Help! My House Is Falling Down | Series 1 Episode 1

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houses are built to protect us they're designed to keep us safe and secure but like people they get old tired and ill they're under constant attack for wind rain and the very ground they stand on it's our job to keep it healthy but all too often they're just left to rot and die over the next few weeks I'll be rescuing families whose lives and houses are literally collapsing around them you go to bed thinking about what you can see I'm only thinking about wait we've got major major problems blows out what other plans ahead you can't fill this and fix this it is major from routes that threaten foundations and mold that stresses our children to crack so big the house is falling into the ground I'll be using the latest technology to uncover our properties life-threatening illnesses and revealing my tricks of the trade to give your home a clean bill of health get ready for the hard truths about home ownership [Music] [Music] the picturesque village of Earls Barton in Northamptonshire is home to Nick Becky and their three daughters they've lived locally for 15 years running their own car servicing and childcare businesses [Music] when the old village bakery came up for sales three years ago it was a unique opportunity to own a piece of local history and fulfill Becky's lifelong dream of living in a period home it's a 350 year old bake house and I just loved it it was just what we were looking for wasn't it what you looking for in the initially it was what she was looking for I was kind of pulled along like a dog on a leash I felt she was looking through rose-colored spectacles at the place that's why she was kind of so hooked straightaway it was a little bit more than what we were willing to spend so bit of persuasion maybe and push in the house so for 250,000 pounds the grade 2 listed bake house became theirs well we've got I get confusion is it 18th the 19th was 17th century what is it 18 18th we've got 18th century well in the cellar which you don't get normally in any house we've got a ginormous open attic room with exposed beams and all sorts of stuff I mean the list goes on and on doesn't it so it's just not your ordinary house [Music] [Music] when the family moved in the Bakehouse started to reveal its true identity behind the 17th century charm lurked a catalogue of horrors we thought the house has been standing all this time we didn't think for one minute that we were going to have the problems that we've got the houses Timbers betrayed evidence of chronic woodwork you can see the woods crumbling and when I was even cut loose in the living room I put my foot through the fool closer inspection of the outside walls revealed they were slowly crumbling away you expect cracks and holes and all sorts of stuff but you think that's a feature rather than a problem and then in their first summer they realized the house was being attacked by swarms of bees I've never heard of bees eaten houses and the final discovery was a badly flooding cellar one of the Bulls blue in the house naturally trips the the fuse box I went down there to reset it to find there's about three feet of water flooded in the whole cellar standing three foot water tripping over and the electric confused plugs didn't appeal to me we've got this lovely house or what could be a lovely house and and it keeps going wrong I'm coming to help Nick and Becky's stop the rot and bring their house back to health what's your biggest fear with the house for me it's that we've got major major problems we can't live here anymore then what the next I don't know well let's have a look at the extent of of the problems okay the house only has three bedrooms this leaves the family one short with mum and dad sharing with baby Lodi Becky's solution is to convert the loft where she has big dreams for a luxurious master bedroom this is what sold it for me this is what I love about the house I just thought wow it could be really nice but her plans have been halted by fears of a woodworm invasion if you talk about it something full of food wormholes in these rafters and why I guess I don't know whether it's live or not I'm hoping that it's not live would work but well if it is live you've got a very big problem on your hands [Music] the structure of this building is woods if the wood runs in the structure the building a little bit of water from above and a little bit of wood worm and everything can collapse that's what we did my hair isn't it did you think it could ever be as severe as that no way no well it's not nice to hear is it I mean this is the problem I mean we we probably are out of our depth I fear Nick is right until we know the full extent of the damage the loft is out of action another no-go area is the soggy cellar which is regularly flooded by their somewhat disturbing indoor well so you can smell the damp can't you down here we thought we could make into a lovely water feature of some description yeah almost like a wishing well I didn't think it would be a hard job to put a metal surround turn and a little wishing well bucket and things like that that's shocking taste and does it float pretty much throughout the whoops winter months and it's rain for their slightly excessive it will just come up and we'll be under a code feet of water that was it's not ideal to have a well here with rising flood levels coming up closer and closer to the electric switch electrics and water aren't a great mix are they it's fine to get a little bit damp and for water to come in and out of it but it's not fine to spend six months of a year underwater and that's what it's doing and that in the long term will be disastrous outside they've got even more problems to show me the walls are eroding and there's some of the worse pointing I've ever