Watch & Learn EXACTLY How To Research Keywords Like A PRO!

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hey miles here miles Becker calm and in this video we are going to do a keyword research session together we're going to jump on the laptop you're gonna watch over my shoulder as I go through the process of doing a keyword research session for a friend of mine and I'm gonna explain why I'm doing what I'm doing as I'm going through the process to help you not understand how to get the kind of numbers and the data that you need but to understand why that's important and what that actually means right it's what we can extrapolate from the data and it's what we can get from the data to understand about our target market their needs etc that's where the real wind comes from keyword research in this day and age it's not just about the keyword it's about the search intent behind the keyword so we use the keywords as this statistical kind of data point to help us understand exactly the phrases people are searching but then we really need to understand why are they searching these phrases what are they actually searching for what's their motivation that'll help us figure out what phase they're in right are they in problem awareness solution awareness product awareness etc and then we can create our content based on that to meet them where they are and that will increase the likelihood of them getting deeper and deeper into our funnel etc etc so this is important for you whether you're doing a marketing arbitrage business you're selling services and marketing services to local businesses or if you've got your own business that's based online or you're amping up your internet marketing this is the core of any content marketing strategy right I do believe 100% that the reason my wife and I are able to get two million plus pageviews every month seven hundred thousand plus visits a month right now to our website is because we both took the time to master the process of keyword research and paired that with aggressive content marketing every time I publish a YouTube video I'm in this tool before I publish the YouTube video when that transcription comes back to me before I publish it on my blog I'm in this tool again looking for additional phrases to get into the content etc I don't say I live in this tool anymore when I was really hustling on the content marketing for our website and for client websites I spent probably two three four hours des the game of keyword research has changed significantly I did this long blog post where it was just two months ago I think I went through about 15 different tools and this one that I'm going to show you how to use is the one that I do recommend it's the only one I really use in this day and age now Who am I doing this for this is for a friend of mine they run a website called Tahoe Mountain Sports calm right and Tahoe Mountain Sports sells physical products they have a retail storefront in Truckee California which is in the Greater Tahoe area if you know about Tahoe it's about 6,000 feet up in the Sierra Nevada mountains and it has three major Metropolitan's within days drive right Reno Nevada Sacramento California and the entire Bay Area so literally like 10 20 million people love this place and are within a day's Drive of here so I reached out to him and said hey we just we just met when I was at Tahoe a couple days ago had Pizza talking about marketing stuff and I was like hey I want to do a video where I show people how to do keyword research do you have is there something coming up for you that you'd like some keyword research on he was like absolutely and he gave me this little kind of seed list now to put this in perspective it's an outdoor area people who love Tahoe love the outdoors they love outdoor adventure type sports and whatnot in the winter it's all skiing snowboarding cross-country snowshoeing in the summer it's boats it's wakeboards it's hiking it's trails it's biking etc etc as of this recording to put the timeframe in perspective it is currently mid-march so it is just before springtime so I wanted to make sure that they're focused on something that's going to help them through their summer season because essentially it's a two season location they have a big winter season and they have a big summer season and they have low points in between so what we're going to do is we're going to jump in and look at exactly what I got from him as if he's a client so if you're doing a marketing arbitrage business again this is how you would offer these services and how you complete these services for clients but if you are running your own internet-based business you're doing affiliate stuff you've got a membership program etc and you're doing content marketing or a 30 day challenge and you want to get deeper on your keywords you would do the exact same process here my big goal was to get something I knew nothing about or very little about and to be kind of surprised by this I didn't want to jump into a keyword phrase or into a niche that I had some experience in because I didn't think that would be fair because a lot of times we are researching niches we don't know much or anything about all right so with that said let's jump on the computer and let's get started the first step that we're going to take is to look at the keyword phrases that they gave us in their kind of seed keyword list of the topics and products they think are going to be hot this summer right then we're going to get a look of the lay of the land of what's kind of in this area in their area on the search engines already ranking and then we're going to get into the tools and actually dive deep to figure out what are those low hanging fruit keyword phrases that are able for them to be able to kind of like quickly and easily rank for right so let's jump in and get started here now the first place we're going to look at is I've got the little list from them here and it's all about trail running so they're kind of banking on the idea that this year that trail running is going to be one of the big things in the Tahoe area and it makes sense it's pretty hipster right now so that's great to hear so you'll notice the first three actually the first two are kind of the the thing the two after that are kind of the category of product right these are shoes types of shoes and then we have actual products I believe so there's there's three types of phrases that they're offering me here this again is kind of the overall idea this is like the generic level version of the category of product and then this is the actual product itself so right now I'm going to go ahead and load their website real quick so Tahoe Mountain Sports calm first thing I want to do is take a look around just take a quick glance at their homepage and see what shows up here so this is their website I'm looking around I can see so they do have footwear on here which takes us to Mountain Sports calm slash Footwear which is great the first thing I'm noticing here is there's no actual coffee on this homepage in order to increase the readability in the eyes of the search engines and the eyes of the users it would be very beneficial to have five hundred to a thousand words of content right here it could be below these kind of main categories and it can talk about who they are what they do what areas they service the kinds of as they offer because I know he does Avalanche safety classes and other things like that and just basically generally talking about where they are what they do