Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 17, Episode 16 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen all-stars all three of you are repenting in to the grand finale final three I feel [ __ ] amazing it was down to three chefs to battle it out for supremacy I am the best chef in Hell's Kitchen Chef Ramsay had a reward for his final three all-stars you are gonna be accompanying me at the seventh annual Californian culinary associations award ceremony this is basically a day in a life with Chef Ramsay but as the award show kicked off the winners are Michelle Triple Nick Peters and Benjamin neck okay all ready here we go something weird is about to happen Chef Ramsay had a surprise this is the start of your final challenge everything I think this competition comes out so right now I'll be go nice gentle please it was an all-or-nothing cook-off we are cooking for our lives and this is it to determine who would face off in the all-star finale not getting into the final two is not an option for me guest judges from the Caesars Entertainment Group gave the chef's high marks beautiful dish I would give Michelle a nine one of my favorites I'd give it a nine nine Thank You Benjamin I think that was a nine as well and it all came down to the final dish the first person is Michelle in second place joining Michelle in the grand valley Benjamin Michelle I'm gonna be the new chef in Las Vegas at Hell's Kitchen Michelle and Benjamin then chose their all-star brigades I'm gonna pick Jennifer right man Mele yeah Billy I think Robin Robin I kind of knew I'm gonna go before bar being at least nothing but with only two chefs remaining Michelle was left with a difficult choice I don't want Elise I don't want Barbie I'm literally stuck between a rock and a hard place so Michelle please give us the name of the final person in your Brigade heading in to tomorrow night's grand finale it's obviously a tough decision between Barbie and Elise Michelle might be better off with neither of these two chefs chef the next person I'm gonna pick on my team she has a lot of talent she's determined proud I'm gonna go with the least I'd rather Benjamin had picked maybe on his team because I probably would have given 250 percent to make sure that he had a great service which means Benjamin yeah Bobby Bobby welcome back I haven't won compartments I don't really know how she works she's kind of a wild card you know I don't know how she's gonna do but police is just bad energy just bad bad bad right Michelle Benjamin you have a lot of work cut out for you tonight yes you're back to Hell's Kitchen now get your team's up to speed because the final dinner service in Hell's Kitchen will take place tomorrow night one of you will become the head chef at the flagship Hell's Kitchen restaurant at Caesar's Palace Las Vegas with a salary of a pinch of a million dollars this is may the best chef win [Music] [Music] here's books for everyone now that both finalists have chosen their brigades more just write down the menu first it's time to review the recipes they will be cooking all right so this is the menu I'm trying to make this as easy as possible for all of us so service runs smoothly Milly you are on the meat station cool Dana you are on the fish station you always rock fish garnish for you like rock garnish that leaves at least the appetizer station the hamachi crudo it's kind of the similar plate to the salmon did you mind writing all this down so you have a checklist I really don't want to be here right now I'm not gonna purposely fail but I'm not gonna lie and say I'm feeling that overzealous I'm just gonna keep my feelings to myself and do what I have to do so everyone feel good about tomorrow yeah turn up police sound good it's your show does it sound good could I not answer her Elise is a sore loser she's a bully so I'm obviously going to back up Michelle 100% you know if I can't be in the finale I'm gonna help Michelle when we're all gonna be helping each other working together because at this point it's just like putting out the best food possible yeah I do think Elise is gonna be an issue during dinner service Michelle better have a plan B because I think she's going to need to bust that out questions on menus for tomorrow are we cool with the Thai style quail sound good yeah and then chickens gonna come off fish side fine the risotto looks really Brown right now using mushroom caps yeah it won't be that brown and be more like I mean there's nothing green on it well we can also finish with if we want scallions yeah chives inside and then scallions on top yeah yeah that's fine I feel good about my team know chef cooks by themselves in the kitchen you need to be open from criticism and feedback if you're not you're never gonna be successful and then that's it that's your menu that's it I'm feeling good