you have to pull away too and imagine there's a piece of string connecting you and her together right if she pulls away and you chase her the string goes slack now if she pulls away and you also pull away the string goes tight that creates sexual tension and she starts to miss you and she starts to think about you and remember attraction grows in space this is a really important concept to understand so the moment your girlfriend or your wife pulls away from you and she's distant and you sense that she's losing attraction for you you have to pull away and you have to trust that this is gonna work and believe me it does work if he if she pulls away from you and you pull away from her she's gonna come back to you and she always will the only problem is if you don't react the right way and you chase her she's not gonna have space and she's gonna get more frustrated with you and she's gonna lose attraction for you because she's gonna sense your neediness she's gonna sense though you're anxious and you're upset and she's gonna lose more and more attraction until she eventually has no attraction for you at all and she's gone and she disappears so keep this in mind it's very important now if your girlfriend's pulled away from you she's lost interest in you and you want to get her back retracted to you then you need to go to my website and download my guide it has all the information you need to get it back and to keep her attracted to you also if you need help with a specific relationship problem go to my website and you can book a Skype or email consultation with me talk soon
Channel: Develop Attraction
Views: 85,928
Rating: 4.957828 out of 5
Keywords:, develop attraction, get her back, get girlfrend back, get ex back, get ex girlfriend back, girlfriend pulling away, girlfriend distant, girlfriend losing interest, chris canwell, girlfriend not responding, girlfriend doesn't respond, wife losing interest
Id: 8fPzTyFLoWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 47sec (227 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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