and how they benefit and service the community a little bit of text here goes a long way and also I'm noticing here their blog is on a subdomain and what I mean by that is you'll notice there's there's nothing in front of the Tahoe Mountain Sports no WW but here we have blog dot Tahoe Mountain Sports so this is actually a separate WordPress installation and it's a separate domain in the eyes of Google which is totally fine that's a hundred percent okay to do but what we would want is we want to pull if we can the top few posts their newest posts here we'd really like to see those automatically pulled here on the homepage also this home page would have this big image it'd have the top four categories 500 or so words to a thousand words about who they are and what they do here and then below that the blog role which has the three top pieces that would make this page much more indexable and it would give them an opportunity to link into their deep content which is what the Google spiders want so the next step we do I'm going to go to a tool called open site Explorer and you can go to it was purchased by Moz which is a big SEO company you do not need a Moz account I do not recommend signing up for a paid Mons account you can get three searches per day on this tool so we can just type in open site Explorer into Google you can go to open site Explorer dot org and you can see I've got the auto populate right there but I just want to show you how to find it and then you'll notice it's the one that's slash stuff right open site Explorer again you can just go to open site Explorer org and it'll take you right to this exact same place it does a redirect so what are we going to do here what I want to do here is I want to pull the strength of his website I want to know how strong is his website with their Moz numbers so I'm just going to go take and most specifically since this content is going to end up on the blog or the odds are it will I'm going to take them paste that in here and click search and their domain authority is 36 their page Authority is 37 and they have a spam score of two these are fantastic numbers so as if I'm offering him services I'm looking at these numbers like okay cool he's bringing a lot of SEO power to the table and with this we should be able to sniper off and pick off keyword phrases one after another after another because the odds of him having local competition that has this strong of a site are very very very slim to give you an idea of my personal website miles Becker calm my domain authority is something like 12 or 16 and my page Authority is like 19 my wife's big site that gets three quarters of a million visits a month is somewhere in the 25 and 30 range so he's got a lot of benefit here and I'm just curious a little actually first thing before I forget what those were so let's do da PA right da stands for domain Authority which is 36 and PA is 37 and this will come in handy later and let's just do I want to see what his homepage is and take that dot off you only get three searches per day so use them wisely okay so 36 and 40 from the home page so what this means is the home pages authority is even higher than the blog's authority right so since these numbers are higher and this is incredible to have Authority so good work Dave good work Pam because they're doing awesome if they get links from their home page to their deeper content like this blog page it will increase the DA MPA of these pages by getting links from pages that have the higher da and PA right does that make sense cool so the next place I'm going to go is to my best friend Google and I'm going to search for trail running Tahoe so I just want to get a lay of the land now what's going on here who's winning so really interesting to see that big blue adventurer calm has this kind of Auto pull if you will right they've coated they've gotten this kind of result taken over the top which is great and what I'm noticing is it seems to be listing a number of different local races then Tahoe trail running calm home Tahoe to running a again Tahoe run Co twice now these sites that are up here twice it's pretty easy to actually bump one of their two listings off of the homepage especially if you have a stronger domain Authority and page Authority and the keyword research tool that we're going to use actually will tell us those numbers that's why I don't need to go run these numbers for all of these people so I am but just for fun if we may real quick let's take let's go to their website first I want to see what this site has okay Chucky's running events 10k 5k s so truck you're running festival half marathon perfect so they've got all these things so the first thing that's popping into my head is that people in the local communities who want to leave the San Francisco rat race for a weekend and come up and run a race there probably would be interested in one mega post that shows all of the different marathons or all of the different running competitions there are in Tahoe in one place so my first recommendation for them would be to go create the ultimate guide to trail running races in 2017 in Tahoe and they can go create this this post that would have literally it's going to be the same stuff right you go research every single festival and then here's the big trick you write 300 words - 500 words for each festival all on one page and what you end up with is a very long page of content that has I don't know five to ten different festivals that are out there and then you link to each of those festivals obviously but you have three to five hundred words about each one what's their USP where's it at what kind of terrain are you going to run over what to expect what kind of year what's the weather expected to be like etc etc etc and what you're doing is you're proving that you have more content right because so this is the number one page this right here is the number one page for the search result we were looking at if you notice there's not that much content here right like all this page has if you were to look into the page source is maybe 150 words of content and then it's got these different links to all the other stuff that's great but what I'm saying Dave and Pam at Tahoe Mountain Sports can do is they could write a page that has an intro like this one does but then it says Truckee Running Festival it's got all of the information about Truckee Running Festival where it starts where it ends where you go the kind of terrain how much elevation you go up how much you go down the time of year what kind of what expectation you should have for temperature how much water you should carry it like all of that data and then they literally just make the longest page it ends up being 3,000 4,000 5,000 words and Google will see it and be like wow this is the most comprehensive post we have on Tahoe trail running and is relevant to 2017 boom they're going to get the ranking spot and then to take that idea one one step further let's go ahead and just see what their numbers are and essentially if Tahoe Mountain Sports is numbers yes so 29 29 they would win period so you put out a more focused piece of content with better content and more content right more is kind of still better but you want it to be written really really well you they will outrank this person and that's something that could happen overnight and they will go gobble up all of this content right there so let me do a little bit more googling I'm going to go kind of quick I don't want this to run very long but I want you