seen when you come round here and you look at the pointing this is not great unless you look at all this this is all just coming away you see all these holes here this is going to cause damp so you're going to have damp penetration through the walls if you haven't already it's gonna get increasingly bad our homes are constantly under attack from the elements rain wind and frost can all combine to cause erosion to a building and it's definitely water that's the number one enemy it will eventually destroy almost any type of building material cracks in bricks or holes in your pointing will allow moisture to get in it freezes expands and destroys brickwork this is called spalling it's also a major cause of penetrating down to keep your home protected from the weather look after its number one defense your walls fill in cracks in the masonry or render replace any eroded bricks and finally if your mortar is working loose get it repointed Nick and Becky's walls are also under attack by a more unusual and these could be living in these little holes yeah it's quite unusual but there are masonry bees who burrow into the soft soda is this gonna cause long-term eventually yes if you drill hundreds of holes in a wall it will collapse it's not gonna stay there on its own with fresh air are we just take through bad luck or is it bad luck about judgments which do you think you got it now anyway haven't you units and we'll have to work through it we'll have to find a solution years of neglect have bought the Bakehouse to its knees a potentially lethal wood worm infestation disintegrating stone walls and a flooding cellar this could all add up to some serious structural problems I just hope Nick and Becky have a stash of cash at the ready how much money if you got to fix this we would thought maybe somewhere between three and four thousand pound we could or five thousand now we could have a lick of paint and tar things up but that sells for five thousand pounds it's not gonna do it is it shall I say it nicely no no a few months after buying this 17th century old bakery in Northamptonshire Nick and Becky uncovered a scary range of problems this building is under attack from every direction and the structural integrity of it is clearly being undermined it's got woodworm on the inside chronic stone erosion on the outside and underneath there's a well that floods so badly I fear that it actually will be undermining the foundations themselves to find out the full extent of the damage our team of specialists will probe into every inch and crack of this 350 year old building we'll find out which problems are the most urgent and how much the emergency repairs will cost Nick and Becky have 5,000 pounds set aside to convert the loft into a master bedroom at the moment they're having to share a small room with baby Lottie until the rest of the house is fixed the loft is on hold it's really frustrating the attic was my big project that I got excited about when we look round the house I don't know what next this fair is probably how much it's gonna cost him first and then how much work he's got to do second and how much time before work is gonna have to have that if they want to keep hold of that loft budget Nick's gonna have to get his hands dirty first on the long list of problems to tackle is the woodworm there are signs of it rampaging through the laughte but how far has it spread woodworm is the general name for beetles that attack timber the grubs live inside the wood for years and eat their way out leaving a trail of destruction behind over the years they've clearly made a meal of Nick and Becky's loft timber specialist Steve Hodgson will find out if they're still alive and kicking what's important to try and determine is whether the infestation is active or whether it's a historic infestation the things I'm looking for are evidence of the dust that you can see liberated from the holes on the floor but one of the biggest giveaways is to find adult insects if you can find adult insects then you'll be pretty sure that you've got an infestation as Steve continues his bug hunts Nick's enjoying his last few moments of free time this is the calm before the storm safest place of the property this is no wood wilderness don't underestimate the insatiable appetite of woodworm an infestation can easily spread and face areas you can't even see [Music] using a borescope camera to probe under the floorboards Steve's made a discovery in the dining room it appears to have just about every sort of wood destroying organism available there's some wood world wood boring weevil we've got wet rot fungus and we've also got some get watch beetle as well of all the wood-boring beetles Death Watch are the largest and most destructive they attack older houses favoring hardwoods like oak and elm that have become dammed the adult lays eggs in the timber which hatch into grubs they spend up to ten long years chomping their way out to emerge as beetles to repeat the cycle of destruction when 80% of a house is made from wood an infestation can be fatal it's the spooky knocking sound of their mating call that gives the Deathwatch beetle their name it was heard by people keeping watch over the sink late at night and became known as the omen of death to kill off the beetles for good treat infected wood with insecticides and most importantly make sure wood is kept dry if timber has a moisture content of more than 16 percent the bugs could be back on it this floor I think is as just about had it it's gone beyond a simple treatment with chemicals I think the timbers to a point where their removal and replacement was really the only way to get the next problem up for examination is the eroding stone walls the front of a house is crumbling away my major concern is the Poynting which is in a shocking state it should be a building's