Help! My House Is Falling Down | Series 2 Episode 4

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[Music] uh [Music] our homes are our sanctuaries they are often the biggest financial investment of our lives and we hope they'll keep us safe and sound but what happens when a home reveals a potentially terminal secret [Music] tonight's couple are facing just that she wanted a dream right now i would have imagined to be planning my wedding and have a lovely home to live in but everything's on hold he thought he'd bagged a bargain just the fact that it's half the value just makes me feel sick but what they've got is potentially worthless and a nightmare i just think at the moment it's falling a bit and when i say phones it really is falling to bits the ancient town of warwick in the midlands is home to mark a design engineer and gudrun a pilates instructor they've been together for six years they've been saving up so they can buy a house together and get married and settle down goodwin's always had in their mind to search for the house that she wants so that's what we're searching for one and a half years ago they found this it was straight out of goodren's dream of living in a romantic white victorian cottage i was definitely more keen on the house than mark was so i kind of convinced him to buy it at 134 000 pounds it suited goodwin's dream and mark's wallet i thought it was a good bargain because the rest of the houses in the street were average about 180 000 pounds that saved up enough so i was ready to buy the house ever cautious mark got a survey and a follow-up structural report which backed up their wish to buy a traditionally constructed victorian property but once they'd moved in and started decorating they found walls made not a solid brick but of a mystery crumbling substance well when we took off the pasta i couldn't believe that we didn't see brick and then on top of that we saw cracks and these aren't little insignificant cracks you can just see this huge crack you can see daylight through the wall that's quite a scary thing to see it was like a gutting feeling and it's not just the walls in this house that are disintegrating the timbers are under attack we actually thought there was a floorboard missing but we took the carpet off and found that we had woodworm we don't know whether it's dead or whether it's alive so that's another horrible feeling and with their confidence in the solidity of their new home shaken they've started to take a closer look they now fear the problems run all the way to the top the roof is basically bowing down anything could happen the nightmare spread to mark's wallet after he got a second valuation done the value of the property is pretty much halved goodwin's excitement has turned to guilt i was the one that persuaded mark to to buy the house with me if i'd known i would never have told him to buy it with me this house is affecting every aspect of their lives i can't see us having a wedding anytime soon that's quite sad as as we keep on pushing it further and further in to the future it's like our life has been on hold since we put the offering on the house it is getting to a point where it's just affecting the both of us we're desperate we just want to make a home a safe home as well that's what we're aiming for this is a couple crying out for help we just have to hope we can find a way to stop this house from literally crumbling to pieces pretty much any problem with a house has got a logical cause but when you're forced to live in chaos emotions can get in the way of finding a solution you just have to stand back take a deep breath and face facts but when you're dealing with cracks like these [Music] it's enough to scare anyone [Music] the shocking state of the first floor means mark and goodrain are living and sleeping in one room downstairs which you walk straight into off the street so this is where you're kind of hanging out in this space yes it's not quite living the dream is it well not really it's a bedroom coming straight off the streets as you've just done so you open the door and you're in the bedroom beyond the bedroom come living room is a dining area and an extension that should house the kitchen and bathroom there should be two bedrooms upstairs but they're completely uninhabitable when they started to redecorate they made a shocking discovery their exterior walls aren't brick instead whatever they're built from is disintegrating and a band in the middle is quite literally crumbling away what was this like when you bought it uh when we first came in we had a dry landing across it so it's the same color as what we see here so it looks like a nice room it's amazing what horrors can lurk behind cosmetic finishes in this case removing the dry lining has revealed not only crumbling walls but cracks everywhere so you've got all of these problems and then a massive big crack down here yeah and that continues all the way down to the cellar and there's a huge crack where you can see daylight here how did you feel when you saw all of this with i mean it's got bits of metal it's all rusted a bit of old glass horrible we actually thought it was another render or something so we thought maybe we could chip off even more so luckily we didn't but carried on shipping you get to sky yeah exactly you can tell that it's something being thrown together it just looks like a dodgy build if you touch anything as well most of the time things will just fall out quite big chunks and that's the scariest part is when you're touching your wall and a piece falls out yeah just like that amazing it may be a shock to learn what their exterior walls are constructed of although this house was built in the 1800s they actually are made from