to understand the ideas that we're looking at so we kind of went over the trail races I'm going to leave that for now so let's do trail running shoes and see what comes up here I want to see if it's a bunch of e-commerce that shows up or what's actually going to show up so REI definite competitor obviously Amazon's a competitor runner world so this is a shoe guide okay so this is telling me that putting together a guide for all of the different trail running shoes cut in the same way we just talked about for the races like an ultimate guide for trail running shoes for 2017 has the potentiality of ranking why because I'm seeing one ranking right here and then again it's running warehouse and it's all of the other places Dick's Sporting Goods so its competitor competitor competitor competitor compilation of data right this is essentially they're just aggregating data they're going in pulling oh here's all the shoes and here's what we think about all of the shoes Dave and Pam have all these shoes in their shop or a lot of them so they could take these pictures the cool thing for Dave and Pam since they don't run ecommerce is they could link out through affiliate links to REI comm with an event link affiliate link they could link out to Amazon com an avant link affiliate link and where would they link them to to the exact same page that Google thinks is the highest possible ranking page for that right so when they run an affiliate link yeah they can link each individual shoe to its individual product page that's totally one approach but they could also link directly to whatever this page is which is looks like a category page in that same post and what they're doing is they're showing Google hey look our page is kind of built the same way you are Google you really love this and this and this link we have links to that same content plus we've got 3,000 words of content Google's gonna be like ah they get us they get what our users like we're going to give them rankings versus some of their competitions the question here becomes Amazon's a beast in the SEO world right like how strong is Roadrunner sports how strong is running warehouse how strong is runner's world probably relatively strong I would never ever slow down and not go into one of these spaces because of a fear of competition with how strong their website is with that said I would analyze the numbers and I would go after what appear to be the easiest targets first because we all like getting that kind of instant gratification we like putting up a post seeing it hit the first page we like seeing the bump in traffic it kind of is a sometimes it's a moral victory right just to kind of keep that momentum going so let me do a couple more quick quick searches here I'm gonna look at ultra Lone Peak I don't know what that is I didn't even know that's a shoe company let's see if they bring up all ecommerce ultra running so there's the the actual website okay so here we're noticing so the actual web site has four links now Google ran an update a while ago attempting to kind of stop this from happening even though it obviously is still happening and then we have store store store and then a review okay so this is really positive this is exactly what I'm looking at right so Andrew scre Kahoot I know that guys maybe he's a trail runner right maybe he's an expert in his niche but I would I would go on to guess at Andrews blog is not quite as strong as Dave and Pam's blog so inside of their site you do the one giant ultimate guide to all these different shoes and then they do an individual review of all of these different shoes and the ultimate guide can link to if you're ready to buy go buy it here if you want more information on this shoe check out our detailed resource that reviews this shoe in extreme detail and then that page has a video it's got Pinterest pins on it it's got to 3,000 words of content about that one shoe and then what's happening is you're structuring your content in a hierarchy you're creating a silo right so that Google would find their home page then their blog page and the blog they would find the ultimate guide to trail running shoes and then that would have six or seven things Google's like this ranks well it gets good page Authority then they're able to transfer that page authority down to the next sub pages which is all about that shoe in particular and by doing this let's say they have ten shoes they do the the ultimate guide with ten posts and then they do ten separate posts underneath that they now have eleven posts in total all in a little web can all ten of those little posts are linking back to the ultimate guide pushing that ultimate guide up in relevance and the ultimate guides SEO mojo the DMPA from that is also going back down to each of those page so they create this little silo and each of these sub pages that are about the most specific content support the next most specific piece of content which is the ultimate guide does that make sense I think that makes sense so let's actually jump into the keyword tool now the keyword tool I use is called keyword finder it's kW finder com now I am an affiliate for this tool I'm only an affiliate for this tool because it's the only tool that I use in this day and age you can get three free pay or three free searches from their home page every single day like the moss so you don't necessarily have to pay to play if you don't want to but I like to have more I often my wife's doing keyword searches I'm doing keyword research is we're searching our blog posts or everything right like our videos everything so we both use it a lot I pay 25 bucks a month for their basic and we get like a hundred searches a day with that said if you're if you're selling services for keyword services you literally can sell a 65 75 69 $49 keyword research package and if you do one of those per month you're going to be actually paying for this tool for by using it for other people and I would present that to customers before I would offer SEO services and it was like hey do you know what your most valuable keyword phrases are and they say no I don't even know what you're talking about it's like great let's go find what your most valuable keyword phrases are I can do it it takes me about three or four hours but I can do it for you for $67 right now I'll give you a special deal on it and then we'll come back and we'll look at the results when you sit down with the results of what the keyword phrases are you show them how much traffic they could be getting you show them where they're ranking which is going to be nowhere and you're going to show them here's the potential you're getting no traffic would you like me to put together a plan for you to start ranking and that's where you sell the content marketing services that's where you move them on a wordpress if they're not already there so it's like a low ticket sale for marketing arbitrage business owners you go sell a forty seven dollar front end product of a very closed product of doing keyword research for them show them all the potential show them that they're not ranking show them a plan to help them rank for five hundred bucks a month or a thousand bucks a month and you're literally going to stack up clients very very quickly if you want you can even do it free for clients you do the keyword research for free move that free line they're going to be wowed by the research you did by your ambition and that could be what gets you over the hump and gets you clients if you're not able to sell this upfront