Help Choosing Your Niche - 13 Highly Profitable Niche Sites Revealed, Explained & Reviewed

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hello hello welcome my name is Miles Beckler this is going to be a very fun live broadcast if you're tuning in live welcome if you're after-the-fact welcome you're gonna get a lot of value from this video so again I'm Miles Becker with Miles Becker comm and this video is going to help you choose your niche that is the number one challenge that most people growing an internet-based business have if what it do I choose we're gonna kind of move forward with this video there's me two separate parts to the video the first part is gonna kind of be theoretical I'm gonna share two key ideas that you need to keep in mind when you're growing your niche so you can know that you're in a modern niche not an old-school style niche that doesn't work anymore but a modern niche so you can move forward confidently right so there's gonna be a little bit of teaching at the beginning and then after that we're gonna go in and review 13 individual niche science now that by definition means that we're gonna be going through 13 different sites and it's gonna be a little bit there's gonna be some time involved here but the benefit that you're gonna get from consuming this video from watching this video all the way till the end is you're gonna see so many unique and incredible examples of highly successful websites now some of these websites I know the owners of some I know them personally I've shaking their hands they're friends of mine they've been to my events and I know some of them through kind of Association right I know people who know them some these websites are generating millions of dollars per year in revenue each and every year now I'm not gonna tell you which ones because of just want to make sure that if there's a little bit of privacy in there for them for the ones that are absolutely crushing it all of them are hyper profitable that is one thing you need to know is all of these are actually lifestyle businesses these are not just web sites these are not flash-in-the-pan kind of sites that might make a little bit of money here and then disappear these are businesses that people can you know essentially pay for mortgages and and design the lifestyle of their dreams on so if you're with me live welcome I would love to know where you're at I want to make sure that you're working I want or that the mic is working I'm the one working here you're working - watching so let me know where you're at what's going on if you can hear me great if you can see me great I can see that I've got Lincoln going on what's up Lincoln I think you're out on in the 808 right you're out on the islands I hope everything's beautiful with island life I saw I saw door what's up man I hope you're staying warm in Beantown my friend um pratik Arthur the Nomad Brad is here everyone's asking how to choose a niche no my bread you're 100% right Darius is here good to see you man I see you in the comments all the time thank you for all of your comments and Julie a mom's business is here cool everybody can hear me I'm gonna jump in so again the first part of this I want to cover what I consider to be a modern niche and the difference between a modern niche and what I call an old-school niche is the fact that modern niches need to subdivide themselves a little bit more we need to niche down more today than we had to in 2009 right like the world has changed and there's more people entering the space so there's a couple of keys a couple of key ways and things you can do in order to niche down the other key that I really want to share before we get in is all these sites we're gonna look at no one knew what they were doing no one knew how to do what they've created right everyone entered the unknown they had an idea they had a passion they had a thought that was something missing in the market they had this idea and they started moving forward and what they're doing today and what they're selling is probably a lot different than what they started in the beginning it's been an evolution to get to this point no one no one mapped this all out saw the whole path before they started they went through one training and it just showed step by step what to do no one that's not how this world works it's a lot of trial and error and and struggle and then you find some things that are fun that work you find some things that are frustrating and don't work you do more what's fun and what works you test this type of product you test that type of product and you move forward continuously with that said I want to get into the modern niche situation so I got to share my screen first which we're going there let me know if you can see my screen at this point and I want to check here I got you guys on comments perfect and we've got everyone there so let us go into my little drawing tool so a modern niche what makes a modern niche it's when we are starting to combine things hope this was from a different training let me clear that off it's when we combine ideas right so there's the idea of a top level niche and then there's a sub niche and then there's sub niches below the sub niches so the way I like to think of it is back in the day there could be a photography site right and like in 2009 there was one or two photography sites that really dominated and that was it they were just photography they were everything about photography but today that that's too much we can't just be the photography site anymore so what do we have to do well it's where we start to inner link the different ideas together right and what we're looking for now and what the sweet spot is for a modern niche is this area in between this overlap area so it can be and you're gonna see this repeatedly over and over in these examples in very very different ways which is why you need to watch every single one of these examples to the end so we can have photography here again right but now maybe we have iPhones over here right and so the niche is actually iPhone photography is that sweet spot today in this current day and age and I do have an example of that for you um it can go into all just I mean this is this is really how it goes you've heard my goofy um like pet food idea that that so many people love to troll me for I don't own any pets I don't care what you feed your pet to be honest and then the vegan niche right so it's the idea of vegan pet food being that little space and whether you think that's a good idea or not there's thousands and thousands of people per month searching how to make vegan pet food and to me that's like an extreme goofy example but it just goes to show this is where our world is that everyone's looking for hyper specific things that are tailored specifically for their unique needs goals and desires so if you're doing something if you're in the world and you're just focusing on weight loss and that's it right you're just 100% focused on weight loss you need to figure out what is that other thing that you're gonna add on to weight loss and it could be and and I'm not recommending this by any means you need to see what comes out of your story what's what's a part of your life because if you're in the weight loss niche you've probably lost some weight so could be veganism right in there it could potentially be veganism but it could be a million other things and maybe you're obese right and maybe it's not just weight loss from a kind of like I want to lose 10 pounds maybe it's like I want to learn like I'm gonna I'm gonna show you how to lose a hundred pounds or more right so that's the and obviously you would want to have that as a part of your story but when we get so specific in this kind of a situation these are the people that you're talking to every piece of your marketing everything that you're doing is so focused on them their needs their goals their desires their beliefs every piece of content you create every ad you run every product you put out has a very high likelihood of working because it's speaking directly to them so it's all about mixing these things you probably know my wife's main website is in the I'm gonna actually draw that one out for you just full disclosure we're not gonna look at hers because I use hers as such an example these are all new examples here that we're gonna go through today but the one last here is it's angels its spirituality and then it's meditation and honestly you could tack on another one that would be channeling right and in my wife's situation it really is that sweet spot for her really is this tiny little intersection and what happens it just in case you're like well but miles if you if you niche down that far aren't you gonna run out of people man we live in the world of billions of people have smartphones on them and in this little bubble my wife right here in this little green spot with the content she's been creating for about 10 years now she connects with like 8 million people to her website each and every year she's getting 2 million or so visits to her YouTube channel each and every month she's getting 2.5 million impressions on Pinterest she's got 900,000 fans on Facebook like channeling spirituality angels and meditation that little intersection right here is creating just a reach of millions and millions and millions possibly dozens if not hundreds of millions of people per year or coming in contact with our content and a lot of people hear about our niche and this intersection of all these different things but that's why it works right we're not trying to be everything to everyone we are B we are focusing everything on people who are really interested in this when they search they find my wife stuff they can tell that she's just legitimately on top of her game because she's been focusing ten years on this little tiny space and she's absolutely dominating the space so that's it for the kind of the teaching side of things on this I think that that makes really good sense and I want to share let's see here we got love coming out from India from Amsterdam from Sacramento I hope you're staying afloat my friend in Sacramento New York in the house awesome poor pets Alec's future and I love it yep people love that vegan pet food niche and if you're feeding your rabbit vegan food I think your rabbits gonna be fine I'm just saying there are people who have rabbits as pets so let's jump in I've got them all opened up here and we're gonna go through these one at a time together and I really just think that what I've done here is I've created a very wide variety of websites for us to look at together I wanted to make sure there it is just a majorly huge variety so number one is modern castle now modern castle is a what I consider to be an extremely good example of a review based website so what they've focused on specifically is home smart home products with a kind of a few main categories and these are their silos if you know anything about SEO and SEO silos which I teach in other videos vacuums vacuum reviews air purifiers furniture smart home products and mops that's it that's really what they focused on they focus on these areas of business now what they do and when you go down you roll down immediately you can see right away this is what makes them different this is their differentiation is that they actually buy the individual products they have room or rooms dedicated in their house to they spill on the ground and then they clean it up and like how good did this vacuum clean up all that stuff we spilled on their ground right and there's a lot of people who think the game of affiliate marketing is how do I get people to click on my links and that's the like how do I just get so if I can only get somebody to click on my links like they want to buy this thing they should just click on my link and it's like no how do you add you to the lives of the people considering buying a I don't know $450 vacuum or something like that how do you add value to the lives of these individuals well you do these types of reviews so I think modern castle for people who are doing Amazon review science for people who are focused on just flat-out reviewing products I think this is one of the best websites to study one of the best websites to model and that's really what you're gonna need to do is you need to find leaders who are doing similar things to what you want to do potentially in different niches figure out what they're doing that's getting them the success that you desire to emulate and then go do those things right you can see here these are all like all of these are just different affiliate links here but it's the way that they've built out their site with all of the different pieces of content that talks about what are the smart thermostats what is a smart home like all of the bits and pieces if you look on the right you see how long this this page is so this is their best smart home devices and like you could scroll down like they just go through all of the different smart products so this is a smart home reviews and then this takes you into the smart blocks which links you directly to their best smart lock and what they've done is nerd wallet did this nerville it got bought out by a big company they become a trusted reviewer their audience who has read the reviews bought their other products when you're ready to get your next smart home thing whether it's a thermostat or a smart speaker and you're like you know what I trusted them I bought what they recommended it worked really well I'm going back to modern castle comm to find out which smart speaker they think is actually the best speaker and then you go into the reviews and that's how it works in this situation now I personally like businesses that are a little bit more fun I'm gonna say a little bit more fun I don't know if that guy's actually passionate about vacuum cleaners I don't know if he's actually passionate about smart home devices I think you get smart homes people can't get geeky and they love having that stuff but this is a brilliant example so this is dad's guide to wdw calm and wdw stands for Walt Disney World now a little bit about his story he was an air traffic controller who loved Disney now air traffic controllers kind of like pilots they don't let them work past 55 because it's such a high-stress job so he the whole time was thing about what's his next thing gonna be he always loved Disney he ever since he was a kid he loved Disney content and he loved the Walt Disney's story so he knew it wanted to be around Disney and what did he do after that he went in and became a Disney travel agent he actually studied he bought courses he winnin and