Content Marketing Mastermind - Phase 2 Of Your Content Marketing Strategy For SEO

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all right we're live again now I want to make sure that I get you access to this video stream because I think we're in a different location then what I said before so I keep running people around one quick moment here all right now I've notified on that content one one here thank you for joining I'm excited to be here with you just sending out a couple of notes to a few locations where people might be and I think we are good okay my goodness um if that isn't a testimony for the kinds of challenges that we encounter when we least expect them right the moment you think you get the hang of something it all just kind of falls apart just to prove that we really don't know what we're doing so I think that's great proof I thank you very much for persevering with me um I'm using YouTube's native functionality at this point and I would love to hear if you do have access and you can hear me I would love to get a confirmation in the live chat so just gonna put that question out we were talking about content marketing and I was working to kind of show you exactly how my content marketing stuff works but I'm curious how much did you guys catch did I completely drop out on that last one um was it clear the concept of the phase two or should I kind of do a quick overview on that um I'd be curious so shoot me a chat if you if you feel like you got the the concept there or if you feel like I should go over it I'm gonna go over one more time so welcome thank you very much I really do appreciate your time and I'm excited to share part 2.0 of my content marketing this is attempt 2.0 for part 2.0 and essentially the idea is the first phase is simply flex the content creation muscle this is the 90 day challenge the hundred and twenty day challenge do create create create write we need to produce more than we consume so the first phase in really building an authority site and building a site that's going to generate thousands tens maybe hundreds of thousands of visits per month from google and from the search engines this is free traffic received via energy you put in right the first step is to become a Content producer once you've produced content on a very kind of habituated pattern you can add on what I like to consider which is version 2.0 and version 2.0 is compiling compiling your pieces of content that are relevant to each other in like a mega post and I did do a quick brief show of this but I'm going to show you exactly how this works in my site real quick just to make sure everyone kind of understands the theory um because it's we need a first kind of habituate the process once you've got that process habituated then the goal is to really round out the content and make these kinds of posts that just wow people and I call these shareable posts this post is focused on the keyword phrase how to advertise on Faye book I find that this is the most kind of tailored keyword phrase to what I teach I have a content upgrade in here that will get people on my list I give them a case study of how I generated like 14,000 leads on Facebook in 30 days my conversion rate when people reach this page is between 10 and 15% to a lead I've also got affiliate links on this page so it is an asset that can generate con that can generate revenue but take a look at this so the first few chapters right I broke this up into table of contents and this entire table of contents is based on my video that I taught how to kind of layout and plan your digital information product course it was the one I did where he had a circle on one side a circle on the other side and there was a line through it and all the hash marks were the different things so that's what these effectively ended up being and I did this this took one day to put together it's over 3,000 words of text and you can see the first few chapters are a lot of text but then you're going to notice my videos start really coming through and this post has about 28 videos on it today and it's growing every time I update a video and I update a how-to something on Facebook this is where I go add that post now it's more organized than a playlist on YouTube but even more powerful this is able to get picked up by Google and it's able to return Google organic traffic to me which is my ultimate goal because if I get Google ranking me on the first page for how to advertise on Facebook I am going to unleash an absolute flood of traffic and leads to my site now real quick I just want to show you the second one and this is where I think it all fell apart so I've created the the DIY sales funnel video series you've probably seen a couple of those this is the post now and I decided that click funnels alternatives was the main keyword I was going to focus on but now I created such a powerful post about this click funnels alternative it links to all of my other content it links them into my email list and then it includes all of the different videos and there resources that will walk an individual through the process of setting up their own alternative to clickfunnels now this is so powerful because the prospects state of awareness for someone who's searching for clickfunnels alternative this individual knows what a sales funnel is this individual knows exactly what the result they want is right and at that point this individual is most interested in if they're looking for a clickfunnels alternative they're literally saying I don't want to pay for that for some reason what are my other options and I'm not only explaining the other options to them I'm showing them step by step by step how to build it out themselves what happens when a user finds either one of these kinds of blog posts that are like their ultimate posts right when I use the ultimate guide idea and that's essentially what I did here it instantly positions me as an absolute expert in the field to be able to put that much content together that's all me is like wow somebody sees that and it's like wow inducing so that's the first thing is it's a great positioning piece but it's also highly shareable right let's say you and a few friends are kind of embarking on this internet thing in your own way and one person's like all click funnels check it out and a couple of people like I don't know I don't know and one of you finds my post on click funnels alternative the first thing you're going to do is you're going to share that with these other people who you know have a similar interest because there's social capital for each of us to be an introducer two ideas right when I go find an article that I find fascinating and I go publish it on youtube or on Facebook or Twitter back that I'm the first one to send this out to my friends gives me social credibility so now I have created a shareable piece of content that gives other people that possibility to gain social credibility through sharing my content it's also so big that someone in my space would look at my kind of like how to advertise on Facebook post neglect dude I'm never going to recreate that it's 30 videos it's 3,000 words it's easier for that person to link to my ultimate guide post than it is for them to go really create it again making it highly shareable making it the kind of a post that's going to attract backlinks because I don't really chase backlinks I like to attract them through putting out massive pieces of content and I don't want you to think you need to jump into Phase two it's called Phase two for a reason right and the reason that's phase two is because I started my videos and I started putting out a video a day I didn't know where it was going to go I did videos about mindset videos about organic traffic Pinterest I've been all over the board but then I used the YouTube kind of playlist functionality to group these ideas together and I've just seen so many comments now people in the youtubes like where do I start on Facebook Ads and now I've created a massive resource for them so as you're moving forward in your business and in your content marketing efforts start to think how can you combine the ideas right so you're doing a 90 day challenge and you talk about three or four or five different things over the course of 90 days which means you're going to have 1020 videos on this five eight videos on that 25 videos on that but once you get towards the time frame when creating that daily content is easy because it gets a lot easier then you can start to think in your evenings or when you have time and you're not wanting to do a ready to a video you could think okay how can I take these five videos that each talk about a different side of this main core topic for my audience how do I help communicate that in a way through one blog post that makes it this epic level of post and at that point you're creating these ultimate guides these huge multimedia posts that really have the possibility of ranking well on Google getting human beings to share it and when people find it it absolutely positions you as the expert you get to become that kind of trusted advisor right because all my content if you read it yes I promote a few tools that make those systems work but 100% of the how-to information is free right I'm not pitching anything in there so their guard is down they're able to go through the content comfortably really kind of build it's it's a relationship building process if I walk you through the course of building a wordpress site something you've never done before you go from being scared of it and confused to actually having one done in a weekend through my videos I wasn't physically there for that but you now feel a in ship to me and that relationship is formed and that relationship is the core of a lifestyle business that's when people are like where do I sign up for your list where do I buy your products where how can I get you to consult me I don't sell anything yet I don't do any consulting but that's what happens right you might be interested in selling a product you might be interested in doing coaching and consulting and it's through these massive pieces of content that you demonstrate your expertise you demonstrate what to do if they're a DIY or and they want to do it themselves great if they read through the entire post and get to the bottom they're just like oh my gosh there is so much to do you can have a call to action at the bottom say overwhelmed want me and my team to do it for you click here and learn about our done-for-you package or done-for-you services and that's how you transition little pieces of content that you do in your 90 day challenge and then you expand those out in these giant posts that attract they attract highly targeted individuals and those posts build the relationship and at the end you you easily transition to segue to get those people on your list to get them to contact you for a one-on-one idea for like a consultation etc etc that's the core concept I probably just said that twice for a lot of you watching so I want to jump over at this point and get into the question and answers um I know some people were asking questions in the other live broadcast but um I don't really have that open anymore so let me find this live broadcast give me one second I'm just going through a couple of tabs here and it is this one here awesome so I am going to close down things so if you have questions about content marketing hit me with them if you have questions about your funnel hit me with them get your questions inside of the comments now I've got a little over an hour to do questions I have about a 1/2 of a mug of coffee and it's my I love grandma coffee mug because who doesn't love grandma's and real quick fun story I love grandma talking about interesting niches I have a friend who sold I love sewing and I love knitting t-shirts to grandmas through Facebook ads very successfully and he has moved on to offer equipment and sewing machines and other things and he been doing that for three to four years so I love grandma is true and huge shout out to my buddy Dave good on it he's doing great things in the world and help him spread the granel love so I figured you might be interested in that obscure niche idea so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to share my screen here and we're going to go through these um we are going to go through these comments together so you can kind of see where I'm at and I will be able to open any sort of browser windows we need so and I didn't say thank you I don't think so thank you very much for being here I really do appreciate it I really like getting to spend this time if you're hustling on the holiday weekend here in the u.s. good for you I'm glad to see you're hustling out this is what it takes and if you're overseas thank you for tuning in um alright so what we are clickfunnels lecture okay cool that's where we're at so I'm just scrolling down looking for the first question um how to create the dollar trial and clickfunnels using the custom code man I I don't have that code anymore I kind of let it go um I have this SEO channel that goes over hmm chase that's it you're done that sounds like self-promotion you go and time out any self promotion gets instant timeout that's just how I roll on this so yep perfect he's gone thank you for calling him out horses are expensive um question how do I earn my money so affiliate links uh I recommend products and I could do my own services if I wanted to I could do coaching if I wanted to but that's not something I'm interested in my wife and I sell information products I sell apps I sell books I sell print books Kindle books we sell CDs we have a membership program we sell digitally downloadable products and with the miles bechler stuff it's it's all affiliates 100% um your opinion what are the different content marketing should be done for firm which is logistics base it's always content teach people things you got to teach them right like so many people go into content marketing thinking how can I sell them all my stuff right how do I sell them all my stuff the right way to do it is teach them how to use your stuff so for example my content marketing works so I'm doing that click funnels alternative and if I make commissions on all three of those things I'm going to 100 hundred fifty dollars in commissions so I just teach people how to use what I recommend they use and they watched it like oh my gosh this is the full blueprint here this is amazing now I'm going to just do what he says and since they follow my steps I built that credibility that they trust me they follow my steps they buy my things etc etc so what do your people need to know and what do they need to do to leverage your logistics company or whatever it is you sell and give them that if than what they know need to know to purchase and buy and love your products so this is a great question so um how did I so when I wasn't positioned as an expert or I didn't feel that you had the expertise how did I go about writing