Help! My House Is Falling Down | Series 1 Episode 2

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houses are built to protect us they're designed to keep us safe and secure but like people they get old tired and ill they're under constant attack for wind rain and the very ground they stand on it's our job to keep it healthy but all too often they're just left to rot and die over the next few weeks I'm rescuing six families whose homes and lives are literally collapsing around them you go to bed thinking about what you can from only thinking about waiting we've got major major problems blows out all other plans ahead you can't fill this infects this it is major from routes that threaten foundations and mold that stresses our children to crack so big the house is falling into the ground [Music] I'll be using the latest technology to uncover our properties life-threatening illnesses and revealing my tricks of the trade to give your home a clean bill of health get ready for the hard truths about home ownership [Music] [Music] the Baker's moved to this quiet cul-de-sac in Brentwood Essex two years ago for Claire it was a true homecoming I actually grew up on this road and I've always loved there it's always just been somewhere I've had really fond memories of just feeling generally safe as a child growing up here when this come on the market we never thought in a million years that would be able to get it with four young kids Paul and Claire had outgrown their to bed house and were desperate for more space it was slightly outside of our price range but we thought we'd be cheeky and we basically made an offer which was the maximum that we could afford and we couldn't believe our luck you know it was accepted they marched themselves to the hills and bought this large five bedroom house it's the house that we want to see our children grow up in and hopefully made for one day grandchildren we want the children to be able to have their own bedrooms we're not ever looked at or in the garden you've got this huge extension on the back which we immediately just looked at each other fantastic a year after moving in that great buy began to seem anything but as some serious problems began to emerge [Music] initially we started to notice an awful smell every time we walked into the house lifting the floorboards under the downstairs loo revealed a flood of rank sewage we heard about three inches of water actually underneath the house next came the evil looking black mold that started spreading across the walls and ceilings it grows and then the children start becoming ill and then the Baker's home was invaded we were in bed one night and hear this going in the roof space above us and we were like what is that it turns out to be our little rodent things rats and lots of them living with rats was horrific enough but worse still was the fear that their house was being torn apart suddenly the biggest crack you've ever seen in your life is hiding behind the wallpaper [Music] this is beyond us now what's gonna happen next how are we gonna get through this if we knew this is what it was going to be like we would have run in the opposite direction Paul and Claire have reached the end of the line [Music] can I help the Baker's rescue their house and restore their dreams the rear extension was a big selling point for Paul and Claire they wanted to create a spacious family kitchen diner in here but this plan was dramatically cut short with soon as we start taking off the wallpaper everything obviously had to come to a halt because that's we discovered a big problem that's the mother and father of cracks as this this is this isn't a crack this is this is a doorway it's beyond poly filler and it's frightening to think you know it could be anything but it doesn't stop that goes all the way along here yeah and then it's cracking right the way across the slab here but the crack also continues along here and then all the way down that corner effectively the extension is falling off the back of the house this is the concern for us as well you're suddenly going from actually it's just a crack we can fill it and fix it to being something major you can't fill this and fix this it is major a house splitting in two is a nightmare on its own but Paul and Claire's problems don't stop there they could also have a serious problem with their sewage we came in here and this had a flooring I can't lie no flooring and there was just guns and black stuff all sticking under the liner and it was very wet in that and this was when we we cut some boards up I don't know whether you can see it's a lot of water down there yeah when you get those off you can really start to smell do you none of the basin new or shower leaking in here you've got very serious problem you other drains damaged drains are unhygenic and can be horrendously complicated to fix it wouldn't be Paul and Claire's only health hazard the property is covered in black mold with the worst attack in little Ellis and Fraser's bedroom any decoration in here has been stopped because mold keeps you know wipe it down there it keeps reappearing it's caused by condensation and the downside to it is it's confirmed to be linked to throat and chest the children has been so unwell recently they're not sickly children in the last year they've had every single thing that you could possibly imagine verify miss frightening with black mold and leaking sewage the properties of bacteria breeding grounds and a perfect home for one little creature this is your bedroom up here what city there's a little friend here offer nice fish to find we need to get rid of those seriously fast and you don't want rats in the house and that is the fear I saw one in the house I would not be happy I'll be living somewhere there are 80 million rats in the UK they are determined to get into your home where it's warm and there's plenty to eat and drink their teeth are immensely strong and grow up to five inches a year they constantly have to grind them down leaving a trail of destruction in their wake they can gnaw