a form of victorian concrete it's really early to have been using concrete when this house was built so it was a bit of a sort of experiment really there are quite a few concrete houses in the uk today concrete started being widely used to build property after the second world war in victorian times when this technology was new it was less of an exact science and the mix used could vary greatly this is when mark and goodrain's house was built many properties of this era fail to stand the test of time if you live in a concrete building from any period signs it's in distress include discoloration and cracking this means the concrete may have become weakened and you should seek the advice of a specialist structural engineer what's worrying me is the thought that victorian cowboy concrete extends all the way through this house time to take a peek in the attic that is not looking good is it no you can see the the big crack that goes right right up the center of the gable end there so this is even worse here because this yes i've been afraid to touch that it looks like it's just gonna crumble down crumbling walls are dangerous enough but mark is also worried about his sagging roof and rightly so it's showing signs the supporting timbers are under strain the slates have been replaced with tiles which are nearly twice as heavy if you take a fairly mushy house and you put a really heavy weight on top of it that will be exacerbating it but also these purlins here yes which were put in because they had to strengthen the roof because they put such heavy tiles on top have been not actually doing a job at all a perlin should sit flush with the rafters to prop the roof up these purlins don't even touch the rafters and they haven't been installed at the right angle which is just adding to the list of problems you get up the house and you get to here and you just think it's really really not great we just want to hear nice advice saying it can be fixed don't worry about it and if it can't give us another solution i just think at the moment it's fall into bits that's all and when i say fall into bits it really is falling to bits it is quite literally it's all a horrible wake-up call for goodryn who had her heart set on this as her dream marital home you got engaged a year ago didn't you so what were you thinking this year was going to be like right now i would have imagined to be planning my wedding and have a lovely home to live in so but that's just not happened so it's like everything's on hold until the house is ready then we can start our lives again and do you ever find it just too depressing and and wish you hadn't bought it yes i often wish that because we could have gone for something else we and like i said we weren't looking at the time it just came up and i thought it looks cute it looks wide it was a much lower price than the rest of the houses in the street what they went for and we thought it was just because it was outdated do you feel a bit responsible that you kind of pushed a bit to buy it i do but but mark says it's that that it was our both our choices and so so but if i do feel responsible it's very hard for goodwin her romantic fantasy has turned into an enormous headache but it doesn't end there something else could be eating away at this structure woodworm there are signs of it almost everywhere you look in here you can kind of see some holes down you've definitely got signs of wood worm or wood boring beetle or something this question is how far it goes and whether it's still live that's a problem tens of thousands of homes are infested with woodworm each year for a house of this age there's at least a 50 chance they would have had an infestation at some point the problems in this house are serious the roof is so heavy it could collapse the inside is riddled with woodworm and the exterior concrete walls are quite simply corroding away mark and goodrin are faced with structural problems of epic proportions things are about as bad as they get there's just so many problems with it and effectively the biggest problem is how you make it stay up it's made worse by the fact it's the end of the terrace and because the end of the terrace there's nothing holding it up and supporting it and the end wall is effectively falling off the outside and now of course it's getting wet which is even worse so as it gets wet the water gets in it freezes it pops it even more you need to get this done absolutely yesterday really how much money have you got for this project 25 000. for sure you're going to need all of that and a lot more i mean that's i don't know that's really going to touch the sides with the house if mark and goodwin really do have just 25 000 pounds to put everything right i can see we are going to have to get creative and they are going to have to do a lot of the work themselves do you feel any kind of glimmer of hope about the whole project yeah we can do it we're not afraid to get started or we just need his his advice and tell us where to start and what to do next yeah we'll just get a team in to have a really good look at it and confirm everything and see what they recommend and i'm sure we'll find some solutions that might be affordable it's been good to see sarah today obviously the downside is the cost how much it's going to be and i don't know where we're going to get the money from coming up true to form this house is in a real state this is really not looking good and the specialists descend to see if the problems can be fixed i think it's just a rubble [Music] after buying this victorian end terrorist house in warwick mark and gudrin uncovered hidden horrors that would make any couple's hair stand on end the roof is way too heavy for the property the floorboards