20 Minutes of Gordon Ramsay Being FURIOUS | Hell's Kitchen

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let's go but a crucial element of the surf and turf where's the lobster is missing in action where's the lobster right here chef I saw a tuck in a panic so I just took over I just wanted to get the food out come on this is not possible come here all of you come here whatever it is it's not my fault this is not [ __ ] possible this cannot be true what is that there what is that there what is that this is there's [ __ ] Raw no come on Amanda all you had to do was put a lobster on the grill make sure it didn't Char baste it and send it up that's all you had to do it's a [ __ ] restaurant not a sushi bar how'd you get confused with a raw [ __ ] grilled lobster I don't know where to go I can't even turn around and look at the dining room I'm so [ __ ] embarrassed this is still your first table that's their laugh [ __ ] off we haven't sent an Audrey out [Music] it's an hour and a half into the homecoming party and unbelievably none of the red diners have received an entree stupid cows oh [ __ ] hell hey have you finished dessert Chef This Is Us Kevin Stan desserts all of you come in here yes yeah hey guys get on a sexual you please yes yes oh add insult to injury rub salt and wool what just happened come on please the duck yes chef where's the cabbage come on garage go Keith and Garrett they just got all quiet none of you working as a team where's the lamb sauce come on man I just need it right here's coming up there's just nothing coming together right here Chef thank you very much I'll [ __ ] off you you fat useless sack of [ __ ] Yankee danky Doodle shine [ __ ] five four three two two one get it on the whole place tortellini production simplest dish yourself that's the only thing that was running through my head how badly I screwed up and why did I listen because I didn't hear what the third item was and I was like we're gonna lose when Garrett brought the three plates out and the girls had two I was like yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes we got it so blue team tortellinis sadly no sauce may I speak no tortellini may I speak may you speak may you stand up straight stop acting like yourself no no let's cut the [ __ ] [ __ ] will you just stand up straight and at least look like a [ __ ] cook yes chef do I slouch and slurb until it is like some big fat [ __ ] slob who do you think you're talking to he doesn't want to get a street fight with me trust me [Music] he's lucky that I find a thing saying I wouldn't I would never touch anybody here can I have one [ __ ] scallops and a [ __ ] deeply cured capellini let's go this is right this time okay you say the pasta and you tell me first check and we're rolling let's go we can do it is it cooked or not okay yes let's go that cute looks undercooked no it's not cooked not cooked oh my God why'd you throw that away Melinda just put it back on the stove put a lid on top and 30 seconds cooking it what'd you do you just trash it straight away Belinda she had that deer in the headlight look and that'll kill you look at all this [ __ ] putting all this in the bin how many portions are you putting in there how much is in the bin look look what book is this hey Madam how much capellini are you throwing away look at it what are you doing Melinda what are you doing you're making me mad [ __ ] mad stuff that girl gonna lead us to destruction she's stupid man Matt monkfish is wrong yeah Chef fix it yeah Christina Well spotted you keep it in the [ __ ] kitchen [ __ ] it again Roar monkfish came up raw raw raw raw all right come on Maddie I just feel like you know I have to watch that's every move no I was like come on we've done this a lot of time it's raw in the middle Matt yes chef how can you do that to her shut up already [ __ ] sake tastes the [ __ ] good that's what counts Matt was Matt we're kind of you know as soon as he gets yelled at he's mumbling under his breath to Chef I'm doing my best I can't stand here and let that go right yeah sure too [ __ ] important what the [ __ ] I'd be interested on my thunder I look at Matt and I'm just like bro what are you talking about come on let me concentrate concentrate baby shut up [ __ ] useless shut up what the [ __ ] is going on hey hey come here sorry listen to me hey [ __ ] face come here I said yeah would you mind [ __ ] shutting the [ __ ] up just [ __ ] concentrate yeah how long you got on there too two minutes on the first result I'm almost done are you on risotto how long on risotto how long this I just told you how am I gonna risotto Janae hello I'm asking Janae for [ __ ] times and I'm not getting any answers 45 seconds Janae you heard me dude shut up Scotland 2 is lost it how long right now walking Chef I got you right here walking come on ladies [Music] smash all of you all of you yes yes yeah taste that quick it's like baby food it's mush today is overcooked yes sir not by two minutes but by 10 minutes yes sir come on please tonight I'm ready sir stay ready I'm walking Lobster behind with the lobster tails how fast it is hey yes sir come here Sue too much liquid it's too soupy and the monster's Raw ladies who cooked the lobster I did chef [ __ ] like I why why why hey too much Sunshine what's the matter with you girl sorry chicken ready fast and chicken right are you good it's cooked enough it's cooked it all right dude are you genius