Help! My House Is Falling Down | Series 1 Episode 4

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houses are built to protect us they're designed to keep us safe and secure but like people they get old tired and ill from roots and threatened foundations and mold that stresses our children to crack so big the house is falling into the ground [Music] I'll be using the latest technology to uncover our properties life-threatening illnesses and revealing my tricks of the trade to give your home a clean bill of health tonight young laughs dream turns into a nightmare as I battled dangerous electrics it's not safe it kills people yeah disintegrating walls this is what happens there's nothing left of it and tests a roof to destruction the new roof is what's required get ready for the hard truths about home ownership [Music] [Music] meet hairdresser Tony woods he runs a fashionable hair salon in Portsmouth his partner of two and a half years is Brighton based web producer carrenza Bryant [Music] until six weeks ago this trendy couple had never lived together but they just set up home in Brighton and it's all down to this a two-bedroom period property in a prime part of town but fully clean on living in a house well than the flat yeah yeah and I don't think we ever thought we could get a house in central bottom we just totally thought it has to be ours yeah this property is more than just bricks and mortar it's a giant leap forward in Tony and cleansers relationship the place sort of a really significant for us as a couple because it's the first place but we've actually never lived together in and also boards it this is probably one of the biggest commitments relationship I think behind a particular it's probably make-or-break really Tony and carrenza snaps up the house for 190,000 pounds with enough money left over to give it a stylish makeover their new life together was off to a perfect start but from the moment they moved in their luck began to run out we're swamped with so many problems we don't even know where to begin with on the very first day Tony and carrenza discovered that hardly any of their sockets were working now all the electrics have got them running scared it was suddenly started dawning on me that those sockets we're never going to be used and actually the wiring is is pretty shocking really [Music] Tony and carrenza completed the purchase without having a full structural survey and no sooner had they started to prepare the house for decoration they discovered a huge damn problem I started to look at some wallpaper two strips and wallpaper back and realize it felt a bit damp and then when the wallpaper came off the plastic aimer that a lot of plaster came with it [Music] Tonie in carrenza saved the worst discovery to last when they started refurbishing the first floor the rear of the house began to disintegrate let's restart so thought about all the moves a little bit [Music] the whole corner of a building just fell off the paneling fell off the signal fell in clouds and clouds of black smoke just lets just seem to be collapsing [Music] it's kind of amazing Tony and carrenza are actually living here I'm about to try and halt their home back from the brink and set it on the road to recovery hi hello when you walk in you're hit by an earthy smell of damp permeating the hallway [Music] but it sat in the back where I find the true size of the problem this is pretty extensive damn you've got you've got all of this assaults coming through this signs of damp right the way out this salts coming here through here yeah and this is this is still wet up here right it would be harder to find the patch that isn't damp rather than then the pressure is temp yeah I mean it's um it's wet everywhere you don't understand what dump is this different salt I don't know the difference between yeah everything to do with building life is logical right and damp comes from water and water comes from somewhere so the reason why it's damp and therefore you can find out what that reason is and you can fix that reason tied marks on the walls suggest they're soaking up water from the ground like sponges that won't be helping with Toni incur enza's next big problem because water and dodgy electrics are a very bad mix what you'll probably find is that all the the electrical cables in here with the old old metal wires with cloth covering and and they're not insulated anyway it's not safe there that the repercussions of plumbing being bad is that you get wet that weave cushions of electrics being badassery so yeah 750 injuries and 10 deaths are caused by unsafe electrics each year the biggest single problem is faulty wiring do not touch frayed or exposed wires as an electric shock can cause burns painful muscle spasms and even stop the heart from beating problems can be caused by overloading a socket with powerful appliances like toasters or hair dryers the socket can overheat and catch alight every year 12,000 house fires in the UK are linked directly to electrics to avoid these disasters you should always use the correct sized fuses and turn off appliances when not in use it's crucial to replace damaged cables immediately and finally have all your electrics checked at least every 10 years [Music] we've discovered that we've only got one plug socket on the whole grounds ground level all of these appliances are all running back over here for one and running off one socket yeah in the worst case now they related sockets is that they catch fire the cables catch fire because they overheat yeah that would be good not to happen of course that would need a house to burn down in the first place but the small room at the back of the first floor where Tony and carrenza have visions of a stylish bathroom is disintegrating fast literally the whole the whole panel