How Every Hazbin Hotel Character Perished

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so april fool's day is upon us once again that means it's time for me to do stuff out of my target demographic well hopefully this is posted on april fool's day there's a chance it might be light for those of you who don't know about vivziepop's husband hotel and hell of a boss i highly recommend you check it out it is such an interesting series has been hotel involves lucifer's daughter charlie trying to rehabilitate sinners and send him to heaven instead of them being killed off due to hell's overpopulation its spin-off show hell of a boss follows a group of imps whose job it is to murder people in the living world for those who have already passed the lore of heaven and hell and demons and what these sinners look like have made lore enthusiasts go absolutely crazy myself included according to vivsipop center's appearances say a lot about both their life and their death hell of a boss has given us a lot of information that has helped us and shows us what these demon forms say about these sinners as recently seen from lyle lipton a recently introduced character we can see that how a person dies does indeed impact how they look like in hell so i'm going to use my attention to detail knowledge of history and a few other fan speculations i've heard going around to determine how each character perished all in one video maybe one day i'll do a how do they go to hell kind of video but for now i'm just going to do the death stuff maybe i'll expand if i really feel passionate about it also i will be excluding the following characters angel dust's brother arachnis will receive a new design when he appears so as you can guess i can't really speculate if he's going to get a new design and henry might have the same issue as well and apparently rosie never died so these three will be excluded from my list anyways without further delay let's become mini coroners and determine how these characters died first let's go over the deaths that we do know angel dust died from a drug overdose in 1947. this makes sense as there are no exes or blood spots or any physical marks on his body just like vague and nifty have baxter i have more to discuss baxter died by drowning on a ship in the 1910s it was going to be the titanic but vivsi stated that she was unsure how much she wanted to tie real world events into this show baxter still did die in a boat in the 1910s though it may not be the titanic i understand not wanting to make light of tragic events that happened especially if there are recent events so i understand why she wants to go that route when tying history into fiction you have to be very careful in order to portray it in a certain way however for an event as popular as the titanic i'm pretty sure there is very little controversy to be had with that sometimes tying history into fiction can be a very good thing when then is done sometimes it brings attention and awareness of these events and educates people about them in the fine details going back to baxter we see that he is not only a fish but an angler fish this actually tells us more details of his death i'm not sure if you understand why baxter being an anglerfish is super interesting the titanic wreckage lies thirty eight hundred meters or twelve thousand five hundred feet below sea level in an area known as the bathyal zone or the midnight zone sunlight does not reach this zone so the titanic is permanently in darkness okay yeah kolka we get it that's why baxter has a light on his head no it gets even better states that the animals that live in that zone include viper fish eels and you guessed it anglerfish so we can assume that baxter didn't even get out of his cabin and went down with the ship no life jacket he either chose to go down with the ship like the stras's or was trapped in his room anyways on to the theory part of the video alistair is a fan favorite of the series so there's been a lot of theories and why alistair is a deer we do know that he had a dog-related death in 1933 and detest dogs as a result we also know that he hates the way he died notice he acts on his forehead right here axes i believe are physical marks from when that character was killed my theory is that when he was burying one of his victims in the forest he was mistaken for a deer and shot by a hunter then mauled by dogs to finish him off thus taking the form of a deer in hell as he was mistaken for one when he died the deer form could also be a wendigo reference as alistair was a serial killer and possible cannibal the wendigo is known to invoke feelings of insatiable greed and hunger the desire to cannibalize other humans as well as the propensity to commit murder and those that fall under its influence so i think the dear thing has multiple meanings both referring to how he died and how he lived there's a lot of theories as to why this sweet little cutie pie is in hell we know that she died in the 1950s but i'm going to agree with charles j thomas's theory here but i'm going to expand on it a bit by the way charles j thomas does a lot of husband hotel theories so i suggest you check him out i think that nifty was a stalker or obsessed with the man she really liked when the guy got married or engaged she was probably upset and killed the girl and was either shot by the person she was stalking or was shot by the police as seen by those three red spots on her chest yeah nifty being a yandere seems to fit due to her fixation on men and romance and her tendency to become easily obsessed with things such as cleaning and killing rats katie kiljoy died in 1992 and most certainly died from a broken neck as seen from this scene because her neck bends in ways that are unnatural i think katie kildre was a news reporter in real life perhaps she was news reporting by a cliff fell off and broke her neck but i do have an alternate theory that is probably more likely her full demon form kind of resembles that of a praying mantis so i think she probably killed her husband as her sin as praying mantises eat the males heads after mating so maybe that happened and then while she was running away she tripped down the stairs broke her neck and died though the mantis thing could be an allegory to her promiscuity since she apparently sleeps with dozens of men [ __ ] died in 2014. i'm pretty sure what killed vagie was a stab to the face specifically through the eye the context of that i don't know honestly faggy's death and backstory is the hardest and most frustrating for me to theorize through analyzing her character it's hard to imagine why she's in hell in the first place as she seems so