are riddled with woodworm and to cap it all the concrete walls are quite literally crumbling away to find out the full extent of the damage a crack team of specialists are giving this house a thorough examination we're probing into every inch and crack of this property to find out which problems are the most urgent and how much the emergency repairs will cost the main problem with the structure of this house is the decaying concrete up in the bedroom a band in the middle of the wall is disintegrating now we know we've got a problem on the inside of this building with concrete that's turning into rubble the question is does that go right the way through to the outside or is there something more stable in between the only way to find out is to go up the exterior of this house has been covered in pebble dash render the render is visibly cracking but i'm hoping for mark and gudrin's sake removing some of it will reveal a solid wall it's more scary about the verdict that's why we want to find out what's wrong with the house this is all completely blown here [Music] i feel really sick at you this is all absolutely loose one more underneath what's really worrying is that the wall is completely disintegrating [Music] i have to be honest this is really not looking good the only thing that's actually holding this building together is this core of bricks in the corner without that i don't think any of the house would still be here at all well that's proof inspecting the exterior this closely has revealed just what a critical condition this house is in i still feel absolutely sick when you see the cracks what's the next step how am i going to repair that concrete is a pretty technical material and requires specialist assessment to come up with solutions the concrete investigators need to analyze samples and find out just why it's crumbling armed with their high-tech kit david butler and professor michael grantham take two samples the first is from the least badly affected part of the wall some good news it looks to be relatively [Music] sound now they take a sample from the cowboy concrete the actual sample itself is stuck in the core barrel and i think it's just rubble this is serious structural engineer simon pitchers has been in the business 20 years and has seen most things but even he is shocked by the unusual problems we're unearthing here i've seen lots of concrete houses but i've never seen one this old and with this particular problem is there a real possibility that this house actually could collapse it's a very very worrying condition that this concrete is in we'll get to a point where it is completely unstable so something has to be done [Music] while the specialists put their heads together to come up with a solution for the crumbling wall it's time to take a look at the roof the tiles are too heavy meaning it's in danger of collapsing the problem up here is that it was a slate roof and now it's a tiled roof which is about twice the weight and and whilst they have supported it normally you'd put an extra support in that would be sitting at this angle and they haven't they've put it sitting at this angle so it's kind of not doing as much of a job as it should do absolutely some of the weight is being taken by this new purlin but for example here the weight isn't being taken so what we need to do somehow is to take the weight from the tiles into the rafters onto these purlins the state of its walls and roof mean this house has problems from top to bottom but they don't end there there are signs of woodworm feasting all over the inside of this property i've called in timber specialist mike cullen to find out how far the infestation has spread and whether it's still live there is certainly some recent activity and the the presence of this adult carcass certainly confirms that discovering live woodworm requires immediate treatment the beetle lays its eggs in cracks but it's the lava that does the damage as they live for three years they can munch away at your furniture or house for a long time before being discovered if you have active woodworm you will find a scattering of lemon-shaped pellets in tiny dust piles on the timber surface area called frass to treat all wood that's too far damaged must be removed and then to kill off the infestation it's time for chemicals you can do this yourself using a diy kit that can be bought from specialist suppliers for about 10 pounds or calling the professionals now back to that cowboy concrete i'd like to explain as simply as i can what's making the walls decay time to get down to building basics now what you thought you bought is a house that's built out of bricks the advantage with bricks is each one is fired at a very high temperature and is very very strong bricks are made of molded clay and fired at temperatures as high as 1200 degrees centigrade unlike some other materials brick will not rot rust decay or ignite in fact bricks are stronger than many natural stones they can have a lifespan of over a thousand years we've actually bought the house that's made out of concrete now concrete's made from one part of cement and you have two parts of sand and then the key ingredient is the aggregate so then you have four parts of this and that is mixed with the tiniest amount of water and that is concrete the way concrete is mixed is crucial to its structural integrity even the weather on the day it's made can impact on how well it sets now the problem with your walls is instead of aggregate like this which is stones which is really really hard actually what you've got is coal got iron you've got all sorts of old bits and pieces that's been put in instead of really good solid stone and what's happening is that's rusting and it's