Helldivers 2 - The Best Build For New Players | Weapons, Armor, Stratagems and Gameplay Tips

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hell divers 2 is an exhilarating Rush of bullets and bombardments Blasting and Bug squashing the game is a ton of fun made better when all the pieces click into place but if you're just starting out things can be a bit overwhelming my name is Kodiak this is Legacy gaming and today we're sharing a solid early game build almost anyone can use and master the goal here is simple to give players a really well-crafted intro level build one of the biggest barriers to entry with a game like this is knowing where to spend your currencies and in the case of Hell divers 2 you have to worry about four well three really medals requisition points and samples with that in mind this build is a nice blend of strategems and weapons you have access to almost immediately out of the gate or with a modest investment across the various progression systems it's also a great gateway to where you can go in the future as you continue to get more comfortable with the game expanding your list of strategems and AR personal of weapons so let's start there with weapons as far as a primary goes if you're just starting out don't waste your medals unlocking a bunch of different guns because quite honestly you're just burning resources the standard issue ar23 Liberator is a solid Choice when it comes to rifles during a mission you can toggle it to shoot fully automatic or semi-automatic based on your preferred play Style by holding the reload key and that flexibility really does matter the level of control gives you the freedom to engage either up close with fully automatic or from a middle distance with more Precision remember you can snap into firsters mode by tapping the middle Mouse button or the corresponding button on a PS5 controller some of the other early offerings like the SMG 37 submachine gun and the sg8 shotgun are good but aren't exactly worth spending the medals on first in terms of a secondary weapon there's really only one choice in our eyes the p19 Redeemer this fully automatic pistol Absol abolutely tears through enemies with higher base damage and rate of fire over the Liberator when enemies are pressing the attack and your options are either reload or switch to the Redeemer this thing will save your life every time believe it or not the weapon also has decent range so don't be surprised when it overperforms in mid-range scenarios next let's look at the strategems you might want to consider with this early game build in the early missions really anything up to level four or even five you'll need to get comfortable clearing groups of enemies that's where the machine gun yes the humble machine gun comes in not only is this available from the start but it's also a really solid support weapon that gives you the Firepower you need when waves of enemies are crashing down around you most notably the weapon can handle some of the earlier Elite enemies across both fronts terminats and automatons the reload time is long yes and you have to remain stationary while doing so which is a huge disadvantage but if you know when to reload you can make the gun work for you and as far as early fire power is concerned this gun is fantastic another option we highly recommend is the grenade launcher which provides two tangible benefits first you can use it to take out Elite enemies such as Chargers you do have to land your shots in a way that damages the bug but it's effective and accessible during the early parts of the game for a small fee you also can use the grenade launcher to quickly take out imp placements which is its real strength if you're leaning towards a more aggressive objective oriented play style then it's a fantastic support weapon that allows you to move and clear bases with relative ease since this is a build for players just starting out I think it's also worth mentioning some of the strategems we don't recommend investing into at least at the start first and foremost is the flamethrower this thing is flashy but an absolute death trap that can easily roast you and your team if you're not careful in most situations it does more harm than good and while effective it killing bugs it hardly has the stopping power of some other weapons I'd also recommend staying away from from the laser cannon which sounds freaking awesome right a big bazooka that shoots out a continuous laser without any ammunition but in practice it's just not that powerful it can be effective on planets where conditions make it heat up slower giving you more time to shoot before needing to cool down but realistically there are just better options out there as far as bombardments are concerned really anything that revolves around smoke and gas is a waste except in very Niche and coordinated situations again they're just not that effective and once enemies break through the wall of smog the effect is pretty much over yes it's helpful in some situations either thinning out enemies or slowing down their advance but there are much more potent options that simply kill the enemies instead of hindering them dropping in with just a few hours under your belt is a bit daunting but with the right Firepower Things become a lot more manageable that's why the second strategy we recommend is the eagle cluster bomb you've probably seen or been killed by this a Fair number of times if you've been playing in Co-op because it's a really powerful early game call it now an important note about Eagle strateg all payloads are tied to the same Eagle that means if you're dropping in with multiple Eagle strategems you either need to use them all first triggering the eagle to reload or manually send the eagle to go reload taking all of those Eagle strategems offline until it returns for example if you have the 500 kg bomb and the cluster bombs as part of your load out the eagle will only Auto reload if both are used up the one 500 kg bomb and all of the cluster bombs again you can manually trigger the reload but both strikes will be on cool down until that reload is complete for that reason alone it's not great to run multiple Eagle stratums in the same build another essential for the early game kit is the Gatling sentury not only does this cut through smaller enemies like a hot knife through butter but it's able to take