Helldivers 2 | Which Premium Warbond to Buy First? | Deep Dive & Comparison | Apr 2024 Edition

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incoming transmission okay what up ladies and gents it's your favorite Asian robot right here and I am here in this video to answer one crucial question everybody always asks me which premium war bond should you buy first all right there are three current premium war bonds in the game okay steel veterans um Cutting Edge and Democratic detonation which one is right for you okay I'm going to go into each war bond tell you what's good in it what's not good in it all right and then you can make the decision for yourself self at the end all right so if you're ready let's get started with the first one all right so the first war bond in the game that we're going to talk about is the steel Veterans war bond this is the first premium war bond introduced into hellis 2 and it's got a few things that are pretty good so on the first page now we're not going to take into account emotes or capes or helmets which don't have any actual effect in the game what we're going to focus on is the weapons all right the armor sets the booster grenade and the secondary weapon on the first page you will find the liberated concussive this is one of the primary weapons and it is generally not used in the current meta in fact it doesn't even have a place in the game nobody really even uses it because it kind of sucks all right slight armor penetrating nothing else the P4 Senator is a very often used secondary weapon this is really really good so it's actually one of the preferred um secondary weapons against the automaton faction so don't hesitate to grab this all right the armor set on the first page is the steel Trooper sa25 set it's a medium armor set with the servo assisted perk giving you increased limb health and increased throwing range all right oops sorry now on the second page you will find the incendiary grenade now this one is pretty useful against the bugs not very useful against the automatons they've also got the breaker incendiary which is one of the best Primary Weapons against the bugs all right so this is definitely a must pickup in this package um it's incendiary light armor penetrating it's pretty darn good and you'll see it in the termined metal Loadout the armor set here is a sa2 Servo assisted armor set it increases storing range by 30% provides 50% limb health and it's a medium armor set overall all right so that's it for the second page now for the last page you've got the jar five Dominator this is literally one of the best primary weapons in the game a lot of people still use it it's a little bit overshadowed by the Eruptor but this is a fantastic weapon overall it's got huge damage decent capacity very high recoil unfortunately um decent fire rate and it's medium armor penetrating all right this thing is dangerous don't hesitate to use it the last armor set is the sa32 Dynamo it is actually a heavy armor set and it uh comes with a Servo assisted perk so it's the only as far as I know heavy Servo assisted armor last but not least you've got the flexible reinforcement budget uh premium booster this one is okay I don't really like it it's not fantastic it's not bad um there just isn't really a space for it in the team because all it does is it reduces the time until New reinforcements are granted once you've hit zero reinforcements so it only really app lies in the worst possible situations which most pro teams will never find themselves in so this one I consider a poor booster all right now let's give it let's go through a little summary of what we've learned so far if we take a look at the first page the primary weapon is out secondary weapon is in Arma set okay um it has a different perk to everything else in the game second page uh incendiary grenade okay armor set okay primary weapon very very okay this is super okay yeah last but not least you've got the armor set here unique and different the um booster sucks and the primary weapon is great so the overall summary and point system that I have goes like this there are two good primaries in this so out of a total of three possible points they've already earned two they have a great secondary and a good grenade but a terrible booster so out of another three possible points they've earned two armor sets are all unique and different I mean they're two two medium armor sets but the perk at the time this was released had never been seen before so quite frankly armor is unique and different they've got three points there total seven out of nine for the steel veterans let's move on to the next one shall we okay the second war bond that we're going to go through is The Cutting Edge war bond let's get into it shall We The Cutting Edge war bond is the second war bond released it is a premium war bond same cost as all the others and here's what's inside on the first page you'll have the last 16 sickle this is a fantastic primary is and is considered one of the best primaries in the game the last 16 sickle is basically like the Liberator but with unlimited ammunition it's light armor penetrating but because it's a heat based weapon all you have to do is manage the Heat and you have unlimited ammo you can it's got no recoil you can shoot out heads with it it's got an amazing fire rate good damage it's a killer it's a killer so this one receives a lot of love the booster is also fantastic localization confusion what it does is that it delays the time in between bot drops and Bug breaches so if the enemies have created a bug breach they cannot immediately call another one in same with the bot drops they cannot immediately call for another bot drop so localization confusion gets used in a lot of missions because it's just so helpful in surviving those call-ins from the enemy all right especially at the higher difficulty levels the armor set is a medium armor set it's the ex03 Prototype 3 all armor sets in this uh war bond