Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 17, Episode 14 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen all-stars Chef Ramsay invited all-star athletes to cook with the all-star chefs in the first black jacket challenge grab a whisk out of Robin and NBA Hall of Famer Reggie Miller quickly found their groove and Millie was blown away it's goodbye Heisman Trophy winner Ricky Williams skills in the kitchen yeah at judging thanks Robyn and Reggie scallops what the they say you say earned them a place on the podium is now out Milly and Ricky's sea bass three ways scored big does it beat Robin and Reggie yes it does yes but Michelle and WNBA star Candace Parker that's cooked professional hit the game-winner with their sea bass and uni pasta Michelle and Candace congratulations [Music] in the first black jacket dinner service Hell's Kitchen this did it milli got the all-stars off to a shaky start High Times burning oh my god but when the smoke clear mini delicious thank you so it was Robin who struggled to deliver on garnish I come in and then tried to shift the blame to Chef Ramsay I'm sorry misunderstood what did you just say to me at elimination Chef Ramsay called up Robin aunt Milly and things turned a bit ugly Hayley you don't help out when people ask help so if I need to hire honest in there busting [ __ ] out my face no dog judging me or something else in and ain't got nothing to do with cooking you trippin enough Chef Ramsay ultimately eliminated Robin ending her dream of becoming the head chef at Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen restaurant at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen all-stars get out of it yes sir Milly yes sir listen to you listen to me you have so much talent you have so much strength and you have an immaculate palate you don't need to brawl you don't need to fight you're better than that I hold you better than that rise above it I will sure good night Thank You chef Chef Ramsay I thank you for the advice I need the advice now I know to be great I just have to block that out and not respond I'll probably never ever ever respond to another hater ever again [Music] [Music] Oh as if walk into the dining room I am seeing Christmas trees Christmas lights I love Christmas I love any holiday that especially when foods involved as chefs we work lots of long hours and many times we never get to enjoy the holidays properly and seen it has you the final four I've got these lovely gifts over now Michelle I got for you your sister Lizzie your nephews Dana and Julian I have pictures of my nephews in my pocket and I look at them every night [Music] huh it's hard not to get choked up when you see your nine-year-old nephews I mean oh yay you're here Benjamin I got your wife Rosana and your daughters Anna and Ella oh my god enjoy come on go grab a seat they're so cute there's no cute beautiful right Nick your husband Michael and your mum team yes last time I was here my family did not get to come out because I got eliminated the day before you guys got to come this time this time it's a whole different story they're here I'm killing it it's awesome mini Hayes your girlfriend tisha and your son pepper peppers here he's been talking about pepper I live I know he's with me so much pepper daddy got you across the country like Oh daddy go woof with you like I miss you I miss you - I miss hey red even I can't birth to you great you know great on the challenges service I've been killing at the last couple services this is my dream and my family supports me for that they're definitely why I'm fighting every moment to make the finals don't do it I know pepper now for 18 months nine months in his mom's stomach nom once point of planet Earth daddy is he I didn't even been going in long he got an extra two he crawled it like he making progress in so I gotta make progress in oh I got to write on a helicopter yesterday really yeah I really wish I was there the hardest thing of doing Hell's Kitchen is to stay focused but we all got to remember family that's the prize hello look at that smile please say goodbye we have a busy day ahead of ourselves bye guys Piper oh my god yeah well there's no better gift than family I did get you some presents as well Wow Michelle yes look at those four amazing boxes which one would you like I will represent the team I used to be on and take the red present the red president yes right I'm pretty sure there's ingredients in these boxes I'll go with gold chef's please close Thank You chef I'm just hoping I don't get stuck with an ingredient that I don't want I'm gonna go with the silver with the blue Wow so my mind is definitely turning right now happy holidays I want you all to come up with a dish that screams holidays now make three incredible portions you don't have 45 minutes your time starts now let's go I feel like everybody in this kitchen is supposed to be here so now it's just time to rise above the rest get into the finals and win this competition great Milly what's on the menu green bean casserole lobster mac and cheese lobster mac and cheese Nick what's going through your mind peppercorn crusted filet my husband loves peppercorns on everything so good Benjamin describe your dish please I'm gonna do a chestnut stuffing on the salmon bring a little flavor out with the cabbage my mom has made braised cabbage every holiday since I was a kid that's as holidays that gets to me Michelle hi