Double Your House For Half The Money! | Series 2 Episode 7 - FULL EPISODE

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[Music] we all have our own idea of our dream home but the reality is many of us have to put up with houses that just don't work so we have three bedrooms and there are eight of us the main issue that we've got with the house is space nothing worse when you have a row and you can't go anywhere but it is possible to get more house for less money transforming a house into something spectacular might seem unaffordable but I really believe it is possible to create your dream home for a fraction of the price are going in buying one if you get it nice that is what the class is large and in charge last year saw a whopping hundred and sixty four thousand home extensions successfully granted planning permission but get it wrong and a badly designed extension can knock thousands off the value of a house limeys say you're fifty percent over already yes we're burning about 2,000 pounds of day it's a scary moment in this series I'll be following the fortunes of those attempting to radically overhaul smaller homes for a fraction of the cost of buying a bigger one you've made one hundred and twenty thousand pounds of equity in that's a lot of money it's never a simple undertaking they come more months this goes on the worse it's going to get financially we cry but the rewards can be in it and it is used but it is fantastic what more would you wish for I don't think I could ask for anything more it's beautiful [Music] in my experience buildings are hugely adaptable and can be pulled in all sorts of directions with some clever redesigning you can take another exciting house and turn it into the home of your dreams this weekend with two homeowners who want to turn their - up - downs into spacious family homes without going broke in one's worth South London new parents Charlie and Claire long for more space and light in their cramped terraced cottage there's no natural daylight coming into this space so it does feel quite dark and as you could all the lights on but first I'm off to another to bed house in Horsham West Sussex where cereal renovators Jason and Sarah have completely run out of space this is our wardrobe stroke storage space shoes or just anything that we can fit up here really they bought their minut two-up two-down as a wreck two years ago for two hundred and seventy five thousand pounds we saw the potential to extend it we literally came into the property and and just gutted it and with an imminent arrival there was added pressure to their already stressful situation got the property ammonia and baby was due in the April so we were here every evening every weekend they spent 20 thousand pounds refurbishing the interior but it's much too small for the needs of their young family the main issue that we've got with the house is space don't even have anywhere to have dinner and the three of us sit around Harley's little plastic table and chairs don't we there's nothing worse when you have a row and you can't go anywhere so with the plaster barely dry on their first renovation plucky Jason and Sarah are donning the hard hats again we just keep fighting till we build this extension plaster Jason will be doing work himself and pulling favors from mates in the trades Jason and Sarah are brave to have taken on another renovation project but with a home less than half the size of the average UK house it's not surprising they want a bit more space Jason and Sarah want to show me their dream house in flexing Lee sorry but they can't afford it what is it that you really love about this just a character in it very quaint it's got beautiful oak beams all throughout the house they really love the kitchen here because it's got lots of space lots of work surface space which is something that I would love a house like this would cost about 600 and your house is worth about three hundred and thirty thousand pounds so you'd need to find another two hundred and seventy thousand pounds we have 25,000 okay it's a long way soldiers that's a hundred and seventy away to buy it if they pull this off I'll be seriously impressed so let's see if there's any possibility of them achieving their ambitious dream on their tiny budget this is almost half a house at the moment so much potential to extend for size and next door have already done that such an amazing view whatever you end up building with this house it's all about that Jason Sara and Harley live in a Victorian red brick two-up two-down in their current layout there's a cramped living room kitchen and bathroom downstairs upstairs two small bedrooms [Music] but why do you find it doesn't really work for you we have to be very organized because there's no space for anything there's no cupboard space you can't put anything away anywhere can we no we're ready to just sort of move across so the bursar walls open and bursting out the scenes now okay next door in the compact kitchen there's barely room to swing a cat this is lovely your kitchen but it is it's quite small isn't it but I do a lot of cupcakes I recently did a friend's fortieth and really like to do it a bit more but at the moment I don't feel I have the faith to do it so far so here if you could get a bar upstairs and get all the utilities space into there that would make a very big difference upstairs the lack of room in the Bijou bedrooms is a storage nightmare it's quite right stuck yeah but it's probably not helped by the super king size bed it does take off the vast majority