content so this is really powerful and this is really important the the easy thing for me to say is focus on what you're an expert in now you are an expert in something there's something in your life that you've done up to this point you have more experience and more of an understanding than other people do so just start there there's also the idea that you need to go become an expert and how do experts become experts they read all of the books they watch all of the videos they go survey absolutely everything you can start a podcast that interviews every single expert in your field and you will learn as you're creating content because you're interviewing experts right you can do book reviews and book summaries of every single book on your niche and you can then learn through the content that you're consuming and you can do a review on that content the other side of this coin is you can create your niche and your your kind of platform around something that you your biggest problem essentially and you can then document your path of solving that biggest problem right so if if your problem is that you're thirty pounds overweight and you really want to be 160 pounds but you weigh 194 pounds you can document your process of what you're doing your gym days your dietary things the different things that you're doing the supplements that you're trying you can document the process and then your blog becomes literally this like it's it's a log it's a web log of your process so when someone finds you and you're like fit as write you're ripped at this point you're 165 pounds and chiseled they can look back and be like wow he was flabby just like I was right and then they can follow your process and having that documented is so valuable of proof I think those are the best ideas I've got right there so if content is solid how do you help build trust signals on newer sites tougher when people don't know the subject you're educating them about how do you build trust signals on newer sites so trust signals on new so it sounds like you're asking newer sites I'm thinking means outside sites so you can do guest publishing where you go create guest posts on other people's content you can essentially do podcasting as a guest find those podcasts that have your audience there and go educate them right find the people who have your audience and who don't understand what you understand about things and build a relationship with them find them on Instagram start sending them direct messages letting them know that you are you're watching their content you think their content is great etc etc and really I think those kinds of ideas are the best way to go about it here um I'm gonna go this way I think we're gonna run with us hanging out and I'm gonna look at these um these questions myself so can you do the 90 day subject on something that you don't know about from noob to expert probably not I mean you could try it ditch-digger um but like what's going to happen is you need to be able to be confident in moving forward and creating the content so it's always best to do content creation on something you're at least incredibly passionate about but it's best when you have a good level of expertise with it and the reason for this is people will sense it right if you're like oh um and then I think you do oh they're gonna sense it right away and they're out your content will not resonate but when you stand in your truth with an open heart and you really bring what you're meant to bring to the world out through you that's great now with that said I just talked about the the kind of like tracking your process don't claim you know what's going on at the beginning stand in your power of being you know if it's the the flabby example be like look I'm forty five pounds overweight and I am going to get here and you're gonna be able to come along with me or if you're like I'm gonna be making a million dollars online it's going to take me 25 years and I'm gonna document every day of my 25 year process to make a million dollars online go for it just be honest the fake it till you make it stuff people can smell it in a heartbeat and it does not work Jim Carlin question in your mega post do i link to existing posts or do i embed the videos involves both i embed the videos because Google likes multimedia content I need to add Pinterest pin images in there so I can get this content on Pinterest to get it to go viral and get reach on Pinterest but ultimately I like to create my own webs of content within my own website so when I mention a topic that I have another blog post on I absolutely linked those together every link that goes out of my page I make it so it opens it in a new tab and my reason is I don't want to disturb the readers experience I want them to be able to read halfway through see something that interests them click on it and I don't want the page there on the change I want it to open in a new tab so they can finish reading this theoretically they can open two or three tabs and they can kind of lay out a plan of content consumption through my content set down the rabbit-hole idea right I want to enable them to go down the rabbit hole of my content and I wanna make it as easy as possible for them on the one other thing that I'm not doing on these mega posts that I probably will soon is I'll probably pull the mp3 file off of the videos and then I'm going to take that mp3 file and put it on soundcloud I'm going to link that SoundCloud link back to my main post and then I'll embed the audio inside of my post as well adding to the multimedia kind of value of the post creating a little bit bigger of a web of content right than all of the youtubes my YouTube videos link back to it and I'll have the the audio on SoundCloud and just create this kind of web of trust essentially so when Google find my post they find all these other social media things look wow this is just a giant web of awesome this is the biggest web of awesome on said topic boom I get to rank higher in the search engines I'm happy to be doing this thank you for being here um let's see question my opinion what are the different content marketing should be done logisitics already answered that one so a 90 day challenge there's no site it's it's just essentially the 90 day challenge idea is something that I've been promoting through the videos it's the idea of we just need to start putting out content I don't actually have a post on it I'll probably create one now because I've got a lot of updates on my youtube channel about the 90 day challenge but the idea is once you know your niche you need to start creating more than you consume you need to produce more content than you consume the best way to do that is to kind of go overboard on content creation for the first 90 days and that's one video every day seven days a week for 90 days I ended up doing it for a hundred and twenty days I got sick at one point to the point where I could barely talk and I still did videos I flew across the Pacific Ocean two separate times one travel day was almost 40 hours of travel and at one point I did a road trip three or four states that took 20 plus hours of driving and three days so if you think you're busy I'm busy too all of this while building and growing my business right like I have a full-time business two businesses with my wife that we run so all of that was going on in my life and I still did a video every single day I attended a four-day conference so that's the whole idea is just create create create I'm learning a new skill can I create a channel yes absolutely Rosia I think it's a great idea to document your process of learning the the skill but just be honest with where you're at you can see it there's a dance video like a lot of people do videos of themselves dancing and they'll do like year 1 year 2 and you can follow the progression and people love seeing the progression there's um Joseph Campbell who's a writer and a educator a philosopher about a myths there's that zero to hero idea and if you watch any great movie in Hollywood there it's like a zero to hero it's the the attractive character who doesn't know if he can do it and then life hits them and they goes down challenging and then boom this happens at all suddenly things just catch and you you kind of like go going through that zero to hero arc the character arc with that individual that would be you in this situation we kind of like see there they're real they mess up like we do just like my last YouTube live video right it brings us depth of reality to it that people appreciate and it makes it feel like wow if they could do it and go from this to this I could do that too and that's what you want people to feel if people just look at you and it's that guru on the mountain kind of thing and it's like I'm the greatest internet marketer ever you shall never be as good as me pay me thousands of dollars and I might teach you what I know like that's total BS because it puts this separation but if I'm right here with you goofing up all my videos looking awkward in my first videos getting better and better and better right go watch my early videos if you haven't then you could see like wow this is that's how it works cuz everyone sucks when they do something for the first time if you want to humble yourself go surfing you watch surfers who are really good and it's like wow that's beautiful it looks so easy then you get in the water on a knee-high wave and you try to paddle into this thing it is the most awkward thing in the world right snowboarding the same thing every great snowboarder spent at least a day or two probably more like a week or two or a month or two on their ass right bruising themselves falling all the time what happens is we just disassociate those early days and we see the event we see the great surfer dropping in a pipeline wowed and then we go try on a knee-high wave and it doesn't work and we're like oh man that's a disc and I gotta sucks this is too tough but when we see that process of somebody getting better and better and better and better it kind of encourages us to try and engage with the process as well which is super powerful um alright so Niaga I own a private university in your country wow that's amazing I absolutely think it's a good idea to put your lectures free online to get students look at what I've done here right like I've put every single piece of content I can ever imagine for free when I tried to put it all when I was thinking I was gonna put it all his products this that the other I never did anything right because then I oh I getting my product don't I gotta just own it finally was like you know what this needs to get out to the world if you I don't know what country you're in like how how high do you hold the regard of the betterment of your country right if that's your way of helping your country become more educated which can create a stronger economy which can create a stronger country for your grandkids and their kids and their kids absolutely that to me is 100% the way to go on and see what's going on so we have a landing page request so I need to go in here and switch out fluid frame getting a little landing page love thank you for submitting that and if you do try to submit your arm you do try to submit your landing page just write out the dot or put a space in it because YouTube won't let you put a URL in so let us take a look here and so this is going to be an opt-in page so rock your spot com4 slash yard are you kids wanting more screen time so great starting with a question is brilliant personally I wouldn't have this black box around it because your eye gets kind of trapped in there right I think get rid of the the line around it get rid of that just black text on white is perfect but it's great to lead with a question our brain works in questions so it engages me this is awesome also like do you have a plan like are you ready for this because their brain is going to answer this so this is a really smart starting point I just I think the readability is a little tough with these huge contrasting colors um so our kids want the obvious answer for 90% of people is yes do you have a plan to help your kid the answer to this is no and at this point they're they're like I need one right they know that they have had an aha moment that literally now you offer your free guide they're gonna want the free guide this is absolutely brilliant um I think this would work wonders so then enter email oh so we can send you your free guide right away I would consider not capturing their name to make it that much easier for them to submit it's not a big deal um most people are used to the we all know that that we can auto insert the name I've never I don't collect name and I don't I just say hey there hey you how's it going buddy right let you just come up with ideas um this is brilliant man I think this is ready so you got it a lot you have longer text with thanks great I'm not even needed great to have the picture you and the family on here like total credibility I would even consider putting the family picture up I would make this picture a click pop humans click pictures man it's crazy so I would just make this do the same exact thing and I would consider moving the picture up to the top but these are little things all that really matters is this because this is what loads above the fold and I love the fact that your button shows up above the fold this is absolutely ready for traffic obviously make sure you're tracking steps in place um great work I think that's absolutely brilliant so you get an a-plus on that for taking action and getting it going and yeah like just I'd love to see I want to hear what your results are um fun fact we got a viewer who's been taking action recently and at first he ran his Facebook ads he was getting a 5% conversion on day one he hit me with a message in the comments he's like oh goodness this is scary right a five a five percent conversion rate what do I do and it was day one is like you know Facebook takes two to three days to get you the right traffic the right audience in a conversion based campaign by day three he was converting 25% of visitors to his page into leads he was getting 22 cent leads he has not even put together a product yet but he's like dude if I have a product in with my numbers like even at a low conversion rate that should be profitable he wanted to test the lead gen side first he's building a list 22 cents a lead epic so it works and he has never done this before and all he's done is followed the videos that I put out there so it's it's pretty freakin cool if you ask me Sheila can I get can I still get good traffic doing 90 day multimedia articles that are a thousand words for article yes I recommend um I don't like to recommend a minimum of words Sheila I like to recommend pour your heart into it make it a complete idea if that happens to be 700 words great if it happens to be three thousand four hundred twenty two words great Neil Patel has done a study that his blog posts that he