committed to redemption and seems like a good person her original design was said to be based on a moths and had something relating to suicide but that's been recalled so we don't know what creature she's supposed to be based on either so you can imagine the theorist's frustration with this character according to one of the creators vagi is bad at handling children so the thought of her having to take care of younger siblings is probably not likely many seem to think she was abused or trafficked during her lifetime and simply retaliated against her abuser thus why she hates men and doesn't trust them after all el salvador does have a major sex trafficking problem specifically with women from rural areas but i don't think self-defense would be enough to get you into hell my main theory for now is that she grew up in a poor family one where her father wasn't around and tried to make money for them through prostitution and other sinful deeds like stealing scamming and perhaps even murder until she got into a disagreement with the client and he ended up killing her stabbing her through the eye this theory would explain the x's on her chest and why it looks like she's wearing lingerie also if we are keeping the moth thing moths i guess are creatures of the night which can refer to women of the night aka prostitutes this sounds like a stretch but when you think about the other moth demon that literally runs the porn industry in hell it doesn't seem like that much of a stretch after all there is one other theory that i have though and that is that vagi was forced to be an assassin you know like a maki harukawa or she's to lure people into deadly scams that's the only way i can explain her proficiency with weapons i know it's not as dramatic or tragic as many were expecting though but it would make sense if she got stabbed in the eye from something like that and it would absolutely explain why she's in hell if this is the case then she probably died when someone tried to defend themselves from her husk died in 1970s most likely of alcoholism seeing that he has no marks to indicate wounds on his body that and it just fits with this character so i think it's a very safe bet mimsy is a character of mystery she was probably a movie star since there are film reels in a lot of her old art and she probably did a lot of sinful things to get to her goal since there are no marks on her body it's hard to determine the cause of death but there are what appeared to be teeth marks on her dress so i theorized that her sin was gluttony implying that she died of a drug or an alcohol overdose i think she died consuming something to excess tom trench died in the 1910s during world war one gases used during world war one including chlorine mustard gas bromine and fosgene and the most prolific user of gas warfare was the german army it's pretty easy to see that he died of a gas attack during world war one hence why the gas mask is now permanently part of his face since it was what he would have needed to survive his death serpentis died in 1888. i don't think that there's any debate on how serpentis died i think most everyone can agree it was an invention failure serpentis was an inventor in his life then something exploded when serpentis [ __ ] up and now he's dead i think that's all there is to it moths are known to be creatures of the night and so are prostitutes i would like to think that valentino was just as promiscuous on earth as he is in hell since there are no visible marks i think he died of syphilis or some other std since he looks like he died at the 1980s when safe sex wasn't much of a thought in the 1970s i think velvet's main sin was vanity and she paid the price for it since she seems obsessed with her appearance i really liked the theory from blue raven666 that says that she was texting and driving but i think that she was looking in the mirror or doing her makeup while driving since she kind of looks like a clown because of this velvet killed others and herself due to this negligence vox died in the 1950s vox was probably a tv host in his lifetime hence the big tv though it would be funny if he was just a random tv salesman and got crushed by a tv by accident and now he's an overlord of hell that would be interesting but judging by his suit he was probably a tv host his death was probably an accident on set like a stage light falling on him it just seems to fit what if someone did drop a tv on his head okay now that would be funny cherry bomb died in the 1980s in australia judging by the x on her chest she was probably shot in the chest at an anarchist rally during one of her tirades as seen in the official art the x isn't just stylistic in this case but it is a part of her body i would tie her to some historical event which would help determine the cause of death but divsy is specifically staying away from that so i'm out of luck she was probably doing something dangerous something involving endangering the lives of others most likely through explosives and authorities trying to take her down shot her i don't think the x on her eye has anything to do with her death but rather a fixation on extreme actions also we see this exact trait in hunter so i think this is just a design thing rather than an indication of her death we're not sure if cry minnie is a hellhound or a sinner but i'm going to do a theory for her anyways if she is a sinner it would be cool if she resembled a dog in hell because in life she was known to be a [ __ ] i think that would be a good pun i mean you have angel dust and his family's web of crime so they're all spiders maybe crime and he's just a grade a [ __ ] if she is a human it's really hard to determine her death but since it's the 90s and she's a rebellious delinquent i'm going to say car accident from reckless driving but it's just a guess travis is probably in hell due to infidelity but how did he get there well since we don't see any marks on him maybe travis just died of old age or alcoholism maybe he just had a natural death maybe it was a disease or something not everyone has to have a dramatic death guys and that's about it if you want me to do other videos on this topic let me know otherwise let me know if you like my theories and want me to do more stuff on has been hotel but until then keep on studying
Channel: Kolko
Views: 2,446,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hazbin hotel, helluva boss, hazbin hotel theory, hazbin hotel how they died, angel dust, vaggie, vivziepop, sir pentious, cherri bomb, crymini, mimzy, niffty, alastor
Id: FP9RbvdVTjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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