all right let's actually jump in that's enough talking now I'm going to go to the app I'm going to log in just to get all my searches so there we go I'm logged in at this point now I'm going to just pull to start trail running now I'm going to search at a global level and this tool has a few different ways it searches and what I love about this tool is the competition analysis it does for us you can see right here it's got this SEO difficulty and now 56 is hard and what happens is every niche what is hard or what is easy kind of changes you're going to notice over here in this column we have this difficulty ranking and I'm looking for these greens right so like stability trail running shoes I have no idea what that means but I know that there's 256 searches a month for that somebody's paying a dollar a click for that and there's a suit it's it's easy right a 23 I'm gonna click on it just to show you so when you click on these it actually pulls it over to here in the right-hand panel and it'll show you show us what the SEO difficulty is and then it'll show us the top 10 so what I would do is I would present this fray is to Dave and pan at all-mountain sports and see if they know what that is right you can see the number change so it did go up a little bit but here's where we get to use this cool section down here in the corner and you'll notice Roadrunner Sports ranks it's got a ranked overall rank score of 14 which is pretty low right and you can see they've got a domain Authority of 55 but the page Authority that's ranking is 14 so how those two numbers work the domain Authority is the overall website the page is this exact page which you can see at the bottom it's stability - trail - running - shoes you can kind of I can't point to it at the same time right so if I clicked on it it'll actually load the page there you go so this is the page that's ranking and you can see it's it's the stability trail running shoes - th so this is ranking it has very very low page Authority and that's probably because there's no content on here and it there's not I actually honestly assume that this is all automatically pulling from some sort of a data feed so what Pam and Dave could do is go create a piece of content name it stability trail running shoes and they would write content right the way you go against this kind of a site and outrank this kind of a site is you go put out actual content for people who are searching what our stability trail running shoes why do I need stability trail running shoes right the simple kind of like old school English class who what when where why how that's enough if you want but honestly get get more creative out of video as well when you make a youtube video that has the same phrase and then you link it back you embed it inside of your post you link the YouTube video back to your post etc you create this little multimedia web and you're gonna outrank this because you'll have more content because Google wants to deliver content for its users cool let's jump right back in so we're gonna kind of keep searching for other ones and what I'm doing trail running shorts bingo this is this is exactly what I'm talking about right here is we didn't expect they didn't expect right trail running and you know if somebody's trail running like they need more than shoes right you don't go out trail running you got your Camelback you got all your fancy stuff we're talking about like hipster you know trail running geeks right they come from San Francisco they want to look the part more than act the part so they need all the gear that's what Dave and Pam do right so this can even benefit them if they're not buying a bunch of trail running shorts to see okay Trevor shorts are pretty popular so again I click here it's going to pull up and recalculate this number still easy 36 so boom what this means is like for me for Dave and Pam anything that's under a 40 with this metric they could just go after and I would put a very high likelihood of them hitting the first page of Google within a couple of days by simply writing an excellent piece of content reviewing all of the trail running shorts I think they would do so well with lots of these ultimate guideposts the ultimate guide to trail running shorts here's all the stuff you need to know about different trail running shorts the length the inseam stretchy material a versus material B how it snaps around your waist all that kind of hoopla jargon right that the trail runners care about and then you go review the top five or ten products those top five or ten products could then link out to all of the different affiliate links right and then if they want or they do keyword research on the exact products and find that those exact products get a lot of searches they can then link and create more content on the exact products link their ultimate guide to those exact products like those exact product pages to the ultimate guide create another silo outside of trail running shoes and now they have a silo for trail running shorts and if they go through and then they'll have a silo for trail running events right in Lake Tahoe and then they'll have a silo for trail running trails in Lake Tahoe and then they've got four silos each silos got seven to ten different sub posts under it and in the course of two or three weeks of intense content creation and publishing they now have absolutely by far more content about trail running than anyone else in the greater Lake Tahoe area and possibly anyone in California and Tahoe being kind of such a destination they're going to dominate and when people search they're just going to be all over and it will absolutely have a massive effect on their SEO and they can make money through a having advertisements embedded on the site because most people already have retargeting pixels from Amazon from REI etc so when they go to Dave and Pam's website if they have an ad set from Google Adsense like it's just going to show retargeting of something they already looked at so the odds are they'll click and buy they would get paid they can also link directly to the affiliate programs they get paid when someone clicks and buys and of course they're always ending things with like come in say hi if you want the inside scoop on the best trails that we haven't published come in and talk to our people at the store we keep the best secrets for the locals right and if that's their bit and they end every video in the end every blog post with that kind of approach of like you must come into our store and talk to our people because we're the most knowledgeable people in this area about trail running ask them what the best trails are and then they could have literally like a print guide or they can offer a free guide come into our store and get the free trail running guide when you're in Tahoe we're located here just walk in we'll give it to you don't even need to buy anything but guess what happens I guarantee you one out of three people are going to walk in they're gonna see all the beautiful amazing awesome stuff they're like you know what you know my trail running shoes are actually pretty bad or might need another set of trail running shorts they may end up giving away 5 10 15 printed out pieces of paper to get somebody coming in who's got an average cart value of $265 or 348 dollars because they drove up to the Bay Area from their $200,000 a year dot-com job right and they want to get away and they want to run they want to have the best time running they can so they need to get the Camelbak