does in over 3,000 words get significantly more traffic than his blog posts he does they're less than three thousand words but you don't necessarily have the opportunity and the time to do a three thousand word post every day here's what happens with phase two in your situation again right right right right the big goal is to get that out make each post based on one topic focused on one main keyword then when you've done your 90 day challenge you can kind of take a step back and you could kind of survey okay what's been done what did I do what blog posts work together and you can actually start to combine them and when you combine them and you do a little 301 redirect so let's say you have post a B and C that are all about one topic and you take post a as your core page and you add B and you add C to it you would 301 redirect URL B and C to URL a super simple stuff it's 301 redirects super simple stuff to do but what it does is it essentially tells Google that this post is now here this post is now here so you won't lose any SEO mojo from having that but now you've just merged those three topics that are three angles of the same thing into one massive post you didn't have to really geek out right the massive post at one point it evolved through phase two and that's exactly what we're talking about here and and really I think you know my wife and I when we started our first website all we did where we were doing 500 word posts we were just just going and now we're still in this day going all the way back to those old posts where we're adding videos we're merging we're adding audio files we're adding Pinterest images we're just turning them into multimedia posts and Google loves seeing us kind of put more energy and love into those older posts right they don't want us to publish a post and then forget about it forever Google wants us to kind of continue to grow it over time um so yeah I say run with it and if you're a writer right that's beautiful so next question my client is selling an audio book and is number one in multiple categories on Amazon what would you suggest creating the content on he's in the religion niche religion stuff cover the content that's in the book right like cover those ideas in small little bits and pieces and work them around so if you're enrolled in KDP you cannot republish your content elsewhere but if you're not enrolled in KDP which is kindle direct publishing you can literally go repost your blogposts inside or your book chapters as blog posts if you want right we have my wife and I two of our books are 100% free on our website and they're on Amazon and they still sell on Amazon all the time and they're still available free on our site because some people search google for things some people search amazon for things so it's worth it to show up in both places but like like it's just just be logical right if it's if that's his niche have him keep talking about things that are in his niche like just go for it um where can I find a free mailer you can't pay for a mailer it's a very important um process get Aweber you need someone who's going to manage your deliverability think about it if there's a free mail or out there that kind of works every spammer in the world is going to use it they're gonna blow it up they're gonna destroy it and in that situation it's over right like they're deliverability is gonna go down because the spammers will kill it so hi miles it seems like you agree with Gary Vee that the way to go is putting out useful content um where do I disagree with Gary Vee um I don't know like I think we're pretty on-page he's much more brand focused I'm I'm still a quant in his eyes right he talks about quants and that's me in many regards but my wife happens to run the brand side um um I just I'm not that into the startup scene I think that's the difference is I'm trying to enable individuals to create like laptop businesses that you could take with you in the world anywhere in the world you could travel with your kids you can do a three-month road trip with your family as long as you got your laptop and your cell phone you can run your business he's definitely a little bit more than the tech space but the really overlapping ideas for sure so Mike which social network is most effective in sharing the content the social network that has your audience right so if you have young people as your audience 18 to 24 snapchat and Instagram are going to be better social networks if you have baby boomers who are 50 to 65 years old Facebook is going to be a great place to put your content because that's where all the grandparents are trying to see pictures of the grandkids now with that said if you have women who are in their 30s to 50s who are affluent if that's who you're targeting Pinterest is absolutely the spot and with all of that said all of them it's a lot of work and each one needs native content your Pinterest image is shaped different than your Instagram image is shaped different than your Facebook image and you need unique ones for all of those platforms but ultimately you do want to be everywhere but if you have to limit it do some basic understanding of who's your customer avatar who's your target market what age where are they and then simply kind of get your content there right like put your content in front of the people on the platforms that have the people who you want to see your content um Pierre what's going on I have targets on facebook likes comments fans but you don't have their mail in order to create that so if you have targets um so first of all you can create a audience based on people who have engaged right so you can go create a custom audience based on people who've engaged you can also display your ads to people who have liked your fanpage so those are two audiences you do have access to immediately and then what I would probably do at that point is start building a list right and get your conversion pixel in place or in your custom conversion in place and set up look-alike audiences based on your custom conversions do you have traffic to your website because that is a list right there that you can retarget and you can create look-alikes off of people who have visited your list if you have at least a thousand visits to your to your site that with the pixel maturity in the last six months um if not start driving traffic get him to your site get them on your list get their email address so you can engage in that process I'm Kelly James document the process Kelly James gets it um let's see here how to rank local SEO clients content like you got to do a lot of content right you got to talk about the the local uniqueness of of that niche in your local target market I would also say that you got to make sure you have your local address in the footer and you do want to do citations and the Google my business learn how to optimize google my business which is the Google platform for a local business and then really make sure go do some basic citations for example submitting your website to Yelp submitting your website to TripAdvisor submitting your website or owning your page on TripAdvisor owning claiming your page on Yelp the Yellow Pages if you can get a free listing on the Yellow Pages for those local directories that allow you to get your business name URL phone number and address in them those are called citations and get them on the really good ones don't get crappy citations get like the mainstream citations and that all reinforces your business's location and Google will kind of add you to the map pop that map pack that way all right there was a change in the YouTube algorithm and there's concerns that new YouTube channel if favors that isn't evergreen 24 hours after a launch a lot of traffic is required to trigger the algorithm any opinion um YouTube's gonna always change the game Google has changed so many algorithms in the day and age since I've started it's absurd I lived through the boom and bust and boom and bust of the Google era um don't try anything shady put out more content go go go people who sit and think about things these things aren't taking action people who take action get results right like there are so many people who told me oh well the internet marketing space is too saturated you're never growing audience it's tough it's already been done blah blah blah I did it anyways because it's in my heart and I'm still doing it because I'm not doing it for the results the results are the byproduct I'm doing because I have to share this with you or I don't feel right right it's in my DNA it's in my soul part of why I'm here is to share this information with the world so that's what I'm doing and the reason I'm doing it is very selfish in that sense that it's it's what's inside of me and I have to get this out right I'm not doing this for traffic for money it's a different perspective and when you get to that point of I have a message that I need to get out to the world and you identify what that is within yourself and you focus on that and that is your main priority who cares about what the algorithm does to this that you will find the right people I have noticed a wee downturn in my youtube traffic I don't care it doesn't matter it doesn't mean anything right the goal is I'm going to be doing videos very consistently for five years plus that's what I want to see happen because in my main business when we were creating content every day it took three four five years for that to turn into a real business like this stuff takes work it takes massive amounts of work we have to outwork all of our competitors and the algorithm is gonna change back and then they'll change it again and then they'll change it again and it's pretty much a constant so I I don't think about that to be honest I just kind of keep moving forward keep playing my game keep racing my race and everything works from there I don't ping Google robots to my posts I believe it's built in to um I believe it's built into WordPress to automatically ping the main BOTS but I guess so I do comment on some relevant blogs from time to time those are usually nofollow but I just um I don't concern myself with backlinks or pinging the the YouTube the Google spiders if you want go to ping go Maddock comm and ping it I wouldn't ping it all the time but ping o matic is kind of one LinkedIn for b2b leads one of my thoughts sounds like a great opportunity right if you want b2b and your people are on LinkedIn then get your message in front of those people I know a lot of people who do well with the LinkedIn um paid stuff but I know a lot of people who do well with just putting content out on LinkedIn as well some people run groups on LinkedIn I think Lincoln's pretty spammed out so you have to make sure that you're coming from a standpoint of giving value first deliver results in advance but yeah I mean if LinkedIn is where your b2b clients are that's the best place for you to be nice Bernhardt construction been rolling with multiple pieces of content every day documenting the creative that's huge I mean if you're doing remodels if you're if you go into an ugly house if you're working for a flipper and you can document the process and show people so someone who's thinking about remodeling their kitchen I don't know what that is like 20 30 grand like if they want to take it to the tea I bet somebody could drop 50 simple I mean I bet somebody could drop a million on it but like you know relatively normal people might drop 20 to 50 grand like that's a big thing they might be taking out a housing line of credit that's a huge idea for them they might be tapping into a 401k or something so for them to be able to go into your content and see what you do and see how meticulous you are and see the ups and downs and follow that they're gonna build a relationship with themselves with you by the time they call you they're already gonna be sold on you because they know you show up on time they've seen your customer testimonials they've seen how your team works it's like the have you ever seen the the treehouse guy on Animal Planet right like anybody who want in this world who wants to get like an epic fifty thousand dollar treehouse built they call him why because they've seen his shows they see how well they work together they see to mess some stuff up to write it in all perfect but they just they've built a relationship in their mind with that treehouse guy and they gotta have him because they've watched his show and you have the power to do that so good on you that sounds absolutely fantastic that you've been doing it I love hearing that um comments are not showing I don't know um your comments are showing Hassan they showed now it's okay cool so after the 90 days how often you suggest like honestly every day so bodies after babies after the 90 days how often do you suggest at minimum per week to keep posting seven times a week right like my goal with a 90 day challenge is to trick you into seeing that you can do it so then you do 120 and then you just keep going because that is literally the path to success now I know that life happens and whatnot ultimately I think the best move is to find a schedule that works best for you and stick with it so at this point I've been doing Monday Wednesday Friday videos I've popped on some Saturdays I've been really spending my Tuesdays and Thursdays trying to create the the phase 2 content that I'm now obviously sharing with you and I embark on kind of an adventure here next week so my publishing schedule might change it might stay the exact same it's all about figuring out what you can do and I would never sacrifice the quality for the quantity right so if you do need to scale back a little bit to do three days a week or four days a week I think three to four a week is is powerful um think about your target market right if you're talking to business people and they're in the office Monday Wednesday Friday that's a pretty good schedule if you're talking to parents and their kids do the Saturday morning cartoon thing and you can catch them at 7 a.m. every Saturday boom make sure your post goes live at that time right think about who they are where they are the times that work for them and when you might be able to catch them and their attention but ultimately it's a it's a marathon runners pace and my marathon runner pace will be very different from a professional marathon runners pace the marathon professional is gonna be doing seven days a week I'm only gonna be able to keep this pace I need to know what works for me because the ultimate goal is to maintain my energy well enough to be able to hit that finish line as 26.2 miles away which is an absolute lifetime away for me as a runner right the thought of that's just it's a great analogy for me so it's all about finding that pace that you can hold for the next two years three years because that follow-through is really where the ultimate success comes in and when I'm talking a little bit success I'm talking like the the hubby is retiring and becoming a house dad