about Benjamin's menu if anybody should win this thing right now it should be bad I'm about to ride a die for you brother ride or die yeah [Laughter] after a long night spent reviewing their finale menus with their teams Benjamin and Michelle already let's go begin preparing for the most important dinner service of their lives mornin morning chef we're gonna have a good day be super happy positive attitude Showtime let's do this yes chef Benjamin I'm your [ __ ] today I'm your [ __ ] let's cook and have a good time let's keep the momentum going whatever ups and downs him and I had Benjamin you gotta talk to me relax hey relax where's the pump for the skull of poison oak down because he didn't tell me yet to drop them I tell you 500 you're old you make that call come on communicate with me it's the kitchen it's always a new day today's not about me today is about Benjamin so if I were you gonna work on the puree and you wanna work on the stock the mushroom stock yeah I haven't work with Barbie before Barbie the stock yeah let's get the stock on it's right below you right sometimes like she seemed a little off bar we're not going to need a ton of puree probably two quarts you want two quarts of duxelle no no no two quarts of puree okay my strategy is to treat her with respect she doesn't want anybody talking down to her and yeah I might be the chef for the night but in her eyes we're kind of equaled too much puree okay let's do one together okay you know I learned a lot the last time I was here working with Jason you know I worked my heart out for him an oaky salad for two on the fly I got it minute half J Jason was always calm and collected but never disrespectful and that's the same thing you know I want my guys to know that you know I rely on these guys and we got to do it as a team every one of us tonight we better [ __ ] win all I'm saying what do you want me to get started working on first patty pan and the zucchini nick is basically like my right-hand man what if he did smoked sea salt that would be it you bomb right she's all care about yeah you know I have a lot of respect and Trust for everything that he does here but I can't say the same about everyone else at least what you're feeling in your station yeah what do you see me doing everybody not just you like oh you said Elise and that's exactly what I'm doing yes or no that's all I need to hear from y'all okay well that's what I'm doing is okay then yes please walking through the station with the least if she wants to have attitude that's fine I know how to deal with it because I've been dealing with it this entire season you ready at least really need to get going play set up your station whoo Michelle has this horrible habit of repeating the same thing over and over and over and over yeah set up your station you're good I was I'm setting up my station for the Thank You sixth seventh eighth tenth time you're causing yourself frustration her voice for me is like nails on a chalkboard so I'm just trying to maintain my sanity and prep butternut squash I'm just letting you know I'm fixing the sauce I'll review that you said that four times as well we shut up you shot at home if you don't like it go shut up you're [ __ ] in Michelle you're rude I'm rude no your baby don't ever tell me to shut up shut up the red team's not even in dinner service yeah they're ready to [ __ ] it started so we're just basically gonna wait till the red kitchen like crumbles tonight daddy how you are not pleased you know engage you stop there you won causing the frustration in here if you stop micromanaging everyone doing their jobs and do yours you'll probably be more successful than that at least I don't need this add-on it's not needed yes I need your attitude I do not need your attitude at least really needs to grow up she's in her 30s and she's knocking like a middle schooler is that an appropriate thing to do when someone have the night go that way I've never had rubber in your face frankly I'm kind of over her being in the red kitchen and I'm definitely worried she's gonna try and sabotage Michelle well we're a team here we're all looking out for each other we all want to win with the doors to Hell's Kitchen set to open shortly for the first ever all-star finale dinner service ladies and gentlemen we're open in 14 minutes the pantry both Benjamin and Michelle are gathering their brigades for some final words of encouragement so tonight if you need help ask for help if you are confused ask for help if you need anything ask for help okay we're a team yes chef I'm here to make you guys successful as you are guys are here to make me successful you guys feel good bang it out for the blue team oh come on baby you know you're Team Blue come on you know I believe with all my heart my team this is one of the best experiences in my life next to my children