they're posers at this point right they need to look the part so they go buy everything shirt shoes pants the the special underwear that you gotta wear the backpack that this the that the hat all of it may end up dropping four or five hundred dollars and that's another way that they can get the money back from this kind of a idea so real quick in this tool I'm gonna get back to the tool here but I I'm hoping this is making sense I don't want to just show you like okay go do this assist boom trying to help you understand that knowing who their customer is where their customer lives what that customers doing they're driving up for the weekend they're a weekend warrior they want to maximize their time on the trail how do you lure them in your store to give them something that you're not going to give them on the web give them 80% of the stuff on the web but keep a secret or to make them come into their store because that's obviously their higher margins with that said if that person was to click through right now take all of their recommendations because they know and trust and like Dave and Pam already for some reason then give them the opportunity to click and buy whether it's from an ad that has a retargeting pixel in it or whether it is an affiliate link right then and there right so you give them instant gratification if that's the way they're going to go everybody trust Amazon put the Amazon link there let them click through an Amazon make the four or six percent or whatever it is for Amazon but lure them in your store at the same time when they get in they're gonna see all the pretty stuff and they won't be able to walk out without buying something odds are so in this tool one of the things I really like about this tool is you'll notice that I search trail running and trail running shoes is right here which is one of their phrases you click this little arrow it actually resets both windows and it moves the trail running shoes up to the number one spot and now it runs suggestions based off of the trail running shoes and you can see best trail running shoes gets ninety nine hundred right the ultimate guide to the best trail running shoes it's amazing men's trail running shoes ok waterproof ok so now we're starting to see and if you notice this difficulty score goes down as we get into these deeper niches but with 3500 people right like talking about the waterproof running shoes this is something that would fit into their silo under trail running shoes that would be able to support the silo and yet it could be its own massive post right and we're just using and leveraging content so let's click on this one so I can fill the right-hand pane and see what it says about it again I love this so 34 it actually lowered the number so like winner I mean like literally if they put a post that ranks for this they will get 1600 to 1700 plus new visits every month month after month it's probably going to be a little bit seasonal but if you think about trail running where they're at the San Francisco Bay Area is actually trail runnable most December January February in fact San Francisco often has nicer weather in December than it does in July so like that could be a year-around phrase for them so who's ranking for it Zappos of course run repeat comm 4925 so Dave and Pam out ranked them on page Authority but not on domain Authority I'd still go after it these 55 won this Roadrunner Sports is propped up there's something about it though the reason seeing this one page Authority means they're doing something kind of shady here they're auto-generating all of these pages and they probably have bought and built a big private blog network so their domain authority is really high and the page authority is really low I think and I would love to see this actually enacted that all they need to do is build a little couple of silos and I think they'd be able to bump at least one of these off seeing Merrill up there makes very good sense gore-tex obviously is a technology in the shoes and then right here this is what I'm talking about Dave Pam check it out you literally have better numbers than runner click comm right you literally have what was the da PA let's go look at it 36 37 36 16 so literally there's statistical proof that shows an extremely high likelihood but here's the catch to it all it has to be a kick-ass piece of content right and it doesn't need to just be a long awesome post written out in great detail with your keyword phrase in the h1 tag and h2s and neatly laid out with all kinds of images and Pinterest images that has to happen but you need to go create a video for this too and then you get the video in the description of the video it links back to the blog post you embed that video inside of the blog post and at that point you have the most comprehensive multimedia post out of anyone online and you're bringing to the table your DEA and your PA and you win so what if you don't have DEA MPA right like they're a great client in this sense you just get to work and you just start building the best content in the world and you gain it over time my website right now is up into the 20s I was like six and twelve a couple of months ago all I've really done is published my face off publish publish publish long great posts the best I can it's a process and this is why your clients need to pay you 500 1000 bucks a month is the more content you put out the more quickly the faster you are able to speed up this process or if you're doing this for yourself and you're like man I can't really afford $1,000 $2,000 a week on Facebook pay-per-click ads but I really need that traffic triple down right three three thousand word posts a day it's a grind it hurts it's painful I don't care do it anyways because that's how you get the result that you want which is traffic highly targeted traffic that's ready to opt-in I personally believe that traffic from Google organic search engine optimization is far superior from Facebook pay-per-click the trick is the game is that I can scale Facebook pay-per-click a lot quicker than I can scale the Google stuff and at a better value I can do Google pay-per-click but it just doesn't work for my niche okay wow we've really jumped into this this is really exciting and I hope this is making sense I'm going to go a a little bit deeper right so at this point we've done the trail running shoes so we've got the genre and we've looked at the overarching idea we haven't looked at anything about Tahoe yet so let's do trail running Tahoe I'm going to show you one other kind of really cool thing that this tool does ok so you can see right here that that Tahoe trail running Tahoe is very low ten searches per month and obviously a really low difficulty score now you can also see Big Blue adventure they've got better numbers they've got better numbers they've got better numbers they've got better numbers so would I spend a lot of time going after this keyword phrase absolutely not this would be kind of a wham-bam post I put out 2,000 words I would literally I would go search and I would count how many words they have here a copy and paste I would find out how many words the top five have literally just copy their page paste it into a document like a word doc and use the word count and say okay 920 640 did it and I would do 30 percent more than the most content if the most has 1200 I be doing 1500 . and I would literally just put more content out about the topic and walk away from it the reason is it's not a super it's not a buying keyword phrase and