you know like that level of success can come within a few years of really staying on the throttle and if you got to ease off the thought a little bit it might be five years but like we got to live life for five years anyways why not put these little assets out and build a big website asset and a YouTube asset etc through the course of that time the challenge is when people don't have that strong commitment to get wishy-washy about their schedule I'll kind of maybe I'll do this maybe I'll do three that week like kind of have to have the hat over the fence you got to have something that's like no I have to do it today you gotta have leverage on yourself to where if you're at two posts and you guaranteed your audience you were gonna mail them you're gonna hit them up four times a week like you need something that's gonna push you because it's so easy to just feel tired and not want to do it thank you for the compliment Kelly I appreciate it audio mp3 doesn't have any SEO benefits true a backlink from so an audio mp3 doesn't that that's just false like D card I hate to break it to you but you're you're incorrect so an audio mp3 can hold metadata and audio mp3 is I mean that's like saying a podcast doesn't have SEO benefit which is wrong so I'm getting a potentially a backlink I'm creating a bigger web um it's also for user experience not everything's done for SEO on one video five days a week is all I can handle perfect Kelly run with it then just do that I know people who um eric worre a who has built probably the biggest network marketing education company that's worth like tens or hundreds of millions of dollars something crazy he has done five videos a week Monday through Friday for like four or five years and he literally built the biggest educate he went from nobody to building the biggest education kind of platform in the network marketing industry in about five years doing that exact thing sorry by trusting those I meant how often do you show people that other people value your info look at the other people who trust me you should trust me to sort of things I don't I let my content speak for myself horse are expensive so the trussing like I have a sharing plug-in I let people share stuff but I just I don't go out of my way to try to trigger any signals I'm just like I'm gonna put out the absolute best content on this topic I'm gonna move the free line farther than anyone's been willing to move it I'm gonna disrupt the industry by giving away all the information that people are trying to charge five hundred two thousand dollars worth and when people find it they feel it they sense it they know it and they're there they know they've found someone they could trust that's my bull not trust not indicators on how many shares or social likes or any of that I just don't care about that to me that's the byproduct of great content so I just I say solely focused on just just the best content I can how do you ensure the emails land in the inbox of your subscriber that's a great question so number one use a reputable um email er so use Aweber for example number two use plain text emails number three don't add any images don't add any HTML to your emails and don't use any spammy phrases right and then test it and send it yourself but just think of writing an email on a broadcast just like you would write an email to a friend I sent out an email this morning and it was like nine lines of text it's like hey are you around this morning great let's go chat hang out online here's the lane talk to you later and I just sended know HTML nothing and it hit the inbox every time and that's because it doesn't look at doesn't have HTML headers because it looks like a normal email and that's what you want yours to be is it needs to just look like a normal email um when do I think the proper time is to start a conversion campaign the moment you have your conversion pixel in place and you have a funnel bill that's when you start a conversion campaign if you go to my facebook posts I link to a video where the engineers at Facebook say clearly starting a paper engagement campaign first to season your pixel is fall that doesn't work you then go create a new campaign that's conversion all of that data resets and all of the conversion data is based the ad set level so if you want the results of a conversion based campaign you need to start a conversion based campaign all other campaigns do not add to the value of a conversion based campaign so start right away um cool glad people liking it I'm stoked on that yes share your landing page here I will be happy to look at it um awesome I'm so body's after baby exactly you made things real and it gave me the courage to actually do a channel awesome I think it's great that that's my goal right I want to put the content out to help your brain that logic have the how to nuts and bolts like how do I do this how do I do that right but ultimately I want you to see what I've done and follow my progress of awkward videos shadows and like the camera was all my face and my first video so bad and they're gonna be there for eternity and I don't care because I made better videos and I made better videos and they're still getting better and I just totally botched up a live video and I'm still going to keep doing live videos and we all can make it through the learning curve it's just sticking with it um totally fluid frame I'm glad you liked it I'm really glad you liked the review I think it's ready for traffic I would just change the the darkness um bodies after babies likes it - nice landing page is cool I run a small company like Trent can use your services um maybe uh like I just I don't know um for me to shift and think in that way it messes with my ability to keep moving in my process um Jim Carlin in one of my funnel videos I recommend having a domain email address how do you do this so you're going to log into your cPanel and you're going to create an email address at your domain so you should have access from a to hosting to your cPanel maybe I should make that cPanel is a hosting control panel and if you google how to set up an email in cPanel you will find a bunch of tutorials because it's an open source might not be open-source but it's it's the most widely used control panel and you'll have access to it in within your a to account or whatever hosting you have should have cPanel and then you just click on new email you just type up what you want and then you set up a four so hits your gmail account you can sync your gmail account with it as well I'll probably put a video on that but I want to get through the split testing stuff that I'm currently working on on the DIY sales funnel um okay one second here can I recommend books so books for products and copywriting Dan Kennedy's ultimate sales letter look for Eugene Schwartz's breakthrough advertising those two books are going to pretty powerful so horses are expensive they pay Google five bucks yep Google has their apps thing but you can run it through your hosting as well um - just looking for more comments I thank you very much forum um so Sheila I have about a hundred twenty articles that I wrote about two years ago but aren't keyword focused looks like I should focus on repurposing them before writing new articles I would say do a little of both flex the muscle creating new stuff go back in your old stuff and rework it and tailor it towards the keywords don't stuff keywords in for the sake of adding the keywords make sure they're written in great English and they flow within the sentences and are very human readable Google's getting more and more getting better and better at understanding what's human readable and what's done for SEO purposes so you want to err on the side of being human readable now when you go into these old posts add more content to them right so go into an old post we call this the forest math pruning the forest method and this is what my wife and I are doing because we did so many 500 word posts back in 2011 2012 2013 we're now going back into him we're adding five hundred thousand two thousand new words of content we're adding videos that are relevant to them and you can even use videos from other people if you want to just embed a video you don't want to go create the video we then make it a larger post we make sure that they're optimized in the Yoast plugin the keywords we kind of double-check the keywords we add the Pinterest images then when we save them we save them as brand new we change the publish date to today so we're taking a five six seven year old article and we're moving it to the front of our blog role which means it's going to get picked up by the search engine spiders when they return to our website earlier and it's gonna signal them that this is now a new and improved post with all this extra content they reindex it and they kind of adjust at that level and that's been working really well for us so I would do a little bit of both um bodies after babies you are welcome so answer your question I'm like where I want to push push push and I'm sure it can go get faster how you film edit yeah so the more comfortable you get with the process of filming and editing literally like getting out the content the easier it is so one thing you probably noticed in my videos is there's minimal editing in some of these um the DIY sales funnel videos since I'm showing like I don't know I'm showing I'm having to blur things out I'm putting way more time into post-production than I've ever done the first 90 to 120 videos was literally me talking on my cell phone and if I got halfway through that video and I like botched it all up or I just like totally brain-dead no uh I would stop the video and I would start 100% new and my reason was because if I had to get there and edit and render into that I wouldn't do it that's a no myself thing if you're comfortable editing great but I had to get I essentially had to get the process the production process in alignment with how I know I operate I'm either gonna like show up make it happen bang it out boom send it out to the world or I'm not and if I don't it would never happen so I had to kind of like leverage that to myself to make it happen and now that I did that a hundred two hundred times I'm able to kind of be a little more meticulous and make a couple of edits where it's going to improve the quality but ultimately I think it's more about getting the message out and just flexing that muscle right I don't have the best like barbell curl form but I'm doing my barbell curls everyday and that's my goal here um cool so Hossam we have a landing page coming up so let me share my screen and we're gonna go to this landing page here so let's take a look and so when I started doing conversion rate optimization and landing page stuff I literally studied and I watched people to do landing pages reviews non-stop because I learned more from hearing about tips and things for others that I didn't even have to submit mine I was in a membership program where we could submit them so first thing I'm noticing I can't really read it so what happens is we have uh we're having a conflict here with the back write the text behind the image behind and this I definitely cannot read this so your readability is pretty bad and at this point I've had one alka fall so one two three we had something pop up here four we have five pop-ups that we this down here way too much going on you're absolutely overwhelming me my instinct was to hit the back button here it is again like my instinct is just to leave like it's just things are happening at me and I'm not comfortable with that now this is an ax landing page like this is your home page right so there's no actual action here for me to do a landing page is a page that offers someone to take an action so I guess you want me to click shop now I don't really know why why not just show your products there if that's what you altima want me to do it looks like that's what's going on here is you're showing the products below but like sign up to your mailing list this is week you need calls to action that are going to like like only pay for shipping like what am I gonna get out of this right like it should be like what's the if I'm a cyclist and I'm on your website why are you better than Amazon what are you gonna offer me how is this going to improve my life how am I going to feel superior to my other cycling friends and our little herd of cyclists that like to get in the way of all the people right like they all want to feel exclusive they want to feel cooler than their friends so really that's gonna be all we're gonna do here because this actually isn't a landing page that's actually just a home page um so at the end of 1:21 nice Tom Johnson so Tom Johnson has done a hundred and twenty-one videos in 121 days I think that's amazing so do I think it's better to focus on building more traffic and build out an email list or actually focus on selling stuff as an offer a course etc email list email lists email lists to me the biggest asset you're going to create in your business is the email list because your first product might be good might not be good you might do second product might be totally different than the first product like I really think that having that list allows you to invite people to get early access to your course at a significantly discounted rate um it just it gives you this kind of audience to bounce ideas off of and it gives you that I don't say pressure cuz it's not pressure but it gives that kind of like knowing so I'm gonna list my list is like 800 people now and I go email I really think about this like these are 800 people who know me they like me enough to subscribe they trust me I honor that relationship and now I'm like okay I gotta I gotta come up with something new I gotta come up with something great for them and the philosophy here is if I give enough value to it's the zigzoo quote right if you help enough people get what they want you'll get what you want and I think getting them to opt-in to the email list opens up that opportunity for you to give more and it opens up that legal way for you to stay in communication with them for life the thing about an email list is once you get that going you have to email them at least a couple times a week if not three times a week because people you'll go out of mind people have a lot of different there's a lot of noise in the inbox and you got to focus on giving right that Law of Attraction idea you got to give more than you ask and what you can do when you build your list is once you start building out your course you can say to your list something really cool like hey I'm going to be launching this product it's going to take me a month to create all the modules it's gonna be five module course on this when it's done it's gonna sell for two hundred ninety seven dollars but if you're interested in joining me through the process as I create each module and you're willing to give me feedback to help me make that course better I'll give you