first line of defense against the weather this is pointing on the on the outside of the building and when you build a wall you stick the stones or the bricks together with mortar but then you point the outside which makes sure that actually no water can get in between the bricks or stones and that's what keeps it weather tight over time the mortar gets loose and can be washed away by the rain leaving the house unprotected we're simulating a heavy winter rainfall to see if the Poynting holds up [Music] all the loose pointing is coming out you can see the remnants of it floating away here on the pavement that should not be happening our thermal-imaging camera will detect where the trouble spots are the cold dark blue areas show where water is penetrating the walls and getting traps and that's all along the front of the house this means there's a danger of damp and long-term structural problems I've called in stone conservation specialist Fred Marklin for an expert opinion how quickly do you feel it needs to be dealt with well I think tomorrow morning would be an ideal time another winter no I mean ultimately they never do anything buildings do fail catastrophically if you don't keep up the maintenance and repair then you'll get structural problems to start off with and then ultimately failure so the building will eventually collapse yes that grave warning brings our first stage of investigations to an end it's been an anxious wait for Nick and Becky but I can now reveal the diagnosis for the bake house the realities it's being undermined structurally and very quickly and very severely and ultimately if you erode all the stone on the outside and you remove all the wood on the inside you don't have much house left just the front stone was all part of the character and that's how it was supposed to be and that it was all fine and waterproof and it wasn't gonna come through at the moment your house is not watertight we have had a stonemason lanta to look at the pointing and he said it will be about 5,000 pounds to do just the front of the building can you find 5,000 pounds we have got an endless pit of money to throw you know five grand a year 10 grand and what have you here so there is a bit of good news on the cost front and that is that the stonemason is very happy to teach you how to do the pointing yourself if I put my heart soul into it yes I could probably do it and I'm thinking door wouldn't be tired of every single weekend of God for the next six to eight months doing it if you don't have five thousand pounds your choices are to do it yourself or not at all and if those are your choices I think you do your self our woodworm investigation revealed the Attic was completely bug free this is great news for Becky's loft conversion but the tenacious little critters have moved on to pastures new the dining room but now I think he knew you had woodworm but had you looked under here before ya know what is it like to you know left looks like oh my god what we've got here is a combination of wood worm and wet rot and Deathwatch beetle the bad news of this is that the whole floor really needs to be taken out and relays and that will cost around four thousand pounds okay should we just put it back over does this need to it straight away yeah this and and the pointing on the outside need to be on right now right okay it's not funny it's not that difficult to do we can achieve a lot of this for not that much money so on the upside it's not as bad as it seems it's a harsh wake-up call for Becky and Nick if we could lash thousands of thousands of pounds of it then I'm probably lazy enough to say there you go I've already gotten with it but we can't last thousands and thousands of pounds on it so it's a case of rolling your sleeves and just getting a bit more involved which is what we try to avoid in the first place it was being a bit of an optimist I think and now it's yeah a lot of some happy person but [Music] get the head there please here the first job for Nick and Becky is getting to grips with their Deathwatch beetle attack on truth they're hoping that at least some of their dining room floor can be saved this is a big oak beam left of it because it's been eaten by bugs and beetles and wood worming weevil was under the floor while you've been sitting on your dinner Deathwatch beetle is eating away at Nick's house but it seems he's just as scared of the hard work ahead Builders would probably have a gang of four or five blokes doing this and there do it easier today it was unless I can magically clothe myself six times over it's just me me myself and I nixed busy enough running his car fitting business now he's going to have to make more time if he wants to get his home safe and secure my hands and knees all day long doing meticulous little things and when you get home or you want to just rest at you don't want to go home to drive more the same your working days go to stop at some point ruler and yeah I've got a new little baby I've got two grown-up children yeah I want to be spending time enjoying them yeah I don't want to be work work work work and then not have any time for them so I think Nick needs someone to give him a jump start it was 4,000 pounds the quote to just replace the floor and you don't have 4,000 pounds so we're gonna do it first we need to clear the room and say goodbye to that vehicle ridden floor for good [Music] [Laughter] you carry the big stuff I love the loose [Music] the principle behind suspended floor which is what this is you've got earth which is damp and then you have timbers and the timbers mustn't touch the earth first you want the Timbers to stay dry and the earth is gonna be wet you can't stop the earth from being wet so the principle is to just stop and touching in a perfect world you'd have four inches from the bottom of the joist to the earth