there's not that much search volume with that said it's important from a branding perspective for them to dominate this you got to think of SEO absolute domination they have to push their competitors off of this home off of this first page of Google and they have to establish themselves on the top of every phrase so when someone goes to searches all these different phrases because they're getting ready for a running trip a trail running trip or an event in Tahoe Tahoe Mountain Sports shows up everywhere they already are pre framed to think this company gets it and when they have that moment of oh man my laces broke I need or I need to go buy this or my shoe sole broke or something happened I have to go buy another one boom Tahoe Mountain Sports because they were everywhere they're obviously the experts and that's how you kind of dominate at this game so let's let's do let's try to find something with Tahoe in it because oftentimes you're going to find that for local businesses finding keyword phrases that have the location in it is incredibly valuable so here we go Tahoe trails Tahoe hikes Tahoe hiking trails we're getting somewhere especially because they said lightweight hiking shoes right so here's a whole nother vertical because this vertical is actually different from this vertical and you can talk in this post about how trail running shoes are inherently different than lightweight hiking shoes if you're interested in lightweight hiking shoes go see this post and then they go see the ultimate guide the lightweight hiking shoes which obviously is another silo right so they're all on their site they're linking it all together so their domain Authority and their page Authority flow throughout the different web sites and they're kind of passing along their own search engine optimization value so if you look here Tahoe trails Tahoe hikes Tahoe hiking trails hiking Tahoe we're at about 2000 hiking in Tahoe Tahoe rims there's a trail called the Tahoe Rim Trail best hikes in Tahoe this is getting into four-wheel-drive stuff so that doesn't make that much sense but you notice there is relevance from Google suggestion to trail running from Tahoe trails so even putting the other content on Tahoe trails whether it's for trail running or hiking or both is actually going to increase their relevance for all of their trail running stuff at the same time now let's look at a couple of other tools there's this autocomplete tool and then there's the questions tool that you can use and it pulls totally different data so autocomplete if you're not familiar with it let's um go to google so autocomplete scraping is something that keyword tools started a few years ago and if you do like Tahoe trail so this all this that's coming up here is the autocomplete Tahoe trails so let's do Tahoe hiking so you can see like it's Auto completing but what we can do is we can automate the process you click autocomplete you click search and this one takes a little bit because what it's doing is it's it's not just putting Tahoe trails it's adding letters to the bottom of it for you to see and really it didn't pull up anything sometimes you do sometimes you don't and you can just quit right here if you want to go by search volume and you can see really quickly that the search volume goes up Tahoe trail 100 I'm assuming that's like a hundred mile race or something and you can see it's got a giant spike so that means there is a month when that gets a ton of search volume this 216 is divided by 12 if you're sitting in the number one spot on this month you will see a massive spike in your traffic because that's probably several thousand right there so let's do the questions the other one is as the methods in which we search on keyword phrases change and I mean we're not typing in keywords as often anymore most of the time we're grabbing our cell phone and a lot of people on iPhones they'll click the button hey Siri what are the best Tahoe trails and they're asking spoken out questions that represent keyword phrases and that's where these questions come in is it's starting to pull the different questions and you just click the next button and you click down where to hike Tahoe doesn't really come up so here's one thing you can do so since that didn't pull up much you can look up Lake Tahoe and just see what kind of questions people are asking about Tahoe for them being Tahoe Mountain Sports they want to dominate on all of these answers and not those ones home where's Lake Tahoe whereas stay perfect that's not all that relevant and this is this is the game I've always likened keyword research to like panning for gold or mining for gold we're literally taking shovels and buckets full of material we a we go to where we think the gold is that's the first step in trying to become a gold miner you go where there's proven to be gold right so we're looking at the phrases that we know their search volume then we sift through shovel by shovel looking for flecks looking for little tiny clinkers little nuggets right and you can see here like Tahoe weather ski resorts weddings so this this isn't these tools don't work here for some information products these tools will open up a totally new train of thought but for them on this I'm I will and would stick with the suggestion tool because this is really giving us what we need I feel so let's do Lake Tahoe trail and just see if it comes up with trail running trail this trail that and what I do is so once I consider ok I want to do let's say I want to do trail running Lake Tahoe or trail races Lake Tahoe I'm looking for the other phrases right so I would be pulling these off and putting them on here and I would be looking for all of the fray is that support each of these phrases right so lightweight height or trail running shoes like we found waterproof and I'm trying to I'm trying to create like a little list of all the phrases that support my main phrase here so I'm going to go back to this actually let's dig deeper into Constitution shoes and honestly been like nobody ever taught me this this is all from experience this is all from trial and error and this has literally revolutionized our business so you can see best trail running shoes men's trail running shoes water pert so I would pull all of these and I would build them out and I would save this as its own sheet and then I would just go through one at a time waterproof what trail running shoes for women women's trail running shoes so all these different phrases needed not only that you don't need to just have the phrases in your ultimate guide they need to have their own h3 tag they need to have their own section where you talk about women trail running shoes and what makes women trail running shoes different than men's are they narrower to have a bigger toe box do that what is different about them for men and then the same for men you need to have an area that talks about the men's and then when you have your big ultimate guide to men's trail running shoes you go back into that first post and you link inside of that men's trail running shoes content to the deeper deeper text post on your site about that so you start with the top ultimate guide you build it out with all the sections all of these things get their own section you can even talk about the specific products as well and then once you create your separate post for this you go back into your ultimate guide and you link it to this and you link this back to the ultimate guide and that's how you create an effective silo that actually works I