lifetime access to all versions for forty seven dollars and what what will happen is a few at least a few people are gonna take you up on that that's the hat over the fence right now you have people paying for it you promised it would be out by the end of the month and there's that leverage on self to really get it done and then you can create like a private Facebook group and you could or you just have comments on there etc and you create a feedback loop to get the actual customer feedback on things I would probably wait till have a list of about a thousand people to pull something like that off and I just in looking back at Melanie in my business and all the businesses I've built the relationship with the list is really truly the asset and that relationship grows via giving value through the list so that like activity that we want to do to truly grow the asset is giving value to the list so you gotta have a list for that and then product in the way I just mentioned can be I mean that's a huge value position right that's a gift if you're literally going to give them your bln doll investing course how to retire early and not be annoyingly frugal course right this a300 course you give it to them for forty seven bucks like that's a huge opportunity you're not even selling you're just like hey I'm gonna do this are you interested so really I think it's important to UM build the list and I think that goes for just bout everybody um so best bong want to change your house from godaddy oh goodness good call I recommend a two I'm gonna go ahead and just put in my my link to a two if you're interested um I think they will even uh move your site for you so WordPress site yeah like I think a few is great um I've had great success I've had people who were like wow I had to contact support they got back on the super fast and they really stand behind it they're not owned by one of the mega corporations GoDaddy is one of the mega corporations and these mega corporations they're they're just their support slacks and stuff way too many sites on a machine PKR treasure what digital marketing online courses would I recommend advanced marketing program Neil Patel no digital marketing mastery plan Ryan Deiss no quick spouts University no these are all way too too big of names and the reason I say that is these people have their heads in the clouds they do not understand where we are at Ryan Deiss is trying to build a billion dollar a year business with digital marketer so what he thinks is relevant and in the internet marketing world is not what we're doing Neil Patel he that dude is lost man like that guy I don't know if he did a bunch of act like those smiley pictures of him in his pajamas just I can't handle that guy at all in my honest opinion it's the authority hacker guys I'll send you a link to it they T and it depends right like if you want to do content marketing if you want to build an authority site they have kind of two levels they've got their they're like how to start an authority site then they've got their their full-on pro level I'll send just go check out their webinar and the reason I say this is they're smaller you get more intimate access to them they're giving more valuable content they're in the nuts and bolts building these kinds of WordPress sites that you and I are building Ryan Deiss is not building these things anymore he's got a huge office right Neil Patel is not doing the work anymore he gets it at a philosophical level and I think it's so important for me and people at our level right beginner to where I'm like we need to learn from practitioners not philosophers and everyone you mentioned there is a philosopher in the space and that's a big problem in my opinion because those philosophies start to kind of like there becomes a gap between the philosophy and the physical nuts and bolts of what's going on in the day and age so let me just send you real quick that's the basic kind of starting point I think of their product I just sent it over to you I hope that that makes sense and that's just my opinion I know people who've gone through this course wasn't had great success I just went through Ryan Deiss I went to there Ryan Deiss is digital marketer event I bought into their their certification program and it's just a lot of BS man a lot of non actual content that he charges a lot for Reuben McCoy aside from having expertise can you tell us anything more about finding your voice to develop content brilliant question and any negative experience that may have resulted from publishing your ideas awesome questions Reuben so what I'm sensing here is that feeling and I want to my on screen cool that's a heart to heart moment here um I'm just changing my screen share over so what I'm sensing is the feeling and the observation of the word vulnerability right and that is 100% the truth that is why I was not willing to put out content on this topic for literally 15 years right full-time online since 2010 didn't put out my first video on how to do this stuff till 2016 most people like go watch a Facebook course and then they go create their own Facebook course to try sell for $3,000 like the next day with no practical application so there was a confidence building process that I had to go through to get to where I was like damn I know the stuff up down inside out like I really just got to get this out to the world but it was that feeling of like being vulnerable and putting my voice out there of going on record at like for permanent and like I'm an opinionated person I say random things like sometimes things come on my mouth and I'm like whoa where did that come from and it is forever right even if we delete a video like google cached it it's out there so that feeling of vulnerability is natural and I think it's important to honor that and it's a form of resistance if there's a book I could recommend to you it's called the war of art by Steven Pressfield and it was a brilliant book to help my mindset shift and understand that that feeling of vulnerability is actually me resisting the process of getting it out and it's totally normal to feel that so finding the voice this is one of the biggest byproducts of the 90 day challenge of doing it over and over and over and forcing yourself to do it a hundred times in the course of three to four months and that is you will find your voice quickly your voice will find you quickly it happens and your voice might not be spoken on camera like I'm doing with you right now your voice might be written word right so you need to know yourself and you need to understand and you need to choose the media or the medium that is in alignment with your DNA so if you if you're like terrified to see that red light come on and know that you're on air don't try to force yourself to do 90 videos just because I did I did this because this was easier for me than writing a post every day I couldn't men in college in high school riding up my reports and doing those like essays Cohoes terrible C's get degrees for sure and I just hated the process of writing and so for years I tried to force myself to be a blogger if you look at my blog you can go back like ice I've been posting on that website probably for four years very erratically very stream of consciousness all over the place and and then it wasn't until I started doing videos it was like ah man this this fits like the first ones weren't great like I didn't really communicate the way I wanted I didn't it wasn't perfect but it felt easier and that's how I knew I had the right medium for myself to move forward with then I have the kind of the hose analogy right so on the side of your home you probably have a garden hose it's all coiled up right and you know garden hose any water plants with well if you let it sit all winter for two three years which is kind of what we've all been doing if we're not creating content though it just gets mucky and nasty in there and when you turn on that hose it is gonna flush out some disturbingly gross and dirty and brown and orange water but here's what happens if you let that water continue to flow it will get clearer and clearer until you finally actually have crystal-clear water flowing through that hose and that's really an analogy for finding your voice the first videos stumble on the words a bit or the first blog post it feels it's a little different it's kind of stumble in the words of it put it out there anyways because you've got to go through the first one to get to the second one you got to go through the second one to get to the third one by the time you get to your fiftieth one you're going to be making some serious progress and a lot of the stuff that challenged you in the first ones is going to be like easy to the point of it's in your subconscious you're not even thinking about it and that's when you can start to think about the next level stuff and that's when you find stuff like the grammerly plugin for chrome that saves my butt on your your or your or you learn about the Hemingway app that you can go type in your your blog post in Hemingway and it'll help you make your sentences easier to read and and you can learn about those things kind of later in the process but it's all about getting that dirty water out of the hose first and I think it's something that we don't find our voice through contemplation we find our voice through speaking and and again that could be a written thing and it could be through writing right so you got to know thyself in that that sense but just doing it for me any negative experiences that may have resulted um no few trolls few haters my wife gets more haters and my wife has seen more haters and trolls because of the subject matter she's in the spirituality realm and sometimes there's this this faction of religious people who think what we're doing is just yeah we get we get some really crazy comments um so there is a little bit of a need to build a thick skin YouTube is known for having the TRO leus of the trolls but I mean I like troll back my trolls right if somebody's trying to troll like I'll call them out and be like dude since your first day trolling on YouTube like that was pretty lame right I try to I try to just throw it back at them and I really have not had any sort of backlash to to the point of saying that like I victory it's so many benefits in in how I feel in my personal confidence in my own business one thing that this is done one of the byproducts of this is I'm analyzing what I'm doing and how I'm doing from a whole different perspective because now every time I'm doing something and engaging in a process or going through what I used to do kind of like haphazardly I'm now trying to try to like okay what's my system here what's my how do I go about this because I need to teach this so it's got me looking at what I am doing from a totally different perspective and that has absolutely been a major benefit um cash flow having a whole nother income source right now for my wife and I and something that like it's a total diversification of our income like total I didn't expect it that wasn't the plan and it that's so there's been a lot more benefits come from it um the self talk is real though I had to push through I had days I didn't want to publish I had I I was sick for a few days like and and I think it's good to push ourselves beyond those points - I really rewired I did not think I was a content creator I thought my wife was the content creator in the family and I thought that I was just behind-the-scenes guy and Here I am still talking obviously that's not true right but um that's it's fun so I think it's a really check out the book war Vaart by by Pressfield brilliant book I got an audio I really liked it um pretty cool so how do I know if an itch is Saturday saturated or not you want to quantitatively make a decision well so like I mean isn't the internet marketing space saturated like Here I am showing up in 2016 teaching how to like make money online and teaching internet marketing so first of all like go into any market that you love and go into market that that captures your heart and your soul more than like trying to run it by the numbers and is it saturated or not so if you want some ways you can I mean search on Google right like you can do a Google search for um insight : or in title : then your main keyword um site : you know you can so you can add the keywords use the keyword tool but like I don't know oversaturated I just don't really think there's such a thing as oversaturation I think there's room for your voice with that said has to be something you're passionate about right like I'm just so passionate about this internet marketing like I trudged through the first hundred videos that got me this many results because I love it like this is fun for me getting to spend this time with you and encourage you if you're here on a holiday in the US or even if you're not it's not a holiday for you and and you decided to stay and work and focus to grow your business or grow your mindset because this is super important with you I get to spend this time with you I honor that this is a this is an opportunity for me like this makes me feel good I walk away from these I go upstairs and my wife and I go for a walk and I'm just like bouncing right this this lights me up and you need to find what lights you up not what looks good on paper not some bolts so I guess what I would say in this situation is it sounds like you're hesitating to start because you're trying to make sure you get it right pick something and go forward start publishing content build out your WordPress site flex the muscle you're going to adapt and pivot on your business many many many times anyways so just start get started be willing to adapt start writing your content learn how to use WordPress get the ball rolling and once you do see what you love write I just I think it's so powerful you gotta find what you love you gotta find what's in your heart that that whispers at your soul and says please share this with the world when you find that like saturation and quantitative decisions kind of go out the window right if you're selling something you don't truly believe in you got a day of reckoning coming so I like to just try to deal with that and observe that and honor that up front to make sure that we don't kind of hit a proverbial wall in that situation um cool horses are expensive I'm glad to hear you like that Tom Johnson super helpful not at 120 yet but you'll get there this week no intention to stop anytime soon so back to bodies with babies your question um tom was a guest on on one of the videos he hit the 90 day challenge he's gonna hit 120 tot 121 and he has no intention to stop and he it becomes fun I don't know what it is it becomes this thing where you're just like oh I could do a video on that today alright you get all excited about it and it's just sharing and then you start to get the positive feedback and you really kind of feel like you're helping people with things and like we can all help people