became an actual travel agent for Disney but he didn't love that side of selling he just wanted to share what he loved about Disney World well this guy is incredibly successful this website is incredibly successful and 100% about this and you can see right here I love Disney World it's my favorite place anywhere so Carl has built himself a business around this thing that he absolutely loves and we're gonna look a little bit into it but he's got books he's got products and the whole idea is that there's families who might travel from around the world or around the country to Walt Disney World he knows so much about Walt Disney World that he's gonna help these individuals who are trying to plan their trip to get the most out of their trip you're spending twenty five hundred or five thousand or seven thousand dollars to take the family to Walt Disney World you're probably gonna do a little bit of research in order to maximize that time and investment while you're there it's a big place what are you gonna do well he's got all of the different pieces about the different components of it right the the my Disney experience a transportation where to stay what resorts to stay at is it worth it etc trips and info and then he actually has travel agencies he's got different affiliate things built in he's got his own book at this point that sells so let's go into one of the and one of the things that notice is with all these drop downs this is a content-heavy website and that's the other thing you're gonna notice a lot of times with all these kinds of website it's is content is what wins because get in the mindset of that person who's about to take their family to Walt Disney World the whole week before they fly out they can't they're trying to think about work they're sitting in their cubicle all week and they're really thinking about their vacation they've already kind of checked out even though they're at the office because they have to be right so what are they doing well they're alt-tab reading this stuff they're googling things like how to deal with crowds at Walt Disney World and they might find this post and they might find this book and they might find his other stuff and they might take recommendations and they might actually purchase through his affiliate links and that's where he makes his money I'm just scrolling down to show you all of the different bits and pieces all the content that's in here you can see that it he links to the other stories that he's got he links there's a lot of internal linking going on this is just pretty much decent or good SEO right here is what he's doing you can see he's got a partnership with a top disneyworld planning so he's either selling leads or he's getting paid referrals when they actually book as an affiliate so there's there's ways to monetize this he knew he wanted to create something around something he loved one of my kind of favorite ideas about this or one of the coolest things about this type of a niche is this two kids to go to Disney World over and over somewhere he loves to be and he gets to go to the different restaurants to the different resorts he gets to stay in the resorts and review them and it's 100% tax deductible because this is his business I think it's a pretty special thing to do he's got a really big audience he's got 85,000 people connected with on on Facebook I know I think he does YouTube videos as well and he just reviews all of the different things like this is to me the epitome of a lifestyle business and that's why I started with modern castle to contrast that with this what I would think is a much more fun business that's more passion driven and did he know that Walt Disney World was his passion well sure he loved Disney all along did he realize he could build this business out of it of course not that's why he started by going and getting actual training learning to become a travel agent for Disney he learned what he thought was right and then he just started building content building content he grew his audience he built it out to the point where now he literally has one of the best audiences in this site gets an incredible amount of traffic I've got some ad blockers on so that was a redirect to an affiliate link right there is what that was and my a blocker said that won't work so that's number two let's move on in number three I'm going to keep this going for us and I'm gonna try to keep I'm gonna honor your time with this so number three is the hand tool school so in this one we could talk about the overlapping it's woodworking with hand tools right it's not just woodworking it's not just the big belt saw or whatever I don't know I don't even know about woodworking so not it's not about table saws and routers it's about literally doing it by hands and what I find to be really interesting is he's very upfront about the hard way makes you a better woodworker I've been really upfront in my channel in my platform here about like you know building a business online takes years and years and years of work I like that he's honoring that right up front now what I'm going to show you here is so he is selling courses and projects and plans so what he calls him is semesters kind of like college right so the first semester is orientation of the tools 125 bucks for this digital course it's just a video course 175 bucks for this course 125 bucks for that course 125 bucks for that course 125 125 how to build a bed or a whole bedrooms suite as he calls it 175 bucks for the plans on how to do that I think this is some sort of coaching hourly coaching for 30 bucks an hour and then he's got other products these are individually priced between 80 and what $60 and he's got individual lessons how to use specific tools these are $10 products okay so what I want to show you is this is his product and it lives on a separate site now he is building out content in two places number one I'm holding ctrl and clicking on top the Renaissance woodworker is where he's publishing actual kind of written content one other super super important thing beautiful web sites don't always work it might look good you might look at a site good wow that site is pretty I can tell you 100% truly ugly sites can work really really really well and you're gonna see some ugly sites on this toward a successful sites we're going on today so just know that that allow yourself to not prejudge the content and their success by the layout itself so from here you can see just tons of content he's got kind of a Pinterest type layout on this but these are all the free pieces of content that actually attract people from the search engines then you click on hand tools tools school that's we how we get back to his other site where he's selling everything it's the last place I want to show you oops I didn't want to go to his Instagram I hope that doesn't open I want to go to his YouTube channel because it lends itself to YouTube to grow his audience so he's doing the whole kind of why is that not opening for me right now so he's got 3.5 million views on YouTube I checked it out earlier the this isn't actually working it might be my ad blocker that's blocking him so he's got 3.5 million views on his YouTube he started he made his first youtube video nine years ago so this guy has been putting out YouTube videos for nine years on how to build these things then he started putting out blog posts I don't know how when the earliest blog post was but he put out hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of blog posts on how to build this thing and how to use this tool all things around his little overlap woodworking with hand tools so he's been putting in the work for nine years and now he has a very successful business built around selling these courses right so people will find his content whether it's on YouTube how do I use a planer is something I might look up they find his content like wow this is really good they follow link to his main site they read more like man this guy knows what he's doing I might as well just buy one of his courses to get oriented with all of the tools or I'd really like to build that bedroom thing I don't exactly have the right plans for that I'm just gonna buy his course and this dude has created a lucrative business teaching people helping people kind of master what he loves to do this guy obviously loves spending time in his shop working with wood with his hand tools bingo he found that intersection and then I want to remind you nine years of publishing videos to get 3.5 million views the dudes working his butt off every video is about either using a tool itself or it's about how to make a specific thing so he's in his shop using tools documenting how to use the tool he's in his shop building things documenting how to build the things sometimes he gives it away for free to attract the audience other times when they're these big complex projects and when they're there neat and orderly he puts more time into it he sells it as an actual course and on here I guarantee you there's a place and it's probably on his other site he's probably making affiliate revenue from actually selling recommending the exact tools that he uses he probably doesn't sell his own physical tools he probably actually recommends tools over on Amazon etc etc and gets affiliate income in addition to moving along I love this one and I use this example in the little Venn diagram that I showed you at the beginning I'm gonna check with you guys on the comments real quick I just wanna make sure everything's going good if you're joining us say yes give me a comment below where are your comments where'd you guys go here make sure we're all tracking together here cool um Lincoln so it's not a booking site so Lincoln Bo said in the comments epic content he's been trying to figure out how to create a booking site for Hawaii I have a travel specific site on the list here it's about a Caribbean island it's about how a girl created content on that situation and boom all right everybody's rockin so Lydia I appreciate your kind words hard to be passionate about mops null zero you're totally right I got a mop story for you um I was looking to buy a mop I'm standing in Home Depot literally staring at a wall mops no idea and this lady comes up little latina lady here in Flagstaff and she was like yo like I'm I clean floors like what kind of floors you have I was like I got hardwood floors she's like okay like I cleaned professionally all day every day like this mop changed my life and she was so stoked on this like forty dollar mop that had like a foot pedal spinner thing I bought the $40 mop I was looking at the $4 mops and she was like I cleaned like she was stoked on mops and literally it made the sale if she was an affiliate she would have made a commission in that moment and that is an honest-to-god the story that happened I still and the mops freaking great like it actually it dries this up it works really well on the hardwood floors which i think is super cool cool so Angelique enjoys how I'm breaking down how to Mitch down the intersection of concepts cool I'm glad that made sense Johan when is it too late to change niche you know just think of it as an evolution right like what my wife and I are doing it's different than what she started doing right like everything's an evolution so if you make your approach in a direction of the world that you're interested in right you're creating content on something you're interested in like for example the woodworking guy is interested in woodworking that's why he started making content on woodworking and you keep going in that direction he it evolves from there so so allow it to be an evolution don't be rigid in your thinking be flexible in your thinking seems like everything's going on great sounds great cool a long time no see Nikita yeah been traveling I was down in Mexico getting sunburned hanging out drinking all kinds of great Iowa meaner Al and I was fresco Sandeen vegan tacos and oh man I love Mexico putting on an event on down there so do you want to join an event next year I'm gonna put an event on down in Mexico to be really freaking badass at an all-inclusive resort and it's gonna be when it's super cold here in North America and in Europe so we can all go warm up next February and learn us some stuff together and have some fun all right we're back to it iPhone photography school this is the overlap between iPhone and photography now I would go to assume that I don't know how many of you guys are on here let's see if I can see so we've got a fair number were you on here I would go to assume that 50% you guys have iPhones on you you might even have three iPhones within your family and everybody's got you know it's the the best cameras the camera you have on you at the time you need to make the shot so this website is doing extremely well and it is all about iPhone photography now he is actually selling a course I'm gonna I'm gonna pull that up so and I don't think you can find it from the homepage so first thing I want you to look at is right here and this is just I phone photography school comm if you can't read that up top so he's got the start here but they've got the big opt-in up top but really these tutorials now you're gonna see that these tutorials are big tutorials they're very very good tutorial so we're gonna go into the tutorials and kind of go down like did you notice how much my scroller cinched up here on the top right like this is a mass you can see there's a table of contents in here there's so much content so this is to put perspective on the type of and the amount of content required to actually attract the audience that you want to work with like this is super detailed stuff look at all the the before and after the amount of time that goes into creating this kind this is not a blog post in an afternoon this is like a 40 hour plus maybe even 60 hour of work blog post they've got their opt-in here they've got their different reports and things that they're they're trying to get the opt-ins over here on the right I'm still scrolling like so this is the depth of the tutorials now remember I clicked on the tutorial tab on just one segment and look it so that's that's one that was the one we just looked at 10 iPhone camera settings every photographer should this is another one just like that right this is just as long so this is the next tutorial that's just as long this is the next tutorial is just as long we're at four five tutorials six tutorials seven eight nine ten okay three pages thirty different tutorials on one segment right so I'm gonna click on photo editing to help you understand so these are essentially their tops of their silos