and my wife when I win it's gonna be for them I am ready to go to Hell's Kitchen sauce Vegas you got a brother who [ __ ] got this this is a really big deal so just work with me I know that I can be a little much sometimes but I'm allowed to be that way today and I need y'all every single one of you guys because I cannot do this by myself yep listen the red team stack had the blue team they're [ __ ] barbi and Robin we got this [ __ ] I ever wanted was to show Chef Ramsay what I made up show him that I can run a pass this one bring it up to me in a pot okay I know for a fact that I'm a better chef than Benjamin so I need to prove to Chef Ramsay that I am the best chef here Michelle Benjamin come here open Hell's Kitchen radio standby 1 2 3 open Hell's Kitchen [Music] it's the first-ever Hell's Kitchen all-star finale and the hottest dining room in America fills quickly of course Benjamin's wife and daughters and Michelle's sister and nephews are here to witness the most anticipated showdown of the year so the finale I think this video Thank You Murray now study the tickets get to two tops to paly fire salad two risotto hurt shucks minutes a week six minutes perfect there's a reason I put a lease on this appetizer station but simple if she's not doing well I'll know immediately at the beginning of service if I need to kick her out or not I got it I'm getting the show out the gate strong but I hope she doesn't expect that if anything happens I'm gonna be running around you need help or anything I'm good - risotto - cauliflower I'm not gonna do sabotage but mine playing captain save-a-ho neither police are here risotto here thank you aleem set delicious say thank you shut the [ __ ] up service please with a lease focused on the job at hand Michels appetizers are flying out of the red kitchen that risotto is so bad like the shrimp is so bad guys here's a yeah chef yes chef two shrimp and grits two sashimi yes hey yo menu my standards yes chef shrimp and grits how long four minutes thank you I know I made the right decision on it stations we're gonna be a working machine tonight we are gonna kill it tonight how long my team is like harmonious yes thank you how long to the past two sure food great sushi sashimi come in with your sashimi big nights standards yes yeah I'm not here to come in second place so every dish has to be perfect here we go and that puts added pressure on everybody else Jennifer come when you're ready pacing and walking tasting walking you could tell Benjamin wants this so bad and whatever Benjamin needs I'm there for him today Jennifer to see more seasoning I'm Doug you said them well spokesman I need more salt in here please hurt I don't screen uh people they want to be treated like people go but at the same time I'm still pushing them they're still trying to get as much out as I can any more salt what yeah lots of love let's go make it perfect Jennifer make it perfect Wow you know talk about being thorough wants cheese most salt I need a shrimp in grits night now Jennifer he's killing me walking with grits again talking you can play Jennifer server stick-up oh my god all right everyone listen up to hamachi two risotto great watching two of them hurry up well plates am i using for that is it in here what's this supposed to look like I have all the ingredients but I don't really know what to do with them dumper attractive the plate has like eight components on it and you know it has to be like artfully plated one piece here one piece there one standing up here one laying down here Millie you know me I need help with this cleaning do you need me to show you one yes please what you don't know already Dana Michelle can't afford to get taken off the hot plate let's go yeah I'll do one really fast with you I want to win this finale so Dana you need to pick it up and you know learn faster and get it done the last thing I drizzle on is jalapeno oil okay Chris Ottawa at least you can walk thank you have already walked hamachi where's the honky know what pain are you are you pumping oil there's some over here open your eyes that results are starting come on guys push it Nick pumper you guys good in the hamachi are you all right over there give me two minutes Jesus Christ oh we should never be held back on a cold air cuz you don't got a cook nothing Michelle yes we're in trouble 30 seconds with me move your ass bye that's never good when he pulls you into dry storage never it's only 25 minutes into the final all-star dinner service give me two minutes Jesus Christ and Dana's surprising delay on cold appetizers so yes we're in trouble that affected me as Chef Ramsay wondering why Michele is hesitant to take action move your ass this is the most important dinner service your entire life either you blow it yes okay right now this sous chef and I can't hear the voice let's go