Helldivers 2 New Player Guide: Operation Modifier and How they Affect YOUR Missions!

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incoming transmission prepare for instructional video all right greetings Soldier it's your favorite General right here real Asian robot aboard the SCS emperor of judgment and today I'm going to be teaching you about operation modifiers now before we go on I better be your favorite hell Davis 2 content cre all right okay let's talk about operation modifiers now as a new Soldier as a new hell diver there's this thing called for No One are you ready hell diver does this guy have to interrupt me every single time in every single one of my videos come on all right now as a new hell diver you probably need to know about operation modifiers what are operation modifiers okay let me explain it plain and simple let's just take any Planet here this is just an example right let's go to oan this world is riddled with terminate Abominations where will you strike first nowhere democracy officer there's a training video now then if you press the C button at the bottom right hand side all right or whichever button let's say on the PS5 I'm sure there'll be a button you can press press that button and this is going to come up all right right now we on trivial difficulty and it says environmental conditions rainstorms torrential rainstorms reduce visibility these environmental conditions are unique to the planet doesn't matter what difficulty you're doing on the planet Planet an environmental condition applies to the planet itself all right any environmental condition only applies to the planet itself and it doesn't matter what difficulty you do however as you progress up the difficulties so let's say we go up to difficulty 4 still nothing right change over to difficulty 5 and you get something new called an operation modifier all right you'll notice that the operation modifier only turns up when you go over the operation it's itself this is because the operation modifier applies as its name sounds to the operation all right so this operation modifier applies to this specific operation these three missions will have complex strategy plotting that is to say call in time for your strategems is increased by 50% here this operation has orbital fluctuations strategy cool down is increased by 25% so what do high level hell divers do we choose the operation modifi that best suits our team composition and the one that we don't mind running some people really hate the cool down increase some people hate the call in time increase as the host choose an operation modifier that benefits your team and your play style the most now keep in mind that as you go up up to seven there's only one operation modifier at difficulty 8 and nine you've got two this is why impossible is generally considered an unpopular difficulty most people just go straight to nine because they are about the same in terms of enemy composition and you have two operation modifiers regardless all right once you get up to Hell Dives you'll have two things it once like in this one there is bug spores and complex strateg and plotting this one's got atmospheric interference and orbital fluctuations keep in mind that some of these are unique to the bugs some of these are unique to automatons as far as I know the atmospheric spores are only on bug planets if we were to take our look you know take a take our look take a look all the way at the other side of the uh Galaxy let's take a look at marar here we've also got torrential rainstorms show them otherwise of course democracy officer we will but let me finish my damn training video all right okay here in this particular operation you've got AA defenses strategy slots are reduced by one this is something that I often get asked on stream people ask me how come I've got one less strategy slop when I went into the mission I said this is due to AA defenses this is the operation modifier so keep in mind ladies and gents that when you're new to this game you're not going to encounter operation modifiers they start at difficulty five and then they move on and then you have two operation modifiers at difficulty excuse me at difficulty eight and nine all right so difficulties 1 to four no modifiers 5 to 7 one modifier 8 and n two modifiers all right pick and choose not every operation will have the same one sometimes you can get unlucky so here AA defenses orbital fluctuations here AA defenses complex strateg and plotting and the last one orbital fluctuations complex strateg and plotting so if I was to avoid just as an example AA defenses then I would probably go here and do these missions because they've got orbital fluctuations complex strateg and plotting it's the lesser of all the evils you know so this is what it comes down to when you're picking your Missions at a higher level just be aware that you have to plan a accordingly you can't just go in guns blazing all right I hope this helps and I hope this helps to explain operation modifiers and how they affect your missions good luck soldiers all right General real Asian robot out I'll see you at the streams so you all can learn the super Earth Elite tactics catch you on the next one folks
Channel: RealAsianRobot
Views: 1,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EHs8vlD4Tl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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