they've got the tutorials they've got six different categories of tutorials that first one we looked at had at least 30 posts this one has one two three four five six seven eight am I in the same one nine ten now photo editing eight pages ten tutorials that's eighty different tutorials and let's just grab this last one to do a random sampling how long is this tutorial the first thing you do is you look over at the right on the top tab this is another like look at this is the freaking table of contents like this is this is this is all the content that's in this one post and they have 80 posts like this are you getting the amount of effort so this guy clearly loves photography probably had a basic understanding of ISO and and all of the bits and pieces of old-school photography then learned how to kind of replicate that and do that all from there actual kind of phone itself and I mean I'm still just scrolling down and this is just technical great how-to stuff it builds the trust it builds the relationship it builds that like wow this person is clearly the expert this person is clearly the guy I want to study under you get to the bottom click here to find more about the iPhone editing Academy improve your iPhone photos so he has an editing Academy a specific product detailed for everything in that one editing category so every editing 80 different amazing posts that all rank all bring in traffic each of those go to an editing specific product whereas the iPhone camera will all go to an iPhone specific product and then just to show you real quick I'm gonna have to Google this so give me one second that's gonna be I phone photography it's cool and then it was photography Academy I think it was called his sales page for this isn't easy to find it's it's right there IPA so it's /ip is what it is the iPhone photo Academy I want you to see the sales page right because so many people try to go over the top of their sales pages and they don't follow a copywriting framework if you're selling your own courses you have to learn the art of copy this is a great example embrace the creative side of your personality how you two can take incredible iPhone photos that everyone adores and that you'll be proud of right so you get adoration from others and pride is what he's actually selling in this headline it is such a good frickin headline to look at years later right so pictures you'll take on your phone that you're gonna love without here's the big problem ever carrying a bulky camera then look at this sales page it's a very simple sales page he has a little more imagery than I do nothing fancy going on if you want to study great copy look how long the sales page is he's taking the reader on a journey now here's where he made the offer it's a $97 course here he's got a bunch of other courses and stuff then they go into the testimonials and more of what you get and the different modules exactly what you get in it and stuff so so this guy took it well beyond an affiliate site into something but merging that iPhone in photography absolutely crushing it it's been doing it for a long time he's been working on the site for a very long time but absolutely crushing it next up so this is how to start an LLC calm I met this guy his name is Bobby I met him at the Affiliate Summit I was just at in Vegas I don't have you caught that story I was in Vegas hanging out in Neil Patel learn and get my study on about affiliate marketing I just literally sat down for breakfast we had the VIP breakfast together and this dude comes poppin up I'm like what do you do man he's like well I run this this trick company and we teach we do digital marketing teaching oh that's cool what kind of sites you have and he told me about this site how to start an LLC com now this site started because he was starting an LLC for another business it was a different business idea that he's not operating anymore and this is where when when I got that question in the comments of like well how do you know when to adapt your niche this is the process of adapting in action so as he was starting gsella LLC he was looking for information and he didn't feel like he found online any good information he felt like it was all kind of just pushing like these weird services or lawyers and there was just gaps in the information but yet it's actually a relatively simple process so what he did is he documented the process of starting his LLC for his other business on this website how to start an LLC now it ranks like an absolute behemoth and if you go to it it's probably actually gonna automatically pull up your state but it's based on every individual state so if you're in Mississippi for example there you go you click let's get started and this is probably the landing page similar to what you'll see based on your state cuz it's gonna pull your IP I just got some goofy stuff running that tries blocked that stuff okay now his business model just so you know right here it's it's displayed perfectly read our free guide to forming an LLC he gives you 100% of the information of how to do it yourself for free so if you're bootstrapped if you don't have much money and you have a fair amount of time and you want start an LLC you go to this website you follow along and you just do it and it's done there might be an affiliate link in here or two for like a premade document package right that they eventually you kind of need certain documents whether it's um if you're doing an S corp you need like Articles of Incorporation or these kinds of things and it's it's just saved hundreds of dozens of hours if you just run off templates so the other option is you can hire a professional now these are affiliate links right here this is you can see if you see on the bottom of my url this is a ShareASale link which is an affiliate network this is a PNTR a that's that's their internal affiliate network and we're gonna go down and and here it is step by step like he tells you everything to do right and this ranks if you use google how to start an LLC which gets searched a ton this site ranks really really well so he's taking an experience he went through right he created a result for himself that he needed to get his business going then he documented it in extreme detail right then he is now documented at over fifty times because it's different in every single state and he's had his team of researchers actually research that out and write it out for every single state it's one hundred percent correct for each and every state and then it even goes into legal forms taxes and there's other components that that he's been able to build off of it since he had that little win but it literally the I'm just going to document how to start an LLC for me and anybody else who's searching became the business whereas he did that to start a totally different business and this is how things just happen and now again he's putting out the best quality information this is all like this is very like this is the real information this is exactly how to do it there's nothing missing there's no hype there's no baton switch there's no point where it's like okay now pay to get the rest of this like oh this page is locked this was gated or there's no click on the back and it redirects somewhere there's no scammy going on here he's actually giving the goods he's actually giving you what you're looking for surprise it's actually working oh okay cool and that's a big pattern that you're gonna notice in successful people just like that tutorial on that iPhone website he actually told you what you wanted to know in that post in such a detailed way you get the Nu like man I would love to learn more from this guy he obviously knows everything about iPhone photography right that it's that approach to the game that's working yet again here and there's a lot of people who they've got a real estate investor is a really good example so every other house that you buy you want to put it in separate LLC you don't want to have all of your if you got ten houses sitting in one LLC and somebody slips and falls in one of the houses they can see you and pretty much take your other houses or whatever equity you had in your other houses but real estate investors will leverage one LLC for every two houses or sometimes one LLC per house that way they're all separated and isolated so this real estate investor might need to go in and crank out three four five LLC's over the course of a couple of years because they're buying two houses at quarter right so they in that situation that person is just gonna come right back here they're gonna click on it they're gonna buy their thing they want somebody else to do it cuz they're busy doing the deal whereas you know you and I might be like I don't really want to spend $300 on it I'm just gonna go ahead and do it myself right so it works for both if they choose your own adventure you want the free path cool here it is done right you want the paid path and save a bunch of time cool here's who we recommend working like a champ I met a really cool guy okay next up on this one so vegan coach calm now I'm there's a lot of people who go into the nutrition world veganism if you look at it on Google Trends is absolutely true even vegan pet food for those pet food haters who don't like rabbits who eat vegan food anyways um there's it's trending it's all trending up right now so it's a very common niche but everyone is trying to just be in the vegan niche right like that's so oh I'm just I'm the vegan guy but you can't do that you've got to go deeper so her--but which i think is really really interesting is how to cook vegan meals without recipes she calls it freestyling it right and that's one of the problems so if you think about okay I want to eat a plant-based diet now I have the challenge of what do I cook what do I buy what do I do I need all these specific ingredients and this recipe calls for that little thing that I don't have herb it is the whole world of eating clean gets easy when you learn how to just kind of freestyle it and adapt and work with what you have so all of her content is based on that so her two circles is veganism and then the other circle is without recipes right it's just being a cook it's being able to be an adaptive cook now up top you'll notice all of her content all of her con vegan basics right so starts with basics all of the different pieces she's got best books which is obviously the affiliate content they're free style cooking how to go recipe free that's getting into her book all of these are you know guides and I'm gonna click through so you can see some of the different guys you got the ultimate guide to vegan cooking is this open right yeah so here's the different pieces of the puzzle step two she's got her opt-ins in and you know like I wouldn't necessarily go with this background color personally there's there's other things I would do for the look of this but it's working for her which is crazy now this is the part I want to show you so a she's got different cooking lessons to show all the bits and pieces so these four tabs first four tabs are what attract people right these are the information based content that are just flat-out how two people are searching like what are vegan what's a vegan cooking guide what could kitchen tools do I need is a vegan or like how to cook beans these are keyword phrases people are searching and they will find her specific posts on that but then they're like wow this was really helpful need some help well this is where you see that she's got courses she's got one-on-one coaching she's got meal plans she's got course coaching etc so she's selling individual courses and some of them were like I was looking one was like a hundred and seventy nine dollars for for a an actual course so here you can see it's a proper sales page just like you know you've seen before like these aren't pretty sales pages but they take the reader on a journey emotionally to help them get ready to buy a thing so this site has affiliate products this is a 197 course on how to cook sauces like that's incredible I think that's a huge price point but here's the thing as a vegan when you learn how to make some sauces based on whatever you've got laying around you are a weaponized individual in the kitchen right like like knowing how to make some dope sauces is how you make meals like mmm-hmm and that's what you want to do as a plant-based person is when you're you know your um the numerous friends come over you want to cook food that makes them super happy let's look Lauren the basics right so the basics of cooking vegan I want to see what the price point is on this doesn't show me 297 literally so the fundamentals which she's obviously trying to make them fun this is a 297 course on the fundamentals of cooking as a vegan now if you're selling a 297 course how many courses per month do you need to sell to hit ten grand well let's use our little calculator here ten thousand dollars divided by 297 equals 33 so that's about one a day so if she's selling one of these a day she's making over ten grand a month on this site and the odds are like I've looked at her traffic or traffic it might be a seasonal low right now but her traffic's down a little bit right now but she still gets really good traffic this site is actually it's a it's a pretty good site to be in in all aspects of the health of the site of in attracting visitors it building the relationship it essentially selling its products and selling her as the person to help out not a pretty sight not nothing amazing going on but she found that little intersection of differentiation for herself it's not about the recipes it's about learning how to be a cook using plants boom that was the little piece that worked for her and she went all in and she's also been running that for a while now this site there is a slim chance that you've heard me talk about this site before if you're in the content in conversion membership program you've definitely heard me talk about this before this is my friend Alejandra she's an awesome person she came out to one of my abundant circle events so she came out when I rented a thirty four thousand square foot mansion in Thailand and she came out for that mastermind for five days so travel fashion girl right her little circles are there's three of them so it's fashion for travel carry-on only and that's the big one to me is carry-on only because it's someone who lived traveling for four years I did four years full-time traveling man to even think of going carry-on only was crazy at that point now that I got a home base I do carry-on only and I totally appreciate it but she was full nomad carry-on as a lady who cares