beneath which gives you an air gap to give insulation this is extreme DIY but Nick knows his way around a toolbox and I'm sure he can rise to the challenge that will stop the moisture coming from outside on the wall through on the timber after clearing out the pockets it's time for the important bit leveling the floor this needs care and patience you want to get to the end and just go off well what I don't want you is a big boat No so I think your best friend is your level so here if you look at the level it's spot on finally slot the second joist into place it's pretty much bang on level another 20 to go the next pressing problem to deal where there's the mystery of the overflowing well in heavy rain it floods the basement with the water rising dangerously close to the fuse box we need to find out where and how the water is coming in which means pumping it out first when you lower that into the well great it may seem impractical to have a well in the cellar but a bakery needed a constant water supply and this was the 17th century's version of water on tap as the level drops we make a discovery there's a gully it may be flowing in from there but the chances are I suspect is that it naturally seeps in and fills up and that gully may well be an overflow so either way if water's coming in from there that's causing the flooding and if his blocks it's also causing the flooding because it's not either way that's the culprit look that's a drip there we've got that this camera cool cool can you see that little flood coming in as well on the ground it's like a little river coming in I think that that is proof that it's the natural water table of the stream underneath that will naturally fill this well up and that should be the overflow also now it's a question of does it overflow or is it locked after the shock of finding out how bad the problems with their house are Nick and Becky are starting to get it on the road to recovery they need to do as much of the work as possible themselves to keep holes there five grand budget for that crucial loft conversion Knicks first big challenge was rebuilding the dining room floor destroyed by Deathwatch beetle but as it turns out he's had just a little helping hand my neighbor who's now have a good friend kindly sneaked in with my house keys helped himself and took it well he doesn't set me up with stuff and I just give a little bit of muscles to the job it's a result all ran for Nick he's dodged some seriously hard labor and saved some serious cash the floor is rot free with no risk of anyone falling through now that's one major worry out of the way but down in the cellar there's another problem lurking the old well that keeps flooding to get to the bottom of this mystery the specialists are back first chartered structural engineer Simon pitchers is assessing the problem rising damp is where you get the masonry of the building acting like a sponge if I have to dip a sponge into water the water would then rise up the sponge and I can see looking around this basement there's almost a tide mark where the water perhaps is only getting up to there but the rising down is actually getting up much higher if we don't stop the rot it will weaken the foundations and threaten the very stability of the property our suspicion is that the wells outlet pipe is blocks preventing the water from draining away the team are armed with a seesnake camera the clever bit of kit that can travel up to a hundred metres through water if there's a blockage this camera will find it it's quite a buildup of silt this area here this is debris in the bottom of the pipe it looks like bits of stone sand compressed together maybe with a bit of cement in perhaps some building works were carried out at some time in the distant past and that amount of silt is sufficient to block the pipe such that water would be very very slow to escape from this basement basements are more at risk from flooding and damp damage than any other part of a property flooding can be caused by extreme weather conditions backed-up drains or blocked gutters a small amount of water causes a lot of damage it starts off staining your walls then destroying your woodwork and blowing your plaster eventually it can weaken the foundations putting the very structure of your home in danger to keep the water out clear out your gutters unblock your drains and protect your basement with full damp-proofing simon's located the blockage in the well outlets three meters out into the busy High Street and two meters beneath it without digging up the road the only option is to go in through the pipe normally blockages can be cleared of the water jets but this building debris is so solid we need to attack it with a drill the electric pipe snake [Applause] [Music] to see the Sun more of a chance than I would have thought when we started over despite an exhaustive drilling efforts it still proves too tough to budge the outlet pipe is completely blocked there's no way of getting through it clearly can't leave the well as it is because it's going to affect the foundations of the house so you've got two options one is to dig up the road and the pavement and replace that pipe going into the drains that run down the road it's going to be very very very expensive to do you're looking at thousands and thousands of pounds to solve the problem that way some good news in news but I have got a solution coming in as a hundred and fifty pounds it's much more in the kind of price racket that we're looking for and it is pump which you permanently install into the well and it has an automatic setting so that when the water rises this is what happens it stops again so that would mean your seller would never flood again don't look so depressed it is perfect to stop it from flooding but it's got out off the overhang the entire hole wasn't it so then we