Double Your House For Half The Money! | Series 3 Episode 2 - FULL EPISODE

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this year the average cost of property in the uk has risen to a jaw dropping 2 000 pounds per square meter the problem is sometimes my eyes are bigger than my wallet that's the only problem pricing millions of us out of the market for more spacious homes it's just really depressing living here we have to open the cupboard like this all of this needs to be dug away and then properly rebuilt that's kind of scary but some people have the vision to see beyond cramped and ugly spaces so that looks like a sauna from the 1970s you come in the front door and have a glorious view of the throne in this series i meet families who are refusing to let a lack of cash deny them their dream home so how much do you have 25 so reaching for the stars you've got to have the dream almost 200 000 households applied for planning permission last year for most of us these builds are a once-in-a-lifetime project we've never extended a property before i have seen some horrendous mistakes [Music] with no guarantee of success probably the worst night's sleep we've had since we started the build everybody i think has just about had enough it's all going to come crashing down like a hideous earthquake of horror it's chaos but get it right there and the home of your dreams so fantastic all this glass could be right on your doorstep amazing look at this sparkly and shiny and new i'm excited i'm like a kid at christmas did you ever think that you would live in a home like this never wow we've done a good job [Music] with the government relaxing planning laws has never been a better time to create the home you never thought you could afford and this week i'm with two couples with very different approaches to getting their dream home in buckinghamshire hey can you see me there's a mrs missing in great mistendon can you see me as first time project manager susan foster decides to run her build all the way from ireland can you hear me but first to the dream of living by the sea saltine in west sussex is a hidden gem traditionally 45 percent of residents here are over 60 but with bustling brighton 5 miles away now a new wave of younger buyers is moving in among them are partners of 14 years ryan butcher and paul howard we usually disagree on everything sync projects forward is a good idea really this is something my name would have if you splash lots of water everywhere as you do it's going to catch a lot of it no substance and no style aren't you don't you think it's a good idea this looks like something in an old people's home i love it it's so boring it's so practical sometimes we have had quite a heated debate but i still get my way in the end anyway but something works they made a hundred grand doing up their last place in essex motor trader paul focuses on finances and ryan who works in accounts unleashes his creative side i think i would always look at the budget before i made a choice of what i was going to do ryan will go with the that's it ostentatious i don't know how to describe it aspirational approach [Laughter] careful with money in the bank they've decided to do it all over again but this time the renovation's not about making profit but making the perfect home three years ago they came to the coast in search of ocean views we pulled up outside this house i thought wow this is the location we want to be in but they came away with a post-war bungalow that's one floor too short to actually see the sea following the romantic dream of relocating to the seaside can be a very exciting but actually also a very scary thing to do the key is making sure that your home really works for you even though friends and family are miles away in essex paul and ryan are hoping to turn the bungalow into their forever home now insult dean staying put yeah yes don't want to move we're very happy where we are better quality of life that's why we're going to double the house because i think we want to move anywhere else to be honest [Music] inspiration for their new home came from the statuesque residences scattered along the south coast like this sleek modern open plan three-story property so this is the house that in a perfect world you'd love to just go out and buy the sea view is really spectacular yeah currently we don't have a sea view so that's something that would really mean a lot definitely they may agree on the exterior but not the interiors i quite like stairs in this property i know you're not so keen i'm not against the stairs in this property it's just in our house you don't want them we need storage space underneath there is there a stairs issue there's definitely a stairs issue okay and who's going to win this um me i'm not sure yet maybe you can help i could i suppose the downsize is that this is worth about seven hundred thousand and your house is worth about three hundred and twenty thousand so you'd need three hundred and eighty thousand pounds to be able to come and buy it yeah i think we've got about 180 to spend so 200 000 hands short of being able to go and buy it yeah ryan and paul's perfect home would cost almost three-quarters of a million pounds but the boys bungalow is worth less than half of that they'd need almost 400 grand to afford it they are putting in the money from their last house and all their savings to give them a maximum budget of 180 000 pounds and they'll need every penny if they're going to make a towering home from this squat bungalow [Music] it's an extraordinary view for quite a normal little house what's really exciting about it is that because it's parkland it's about as protected as you're ever likely to get but despite this potential their