have the electrical conduit armor passive allowing you to have 95% resistance against Arc damage all right um unfortunately this particular war bond does not have a heavy armor set with this passive but we'll get into that as we go on all right now for the second page you've got another medium armor set the ex16 Prototype all right same passive as you can see um the grenade is one of the best in the game the G23 stun is fantastic it's so good in so many situations you can stop Hulks can stop a lot of things you can't stop tanks and ball Titans but this thing is dangerous all right the stun grenade can really save your ass so it's considered one of the top grenades in the game the primary weapon however is considered a bit of a niche pick it's the SG 8p plasma Punisher does very decent damage it's explosive has a capacity of eight but the problem with this one is the Arc of the weapon not a lot of people can deal with The Arc of the weapon so I'm not used to it I certainly don't like the way that um the bullets fall and they feel really awkward to fire so possibly because I'm more of a point and shoot kind of guy I can't really use this very well but if you can it's a very decent weapon next you've got the the last page and on this one you've got the last seven dagger this is the worst secondary weapon in the game nobody ever uses this nobody would be caught dead using this because it's just literal trash damage is low it overheats so quickly honest to God it's not a good weapon um then you've got the ark2 Blitzer this is considered a niche pick because it's got a limited range of 25 met it does decent damage um unlimited ammo slow fire rate because you basically have to like charge it up after every shot but it's low range and awkwardness makes it very difficult to use in the field um some people are decent with it but I personally hate this weapon and could never use it against the automatons because most of them are Beyond 25 M for me yeah last but not least you've got the ex 00 prototype X this is a light armor set with the electrical conduit perk and it's pretty darn good at what it does um although it doesn't offer much protection it gives you plenty of speed so I also and I also like the helmet that comes with it but basically this Arma set was pretty much used for the termined meta before a lot of the changes to the arthor and it's honestly pretty decent so I do like everything that is offer to me in terms of the armor except that I wish that this war bond had a heavy armor set now taking into account all of those points let's see where we end up on the point system as you know there are nine points in total three for the primaries one for the secondary grenade and booster all right one point each for those and then three points for the armor now I made a mistake on the steel veteran set because they should not have gotten seven out of nine it should have been six out of nine I accidentally counted the fact that uh they had no light armor with servo assisted in the B Bond itself but I accidentally counted that in so you'll actually see that change here um so please take into account that the previous war bond is also six out of nine but here we've got one good primary two Niche primaries the niche primaries count as half a point each because they're not absolutely terrible or unused so that's about two points out of a potential three they have the worst secondary so no point there point for the grenade point for the booster so that's a total of two plus two so far four all right and then two for the arm as well because they've got two unique armors but they're missing the heavy set so the overall score of this war bond 6 out of nine all right now let's move on to the last one shall we okay ladies and gents this brings us to the final war bond the one that was just recently released it is called Democratic detonation now this war bond is pretty interesting but it is also the only one that has the worst Point score out of all the others let's get into it and I'll explain why Democratic detonation on the first page comes with the g123 thermite grenade this is a pretty okay grenade some people have good results with it some people don't have good results with it I've given it half a point instead of the usual one point because I don't know where to put this thing I myself cannot use it but others have good luck with it the adjudicator the br14 adjudicator is absolutely horrifying um it's usable but not great at anything and quite frankly it can be more of a hindrance than a help so it doesn't get any points um the marksman rifles are not going really well in the game right now however I have heard that they are slated for buff so we'll we'll take some time to see whether or not that comes through that being said right now in its current state it's not that great use it if you want but it gets zero points for me okay for the groundbreaker armor set I'm not sure if this armor passive is slated to change uh because I heard that one of the servo assisted perks will change but basically this particular armor set um is a medium armor set with a perk that we've already seen so realistically speaking not quite sure what they went for here it gets zero points because it's got the standard medium armor stat distribution and one of the perks that we already have from the steel veterans okay so zero points overall on this page 0.5 points just for the thermite second page okay expert extraction pilot gives you a 15% reduction in the extraction time this amounts to 18 seconds on a 2-minute extraction not very useful so it generally goes unused because it all it literally also only helps your team at the very end compared to the Vitality booster which is like helping you do a whole way through just as an example all right um that being said the armor set here it's got a unique stat distribution for a light armor set being slightly more armored than the average light armor but slightly slower in speed um however