about fashion that's difficult to do which is why it deserved content so she gets she gets even more more busy than my life so this site I know get something like 1.5 page million pageviews per month per month so this thing's getting like 15 to almost 20 million pageviews per year and then so start here but here's how she's broken up her content right so there's destinations so people who are searching like what to pack when I travel to Africa type questions then there's packing so there's actual packing lists for different things then there's the clothing itself pants dresses underwear family plus sizes over it like she's breaking it down based on the the garment and who it's for now all of these things rank she is ranking she's a traffic monster because she's got all this content up shoes what shoes do you bring how do you bring him then she's even getting into the beauty I think this is like a whole untapped resource for her to potentially double her revenue so how does she make her money well her business have some cool sides number one is clearly there's a lot of affiliate marketing going on right like she is she's promoting and recommending other people's stuff but she has her own product she's actually built out her own packing cubes I'll show you these are hers she she was working on this when we were in when we were actually in Thailand at the mastermind so these this is her brand she's having a made in China she's selling them them herself and essentially packing cubes are a great way and the universal adapter I have one very similar to this so she's kind of white labeling products and having her own a secret bra wallet she's create physical products and how they will all work together to help her audience achieve that goal which is ready for it fashion travel carry-on only you see this bag this is this is her bit right one bag that's carry-on that's got all the stuff that you need in her four little accessories so she's carrying her own stuff the four packing cubes in one suitcase was her bit you could buy other packing cube kits that has a giant one a medium one and a small one they don't fit in one so she this is her way of doing it better so you can see she's actually started we're on another website at this compass rose is a straight up brand that she's running because she grew the audience first she had an audience of people who know her like her and trust her because of the great content that she's been putting out for years and years she could run in this website since 2012 seven years of aggressive and this girl is aggressive with her content marketing in fact she has I wonder if it shows at the bottom she now runs a whole team of content creators which is is pretty pretty impressive to be perfectly honest but that's a whole nother area let's take a look at one of her posts to give you an idea of what her post link looks like longchamps the best travel hag bag so obviously this is I'm out of my rent I don't know what a longchamp is or a travel handbag you can see this is this is long-form content for a handbag right talking about travel handbags which for the right person for the right lady this is super important in from this is a big deal right what bag am I gonna take on that trip to blank that's a big deal and I know ladies spend lots and lots and lots of money on bags so an affiliate link for a $400 or $1,000 bag that's gonna have a hefty Commission on it so then she goes to the other side which is backpacking Southeast Asia right so it's not all fancy it's some just kind of what basics do you need and this is her thing is if you bring all of these pieces you'll be able to mix and match and you want to do laundry it's like a capsule wardrobe thing my wife loved chatting with her and learned a lot about how to pack and how to travel better but look like content content content content and then links to all of the different packing lists maybe you're going to the Thailand Islands you want more specific right we went from Southeast Asia now we were zooming into that next level this is how the silo works so she's building on the silos and we can see that it just keeps going and more and more and more and more content there's a bunch of affiliate links in here and then not only are there so like the Tampa sandals right here this is probably an affiliate link Birkenstock yeah that's probably a Birkin sock like an affiliate link there and so on and so forth so super super powerful and again the overlap here is a trifold Venn diagram of women's fashion for travel and carry-on only because when you get there you wanna get off flying you want to walk down the aisle you won't be the first one into immigration so you don't wait in a hour and thirty minute to get in the country like I just did but either way we're all good next one all right we're on a roll are you guys with me here is this is this rock and rollin is this making sense like sometimes we just have to really go down my calculation was wrong that happens all the time Demetri don't trip on it um weaponized vegans Kramer caught that I like that so the goal here again is I'm gonna show this to you over and over and over through repetition I want to remind you right now real quick no one that we're looking at no one who's created success online had any clue how to do what they did they just started and they put out content and starting his content they just published she just started publishing packing lists for four different places I believe she started doing it almost started more on the travel side she was just talking about just the different travel destinations and what she did and she's from LA fashions a big deal she loves so she just always had this fashion slant and it just evolved to what she's doing now and she's got a team of writers and she's got product creators she got manufacturers in China she didn't have a grand plan for that I guarantee you she didn't have a grand plan to be manufacturing her own brand of travel accessories in China when she started blogging about her travels cuz she just went full digital nomad and sort of blogging about her travel and she's like I'm a fashionista I need to make my fashionista stuff carry on with me when I'm backpacking Thailand so she started writing about it and getting traffic right audience first giving great value first and everything else worked forth there how easy is it to rank a new website with a keyword density of 20 to 30 on keyword finder so genic easy I mean I don't know like how easy do you consider two years writing five blog posts per week that are epic because if you do that you'll rank I can guarantee you you'll rank there so like I don't know it seems pretty easy to me it's a long time it's a ton of work but like it's theoretically quite simple it's just about doing the work over and over she started travel fashion girl started website in 2010 she did not ask how long it's gonna take for me to rank this now she just started because she was sharing stuff she knew she was creating something it's a different mindset it's not how long is it gonna take me to get something right it's how long I'm just gonna give I need to give this of the world the Walt Disney World dad is like I just need to give what I know about Walt Disney World to the world the iPhone photography guy was like dude I've stopped carrying my digital SLR camera around because my iPhone is so badass I need to make sure other people know how to do that too he started giving to the world my wife started giving channeled angel messages to the world because she learned how to channel angel messages and it was like these are crazy cool we started giving I started giving everything I know about digital marketing to the world through YouTube I wasn't thinking how long is gonna take me to rank to get to blah blah blah no no no no no I'm giving value that's the key that's really the key and Pervin of course a niche website on copywriting of course has competition but you need to find that that specific thing you write 3 K words a day perfect long-term game stick with it for three years Janek that's it that's the key weaponized vegans let's see here how easy yeah okay mom's business you took a lot of time working to setting your niche hearing your live let's you know you're going the right direction cool good to hear that I'm glad that you found our content I'm glad it's helpful like it really is just like let's just go blazed forward and give value to other people strongly validating a niche just just start man just make sure it's in your heart and just go with it right like there was no validation of our angel niche there was no number that said this was a good idea in fact all of the numbers based on all of the how to make money online courses out there would have told us do not go down the angel met spirituality angel channeled message space there's no money in it is what all the data would say more absolutely doing wonderfully for ourselves financially because we just did it because it was in our hearts and we were like and at first there were three years in we were like is this even gonna work like why are we doing it was like you know what this is special we have to get this out to the world regardless if it pays if I have to keep a side job to keep putting these messages out that's what imma do and that's what we did we both work full-time jobs to keep these messages coming out about here for it flipped and it got really interesting and now there were about 10 years in it got really it the numbers are incredible yeah Donna this is it this is about an online business affiliate marketing you could build courses once you grow an audience who knows like and trust you affiliate marketing becomes easy you can you could sell courses you could sell coaching you could sell events you could do there's so much you can do it's really about the core of what makes affiliate marketing work which is growing an audience who knows likes and trusts you and then being of service to them and offering them what they actually want cool I've got a lot of people in here patty welcome glad that that Christina connected us that's awesome at what stage is a good to start doing link building I do I do very very little outreach I do I guess spots on other people's podcasts and I didn't start that for about a year and a half in but you can start right away if you want penny 20 okay cool Darius you found those to be helpful great devouring content cool start publishing Jono it's all about how much you could publish can website covering three or four loosely related categories wrinkled and long term sure but I mean you need 3x or 4x the content pretty much like it's better to focus for sure cool alright let's go back in so the next one does it a ten-ton the nit hacker okay so this is where knitting and art overlap right so this is where she says where art and yarn hook up now what she's doing is selling as an affiliate finished products so like these astronaut gloves that are hand knitted right there's there's two ways you can buy these things right now so you could buy the how to plan cuz knitters follow plans I don't know anything about knitting really so you can follow a plan so I clicked on this just to show you what she's selling so you can get the pattern here for like seven bucks and I don't know if that's an affiliate link or if she owns that plan or you can go by the these gloves on Etsy they're like $40 on Etsy so she's creating artistic things right she obviously liked knitting you're not gonna go teach people knitting if you don't love knitting and knitters love knitting so this is one of those cool situations where all her yarn all everything she buys is a deduction so she's knitting these cool things she's making patterns or following and selling those patterns as an affiliate and then she's selling the finished products these are $40 gloves I don't know how much yarn is in that it's all it's all labor it's held man-hours but that's a $40 pair of wool gloves that's that's amazing so this is just a great example of she's not just knitting gloves for the sake of gloves they need to be artistic gloves they need to be gloves they have a little statement that make things a little bit different right there's a little funky and that's what makes it fun so like right here the the resist hat crocheting batting right so everything she's doing like this is not necessarily just standard clothing for the basics of what I need to cover my hands to keep them warm it's it's that next level of artistic on top and we just click in here like the content there's just it's just content content content is what she's doing a lot of free content that essentially is oops I clicked on the t's so she sells t-shirts also for people who want to kind of represent her stuff here's her Etsy shop here's her product recommendations and here's her t-shirts so essentially she's selling things she's making she's selling as an affiliate products and also downloadable patterns and then she's selling t-shirts these types of t-shirts that she's making but I wanted to go into the content content a little bit more and I can tell you in the soso if you think about the demographic of knitters right it's probably gonna be women over 40 is a rough assumption so in that world like Pinterest would be a great I don't know if she's on Pinterest but man Pinterest would be a great add-on for this completely but also these women have time they're on their iPads they're looking for new things their knitting different things they're just searching for new pad new ideas new things to make because they want to impress their friends they want to give their grandkids stuff they want to make fun interesting unique things where is the there's got to be a blog here so I'm just and again like when I'm saying you know the sites don't have to be beautiful like it's a clean site but I can't navigate this thing but it doesn't matter because people find posts like this because people are like looking for specific keyword phrases that will enter them into a specific blog so this one is obviously I'm guessing 15 hours is fast right to me thinking about knitting a sweater that sounds like a like a two-year process for me so a 15 hour sweater knit seems like a really really fast thing to do and that's her content and she's giving away the pattern for free over there man there's not even much content on that page itself what's interesting I found all they're all ranking in their own unique way how to crochet a betta fish and a frog and an octopus right so these are the kinds of things like this is definitely a keyword phrase like this is definitely a keyword phrase so all these different things are what