Helluva Boss is a Helluva Pilot!

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if you don't like blood or gore or mature themes and naughty words or cute demon couple singing and cheesy love songs then don't watch this video if you don't mind those things then great let's go ah 50 you're killing me here I just watched husband hotel less than a month ago and then you go and drop another awesome pilot on us that's it I'm convinced Vincey pop has signed a contract with the devil she's making a deal with the denizens of the underworld to create an animated propaganda for Hell in exchange for extremely high production values use of famous voice actors and unrealistically early release times she sold her soul so big would guard her orders to Dadar she's just extremely talented and hardworking with excellent preparedness and time management skills yeah one or the other hell of a boss is another unique creation from the mind of busy pop taking place on the same universes has been hotel but with the new cast of despicable demons and fortunately this pilot takes on a completely different tone from her first one while husband hotel has a big overarching story with cinematic beats and grand visuals however the boss is just a simple workplace comedy following the daily escapades of a group of hitman imps workplace comedies can be kind of tricky to get right they're often set in small-scale locations with small-scale conflicts like a store or in office so you need to put heavy emphasis on things like characters and comedy to keep the audience interested if done properly you can end up with a hilarious masterpiece especially with animation heck I just started watching the animated Dilbert series and it's loaded with intelligent humor and funny spins on common workplace tropes like downsizing in sick days this is proof that it can be done and done well so how does hell of a boss measure up well let's give it a shot the pilot centers around a bunch of murderous imps who run a hitman service offering to kill anyone on the mortal plane who falsely wronged you while you were alive it's not as creative or premises has been hotel in fact it just kind of feels like villainous with manslaughter but it manages to distinguish itself from the main series with two big factors one is the concept of visiting the living world has been is likely going to take place entirely in Hell seeing as Charlie's goal is to rehabilitate demons and lower house population so giving us a little spin-off where house occupants get to travel to our plane of existence and mess around trying to complete a job has a ton of comedic opportunities some of which are actually explored here and second it lets us see viv Z's version of Hell through a different set of eyes charlie is royalty as such has the money power and influence to basically do whatever she wants heck she's able to straight-up refuse allister's deal and just order him to help her meanwhile puts and his crew are just simple everyman demons running a business in an oversaturated market making them a lot more down-to-earth and relatable this helps to flesh out viv Z's universe by letting us see the day-to-day lives of normal lower-class demons and I like that as far as the structure of future episodes goes it's hard to tell exactly what to expect the story involves the four main characters just sitting in a meeting room reminiscing on past events every so often they'll cut to a flashback which shows these events in more detail leading to a lot of the jokes in character moments so the reason really is straightforward narrative it's more like a bunch of standalone scenes pasted together I'll admit that it can be a little confusing at times with the way these cutaways play out like when Moxie tries to explain how terrible Luna is as a worker we get a flashback showing all the time she was obnoxious lazy and just generally bad at her job all right so far so good but then in the middle of one of these scenes we get another cutaway to show how blitz got the book which can take him to the mortal realm and then it cuts back to the meeting room so was that a flashback within a flashback I I don't really get it and earlier there's a scene where we hear the jingle blitz wrote for the company and it's played like a commercial for their services but then they accidentally shoot a kid and we get a whole scene showing the hospital staff trying to revive him but when the trio has no insurance they bail and then it shows their company logo at the end so was that bid with the kid part of the commercial why would you want a scene of you screwing up at your job in an ad for your business it's honestly very hard to follow what's going on half the time but one thing hell of a boss has in its favor is that the character cast is able to carry a lot of these scenes regardless of how haphazardly pieced together they are the titular boss himself wits it's a washed-up pimp whose theater dreams didn't pan out so now he's forced to run a murder business and do very demeaning things in order to get a leg up he's a funny mix of vane creepy and over-the-top and it's clear that even with his crushed dreams he's pretty comfortable in his life with his new work family maybe a little too comfortable plus his quirks like praising his commercials and jingles as high art is pretty hilarious Moxie is the straight man of the company who has the most logical outlook on the business but is constantly blamed for everything seeing his anger flare-up and his personal bubble constantly get invaded is just comedy gold and the interactions he has with his wife Milly who's very protective and supportive of