with something and it's just really important to kind of like find that it really is a magical flow State um yeah Neil Patel and his pj's did bother Sheila too like I'm out anytime somebody's standing there in their PJs with a goofy smile I'm just done um cool best ball glad you're using link I really appreciate that honesty having hesitations publishing the videos you're creating yep the Shawn the hon man that self talk you can put it up I don't know my friends my family think no one's going to see your first videos like even my first video is maybe a hundred and something views out of four hundred fifty five hundred thousand views on my entire channel it's kind of crazy at how our mind plays things up like a drunk monkey in a cage throwing bananas at us but the reality of what happens is very different and what happens is it's if you just gotta get to video fifty you gotta get the video seven you gotta get to video ninety or blog post because that's when you really find your groove and those are the posts that people find you can always circle back and update and add to and kind of improve things Commander Shepard yeah right low ceiling this is a I mean an Airbnb this is like a basement they call this a second bedroom that's like all the owners stuff he's got like music stuff in here I'm Airbnb issue um did I read I hope this screws up no but I think that that makes sense to me like I hope to screw this up right through trial and error through persevering and figuring out challenges that we encounter and that we create for ourselves that is absolutely how I built my business online and it's because I broke things and fix them and broke things and fix them I can't tell you the number of times that man Melanie sends like our an offer to our email list and I go try to update one plug-in in the whole site goes down right as we emailed 50,000 people I mean it's happened more times than I'd like to admit and it's stressful it is and it's challenging but guess what I learned I learned how to do the basics of disabling a plugin through FTP when I have to I've learned the basics of PHP I've learned I've learned enough to be dangerous in a lot of little things and I've learned to host with the company that I can send email to in there right there right like I've learned that I need to be in touch with the right kind of I need to get the right service providers on my team in order to make sure that if and when things happen they're right there and that's why I left some of the EIG own hosting companies because site goes down for a server error and I had to wait on hold for 20 minutes to even talk to someone whereas Worth where I'm at now and some when a problem happens the problem is usually like like they respond to my ticket within five minutes let alone fix the problem within the time it took for me even get somebody online so yeah it's um it is a process of messing things up and I hope I talked about that enough because I think I make things sound easy because done I've just broke everything so many times that I've learned how to fix it um ways to rebuild cars when I was younger when I had a garage at that parents house I've rebuilt um some old Datsuns and some old cars and like how did I learn how to rebuild an engine I blew up my engine and I had to literally I literally seized the engine on the way home from buying the vehicle because I ran it out of oil and guess what I learned what a crankshaft was and what the bearings do and how I seize the bearing and ycs barring guess what I checked my oil every time now but I learned how to disassemble an entire automotive engine which is very complex system which is actually a bunch of simple systems that all work together I learned all that because I broke the freaking thing and had to put it back together and that's how I've become a master at WordPress because it broke it so many times and put it back together and we're still alive and my wife and I still love each other and it's just the process um I think that that book is probably on top of that best bomb I am determined not to chase shiny objects but what are your thoughts on private labeling and selling on Amazon so first of all love the first part of your declaration because shiny objects I did that for years and years I'm a recovering opportunity seeker and that will get us nowhere I'm such a fan of the unsubscribe button man I just unsubscribe I don't no one gets access to my inbox because your inbox is other people's to-do list for you and there's so many BS fake gurus out there selling with really good sales copy by the way really good email copy by the way that's the problem there email copy their sales copies really good but what they're building and selling is just rubbish and it's a distraction that said private labeling and selling on Amazon it's a great business model I know at least five people who are selling their Amazon based businesses and they're all concerned with how many people are entering the market space personally I don't believe in plastic rubbish from China to sell at a hack markup I'll also go one step beyond and say I really like the margins of affiliate marketing and I really like the margins of like information based products not everyone thinks they can get into information based products but I think they actually can and generally speaking I would probably look to find I would try to build something outside of the Amazon ecosystem and I think that Amazon I mean Jeff Bezos is a amazing Amazon is incredible what they're doing and at some point Amazon is going to buy prop everyone who's white labeling products and selling on Amazon and Amazon is going to go ahead and create and establish that relationship with these factories in China themselves and then they're going to price cut you because they can and that's how Amazon rolls so right now what's happening is all these people through their FDA business and the gold rush on FDA they're putting all these products on Amazon at some point Jeff Bezos would be like cool let's pull the plug and they're gonna go create the exact same products they're going to undercut people they're gonna prioritize their listings and they're gonna lose no one's gonna win the Buy button anymore um it works I know people making I got a buddy eighteen year old kid from New Zealand he was he brought in $450,000 in revenue in a year made think he pulled into his pocket a couple hundred um selling like waist trainers right but like it got scary to him and he sold that business and walked away because he felt that the tides are changing and I know I know the guys who run Empire flippers they they are they sell their website broker they sell like million-dollar websites to people as assets and they're really really fired up on how many people are trying to sell their FBA businesses right now because all these people have built them up they're all scared because if you lose that Buy button spot your business disappears it's a lot of eggs in one basket I think it's better to build a list and build a build a list and build an audience um one down vote yes I got my down vote for the day must been chase I wonder if that's the person who's spamming so hey miles good to see you Gustavo good to see you Costello um could I please talk a little bit more about the one example of an email sequence that can be sent to the lead until making an offer yeah like story telling is so powerful Gustavo right like how did we get to where we're at how do you like what is that story that zero to hero that character arc it's really powerful if you go search my channel for email marketing there's a video my wife and I did together you'll see the the cover image on that video is my beautiful wife and my goofy self with my hat just sitting there on a couch um she covers in depth the five sequence it's a sequence of five emails that we put out um really it's just you got to build a relationship and how do you build relationships um someone will we give of value to them right we try to give of them monitor your open rates monitor click-through rates try to get them to click and go read a blog post on your blog that gives more information because what that click does is it allows you to track through your autoresponder how many people open you wanna see 30 to 50 percent open rates how many people click you want to see 3 to 10 percent click-through rates and it just gives you a little idea of is this email hitting or missing with the people and it's it's a process it's not an event it's not like you create your own autoresponder once and it's done and just kind of like think of the Gary Vaynerchuk Jab Jab Jab right hook get him in deliver the free thing help them understand how to integrate the free thing the goal really is like beyond storytelling and helping them understand helping them have an aha moment through your story of an aha moment that's really powerful but then helping them take action and get results because they take action on what you're saying and they get results they see results then when you recommend a product they've already taken action on something you said they got positive results therefore the likelihood of them taking action which is buying the affiliate thing you recommend goes way way way up and and that's you have to get them to that point first right and sometimes it's helping them believe that they can sometimes it's customer testimonials it really depends on the niche and what you're doing test lots of things and then I guess the other thing is send lots of emails after you brought after your follow-up sequence send broadcast emails and every month go back through broadcast emails and look at which broadcasts email subject lines got the highest click-through rate go look do an audit of your own email essentially then go look at which of your broadcast emails got the highest click-through rate take that data pull out the ones that kicked ass and go add them to your follow up and you gotta tweak things right you can't just go shove the the square peg in the round hole but it's it's a way for you to take all those broadcast emails that you should be sending to people when they finish the follow-up sequence and you're able to look ok cool this this video this email crushed it right like let me take that out and go pop that in over there and it's it's an evolution so um and I guess one other tip is use the word you more than the word I it's we all it's so easy for us to talk about ourselves but every reader is in their head thinking what's in it for me what's in it for me so the more you could say hey this is for you have you done this if you do this you'll get this like really keep it focused on them I imagine it this way if you meet somebody new at a coffee shop and that person talks about themselves all the time I did this and I did that and I did this and this is my results pretty quick and be like do this coffee oh yeah it's time for me to leave this coffee show this place sucks but if that person's asking you questions about your story and helping you you know and like there is the storytelling part from our end but we want that to be of value to them and so you got to use the word you a lot more you and because are two of the the most powerful words in that area cool so moving along we are getting close I don't know exactly when the end is here by content you mean articles about my products alright this is a great question so Omar I just joined the live video buy content do you mean articles about my products I'm bad at copywriting I don't mean sales copy like when we create videos like look at my videos like I don't put out commercials right a lot of people think video marketing is I'm gonna make a video about this bottle of water I have to sell I'm gonna make a video about this thing I have to sell and that's the wrong way to go about it because people like to I am NOT watching YouTube or I'm not reading a blog for a frickin pitch no one likes to be pitched you no one likes to be sold but everyone likes to buy the content should be stories stories that help people have a ha moments that lead them to the have them have that moment of oh I need that because that will help me get the result I want right so for me one of the things is is the sales funnel right even if you're doing a content marketing Facebook doesn't matter when I help people through explaining how my old businesses failed because I was direct linking people and I wasn't building a list I helped people have an aha moment this is who I have to build a list well how do I do that then I help them have an aha moment that's a sales funnel oh I need a sales funnel thing and then they find my piece of content that teaches them how to build a sales funnel right after they've had those aha moments and then they see my product offerings which is essentially affiliate links for hosting what not so that's kind of the process but you really want to help like if you have a product that solves a problem talk about the problem talk about the other ways they can solve the problem like you need to find ways to give content to help users beyond by myself buy my stuff buy my stuff buy my stuff because buy my stuff is annoying here's a story that's going to paint a picture that's going to help you have an aha moment that's going to help you realize that this thing is the solution to your biggest problem that works by myself by myself by my stuff keyword keyword keyword doesn't work and it's it's kind of an art but that's the the process i'm emanuele cool let's do this um start of my video empire calm so is it my video empire calm I'm gonna give this out there it is cool you wrote right below so we are gonna go do another review I don't know how long we have I think I are about 20 minutes left so let's share the screen here jump over to Manuel Luis my video empire calm dude profitable opportunity seeker likes my recovery opportunity seeker comment I love it o profitable opportunities recovering out that's just I love the irony there I'm glad you enjoy that remember who I pick that up from to be honest but it's so true there's a mindset of jumping from one opportunity to another that's just it doesn't serve anyone at all so loading my video empire first impressions a lot going on and again this is Ana landing page like like I can't really help you redesign a homepage the goal is to help you find like what's one page that has the potential of generating leads like you're often page is usually what we want to look at like what fluid frame did but with this being said there's a lot of lost space up here right so this giant white space giant white space giant white space all of this needs to be kind of condensed down your logo being this giant circle is not helping you if you made the logo kind of go left to right where it was the play button my video Empire you could tighten this whole area up and I want this navigation like literally I wanted up here right because what that's going to do is it's gonna pull up all of this now you've got this thing rotating