fault fell out at the same time the plaster was falling down and the sealant came in and just walked out and shot they don't wanna well you could clearly see by the Timbers that this has been pouring in water this roof this wall is constructed from something called Bunga riche which which is quite localized to Brighton they use a bit of lime that vault stones bit of rubble Pat it all together and and it was fine the problem with it is that when it gets wet this is what happens yeah there's nothing left of it I'm sure the culprit here is a failing roof top of the list of worries for Tony and carrenza is to work out just how bad the roof is it's clear the walls are disintegrating from leaks upstairs as well as being attacked by damp downstairs but just how lethal are those electrics end of the day we've got the little dream in our heads and we have to see it through we bought it we're going to do it I think it's not make-or-break but you know it will make us or not really I think there's a couple feeling motivators are a little nervous I've probably been in one over some Quinn circus I guess I don't really understand the reality of the situation just yet and and who was the motivator in terms of don't feed me you're the one who's most nervous yes sign no no Tony would and carrenza Bryant were hoping to live our young loves perfect dream they bought this two-bedroom Brighton property thinking that was just a cosmetic facelift it would become their ideal home but since moving in six weeks ago they've uncovered suspect electrics and major damp but worst of all the rear of the property appears to be disintegrating [Music] it's a common mistake among inexperienced buyers to think that cosmetic damage needs cosmetic repairs generally it's a sign of something more sinister lurking underneath but get right to the bottom of it we're going to get a specialist this house is going under the microscope every nook and cranny will be scrutinized by our expert team these things that could be found some of them are going to cost a lot of money and if I find more than say one or two they're not budget is first up we need to look at the electrics to me they look lethal electrician Tony Cable is going to give his expert opinion now we'll treat this with a bit of reverence yeah I would suggest this is 60 years old Tony thinks the electrics were installed just after the Second World War it's amazing they're still working at all those wires going in there if I touched that kanji there and that does become live and I touch it cool flow through me and it could kill me this house is so potentially dangerous I cannot carry out a full investigation really the whole lot wants tripping out and rewind as soon as possible far from leaving the electrics alone Tony and carrenza have been overloading the system with appliances just two days ago a plug quarter lights it could have ended in tragedy luckily we caught it in time you ever a few of us in the house when we're doing the decorating they were taking the wallpaper down and luckily it gave off a bit of a smell so like we with plants no straight away and knew what it was we actually percussions of Feltham electrics is well it's terminal yes yes you know it kills people and we just have an electrician round who kind of looks it no one's left and he said that he was taking out this kind of system in the 50s because it didn't comply with regulations then and as they point in even beginning whether it complies with regulations acts it obviously wouldn't definitely priority you know tonin carrenza have a 50 grand budget but that did not include rewiring which will slice off at least 4 grand what's more they didn't bargain on the upheaval it will cause needs to be secured and is to fill light and you know it is looking like we've got a lot to do to make that happen is that because it's like our home for life well hopefully yeah Tony and carrenza want a home for life but the next couple of problems could mean they're in for a much shorter stay the walls of the property are made of Banga roush which starts crumbling when soaks the rear of the house is disintegrating and I think the water is getting in through the roof our roofer Richard Jordan is looking to see if my theory is correct across the top edge we have no LED flashing the slates sliding out they just seem to have been rammed in and mortared up I said we've got nails poking through here and holes this lease just lifting the wind getting under them you have definitely got water ingress on here there is no doubt about it people often neglect their is because they ignore interior warning signs like stained or warped ceilings hoping that they are merely cosmetic problems but first up there's a real danger of sodden plaster falling away in causing serious injury what's more if water is allowed to soak into the wooden rafters and battens over time these will rot away and ultimately cause catastrophic structural failure catching leaks early will keep risks and costs to a minimum so by standing well back or using a ladder check your roof two to three times a year look for broken or slipped slates or tiles and faults in roof junctions and flashings especially at the base of chimney stacks it's most important to do this after violent windy storms and during long winters [Music] when looking at this roof now it's not surprising that wall below isn't such a bad way really it's it'll be in a Paul Paul way because the the roof is important you know poor condition it's the connection between the leaking roof and the crumbling wall below it that scares me most about this house that's where chartered structural engineer Simon Pictures's in the small room at the rear of the first floor where Tony and carrenza want a snotty bathroom we all know that water is the thing that you