come together yes sign up a little bit come on let's go there really are no excuses I should be able to keep the kitchen in order everyone else should be following me I really need to fold the reins I'll take the hamachi right now you got it walk in with hamachi bird looks nice put it right here so I can check it so great service please thank you all right next ticket Dana you got two hamachi points working yep perfect countdown on your next ticket hurt with Michelle once again pushing her brigade service please appetizers are now flowing out of both kitchens that's perfect thank you and are receiving a stamp of approval from some very important guests pretty good is it really good yep what are it for top two risotto two octopus Barbie countdown at six okay speed Bobby let's go let's do two risottos together okay right watch your pay up we're all working like a team right now so we want to keep this one that up so Barbie up on ABS cut a little bit I am probably the least experienced on the hot at station I work hot apps once watch out watch out chef where the mushrooms oh I probably should have told him and parmesan nice parmesan it needs to be cooked a little bit longer too but it's good okay you're doing good I don't want to do a bad job for Benjamin I know he didn't choose me but Venice treating me with a lot of my respect that I ever got from anyone on a red team he wasn't the one that she going home though who do you think she don't know Barbie guess it's a good thing chef didn't think it for us in the end I want Benjamin wet over here please Barbie beautiful thank you server stick-up here we go chef what's wrong is this the way you want it yes it's a finishing bra it's the same profits in the risotto they say that is a little too too watery for me I will I'll replay the Porta Rita reef honor your reflexes at least can you require two risotto they just didn't like the broth around it can you get rid of these for me there are two guests in the dining room that weren't appreciative of the broth so if they don't want the broth on it that's fine I'll refire it and I won't put any on how long on those to refire risotto in a minute oh okay less than a minute I cook some perfect risotto then it comes back because Michelle like pork broth on it way to go Michelle I guess I'll remake those perfect risotto for you don't [ __ ] them up again that's perfect at least perfect I'll try being able to work with somebody like Ali's that's where you show you're a leader get her Michelle at least keep rocking those risottos gotcha I love the control yes sir they make a game to disturb you just to make sure that everything is of your liking yes happy I think it's the season well I think it's great okay whatever these off they go good bass too bad to be hey let's go chef I got your two police beautiful Robin thank you so much I feel like I belong in the past I feel like that's where my leadership stands up Thank You Jennifer and because of that we're coming out of the gates flying oh [ __ ] look you'll see best again I mean seriously cook the [ __ ] food right the first time you know Jennifer yes I need to pick up this bass I needed to go Rizzoli it for another couple of minutes let's go let's go Rizzoli let's go quickly quickly quickly slit baste it baste it baste it cook them through okay yes get killed here I'm in the weeds right now and it sucks cuz you know you want to do so well for Benjamin I just need to focus and redeem myself my bass is ready chef let's walk let's walk walking walking let's go let's go Sebastian Chuck you're dressing no way kook that can roll are you [ __ ] kidding me can't happen like this come on yes it is this one's wrong van I'm in need new garnish Robin I'm Wendy these kept warm Benjamin we are falling apart young man oh yeah they're not falling apart [Music] it's one hour into the dinner service that will see either Michelle or Benjamin win the all-star season of Hell's Kitchen can't happen like this come on yes it is this one's wrong man I may need new garnish Robin lndeed these kept warm Benjamin we are falling apart young man we need some stun demonic Jennifer let's go [Music] I love Jen but you know what hurry the bukka cook fast how long a minute chef oh really long come on I'm minutes chef Mitchell II passed away and it to a pass chef chef it's very close in to the window in three minutes I won't prove to Chef Ramsay that I can bounce back whatever if Michael Brigade does no matter what happens I'm gonna push I'm gonna serve the best food possible okay back to the past walking walk walk there pass filet yes very nice Jennifer very nice Jennifer server stick up you know that's saying that you learn more from your failures then you learn from your successes that's true Jennifer come on keep this up hey let's go Michelle Michelle I got four chickens all day Chuck