through wires brick and concrete breaking through pipes burrowing into foundations and climbing out cavity walls they are also a major health hazard they transmit a load of nasty diseases the most lethal is leptospirosis also known as vials disease it's transmitted in rats urine and causes lung liver and kidney failure with 74 fatal attacks last year there are ways to protect yourself eliminate their food supply don't leave rubbish outside the bin cut off their water by fixing leaking pipes and seal off any entry routes into your home with things like this there's certainly information I have to keep from Claire and the situation with the rats getting into the cupboards downstairs Ivan told away eaten most him because if I did know that I would so how do you how do you feel about that now why didn't you say something because you're freaked out yeah thank you does it make you angry that that you've got all these problems with the house it's fresh dry it's the most frustrating feeling in the world because you're working to pay the mortgage on something you can't even enjoy it can't be easy for this family living in a house of Health Horrors leaking sewage rats and black mold and then there's the terrifying cracks and the fear that whom it's tearing apart on top of all this Paul and Claire's financial situation is also far from healthy six months after we bought the property the credit crunch hit i supply banks for staff which isn't the best industry more than their take you know it's very very difficult so you've got no money no no we're stuck many would be tempted to to just sell it because it's such a nightmare but you can't sell it as it is because it's probably worth less than you bought it you know that you've uncovered all of these problems yeah so you have to fix it and we can achieve an awful lot you can certainly make it a lot closer to your dream home than it is now Paul and Claire Baker bought this spacious house in Essex as the perfect family home for their four young children but in the two years since they moved in the house has turned from dream home to danger zone the Baker's have been living with black mold the smell of sewage rats and cracks at the back of the house which look disturbing like it's actually falling off I don't want to have to get to the extent where we're having to move out I want to get this sorted and I want to make it work and I want to make our home on a daily basis as house feels though it's getting sicker Claire's at home in a property that's not up to a standard that our would be happy for her to be spending the day with the children in he's been terrible to get the bottom of all these problems I'm bringing in my team of specialists will give the Baker's home a thorough examination as step one on the road to recovery we're starting with that number one health hazard that rats they'd be gnawing through the kitchen cupboards and up in Paul and Claire's bedroom a skeleton has been found under the floorboards [Music] I'm going upstairs to see the pest control man called Oliver I caught in the rat so what have you found well this is the tell-tale sign the actual wrapped activity and you can see there's actually quite a lot of droppings that are down in the in the bottom right so Tommy what's the next stage here well we're not 100% sure is for exactly what we've got so this is just a fluorescent tracking dust and the idea with this exactly as they walk through it you'd literally start seeing smudge prints on the okay to find out where the rats can be getting in the house we're literally smoking out every small opening Oliver can then quickly seal them up brats only need a gap of about a centimeter anything more than that and they can squeeze their body down and just push their way through so from here a record quite easily chew and then push its way through and then all of a sudden it's in the cavity of the of the wall and that's I would suspect how they first got upstairs for Claire sharing her home with rats has made her totally obsessed with hygiene I just get to the stage where I think you know it doesn't matter what I do it's my any difference although obviously it's claim it doesn't law claim voila FERS inspection of the garden reveals it's got all the attractions of a five-star rodent hotel a compost tip of food water on tap and above all somewhere warm and predator-free to KITT to conquer their rodent attack they need to clear up the compost and put out poison in child safe containers our next priority is to find out why the house is cracking up cracks are appearing on a weekly basis to an extend them we've got major concerns that something serious is wrong with this property these cost implications of that is absolutely terrifying to find out why the extension is tearing apart I've called in Chartered structural engineer Simon pictures with 30 years experience he knows how to read a crack this is an important than serious crack and we need to look further and find out why it's an if you have a foundation that's moving both sides of the wall should be cracked so you should have a crack in a similar location on the outside of this wall the house has a large single-story extension to the rear Simon wants to be sure it's moving down on its foundations so having seen the huge crack on the inside he's checking to see if there's one on the outside as well have we got a crack on the outside let's have a look there it is absolutely staring you in the face my fingers weren't quite so fat I could get my finger into that crack and this wall is moving this way so you can see just there the brick has moved with the wall whereas the rest of this masonry here has stayed with the bat more of the main house so that suggests that it's the foundation that's going so we've got to look at that corner to find out why the extension is sinking we need to take an inspection hole how often is it that you find you can get your hand under a piece of concrete like that it's not too common really no soil it's definitely a subside it's when the concrete is originally lied yeah