you've got free stuff I've got bubble here like you're overwhelming me with options is there's the so much going on here and you even got the words right here first impressions matter that's very very true and your first impression is a little chaotic I can't tell what that yellow is on that but I'm a scroll down and kind of see what's going on here how it works pick your animations so I don't have what works right so here what I can't actually read that want to add your own videos we'll do the whole edit ok cool so you offer an editing thing right so you need there needs to be a headline in here and this is why a homepage is very difficult because we shouldn't be driving traffic to a homepage we need to be driving traffic to a page that give someone an opportunity to take an action so generally speaking that's an opt-in page and generally speaking that opt-in page is going to say it's going to have a headline and it's going to have an offer and the headline should say something like tired of editing your own videos let our team let us show you how to save for hours of day editing videos with this 3-step process click to get the free 3 step process and then you show them your 3 step process which is this ridiculously big and huge and awesome process and they watch it they're like dude I want that but I don't have time for that and then you offer it to do that for them and that's how you sell a service so really that's that's my challenge here is that it's just this isn't actually a home page we need it looks like you're selling kind of like pre-made video stuff I think the goal if you want to drive traffic this would be this would not be a place to drive traffic you need to come up with a way to drive traffic to a some sort of page that gives them the opportunity to say yes or no to your free offer and then ultimately let's see what these look like on a sales page then the next one you're going to talk to is it just add it to cart no ok cool yeah so there's there's just not that much ok so here's the video there's not that much content on how this works so you're selling these kind of um gotcha perfect so help me you know like I guess think about where I'm at right if I'm looking to buy one of these things what am I my you tuber am i trying to come up with like this these um what is this a a I some sort of a adobe flash type thing so like help me choose there's not really enough information here for me but ultimately I think the goal should be you need to have a page it offers the user the ability to become a lead you need to give them something in exchange and that page should have none of this none of this no giant logo it should be a big headline up top an offer and a button from there and that's really the trick to the game because then you're getting them to the point that they are taking a step in your direction you don't want to make the sale right away you want to kind of and get them to take a step um Dion Walker absolutely I'm using the right themes on all my websites and I totally love them I think it is the best solution I found in a very long time um so yeah so it does look I think this is really good feedback here Emmanuel like take it out so there a motion designer it's like there there's a high ticket product and then there's kind of an interesting level of offering a little too much so create your email list MZ owns the customers this is yeah I think that's a back to the best Boeing's like Amazon owns that customer and ultimately you want to build the relationship and own that relationship I have three websites one transfer would pass so you could buy what's called a reseller account Nancy um if you have three websites you want to bring over you could buy a reseller account and you can break off your separate um kind of like hosting that's an advanced method but then you can also get a hosting package at a2 that allows you to host several websites it's it's pretty easy you don't need necessarily a separate hosting account for each one you look at reseller if you're interested in learning how to use the web hosting manager which is WH M or I think it's um I think you know maybe getting one of their packages that can handle five different videos all we got competition for number one fan I like it I appreciate that you guys I don't know how to I don't remember how to do a dollar trial and clickfunnels using custom code I deleted that code when I deleted my clickfunnels it didn't really work they just dropped all those stuff anyways in my opinion was a good open rate I would say thirty to fifty percent is a good open rate but it could be as low as ten it really depends on which one is going on depends on what you're doing and who you're talking to so good open rate I'd say you know ten to thirty percent thirty to fifty percent I get some that are like seventy percent open rates but we really have targeted that over time what are the best high ticket industry is to go into I specialize in a lower end product want to scale up to a new high-end industry will like what fits in with what you're already doing right like are you really trying to go jump and be an opportunity seeker into a new totally new area I don't know if that's a really good idea I would look at what is the next most important item that they're gonna buy after they purchase your lower end product right like ascend that customer to higher levels like off you can offer them coaching you could offer a live event you could offer one-on-one sessions right like the one-on-one coaching you do group coaching there's I think the best high ticket industry to go into is the one that that's captured your heart in your soul and really like it's it's what you want to do and it's what you want to share with the world it's I just I don't I don't base the the ideas on um I just don't base my ideas on like what high ticket industries are going to work best right if you want you can look there's like um like what's the name of that website it's um like high ticket affiliate programs or high dollar affiliate programs you look at what what sells high but I mean I don't know like yacht chartering probably has a pretty good cost for sale you could sell Cessna airplanes like that would probably have a pretty good Commission but if you don't like yachts or Cessnas and you don't live a lifestyle that's around those things it would make absolutely no sense so I think you're looking outside of yourself you're trying to get me to give you an idea that's outside but I'm trying to help you understand that the answer that question is ultimately inside and you got to find out what's inside of you and then who is the audience you're going to help and how can you ascend and help them do more and more and get more results and essentially how do you just ascend that customer further and further really honor the fact that you get to help people right like take that seriously um cool so Commander Shepard um thanks for the respect man I'm happy to do this Manuel glad you liked it so cool yeah all right so you read pressfield's do the work I think it's very similar and the war of art is very similar on that um so go to we have applied over the last month a lot of your tips from your videos thank you we'll be linking the line videos from your website awesome glad you two here to take an action what's the best way to sell products products services in other languages content like you just have content created in other languages and and do content marketing in other languages generally you're going to see a lot less competition when you get out of English and that's really powerful but like it's just it's all about content right like that's that's how you do it you can do your content could be ads in a landing page but your content could be videos in your content also could be written blog posts so I think it's just important to remember that that the whole internet works on content that's that's all that there ever is actually um Linda I'm happy to share um I put in focus on good thing to happen absolutely have I ever heard of somebody getting a well-paid job look from learning the core skills of WordPress content marketing etc so you know no I haven't but I have followed a process of getting a good paid job of something that was relatively easy to me then I started helping them with their WordPress website I consciously was like do you guys have a wordpress site no I'm engaged in building a side project here I'd love to help you grow your content marketing and I so I entered in customer support because I have a customer support background this was the last job I had when when my life my business crashed my life crash I had to move back in with my parents at the age of 30 with my wife and and literally had to borrow money to buy a car like a thousand dollar POS Jeep so I hit like rock bottom and I went got a job I got a customer support job it was easy for me to do like 25 bucks an hour but it was in the Bay Area so scale like it was expensive area to be in and they knew I had a wordpress-based project that I was still working on and I asked him if they did WordPress and they were cool with it and I did help them with some of the WordPress stuff but ultimately I got out of that job in six months and I started doing WordPress kind of marketing and kind of SEO local business SEO and WordPress marketing for local businesses and that was kind of a massive amount of experience wasn't a job right I didn't go hit the feeder bar and get a paycheck I had to learn the process of pitching services and educating customer or educating potential clients on what the value is in content marketing and having a wordpress site but it's not difficult to help business owners realize that if they're not showing up on the first page of Google they're their business is dying like literally dying and a WordPress site with content optimized correctly is the path to showing up on the first page of Google and I helped a bunch of small businesses a small community I was in outranks some other major competitors changed their businesses I got a ton of experience they were happy to pay me did that for a few years until the the info product stuff worked so it's almost kind of like you know you can almost create a better job for yourself doing that for people then you can getting a real job but with that said I still went and got a real job for six months and I was going to work it as long as it had to work it just happened to be I was far enough along with my side gig that at six months my wife and I we were comfortable enough that we were ready to kind of take the leap of faith so those numbers aren't don't don't stick with those numbers right like what I'm trying to say is is follow the the the idea of just get a job this really like get a good job for sure job is gonna pay you as good as you can and then really push on it with find friends find family members right make a blog about the best bong start reviewing bongs if you love bongs right do what you have to do get the experience even if it's just a test site or it's something that you probably won't ever monetize but you might you never really know um yeah I don't know I think there's there's a big possibility for it um Jocelin glad to see you here Parker Gibbons I'm looking expand sales in new countries that aren't primarily english-speaking what company can help you implement all new languages so I've translated a bunch of my books into Spanish and we have four or five of our books available on Kindle in and Espanola I went to up work and I literally hired someone on up work for that what I would recommend is hire someone on up work get a test job done from them in translating something something medium-sized small medium sized five page document three pages on your website then hire a professional editor and copywriter in that language to double-check what that individual did because since is not a language that you obviously are fluent to in or else you'd be considering doing this yourself you don't actually know how good that translation is and one more caveat if you're going into the Spanish market who Spanish has so many dialects right it's so like if you look at like English there's like us English there's UK English there's Australian English and it varies but I think Spanish is even more different like vosotros in some and they you don't have those so throws and others and some of the words and the phrase like it's actually crazy so know that if you hire a writer or translator in Mexico and then you get someone from like espana from Spain to to quality assure that they're gonna be like oh man this is all wrong and that's just because the espanol in Spain is very different than the numerical so like like Papa's but Tatas right like they just call potatoes a totally different word really fun to travel and experience it not very fun if you're trying to really communicate effectively so just make sure you're really focused on what languages you're going in to get a translation done and then have a quality assurance check done and make sure they both get the same dialect and make sure those dialects are focused on where you're going next Spanish might be the extreme example but that's the only one I have a reference point for um how did I get people how do you get people to your webinar traffic method you pay uh you could send emails to email lists you can get them from Facebook pay-per-click you can do content marketing you can get them from Google traffic on they can find your organic traffic and then they could subscribe it seems like a webinar can be very effective to making you a lot of money in the end done right yeah that that's totally true um so one question is is a webinar a great way for you to help lots and lots of people do lots and lots of cool things and help lots of people get positive results because sounds like you're focused on you making money and that will get you so far but when you focus on helping people get results when you focus on helping people change their lives for the better you'll get even better results so I would honestly be very honest with yourself in that situation but like Facebook pay-per-click traffic is probably the fastest quickest easiest for most niches I think yeah email your list you want to build your email list which is what would happen when they when they register for your webinar they would get on your email list and then you nurture the relationship with them and learn how to do webinars but honestly I think I think be sure you're focused on being of service to an audience and not focus on get money because get money is bad you just focus on yourself you're going to be left empty-handed at some point might work for a couple of years but just at some point what's the difference between content marketing and affiliate marketing okay so content marketing is the process of creating content that will attract traffic through the search engines so I YouTube videos people searching for topics in YouTube find my videos that's content marketing