cooking the venison I'm going to sear it and baste it with holiday flavors all of the flavors great Milly yes sir that looks very homely Milly yes sir I'm a little scared familiar right now this is maybe a little too casual this is not the buffet this is Hell's Kitchen just in the full minutes yes yeah coming down to the wire I'm jammed up on time I got him please lots of mac and cheese zucchini corn breeze smash chosen gravy green bean casserole and saute stir those five things three plates that's 15 [ __ ] items 5 4 3 2 1 and stuff guys well done let's go who better to judge this incredible challenge than your own family members edge with wife Rosana shell sister Lizzie mixed mum cheek and Minnie's girlfriend and tisha an elite panel of judges as you see please take a seat thank you my wife is a former chef she's worked at four-star James Beard restaurants dammit I know that my wife's gonna be super tough let's bring out our first fish please they said Vincent loin now chefs a peep out of any of you guys instant disqualification understood yes ladies please dig in Bon Appetit now does that venison pop does it melt in your mouth no soon rare good taste flavor the t-shirt all she know how to do is eat she's no fool she can't cook I like it it kind of mind some people like a little forest with the deer running quiet in the background the flavors they're definitely festive Christmas Eve great Lizzie my sister and I are pretty close so I'm like mentally trying to tell her like sisters bond it's my dish sister it's my dish little rarer than I would usually eat slightly under but I would eat that whole thing right now there's number two please this is an incredible peppercorn and crusted filet mignon I was cooking for my husband and not my mom so I have no idea what to expect from her the pier adds a little salty noise a little salty yeah yeah I think I'm like a little rare for my taste it's just a little bit overcooked for you to me yes interesting right I like mine a little more medium-rare to rare my mom is loving being able to teach on everyone's food and she thinks she's a star it is a little saucy but I think the potatoes balance it out does it scream holidays interesting right number three the chestnuts crusted salmon I guess it's holiday yeah I love this all goes together well it'd be something I would order in a restaurant I think the salmon is a little drier summers little dry oh yeah it is good though Rosanna please Rosanna please like my dish if the colors are little miracles with Benjamin wife is killing his dish and I love it fourth and final dish I love stir tale mac and cheese the lobster was a little chewy but it had a good flavor big portion the flavors are all good it looks a sea for me yeah you know damn well that's how you eat on the holidays don't act like that Nick mom liked it I like Lobster yeah Letitia nominate your top two dishes no more wine the beef yes I'm the second one no mercy and the salmon gene salmon in the venison salmon and the venison we'll see after this if I'm gonna cook a play for her Lizzie top to definitely the venison and in the salmon venison and the salmon venison and the steak oh my god everybody but my wife seems to like my dish we're tied it's between the venison and the salmon I brought you in to make sure that I can have to make this decision I brought you in to make sure that I didn't have to make this decision in today's holiday dish challenge the chef's family members have judged all four dishes and are deadlocked between Michele's venison and Benjamin's salmon the decision now falls to Chef Ramsay who will break the tie the individual who cooked the dish that I think has all the technical attributes of a festive dish is Benjamin thank you say goodbye to our loved ones quick you can go give them a hug oh boy I haven't like all out won the challenge yet so it feels amazing everybody seemed to enjoy except my wife look after pepper will you please Benjamin congratulations Thank You chef today I've arranged a big surprise for you you can spend some quality time with an incredible three mission-style chef me I'll take a scenic drive through the canyon to one of my favorite spots Saddle Peak Lodge in my Ferrari Benjamin go get changed see you shortly Thank You chef congratulations rights Wow we have a big dinner service tonight this tree and Christmas their court needs to go but before that as I was coming in this morning I noticed our health kitchen SUVs have got rather dirty so I need those things absolutely cleaned vacuum detail we'll call you when they're ready man I was so close to winning this challenge why didn't your mom vote for my dish no ask her she did [ __ ] over mine 90 more seconds on that venison and I would have won good job man I knew teas was gonna vote for you because she only know what venison is ah [ __ ] feels good this is like a once-in-a-lifetime experience to have my idol talk to me and hang out in his Ferrari and that that means the world you know I'll even admit it like I think I have a huge crush on Chef Ramsay hopefully you know this is a precursor of future to come you know that's let's go guys have a go one thank you for jump in please hey guys watch the water please yeah especially the car cold thank you yes look at this seriously oh my gosh are we ready rawr really what are you Helen Keller what who taught you how to [ __ ] scrub the shits streaky let's go my soap trouble I don't know who taught these