Why Loo Loo Land is a Helluva Masterpiece!

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his finest blood and gore only watch a few more than 18. thank you [Music] tall gay owl demon thing made me cry [Music] didn't expect me to say that well i didn't expect it to happen and yet here we are what are you still here for i got no opening joke for you just just play the video daddy stole his daddy stole his daddy really cute really cute really cute daddy yup apparently this is the turn that vivzie wants to take for the second episode of hell of a boss taking the guy who's essentially a running joke at this point and showing off the tragedy of his character including his marital problems unstable home life miserable daughter and general loveless existence yeah let that sink in r-rated big bird whose dialogue needs more bleeps than the elders swear is someone we're supposed to care for two episodes in and if the title in the intro didn't make it obvious already it actually worked it worked a treat even though hell of a boss's main priority is to get a laugh out of you vivzie and company are definitely trying to take some time to make you care about the characters and i absolutely love that some of my favorite comedies of all time double as endearing stories with wonderful characters and if this is gonna be the norm for emotional punches and character writing in this show i'm even more floored to see what's next than i was with murder family and again this is stolis i'm talking about here stallus and not just stolis but blitz too and moxie and millie get a cute little side plot and there's this robot clown beetlejuice thing and and just just take more of my positivity you wonderful show let's take a look at hell of a boss episode 2 [Music] lululand so we'll start this review off with what the episode centers around old celestial skinny legs himself like i said stolis was not a character i expected to have a deep emotional connection to at least not this early for a while i expected him to just call up blitz a few times talk a little about or a lot about and that's about it but believe it or not they took that simple running joke of stolless lusting over blitz and turned it into a really compelling character trait despite being a rich powerful member of hell's upper crust not to mention multi-universal power level at the very least his existence just feels empty as we see throughout the episode especially in the opening song stolis has tried time and time again to find love to find an emotional purpose to his existence and yet over and over again his stories come to bitter ends his hopes and dreams dashed and scattered like stardust across the cosmos and eventually he decides to just give up and settle down i don't know if i would call his bond with stella a completely loveless marriage but it definitely gives off the vibe that this is just a bare minimum like just good enough is all he aimed for after all his failures and that's super tragic but when a struggling imp offers to make a deal with him he decides to take a chance and what he discovers is what he's been after this whole time a thrill a spark a deep real feeling heck for all we know this might have been the moment where he discovered that he was bi or even straight up gay considering his high class upbringing where he probably needed to retain a reputation he never really got a chance to experiment per se but doing this awakened something inside him and added a dash of love to his otherwise empty existence if i'm reading this correctly that's really compelling stuff but blitz isn't the only place where he found emotional purpose there's also his daughter octavia oh my gosh melt my heart and then stick it in the freezer so i can use it again the father-daughter relationship between octi and stolis is beautiful it's so obvious that this guy just loves being a dad he straight up says that akti is the last part in his life that hasn't been told yet like being her father is the grand final chapter to his life story in his song he reassures her that even if all creation ends he will do everything he can to make sure that she is safe and sound and using the grimoire to provide visuals of an entire solar system collapsing but the two of them still resting comfortably is just a great visual complement to the scene honestly i wouldn't be surprised if this was a real solar system somewhere in the galaxy and he just destroyed it for the sole purpose of comforting his daughter i'm pretty sure this was just an illusion he cooked up but i'm convinced that he would totally do something like that that's just how much he loves her and now in present day he clearly just wants to do all he can to rekindle with her after their home falls apart trying to talk to her and bond with her and taking her to places she enjoyed as a kid goofy movie style but not really understanding the true struggle she's going through that is until they both meet up in the lululand fun house sit down together and just talk octavia is both angry and terrified by the situation she thinks that her father is being selfish by only thinking about his own sick desires and not even considering how she feels and she's afraid that one day he'll run away with some imp and just leave her behind home doesn't feel like home anymore and their family doesn't feel like a family anymore and when stowis tries to