want to look at a actual product name so we looked at we googled this one and I thought it looked good from the from the heat for the Google results excuse me and I use this exact thing for my keywords for YouTube videos by the wife I don't change I don't do any specific YouTube keyword numbers at all I just based myself on these numbers and if this gets more searches than this I know that a video about this would get more searches than this I just extrapolate the data and I imagine the data it uses the same ratio on YouTube as it does on Google and I move forward with that kind of a theory so here we can see that the 2.5 and the Lone Peak are both at forty four hundred now you can see that the 3.0 is gaining more search volume what this tells me is if you look at it like 2.0 880 and obviously these are current numbers and you can see this trend line has been going down it looks like maybe they release these ones last January and it ran through summer and now the three point o's were released a few like late last summer or announced late last summer but the search volume for these seems to be going up which is good that means that this is getting attention in the market place and the market is deeming these as a worthy shoe so I would absolutely be creating content on this again 31 difficulty score that's great news for them you can already look over here we've got so REI 84 and 1 I think you can outrank them run repeat 44 and 1 this is this is what we're talking about running shoe they can pull out the sniper rifle and they can literally bump this person here's the other cool thing and I'm glad this finally showed up is I've been saying constantly you got to create a multimedia post right you need to create a written post that's absolutely fantastic and you need to embed your YouTube video on it here's the really cool part since there's already a youtube video showing up right here for this Google search engine results page if your YouTube video kicks ass and it's highly optimized with an optimized title and it has a thousand words of content in it right you that's totally unique from your website you spend the time to write a killer detailed description here you could bump whatever video this is and take over the number 10 spot then you can also take over the number 9 spot with your blog post so effectively they could come into this and anybody who's searching for ultra long peak they want to buy that shoe right they are product aware they're not problem aware they're not solution aware they know what the problem is they don't have the right shoe is hurting their feet they know the solution is they need to get the right trail running shoe because it running 50 miles on trails like a crazy person and they need the right shoe to support themselves they've already done the research and they know which shoe at this point they're looking for the right deal and this is where having a price comparison tool on your website right if they write up this awesome post about the ultra Lone Peak they can say we sell them in store for this if you want to come get your hands on them right now if you're looking for the best deal online and want to ship them you can get them for this price at Amazon this price at REI this price at backcountry and all of those can be affiliate links and here you are again putting out content that's helpful for the user it meets them where they are they're looking for the deal if you took the time to go analyze the prices or find like a wordpress plug-in or have something coded that automatically does that for you you could literally be of incredible service you give them the information you need that gets you to rank on Google that gets you the click when they read they get to the bottom like I'm ready to buy this right now click boom Amazon two days they're there you just made a commission or they're in Truckee they broke their shoe they have the 2.0 they want the 3.0 and they're searching in Truckee with an IP address from the town they're in and Google's like oh man not only does Dave and Pam's Tahoe Mountain Sports have the best content on this but the IP address of this user because they're searching from Truckee matches with the address on Dave and Pam's website bingo they're going to put those two people together and that person's gonna walk in the store they're gonna buy the shoe and here's the funny part they probably will never mention that they found your content they read your content it is a slow organic growth move but it can have the most profound benefit on a business and here's why if they aggressively go into this game all spring and then they hit another vertical in summertime and they really really dominate a vertical in summer then when fall hits they hit it hard on the skis ski boots cross-country skis goggles gloves everything all the snow gear that everybody needs for Tahoe right do that for a year go to seasons to spring and summer seasons to winter seasons and I guarantee their traffic could do two three four hundred percent increase it takes a lot of work most people aren't willing to put in the work if you're selling these kinds of services these are the ideas that you're selling them you're selling them that end result of for hunt percent more traffic to the website 200% more foot traffic and an increase in ROI if you're the business owner you just got to realize that it's a long-term game and that you got to put in the effort upfront now in order to get the results at the end and if you put in these efforts now all it takes is time if you have retail employees who are standing around for an hour a day have them outline the posts for you have them outline this stuff if they're not great writers like like get them to do everything you can up to the point of actually writing if you're not a great writer hire writers if there's a college nearby go run craigslist ads looking for an English major in your local area go to the physical school and find the bulletin board and staple on one of those little tear sheets that says English major wanted I need a writer for my website email me and in your email address con and literally you will find somebody for 10 12 15 bucks an hour you might give them some product you might give them some demo product you have a demo product let them experience and write about it they're gonna love the experience every college student needs a little bit of cash flow and you're going to be stacking up content because the game is how can you take these benefits in these keyword phrases you know if I was Dave and Pam I would try to live in this tool and identify these verticals and kind of outline out the verticals and have somebody else write the content and then just do the final touches on publishing because I think more could get done that way but with that said even hitting this tool once a day figuring out your topic figuring out what your next best one is figure out where you can fit with your da and pa boom 31 still eat money let's do it ultra Lone Peak that's supposed today everyday doing a blog post in the course of a year you'll put up over 350 new blog posts if you only do five days a week like Monday through Friday I don't know what entrepreneur only works five days a week by the way but anyways if you did there'll be something like 250 posts per year to be 500 and two years to be a thousand and four years no one in your local market has that much content and if every piece is done with a focus on creating a multimedia piece you give a video as well you can rip that