expanding and it's blowing the wall apart our investigations revealed large fragments of iron in the walls called pig iron we discovered that at the time the house was built an iron foundry was operating nearby so it seems like our victorian cowboy dildos used foundry waste as an aggregate unfortunately water has seeped through the walls and the large iron fragments have corroded this is the major cause of the crumbling concrete but what about the solution there's one option but it would make buying what they thought was the best bargain on the street a very costly mistake the only complete guaranteed solution is to demolish it and rebuild it but that comes at a very high price probably getting close to 100 000 to do that yeah ideally we would like to tear it all down and rebuild it in brick and we don't have that amount of money so okay there is an alternative the walls could be reinforced on the inside and insulated on the outside to stop further water penetration or corrosion now the advantage of not having the water getting in is that the pieces of metal that are in the concrete will no longer rust and they won't be blowing so they won't be pushing the concrete out everywhere i think you probably are looking at twenty thousand pounds though it's a lot to take on these two have a big decision to make sarah's second solution to kind of club the house in insulation obviously sounds much better for us um money-wise but it still doesn't sound as good as knocking the whole thing down and rebuilding a brick mark and goodwin are clearly not convinced by the cheaper option to reinforce and protect their house but it's already lost half its value and they don't have the money to knock it down and rebuild it from scratch coming up to fix their house they're forced to tear it apart and the shocking result of failing to act in time that will be what happens to your house [Music] mark and goodwin thought they were buying the dream marital home when they bought this end of terrace house in the middle of warwick the dream soon turned into a nightmare though when they realised that it was built by victorian cowboy builders and was about to fall down the issues with this house run all the way from the top to the bottom the roof is in danger of collapsing the concrete walls are crumbling and a woodworm infestation is eating away at the timbers they have had to put their wedding plans on hold and discovering so many problems is having an impact on goodwin's health it's been quite stressful to the point where i broke out in a rash and we just couldn't figure out what it was and it got worse and worse and i had to go on antibiotics obviously with the dust that we've got in the house we think that's what's causing infection and so that's another thing that we're having problems with is living like this we really need to agree an action plan quickly they know the house is crumbling around them but it's going to cost at least 20 000 pounds to make it stable that's nearly all their budget to convince them they need to take immediate action and bringing them to the building research establishment in watford the biggest structural testing center in the country here engineers have made a model of mark and goodren's cottage so i can show them what will happen if they don't act now every house slowly deteriorates what's happening with your houses is the impurities in this band of concrete is is making your house deteriorate much quicker than other houses this is what's going to end up happening i want to make sure mark and gudrin understand the peril their house is we're simulating the effects of rainwater attacking this structure to show what could happen as the wall gets wet the iron ore rusts causing the band of bad concrete to quite literally corrode away if they don't fix their walls their future looks bleak and as the band of concrete disintegrates that will be what happens to your house how does that make you feel the most scariest thing that could happen i think with our house would be that if it fell down it'd scare even worse with us being in it yeah and the roof would fall down as well wouldn't it yeah there's heavy purlins falling through it's just our worst nightmare not a nice thing to see no well the good thing is is that there's a way around it but i think this kind of reinforces the fact that really this is not a problem you can ignore demolishing the house and starting again isn't an option mark and goodwin just can't afford the hundred thousand pounds it would cost to rebuild it so i'm going to show them an effective and much cheaper solution which can give them real hope first of all we're going to put carbon fiber reinforcing rods on the inside and i'll sit floor to ceiling so right the way from the ground up the top of the roof so the idea of everything being braced in together strapped all in tight yeah it's much more positive feeling that we've had before that in itself is not going to solve your problem the most important thing is to keep the water out we're going to put effectively a raincoat on the outside and that way no moisture can get into the building so if it rains completely dry just runs down not doing any damage at all looks perfect it's what we need isn't it something that big be nice to me to slot onto the house and that's it like you say rain proof i think once you've kept the water out you've tied it all together you can then start to rebuild your home from the inside mark and goodwin are seeing that there is a viable alternative to knocking their house down and rebuilding it it's been a motion roller coaster all through the time we've had it and then today was just the real the last part of the journey less part of the ride as you're going down there and then