can't make a feature out there well at least it does mean that you could use that space and it won't be wet and damp and you can have it completely dry down there yeah exactly Nick and Becky are another step closer to getting their home safe and secure but there is still the problem of the eroding stone walls to get under control every summer swarms of masonry bees descend on the house the soft sandstone is an ideal place for the female to build nests to hatch her eggs she burrows into the bricks leaving them riddled with holes one answer is kill them off with chemicals but I've got a much more bee friendly solution artificial nests the bees will be drawn to these instead of the stone walls and at five pounds our nest it's another money saver for Nick and Becky but there's still another enemy waiting to attack though whether winter is approaching and the houses defenses are weak it's time for Nick to face his nemesis there pointing is a huge job and he's dragging his heels I'll probably rather get a stonemason or bricky or whoever is got experience of pointing up because there'd be a bit much quicker they've got after it's their job I mean it's to get it Bulls down to time but I can't afford that look to your time getting in the professionals would cost five grand that's their loft budget wiped out and Nick's beginning to lose heart if we had a Tom over again knowing that had this level of work to do too it would probably think too much about it people probably would say well why did you buy our old house for but this surely must be some lovely old house out there they don't need constant maintenance every day of the year I would have thought I don't know maybe we should have brought one of these modern houses that made it look old to convince Nick to step up to the Poynting challenge we've come to our test center at the building research establishment [Music] to demonstrate the dangers of not maintaining your pointing to walls are put in a weather tightness rig one with good pointing and one with bad high pressure jets then blasts the walls with water for 20 minutes when it comes to keeping a house watertight mortar joints are the Achilles heel if the mortar is loose or applied incorrectly water will get through causing damp and eroding the stone and potentially destroying your walls it takes just seven minutes for water to seep through on the bad side [Music] and the test makes the importance of pointing all too clear [Music] now stonemason Fred Markland is going to teach Nick and Becky the art of pointing so we've got the mortar on the board and a jointing iron we're placing the mortar into the joint we're pushing it back into the back of the joint so we're filling it up so do some very small pieces with a very small trowel so you don't have any bits of air and gaps in the middle it's a bit like filling a tooth right layer after layer packing it into the joint yes so there's a little - a bit less than there's a little tiny piece like that yep get right in I'm thinking a little bit of competitiveness between you is probably gonna help I hope they're paying close attention as poor pointing can cause as much damage as none at all I think it's harder than what it looks I thought it'd just pop in and it is actually mines falling out it's going in so Fred what do you reckon who's who's done the best here not bad for a first attempt we must say Nick's work here he's done quite well he's filled the joints are plenty of mortar in there which is what we like to see Becky she's got a lot more done probably a few too many water traps on there but there's room for improvement that the time is ticking and you need to get this done before the winter from your experience here - you reckon you can face it you'll be quite good enough with it no I think I could do good enough it'll take ages so if you have to make a punt right now what are you gonna do the punt would beat is to try on a I'm the proper real brick that we've got and just do a test area really and then just just as time and see how long it takes I mean it is a big challenge I can see that but I'm pretty impressed not put off so far it's good with Nick promising to have a go at repointing himself there's a 5 grand saving which means at last they crack with a loft conversion after sharing a bedroom with baby Lodi for 18 months Becky is desperate to get going so everyone can have their own space what do you want to do with this loft how'd you see it okay we're having a bed here for post events as big a freaking fair yeah and a bathroom down there and if we've got room little dressing room in between preps for me it's insulating it and using it as a there's a box room but if you can afford to do it and you want to get on with it and then good luck to you so there's a little bit of a divide here well it all comes down to money doesn't it really but I will win this one will you with any love conversion there's four things you really need to consider one is the head height the other is strengthening the floor the other is light in and the other is insulation you're really lucky here because this was actually a room originally and so you know several steps ahead of the game the main problem you've got up here is insulation a quarter of a house is heat is lost through the roof and as our thermal imaging results shows Nick and Becky have a big problem the red and white areas indicate where the heat is escaping that looks like it's burning fire doesn't it looks like the roofs on fire so you really need to get that sorted out Becky gets straight on the case throwing herself into the projects [Music] with a basic shell in place she can finalize plans for the ensuite shower room she's been dreaming of since buying the house which I'm fitting there okay the toilets gonna go in over here yep just there talking about the basin sitting in here