engineering kit is a passive that already exists for the light armors so it doesn't get it only gets half a point um because of the non-unique passive all right the Eruptor the Eruptor if I could give it three points I would I would say buying this whole war bond is sold for the Eruptor but that's because the Eruptor is kind of the metap pick for the super Earth Elite forces we really love this gun it can close Fabricators close a bug holes it does devastating amounts of damage medium armor penetration my God this thing shreds everything you have to get used to the bolt action reload which is really slow and really not so good but I will say one thing this thing shreds and it is what you see me use on stream pretty much every single time because it's so hard to put it down it's literally like having a mini Auto cannon with you at all times so I love the Eruptor the AOE damage it's just brutal but you can destroy yourself with it so be very careful all right the Eruptor gets one point so overall on this page you've got zero for the booster zero for the armor one point for the Eruptor okay um now for the last one the f-55 Devastator is heavy armor with standard stat distribution and a fortified passive which already exists so zero points there the crossbow however is a very unique weapon and it is the meta pick for eradicate missions we love to use this in eradicate mission and it's a considered a fantastic primary if you know how to deal with the drop of the uh projectile however in eradicate missions this doesn't matter so this gets a full point for being unique now for the grenade pistol this one also gets a full point because this is the only explosive secondary weapon in the game right now this thing can close Fabricators and Bug holes and it's basically like having the grenade launcher support weapon with you at all times except it's in the secondary slot now there is a bit of a negative with this because any ammo box you pick up only Rel loads two grenades same with the supply drop the supply drop each supply box only gives you two grenades for your grenade pistol the grenades that you carry and the grenade pistol are separate so even if you if you pick up one supply box you'll get two for your normal grenades and two for the grenade pistol however no more than that so just be aware of this one limitation other than that it's a fantastic weapon that supplements a lot of good play Styles all right so that is it for this war bond um on this page 0o the armor one for crossbow one for the grenade pistol so I think that if you tally up the total points you'll have one one okay one here half a point here half a point there so the total for this war bond unfortunately um based on our current grading system we have only four points making it the worst performing war bond out of the three um overall summary two great primaries one terrible primary great secondary okay grenade unused booster armor is not unique it's only worth 0.5 points all right so overall is four out of nine this means that the um Cutting Edge war bond and the steel veterans are tied I'm just going to pause the music there The Cutting Edge war bond and the steel veterans are tied but this one the Democratic detonation loses out unfortunately okay let's go do a summ okay are we back right so you've seen all three of these warbonds you understand what I've just said the first war bond steel veterans receives six out of nine points I know it said seven but it's actually six out of nine um the second one receives six out of nine as well Cutting Edge for Unique armors um and last but not least you have the Democratic detonation which only receives four out of nine points um does this mean that you should not pick up Democratic detonation first I'll answer you honestly if you're an interruptor fan or and you like what you've seen me do with it on stream grab that first there's no right and wrong answer here it's down to your preference however if I were to make a recommendation in general I would like players to pick number one the steel veterans first or if you tend to face bugs more pick up Cutting Edge first why Cutting Edge has localization confusion this is what will help get you into the upper ranks that booster is so crucial so picking up Cutting Edge very very important then and the stun grenade as well very useful then you want to go up top and pick up steel veterans and last but not least you can pick up Democratic Dead Nation that is the order I would do them in um if I were a new player coming into the game right now that being said if you've got money to burn buy you know buy the super credits get all three immediately all right thank you very much for watching this video don't forget to like share and subscribe you know I sincerely appreciate all the love that you guys shown me on stream I hope that this video is helpful to you like I said it's one of the questions that I get asked so often on Stream So I figured I'd just make a video answer everything um here are the top supporters I always like to do a thank you for the top supporters whenever we end a video thank you to April stream's uh top supporter list this includes our top Tipper V toxic top Tipper list includes Leo top Super Chatters Tad lasso top Super Chat list includes next weekend crows flight grum fraka track hoodie daza Rebo Zone Olivia Moses Top Channel membership gifters grasshopper top membership gifter list includes true Saint Lord J and Vinnie thank you guys so much for everything you guys have done for me and I will see you guys on the next one y'all have a good one catch you later all right don't do anything weird while I'm gone and don't forget to like share and subscribe okay hit the Bell hit the bell and set the notifications to all you'll never miss a video
Channel: RealAsianRobot
Views: 13,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HG2tEG2uC2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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