when we got told what we can do to repair it we sort of come and back up that roller coaster and feel a little bit better now this house rescue is not something that casual diy-ers however willing can do entirely themselves it's a specialist job that requires expert contractors so they get them in to price up the repairs yes i mean this is by far the worst area of concrete as i've i've seen so what i propose here is that we'll literally pick off the worst of the areas and get back to hopefully something that's reasonably solid a few days later and the quotes for fixing the walls as well as doing the rest of the work they need doing in the house are in we initially fought maximum 25 000 but it's not and the minimum quote we've had is like 50 60 000 including bhc and that's just repairing the property and doing the alterations that we need this is clearly a blow the repairs will cost more than double their budget to save money they're taking a closer look at the quotes to see what if anything they could turn their own hands to maybe install new ceiling joists okay that's a big maybe so remove the plaster goodwin's got a great attitude she's clearly not scared of them getting their hands dirty so you reckon we could save what about six or seven thousand with all the other stuff taking off probably more than that probably about seven eight seven eight thousand now they know what they'll have to do they pull together and get stuck in and the house even delivers some good news preparing the downstairs walls for replastering they discover the concrete here is in much better condition part of the external gable wall is even built in brick overall looks much better than it did upstairs which is kind of good because you don't want it to be like upstairs downstairs too because that'd be the weakest point so we've got the strongest point at the base a hard day's graft is rewarded hacking the plaster off the internal walls reveals they appear to be sound that's kind of nice that's feels nice to see brick in the house mark and goodrin have done the prep now it's time for those concrete specialists the concrete repair starts with strengthening the walls on the inside using carbon strips outside super strong helifix ties are drilled into the floor joists to tie the whole house together then the cracks are injected with a resin or glue to bind the crumbling walls back together with the inside strengthened it's time to weatherproof the outside there's a bonus as they will also add some insulation that will mean a welcome cut in heating bills plus new double glazed windows that retain the heat further now for that all-important waterproof jacket that i showed them on the model this goes on top of that layer of insulation and is held in place by a mesh cloth a few days later their waterproof topcoat is finished and will protect the walls from corroding anymore the major fix is complete but it's taken a huge bite out of their budget now for that roof the tiles are way too heavy for the structure and the timber purlin that should be taking more of the weight isn't doing its job if they don't fix this the roof could collapse making all that costly work to fix the walls a waste of time and money if you look at that you can see it's not actually doing anything at all and if you've got a load of snow on this as the weight comes down and the rafters bend all it'll do is it'll move it like that it'll just slide up the roof so it's not actually doing anything at all so the options are this you can either take all the tiles off and replace them with slate which is what would have been here originally at the cost of kind of seven or eight thousand pounds the other option is that you fix what you've got into place and you make it do a job which is clearly not at the moment using engineered brackets we're going to fix the purlins to the rafters which will secure the structure for a much more palatable 50 pounds when the weight comes down on it from the roof it will hold rigid easy to fit easy to nail in and very effective the concrete gable wall still needs to be fixed so it's best to minimize any stress we put on it coming to that stage it is the stones the purlin sits on are inadequate and will have to be replaced [Music] a gable wall this flimsy requires erroring on the side of caution i'm not sure you want any more vibration than you need to have so personally i'd be tempted to screw it in at the moment [Music] for complete structural integrity it's vital every hole has a screw and every rafter has a bracket so now where that's been put into place if you pull it it doesn't move anymore so if we do this all the way along it'll be much sounder than it was it's too easy to assume that a building will last indefinitely because it survived up till now while brick buildings can last up to 500 years and the lifespan of a timber house generally averages around 100 years early concrete only lasted an average of approximately 45 years however you can prolong the life of any building by protecting it from the elements by maintaining the roof guttering downpipes and drainage advanced deterioration can be slowed and damage repaired by tying a property together but don't put undue strain on your home with things it wasn't built to handle like heavy roof tiles i reckon in a couple of hours you two should be able to whiz through these and that's at least one thing yes slightly more secure about your very insecure house money is really tight so every bit of diy has been a chance to save pennies but it turns out goodwin's been developing bigger plans that could completely throw their budget out of the window how is the whole project going we are gonna remove some wars internal walls obviously put lintels in so such a