gets searched and it's pretty much like how to show the pattern now if you notice this page has no content right but she's probably one of the only people who ranks or even has ever created a post about this so this is where in one of these niches like the crafting it like you could go create a post that has a thousand words focused on this and outrank her if she's actually getting traffic from here but she's simply moving people from her blog over to her Etsy store and again I got ad blockers and all this stuff on so that was an affiliate link I just went through is how I know is cuz my it pulled my AB blocker so this might be her actual thing and she's selling it as an affiliate but it might actually just be an affiliate thing of something she found and she is just literally loading up her site this is just affiliate link after affiliate link right like title image affiliate link now if there's no one else ranking for these and no one else going after this kind of a phrase but people are searching for it she might be able to rank with that thin of content I would recommend doing more content like what we saw on the iPhone photography site but again Mike selling t-shirts she's selling things she's knitting and she's making knitting things right she's just doing her stuff I think it's incredible to me that the whole knitting world and and boy the the world of knitting and yarn and crochet and quilting has a big big world okay next one out is the sacred womb calm so there now I put this one on because I wanted one that would clearly isolate and remove half of whoever's watching right cuz we probably are about a 50/50 gender mix here so this website is all about befriending your menstrual cycle as a woman and it's also it's very shamanic I think is what I would say so she has created a podcast she does a biweekly podcast she's got a Facebook group and a lot of blog content and it's all about helping women create a positive relationship with her menstrual cycle and really how to get kind of kind of shamanic personal growth through that process which is amazing right and in I don't know I have no clue in this niche obviously I'm out of my realm but it's something that women deal with there's a lot of interesting energy and challenges and and emotions and and hormones there's a lot that goes on so it's one of those things that probably get searched a fair bit it probably has a lot of interesting search queries around it and you can see she's got this kind of shamanic kind of vibe to things about menstrual medicine and these are the different posts that she's putting so I'm gonna look at one of her newest posts because a post is what's going to drive most of the traffic to the site it's not gonna come to the home page it's gonna come into one of these posts you see it's it's a good long long post site that talks about what it is and then she has this professional training so this is a $1,500 I believe it's like 1700 or 1800 pounds so I think it's about $1,500 training course so she sells an information product that is literally $1500 she also sells shamanic items so she's got drums she's got kind of I think this is an eCourse preparing the womb for pregnancy clear the womb so she got energy clearing type stuff actually got audio courses of and then not podcast one of the events I think she's doing live events also that are separate to the others which it is so she has her live events going on that this is an online event it's 33 pounds and it's a 15 day healing sadhana I don't know what that is but it's it's a 15 day something that's coming up and then the training I think this is where it talks about her so it's a two-year professional training is what she's actually selling and if you notice she got an application process so she's really trying to make sure she's getting the right people in on this kind of group coaching that she's putting in this is not a sales page click and purchase but it's also a higher-end thing so it probably requires a different type of a sales cycle to make that sale happen you can see it still does a pretty good job at selling what is involved what's in on it I think it's a brilliant idea and really I wanted to show on this one right so it's it's the the the multiple circles on this one in many senses is is managing and kind of the process and the emotions and the physical side of the kind of 3d world side of the menstrual cycle but then it's also taking it and elevating it to a spiritual level as well so that's kind of the overlap here and a podcast I think podcasts are brilliant you need a core content strategy can be blogging podcasting or videos that's it Instagram is not a core content strategy Facebook is not a core content strategy Pinterest is not a core content strategy you have to be doing one of the core pillars which is written word through a wordpress blog and some of these aren't even on WordPress by the way written written word through a blog or spoken word through the podcast or video is the three you can support that with social media but it needs to go that way and you can see these are podcasts and they actually link up pretty much exactly with her blog post so she creates a podcast every two weeks then she has it turned into or she turns it into a blog post herself and she's selling a fifteen hundred dollar annual once a year she sells or maybe twice a year she sells her $1500 of course so she brings in a group once or twice a year each individual pays $1,500 there and then she's got her other smaller courses for 10 euros to 33 euros and that's it a very successful site helping women with this specific focus thing that she probably has a very very powerful story around this just like how alex has a powerful story in the world of travel and fashion right like if you were to read this I bet you will hear about her story about how she got to this point where she knew she wanted to help women with this specific thing all right we're rockin and rollin y'all so this one is eclectic to row now this is an older site it is not the prettiest site in the path but it gets a lot of traffic and this site is essentially two row deck reviews tarot readers are they love to row decks like if you're into Tarot the different decks have different artwork and they they all follow the same structure right there's like I think it's a 72 card structure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong but if the artwork changes in each one so it's all they have the same cards but it's the artwork that changes so she's just literally reviewing different tarot cards and that's it so she earns as an affiliate from the tarot cards and she has free two row readings which is like an app to row card meaning so this is like a dictionary of the different cards right these are the the cards I was talking about there's like 72 of them or whatever it is um so she has those kinds of 78 cards I was off a few so she has the the meaning so if somebody searches like what is the meaning of the four of cups right or the the two of Pentacles they could find one of her like here's the ace of cups post which is the meaning of ace of cups they can get a free tarot card reading for people who are asking for specific tutorial card readings but then ultimately the turo decks is where she's getting a lot of her actual income is coming from so there's two ways obviously here it is right up top these are the buy from then you can see where she obviously has traffic in Canada the UK and in the US which is why she has different buttons for each she rates them herself she writes about them she puts some images about the deck in there now people are able to pay you can pay to have the cards I've actually bought a listing on here for Melanie's cards that we have a deck of cards out in on Amazon so we paid to get her to review them to get him on the site we get a backlink for that and also she is now an affiliate so that's how she makes money on both sides of this there pay there are I don't know if they're all paid listings or not I was just like how do i grease the wheel and make this thing work so that's just sometimes my approach to things so she makes money from adding new listings as paid listings so they're like kind of paid guest posts in many senses but she does the writing herself and then there is the affiliate on the other side and since she's been doing this for this site is I think the site goes back to the late 90s possibly is how old this site is and she's still just updating it just more and more and more and it just ranks for all kinds of keyword phrases in the world of trow people find them they see the reviews this is what people are interested in is what do the cards look like because that's the big thing for a tarot reader they want a deck that they like the artwork on and so they're able to look through and it becomes kind of like a an easier to browse site for Turo specifically that'll show you the artwork that they care about and she knows what they care about because she's a Toro reader like she that's what she does right and it really makes fun because I say Toro like a Californian and supposedly it's like Tarot I think is how other places would say it anyways that's neither here nor there and that's it so people can come here and once they realize that eclectic dotnet has all the TRO decks when someone's ready to buy another deck they come here they look around there guy I really like the artwork on this one this is my next deck perfect boom I'm going to click and buy so she's made it easy for her target market as people who want new tarot decks to a get an analysis of the deck on her rating because they trust her and B to get an idea of what the imagery looks like in here and then they see the reading the rating and they click and buy and she earns income again both sides from the listing being published and also on the other side now if you're starting a new site you can't really pay like put yourself it's difficult to get yourself in a position where people are gonna pay you to put content on your site because you don't have a massive amount of authority right the fact that she has a highly highly highly authoritative website is why I wanted our cards on her site that's why I was willing to pay her to get my listing up there and as we rank and as people find it through her internal search engine right because they can search up here for angel parts for example and as they find through there she earns income based on the affiliate on the other side and then that's what she's got going we've got a few more and Lincoln were getting up to the one I was telling you about there was a travel related but I'm gonna take a look so devran well what's up Devon good to see you man I hope you're enjoying on here so let's see here pennies talking to Stephanie about Dragon Naturally dictating I do use that personally so Wow just stealing and republishing people's stuff in another language that's pretty shady man I don't know if I would recommend doing that if Keith you've gotten good on Facebook inspirational posts thinking about turning a blog posts definitely you need to get that content on a search engine because once it's dead on Facebook it's pretty much done Stephanie blood so how to translate YouTube and podcasts to content author dot AI is a great website it's an an AI or you can use Timmy Tem I so let me show you here so it's otter day I and so the question was how do you translate how do you turn audio or video into actual written words so this right here I think you get 600 minutes per month for free so order dot a I it just it'll translate you just upload your audio file and it goes from there and then there's temmie TMI calm and penny is a little more expensive you don't get I don't know if you get any free off of Timmy but it's better it's I think it's 10 cents a minute is what it ends up doing it takes five minutes yeah it's 10 cents a minute it takes five minutes so if you got a thirty minute thing it's three bucks and dude it gives you the best quality and you can upload a video right in it I have a my content team uses is my wife my wife uses this like everyone uses this and it's it's got the best accuracy I've found out of all of the kind of a I transcription tools so that's the cheap way to to go about it to repurpose the content uh-oh I'm getting ahead of myself so let's see here what we got let's see written contents yeah Oh Twain II saying I love to crochet you need patterns perfect she sells patterns that's awesome 15 hours is fast for sweater okay cool I figured that was that was the thing Janek I think it's shady man I think it's I think you're stealing people's content and translating it without the right to steal their content that's called plagiarism even if you're turning it into another language I think that's that's very very shady and I think you should build real value you should create real content don't try don't do shady stuff don't steal people's content Here I am creating this content right if you went and translated this to Russian and people swipe my content all the time like that's just up man like don't do that don't be Shady like help create value in the lives of others your site's about three months old you're getting 10 to 15 clicks per day to Amazon that's awesome no sales like yet that's normal I don't care B ranks Janek that got blocked dude your that's just your obviously don't get it right let's let's give people value B give value in the lives of others is really the key so Twain II I'm glad you're liking the live have you made a video on the the three pillars of content yeah Josh it's the the three pillar strategy is really the thing yeah so commit like your sites three months old 10 to 15 Clips a day so keep writing put better content learn how to pre-sell better get better at what you're doing it's not that they're not taking the right actions it's you haven't created the content that compels people to buy you maybe you're creating content that ranks but you're not you're not doing your job as an affiliate right if you're not getting conversions on the other end and then go do this for three years not three months right to look back at three months it's like I planted the seed in my garden in May and in June I dug it up to see if it's not growing and why is this thing not growing it's because it German it needs months to germinate and a business it's a three to five year plan there's just no way around a three to five year plan like that's it you just have to do that much cool glad you're enjoying the value we've got a couple left I gotta keep this under two hours I didn't think it was gonna go two hours but YouTube does something really weird to the