second opinion yeah second opinion second opinion it's I don't know if he would take that back no he kicked that back are you serious that [ __ ] shouldn't go in the window no way in hell man Barrett how long not yet I'm dragging the chicken nothing's coming out I'm checking in I've got raw chicken here it's for my wife hey for Chef changed his wife pink chicken raw fish people could survive undercooked meat you can cook it more like it's not gonna kill you [ __ ] raw chicken will [ __ ] kill you Chef James's wife is pregnant oh my gosh I can't even look at Chef James in the yard he's like a triple black belt and Taekwondo this dude could probably [ __ ] me up right now my family and James's family red team red team take over let's go move salmon John Dory Philly Wellington yes with food finally leaving the kitchen all Chef Ramsay wants why aren't we going with this table I'm coming up with this Chef is to keep it going all of you that's the [ __ ] come here you as well with your bird this is why I'm pissed off touch that that's [ __ ] raw and that's [ __ ] what look at the color of it well I'm asking a question hey I'm asking you a question what is it it's overcomed Matt seems to be like a five-year-old trapped in a 35 year old's body he doesn't know when to stop sorry Chef oh please don't touch me I have a migraine oh can you [ __ ] yeah I need the ticket here let's go next because again just yelled at it [ __ ] idiot come here what did you say there you're busy getting what no dad you just give me you just give me overcooked meat overcooked [ __ ] food for his stuff in it overcooked now you're saying I'm getting yelled at what is it my fault because everyone else fell behind I'm a big team player I just don't have team players around me well don't start getting [ __ ] smart me with me when we're standing [ __ ] why did you put me in this [ __ ] I can't [ __ ] concentrate anymore Mac started to go down hardcore what the hell put a hot plate here I'm McBride send me home I need a vacation already something really is going fruity inside of his brain you guys are [ __ ] bunch of losers what's going Matt what's going two of those one filet one lamb and fish salmon no no that's right I agree no he's got a migraine look hey look at that Scott [Applause] it's not funny I got a medicine all right I'll work with it he's got a migraine come here a minute let me just tell you something if you've had a migraine I've had one ever since you walked in here two minutes ago you completely forgot I got no feeling your hands yeah come here go upstairs the doorman lie down yes lie down I want to work through it get out [ __ ] get out I've got a migraine [ __ ] off [ __ ] useless piece of [ __ ] what are you waiting on 34 yeah [ __ ] come in here come in here how long are we waiting 20 30 minutes I've been actually waiting 32 minutes tell me your [ __ ] team [Music] come here [ __ ] all of you you think this is a joke no Chef I don't we're dying we'll take 34's [ __ ] appetizers and you come in and laugh at her what's funny nothing Chef do you want to go no Chef I don't can you tell your team to hurry up let's go team I'm ready hey it's not so funny now is it can you do it I'm working them right now already Monique's struggles on garnish has the lady's first order of wellingtons and lamb dying at the pass let's go Moe the chef Liam gone so Wellies I'll be tasting your garnish yeah Chef I've been tasting [Music] all right [ __ ] raw hey there's nothing worse than the bitter raw eggplant yeah it's just solid it's just solid look Sasha oh yes oh [ __ ] oh yes oh no is anyone engaging yes sir driver there oh [ __ ] who the [ __ ] left this race on here guys what is that it's bird rice Chef who put that on there I don't know Chef sorry Chef I forgot about it [ __ ] useless Jen burnt the rice it was sitting on my station all she had to do was say hey I'm putting this rice here get out get it out and get to the door get out I'm not [ __ ] around now get out I completely forget that I put that rice out come on petrosa behind you let's Coke salmon yeah good that's nice to cook that salmon [Music] touch more salmon garnish please yeah sure let's go [Music] yeah anything piping off [ __ ] ah [ __ ] no stopping looks stupid like some thick cow yeah sure [ __ ] site Christina the handle was over the flame the [ __ ] handles over the stove at least say something to somebody yeah yeah now you're just acting like a [ __ ] idiot yes Chef Ryan's able to spurring Bad by Christina today I know he was pissed oh Christina over there messing up for real [ __ ] me it's not burn the chef I am [ __ ] serious now if up handle is over the [ __ ] flame say something will you please yes sure one more time let your [ __ ] finish I just burned Chef Ramsay that's really not cool my mistake not gonna happen again trust me garnish please coming right now Chef coming chef [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm getting [ __ ] here again what's Chef Ramsay burned himself twice you can smell his skin all across the room burning I'm like damn hey look come here look [Music] look you know you're not even [ __ ] telling me he poured water on the handle of the pot and it sizzled it was really hot that's unbearable now I was just like oh [ __ ] now I think you're doing on purpose to [ __ ] wind up hey you're doing it really well because I'm getting [ __ ] off if a pan handle is over the [ __ ] flame