people how to properly wash a car because they suck so yeah thanks a lot mom let's not e be at the car wash in Philly like when you come out the car wash they be like this [Music] did you scratch it yeah it looks kind of okay goodbye [Music] no that's amazing I'm sad things going I feel like I'm a step behind first of all cooking is absolutely spot-on it's the only thing you need Nath employs yes yep conviction and put them in their place yes please right now it's totally surreal Gordon Ramsay is one of my idols he is an amazing chef he's an amazing businessman it was an amazing family guy he is the wittiest funniest person I know I truly love Chef Ramsay I couldn't really ask for much more yeah who do you think your biggest competition is right now always on the prize probably Michelle I think yeah she's tough I think she is very talented she's a very intelligent but sometimes she gets flustered yeah if I win the competition I would like to stay with you I proved I proved over the next year two years that I deserve to stay with you yeah [Music] it's place amazing you can hit full no chef I haven't been here amazing settle peak lines peaceful beautiful the spend time with chef and a Ferrari shooting down Malibu mountains it was amazing let's let's jump in nothing else matters right now my families in the past today's in the past it's just me and Chef Ramsay how you doing table for two please I'll show you right to the table back you very much ladies hello I couldn't think of a more fitting array of guests to join you for lunch good to see you enjoy thank you thank you wait wait where are you going you see that guy has a hat on they've been so many surprises in this competition but this is easily my favorite I'm glad you guys were able to come out daddy almost didn't make it mom didn't vote for him [Music] gotta save room for dessert don't eat too many french fries okay I wish that work for me this one is your main focus so all the bowls now you wrap the balls yeah but I put them here okay okay and then you need to take down the tree oh my god no more punishment catch keep your Falls out of my face no yo star dam All Stars All Stars season 14 is gonna be the finality let's be honest how cool would that be it's gonna happen us three did not have a bad dinner service no let's make a sweet from the season 14 hell yeah it's coming on you run the kitchen or it runs you yes yep when Michelle makes a surprising mistake Michelle guess I need land sauce this is duck sauce oh my bad come on Michelle seriously I need that jus right now it's not hot what is she prepared to do to make it into the finale come on Michelle you got to speed it up Michelle spinach is too salty Michelle are you sabotaging Reinier see chef open Hell's Kitchen please let's carry it up [Music] the dining room is abuzz with hungry guests and VIP diners beautiful all eager to have dinner prepared by the all-star Final Four thank you tonight the all-star chefs face their most critical tests so far they will each take a turn running the pass yes Chef Ramsay will test their attention to detail leadership and quality control Oh show me that you want to be in the finals yes yeah when each chef takes their turn at the pass sous chef Christina will cover their station delivering surprise sabotages designed to keep them on their toes and the first chef to run the pass this evening will be Benjamin on the hot plate please let's guys chef Christina appetizers please you run the kitchen or it runs you yes you look for top in table 31 we have two risotto two carbonara one tartare yes yes right tonight's service is do or die it's gonna be really hard but knowing that I have the support of my wife and my children to follow my dreams I can't ask for anything more I just gotta go out there and perform at the highest level possible Hey are we ready in the carbonara - risotto chef 30 seconds Thank You chef Benjamin's first test is a carbonara made with spaghetti instead of fettuccine chef the pastas wrong I'm spaghetti well-spotted well what is Benjamin hot spaghetti instead of fettuccine that's no surprise I'm glad you can tell his pasta shapes refire brief are thank you sorry about that Chef Benjamin is off to a strong start running the pass and directing his brigade second nice and composed stay on it Benjamin I think Hell's Kitchen is kind of a microcosm of life do you have all these things that you have to overcome I need a little bit longer it's not done yet good it welcome and you put your head down you just fight every single day every moment you can win viewers know Habanera scallop how long glibness garlic's to smell in the match for code I need 15 seconds chef 15 Rousso down between your plates chef for the next quality control sabotage chef Kristina has adding carrots to the risotto instead of butternut squash Thank You chef yeah boo that we shabby top look at the color of the dice carrots aren't they come on come on Japanese acara these aren't butternut squash how did I miss that parents go look at me I have to taste everything absolutely over every little detail except that last risotto yes back on the appetizers yeah I like right Millie yes yeah over please sure I want to see an upgrade from season 14 remember last time you sit here yes sure you know how differ it is yes yeah two halibut one Wellington there's only three entries we can secure faster last line of defense yes you watch everything yes sir this is the