video if it's over two so next one up this is a travel specific site and I wanted to show a travel from a different Lakes we did the travel in the world of so we've looked at the travel to Disney World which is a specific like thing right like it's a specific destination right then we looked at travel from a standpoint of fashion and packing and what do I bring and here is travel to a very very very specific island so it's angular now the interesting thing about her is she ranks so damn well if you go to google and you type in Angela ang UIL la I guaranteed mmm the odds are she's gonna be on the first page now think about that Angela is a country right like they have a government they have like a tourism board the Google Maps is clearly gonna show up so she has some really heavy competition and she dominates if you search Angela beaches just space which is the second most searched keyword phrase second - Angela by itself she's literally dominating the search so she lives there now her she started just documenting this land she loves she I think she's Canadian um I think she was born in Canada and her family moved there their family kind of did a semi-retirement they just decided to leave the cold and go live on Angela and she just started blogging about it and now she has she's monetizing in two ways so number one is this save 10% island-wide and I'll look at it or content to but this is this is a unique monetization mechanism that she kind of created that's really noteworthy so what she's done is she created enough traffic that she goes around and actually created this Angela card and his angular card is good for one year and it essentially gives you discounts 10% discounts on all kinds of locations and the idea is you buy the card I think it's fifty bucks right I think is like $49 for the card and you could say 10% on your hotel you could say 10% on restaurants you could say ten it is it's $49 so you get this card and you sin you save 10% at all these other places so for me as an individual am I gonna spend four hundred ninety dollars on my trip to Angela of course like five red easy on a trip right with a hotel the transportation the food that everything like the events going out scuba diving whatever it is like people family of four will easily drop four grand five grand so that means you could save four hundred to five hundred dollars when you use this card and it cost you fifty bucks so it's a no-brainer but the cool part is all the businesses that are listed pay her to be a part of the card right so this is another example of her double ending this transaction so all of these individuals are actually she has a wait list she has so much traffic for these so the the interesting part is at first none of the businesses wanted to buy in because she didn't have a giant audience of buyers and none of the buyers wanted to buy the cards because she didn't have a huge list of places that it was available at so she was that's the network problem right she's fighting a two-sided battle there's a two-front war if you will because she needs to get enough people buying the card so when they show it at the at the front desk or at the restaurant whatever it is that the owners are like wow we're getting so many people showing with this card it's good for business right but then there's the other side is there needs to be enough businesses for the card to be work at to make it worth it to buy the card so that took a while but now that she's kind of over that for verbal hump through putting out more content putting out more content now she has a waiting list of business owners who want to pay her money to be listed on her discount card that is huge now the other thing that she's doing brilliantly is like on the on the Left she's so she's making money from sponsorships she's also at least I'm pretty sure she's at least selling leads so some of her best content is on like weddings right so it's a destination wedding place where is that there is so destination weddings and she clearly recommends some wedding people to work on that and I guarantee you there is a paid relationship in that that is not charity to be recommending specific locations but she's got villa like she's got real estate so she obviously will partner with a real estate agent or a real estate firm offshore corporations which would partner with like a legal company or a tax company that obviously all the restaurants I think that's probably you know imagine living on a beautiful island and going around the island eating it all the restaurants deducting the expense of the meal documenting it for random people like that's so cool hotels villas cheap accommodations there's a real estate aspect to it and all the while she's literally just documenting like the the best Caribbean island and Gila made vacations car rentals whether so so there's all these different things right if you think about the the visitor it's the same basic mindset right so the basic mindset is Larry the Larry in the office in Tulsa Oklahoma who has a vacation booked to an angular starting next Friday he leaves like he's not able to think about work all week at work he's thinking about angular and he's literally like building an itinerary of all the things he wants to do I know you know what I'm talking about cuz you've done it too we've all done this so she now has just put up enough content that ranks so many so many different keyword phrases that now when people search for what am I gonna do when I'm in an gala next week they find her they want her card they made me find a villa through there there may be how am I gonna what island am I gonna have my wedding on they're like oh what about Angela can I find out about Angela beaches so I find out about Angela weddings she ranks for that where can I find out about Angela businesses is angular tax haven right like so she got all this content that ranks for all these different types of people and then there is a specific monetization path for each and every one of them whether it's an affiliate link whether it's a pay per lead situation whether it's just she makes $1,500 a month to have that real estate company on the site I don't know what her relationships are on the monetization I want to be super clear that I don't know her personally I know her father and I so I know kind of this story and how this has evolved through her dad but really and obviously who is traveling out there wants to just save 10% on everything it's pretty quick math of am I gonna spend more than $500 at restaurants and hotels that yes okay I should buy the card because it would be a no-brainer not to save the money pretty fantastic stuff and she's actually really good on social media as well so I think this is a really inch Singh way now you know civ Oh Lincoln bow was on here I believe he's on the Big Island of Hawaii which might be a you might be able to focus on the Big Island right like most mainlanders look at Hawaii and it's like okay Hawaii yeah that's awesome it's like eight or nine islands is actually more than that and every island is so freakin different you know I've been to Maui I've been to Hawaii I've been to Oahu and they're all just incredibly different islands so like a this could potentially work for each of the Hawaiian Islands but like you could replicate this model for like Kona town which is like one area one side of one island right or you could like there's there's so many ways that this could work in replicating the model so like the French District in New Orleans right could be one that this is about like Brooklyn could have one of these type situations now you got to be passionate about the food that traveled the documenting the vlogging boom but like here's a model showing that this clearly works I'm gonna I'm gonna get us through these last two and then we'll chat in the comments for a quick minute so this is 52 cards calm cards with a K and this is their homepage now first of all like like I said not all these sites are gonna be pretty but these all these sites are actually working so one of the things they've got over a million subscribers on their YouTube channel which is again talking about that core content mechanism you can see there's probably some blog posts in here but this is clearly so it's gotta learn that's probably where would be this is clearly not the core content machine right this is their home where they monetize individuals so I clicked on 52k cards on the learn and it's like the foundations of card magic learn more they've got their Academy okay so we've now got a course this is we're getting into the info product courses which is how to get a result and that result is card magic right how to use the basics of card magic or deception etc so they've got free course $52 in a free course we could view all courses I'm curious how many they have so they've got a few courses generally speaking fifty-two boxes is all they're there at now I'm noticing these are different people maybe they're selling other people's courses maybe not I don't actually fully know but really I think the big area where they're earning their income is the shop now this is a Shopify store and so we've gone to a subdomain at this point so this whole idea like growth the audience first and then offer them things they want to buy it works whether you you're creating products in China whether you're reselling other people's cards if you know anything about magic magic uses the kulluk stripped deck where one side is like a half a millimeter thinner so if the cards reverse you can feel it there's just there's different magic decks of cards and not just the looks but there you could do different tricks with different decks of cards some cards some decks have like two Jack of Hearts so you can do a specific card trick that leverages the Jack of Hearts and like I moved it from the bottom or from the middle to the top it's like I didn't move it I had to jack parts in there right you just didn't know it was sitting on the top and I got you to choose the deck hearts so they sell the actual cards themselves and you can see there's a lot of them and the thing about magicians and people who love magic is so a professional magician right someone who does stage magic they they need like one routine for an hour and that's it and they could tour that and they can own that for years on end think David Copperfield right like he does the same magic show night in and night out in Vegas and the dude is crushing it but this is not for David Copperfield this is for people at home who think it's cool who think is interesting and they want to impress their friends and family so what does that individual have to do well have to keep buying new tricks because they did that trick they bought the deck they learned the trick they mastered it they did it at Thanksgiving everybody was like whoa how'd you do that they felt great for a minute and then the next day hits they're like oh I don't any more tricks up my sleeve so they buy more decks right well who they buy from the people who they trust now I want to go find their YouTube and I'm amazed I can't find their YouTube from up here because I want you to see the ah there it is it's good there YouTube so I want you to see their their YouTube channel so they they went all in on on YouTube videos to start and they've got 1 million eleven thousand subscribers which is frickin amazing and they run an ad on their welcome video that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen but what we're gonna show I want to go into videos real quick and I'm gonna go look at what their most popular videos are I guarantee looking at their most popular videos we could probably figure out what the most properties are selling card tricks are so like card trick this might you know this might have a correlating card tricks Sybil cut tutorial like this might have a correlating deck so these might end in if you want the deck to make this easy go here and grab the deck but you could just see they're teaching they're doing how-to things right powerful card trick tutorial torn and restore call there they're teaching magic but at some point it gets the point where you're like I need a special deck to do that special trick like that trick blew me away now I need to go buy the deck where you gonna buy it from if you just watched and we're talking like nine point seven million views nine point 1 million views what's their total views 109 million views and like I would love to know anyone watching this video have any clue who these people are like I've never heard of him I never never heard of them before I've heard of penguin magic which is a different one who also uses videos to sell magic tricks but these guys are focused on cards only right so it's not just magic trick its card magic specifically and then they sell decks on the back end these twos are absolute or girls or I don't know if this dude's girls what these human beings I hope they're human beings are crushing it right now selling ten eleven twelve dollar decks of cards they're selling twenty thirty dollar courses on how to and they're absolutely crushing it no high ticket super stress funnel and trying to you know no stealing their information or swiping someone else's video from another language and making it no no no they're giving value through great videos that teach people things they want to learn which is how to do a magic trick how to roll a coin how did you slide a hand then they sell them things because they built the relationship by teaching what they want to do the same way the woodworking guy that we looked at earlier he teaches you how to use a planer because there's some dude in Omaha Wisconsin or Nebraska that searched how to use a planer and he finds the the woodworking guy who's like here's how you use a plate or wow this guy's great I'm gonna buy his course to learn my other hand tools from this guy because the trust is there because the content was there the same reason why my homegirl Alejandra sells packing cubes and power converters other bits and pieces related to travel because she's built so much trust in that space final one here and this is a behemoth I saved one of the behemoths for the end this is Josh I was on the the Nomad cruise with this dude he's super smart he's a really good marketer expert photography now I want you to look at this headline for a minute do you want to understand your frustrating camera and take great photos today so there's a problem in a proverbial problem for a lot of people who have bought fancy digital SLR or three for thirds Digital for throws cameras cameras with interchangeable lenses essentially DSLRs but they've evolved a little bit right