mitt one three four three salmon three chicken three steak three salmon three chicken three steak I need about six minutes good three salmon three chicken three steak huh what'd you just say we're not doing a nine top hey hey I know he's not my kitchen but I'm gonna tell you something we're not doing a [ __ ] nine top okay come on Nick wait have you ever uh Chef Ramsay call an own table sorry no no I'm telling you I'm calling as no yeah she's not gonna tell you but I'm gonna [ __ ] step in and tell you no you're not doing a nine top so you can throw all out like a [ __ ] buffet congratulations Benjamin get some [ __ ] finesse and just tighten up a little bit guys your menu my standards tell you the quality is not there and we stand around shower three salmon three New York Strip has sixth up a nine top you seen how hard we work together six out we're not good food outta nine top we're going to chef we all make mistakes just because Nick called out the ticket that wasn't on fire doesn't mean I'm not in control of the kitchen is that what you want no he's firing it three Simon three New York Strip I'm my apology chef sorry newsflash Nick you lost yesterday okay it's not you today okay let's stop sell this table regroup and we'll go on okay no show we have a new fire guys two bass two lamb two beef yeah sure pull your proteins get an extra one on Robin yes chef ain't playin today guys I feel pretty confident being on this meat station no in order to get my black jacket I cook the lamb loin I'm confident cooking fillets chef I got your two fillets I'm slicing your lamb right now chef thank you yeah Robin I need to play a little bit longer it's rare yeah shot how you doing Robin I'm not happy Robin talks big game about how she can cook some meat and the next thing you know she's sitting up raw meat she cray-cray oh my [ __ ] god he thinks we're [ __ ] [ __ ] him pray pray probably keep it pan hot voter has to be frothy drizzle a rissole where's Mikey basting it okay hey check the filets they look scorched I'm good you burn their card that's how that's coming in you gotta cook them on a lower flame you have more going yeah can I walk know how long for Table one please Ola Table one I want beef Robin I had five minutes where's the meat Robin this is the wrong dinner service meets Lola this is a finale this is all stars I commit it's not the standard she's absolutely [ __ ] flatlined when she starts making you look bad like that I'm going to be so come on come on Robin fight back Robin you need anything a valium I don't dress this is embarrassing I just leo I don't even [ __ ] know we're doing right now it's always unfortunate when you have to let someone go but unfortunately Robin needs to step away from the meet Robin how long I'm working okay hey young lady touch the piece touch it no tell me dawn it's it's under chef you know it is yeah sure to sabotage him no chef I would never stab a cottage him there was a [ __ ] shap oh really yes chef I don't want to [ __ ] him I'm not here to sabotage it right you don't care oh my god I'm not gonna answer any more questions why not because everything I say is wrong chef Arsen what you did was right sorry chef to beat let's go get me a radio please apologize to 2104 please come on guys we gotta get this out how long filets how long in this place just get him hot just get him okay the thing is if I yelled it Robin she would have been floated she doesn't handle that well and I did not want Robin to fall apart I need Robin to bounce back I got two different feels this one was the one I think that one's good okay that's what he's a little bit longer to get these going right now Dana yes cook that for 30 more seconds her skin side down face it crazy butter working out much the past you have to stay focus you have to know what you're doing right now you have to know what you're doing next Nick three minutes on gardeners in the next year and you have to know what everyone else is doing after this in salmon chicken New York go ahead and get that started okay you don't want to go right would it I don't want to be start stop start stop so get going on the next table yes chef thank you I'm working my absolute hardest to make sure that I'm doing everything I can to keep this kitchen in order yeah make sure I get everything up at the same time please open up keep the rhythm because I want to make sure that we keep our momentum going we need to keep rolling yes because I need my team to stay strong so our dinner service stay strong right now it's beautiful it's ready chef good yes okay thank you all right two minutes on the next ticket let's go lamb beef behind chef coming out behind that's perfect thank you lamb chef it's not great enough is it hot it's not rooster no it's this late cold and [ __ ] Robin this lamb is not warm Robin just came up with beef has cooked