of this room behind us takes up a lot of space but all of our stuff is in the loft our loft is our it's our wardrobe oh goodness so you get up and down to the loft to get bits and pieces out mm-hmm it's a bit of a nightmare really yeah so over the next four months to really make the house work for them the family plan to build a two-story extension on the side they'd like a spacious lounge and to move the stairs to the front of the house to create a big kitchen and utility upstairs said like a huge master bedroom with ensuite and to create a large family bathroom an extension of this scale should cost around seventy-five thousand pounds but they only have a third of that so they need to save money wherever they can and first up is the stairs one thing I do look at is that you're planning on moving the stairs from here to here I understand your logic for one who's do that because then you come in the front door and you go straight up the stairs however is really expensive moving the stairs the simplest way to save money would be to keep the stairs in their original position at the back of the house then they'd get a slightly smaller bathroom and bigger bedroom it's a lovely house it's clearly ready to extend it's the perfect plot it all comes down to the fact that you're trying to satisfy a thousand hands of work for twenty-five thousand pounds and any builder looking at this is gonna think there's no way you could ever do that for 25 thousand which I agree but it'd just be a waste race even with you doing absolute yourself and mates rates it's still gonna be very very tight with only a twenty five thousand pound budget everything on this build has got to be divided into a half to do list and a one to do list and everything on the want do list is gonna have to be left to later over in one's worth South London Charlie Clare and baby Tommy live in a pokey Victorian terraced cottage they bought for a pricey six hundred and fifteen thousand pounds we have a lot of wedding presents that we don't actually have in the house yet so he'd been married for four years and they're still at mom and dad's originally the Hudsons wanted to move to the country in search of the rural dream of more space and lights we've been talking about it for years and years and years and telling all our friends and family yeah and tears we're gonna move out then we found out that I was pregnant we decided that she had be probably better to stand and so nearly all gone Charlie has a much better relationship is he seeing his son much more Charlie works as a cricket club executive in London he's leaving Claire in charge of both the baby and the build charlie has given me the job with project manager apparently it's because I don't have anything to do with my my time at the moment but there's an upside to being in charge start seeing products I like like underfloor heating for the kitchen then I might be able to twist charlie so I mean Charlie and Claire would like to live in the country but can't because they don't want to commute so their challenge is to make a dark cramped townhouse feel like a bright spacious home in a country in London space is at a premium and house prices are sky high I'm meeting them at the for bed town house nearby their dream of living in if they can afford to so this is the house that in a perfect world you'd love to be able to go and buy yeah yeah it looks great it's great open plan kitchen really light very different to what we currently have there's a sort of lounge dining type area so you could just sit there and meet the papers so you'd really like a kitchen it's big enough to hang out in yeah it was to buy their dream house in this area would cost a whopping nine hundred thousand pounds their house is now worth six hundred and twenty thousand pounds leaving a shortfall of two hundred and eighty thousand pounds they've got less than half of that at one hundred and twenty thousand pounds the family currently live in a narrow - up to Dan downstairs there's a living room dining room and separate kitchen upstairs two bedrooms and a bathroom Charlie and Claire wants to a loft conversion like their neighbors but they're unsure whether to put one or two bedrooms up there this is where you're hoping that you'll be able to extend them to the Attic and that will either be two bedrooms and a little shower room or a big bedroom and a big bathroom yes the second one might create a bit more the wow factor when we come to you know trying to add value to the to the place but there's far more people who are going to want a four-bedroom house at this price tag than somebody than people who want a three-bedroom that house at this price tag so I think in terms of marketability better off with four bedrooms it's really sensible of Charlie to look at the end value of the house but there's a long way to go yet their plan is to spend the next four months building a side return extension to create a kitchen diner and downstairs Lou their current dining room would become a playroom for Tommy the first floor will stay the same but they want to convert their loft to provide extra bedrooms and an ensuite shower room but they're worried about one part of their plan the potential lack of light in Tommy's playroom downstairs we're concerned when we extend the kitchen this becomes quite a dark room because we won't have any natural light coming into it - on the same street they've either knock down that wall or that wall and having seen their houses we still can't decide this wall here I think you should take out because