yeah yeah downstairs in the dining room the girls have decided to lend a hand with the decorating look like congealed blood from her from a barium butcher's done it no [Music] Nik and Becky fell hook line and sinker for the period charm of the old bake house but not long after they bought it the rose-tinted spectacles fell off and they were left with a seriously decrepit home it's been an uphill struggle trying to save it but I'm back now to see if I can give it a clean bill of health when I first saw the old bake house it was suffering from years of neglect the biggest concern was the eroding walls and shocking pointing which left the house exposed to the elements I really hope my nagging got through to Nick and he steps up to the Poynting challenge [Music] this is great really good pointing this is your hand you are I'd like to say yes but it's not it's not what I didn't want to do it myself do it badly and then regret it in six months time and then have to start over again and basically said well it has been beautifully done because this was a right old mess down in this corner and and this is there's a bit of a restoration job he's quite happy to unlock it almost a day right this has been more for the water to get it done basically you've started here which is great but there's an awful lot more to do and winter is very firmly here so I think it's very important that you get on with it because you've now got no pointing in the rest of the house and and the faster you crack through it the faster you're secure in the house with me another threat to the structure of the building was the rising damp in the cellar the pump in the well has got the flooding under control keeping the basement and the foundations dry and safe you were hoping to create a feature wishing well down there he's still planning on doing that I will make some sort of feature might have had second thoughts for that Lewis comment [Laughter] with the Bakehouse well on its way to being solid and secure Nick and Becky have finally felt confident about transforming the inside and they've brought this 350 year old building back to life the beetle-infested dining room has been resurrected as a great family living room in the heart of their home so now that you've got a solid room feeling more confident we've going completely back to the earth brand new joists everything's brand new so at least we know it's done properly and it's not gonna it's all gonna last now for how long directing it as well [Laughter] nobody treated would say hopefully it's not gonna get eaten for at least hundred years is it yeah but checked all the other rooms and floors and beams and everything that's all been properly treated and so yeah I'm pretty confident it's it's been really blasted through the key to this house really working for the family was converting the loft but the fear of rampant woodworm had turned it into a no-go zone and now Becky has finally got her fantastically luxurious new bedroom full of old charm this is your creation Beck isn't it is this what you expected it to be I think it's probably better than what I expected and you even got your own suite yeah that's a great device to shoehorn that's in but actually it doesn't look that small no I there's quite a lot of room in there yeah you are quite fearful of this space up here there was evidence of woodworm there were there was no insulation heat pouring out of it is this now your dream space is this what I love it yeah it's a it's more than what I wanted yeah so it's it's perfect and I think it does the house justice as well because it's just it just feels nice and I don't I just love it mom and dad aren't the only ones with the new bedroom baby la DS got a gorgeous room of her own for the very first time when you haven't had your own room for two years and finally you've got your own room that's very romantic yeah my room would probably a poor table here Nicky you going to concede that this is the room that makes the house it's a fantastic room and it's probably exceeded what we thought it could be transformed to and it's I hope you live in very I have to say it's hats off to Nick and his persuasive powers to pull in their favors they've not only fixed the problems on budget but saved enough to create the period home Becky has always dreamed of it's great to see the family finally shake off their fear of the house and start to enjoy it now we've fixing the problems it's just maintaining and that's much easier than then trying to live in a house that's broken and now we've got over the debt problems it's just hugely and trying to enjoy it I think you've done really really well and you turned what was a crumbling home into a safe and sound and secure home and and and I think it'll be a lovely place to live for years to come many of us have romantic ideas about living in a chocolate box property but there's a lesson to be learned from Nick and Becky story the houses are like people the older they get the more we need to take care of them Nick and Becky's wake-up call came just in time for them to save their house so if you spot a problem don't let it fester get it fixed because a regular dose of maintenance should avoid your home ending up in A&E [Music]
Channel: HomeStyle
Views: 63,281
Rating: 4.8567777 out of 5
Keywords: home style, homestyle, daytime, daytime tv, british tv, fashion, building a house, house transformation, styling guide, restoration home, restoration, home flipping, lifestyle tv, Sarah Beeny, crafts, diy projects, DIY room decor, before and after, sarah beeny renovate, sarah beeny tv, home projects, run down, home improvement, property, makeover, interior design
Id: vyy0hLWHm_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 23sec (2783 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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