have to prevent from getting into any house now if you've got a house made of this stuff Bunga Roush that rule is not just a golden rule it's a Platinum rule you mustn't let water get in contact with this look what happens to it I mean absolutely destroying this material now we've got a whole building made of it there's some areas where we've sort of taken back the panel in live it looks like it's crumbling so that's the worry because we that's the point when we've stopped I suppose when we stopped and didn't do any more because you don't know how far that's gonna go it's a horrible position to be in when your actual house is crumbling when you touch you Bunga Roush was a favorite material of budget Brighton builders in the Victorian times but is notoriously unstable well Simon inspects all the walls for signs of damage richard is casting his expert eye over the roof above with both investigations complete it's time for Tony and carrenza to find out how much of their house is crumbling away the good news is that it's very localized to the back of that back bedroom where the Bunga Roush is actually disintegrating monk quite relieved don't you and what you're telling me before that when I looked at it I was horrified I think that's essentially what we need to know first already have you got full wars to actually do anything with no that's pretty good yeah good so bit of good news yeah well that's good before I hit you with a bad news despite the leaking roof much of the bunga ruch walls are so fast and intact but if they don't stop the water getting in immediately the consequences could be dire the back roof needs replacing and most of the front roof has to be replaced by the time you've replaced all the edges and all the gutters and all the flashings there's so little of the main roof left that I personally think that you'd be better off doing the job properly and replacing all of the roof and the cost of that is likely to be around 10,000 pounds okay thinking that was a job that needed to be done I thought it could be repaired I can see why Tony and carrenza aren't keen on replacing the roof they're about to be hit by a four grand bill for the electrics and it's all chiseling away at their 50 grand budget for a stylish interior and we still have to investigate the huge damn problem that's before you've even started looking at the finishing and fixtures bathroom kitchens yeah snoring a decoration setting up yeah yeah okay yeah it's a little bit more than we expected on those type of things yeah we're gonna friends want is my place look pretty and I think a big part the budget was gonna go on that it's be honest I think they're a bit shocked by the amount of money involved with this project and that's the downside to buying a completely unload nice house when when you're not that familiar with them they can save a lot of money by doing a lot of work themselves but they're so inexperienced that in itself is fraught with problems reason for getting home together none of exchange we're still really excited about all that and we've just got a few extra things to do what they have on their side is energy and enthusiasm but the question is is that going to be enough to carry them through this complicated building projects with a decision yet to be made on the roof it's crystal clear money is going to be very tight to cut costs Tony makes the brave choice to become both project manager and laborer not to mention running his salon [Music] I'm facing the position I've got to teach myself very quickly how to how to sort of on this project I've got nothing but admiration for Tony as he gets off to a flying start ripping out the water damaged areas upstairs small thinking got myself into my role is kind of miscellaneous at the moment Tony is very different in the project manager and I'm assistant I step in when I can the job that really can't wait is the electrics and I can't quite believe it but Tony's taking that on as well what I did was have spent the morning with an obsession he's spent a couple hours just going over and explaining really to certain men Theresa really wire in a house quite confident to get on the way would have wiring to be honest I can't do it much worse than this was in the past anyway Tony's running the cables which is called the first fix when it comes to electrics this is the absolute maximum an amateur should take on as with all major electrics this work will have to be certified by a qualified electrician I don't think this is probably how qualified electricians do it but this is my improvised version it's a risk but it's a risk worth taking definitely I'm not for one job that's definitely going to need professional help is sorting out the damp it's clearly everywhere on the ground floor to work out how extensive the problem is I'm using a thermal imaging camera it shows warm areas like me as white or orange or red and then cold areas as blue so my hand for instance is warm and hot and if I spray it with water which is the important thing about this camera and it's damn little sharp blue so that the damp in the hallway registers as dark blue and it's clear the problem continues into the living room as well [Music] out in the kitchen it goes off the scale the wet rear wall is bad enough but this shows damp is spreading across the floor as well and now it's over to damp expert Steve Hodges the floor slab is very wet and it's also blown I'm afraid this has to come up this lino or what it was down before probably had a bit of a hessian back in it and it's that rotting that you can smell it's pretty unpleasant pretty we know that this wall is completely in the ground we're almost in a subterranean room here Steve knows exactly why there is so much damage the house is built into a hill and water running down the hill is