if you take this wall out here as you come through the door you're gonna see way down through the garden you've got a little bit of a problem with the stairs and I have to hold the stairs up but either have a wall into this point I'll have a post so that this the stairs can bear on to this point here looking down the wall between the kitchen and playroom will really make the space open and light and they'll still have a separate living room away from the family clutter Claire's got a young baby and she's got a big building project that she's running and managing it's gonna be some busy times ahead I'm with two families who want to dramatically transform their two up to dance without getting in the red in Sussex the build is underway plaster adjacent is pulling in favors from mates in the trade to try and keep his ambitious 25,000 pound build on budgets he's done a few little jobs at my place so I come down here and run you know I'll come down Saturday mornings or whatever give him a hand job for job really but even they think his fans are over optimistic whoever will stick to 25 I don't know I hope you will you know cuz then you know then he hasn't got a you know go ask it or begging for more money subway you know but it's only day one and they've already hit upon something which could cause a real sting [Music] the sewage pipe which services the village is immediately underneath there but posed extension the build will have to be put on hold whilst they wait for permission to build over the pipe and with the processing fee that's nine hundred pounds down the pan I feel gutted because nine hundred pound that we couldn't afford to laser it's really frustrating because we're all ready to go and now we can't now we've got to wait and see what happens if they've got any hope of finishing this extension they need to rein in their budget and their ambitious plans fast [Music] over in the affluent London borough of Wandsworth it's a different story Clare's at the neighbors her wish list is growing by the day and with it I fear one hundred and twenty thousand pound budget I mean this is just the look we were sort of thinking of going for so that's on our wish list I like that that's great Ibiza nineteen Wow and this is something you know that we'd love to be able to recreate two doors down so I do love your kitchen so it's where the dances Louise Claire's got all the inspiration she needs as her build gets underway she's very exciting because we've got progress and things are happening but with Charlie busy at work Claire's struggling to look after the baby and manage her first bills it's slightly nerve-racking because this is our house it could crumble anyway really at times you know I'd like him to get a little bit more involved it's a massive responsibility for first-time mother and first-time project manager Claire she passionately wants to bring light into the house so time for some inspiration I guess I wants to bring you here because this is a house that is designed all around that to lighten I think there's some ideas here which should hopefully inspire yeah brilliant this house has been built to monitor the effects of daylight so this is lovely it's very uplifting you walk into you know a house like ours and it is quite enclosed and obviously being a terraced house you do feel that claire is planning an expensive fully glazed ceiling over the side returned but there's a cheaper alternative with your kitchen you've got glazed roof panels and I think it would be better to put in maybe two or three big V lux's there we are a lot cheaper secondly it's much easier to clean it because you can flip the V lux's round and thirdly it's better for ventilation I mean those are three very good reasons and there's something else I want to show Claire next door now this just shows what you can do its roof lights it would make a really big difference to have new flights across the top of your attic bedroom I think the roof lights are great and if we could have those on the front of the house and then have the Juliet balcony on the back that would be great to have the light from both sides on the front of the house it may well require planning permission in terms of your internal space it would be a dramatic improvement I think light matters to all of us the way we capture it and utilize it in our homes not only affects our energy consumption but also our well being never underestimate how much light matters back in Sussex after a two-week delay and a 900-pound hit to their budgets Jason and Sara's ambitious build is again underway building a two-story extension will more than double the size of their tiny two-up two-down dan says they'll gain a spacious lounge and they still want to move the stairs to the front of the house to create a big kitchen and separate utility up says they're adding a master bedroom and family bathroom but they've agreed to ditch the ensuite because of their diminished budget I've returned to see their new living room taking shape so fantastic whereas before you weren't at all connected to the garden and the view now these will be the bi-fold doors it's gonna be fantastic the thought of kind of standing there and having all of this open and looking out onto the X just yeah amazing what a difference how does it feel now it's finally taking shape as she started to say we know what it's gonna look like and that you get in somewhere lighting Barry they're right to be excited about all their new space but I feel so strongly they should scale back their plans are not move the stairs