property doesn't currently take advantage of its to die for setting the existing bungalow is made up of a lounge too low for a decent sea view and you can't see the parkland from any of the three bedrooms or kitchen instead it looks out under this unsightly garage we've done like the back door and the kitchen opening onto our slightly industrial looking garage roof and straight into next door's house as well do you have similar ideas about what you want in a kitchen quite like a white clean almost sterile kitchen which you're against i'm slightly concerned it'll look like an operating theatre because it's going to be very wide unfortunately it's more than just a color scheme they can't agree on i'd like to build the stairs boxed in with a cupboard underneath whereas ryan wants a floating staircase which is fully exposed did you have a plan as to what material you wanted it built out of i was really looking at hardwood i got a quote on that that was 14 grand so having a hard staircase it's very slippery that's what i've been saying since the beginning especially with the dog as well she must to run up the stairs she needs better grip absolutely really dangerous for her actually do you not care he doesn't care they may not agree on the stairs but ryan and paul do agree on maximizing the potential their property has for stunning ocean views they plan on extending out to the side on the ground floor to create a new garage and bigger kitchen but the major work is going to be adding a brand new first floor with three bedrooms and two ensuite bathrooms these designs should give all the rooms great vistas of the park or see beyond i don't think their current plans really quite make the most of the best room in their house why didn't you have this as your bedroom with views with an ensuite shower room i think it would be more used as a lounge and an occasional bedroom so spare it a spare room why are you having such a massive house with all these bedrooms now guests have got to sleep in the sitting room well there's there's other bedrooms as well but it it that's more of a making it a usable space you really haven't got a flipping clue what you're going to do with it if i was the boys i'd want this room at the front as my main bedroom not a spare room it seems an odd decision do you talk much between you about how you're planning on living in this space no not at all really all i ever wanted to do was the kitchen and the garage i think you haven't quite got to go to how will you're going to use this i think you're thinking well extend because we don't like the view for the kitchen and then we'll build this big house and then we've no idea what we're going to do with it there's probably some truth in that on a really serious note if you don't work out how you're going to use the space now you could do some silly things with the space [Music] ten days until we start building so we're playing our thinking capsule ryan and paul have got a very short time scale that they're trying to get this project finished by before the winter draws in but i'm not sure they've got that much idea exactly what they want to achieve from it and those are two things that don't go very well together whilst the boys pour over their plans i'm on my way to the buckinghamshire village of great missington where mum of three susan and advertising exaggeration took the bold move to quit london for the country a year ago it's like the perfect plot of land beautiful south facing garden but the actual house itself doesn't make enough use of it they bought this 50s detached house knowing they'd need more space for four-year-old skye two-year-old corey dreishan's daughter ella who stays weekends and new baby flynn the front of the house is quite hideous to look at the back of the house actually for even worse than the front of the house they paid 650 000 pounds for it now they want to create a spacious home they can be proud of if it isn't as wonderful as it is in our heads then we're going to be quite disappointed susan and drachen both grew up in cities and this is their very first taste of country living so why great mistleton and i did an internet search of all the towns within commutable distance from london for driving to we just came out here and had a look around and it just felt like we were on holiday now i get off the train you saw the fresh air and you see all the trees around it's an amazing place great missington's one of the commuter suburbs dubbed superbia as like london they've recovered to pre-crash prices add to the mix the home of roald dahl and two primary schools awarded outstanding by ofsted it's a pretty attractive village to buyers on the downside the kind of house the forsters would really want like this country family home comes with a millionaires price tag we really love this house because we love the open plan layout it's lovely and light and it's airy and it's a feel that we'd love to try and capture now the only snag is this has to be worth about one and a quarter million pounds and your house is currently worth about 650 000 so you'd need to find another 600 000 to buy something like this how much do you have 150 grand okay so you're 450 000 pounds short the forster's perfect pad is worth one and a quarter million their house cost just under half of that they'd need over half a million more to afford the dream but they've got a fraction of that buying a cheaper house in a beautiful location can be a smart investment and it doesn't have to take an awful lot to transform a tired dial property into something spectacular considering how pretty this village is and what a great position this house is in it's a pretty bland and boring house if you did the right thing to the front of it you