so there's there's these super fancy cameras cameras that look like this is essentially what I'm getting at and they are computers they're super computers they have so many settings and people will buy the cameras because they're so affordable now and have no clue how to use them and they get the screen full of all these options and they they're overwhelmed and they never use it and they still use their phone in their pocket surprise surprise he is buddies with the iPhone photography guy right so anyways the whole bit here is learn how to use this camera that you got right like you've got this really fancy camera like learn the basics of it so how does he do this well number one is the guides and this navigation is terrible like Josh if you ever see this change of navigation dude you should not this would destroy a mobile device anyways so let's look um astrophotography which is you want talk about a super super focused niche like like the Fatah photographing the Milky Way is what Astro photography is essentially so the complete guide to Astro photography to look up at the top right see how small that is we're gonna scroll scroll this is the contents the table of contents is longer than the blog post was from the Knitting girl right so then it just goes into it and it just goes on here's what you need here's how to do it hit like literally he teaches them how did you ask for photography guess what he's got at the bottom this post I've been through this post personally I actually haven't seen it but I know he sells an astro photography course right so I'm just gonna like so you read and you're like how to do Astro photography you find this blog post and you read it like man this dude this is awesome like wow he chose me in the light room how to do everything get to the bottom and this right here I'm gonna click on that oh that's just some image did he not transition to the sale pitch got it right there click here so this is getting into think this is okay intermediate intermediate landscape photography blogging dude maybe he doesn't have at the barn so this is kind of funny and it just goes to show we're all evolving in doing the best we can because if I go up to his main navigation which is here in the store I can click and we've got the oh goodness gracious I'm all over the place y'all wow this I didn't realize this site had this many little things so Milky Way photography so it's a video course on how to do Milky Way photography right and I'm like like I'm so surprised as he's not linking that massive post to the product it is and you know this is a fake countdown you show up at any time is gonna start you at 20 hours like it's just it's it's a lot of the the persuasion BS and I don't personally like to do I don't I think there's easier ways to sell or just more genuine ways to sell I'm trying to get down to the price is it 97 on this one or was it like 67 so sorry there it is $67 so launch price one for it's yours today only 67 bucks right so so he's guys what courses did he have he had and most of his courses come in two formats he's got the eBook format and then the video format so the eBook formats cheaper I don't know what his funnel looks like but I'm guessing he's upselling the video format on the back of the e-book ones so let's look so he's got beginner photography video course beginner photography ebook landscape landscape time-lapse Lightroom and Milky Way this is editing so if you think about his circles what he's done is he's built the beginner circle for photography right so it's beginner with your fancy-ass camera that you have no clue how to use then it's landscape photography so it's not just for targets the landscape then the time-lapse which is like the lots of pictures pulled together into a video and then obviously the Milky Way and the Lightroom editing but really what's super powerful on his stuff are these just massive what was last one I did I think I did that one so we'll go to time lapse so he's got a time lapse course and this post is what will rank on Google for time-lapse photography how to do time-lapse photography this massive post is the kind of stuff that will actually rank and actually work so you can see he's actually outsourcing this content so that's not Josh didn't write this so he's hiring this out but like he hired out a book like if I was gonna pay for this I would expect this to cost $800 for this blog post to be written because if I'm gonna do it at this level I'm hiring an absolute expert who also happens to be a writer and the amount of detail in time to write this I just know this is a forty to sixty out write this is this is gonna take a week from someone who's actually good at this to put this content together to put it down but so this ranks on YouTube on Google excuse me and then it promotes his actual product which he doesn't even have that at the bottom which is amazing to me so if you think about it if you were an affiliate for a photography course like this is the kind of content you would need to create that will rank that will drive traffic you actually need to teach them right you actually everyone we've looked at from the magician to the woodworker to the iPhone photography to this photography to the Knitting person she got free knitting to ten plates right everyone we've looked at in this day is actually giving value right the dad's guide the Disney World he actually gives the value right like the vegan coach is literally teaching it travel fashion girl she gives like here's the packing list for Europe in the spring here's the packing list for Thailand in the rainy season right I think it makes sense does this making sense y'all imma hop over to the comments we're gonna hang out for a quick minute before I go make lunch I think it's about that time so let me switch over here and present to everyone and nope stop yeah that was it he back am i back cool how'd you do did you make it to the end like did that actually did that actually work or we know we thought about this oh and I thought some Tigers um what's up mate you reviewing that site miles you would shred horrible navigation just cuz the show yeah this was I think you're right tiger an I think that's so important is like no one has it figured out right like one thing I've known and I'm so I fail again multiple of those sites are making seven figures a year many multiples of those sites are making like multiple six figures so like between 300 and 700 thousand dollars a year I would I would say possibly as many as half are doing that kind of revenue they all have just absolute glaring issues glaring issues my site go look at my site glaring issues Melonie site there's issue right like there is no perfect there is no done it is always evolving we're all just doing the best we can from moving forward in as many directions as we can it's it's best when we go one level above tactics to where we've got at least a strategy right my strategy is or my my philosophy is to be the most helpful internet marketer in the world my strategy is three videos per week a podcast and my blog content my tactics are live videos like this right so it's best when we nest those two where the tactic is actually based on the strategy is actually based on the guiding philosophy but all of us are kind of down here in these random tactics we get all these different things going and we forget to go stitch things back together that connect like the girl who's using on the Knitting site she's linking people over to a paid product she's got 20 words of content on there maybe she's ranking today but somebody could easily go create a 300 or post and outrank her and take over that search engine spot but she's in such a unique niche of knitting and artwork that nobody's even thinking about it right no one's like I don't care about knitting for artwork right so she's found that little intersection that no one else is thinking about so she's able to just go forth and dominate the iPhone photography guy I guarantee you at this point there's several people mimicking him and doing the iPhone photography thing he was one of the first movers in that area for sure but now he's built up so many massive massive massive blog posts it would be really difficult to Dean thrown him right that's where I'm at with my blog content I got people like Neil Patel I got these people who now these huge blog posts they're not writing them there they're paying thousands and thousands a month to have these massive posts created it's a lot of effort to dethrone them so it's a three-year five-year plan that I'm on and I'm doing the best I can and every one so I go look at my stuff and like oh my god that's not linked to that and that should be touching that and that should be connected over there and I jump in and fiddle with it as best I can and I forget about it for three six months and all sudden it's like holy crap I've got a bunch of issues going on again come on I'm glad you enjoyed that cool I'm glad you enjoyed that so mark a what kind of content would you suggest for a site that sells a zone greeting cards I what what do people searching for so what kind of cards are this are they searching for unique cards like Talk Like a Pirate Day cards right is that the card then create content about Talk Like a Pirate Day right international pie day right whatever what is it that you're doing is it just greeting cards like you need a bit hallmark is there send out cards is a dominant MLM in that space greeting card universe is a huge print-on-demand system that has tens of thousands of artists creating unique art so like greeting cards is done what's your bet what's that next thing below that you're going to do is is really the the key on that cool oh man I just I do love all the the kind words I thank you very much I'm I was like so interesting so here's a little tip on the content for all the content creators out there I wanted to do a video yesterday I just came back from Mexico a couple nights ago I got back at like 11:30 at night our time which was like 1:30 Mexico time I do not stay up to those hours I'm usually in bed by like 9:30 so I yesterday I was just destroyed just like barely all I can do to keep my emails going and and do a little workout and a little hike so I wanted to do a video to upload today this morning so I like upload my videos in morning couldn't think anything went to bed kinda like I'll I think I'll do a video about this and woke up this morning is like I don't want to do that video and like I don't know what am i a video on so literally up until the walk I took I went on a hike with my wife for a couple mile loop I had no clue what my video was gonna be today I did not know and I was like that's what I could do I could just go review a bunch of niche sites then I came back I made a cup of coffee that I'm still nursing right here and I just was like I need to come over sites so I went through a few different areas to find a wide variety of sites people I know people I don't know people I kind of know that are doing well all these sites were that you looked at we're doing well yeah whatever cool I made a little list and you can see so I actually printed it out so it's rare that I even have a list so I had eleven and I thought it two more that I hand wrote in to make it 13 two ideas no one knew how to build what they built right this was the pre-teaching and then that little Venn diagram image right there was my note to draw out that intersection idea and all this came together in 30 45 minutes and I was like screw it I'm going live let's do it I didn't email my list I see members on here like y'all just happened to see somehow I was live and this is the process like it was I didn't think about it I don't even know what I was doing this morning when I woke up I had no idea this was my video we're all doing the best we can in the moment with the best we've got and we're all busy we're all distracted we're all doing as best we can but we're all kind of messy on the other side as well so I think that's a really really interesting take away on that and you Kirby what's up man so you're in the stoicism but you're confused where there's no real problem solution pathways so the the idea for the big idea from me with stoicism is that stoicism is the solution right so there's other problems and I think the problem can be a shady family life a lack of fulfillment in life depression can be one of those problems so it's almost like finding the right solute the right problems that you see found the solution first not necessarily the problem first and that's one of the things is how do you create the kinds of problem solution content that links people back to help them realize that that that cultivating a stoic philosophy will help you improve your life in all of these different ways so it's a it's a twist on the self-help so what I would go look at is all the self-help books that are selling wonderfully and they've all got their bit like um excuse me your life is waiting the secret all of these different things so look at their bit what is the problem what's their angle of like this is the problem they're solving and then how do you make a stoic solution versus whatever the hell they're talking about they're going to look at their solution look at the problem the set up you might be able to find that just in the look inside on Amazon go down to the library for or even a bookshop there are some bookstores around still hop in a bookstore for a day for an afternoon go grab a cup of coffee a cup of tea and just just open the books and have a notepad there and like okay what is the problem this self-help book goes to solve and then get the list of problems then go home search on Google see what kinds of solutions are coming up and then figure out how can you create the kinds of content that is problem solution that gets people down to the point of stoic philosophy is the thing is that's how I would approach the challenge and that's usually what I look for is a a possible and and what I just gave you is not going to be the perfect solution kind of repeating it's just a starting point to get going to get you in action to get you creating content in different ways to see feedback but then ultimately you get some sort of feedback from YouTube or blog or something that's like you're just all of a sudden something clicks and you're like oh okay those three posts it took me a hundred posts to see that these three Wow okay so I need to do more of that so for me it took me about 150 videos on YouTube to really see a couple of things that that really clicked and I just went did a ton more of those then I got to a point where I had done Facebook Ads is one of them I literally