that I thought I'd go to town with a blown-up full-scale floor plan of the upstairs in the middle of a field you know sometimes we spend months and months and months planning an extension but still struggle to visualize exactly how it's going to be and so I'm hoping that this trick might get my hat this is all to scale so this so you'd be walking up the stairs here you get to the top of the stairs and then this is your current bedroom with a massive business and this is where the existing house ends and all of this is your new extension this looks massive and one of the reasons there's bedrooms such a good size it's cuz you don't have the stairs coming up in the corner of it and I know at the moment you're planning on on moving the stairs from over in the corridor there into this space here and eating into this bedroom apart funding our budget is so small it's just something that isn't gonna make that much difference and will suck up money we disagree on the reason for moving the stairs would be it gives you a bigger bar from upstairs it also gives you a bigger kitchen downstairs I don't think one of the ones you've got at the moment is the bathroom being too small in fact the bastard was massive and the kitchens not gonna be small either with the extension once you've knocked it all through there's things that you want there's things that I want but at the same time I think we don't have the money to do it it's doing what's best for the money that was I think differently I think of gonna do it now because they don't have it all nice and they don't have the money to do it yeah I'll find the money help you're asking the 25,000 has to do in all four Lots it really ought to be three times that so I just think that every single penny really counts if there's any chance at all that you can do it for the amount of money you've got whilst I applaud Jason's optimism with their budget already so stretched it really would be madness to move the stairs back in one's worth project manager Claire seems on top of things they're now six weeks into their 16 week bills and I'm back to check on their progress in menu loft taking shape I mean it looks the building site yes actually really with the rest the plaster board up and once it's been skimmed and the floors down yeah really much there because I turn it once a week and it's completely changed if you found it quite they've got to keep up with it I got to think all the other days saying right we'll see you at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning on site I've been trying to make you know important decisions about you know the plumbing and where radiators are going to go and that's the thing well jiggling a baby around really falling on your shoulders hasn't there yeah it has pressure that lasts for six weeks when everything something very quickly you come up with a few points it gets me thinking and then I say oh yeah downstairs they're opening up the space by knocking through to the kitchen one holes that's very soon all of these walls will be demolished and you'll have your just make it yeah they plan to add bi-fold doors out into the garden so they need to think about making it beautiful and childproof your garden it may have once been beautiful but let's be honest it's trashed isn't it your grass is just not going to be recovering in a hurry you know so I wanted to talk to you about this now artificial grass has come on in leaps and bounds in the last few years it used to be something that sat on the greengrocers table under the bonanno's but but now it's been completely revolutionized in how its manufactured come on Charlie Wow it feels not yes this in the garden will not only look fantastic when you look outside it's really nice to use as well especially with children in a small area this one's a bit that's quite cool it holds its position a little bit better there are lots of different options they range from 24 pounds to 30 pounds a meter and it'll be a really good long-term investment here are some ideas if you want to give your garden a child-friendly facelift play bark or colored bark provides a safe surface for children it costs around 8 pounds for a 70 liter bag it absorbs water when it rains and will need replacing after time a longer-lasting alternative is rubber chips made from old car tires these colorful chips cost around the same as play bark and don't absorb water or rot finally if you're keen to keep the look of natural grass try grass mats these recycled rubber mats are effectively hidden once the grass grows through them but still provide a softer landing for little adventurers for more information about cool gardens for kids check out my scrapbook at Channel 4 come forward slash beanie [Music] last time I saw jasonandsarah in Horsham they hit a stalemate over the stairs with their 25,000 pound budget already so stretched and keen to know what they decided oh hi Jason it's Sara yeah oh yeah how are you a really quick catch-up about about how your budgets getting on well so far we're up to 14,000 14,000 that is up to plate height okay okay so at the moment you've got you've got eleven thousand left to finish everything any have a loose and it's gonna be really tight very expensive everything they're dwindling budget has forced Jason to make one very important decision because that's how a budget is getting so tight that it be the case of believe it there's we're here take the extra bit of money personally I'm delighted and think Jason's definitely made the right move every penny counts on this one [Music] in