seeping through and rising up into the hole of the ground floor you will have water pressure or amount of water moving about both bearing onto this wall wanted to come up through anywhere that's porous so for floor junctions soft floors Bunga Roush walls high ground lots of problems Tony and carrenza have one serious case of rising damp this is caused when brickworks soaks up water from the ground through the masonry by a process called capillary action left unchecked it will wreck your interior and turn your home into a five-star creepy crawly hotel [Music] it also creates the perfect conditions for mold which can lead to serious respiratory problems but rising damp can be easier to fix than you think contributing factors are gutters leaking and soaking the ground beneath shipping water pipes or ground levels outside being higher than inside lowering a flowerbed may be all it takes to get rid of a problem a full tanking or waterproofing system should be done as a last resort the typical cost is upwards of two thousand pounds [Music] for the rear of toning cleansers house underground waterproofing is the only option first they need to understand quite how bad the problem is so you can see from here this is your exterior wall in the kitchen which is damper at the bottom but I mean the whole wall and all the floor is them because it's got earth behind it so much black isn't it other gratin it's really wet there it's really interesting actually on screen because you can feel it so I need to touch but to actually see bike cow like widespread it is as well tractor the whole wall as a poster just like located bits that we can touch that whole rear section is cold wet unventilated uninsulated it's not great I've got a big challenge on my hands making this property watertight Tonie incur enza's first ever home together has the mother of damn problems [Music] the rear wall is underground so water is getting in the whole time the solution I've suggested is used for underground structures that always have to battle them review the system in the London Underground I've done about 30 stations 70,000 liters of the membrane the tunnel tunnel without adapts the best system if it works in the tunnel tunnel it'll work here this is a hugely reliable vamp proofing system traditionally damp is kept at bay with a layer of waterproof material but the slightest puncture and the system fails this method creates a gap for the water to run down into a drain separating the damp outside wall from the inside of the house this system it is a permanent solution to the problems that we're now finding in this structure or it will be when it's installed the trouble is and the mistaken belief he's doing the right thing Tony has hacked off the old render which would have worked as a smooth finish that the lining needs to be attached to by taking the vendor off they've weakened the walls so we can't get any fixings with the plugs where the vendors missing we've done a lot of work we've paid an awful lot of money to get the bags of Ivan taken away [Music] so at the moment I'm just really frustrated really annoyed about it we understood a bit more about what we were doing if it was our profession then we probably do things better or easier certainly in a in a better time scale that's the only downside of doing so much yourself Tony's been struggling with the property for three months now and much of the work still lies ahead he's taken so much on he's doing a full-time job and a monk's days project managing it might I know that it's gonna get a little worse before it gets better tony has to sit by and watch as the error is put right the work cost 500 pounds and is piling the stress on Tony incur enza's relationship the house was meant to bring this young couple together instead it seems it's doing its very best to try to push the part we've both been quite stressed because it's such a big undertaking essentially I think the rockiest parts probably just erm keeping United Front with Tony yes we've it's been it's been a hard time yeah it's been a hard thing to do a united front is exactly what Tony and carrenza will need to make their last and biggest decision the roof is at the end of its life and it's serious leaks will eat away at the bunga ruch walls below it all needs replacing but there's a 10 grand cost this stage I don't think we think that away from these replacing we think we can repair it or we just haven't got the money to do anything else other day with an Iranian of our budget so on yeah it's worrying it's time for some shot tactics I'm taking them to the BRE in Watford the largest construction research and test facility in the UK this is where building materials are pushed to the point of total destruction we've replicated a section of their roof complete with all its problems cracked and slipping slates damaged flashings and weak rafters we're gonna hoist this up and then we're gonna simulate a really heavy rainstorm on it okay let's take it away to show Tony and carrenza their roof is failing beyond the point of repair I'm placing the replica in front of one of the largest wind tunnels in the country capable of blowing a hundred and 20 mile-per-hour gale combined with a spray hose it can create classic rainstorm conditions with the model placed on a raised platform we're able to get underneath and see exactly how the roof is performing so this is a light rain storm you can see it's failing where the flashing waters pouring in pulling in here where this latest flick here where the state's cracks let's crank it up you see how it's bouncing and that bounce is because the the rafters that you have are rotten and it's allowing huge quantities of water to be blown up underneath the plate wind can drive water up a roof as well as down the slates won't stay flush unless