video you could turn it into a three pillar system and put the audio up on a podcast if you want you literally will be dominating the search engines you will be able to push REI you'll be able to push the big guys around literally you will be able to push the big publish companies the the magazines like the national scale you will be elevated up to that scale and what happens at that point is you're not just relying on people coming to your store you're getting all those affiliate traffic so you've got the ads that show the retargeting people are clicking on those in etc etc etc Wow we just went deep on that I'm going to end it here I really think that we've covered it I think is really simple again if you want the keyword finder click the link below it is my affiliate link I do get a percent commission if you do purchase and again the only reason I recommend this tool is because it's the tool that I use my wife and I visit this tool at least one to three times a day no joke and it really is the difference I think this is where most small businesses most internet marketers most content marketers don't geek out enough on the research you've heard me say the same thing about Facebook ads if you do enough research if you really identify the low-hanging fruit it makes everything else easy and if you let the data and if you let these kind of these numbers and these numbers and these relevance that's coming up right if you let this run to where you're getting all of these kind of trail running you know like and then there was women's men's and then they just go rate all of the different products they're gonna have in their store right so they got content for each start with the top the ultimate guide that contains all of those sub pieces then every day you make a new sub piece post you link them together make sure your home page is directing some search engine spiders into your deeper content make sure your home page has good five hundred thousand words of content that is the most valuable and important page on your website and if you can link in text to some of these deeper areas into some of your ultimate guides it's a great way to flow that high high domain Authority and page Authority from your home page to a brand new post right so if you put up an ultimate guide to trail running and that thing sits on your home page Google's spiders are going to be like wow this home page is thirty six forty and this link man that that means this must be a really authoritative post they're going to give you more da PA right off the bat increasing the speed to which you hit the first page of Google increasing the speed to which you start shoving your competitors off the first page of Google which is like the most fun thing in the world to do and then you got to stick with it for a year that's the truth and that that's the game and that's where most people don't make it and that's why most people don't win is because they they jump to another shiny object I'm going to do this now that didn't really work on we do this now all life hit me up something happened I had to move rent came up Baba Baba Baba Bob all the excuses that I've heard a million times before and it's the people who no matter what put out a piece of content every single day for years on end those are the people who win period that's it and you're seeing it here on this channel I practice what I preach you seen on my blog you're seeing it on the wife stuff and you can do it too so thank you very much your time I hope you found this to be very enlightening and I hope I went deep enough into these tools to help you understand exactly what you need to do for effective keyword research so you can dominate at your SEO and at your content marketing strategy this same stuff applies for YouTube you can get those double whammies with your YouTube video and your blog content and literally just start shoving people off the first page of Google you start collecting more traffic more leads you got your retargeting pixel running right you can target people so one quick bonus for Dave and Pam in Truckee right so here's the fun thing so as you're building out this content right you're getting a lot of people clicking to your website generally speaking people are going to be on their phone they're going on lunch break from work they're going to be sitting on the train etc they're researching what they think they need so you're then you have your Facebook tracking pixel planted on their browsers okay so now you're planting pixels and as your traffic goes up to a hundred thousand three hundred thousand visits a month you're literally planting pixels on hundreds of thousands of people then you run a small Facebook ad campaign that is only displaying to people who are not from your zip code but are visiting your zip code or you only display to people from San Francisco who are visiting trucky and that means when they're in Truckee and they go on Facebook to post their selfie like everybody's going to do because they want to show off to their friends that they're in Truckee that's the moment your ad shows up and that's how an effective SEO campaign that informs and enlightens and helps your users get what they want in the means that they want even if that's Amazon or REI that's how that kind of a game not only can create cash flow and traffic and lots of benefits for you but it can also be filling up an audience on Facebook so when that person is near you you can offer their something and if you want you can offer them you could be I mean you could take this really deep to where you putting a trail running pixel and when trail runners are up you can have a free offer on Facebook hey stop by our store for the free trail running guide to Lake Tahoe and you give them a little printed out pamphlet that you guys made that shows the best trails for them to run and then you're getting them in the store and when they're in they see all the shiny pretty stuff and they have to buy something and you're also you're shifting that kind of you're giving first and and there's the law of reciprocity reciprocity law of reciprocity and they feel like wow you've given me so much to your blog content that you gave me this guy I might as well just buy one of these little things here or there and you're in it just creates this gigantic web of traffic and pixels and retargeting etc etc etc okay now I'm officially done I promise thank you very much if you enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up here in YouTube that is all I'm doing this for his thumbs up reach if you want to share this please do share this and if you have not yet subscribed do subscribe I got more of these deep dive tactical trainings coming up and some more mind-stuff mindset stuff coming up too I really appreciate your time I do honor that and I thank you very much have a great day and I will see you on the next video be well
Channel: Miles Beckler
Views: 160,523
Rating: 4.934094 out of 5
Keywords: Keyword research, content marketing, SEO, marketing services, search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, keyword tool, search intent, seed keywords, keyword phrases, keyword list, keyword research tool, free keyword research, keyword research, how to do keyword research, keyword research for seo, keyword research tools, keyword research 2019, seo tutorial, how to do keyword research for seo, keyword research tutorial
Id: O_FfdjNOgpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 35sec (3275 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.