Horsham West Sussex Jason and Sarah are halfway through their four-month build and have been doing everything in their power to stretch their minuscule 25,000 pound budget this is all my timber save me at least 250 in the region 250 for a skip we have their annual bonfire and then just burn it in November so absolutely perfect with such limited funds it's important that when they do spend money it's in the right places so I'm hoping to show them how to get a lot more space for very little money this hopefully is a way of really being able to visualize what I'm talking about so at the moment you have a wall in place between this sitting room and the kitchen now what I'm suggesting is I know you're really short on money and I know it's really tight but with a couple of hundred pounds that it's going to cost you I really think you should consider taking down this wall yeah Wow exactly what I wanted exactly that's amazing the difference between that and that is really significant a friend of mine would help me out doing that so yeah it should be too much of a job oh yeah definitely when extending your home isn't an option but you're desperate for more room consider some clever space-saving ideas suspended pot racks make good use of ceiling space and free up cupboards bulky washing machines and tumble dryers can be stacked under the stairs and for the wine connoisseur not on a budget think about maximizing the space beneath your feet for the temperature controlled underfloor wine cellar for more information about clever space-saving ideas check out my scrapbook at channel for calm for word slash beanie three months since their build and jason's finally up to the roof but he and his mate have uncovered another costly problem in the original building discovered a really rotten roof back case of robbing is anything they see on this you know he loves doing it's got its got a cut off its money they just don't have Jason and Sarah's Impossible Project is looking more impossible by the day in one's worth Charlie and project manager Claire and a three-quarters of the way through their bills their new windows are finally being fitted but they're a long way off moving back in we're probably about four four to five weeks behind schedule which is stressful we're still living away from here some time into commuting with Tommy every day for me when I come on the site there's nowhere to put Tommy I can't put him down anywhere because this is all sorts of builders death around we just want to come home soon start living here again Claire's building site seems a long way from her and Charlie's dream of a family home in the city with the feel and space of a country pad so I've brought them here to fuel their imagination I thought this might be quite inspiring in terms of style because it has an eclectic and rustic look to it and like Charlie and Claire they've also knocked down walls to open up the space I was like this pillar here really like what they've done with the blackboard just think it's quite fun the open-plan downstairs exuse country cool but it's the loft upstairs which really has the wow factor you might goodness wow now this is amazing pretty spectacular yes damn we can recreate this going that is amazing yeah yeah I know sliding door so fantastic it's really spectacular isn't it yeah it is an unusual situation this because it doesn't even look everyone else's Gardens as much as yours would so I think that's probably what perhaps beyond the possibilities that you can do but internally here they it's very light and bright them high above the treetops this bright loft room really makes the most of the natural light and couldn't feel further from the confines of a dark terraced house back in Horsham Jason and Sara's shoestring budget has nearly run out leaving very little for the designer kitchen they dreamed of but there is a way they can get the look at a fraction of the cost you've been talking about your kitchen and I know you're really quite keen to have a lovely kitchen not new it's it's one of the reasons you're extending the house search isn't it yes very important awfully so do you have a picture as to how you'd like your kitchen ideas have been going on about the black granite with the sparkle kind of surface a long time have nice there's lots of problems with putting Renison apart from the fact it's really expensive one of the issues is that the units you have would need to be strengthened because it's very heavy and that's why I brought you here because there's a solution I want to show you that's more affordable and considerably more convenient the benefit of this is that it can be fitted over the top of your old units which reduces the labor cost this is what I want to show you this is crushed stone that's set within a resin leather big advantage with that is that you can have it much much thinner you can completely cover the existing work tops that you've got and it'll look like stone but actually it's quicker to fit and it's cheaper it would knock a third of the price off having granite did you know about this no I didn't and it also comes in different colors so you can have granite crushed like this that's amazing yes that's exactly it so actually this is is what you've been dreaming out job done it was never in our budget because it was so expensive but now looking at this it seems like less of a dream and more of a reality which is brilliant really excited there we would have put it in the budget had we have known about it definitely to go for sure yeah four-and-a-half months ago