you always expect parts to go down a bit not so interesting underneath the concrete patio slab the soil has significantly dropped down after digging down just one meter we find further cause for serious concern some lot of water considering how deep the hole is I'm really surprised you can see on the side here if I just use this that's the bottom of the brickwork that's the concrete foundation and then we've got this which is quite mysterious just poking that that's right underneath our foundations really they stopped built digging the foundations at that point I can't stand it to find the answers we need to go deeper whilst the boys get digging I've got another one of the Breakers hazardous infestations to deal with this black mold is bad news you don't want it in the house you don't want to live with it it's toxic now we need to get it out mold is growing in the bathroom both boys bedrooms at the back and in Paul and Claire's attic bedroom every time we cleared the mold that was around the windows it would reappear within a few days and they just seemed to be getting progressively worse and how would you feel your children well and there's nothing you can do black mold is a nasty toxic fungus all our homes have dormant mold spores but in damp unventilated environments they germinate and multiply spreading over ceilings and walls no surface is safe from attack houses damaged by leaks and flooding are at risk but the number one cause of mold is cotton condensation which almost every home in the UK suffers from exposure to mold can cause serious lung and throat illnesses memory loss chronic fatigue and the most life-threatening condition asthma which 2,000 people die of every year to kill off this nasty black stuff a good use bleach and antifungal paints - stop it coming back heat insulate and most importantly ventilates which you do with air bricks fans or quite simply by opening the windows the baker's mold is caused by condensation I suspect inadequate insulation as to blame there's very little insulation all the way through this space and when you get right down there above your boys bedroom and that's one of the reasons that black mold is really having a field day that probably explains a lot of reasons why we'd wake up each morning there'd be water running down the walls and also your duvet would be damp to touch there's poor insulation insulating the loft and opening the windows will keep the bakers home mold free it's a simple solution and one of their major worries out of the way outside the problem of the cracking extension is proving a lot harder to Sol we've dug down to a depth of three meters and Simon's been analyzing the soil under the foundations you can see it's exuded between my fingers and that means it is defined in engineering terms as it's very soft very soft it's not something you would want to build a house on [Music] I need to break this seriously alarming news to Paul and Claire and I've laid out the soil samples from under the house to show them the evidence the first meter or so perhaps you might expect there to be a little bit of soil change but what's concerning is that three meters down you get to this where you'd expect to be really solid footing and this isn't this is like a huge big gun G compost heap in the house is built on that the whole house when the house was built it was obviously built on appropriate foundations because it's not moving yeah clearly when the extension was built it wasn't so it would be sinking effectively yeah so find out that it's sinking and moving away from the house is scary until we find solid ground we won't know the true extent of the problem but digging deeper will take a heavy boring machine and that's a two-week wait the Baker's put all their life savings into buying what they thought would be a home for life and with Paul's income taking a nosedive in the credit crunch they're left seriously overstretched I think the biggest thing is I'm working myself as hard as I can at the minute and for something the most expensive thing I've ever bought in my life I'm paying for through the nose and he's broken what are you going to do to help fix the house with everything I want to be able to sit down in that extension with the new kitchen with the new dining room in there looking beautiful all the families set my own table with it finished at that that would make more Christmas I wouldn't need any Christmas presents other than that [Music] Paul and Claire could let their heads drop but instead they rally themselves to take care of the malignant mold in a boy's bedroom she's like we're done we're gone you feel like you're making headway you're getting it sort it's like picking up and throwing out everything that's pissed you off over the last 18 months it turns out pull the man on a mission he can't touch the extension but he can give the rest of a house a major facelift there's no hiding the huge amounts of work he's taking on or the total lack of funds to bring in any help we sat down the other day we were to have about two weeks left at a month we've got 40 quid left and you know you can't it's not possible you can't survive and 40 quid with four children you can't just magic money out of the sky to to get your work finished and get it you know to a standard that you that you want it's a case of big boy and stealing but I'm not one for going to knocking on the parents door and saying you know can you help me out what started out as washing mold off the bedroom has turned into a full-scale replastering of the whole house being a bit of a DIY hero here like me trying to be yeah I think it's a case of I'd much rather be paying someone you're coming into it for me but that's not okay so you've got to do it myself are you difficulty with clustering this teenage get it mixed up on the wall and smooth within a relatively short time period so now time is of the essence what is it that's really driving you because you're very motivated with it all I think the biggest driver is wanting to have a finished home for for the kids and for Claire