him Archie's genuinely adorable there you go has-been fans we've got an adorable gay couple and an adorable straight couple in this universe hell is all-inclusive that's the thing I never thought I'd say then there's Luna who's probably my least favorite of the bunch she's the typical whatever kind of girl with zero FS to give who does anything she wants she takes other people's lunch hangs up on important calls and just goofs around on her phone during business meetings and she's able to get away with all this since she's apparently blitzes adoptive daughter so she ain't gettin fired she's fine for what she is and her interactions with daddy dearest range from adorable to comical but compared to the other cooks in the kitchen there's not a lot about her I like I'm sure she'll make a lot of goth furries happy though the comedy is definitely hidden miss for me there were plenty of jokes that either go on for too long or go so far with the vulgar nest that they end up being more annoying than funny the scene with the swearing little kid and blitz calling an old friend are good examples of this but there still are plenty of jokes that get constant laughs out of me mostly due to the excellent animation and voice work I've already talked about how awesome viv zis art style is in my other video about her and the same remains true here sure you get a few weird moments like this one over here slide to the left slide to the right but as a whole it's just as expressive and vibrant as it always is and holy cow the voice work is so good it actually elevates the comedy of scenes that I didn't really find that funny I mean come on it's physically impossible to have the voice of invader zim on your team and not come out with something hilarious I guarantee this guy could say any combination of words in the English dictionary and his Zim voice and I would bust a gut would laughter overall decent comedy boosted by great visual expression and voice work the only big problem I have with hell of a boss aside from the cut and paste storytelling is all the expository dialogue expository dialogue can be done well if framed properly Rick and Ralph actually has one of my favorite exposition dumps of all time presented as Ralph casually introducing himself to all the other villains for the first time even if Aggies dumped about Alistair and has been home was fine because it had great stylized animation and was being told to a character who had never heard of this guy before but in this show the many expositional speeches and beats really feel forced and awkward I get that this is the pilot and you gotta introduce everything important but this just doesn't do it for me like at the beginning when they're discussing ideas to improve the business and wit says have you guys forgotten what service we provide and then shows a TV ad for their company all right a little sloppy but fair enough but then Moxie goes into this long drawn-out speech about why the commercial failed and then we get another long drawn-out speech about blitzes artistic dreams and how his daddy didn't believe in him and the sad part is that the second piece of exposition was actually handled a lot better with the subtle background addition see this poster in the background not only did they appear in multiple different rooms in the office building but it tells us without words that blitz used to have his own big top circus once upon a time and he misses those days so much that he littered his new job with constant reminders of it you see it's subtle it's creative and a ptosis that blitz has unfulfilled artistic dreams that he refuses to let go up I can accept a little exposition if it's meant to be tongue-in-cheek which this clearly is but it goes a little too far in my opinion bottom line if you're going to introduce characters and their interests please do more of this and less of this overall while I was more dazzled than impressed with Hasbun hotel I was definitely more entertained with halibel boss I'm a sucker for slice-of-life shows as is and I definitely had a lot of fun with this one the characters are really endearing and unique the company has a few clunkers but is easily elevated by other aspects the premise allows for plenty of creative possibilities and it's clear that effort was poured into every aspect of this pilot like all of Izzy's work it's definitely not gonna be for everyone and certain things like the story and the structure could throw a few people off but it's free to watch right now on Vivi's Channel so I encourage to do so to see if it's for you however boss was definitely a hell of a good time and I look forward to seeing more episodes of this has-been and whatever else busy cooks up in the future also I don't know if this was intentional or not but that rough animatic deleted scene thing they got going on in the credits gave me massive wander over yonder vibes and if you know me you know anything which reminds me of wander over yonder is gonna get a thumbs up and the fact that that scene is an adorable love song between moxie and Milly that boosts it to two thumbs up of all the insane of all the ways these imps could have killed me they did it with cuteness you you you
Channel: finnthepony
Views: 37,364
Rating: 4.9374056 out of 5
Keywords: vivziepop, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, helluva boss pilot, helluva boss review, finnthepony, vivienne medrano, helluva boss analysis, helluva boss Loona, helluva boss Blitzo, helluva boss millie, helluva boss Moxxie, Loona, Moxxie
Id: TeVOfbqdKD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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