perfectly but now the lamb and it's cold like what the [ __ ] man the pan let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go bhai hey young lady I know you've given up I haven't I have not given up chef get in the pan there's a lane right now again young lady young come here one minute did you just put the lamb into the pan where the bee came out of yes because it was hot oh my god the one thing that there is never a shortage of in-house kitchen our saute pan Benjamin come here I thought we were gonna try our best to make Benjamin look good not embarrass you just put yes ma'am for this next table into the pan that you just cook the beef from just heated up cuz the pan was already hard and hot butter in it chef I want to know how you stick the lamb inside the beef Pat that down the hammer lies the spice and I walk it out you just put it's a lamb for this next table into the pan that you just cook the beef from the heat off because if ham was already hard had hot butter in it chef the spice and I thought get out I don't want to get off please chef get out are you kidding me are you guys [ __ ] kidding me right now Chef Ramsay kicked Robin out and I fully agree with him 100% Jeff Jackie how long two lamb one beat two minutes you know the next thing I'm doing it is like most [ __ ] let's get this food out you know just cuz she's not here and she's out of the kitchen still have [ __ ] guests to feed cinema standing on up lamb on your right let's go let's go this is not how I want to last in a service to be chef Benjamin Chi please come in and finish service please no we don't need you thank you Allstars is about Redemption let me back in chef like let me back in I want to come back into fish with my team chatter team is it it's Benjamin's team Porter you ask him if you want you back in here then Benjamin let me finish strong for you I didn't mean to [ __ ] you let me finish strong for you I want you to win no more mistakes jump on with Barbie now I could see it in her eyes that she wanted it she wanted it just as much as I did I'm here I want to work come on that's it I had respect to Robyn for that but she didn't want to give up on me let's go it's our last ticket guys two lamb one beef one bass got you come on Robin don't give up on me let's go never last table let's go to bass to New York and then we're good these last two tickets have to be perfect we need to end on a strong note y'all got it yes all right too bad chef's to your right very nice Jennifer 15 seconds get that lamb on let's walk let's walk walking garnish walking right here I'm chef behind here right with fast yes come on baby you got this homie all right must be good I'm super grateful for everyone on my team for trying their absolute hardest today thank you so much no matter what happens I'm you know super proud of myself for making it to the finale I got further than I did in season 14 and I wish Benjamin the best of luck he was a great competitor he really brought it and challenged me a lot here in Hell's Kitchen you know the vegetable store is the lime as good as that he makes it at home thank you brother I fought hard every moment I was here thank you I had a lot of things blow up in my face but I didn't change course kept going kept pushing hopefully chef think'st enough he's the only person that that knows like I can't get into his brain you know I wish I could because then I'd be much smarter but Wow as we all know tonight's dinner service in both kitchens definitely had some hurdles right but both Michelle and Benjamin push through it and held their ground you guys did a really good job well done Thank You chef now I have in my hand the common cars from it's a nice dinner service so I've got some studying to do Michelle and Benjamin say goodbye to brigades and both you head to the dorms I will call you both when I made my decision hi so proud of yoga job thank you police thank you for everything fine I feel like I fought the most I started hard out of the gates I put up good food and I pushed my team as much as my team could handle good job how'd you do I think it did well I really think that everyone in the dining room was happy with my food I put my heart and soul into all those dishes so I'm feeling very confident right now we're done good luck Michelle good luck Benjamin [Music] Michelle that's a five for five Thank You Michelle you see cooked thank you your dish will be featured on the menu Oh Benjamin is that good I'll give it a five burn yes yeah our lamb is beautiful happy peaceful dish that is cooked on point salmon Benjamin congratulations Thank You chef Jennifer do see more seasoning I'm glad you said that well spotted this is Michelle Michelle is chef I'd like to see you upstairs in my office please thank you are you ready I'm ready you ready I I guess so no matter what happens good luck