jasonandsarah ambitiously set out to build a two-story extension with just 25,000 pounds not surprisingly it's been a stretch from the word go there's things that you want there's things that I want but at the same time I think we don't have the money to do it now the money has run out and with it their build has come to a crashing halt Jason and Sarah were attempting the impossible with a 75 thousand pound build but only twenty-five thousand pounds to do it I'm dying to see just how far they got at the start of their bill Jason Sarah and toddler Harley essentially lived in half a house now incredibly with just 25,000 pounds they've built a two-story extensions to create a comfortable family home the exterior looks completely different but what about the inside well this is great when you think about the fact that this was one of the tiniest houses I've ever been into and now you'd never guess before their cramped living room had to double up as a dining space by knocking down the wall they've created a spectacular kitchen diner with a cozy cottage feel and they finally got a proper family table only taking the wall down I think you know about that it's really nice to be able to actually put things on the table and not have to balance them off the edges and for us to all sit together and have a meal their kitchen was a pokey room at the back of the house now by extending and knocking through it's transformed they've used the space creatively to put in under stairs storage and given the work services a sleek facelift with the black granite look Sarah so desperately wanted you love cooking this new massive kitchen must be absolutely lovely beyond my expectation I can't wait to make a mess and everything you did here was on such a shoestring we've used a lot of the old units and the worktops which they've covered in this fin granite it looks stunning but we've saved a lot of money by doing it and the stairs they're in the same position as they always were I think that's a really good thing because I know you want to move them but it would have cost you a lot more time and money I think now that we've got the storage underneath it it just finishes off the kitchen so you're not unhappy with them where they are I'm not I just can be done with YouTube ganging up on me in the kitchen diner looks fantastic but in other parts of the house there's still a lot to do before the side of the house was a dead space cluttered with their old junk by building an extension they've gained two floors of extra space once finished downstairs will be a large family living room with bi-fold doors opening up onto the garden and upstairs will be their new master bedroom it was inevitable with only 25,000 pounds to do it that you were going to run out at some point and this is the point that it didn't stretch any further when their master bedroom is finished you'll enter to a small hallway to the right will be the family bathroom to the left will be much-needed floor-to-ceiling wardrobes and their super king beds will take prize of place in the center of the room beyond the bed is a girly dressing table for Sarah and finally a Juliet balcony to enjoy the stunning views it may not be finished but I'm really impressed with how much they've achieved so far how much does it end up costing yeah we had to just add some more money to it we mostly get probably about another five thousand so you spent 30 in the end yeah yes their dream house was worth six hundred thousand pounds and they'd have needed an extra two hundred and seventy thousand to buy it so far they spent thirty thousand pounds which is five thousand pounds more than their original twenty five thousand pound budget but an awful lot less than moving and I've got some other great news for them when it's finished I think it would be worth a good four hundred and twenty thousand and that would be a sixty thousand pound lump of equity that you've created in your home and how much do you think it'd look us to get it finished I think probably in the region of five thousand to get it all finished but I think for anyone else it'll cost a lot more than that but you have it achieved the most extraordinary amount on an incredibly small amount of money we've worked so hard streaming times such long hours so I don't think we could be more proud of what we've achieved [Applause] Jason and Sarah always knew it was ambitious to try and achieve as much as they wanted to on the amount of money they had I think they've done incredibly well but they have got a little bit of work to do it's the future coming up the Hudsons bright new home surpasses all expectations five months ago Charlie and Claire embarked on a massive project to transform their dark Victorian Terrace into a comfortable and light family home it's slightly nerve-racking because this is our house which could crumble any moment but with Cricut exec Charlie Flash out during the summer season Claire was left in charge of both their baby and the bill there's nowhere to put Tommy all sorts of builders and app around there five weeks behind schedule but they're 120 thousand pound build is finally nearly finished Charlie and Claire wants to turn their dark dingy London Terrace into a house that felt more like a bright and spacious country home I'm dying to see where they manage to fill it with light and where the project manager Claire is able to stick to her hundred and twenty thousand hand budgets at the start of the build the Victorian Terrace looked very different by adding a side return extension and loft conversion