explain the situation he just can't it's obvious that what's going on in stores his life is not something that can really be put into words he's married but not happy he's powerful but doesn't feel meaningful maybe he's even a little sexually confused he doesn't know and that's perfectly fine but even amongst all this chaos one thing he is certain about is that he will never abandon his daughter that much is clear and the way the two of them make up at the end paints a nice picture for their future and even if stoic's marriage does end up falling out he'll never forget about his little starfire just amazing also remember when i said that i wasn't huge on bryce pinkam being the new voice for stolis i take it all back bryce freaking kills it in his performance here i still stand by the fact that his more high-pitched voice may not suit the demeanor of a dignified aristocrat but when it comes to the dulcet tones of a calming and loving father and the sad delicate coos of a man in a tragic situation i think bryce takes the cake his emotionally charged acting here works with the writing to make multiple moments into huge tearjerkers and beret wilbur weed as octavia did a great job for her first time and just adds to the feels of whatever scene she's placed in i'll admit i do think that juliana sata who voiced little octavia sounds a little bit old for a kid who looks to be about 5 or 6 years old but that's only a minor gripe and it wasn't too distracting but that's just one character how about the other imps well they're hired by stolis to act as bodyguards so him and his daughter can enjoy their time together i expected them to just be relegated to side gags and b plots which they kind of are but even though side stories are packed with substance the one for blitz is especially interesting as we get an even deeper dive into his background as a thespian as i pointed out in my pilot review you can see all manner of memorabilia in the imp office which shows that blitz used to be part of a circus in fact he was the headliner the amazing blizzo but as beetlejuicebot points out it pretty much went horribly wrong the kids were scared of him no one laughed at his jokes and despite his efforts he never took off apparently it went so bad that he could only find employment as a balloon vendor at a rip-off amusement park where he had to watch fizz getting all the attention he never got he even went so far as to make the o and his name silent because it was too much of a bitter reminder of how much of a failure he was talk about tragic but i think the most impactful line in this subplot and probably the whole episode is when fizzaroli says that no one ever loved blitz at first glance it doesn't really seem to bother blitz as he just brushes it off and then he tries to empty a full magazine into fizz which does lead to some great chaotic mayhem in the last act but looking at bits and pieces from other episodes makes you realize that being alone definitely bothers blitz more than he's letting on treating his employees like a family constantly dropping in on their lives just to feel included adopting luna as his daughter pet thing putting up constant reminders of a time when he thought he was loved by all this guy is definitely unhappy deep down and just masks his sadness under cruelty sarcasm and jokes like a sad clown wearing a mask i'm not gonna lie if there's any character that i want to see as the focus of an episode next it's him the fact that he's obviously hiding these feelings deep down is just begging to be explored also while on the topic of blitz hiding things am i the only one that thinks he might be secretly into stolos i mean i know we always see him aggressively hating on the guy for constantly flirting with him but considering that he's clearly hiding his true feelings about being lonely it's possible that this is just some kind of angry cover-up or even denial of his true emotions i don't know the idea of two guys who live loveless lives finding comfort or even just relief when they're with each other actually sounds really interesting i don't ship a lot of guys but if this is the direction vizzi and brandon are headed with these two i'd be all for it for now though the only canon hell of a boss couple we have is moxie and millie but i ain't complaining about that i mean their side story is just moxie trying to win a thing for his lady and yet i still found it absolutely adorable i can't get enough of millie's sweet childlike energy when it comes to the theme park and seeing her snuggling the cheap dollar store plushie like it's the best gift she's ever gotten is just too much i also like how moxie's fatherly instincts make a cameo here where he comes prepared with all kinds of medications in a fanny pack just in case octavia needs something good job being prepared dude but future reference maybe don't dump all the morphine in a baby carriage that's not a good idea and of course i've got to talk about fizzerali the character everyone was super excited to see everyone was screaming oh my gosh it's alex prime and she got a broadway star to be in her show beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice and overall yeah he's pretty cool he's a nice foil to blitz his design is pretty cool alex does a great job voicing him i like the stuttering vocal effects on his voice really making him sound like a cheaply