but also I'm a salesperson no set of a shuttlecock and if I don't hit that then I feel like I failed so that's not something is gonna happen with Paul focused on that goal Claire's on rat-catching duties today's her first time checking the poison container oh I don't want to do this if any foot ones outfit Oh God I'm white god you're very for dead rat and now I'm gonna run oh that's a slug so I take it this must be the remnants of thing of a packet so obviously the first look that they've had and they haven't come back for any more yet so we'll keep that like that rats are resilient and Claire could have to keep this up for weeks to see them off for good Oh disgusting Paul's making a giant DIY effort he's insulated the laughed and got half the house replastered that corner there was where the main mold was that's where we've bleached it all rectified the problem and we know that you know that's not going to come back now and so that's a big plus because now when the kids come back in here well Ellis is gonna have this huge room all to himself but when Ellis comes back in here we're not gonna have to worry about his health over the winter again which is a great peace of mind in Essex the Baker family are going to find out if they're sinking rear extension can be saved the heavy equipment has arrived they've always wanted a big kitchen diner here but nasty cracks are threatening their plans for the heart of their home we're determined to make it happen but you know we didn't put thousands of pounds away in the bank thinking oh one day the extension might fall off our our initial investigation revealed the extension is sitting on soft bogie guns which is clearly not great to build on this machine will bore down to a depth of 10 meters and tell us more about what's going on underground meanwhile chartered structural engineer Simon is trying to piece together the mystery from historical maps of the area and he's made an important discovery I'm just looking at the nineteen fifties Ordnance Survey map of the area and I can see here that bring right through the middle of the site is a stream so that obviously isn't there now but that means there must have been a valley where the extension is his research found that in the 1960s the valley was filled in and the house constructed on top to keep it Rocksteady on the boggy soil it was supported with deep pile foundations but 30 years later the extension wasn't had the concrete foundations which run along the back wall been sitting on a long pile or post at either end that goes further into the ground it would be fine that's right the stilts just aren't or don't appear to be there but we'd love to do I think is to pilot and stabilize the building piling requires solid ground to fix the piles into and that's what our boring machine is now searching for the deeper we have to go the more expensive it will be we've finished a borehole at 6 meters we've hit firm ground it's a firm coming stiff clay 6 meters is a long way down for cash-strapped Paul and Claire I fear the cost of piling to this depth will hit them very hard the traditional way of doing that is around 20,000 pounds to do is that something that you could that isn't any that's just completely unreachable in terms of budget for the house yeah you know that some are plans for probably the next few years in terms of budget all going on suddenly one one item which is a critical item to get fixes without getting a fix we can't continue in here no building problem is none overcometh although so always remember that it's just a question of how I'm trying to do it for not too much money Paul and Claire's only hope to find the 20,000 pounds is their insurance company and armed with our expert structural report they start the ball rolling yeah hi Katie I just wanted to know what sort process is and how we go forward the insurance industry receives over 40,000 claims every year for damage caused by ground movement but less than half of them are deemed valid and will be covered there are plenty of ground hazards that can literally bring your house crashing their coastal erosion is a big threat old mine shafts can also spell disaster when concealed tunnels collapse [Music] but the most common risk affecting four million homes in the UK is clay soil it shrinks and swells with changes in the weather undermining your foundations if you are buying do your homework invest in a thorough environmental and ground stability report if you're making an insurance claim be patient decisions can be slow if you do feel tempted to pay for the repairs yourself upfront be warned you may not be able to claim that money back Paul and Claire now face an agonizing wait to find out if they'll be covered in the meantime I'm determined to sort out the final nasty health issue that family are living with there's a sewage stench pervading the house and it's coming from the pool of water under the floor of the downstairs loo [Music] to find the cause our team are outside investigating the drains thoroughly using special cameras to look for damage inside the pipes and I'm inside the bathroom giving its plumbing and inspection of my own so using the borescope camera I can probe into the darkest recesses inside the tube that joins the loo to the waste pipe the camera finds a problem places the seal around the main pipe where all of these three bits of the bathroom wastes run in has failed yes it's just melted a plastic pipe and stuffed it into the old cast-iron waste pipe hoping it will hold which it clearly isn't it's just a bit of DIY plumbing that's just weeping not surprisingly replacing the waste pipe is an easy fix at around 150 pounds for parts and plumber but it's not the only reason there's smelly water collecting under the house our cameras outside have fan cracks in the drains as you can see on the screen there's fractures at that point that's giving sharp edges you get a large slug of sewage sitting at that point and then the foul water is backing up and escaping through the cracks preparing them will cost three grand for Paul