could absolutely make it sing at present the ground floor consists of a cluttered lounge and small kitchen on the first floor are four cramped bedrooms in a family bathroom the forsters have big plans for the home and mum of three susan is going to project manage her first build the impractical kitchen is top of her hit list i hate the fact that it's like a breakfast bar it's stuck solid i want a normal lower kitchen table with lower chairs because the kids are forever falling off these and it's quite dangerous and just trying to walk around it is just impossible so you're going to live here all the way through when there's no kitchen this is all knocked out they estimate about two months where there won't be any heating in the house we'll definitely move out then so still go to ireland and i'll go back to london so you're project managed from ireland yeah gosh you just have to be aware of the fact that whatever happens however brilliant your contractors are the reality is if you're not here things are going to happen that you don't like and that's the way it is [Music] the foresters plan a huge extension at the back for a large open plan kitchen diner and family room upstairs they aim to add a fifth bedroom and double the size of their master suite and they have the chance to do something really dramatic here the moment in the plans you've got a square window at the end of the bedroom now you could have a whole wall of glass which would really bring the light in and makes the room feel so much bigger than it actually is is this something that you would think about yeah definitely that's lovely a build of this scale would test even the most experienced of project managers but novice susan has two children under four and a newborn baby and plans to work remotely from ireland i'm really excited about being project manager it's a whole new adventure and i'm looking forward to doing it most people's biggest financial investment is their home and this is the opportunity to be able to maximize that so you have a more secure future then it makes sense near brighton paul and ryan are taking a big risk sinking all their 180 grand of savings into building a stylish new floor on their bungalow considering what's at stake it's no surprise they've got one eye on it as an investment and the other on creating the ultimate party pad we've got quite a few girlfriends of mine who come down so it'd be quite nice to have a lot more bedrooms to put them in our parents aren't getting any younger so there probably will be a point in time where we need a bit more space if we've got look after parent or two they're not moving in [Laughter] their five-month build has only just begun but already the boys have run into problems oh my god what there's not gonna be enough room for a dining room he's got a great big island in the middle so yeah well that's where i can't work out the moment because this this wall looks like it's in the wrong place but it isn't it just looks like it is that's really comforting glad i went for everything in white now yeah this will create an illusion of space even if there isn't any there is there isn't it seems their plans for a show-stopping kitchen hang in the balance [Music] meanwhile in great mistleton seven weeks in and susan's hard at work dealing with the challenges of running her first ever building site would you you'd make an error when you actually stand here i think i would it seems to block out half the garden there it's the focal view isn't it actually kind of looking that way it's great that i'm actually here to project manage because already we've noticed a couple of things just from watching the build go up things that we want to change how much more is it going to cost if we want to reduce the wall it's going to be roughly about 400 okay yeah i think that'll be worth it [Music] the odds are really stacked against susan she's got three children under four and she's trying to manage a building project and pretty soon it's going to be so uninhabitable she's moving over to ireland and going to run it remotely from there project managing how's that going it's busier than i thought it would be i'm going to ireland next week and already i'm kind of getting a little bit worried that we're not going to be on site to see if there's anything that we want to change this has been an evolving plan for quite a long time and when the projects start there were still decisions that you changed along the way the one thing we did change was is this wall behind you that was wider but we kind of just got that in the nick of time that just been building we're able to knock it down again every time you change something it's reasonable you should pay to change it so if you do change your mind it's your wallet that hurts really upstairs there is one change of plan that has been well timed and that's the decision to create a dramatic floor to apex window so this is going to be your bedroom it's amazing yeah it's the first time i've seen it it's fantastic they've had all the door all um all nailed shut so uh yeah the first time i've been out here better than me i pictured it sweetie honest yeah it's a lot bigger now you see it like this how sure are you that you'd like to have glass right up to the apex oh i understand yeah yeah but you've got to have glasses you'll be such a shame to cover all that in and to have wall though opting for a huge window will make the forster's bedroom spectacular but glass is a material that comes with its own issues and where better to show its problems and the solutions than this modernist vision obviously here one of the amazing things about it is the big expanses of glass but there is a downside to lots of glass and that's that it's often lots