biggest dinner service of my life I got an Ellie this for my family and it's for my boys on the line I'm not going to chop down chef Dean you have an order for you she's a four-top okay later Porter Millie's first test is already in his hand an improperly written ticket from Marino the entrees are gonna be two salmon one lobster Wellington and one beef wellington and there's a special request no pork on this on this ticket okay is no deal course yes what do you mean [ __ ] is happening just make sure there's no pork touching none of the on trees oh my god hey we can't do the weddings we know poor [ __ ] I made a mistake this is it we need another order because we can't do the beef wellington yeah hey wake up wake up it's like your piece of an ode oh you [ __ ] idiot hey focus yes sir I'm 100% focused and I gotta turn up bad I'm talking like literally like I'm coming I'll keep the wheels going I can't make a mistake again Benjamin carbonara needs more salt please well-spotted lots to tell Cristina no I need them right now for Sam please sorry chefs go on gently gently Cristina please let's go no way Kristina yes shrimp I need to lots of tells right now well sponsors Milly spots the prawns instead of lobsters what's the big deal that should not be a hard one I saw the fronds go go go after a bumpy start Milly has rebounded delivering entrees to hungry diners andis now looking to Michelle to keep up the pace on garnish that's it thanks oh you fake straight straight what's up please my own little bit more salt more so bang yeah taste it Michelle I did taste it your shop worked in the garnish station right now it's really hard because we're moving fast and you know right now I'm just like pump and garnish out there you go Thank You Michelle come get this spinach in it's too salty I'm Tom edition sorry is [ __ ] but one all the gun is in the same [ __ ] time yes I need it right now Michelle get me right now come on Michelle you got to speed it up you gotta speed up Michelle if she's not this thing well she's out to sabotage Michelle look at me are you sabotaging it's over an hour into dinner service and the black jacket chefs are taking turns running the pass and with Milly currently in charge his biggest issue so far is Michelle's garnish she's oh she's out to sabotage Michelle look at me are you sabotaging sorry Millie my bag I'm not about trying to sabotage people that's not how I work I'm gonna be a team player until we get here's your refire spinach Thank You sorry about that I sped up go silent today when they slow you need to tell them change [ __ ] gear yes Michelle one bit of carrots one bit of guy nothing completes yes sir okay back on the fish please let's go heard it I feel green I feel like I did a better job in this challenge than I did on Hell's Kitchen 14 Michelle hand over to Christina please yes sir I'm concerned you're not changing gear are you okay I'm good chef I really want to get into the finale I was this close in season 14 to making it but I'm not gonna let that happen again listen up we've got two two times walking in heard Audrey's one pork one salmon one halibut one duck hurt now that there's only four of us you can't make any mistakes because they will be magnified chef Christina I need that later you're back where do you want it left or right right here on my right hand side got it that's not spinach chef this is not spinach that's it come on Mellie yes come here this halibut is a little undercooked the other one is perfect okay Milly just like 30 more seconds in the pan please Milly herder well spotted let's go for Michelle's second quality control sabotage Chef Ramsay has replaced the New York Strip with a ribeye slice the New York Strip please quick fries come on guys please strip garnish chef come on Michelle Neil strip on the plate happy the New York Strip full or under chef more importantly what steak is that ribeye yeah yeah oh this sucks I hate going through this right now come on Michelle I knew that was wrong - will you slice this young lady just get in the game a little bit yes okay I mean come on really Michelle you are better than this service please right Nick yes yes swap with Michelle please Michelle on to meet Nick to the window please yeah right look at me you know is that a perfect service let's go right yes sir check everything young man how far is this not good enough for me I wanted to be in that finale and I want to win I'm ready to rock it how does that pork belly pork is beautiful garnishes in the window let's go forget it how the garnish thank you thank you let's go Millie the pork right away I kick for next first test Chef Ramsay has switched out the pork chop for a veal chop cooked by Chef jockey slice your protein please yes sir focus check everything Millie nicely cooked thank you stop it's veal chop [ __ ] sabotage number one I just missed I noticed that was deal eyes wide open young man to go home on something as silly as I miss veal chop it's mind-blowing to me so I'm not even gonna think about that going forward I really need to make sure everything is just perfect Benjamin yep salt that's really salt [ __ ] out corn Nick we're getting flooded now chef Christine I need those garnishes 30 seconds chefs up garnish 30 seconds right now duck garnish on your left please duck garnish let's go chef Kristina yes I need creamed leeks not creamed spinach I love that I love the idea but let's get creamed leeks oh thank you for the