and Claire it's another blow and another case of putting in an insurance claim money is a huge stumbling block as far as all of this is concerned purely because there isn't any and and every corner we turn we were up against something else and there are days when I just want to just Jack the whole thing in and I've had enough and I could quite happily just even walk away from it but I can't and the Baker's still have another problem that is proving very difficult to deal with so as they haven't eaten it oh my god one of the little critters hate the price of eating too much of my poison the garden has become one big rat graveyard but the poison hasn't got to them all I was working up at about 2:00 in the morning by his rustling noise and there was a rat in my bedroom can I just set frozen petrified in the bed crying saying I wanted to move and I wouldn't sell a house I never wanted to come back here ever again with four young children in the house the situation is intolerable I'm sending the rat catchers back they think the rats are coming in through the broken dreams until these are fixed they do have a solution to keep them out this is the right stop it's a valve that goes into the sewer it allows the flow to go through but it stops the rats coming back we're not taking any chances we're laying more poisonous bait and should the tenacious creatures get past all that this time we're laying traps as well [Music] it's been a month since Paul and Claire submitted their insurance claim for the extension they've now heard back and have asked to see me for some advice what I've said is they they're not overly concerned they believe its own movement and as such they would like to monitor it for six months yeah but actually terribly typical of insurance companies I personally think the evidence is suggesting it is still moving because looking at what the subsoil is and looking at the fact that it has moved in the past and nothing has been done to shore it up it would seem amazingly lucky that it's just suddenly miraculously stopped moving through some reason they did say that we can continue with the work inside and redecorate over the cracks because while they monitored they will monitor it from the outside so in one way we think great we can move on and then in the back of my mind it was well if I put the kitchen in and it does move again what happens then it's not going to move six foot it's gonna move a little bit or not if the insurance company are correct then it won't so I think for your own peace of mind you can still get on with getting that room as part of the house rather than leaving it as this slightly sort of scary stick on extension which just might float away one night when you're not looking exciting I think that we can actually get on with it now this is the fun part [Music] I can't wait to that kitchen go I would rather live out of boxes now I need to normal normal screwdriver what you doing I'm just I'm looking here why because that's what men do - can we get these cupboards done first before you start it's really quite so coming for you glad to see the back of that before the new kitchen is fitted Paul and Claire need a cosmetic solution for that enormous crack so if there's further movement it won't look this bad and Simon knows just the thing we can't be certain that this bit of the wall has stopped moving away from this bit of the wall so we're gonna make a movement joint we want to move this wiggly crack to a line there and it kind of makes it more socially acceptable Simon covers the crack with metal mesh called EML once this is plastered over it'll make any future crack appear along one neat line this mesh here you see it's not attached to anything on this side but on that side it's very firmly fixed to the wall so if the wall on that side of the crack starts to move that way it's going to pull this mesh with it and so as it moves the joint will open up up like that let the plastering commence after a coat of plaster the wall looks as good as new and needs just the bare minimum of maintenance in the future a little tiny bit and you can easily just put some decorations cork in and repaint the seeing it disappear it's made made a huge difference finally liberated from the crack that's been haunting them for too long years the Baker's throw themselves into getting their extension finished for Paul's Christmas deadline I've got a second I'm just trying to form the paperwork first oh I know what goes there you don't need to keep looking at your plans this is gonna be a test of our marriage mr. Baker yeah [Music] Paul's not stopping with a kitchen he's got the bit between his teeth and is determined to get the whole house totally revamped I worry he's just pushing himself too hard in his mission to give his family the perfect home there's only a certain number of hours in the day and in the weekends and I've been trying to do as much as possible but coming from work makes some until we get the kids to bed it's nearly 9:00 o'clock there's what a lot of pressure in that because you know you have to do it but then physically you're thinking on it go bed [Music] Paul and Claire have had a gargantuan task getting there seriously unhealthy home on the road to recovery last time I was here they're an absolute chaos but I'm back to give the house one final health check back when I first saw the house the list of illnesses was unthinkable sewage in the downstairs loo evil black mold on the walls an infestation of rats and one of the biggest cracks I've seen now the entire property has been through one major Health Program [Music] if the outside is anything to go by it's worked wonders you won't believe it's the same house [Music] the entrance-hall was a dark omen of the horrors within and now through Paul's mega DIY graft it's thrown off its murky past upstairs in Alice's bedroom a huge health concern had taken hold in the shape of stubborn black mold now it's exactly as a boy's room should be bright colorful and above all healthy all of this was covered in black mold wasn't it all this