of very dirty glass and here there's a balcony which gives an overhang so that when it rains it doesn't splash permanently on the glass would you suggest having the roof coming out further any kind of overhang will mean that the glass doesn't get as dirty unfortunately how to keep their feature window clean isn't the couple's only dilemma we just have no idea where we're going to get curtains or blinds or anything to cover the window because they're just not normal size that's why i wanted to show you this because here you get the full benefit of the view but at the turn of a switch these electric blinds appear out of nowhere now the brilliant thing about these is they're external instead of being internal where the heat comes through the glass and it's hot on a warm day when you shut these down they stop hitting the glass so they're really good to stop it getting too hot up here being able to have them going up and hidden away means that you really get the most of the view [Music] child safety regulations around the sale of blinds with looped cords or cables have just come in so now may be a good time to invest in automatic alternatives today nearly all blind types are available with electronic control at the top end are systems hardwired into your main supply that can be controlled from anywhere in the house battery power blinds are a cheaper alternative electric blinds can even be linked to your smartphone to open as part of your morning alarm if you want more information on extending your house or increasing your floor space then head to my scrapbook at forward slash be halfway through the eight-month project it's time for susan and the kids to head off to ireland when i've just stopped today to pack it's suddenly a realization oh my goodness i'm leaving all of this so um it'll be nice to get away but i i will still be a little bit anxious and excited to see what's been going on and just to make sure it's all done as we want it to be done we'll have to take snowboarding okay the reason that we're going is ireland is because the builders are going to be breaking through all of the house so we don't want to get too cold to keep money rolling in advertising exaggeration will be working and staying in london and only on site occasionally things have moved really really quickly it's exciting but it's also a bit concerning that i won't be there on hand to sort of monitor everything and make sure it's happening according to our plans every fixture and fitting from now on will be bought online by susan let's hope her plan to remotely project manage the build pays off insulting paul and ryan want to be on top of every detail at every stage of their build they're still agonizing over the size of the kitchen but i have an idea you were worried that it wasn't going to be enough yeah the only thing is the dining room table i wanted a nice large dining room table but i think we might have to scale that back [Music] paul and ryan originally planned to use the room next to the kitchen as a bedroom for guests but perhaps a better solution is to knock it through to the kitchen and make it into a larger dining area so i've had an animation made up to help them visualize the idea there is a bit of a concern about the size of the kitchen table well i've got a couple of suggestions that might work for you both though okay now this is what your kitchen is going to look like there oh okay it's amazing seeing it in the flesh in 3d like that so i think you should think about putting doors in here so that you could have a really big space that you could shut down if you wanted to if you had people to stay and you needed the space i think it will be worth putting some roof lights in like this i think the key with what you guys are looking for is flexibility really yeah good idea yeah definitely definitely a lot more light in there and make it look more well a lot more space oh there's a first an idea both the boys agree on seeing that today made us realise maybe we do need to re-look at the budget and try and fit it in cost it and see if we can afford it we can't afford it we can't afford it i'd rather go without the non-essentials like food garage brian and paul do seem to be getting their head around how they're going to use all the extra space they're creating but they do have quite different agendas paul is more interested in the finances and the practicality of it and ryan seems to be more on the creative side i'm hoping that doesn't continue to make any further clashes [Music] with rigorous checks to get a mortgage it's hard to borrow a lot of money so a better option might be to extend a far more affordable home in saltine near brighton paul and ryan are doing just that adding a stylish new first floor to their bungalow to create covetable sea views [Music] but four months in and their 180 grand budget's running low nothing has come up that's been cheaper than expected it's all been more i've ended up buying a more expensive boiler and a more expensive hot water tank i haven't told you that have i i don't care about them there you're well i know that's gonna eat into your materials budget so what we're talking about well i don't have a few hundred quid give me a couple of days work to put it in probably the couple are risking their life savings trying to turn this into their dream home but the dwindling budgets threatening ryan's vision of a high-end finish and 14 grand floating hardwood stairs we're getting all okay we have our ups and downs you know there's always you are joking no what rows do we have over tiles over everything yeah it becomes almost a screaming match were you saying run to your mum you tend to have very fixed views and like be a little bit inflexible about things