got by month five I think I was like there was nothing else I could talk about in facebook as I had done a complete course so then I had to go find that next thing which meant doing a bunch of random stuff again and so I saw something that clicks and I just went and did a bunch more of that and and it's been kind of repeating that process does here any advice on spirituality Reiki and a crystal sight you kind of dominate at quality and got first on page for crystals that's awesome um you grow organic supposed to make do just like I don't know find affiliate programs that sell crystals like Etsy has some there's some one share sale there they're all over the place Madagascar are minerals has an affiliate program I was just at their shop at the Tucson show at the crystal show I went to like I don't I don't even get what like grow audience through helpful content offer them things they want to buy as an affiliate or create things for them to buy that's it truth be told you were scared to start a site but now you got what to do that's cool dear 20 um you just got started right it's an evolution none of us knew what was where was how was we just were like I'm gonna do this right and okay and like Andrew Kirby's a great example so andrew has what you got like nine thousand subscribers he's got some videos that have done really well he's taking action and he's still like where is this going and it's like I wonder that about me in my business right now literally my wife wonders that about her she's ten years in and we still wonder that like you never get to a point like we get to get these phases were like I'm in the zone I'm doing my thing and then there's other times like what the hell am i doing right now like it is a kind of a process of that for sure so Angelique thank you for the I'm happy you find the content awesome what industry did I come from I'm very detailed so um I don't know I've been I've started making money online in 2003 essentially spamming MySpace with affiliate offers which is the wrong way to go which is why I'm pretty stern against doing things the wrong way I got into real estate I did some real estate investing I got a like my college degree is literally university studies I paid 50 grand to get a piece of paper that means absolutely freaking nothing I did a little time on the radio at one of my community colleges in California and I've done everything from selling cars a lot of customer support work management department of 30 people and customer support once and it's just a just a just a mash-up of things but my wife and I built a site we started in 2009 we built a site up to a very very lucrative successful level and I started teaching what we did to grow that site for free on YouTube in 2016 and I've now done like almost 500 videos so I think it's just that is really it is I spent seven years I spent you know actually I spent 13 years making money online making money as an entrepreneur and essentially failing for like 12 I really clicked for a few now failed for about 10 really really really clicked for a few years and I started teaching it so it's it's really I've just done so many things that just don't work I kind of was born with a gift to get my dad's got the gift of gab and I picked up on that I learned how he communicates and I've just I just talk a lot like it's crazy thanks for listening cool so sound survival tactics never heard of them interesting so you thought there wouldn't be a market anymore for those cameras like it the world is full of niche markets you've never heard of the the world is full like that's that's how everyone wants super specific things to them I've got this little list of YouTube channels that I find incredibly interesting there's a five year old boy who has over a million subscribers he makes millions of dollars a year reviewing toys his mom just started filming him literally like he was three when they started reviewing his toys and they make millions and yeah he said they sold like 100 something million dollars worth a shot like kids toys right it's insane there's another dude who makes these like little models of the world like they're little like resin like actual earthen models he's got like 350 thousand subscribers like making these random s weird weird weird weird things there's just like that's where our world is today since we all have out on my phone near me we have these devices that allow us to go down these rabbit holes of such unique things that everyone wants super hyper specific solutions to what exactly what they're looking for we expect these insanely deep niches I didn't show my friends who have Fitness for dressage riding dressage is let's have a horseback riding it'll look sports it's like ballet right he teaches fitness for people who ride horses like that so it's not just horseback riding it's not just fitness it's not just diet and it's not just dressage it's that little tiny intersection ball four of them and they are crushing it in an absolute major way another friend helps she does called short cuts she's crushing it essentially tutoring kids and helping kids with college applications how to get into college because the bit is that your high school counselor is overwhelmed there's 400 students and there's one counselor and you're never gonna get the attention your kids never get the attention that they need so hire us we'll help your kid get into the college that you want so they can get into an Ivy League college or whatever crushing it right and think about it her average customer comes through once maybe twice if they have two kids and then they're gone and there's just always this new wave of collegiate students there's there's so many of these multi-million dollar businesses on that you and I have never heard of and that was my goal with this video was to find the most unique and different things that I've never talked about to really show just this this breadth and variety of things a lot of times people like wool all I can think of is digital marketing I need to go teach digital marketing like good luck with that like good luck I've caught lightning in a bottle with this channel and it's because I brought 1314 years of experience and I'm giving it all away for free good luck competing and monetizing and that's not to say in a sense of braggadocio sness like this is an epically challenging space but when you get into dressage 4 or fitness for dressage riding or carry on fashion travel or packing cubes that their packing list for a woman in Thailand you know or you get into how to crochet a betta fish right like what were some other ones um and I don't even know the phrases that would be in woodworking with hand tools right like how to build a bed with hand tools like I guess people search it like that like that new ranks and he dominates vegan coach right like how to make a vegan veggie loaf like okay somebody ranks for that phrase vegan dog food there are people ranking and selling stuff for vegan dog food vegan cat food even though it pisses people off vegan rabbit food we don't even need to talk about that they eat carrots we get that so I just I just think that's really really interesting yeah horrible navigate yeah everybody say them like dude literally some of these websites make millions of dollars a year and some of here's and here's an interesting one so since I know the revenue of several of them some of the uglier ones make a lot more than some of the prettier ones some of the ones with some fugly navigation and like where am I on this page right now what's going on here they make a lot of money and so many people focus on the look I gotta hit it that all might what's my theme look like my site doesn't look great I'm like I don't care content content content content content content content how can I create epic content that's gonna rank this live video is the level of content that you have to create for your people I don't do this every week I can't I don't have the time but like my other videos they're all just like man when I'm like I'm gonna teach you how to learn SEO but you do every damn thing about SEO I know imma lay it all on the table and that's what it takes is that level of content we saw it over and over especially on the to photography websites like those dudes Photography is a big big big big big niche right there's there's colleges there's art colleges that you can pay two hundred thousand dollars in tuition for a four-year art degree in photography so that's the the potential value of a customer in many senses of photography so and that's the competitors right the competition is NYU art schools photography let program or some variation of that I don't actually know anything about art schools but you get what I'm saying like that that is the level of conversation and you saw the detail the the depth like they have table of contents they have so much content those were ten fifteen thousand word posts those could easily be ebooks but they work a lot better for the search engines in that sense Darius I'm glad you enjoyed that Tiger I'm glad you caught this one man travel sites I'm glad you like that click the Disney dad idea like that dudes crushing it that dude is doing so well and the Disney dad for those who didn't catch the beginning he's just teaching people how to make the most out of their Disney World vacation he loves Disney like think of the lifestyle that guys created for himself this is the part that so many people forget to think about is how enjoyable that dude's lifestyle is now it comes with challenges tech sights go down SSL certificates expire plugins conflict like happens like you build a business online it's it's just happens and the challenges never ever ever stop sites draw up all kinds of weird stuff happens but so there's no getting away from it is what I'm saying there's no platform that's just perfect none they all suck in their own way you find the one that sucks the least for you and you just stick with it so you don't go through the learning curve over and over but like his business is he loves Disney he loves Disney World parks he like his shelves indeed there's videos in him online you can see interviews of him online behind him on his bookshelf is all Disney stuff like he really loves Disney and Mickey and Minnie and all that weird stuff he's just so enthralled by it so now he writes about it he makes videos about it about it his life is all about that thing he loves and he's eating he's earning so much money and he's doing so well for himself he's providing for his family he has complete time freedom his pre complete location independence if he wants to go to Walt Disney World or Disneyland in Japan he could take his whole family there and write off the whole thing I don't even know if there is a Japanese but I think there's one in Europe he could go write a trip about writing trip reports log about it do videos about it he could write that whole thing off so let's say he's at the end of the year he's got X Y Z coming in income his CPA is like dude you're making too much money you got to spend some of it before the end of the year I've got that call it's brilliant called a half the CPA is like dude you're about to spend you're about to have to pay two hundred thirty thousand dollars in taxes if you don't go spend a bunch of money on your business hmm would you like to have that problem because those are the types of problems that pop up for these people after they stick with it for five six seven eight nine years and they create massive businesses then you're like okay well what could I do well I can take my whole family to Japan and Europe to go travel those ones yeah let's just book all of that out on the set and that's what you end up doing between Christmas and New Year's is booking out these massive vacation business trips that's what we'll call them business trips so you can go see the other Disney lands that you love like oh my god that's the life and that's where I want for you right and that's so my wife with it with the spirituality and the channeling and the meditation and like we love this stuff I meant to take every day meditate yes sir I'm Ahmet it's say today like we really she loves reading those books she loves going through those courses she loves it we are most of our friends who we hang out and hike with her or in other aspects of that and we really are about it I've got crystals all we just went to the the Jemma mineral show I got crystals all over my desk literally like indigo gabbro kyanite amethyst tourmaline selenite I got another quartz they're gonna sell a night lamp over there like we love this stop and all of that is tax-deductible it's all business expense because she reviews it she talks about the spiritual properties of indigo gabbro this stuff is cool actually looks really cool on mine this was a really interesting find at the gym and mineral show I got little opals my little you probably can't see the flash at my little opal oh that's a raw opal spirit quartz little amethyst points that are just freakin amazing so that's what I'm saying like that's what we love and like tigers on here Tiger loves golf he's from a golf family he teaches golf he writes about golf he loves golf he just built a new indoor golf facility in Ireland crushing it and now he's crushing it online too and and the world is becoming his oyster and it takes more work now to create more freedom in the future and he's doing the work is doing what's required I got a call it y'all we're getting really close to that two-hour mark and if it goes over two hours I lose part of the video which sucks I appreciate you thank you for joining share this video with somebody who needs to hear it if you know somebody else we've got a group on Facebook if you made it to the end grab the we're all send it out to them I appreciate you it is a is Patagonia hat I do believe I'm glad you caught that so appreciate it love you uh go be of service to an audience do the work of giving value like it sucks it's work it's work but whatever do it for three or five years and you can create a lifestyle that will freakin amaze you and it's worth it in the end it's a lot of work it's like moving them out with a spoon but you can do it um thank you appreciate you I'll see you soon Cheers
Channel: Miles Beckler
Views: 39,648
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: choosing a niche, how to choose a niche, how to choose your niche, affiliate marketing, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Id: wqmSx2dmD3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 51sec (6591 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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