good job good luck good job you did a great job too this year ah you're exciting yeah oh my god here we go [Music] [Applause] Benjamin a chai man I'm sorry I did not sabotage you hopefully you'll be opening that door today ha welcome right see - welcome what an incredible journey Benjamin how you feel I feel great chef I had the most amazing experience my life it's been unbelievable Michelle how you feeling I feel great it's been a good journey a lot of struggle but it's all worth it I've put a lot of thoughts to what I've observed not only tonight but your entire time as all started for the first minutes we met back to season seven absolutely delicious Thank You chef great dish Benjamin you made the finals Thank You chef well done Benjamin yes yeah that means perfectly cooked Thank You chef you and your winning dish are gonna bring on Epicurus do not give up I promise you chef Thank You Michelle season 14 how old he was up 22 mmm wow that's delicious yes that is perfection great job I've never had a 22 year old this strong you should be very proud of yourself I am chef thank you my decision tonight was very very difficult but after much deliberation I have reached my decision and so it's time for the two of you to step up to your doors please yes yeah this is definitely a life-changing moment because I've been working my ass off to get to this point in my career I have so much to prove I have so much talent to show this is what I came here for to open that door and to get the head chef position in Hell's Kitchen Las Vegas I came back here to work for Chef Ramsay that is the only reason I'm here I'm ready for it I want that door to open I want to have that opportunity to fight every night for him and go to war for him the chef whose bull opens will be the head chef at the flagship Hell's Kitchen restaurant at Caesar's Palace Las Vegas but the salary of a quarter of a million dollars very carefully place your hands on top of your handle on the count of three to turn the handle and push one two three [Applause] the chef whose door opens will be head chef at the flagship Hell's Kitchen restaurant at Caesar's Palace Las Vegas for the salary of a quarter of a million dollars on the count of three I want you to turn the handle one two three [Applause] keep that head up high yes thank you you did great an amazing career ahead of you bankers you never forget that thank you okay it's not fun losing but in the end the winnings not the most important thing it's fighting as hard as you can staying clear minded and be positive you know you learn from your mistakes but you regret them you'll never be able to fight you'll never believe in yourself and ever believe the people around you so I have no regrets I can't even comprehend how happy I am right now I'm the winner of Hell's Kitchen all-stars like oh my god this moment is everything that I've been working for it in my life [Applause] Ramsey thank you so much for believing in me and pushing me as hard as you could because you knew that I could deal with it you have confidence in me and really goes to show that if you work your ass off you can really accomplish anything you want to ladies in our house kitchen All Stars winner Michelle [Applause] I'm so happy right now this has been such a long journey but it's definitely been worth it for sure ever since I can remember I wanted to be a chef and I've just been working my ass off for this for so long all that hard work is finally paid off says oh my god I'm the winner that's crazy right but yeah one more final challenge such a difficult one but it is a tradition here in Hell's Kitchen please there we are and hang that up welcome to the Hall of Fame [Applause] yourself I'm a zoo having the youngest of all stars step up and win this competition is a testament to Michelle's talent at a very young age she has already proven she is driven creative and commanding she will be a great asset to Hell's Kitchen in Las Vegas [Applause] I almost started crying I'm so proud of Michelle she deserves this she's a kick-ass hard-working chef and she had overcome so much this time around with all those [ __ ] [ __ ] in her kitchen how did you know that we can't anybody congratulations but good job my service is your prep London yes yes don't be [ __ ] right it's good I'll be waiting for you okay leave I really don't have anything to say right now I didn't come here not to win hey can I get a real drink please let's jump in one more time to our first time Hell's Kitchen all-star winner Michelle [Applause] you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 507,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise;ITV;Reality TV;Cooking;Restaurant;Celebrity chef;Gordon Ramsay;Roast;Competition
Id: Afbf61Otiso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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