structurally sound and i'm going to put some stud walls move the bathroom from downstairs to upstairs so cut off a little bit off one room and utilize the space between the two rooms where the boiler is currently then we're gonna get a combi boiler downstairs and we're gonna um the extension that's currently the bathroom and the kitchen we're just gonna make into the kitchen so you've got some quite grand plans for this haven't you do you think you're getting quite kind of carried away the plans that we had before we discovered the problems well at least all the work up until now hasn't dampened goodryn's spirits but i think she's running a bit before she can walk so what was the budget initially twenty-five thousand three five thousand maximum is what we were obviously the quotes we've had the children yeah because the cheapest this yeah a fifty-seven thousand so almost sixty thousand pounds before you had twenty five thousand pounds and now the cheapest crate you've had is sixty thousand pounds yeah do you think maybe you have to scale back some of your plans of it i'd be tempted to to strengthen what you've got um because it's not going to stay there on its own so um but i would if it was my house i'd want it to be stronger yes because this house is so unstable removing any internal walls makes me shudder the job will be doubly expensive and doubly risky removing or altering a load-bearing wall without those loads being properly supported is not only illegal but it can be dangerous and a recipe for disaster [Music] before planning to remove any walls it's best to consult a structural engineer bildor architect with non-load-bearing interior walls you should make yourself aware of any utilities like plumbing gas pipes and electrical cabling that could be running through the wall and would need to be capped off by a professional [Music] with the walls and roofs secured it's time to tackle that pesky woodworm the house is riddled but the specialists are armed with the right chemicals ready to unleash war on the bugs buried in mark and goodwin's timbers starting with the worst attack in the bedroom to eliminate the beasties once and for all it's vital that the chemicals reach all joists and floorboards in the infected rooms it's rigorous but should guarantee the property remains woodworm free for 20 years or even longer but where the woodworm damage is especially bad then there's only one place for the chomped floorboards and that's in the skin to bring their house safely back to health without breaking the bank they're following the specialist treatments with a spot more diy right in here you've lost quite a lot of the flaws because they're so eaten away with woodworm the infested floorboards need replacing ideally you'd allow new wood to acclimatize to the temperature of your house and you store it flat before it's laid this can take anything from seven days to ten weeks [Music] if you want an exposed floor bear in mind that matching new and old wood is nigh on impossible recycling old boards from one room to use in another is often the best way the important thing is to make sure that it meets on this joist because obviously if it if the joint was there then there's no support for the end of the piece of timber if plumbers and electricians still need access it's best not to secure the boards until later lastly mark the pipe work or electric runs if they need attention in the future there's no need to rip up all the floorboards and you're less likely to put a nail through them i also would say if you don't want to squeak you should screw your floorboards down and not nail them because that is why floors squeak job done the house is now safe and secure meaning they can finally get on with transforming the interior goodrun can now go ahead with her new layout this is for the bathroom so the bathroom is going to go in here and that all leaves space for a much bigger brand new kitchen mark can get on with finishing those walls and work starts to transform the loft coming up after four long years have they at last managed to make this house of horrors their dream home gosh how fantastic [Music] it's six months since i first met mark and goodryn back then the concrete walls were in a dangerous state of decay and the badly supported roof could have caved in on them they've now tied the house together and weatherproofed it and i'm back to see whether their vision of their first home together has been achieved outside painted pebble dash head decaying and corroding concrete now the walls have been reinforced with rods and protected from the elements with waterproof insulation it just needs one final lick of paint but those terrifying cracks are nowhere in sight hello hi how are you this is all looking very exciting yes wow what a change so you may have added three inches to the outside of the house but you now have a waterproof insulated dry secure home for what we've done the amount of work and the changes we've done you can't believe it's the same same house mark and goodwin were forced to sleep downstairs because the upstairs was completely uninhabitable now they've reclaimed it as a sitting room and what a difference it's made gosh how fantastic is this how you imagined it to be because this is wonderful actually it is exactly how you pictured it that was a key thing the stove and uh i love the wood burner in terms of energy efficiency now you've not only insulated the house so that all the heat stays in and you've got fantastic double glazed windows but wood burners are so much more efficient than a fire anyway so you won't need any other heating yeah hopefully absolutely lovely hopefully it's so exciting that you've now finally got a living space and and one that looks so