I create long blog posts people who find my content and good people search Google for like clickfunnels alternative they find my blog post they read it boom that traffic I generated through content is content marketing affiliate marketing is the process of me recommending products and services and I receive a commission when someone clicks through my unique link and purchases that item does that make sense so they're totally different the one is traffic strategy which is content marketing the other one is monetization strategy which is I help other people sell their products and I earn a commission for every sale that I generate so they work together to create a business cool so um awesome four weeks ago subscribe today profitable opportunities I got the I got the subscribe yeah this will be recorded it should go automatically live it has to process which takes a few hours I don't even know this is a long video at this point um how long we've been going who knows miles once you use active campaign but member miles doesn't natively integrate with it interesting so I would recommend that you look at if you're going an active campaign I would look at thrive cart in conjunction with active member 360 so active campaign you got AC 360 you're kind of mixing the two together so active campaign is the email system that you can set up the drip and the tags active member 360 is the plugin that goes on your website and at that point you're able to kind of like get those two things to talk to each other and then thrive cart is the shopping system if you're interested in getting help tying that together I'm gonna give you a link to the guy who set it all up for me he will do a free 30-minute 20-minute call on skype if you want to talk to somebody who can help gave at integrate procom so he physically set up oh I see some cheap headlights and a grill coming about like that um so he set up that stack that marketing stack for me and it works really well I had to tweak my brain a little bit to get that to work but that's it so yeah shopping I think thrive cart is great it's not open to the public but I've got a link my site if you go I've got a page on my site that's like my 3 marketing stacks explained so if you go to Google you search miles bechler com comma 3 marketing stacks you should find my my post that talks about the 3 marketing stacks and you'll see the one that has thrive active campaign active member cool glad you like the the mastermind I'm happy to help man best long like yeah create content in your space may your space is exploding right now the marijuana space I got friends who they've grown for years and years and they're they're getting these huge jobs growing for these mega corporations are getting two giant grow projects I know people who do apparel lifestyle businesses I know a guy who invented like a buckle grinder delta-9 clothing he's pretty cool guy like there's there's a lot to do on a space a run for it love the cheap headlights uh embarked in them cheap is just coming along I'll have to do a video on the Jeep is WordPress site better than having a programmer developer develop a custom site absolutely 100% without a doubt yes Wendy and here is why because WordPress is actually developed by thousands of the smartest people in the world for free it's called open source it's an open source platform which means you can go install it and create a website on it without ever having to ask anybody's permission you don't have to pay anything they run all of the security updates they make it function they make it better and then the cool part is you can go add on widgets or plugins that help it do other things so if you wanted to start an e-commerce store you could add on WooCommerce if you want to optimize it for SEO you can add on the Yoast SEO plug-in if you want to sell a membership program you can add on member mouse if you want to add a forum you could add on buddypress and it's literally infinitely customizable the other thing that it does is it automatically updates so you don't have to keep paying said developer to go in and create create create updates patch for security and honestly there's no developer in the world hand coder that's going to hand code you a site that is going to a work as efficiently as the code on WordPress works and be work is good with the search engines that the code on WordPress works it is flat-out easy and powerful I Drive over a million visits a month on a good month through my WordPress websites and it has been the core and backbone of my business there's a reason why 30% of websites online all run WordPress you do need to get comfortable with the security I recommend the wordfence plug-in security for go check out my DIY sales funnel video series I'm going to playlist here on YouTube or I have the clickfunnels alternative video post not video post on Myles Beckler comm and that's where you can go get that content and really yet just just go to WordPress you learn how to do two or three things and then once you learn those two or three things how to create new page how to create new post that's it you know how to reply to a comment like that's it all you do is you create content create content create content and it gets really really powerful um cool so I think about five minutes or so and Nancy what I think of convertkit funny story I actually know Nathan oh goodness I don't want to do that sorry I actually know uh I think is Nathan Barry is his name who started convertkit I met him at a conference in Bangkok I didn't know who it was I'm hanging out with a guy drinking wine at a social mixer at a conference and I'm kind of like messing with him a little bit kind of talking smack just joking around like I would a buddy um it was a really good group of people turns out he's our keynote speaker with how well he's done with convertkit um just a fun side story anyways I tried to get him to drink too much wine so he would have a hangover when he was on stage but he was smart enough to not and a really really good guy so the first thing I could say about convertkit is it's run by a very smart and very talented individual who has his heart in the right location if I was not using activecampaign in order to manage my membership access because activecampaign plugs an active member um if that wasn't what I was using I probably would be testing out convertkit on my own um they have some cool tools with that said it's still young it's still very young so it can actually potentially be maybe a little buggy but with that said that's normal like that's that's where things are and he has a great team of people he's fired up on it and he's building and growing and adding on functionality left and right I would potentially trust them to run a business on I don't I don't recommend them through my site because I've never used them and it's difficult I don't like you know that integrity thing right I don't want to ever get to the point where I'm recommending things I'm not actually using so that's why he doesn't get like a hard recommendation but I would absolutely test his services if it didn't die dial in for me Anthony I'm happy to share how do people get paid from content marketing so through content marketing you build your list and then you offer affiliate products that's how you make Commission's you can offer them products to buy on Amazon physical products you can go create your own products and sell your own digital products you can sell coaching you can sell consulting you can sell a membership program you could sell advertising you can sell I mean it's it's infinite right like when you have an audience of people who know like and trust you you're able to offer them things that solve their problems and anytime you offer them something that solves a problem there's an opportunity to earn income if that's an affiliate link an affiliate program that can generate the income or if it's just a blog post that shares good information and it has advertisements on it you can make money from the ad revenue there um it's all about building that audience and building the trust and obviously once you get an audience you can't just like offer offer offer offer offer offer offer you need to give a lot of value you got to mix in that value jab jab jab right hook right give give give give them the opportunity to purchase um so that's it my thoughts on mca don't even know what mca is wait BC boy head rock mca yeah I like the BC boys so I got Joe don't know MCA is what software do I suggest for creating funnels Billy email us autoresponder etc so let me actually I'm gonna go pull up a link real quick and I'm going to send you a link to a piece of content that has the entire process laid out for you with all of the different bits and pieces it's a little too much for me to put in here so at beast phone one quick second so that post has everything on it beast mode so go check that out um what's offer our thanks lunch cool flashback marketing your car awesome sauce do I think the peak time for affiliate marketing is over absolutely not do I think do I think company should still offer filly programs yeah I mean so here's it like joining a company should offer an affiliate program another way of saying that is do you want a team of commission only sales people promoting your products to me that's a yes I would not throw my affiliate program out to the world I would be very selective on who I allow be an affiliate because they potentially can you know do things like they write reviews about you and you don't you want to kind of manage the process of how they go about marketing your stuff but like ultimately yeah like my wife and I do a lot of affiliate marketing still to this day five figure monthly income on affiliate marketing only and we have several other means of generating income so it's a very viable business model in this day and age really I think that the thing about affiliate marketing if you're gonna run one you just need to really take the time because it's not something you set up and you walk away from you need to have someone who is going to go recruit affiliates who's going to create the kind of Content that affiliates need you it takes a lot more work than most people know I built an affiliate company for our affiliate program for a greeting-card company in 2013 and we grew it in about a year up to a quarter million dollars in additional revenue this company was making 1.5 million dollars a year I literally added on two hundred thousand dollars in additional revenue through this affiliate program but then when I ended up leaving working for myself they never brought somebody in to run it and it's since very kind of it's atrophied significantly so um yeah best social media promote on last question based on my results is the social media that has your audience already covered this earlier if your people are on Pinterest get your stuff on Pinterest your people are on Facebook get your stuff on Facebook snapchat Instagram same thing if you don't know who's on there go do some googling and find out what the demographics are of every single one of those social networks all in all I think you really need to just do all of them and they all need to be done right cool so one more hi ha no solo ads so lousy rubbish opinion on keywords that have been 500 to 1000 searches a month no real content marketing competition but not sure the keywords yeah I go after everything I do 500 searches a month keywords 2,000 5,000 10,000 I go after everything from it's more about relevance in keywords if it's a highly relevant phrase to my niche to what I'm doing and I mean all you're saying in some senses is like there's a thousand people searching for this thing every single month and there's no competition which means no one's being of service to those thousand people why not go be of service to them give them the content they're looking for help those thousand people if you do that over and over let's say you do a 90 day challenge and every single one has a thousand searches per month at the end of 90 days you will have content on low competition phrases that equates somewhere around 90 thousand potential searches a month if you hit the number one spot for all of those you literally could create 40,000 plus visits to your site per month niche specific that's the power of it like go do what no one else is willing to do right like if I have to scrub the floors to prove myself in a business I'm gonna scrub the floors to prove myself in a business if I need to go after the two hundred to five hundred seven hundred monthly search phrases to prove myself in a niche I'm gonna go do all of the work to prove myself in a niche because your efforts compound and once you have a hundred posts once you have two hundred posts once you have a thousand posts the amount of traffic trickling in from all those different posts adds up to a really really really big number cool all right paid so as no ad swaps I don't do those either off free I don't think there's free like free way to build list go create content go run ads offer people who are interested in what you have things anything that is churning out emails in mass and that's our business model as more emails and by my email send Swap baba emails all you're reaching are people who have inboxes that are absolutely crowded and the noise in their inbox is going to be way too much and you're never going to break through that noise when you get people searching you out on Google finding your content reading your content having a positive experience with your content they'll join your list they'll buy your products because they'll like you and they'll trust you go be of service and I think that's the biggest thing we're gonna end on here is go be of service of everything we've talked about how to do it the nuts and the bolts whether it you know the vulnerability and push through if you focus all of your energy on being of service to an audience and you go give of yourself and you share your talents with the world you develop your talents more you continue to research to be an authority in your field and you give give give give give everything will take care of it self over time that I promise focus on building an audience focus on building your list with a clean opt-in page and you will be amazed at the results you get I thank you very much for your time today I really do appreciate your time we went long if you saw the first live stream that just flopped and sorry about that but this is the process this is how it works even I still encounter these kinds of challenges when I run these I hope the second live stream was even better and I look forward to connecting with you on the next video thanks again be well
Channel: Miles Beckler
Views: 4,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa, content marketing, marketing mastermind, SEO
Id: HbgG99wffI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 22sec (6682 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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