whereas you tend to be a bit cheap [Music] it's the age-old clash between finances and fancy finishes and i'm pleased to hear there's one decision that's not been dictated to by the budget there i thought would be a better idea turn this into a dining room have a much bigger dining space and put a sofa so we can sit at the sofa in the kitchen and look at the garden and then open this out and put a nice big bifold in to let more light it but new doors and windows aren't something they've budgeted for so to make savings elsewhere they decide to get their hands dirty so by doing this paul does that mean we get more money to spend on the interiors well it saves you know a few hours of the labour's work so hopefully it will save a bit of money well that's the theory you pulled me around now it's the the um that's the middle of our lounge ceiling oh beer canal ryan you pulled me around you're responsible for your own walking don't blame everyone else it's a bruised ryan a battered ceiling i'm gonna do the ceiling again anyway won't we no and a few hundred quid blow to the dwindling budget there are different communication issues in great missenden susan and the kids have been in ireland for six weeks and she's running the build remotely or trying hey can you see me oh cool oh that's better i know we've got a signal now which means it's drayton's job to keep her up to date i can see the amount of work that goes into sort of project managing and the amount of work that she's been doing this is the tv room so you see all these buttons on the wall so can you hear me oh we're going to lose sigma again susan's also banking on sourcing all the tradesmen and materials on the web she's still constantly online trying to sort of find new deals and you know decent contractors to work with but for this system to work the couple are relying on the wonders of wireless connection and virtual tours so sue where the old single wall was can you hear me can you hear me [Music] over in sussex it's not technology but the weather that's causing trouble for the boys as october arrives the biggest storms for decades ravage southern britain the storm was really bad last night we had a really probably the worst night's sleep we've had since we started the build from about one o'clock on which we didn't really sleep some of the coast is left devastated with insurance claims running into over a hundred million pounds and ryan and paul's home is no exception there's lots of debris laying around like bits of wood and stuff that's fallen off the scaffolding a plank of wood it's been banging and crashing against the back wall all night luckily for the boys they've managed to avoid any serious damage for now there's a few hours to go with the stall it looks really windy and rough and it's not just the wet outside that's leading to problems ryan's tackling another issue that homes by the sea are prone to suffer from damp and mold every week you clean it and then it will be back straight away nothing we can seem to do we seem to use stuff which is supposed to slow down the growth of it and it doesn't really do much at all if left untreated damp can end up causing major structural issues and also lead to problems with breathing [Music] it's crucial ryan and paul solve their mold problem now so i've brought them to this nearby home to show them a high-tech solution because you've got this problem it's going to be ongoing because you're right next to the sea and the air is wetter now this house has got a whole house mechanical ventilation system it circulates the air it cleans it and dries it and then moves it around the house which means that the air is drier which should be brilliant for your house no more mold but also it costs less in heating so actually it would tick a lot of boxes for you that's a good idea very good gotta be better and open the window all the time because that just wastes heat doesn't it and this house could also help settle the ongoing argument over the staircase it's been a bumpy ride the staircase conversations hasn't it you have practical and beautiful as an argument i think you would have been happy with an mdf monstrosity because you're tight but i'm coming around to the idea of spending more money on it because it's a very expensive thing to change it's the one area it's worth having something that's beautifully made and classical in design you don't really want it to be a faddy thing because have some fashion statements on the walls but make the staircase beautiful [Music] having seen that lovely big wooden staircase i can see that the cheap option that we were planning for is probably not going to give us the wow factor that we ought to have so ryan might have had a partial win on this one i have to try and do some deals and cut some corners elsewhere because it's quite tight now as he keeps adding things paul and ryan are investing all of their life savings to create their dream home but unless they agree on their style and their budget and their finish there is a danger that those dreams could be shattered if you want more information on extending your house or increasing your floor space then head to my scrapbook at forward slash beanie [Music] [Applause] in great missington susan's six-week stay in ireland has extended to ten so more than a third of the project has been managed remotely but i'm just worried that this toilet is quite large and it might be too big there was indecision when she was on site make it that way [Laughter] but now as all the major building work is complete susan returns downstairs as well with only a month the project left it's too late for changes so how's the first time project managers gamble to run the build remotely paid off the really positive thing