the rafters are replaced and to do that the roof needs to be completely stripped and recovered you couldn't patch it up and get get a solution for a couple of years what you do you'll have to redo in a couple of years time because more stakes will fall off so you still don't have to spend the money it's just that you love wasted all the money in the meantime patching it up but I'm it's you're my name you'll call decision the last big risk and gale force winds if unusually severe weather conditions were to descend on Brighton then Tony incur enza's roof could literally be blown off their property [Music] I think if we if we were invited and we were in our house and that sort of weapon was coming along yeah then we wouldn't want to be under that roof like that but what services makes a lot of sense in place in Duluth any roof is what's required [Music] Tonie in carrenza go ahead and replace the whole roof it's the right decision but a hard one to swallow it's another 10 grand on top of the 15 they've already spent leaving just 25 thousand for the rest of the house and one more massive job that Tony has to juggle with his hairdressing business in Portsmouth I don't think I could say that I'm enjoying it it's really hard to run in a salon and the business side of things as well my hands I mentioned a project is a house as well it's actually really quite difficult especially I've been preserving different cities you know as a sort of good hour between the two of them [Music] what's more replacing the roof is taking the destruction of the property to a whole new level first it was a big game and you know slowly sort of day by day week by week things are stripped away home comforts are stripped away know something there's this you know water everywhere oh and it gets more and more uncomfortable to be in a house it's a little bit of a test really conditions in the property are now hardly bearable and Toni's been waking up on his own [Music] so um so have you moved out then what's what's the situation yeah I've actually just moved out just down the road right why did you move out I just don't think it's practical for my sanity in our relationship and the house as a whole if like I'm gonna be in the house I can't live without a shower for seven days a week and do you think he's managing okay because he's not experienced for this really is no it's really hard especially when I'm trying to step in and follow his instruction and I don't quite know necessary what's been going on during the day and sometimes if he does think I'm one of his employees and it's just like Hello he finds a bit frustrating oh sure he does absolutely I think he really finds me frustrating um I want to know how things are done properly and if I don't know how to do them properly I'll say so whereas Tony's very much hands in do it now learn what I think by mistakes and so sometimes it's I think it's better to step back learn exactly how to do it and do it right first time around do you think actually some ways maybe make it a bit harder for him with this I think it would be easier if I just nodded and said yes but unfortunately I do speak my mind as well and it's just as your buddy told that's the oh my god exactly exactly if it's only the roof may be nearly finished but the whole of the inside needs putting back together and things aren't about to get any easier anytime soon cash is now so short for Tony and carrenza its DIY or die I can be handy if I need to be [Music] and Tony subsidizing the remaining labor in the only way he knows how a challenge is to find the cheapest way of revamping the interior right let's get this line over of course Tony and carrenza need to agree on how they want it to look first great well I really love the floor post I really want to source and him up and bring them back to life and keep the original floorboards I'm just into mines because I don't like drafts and I've lived in the houses before with a lovely beautiful floorboards and they do look stunning but drafts carpets whole boards yeah yeah don't see many knots Caiaphas there's one of the things I have to put my foot down a little bit I mean there's quite a lot of areas where you fundamentally disagree yes enlarge another year in life you know just the house it's the drafty gaps in between the boards that carrenza doesn't like and I have a neat little trick that could sort out that problem [Music] first you'll have to bring back the old boards to life with a good sanding but the absolute key is to hang on to the leftover sawdust what we now have is sawdust which is the same color as the floorboards obviously so with that sort of to take a tiny bit of just normal PVA glue wood glue and you want to mix the sawdust with a tiny bit of the glue so mixing all the glue and sawdust together you're effectively using it as a filler so you wanted a similar sort of consistency as you would mix any kind of filler it is important that you don't just fill the surface of it you do need to make sure that you've got it into the crack but it's into the crack nicely there then after 24 hours when the glue is really dry you do the final sound with that with the sander and that final coat of sanding will mean that you'll have completely sealed oh I can't I can't wait to get stuck in yeah yeah yeah listening great so it seems like a bit of a compromise at this point yeah [Music] for six months Tony incur Enza have been battling with their hugely problematic property if anything it's more grueling now than ever before as they take on more and more of the finishing work themselves you find that you got one week you'll be absolutely buzzing and the following week you will find that it is absolutely cool officers and that's just your motivation wings a little bit definitely still very much in the thick of it