feedback chef Jesse right well done catching the creamed spinach Thank You chef well Michelle you got lamp honey right Michelle geshe I need lamb sauce this is duck sauce oh my bad oh Jesus Christ come on Michelle seriously I need harissa and that Demi please no Terry's that's for your duck this is the last thing that I need right now come on Michelle I need that Jew right now send second chef it's not hot I'm trying to get this meat station going but it's just hard when you have to jump on someone else's station and try to finish it guys don't forget my egg with my halibut please our wall come on guys pick up the speed shrimp so big how's that egg filling oh man Eric it's beautiful what is this [ __ ] [ __ ] it's over Milly show a bit of [ __ ] respect I need one more egg egg in 30 seconds let's go come on Milly come on Mellie come on we're dry balls is [ __ ] now can we poach a [ __ ] egg [Music] it's over two hours into the final black jacket dinner service that will help determine which two chefs will move on to the finals really [ __ ] I need one more egg egg in 30 seconds let's go Nick is doing a solid job running the pass but he has an extraordinary problem come on Nellie come on can we poach a [ __ ] egg come on Milly you're killing me right now Milly what is this this is [ __ ] we're all stars get it together I'm not asking for much let's go right now I'm sorry much better Milly thank you thank you service please well done really good thank you last table guys - Oliver - lobster Wellington yes yes yeah we've been pushed so hard in service tonight working the past sabotages I mean it's a lot mom Michelle where's that welly walking Chef Ramsay's trying to break us but it's not gonna happen let's go hold on Nick clear down yes yeah follow guys stove off yes yummy pretty job yo man that was a that was intense definitely the most intense dinner service I've had in both seasons listen ah what did job so bad for my girl for my kids for the hood I want all of little kids and every hood the same no longer door wouldn't be president I want to be a great chef like chef Millie listen up first of all that was tough nobody had a perfect night understand that I want all four of you to head to the dorm and come to a consensus on the chef you think deserves to be alongside you in the finale is that hurt yes get out of here do I feel safe tonight there's no way we can all just open it consensus people no not really there's definitely a season 14 connection going on million to go yeah so looking at the last challenge to get up at that pass and see if somebody can go harder than me I've got to keep it 100 I want to go at nick standing at the pass looking over he was solid if you don't go up against the best you are [ __ ] ain't nobody respects then just like if you beat up on a kid that don't want to fight you don't get no cool points for that Milly you got a lot of heart and passion you food has a ton of [ __ ] flavor nick is cool as a cucumber I know you don't cook on the line but there's times we pushed you in the kitchen and you're totally cool it's harder to judge on you because I didn't want you you're on the red team I didn't give a [ __ ] the person I want to go against I would pick Nick okay Benjamin is Benjamin he can vote however he wants but the fact of the matter is I've only worked with these guys for two dinner services so they can't really judge me kind of feel like the odd woman out right now can we move over there yeah it got a little crazy over here I really really really want to win Hell's Kitchen I was so close last time I know I can do it this time yeah I'm not gonna psyche myself out I'm not gonna let anyone else psyche me out we all are voting based on the entire season and you've only worked with me into dinner services well you said today was your worst dinner service today was my worst dinner service and then yesterday was my best nurse service yeah but you were busy yesterday yeah you weren't that busy last night how many how many fish did you pick up I don't remember those [ __ ] yesterday oh you missed the sauce on the halibut each time okay well I mean I'm just saying those are facts I don't think Michelle had really a good service tonight I thought her service was kind of poor I mean it was a [ __ ] nightmare who's your decision who are you choosing Nick wait a second last thing you just looked at it like that it's looking at each of you I mean I want to go against Nick surprise so you're you're safe Nick you got a no I'm no I don't Chef Ramsay could easily be like that's cute that you guys picked him but too bad no I don't feel safe just because three of my fellow competitors have chosen me to be the person they want to go up against doesn't make me feel safe okay Nick who you pick up any other thing for a second it's really up to Chef Ramsay an amazing journey all four of you have been very worthy competitors I am NOT looking forward to sending two of you home Milly which chef would you want to go up against in the finale I think Nick deserved to be in the final would new chef why do you think you deserve a spot in the Hell's Kitchen finale since the last time I see you and 14 I've grown so much I feel like I'm just so comfortable in the kitchen running the past working stations tonight I just can't fight and kept fighting kept fighting and I could have just kept going all night showing that I am a consummate chef Nick two words fight and composure I