about being in ireland for project managing was that my mom was actually able to help look after the kids so that actually freed up my time quite a bit obviously the bad side of it was that i was doing an awful lot of online shopping we've chosen nearly all of our interiors for the whole house actually that way so and we just really hope that we've chosen the right things and that they'll all actually work together and that they'll all go together hydration and susan sold up in the city and moved to the country they bought a pretty non-descript house which they've massively extended and completely changed the front of it by adding a big porch i'm hoping that doing all that has really brought it to life eight months ago this was an uninspiring 50s detached home now the front is more in keeping with its pretty village setting [Music] they transformed the front of this house it's a really good thing but the major transformation hi hello how are you has taken place out the back where once stood an ugly hotchpotch of boxy extensions there's now vast sways of glass which give it a glamorous feel [Music] inside the priority was to replace the outdated cramped kitchen and they've certainly done that with their immense light-filled luxurious new space with plenty of room to cook eat and hang out as a family this is amazing it completely pulls you through to this massive space it's more than i ever could have dreamed of because i've got a wonderful beautiful kitchen i mean it looks fantastic as well it's doing everything that it's supposed to do we've got space it wouldn't be that difficult for it to just feel like a huge aircraft hangar but you've zoned it really well so light and bright the floor-to-ceiling windows are just stunning because they are amazing the windows aren't they they work really well upstairs the forces bedroom has changed beyond recognition instead of a cramped and uninspiring space they have a huge master suite luxury bathroom and incredible views thanks to the floor to apex window gosh what a wonderful room and so you were going to have a square window here weren't you we're so glad we took your advice because it's just transformed it into something really well it's a magic view you were a bit worried about keeping the light out won't you i was really worried because of the shape but that we wouldn't get blinds and now we've got blinds that are fantastic they close perfectly keep out all the light i feel a bit like a movie star in bed because they're all they're they're automated so i can just press a button and then they come here it would have been so dull to have a just a normal sized window in there when you've got such a beautiful view so yeah we're really spoiled with this one the foresters have created a stunning country home and with just a minimal presence on site they've made it seem effortless susan you decided to project manage this i was very worried actually because because buying everything online it's very difficult and there really was an awful lot of work i was incredibly leave when when when sue came back it's a lot of detail to get into and a lot of time spent on websites and on phones and just hassling people um that she's brilliant at i got to do a lot of things my way and choose a lot of make my own decisions obviously disgusting motivation but then occasionally yeah and do you like the end result that's amazing yeah absolutely amazing yeah far better than we ever expected you were going to spend 150 000 on it weren't you how much did you end up spending 117. yeah i mean it is over but it's not a long way over and you've done an awful lot of work for it the home susan and tracian originally wanted was worth one and a quarter million pounds they would have needed to find six hundred thousand pounds to afford the dream but having spent only a hundred and seventy thousand they've saved themselves four hundred and thirty thousand pounds by improving something altogether less wonderful the good news is that i think it would be quite reasonable to expect over a million pounds for it probably close to 1.1 million so that would be 280 000 pounds of equity you've created in this house that's actually incredible amazing you got lucky very very lucky my hard work so a triumph for susan and drachen but will ryan and paul's project prove as successful as the boys build reaches a climax so too does the debate between careful saving money is really tight which i really hate versus splashing the cash this tap it's a strange looking tap it has to be that tap [Music] in salt dean near brighton paul and ryan's 10-month project is drawing to a close money's really tight um we've had to sort of start doing decorating ourselves and paul's chosen to do the woodwork which i really hate because that's a horrible job choosing where best to spend your money is key to a successful build and by doing some of the work themselves the boys have managed to scrimp and save enough so they can afford to splash out on the things they really want in this case a designer bathroom i like the fact that this is quite a good position for reading no the only reason you like this bath more because it holds less water and you're thinking ryan has even bigger plans for the bar this is the bathroom isn't it yes it's very big i think the egg shaped one will age we'll aid more i think where is this a bit more timeless it's a bit more timeless isn't it i think maybe for once i actually agree with you the bath has a two grand price tag but ryan's not stopping there oh well this tap really yeah it's a strange looking tap oh it has to be that tap yeah the taps designed by philip stark are another 400 pounds but ryan's got his way we often don't agree on lots of things everything [Music] we