fantastic as well yeah definitely yeah it's nice yeah what's going to be nice is that we were able to invite people around and not feel embarrassed about living in two rooms without any plaster upstairs the dining room was barely habitable as it was corroding away now it's crisp white and dry gosh it's lovely it actually feels warm and dry in here now i know you've got little bits to to finish like the floor tiles haven't arrived yet but i think when you get to this stage you'll be a bit disheartened you just have to keep going because you're so close to the end and you should always try and think about how far you've come rather than how much further you've got to go till it's completely perfect we're never going to give in no we're so close and now when you look at it like this it's a home beyond the dining room there was a derelict kitchen and a bathroom tacked on at the back but they've redesigned and transformed the entire space is the kitchen how you imagined it being i think it's better than you it is how i imagined it um mark kept on going no you can't put that big roof lights in they're too big and i'm going no no the bigger the better it definitely looks how i wanted it to look so you've lost the bathroom from downstairs and that's moved upstairs so yes yes okay let's go see remember that horrendous upstairs well look at it now but they haven't just reinforced protected and redecorated up here without any major changes to load-bearing walls they've created a small second bedroom a brand new bathroom and an extra bedroom in the loft they may not be completely finished but they're 90 there and i'm impressed by their use of space their greatest achievement is their master bedroom this room has traveled further than any of the other rooms in the house because this is the room where it became apparent just how bad the house was and that look at it it's absolutely transformed yes it's a lovely bedroom and it looks so much brighter as well there was a time where you were a little bit worried about using this room at all because you felt in the in the corner of it you might end up out on the pavement definitely we were afraid the corner just to fall right out and this wall has to crumble down but you do feel safe this house has been transformed beyond recognition when i first met mark and goodrain they only had 25 000 pounds one thing is certain they didn't achieve this enormous amount of work on that budget how much does it end up costing all of it well as you can see i've lost a lot of weight it's not through exercise or anything else it's just the sheer amount of money we've had to spend on this place yeah we're probably about up to 60 000 pounds we've just sort of maxed out our credit cards and sort of borrowed money and sort of moving fundings across it from here to there i don't think you had any choice to be honest you had to spend no we didn't we tried to keep her as tight as we could plus us two working on it trying to reduce the payments as well getting there so it's been not only emotionally but financially painful yes yeah but but you've got the home really honestly i have to say i think to get this place from where it was to where it is now for 60 000 pounds is absolutely incredible to be honest you were hoping that maybe you would be able to get married other plans i mean we've overcome this hurdle you've now got a beautiful home any wedding plans nothing is yet they haven't gone we just need to sort of settle down calm down after this sort our finances out yeah figure out where we're going to do it so maybe next year i think it could be next year okay can you see the standard in this house this is gudrun's type of standard so do you think we're just gonna go for a cheap wedding there's no chance wedding plans might be on hold but they certainly have a home to be proud of and today some of their friends have come over to have a look at what they've achieved i was changed dramatically i think everything in everyone's days was absolutely fantastic how they've managed to keep going and to get it to this state you know it's amazing it's you know they've worked so hard and they really deserve to have a lovely house now when you look at it now in comparison do you not feel a tremendous sense of achievement we were ending up with something that looks much nicer than what we originally thought it would so wow so you might have a tricky time but you have ended up with a better house than you imagined you were gonna have in the first place what the neighbors say to the other days it'd be like um enough for me obviously but for women when you're having childbirth you'll forget it afterwards and want another one i think we'll just at least forget what we've been through and enjoy the home not another one you need to be careful because that's how i ended up with four children i'm so pleased to see it's all come together for mark and goodwin when they first moved in they had no idea what challenges this house would throw at them it's pushed them to the limits both emotionally and financially but they've come out the other side and now they can enjoy living in a beautiful and secure home that they've always dreamed of [Music] you
Channel: HomeStyle
Views: 71,733
Rating: 4.884666 out of 5
Keywords: home style, homestyle, daytime, daytime tv, british tv, fashion, building a house, house transformation, styling guide, restoration home, restoration, home flipping, lifestyle tv, Sarah Beeny, crafts, diy projects, DIY room decor, before and after, sarah beeny renovate, sarah beeny tv, home projects, run down, home improvement, property, makeover, interior design
Id: 23O87YtL7Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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