down most larger targets up and through some of the middle difficulties once the game starts hurling heavy enemies at you the dynamic changes and these turrets don't usually last long enough to be effective but starting out they're great just be sure to always put yourself behind the turret as it will shoot right through you if you're between it and an enemy finally let's talk about the mortar Century this is one of the best onapproach strategems that when used tactically can make clearing objectives a breeze it does require some thought and it can't be just thrown down in the middle of a firefight but if used Pro actively and communicated effectively to your team it's one of the best ways to clear out encampments without ever engaging the enemy it's also great when enemies are chasing you and your team as long as you stay ahead of the enemy swarm a mortar can easily wipe out any tailing enemies without you ever having to look over your shoulder throughout your missions you'll want to collect as many samples as possible as these are quite literally the key to purchasing ship modules that enhance your strategems that means hitting every point of interest and thoroughly searching ing every Hot Spot during a mission samples are valuable and you shouldn't just spend them willy-nilly each category within the ship modules provides blanket Buffs to a set of strategems and since we've recommended taking strategems in a few different categories you have to be careful here our recommendation is to upgrade ship modules based on the play style you see yourself leaning into if you're really liking using sentries like the Gatling and the mortar then you're most likely going to like the autoc Canon Sentry later on so investing in the robotics workshop and Engineering Bay makes a whole lot of sense likewise you have to ask yourself how aggressive you plan on being if you're someone that likes to be on the front lines using Eagle strategems to take out enemy targets then there's nothing wrong with buying the hanger upgrades it really comes down to where you want to invest your resources eventually you'll unlock everything but that's only after dozens upon dozens of hours of grinding so it's best to make smart Investments now in terms of armor your best option early on is the c35 trench engineer which is one of the best armor sets currently in the game it does require a modest metal investment but as long as you're doing all of your objectives and searching minor points of interest you should be able to rack up a healthy amount the medium armor set reduces The Recoil of your weapons when crouching or prone by 30% and gives you two more grenades when starting and throughout the mission sadly at the time of making this video armor mitigation is not working correctly so we highly suggest you stay away from any heavy armor as it really does provide no additional value with the entire load out assembled let's Circle back and break down everything in one concise view for armor you'll want to wear the c35 trench engineer set this provides reduced recoil and a couple extra grenades for the weapon we're sticking with the ar23 Liberator until we're more confident in a build Direction not wanting to waste our metals on guns we might not like long term as for a secondary weapon there's very little that beats the P9 Redeemer for strategems we're taking machine gun with the option of also unlocking grenade launcher if you want a more flexible kit ego cluster bomb the Gatling sentury and the mortar sentury so long as you understand how to properly use it if you're just starting out this is a great foundation for building into your first real build now that we have all of the pieces let's talk about how to put it into practice this starter build is designed around early flexibility obviously we didn't want to put something out there that took 15 hours to get access to because that leaves everything up until that point a mystery what we're doing here is investing in a few different areas of the progression system which not only allows you to open up further enhancements in those given areas down the line but also provides you with a foundational kit that you can use in almost any early game scenario and be effective the build we just outlined can be used Solo or within solo matchmaking and of course Works within an organized team setting as well it's built to be a jack of of all trades doing a little bit of something well so that it synergizes within any team composition it's also great if you're a bit of a lone wolf and want to run off in clear objective solo the sentes provide you with plenty of support and the eagle cluster bomb gives you a little offensive oomph to push if you're feeling so inclined what you have to be careful about is overextending and going too hard too fast hell divers 2 for the most part is a team game and overconfidence early on can absolutely instill some bad habits you'll regret later on so there you have it an early game build that we think almost anyone will find effective of course there's so many different directions you can go with builds in this game so if you're rocking something you think we should include in our next video drop us the details in the comments below be sure to let us know what weapons and strategems you're using and if we Spotlight your build we'll be sure to shout you out in the video as always if you like our hell divers 2 content and you want more videos like this in your feed be sure to drop a like and consider subscribing we've got more builds and guides coming your way so keep it right here my name is Kodak and from everyone here at Legacy gaming thanks for watching and play 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Channel: Legacy Gaming
Views: 173,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Legacy Gaming, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 new player, helldivers 2 new player guide, helldivers 2 new player build, helldivers 2 build, helldivers 2 build guide, helldivers 2 newbie build, helldivers 2 early game build, helldivers 2 best early build, helldivers 2 best build, helldivers 2 builds, helldivers 2 gameplay guide, helldivers 2 new, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 best stratagems, hd2
Id: ezvqAlWObag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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