say something will you please yeah sure wake up wanna keep it flowing I don't want no gas Chef Banks is back and uh I do the damn thing from the beginning to [ __ ] end so don't play me where's the beef sauce sauce yeah it brings me the [ __ ] thing hey come on he said you got it you got it Zach this is your plate you did not tell me it had sauce on it bring the beef bring the [ __ ] sauce but it'll make me scream till the end of service you'll say hey why is this upset because it hasn't registered yet what the [ __ ] like I I gotta watch everything Chef Anthony does because apparently you don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing hey all of you Chef all of you just come here yeah hurry up just touch that he's going to touch it first oh yeah got it going hey Anthony he can't tell you the source you can't [ __ ] boil it for me and it's Stone Cold oh my God are you kidding me we were ahead what the [ __ ] happened I'm dying on a fillet wake the [ __ ] up all right at this [ __ ] level of the game I don't expect gold sauce when you bring your filet why is your sauce in your mind we'll catch up us over here I'm thinking it's going to get that sauce do yourself Anthony how are you forget to heat up sauce I'm not putting all my sweat all my hard work all my ideas onto a plate for you to [ __ ] it up with cold sauce can hear you yeah story of your [ __ ] life you have no idea hey she's running the section yet she has no idea what's going tell her Chef uh too well in terms one medium one medium rare a land medium well let me I'm sorry land medium rare two land medium two chickens two chickens I do chicken and lamb two Wellington two chicken one lamb one [ __ ] Dory what religious medium the rest is [ __ ] normal yeah unlike us what's going Madam I have no idea you have no idea I have no idea [Music] [ __ ] off [Music] get that [ __ ] camera out of my face under air what's going oh dear [Music] just relax the only thing he wants from you is to come back you need to fight back if you don't you're finished this is the hardest most difficult most up and down thing I've ever ever done in my entire life it's just been out of [ __ ] control all night there's no communication with anybody and I just haven't recovered do you want to stay yes I want to [ __ ] it stay I've been through too much hell right now to [ __ ] leave absolutely so give it to Gordon it's just a reminder of how difficult it's been and how much how much I just want this so bad so now you need to be strong go back in there and give it your best shot go on then I put everything I have into this every day and I just had to go in there and fight for the rest of it right what's going two chicken two lamb one Wellington one Dory thank you back in the kitchen now wake up Andrea yes chef Dory salmon lamb Wellington two minutes come here just come here why are you put the bacon inside the Dory this is crisp it up Chef real quickly what's the bacon with for the scallops so why don't you put in with the Dory supposed to allergic to bacon you can send somebody to the hospital on the back of that are you ready oh come on you're right that's a [ __ ] ride get the bacon out yeah I [ __ ] up but you know what I know in my heart I got it I'm a bull come on Mr bacon man while Robert tries again on the John Dory Chef Ramsay is counting on Giovanni on the meat station to get out the first entree of the night what is that Giovanni's best hi Ben Jeff is that like a chewed up bit of chicken from the dog here that's your special yeah have a word with him yeah he's given up take all the garnish back do whatever you wish with it your special has now become not very special thanks to dick face there hurry up Giovanni yeah but I'm Not Dead Space Chef yeah say that again I said I'm not dick yeah you're pissed are you that last [ __ ] look at me look at me guys not as pissed as I am you [ __ ] are donkey now boy oh boy cause right now I don't give a [ __ ] big face an emotional person but he can get my face all he wants he will not break me you're sending [ __ ] and you're trying to get away with it now I'm ready for an argument sending me that you should be ashamed dude he just wants you to pop off and you want to get all sensitive oh yeah oh [ __ ] hey look at me look at me you said me [ __ ] like that take your jacket and [ __ ] off yes chef I'm not sending that [ __ ] that wasn't angry at him I was hanging around myself it was just I was boiling inside and and he said something to me that's a well done one and look at me I don't give two foxy to get upset with me this is not personal this is professional I'm sorry this one's a piece of [ __ ] now pull it back yes chef big face right bench get on me with Giovanni on there together man don't worry about the Wellington I got the rest
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 5,506,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell’s kitchen, hells kitchen us, hells kitchen uk, gordon Ramsay, hells kitchen, Ramsay hells kitchen, hell's kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen best moments, hells kitchen funny moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen best moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen funny, Hell’s Kitchen insults, where’s the lamb sauce, lamb sauce, hells kitchen official
Id: z5E3xXA_4A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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