think that I'm the most composed chef here I think that I can handle my own I don't melt under pressure I keep fighting I just come to cook and I think I've proven that to you Benjamin which chef do you think deserves to be alongside you in the finale I don't want to cook against Nick chef I deserve to go in the finale because I'm technically sound I'm a true leader I have found my voice I can be your chef for Hell's Kitchen in Las Vegas and beyond chef I can handle the pressure and finally Michelle Chef I deserve to be in the finale because every single day I've been here I brought it I have had to overcome a lot of obstacles all the [ __ ] and the red team I'm the last woman standing because I hope my composure and I stayed true to myself I have even more to show you and if I can get into the finale I think I'm gonna blow you away with everything that I can do here Thank You chefs this is a tough one but it's time to tell you the first chef who will not be heading into the finale bears the first chef who will not be heading into the finale this Millie listen carefully first of all I'm so happy I'll give you a second chance an all-star your energy confidence and what you've got going for you now is extraordinary yeah I'm gonna do something I've never done before I want you to come and spend a week with me as a stache yes sir in my three missions thye establishments how my god and just stand in a kitchen in Chelsea the middle of London open your eyes take care of the flights accommodation leave would you like to come I will I'll be there it's been an incredible journey yes sir and I can't wait to see you in London I'll be there got it yes sir keep all of that jacket there's been the greatest experience of my life yes chef that is delicious Thank You chef I put my heart out against Hell's Kitchen All Stars Milly you'll continue go off nice menu my confidence level was cool a week I did indeed so many first-time things I went to Vegas for the first time I've never seen a cab yard by Lake I rode a horse this make a risotto he made a fritter I'm top now got the first all-star black jacket yeah Chef Ramsay I got one thing to say to you I love you I love you you've been the best bid tour you'd be the best person like the best like like a father figure like to me and I just like you period point blank I mean nothing in between I love you and I appreciate you the first chef progressing in to the finale is Nik young man let me tell you something yeah sure you have improved more than any other chef that I've invited back what have you been doing everything chef I'm trying to learn everything that you're a fast learner and it shows Thank You chef okay Benjamin Michelle I'm gonna get this done quickly the person joining Nick in the finals so time congratulations Benjamin Benjamin you've been brilliant strongest chef in the kitchen tonight assertive controlling demanding you perform like a chef Thank You chef Michelle yeah chef you've had a phenomenal journey feel proud of everything you've accomplished everything you've overcome everything you've done and stood for this was so hard for me and it was so close but I'm sorry to say you are gonna have to stay a while longer that's right the first time ever in the history of Health kitchen three chefs are going into the final you've all earned it congratulations Thank You chef get out of it thank you well thank you oh my god I literally was like an emotional roller coaster for me I don't even know how to process this right now good job I gotta kick it into like seventh gear tenth gear whatever get how many gears there are I have no idea oh my god I was like devastated for a Mundell I was started crying for you because I know how badly you fought this is so amazing I I worked my ass off this season to get here I couldn't be more proud of myself oh my god this is hard chill words how are we gonna do I don't know I'm how are you gonna do this oh my god I am in the finals I fought for my life tonight give me a tough competition but I feel like I'm the best chef here and I'm gonna prove it to Chef Ramsay Milly has had two fantastic runs in Hell's Kitchen I'm personally going to make sure that that big kind-hearted man with so much cunning passion gets the right training he deserves next time on Hell's Kitchen all-stars you three will be preparing five dishes it all comes down to this yep will do one two three nice chef I have two halibut in my venison both started it's sink or swim time we are cooking for our lives and this is it so you feel excited yes I'm very excited but only two can advance to the final showdown I am the best chef in Hell's Kitchen I'm gonna prove that to Chef Ramsay yeah I'll go with this who will rise to the occasion sending that recipe straight to Vegas yeah I can't believe that I heard Chef Ramsay say that my mind is absolutely blown and who will be left behind that's really good Thank You chef I want to start getting people out of this competition so I could freaking win it it's a very different decision but I've made it it's all next time the first person in the grand finale is on Hell's Kitchen all-stars you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 552,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise;ITV;Reality TV;Cooking;Restaurant;Celebrity chef;Gordon Ramsay;Roast;Competition
Id: LKFz_gwTn2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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