area here and I notice a windows open ventilating great so you bleached it heated it insulated it ventilated it yeah so all the mold has gone from everywhere we did everything that we were told to do and it's worked it's not worked really well and has your kids house been better yeah absolutely really it's a huge relief to know that the children can be in this room and it's not going to be detrimental to their health downstairs the second health hazard was a swamp of sewage lurking under the bathroom we routed out some bodged plumbing but the problem won't be completely cured until leaking drains under the house right now we've fixed the waste pipe but have you heard from the insurance company as to whether they're going to replace the drains certainly have and we're looking in about a month's time they're going to come in and redo them off great so new drains so it should not only mean that there's no danger of the sewage leaking but the rats were coming up through the drains the final hygiene horror was rats running riot we discovered that they were coming up from the drains and we laid down traps and bucket loads of poison so you've done everything you can to stop absolutely there you know there's a lot of things that we didn't realize but we've got rid of the compost heap we're making sure we're aware of the habitat of where rats can go so we're trying to make it less appealing to them in general do you think you've got on top of your health and hygiene issues of the house now it's like a weight being lifted because you're so conscious for the different things that are going wrong in the house and then all of a sudden they're not there anymore and it's it's a lovely feeling because you can enjoy your home again there was one problem though that was bigger than all the others put together a huge crack running between the main house and the extension now it's out of sight if not entirely out of mind and to think there was the absolute mother and father of craps here wasn't there this is the movement joint down here and if the back of the house does move it will force the crack to just crack down that line and move around vertically so it'll be one small line to kill rather than cracking all over the place yeah obviously the movement hasn't been fixed but now you know why it's moving it's a matter of the insurance monitoring it and eventually stabilizing it but at least you know why and that's the key the bakers now have the peace of mind that their extension is in the hands of the specialists and insurers this has given them the confidence to transform it with a last-minute cash injection from players parents it's the crucial ingredient that finally makes this property what they wanted and what this whole house was about was having this wonderful family space at the back here for you and all your kids to hang out in it and there's this the vision it is absolutely this is what we had in mind when we bought it now it's actually finished you just keep walking around thinking oh my goodness this is our house and their children love it I've been sliding up and down the body really nice to see Paul and Claire have certainly come a long way having a lovely home like there seemed impossible just a few months ago when they thought their house was falling into the ground so it's amazing to think that last time we were out here you're in the depths of despair it had reduced you to tears the house it's amazing it's a complete contrast when you come out and you look into a big hole and somebody tells you that your house is moving it's terrifying really really frightening because you think you know there is beyond us there's nothing we can do about it and then more experts you get and the more opinions you hear and you realize that it is not as bad as what you first thought it would be what you've done is really brave we faced up to all the issues with your house you've got on top of them and now you're in a position of power where you are controlling the house and it's not controlling you it's beyond everything I thought it was gonna be it's awesome I'll be able to come in and sit my backside and do nothing yeah we can relax now a week or two yeah till I find something else for you to do it's great to see the whole family enjoying their home in the way that they've never been able to before financially this property is the most expensive thing porn and Claire ever bought and now they are finally on the path to having a secure investment when I first met you it was an unassailable house and you you know where you were kind of tied to the house because you didn't really want to live in it couldn't sell it would you want to sell it now yeah I couldn't bear to be in it one more week and now I wouldn't sell it no no I mean see the children go back yeah yeah do you think it works better as a house now yeah I think bring us together more because we didn't get like that much time to sit down so many problems with the house oh really did you do notice that mom and dad were a bit stressed before yeah do they seem happier [Music] Paul and Claire were burying their heads in the sand about the massive problems they had with this house they've been incredibly brave facing up to the issues working out exactly what the problems were and working very very hard to fix them they've now managed to turn their home from the attacker back into the protector and ultimately that's what every home should be [Music]
Channel: HomeStyle
Views: 40,243
Rating: 4.9275656 out of 5
Keywords: home style, homestyle, daytime, daytime tv, british tv, fashion, building a house, house transformation, styling guide, restoration home, restoration, home flipping, lifestyle tv, Sarah Beeny, crafts, diy projects, DIY room decor, before and after, sarah beeny renovate, sarah beeny tv, home projects, run down, home improvement, property, makeover, interior design
Id: QoGRfDkBshg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 8sec (2768 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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