six months ago Toni incur Enza thought they were buying the perfect home for them to cement their new life together but it wasn't long before they found out just how bad the house was and were living apart now I'm back to see whether they've managed to pull their problem property back from the brink this property was bad to the bone the electrics were so terrible that Tony and carrenza narrowly missed burning down the house and the whole of the ground floor had one of the most chronic damp problems I've seen worst of all the Bunga ruch wall at the rear of the first floor was crumbling away although the real culprit was the decrepit roof above it but look at it now they did finally decide to re roof and now it's gleaming bright and watertight fixing the roof gave Tony and carrenza the confidence to totally revamp the top floor the bedroom has bags of homely charm which is just as well because carrenza battery is back in the big transformation though is in that rear room next door this is where the war was literally falling down now it's a breathtakingly stylish shower but you love it it's properly a reformed character isn't it it's hugely different and the water was pouring in here where the roof was leaking and pouring down this wall whether Bangladesh was collapsing was really bad the roof in this area there was an awful moment there where you said Oh we'll patch it up I thought they're gonna live in a sick yeah yeah we tried I think we did try and weigh up the options and see what was the best and replacing the whole thing was indeed a way forward yeah you tried to resist it is a budget thing it was a budget thing now having rebuilt it you've got a great bathroom we've now got a buff that we can both get in the show that we can both good downstairs also had a very watery problem with every wall on the ground floor under attack from rising them now it's dried out and smartened up it still needs a few finishing touches but this is starting to feel like a very lovable and very fashionable home the kitchen was down and out with a worse damp problem in the entire house [Music] Toni incur Enza have created a superb high-end look and thanks to our damp roofing solution it should stay that way for years to come a water free zone is also good news for Toni's electrics that have yet to be second fixed now this has had really dodgy electrics they were lethal quite honestly yeah and you ended up wiring it yourself just to a certain extent yeah we looked at the budget and decided it was a way we could save money in terms of just running the wires and the first fix the important thing if you're going to do that is to make sure that the second fix and it's all connected up by a qualified electrician to comply with building we examined for your own safety yeah of course you had fifty thousand pounds to spend on this did you you spend more in must have spent more than that about a week ago we tossed it up we were right up to our budget on it that's really impressive you must have only done that because you did so much work yourself yeah we did a lot there's been really hard work and there's times when there's been a real struggle and now you've got a house that's structurally sound glass and roofs and gutters the walls are solid especially from the starting point we had I think we've really made such a good place our service and we know and we know everything's been done properly because you've been here every day making sure it's done until those electrics are finished I want to make sure they keep doing it by the book knowing your temptation to overload extensions Tony and carrenza finally have the house they were hoping for six long months ago but the journey was so hard can they now put the pain behind them and enjoy their home as a couple in terms of your relationship you know you bought this new game to move in together and then you end up living apart it must have been really stressful on the pair of you you learnt a lot about each other I think good staff or bad sir baby faith it's just understanding each other and how we deal with things and i I've never had stress like this before and I've always found myself there's quite a laid-back tight what did she did she shout at you knows it happened so in the air she's not very good at being cold and wet yeah in this house and that's all this house has been a little probably the last we thought this was a completely uninhabitable I'm not nice house with water pouring in from all directions and you've turned it into a really rather gorgeous family home oh thank you just to be able to sit now like with a glass of wine central heating on go upstairs no bath later on I have to say I wasn't sure you'd pull it off so well done I think it's really impressive since your nice house cosmetic problems often mask much more sinister issues underneath and when you've fallen in love with a property it's no tempting not to dig deeper Tony and carrenza never bargained on taking on a massive house rescue like this and it pushed them right to the edge emotionally physically and financially but they made it and now they've got a fantastic new home in which to start the next chapter of their lives [Music]
Channel: HomeStyle
Views: 53,973
Rating: 4.8802819 out of 5
Keywords: home style, homestyle, daytime, daytime tv, british tv, fashion, building a house, house transformation, styling guide, restoration home, restoration, home flipping, lifestyle tv, Sarah Beeny, crafts, diy projects, DIY room decor, before and after, sarah beeny renovate, sarah beeny tv, home projects, run down, home improvement, property, makeover, interior design
Id: iccfXYeFBoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 8sec (2768 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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