they've more than doubled their space before their dining room was dark and cramped and separate from the kitchen now by knocking down the wall and extending it's a bright open plan space where baby Tommy can play safely in full view of his parents so this is the playroom fantastic you must be so thrilled with the results really pleased I mean it's a massive change and having so much the wall down but with the pillar has a division of space and yet it brings war looting and now the kitchen is very very much the heart of your home versus their tiny dated kitchen was completely impractical for family living they totally transformed this space the use of neutral tones and skylights has made it bright and airy and Claire's injected the country chic she's so wanted it's in the center of his face which actually draws the whole house together really well we love it don't we it's just everything we wanted you could have this huge space that you didn't really know quite what to do with but actually its zoned very effectively and one of the ways that that works incredibly well is the fact you've got the slightly lower area here going down to the breakfast bar but the higher level at this point means that when you're sitting in the dining room you come to the kitchen it's just beautifully designed in that way I think part of why it's so effective is it's so light and bright isn't it that was really important and it was after you took me do that really light and bright house with all their sort of gadgets and the electrical windows that we just decided that we had to put in as many roof lights as we could and the best thing is they're all electric so it's one remote control does all five when it does get too hot in here you can actually close the blinds well it's particularly effective is having the by folding doors and you've done the most spectacular transformation on the garden that is amazing their garden had been destroyed after becoming the dumping ground for the builders rubbish now they've created an evergreen oasis that will take everything the family throws it is a fantastic space I've got to mention the glass because it looks luscious and cleaner and I guess ideally it would be real grass spots it's a small urban garden and it's never going to be luscious green grass it's going to be dead grass we were a bit concerned could rule losing quite a lot of space by putting the extension answer but this is a far more useable space we have known by having a garden that can be used all year round that's extended the house right out to the end of the garden and it means I now have to cut the lawn before they only had two small bedrooms now by converting their laughs they've created two gorgeous airy rooms and a stylish ensuite that's great this is what you are really really needing wasn't it this yeah brilliant it's everything they ever wanted the Juliet balcony and skylights flood the room with lights and frame the amazing views of London we were really pleased with your advice on the original plans there was an option to have just one big bedroom and a big ensuite bathroom but we managed to squeeze two bedrooms in here which is which is great just have to decide where this is the spare room or our grandparents have earmarked this as their everything I think they might done yeah Claire has transformed this house I'm just wondering if she achieved it all for their hundred and twenty thousand pound budget well he started out this whole project in the house was worth about six hundred and twenty thousand and and you were hoping to spend a hundred twenty thousand on the project Whitney how much did he wind up spending we actually spend one hundred and thirty we were placed all the windows in the house with timber double clays Sundays so that was their cost that we hadn't factored in but we thought it was really worth doing to be really honest what you've achieved four hundred thirty thousand here I think is is pretty impressive any proud of what she's done absolutely I mean it couldn't be you know couldn't be any better I'm you know so proud of her for doing it their dream house was worth nine hundred thousand pounds but their finances were short by two hundred and eighty thousand pounds they've managed to create their own dream home 430,000 even though they went 10,000 pounds over budget it's still considerably less than the cost of buying any one and that's not all the really good news is that now I think this house would be easily worth 850,000 you've made 100,000 pounds equity by doing doing the projects no Dennis yeah that's a lotta money yeah so we're not looking solar yes Claire's on an amazing job managing this project with babe in arms whilst Charlie has been working hard to finances they certainly have succeeded in creating a lovely light filled home with touches of the country [Music]
Channel: HomeStyle
Views: 114,207
Rating: 4.8989172 out of 5
Keywords: home style, homestyle, daytime, daytime tv, british tv, fashion, building a house, house transformation, styling guide, bargain hunt, redesign, restoration home, restoration, home flipping, lifestyle tv, Sarah Beeny, double your home, double your house, double your house for half the money, double your house episode, crafts, diy projects, DIY room decor, double your house full episodes, before and after, sarah beeny renovate, sarah beeny tv, home projects
Id: cwKanO8GLGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 47sec (2807 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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