work through eventually [Music] with paul focused on finances and ryan the finish i'm hoping it could be a recipe for building success [Music] now as the last of ryan's expensive fittings go in ten months of hard work and drama are almost over this project has seen storms mishaps delays and fray nerves but now the skies are beginning to clear i'm only hoping that paul and ryan feel that all the pain has been worth it the guys have poured their life savings into doubling the size of the bungalow [Music] now at two stories it has certainly gone up in the world it's a really imposing house i'm just dying to see what paul and ryan have done with all this space the first thing i want to know is who won in the battle of the stairs amazing look at this bit of chocolate and shiny and new ryan and his 14 grand cantilevered floating stairs or paul's cheap mdf ones so this is it in all its glory your staircase yes yeah it's very pleased with it you've got the effect of of it floating but actually it's supported so you don't have the enormous cost of that this cheaper support structure is hidden behind plasterboard and painted to match the wall with the solid oak treads and risers overhanging creating the illusion of it floating i'm really pleased with the stairs i know it's not a floating staircase but i think it's we have to be a bit more realistic in life so you've got something really spectacular here the new staircase leads of course to the new first floor at one story the old bungalow was selling itself short and none of the tired old bedrooms could see the sea view [Music] now there are three guest bedrooms and i'm pleased to see the boys have made the room with the best views their own master suite [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and this is where the really amazing views are i mean it's spectacular up here isn't it on a sunny day the light's beautiful it starts over there and it goes right around the room during the day so it's really really nice paul and ryan also wanted space to accommodate friends and family from essex with bedrooms and bathrooms any boutique hotel would be proud of plus a grand living room to entertain in well they've certainly achieved all that but the biggest transformation is the kitchen ten months ago the layout was dark and outdated now the new kitchen is clean surrey and phased with light this is fantastic so light and bright we took your advice with that and added the roof windows they weren't in the original plans but it was well worth it it does have a feel of a beach house i think it's the amount of light you've ended up knocking through here so you weren't going to have that room there as a dining area you were going to just have a little table here which yes considering part of the reason you did this whole development really is so that you could entertain there wouldn't really be anywhere to it didn't really think that true this is gorgeous thank you can't wait to have some parties in it to be honest i'm really i'm so pleased with it it's come out better than my expectations has it yeah ryan's palette of natural materials from the stone bath quartz worktops to the oak stairs may have been expensive but it looks stunning i think that's something they can both agree on are you relieved it's all over yes yes might have been hard work and pain but if you choose something really spectacular so you bought this for 320 000 and you were planning on spending 180 000. now i'm not going to ask you ryan because you don't know how much you spent paul you were in charge of the purchase so how much did you spend we spent 175 000 in the end so we came in slightly under budget actually two have come in under budget which to be honest is absolutely unheard of i think we should have spent more we'd like to get some money to spare well done thank you very impressive with their dreams seaside house worth 700 000 pounds paul and ryan would have needed to find another 380 000 pounds to afford it they spent under half that 175 000 to create their ideal coastal retreat that's 205 000 pounds less than it would have cost to move it's an incredible saving and with the boys investing all their money in the project i'm sure they'll be pleased to hear they've added a load of equity too you ended up with this amazing house for 495 000 i think it's quite realistic that you would be able to get six hundred and fifty thousand for this okay makes it worthwhile yeah so if you were doing it for profit you would have made a hundred and fifty five thousand pounds profit on it all right should we say oh [Music] the essex boys risked their life savings on the saltine dream but they've created a space that convinced their friends and family for a seaside break the only way is sussex taking a tiny bungalow and turning it into a sprawling seaside residence was always going to be fraught with problems but paul and ryan have pulled it off and they now have a home that they can welcome friends and family to from across the country [Music] you
Channel: The Real Deal
Views: 202,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home style, homestyle, daytime, daytime tv, british tv, fashion, building a house, house transformation, styling guide, bargain hunt, redesign, restoration home, restoration, home flipping, lifestyle tv, Sarah Beeny, double your home, double your house, double your house for half the money, double your house episode, crafts, diy projects, DIY room decor, double your house full episodes, before and after, sarah beeny renovate, sarah beeny tv, home projects
Id: UnBjIONwlZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 7sec (2767 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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