made fanaf animatronic the way he's constantly stretching and flopping around like a rubber band is really cool to watch and much like a real clown he can be both funny and terrifying whether or not he's more fun than the strawberry tonight show is up to the viewer i guess but for a one shot character yeah it was pretty cool i don't really think i need to talk about the visuals and the music cause those are usually fantastic but there were plenty of highlights here i already mentioned the awesome animation of fizzerali but there's also the broken down look of the park and the plethora is upon plethora as a background gags which the show has already been doing well for a while plus the location where stoics and octavia talk it out is so perfect they're sitting on a little ride that spins around in circles much like how stoic's futile attempts at love always lead to the same cycle of excitement and then disappointment but even after all those painful slow and predictable rides something wonderful still came out of it in the end a daughter he can call his own someone who loves him and someone he loves in return and because of all this he's not gonna ride this ride anymore he's gonna get out and start walking forward i was a little confused as to why the sky was blue in this episode where every other location in hell had a red sky but i did hear that this theme park is located in a different circle of hell and if they're going to use the sky colors to distinguish which circle the characters are in that would totally excuse this and instead of one song like in the first episode this time we get two and while fizzrowi's song is decent and fun and bouncy and all that good stuff it's stolis's song you will be okay that is one of the biggest emotional highlights of the series so far turns out that not only can bryce act but he can also sing and sing really freaking well and i mentioned how the lyrics paint a fantastic picture of the bleak empty life that stole his weeds and how he would literally let the universe and everything around it explode into nothingness before he lets anything happen to his daughter if that isn't comforting and reassuring then i don't know what is note to self do a cover of this song at some point if you really want me to nitpick i will say that the humor wasn't as great as it was in murder family if you've seen any show that tries to do parodies of theme parks you've seen a lot of these jokes before the mascots being creepy the rides being dangerous the merch being super overpriced but you gotta buy it because it's disneyland meaning it's lululand the scene with moxie trying to win a price for million was definitely adorable but it really felt similar to that scene from despicable me even to the point where they hit the target but actually needed to knock it over to win the prize sorry viv but unless your carny is voiced by jack mcbrier their version of the scene will always be better so if you actually do get jack to be on the show because i know you're a massive wanderer fan like me i will love you forever like more than i already do there were also a lot of jokes about lawsuits which got kind of old after a while though i will say that one part where fizz literally just rips a line straight from charlie's song and has been hotel is pretty funny it doesn't even rhyme in the verse so it wasn't even worth it that doesn't even rhyme yeah it does but honestly this isn't much of an issue because the focus wasn't really on comedy it was on characters and heart and those things easily hold up this episode as a masterpiece even if it's not super funny i think i've already said more than enough if murder family was a rock solid start to the series then lululand is a diamond solid bar that all other episodes should strive to reach every character feels important every emotional beat hits dead on every visual is captivating the music is beautiful the depth and future possibilities are intriguing and the way they molded simple jokes into effective character traits is nothing short of genius yeah the jokes are more on the ass side compared to the other episodes but that doesn't stop the overall package from being the series first 10 out of 10 in my opinion if you weren't huge on hell of a boss's pilot and weren't even crazy about murder family i highly highly recommend you give this show one more chance with this episode it's jam-packed with so much good stuff that i'm sure it'll turn a lot of skeptical heads go to vivzie's channel check it out right now and congratulate her and her awesome team give her what she deserves because gosh darn it the indie animation scene needs more stuff like this and frankly i think we all do too [Music] you
Channel: finnthepony
Views: 261,803
Rating: 4.9308825 out of 5
Keywords: helluva boss, loo loo land, helluva boss loo loo land, helluva boss episode 2, helluva boss episode 2 review, helluva boss episode 2 reaction, helluva boss review, helluva boss you will be ok, you will be ok, stolas song, stolas, helluva boss loo loo land song, loo loo land song, octavia, millie, Blitzo, fizzarolli, helluva boss stolas, helluva boss octavia, vivziepop, helluva boss Stolas song, helluva boss song, helluva boss episode 1, vivienne medrano, helluva boss fizzarolli
Id: wU6lGo8ce6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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