Helldivers 2 Server Issues And Transparency - Luke Reacts

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one of the things I've never understood about life service games is just how often they struggle with communication it blows my mind all the time that you can have a a game like Call of Duty that just prints billions of dollars has hundreds and hundreds of thousands of players all the time and there can be something like a totally broken mechanic or weapon or whatever like you remember like uh DMR Zone when that was just totally broken or when the Gallant Tre was broken or when the akimbo pistols were totally broken or the dragon's breath shotgun was totally I'm realizing now that pretty much every gun in Call of Duty has been totally broken at one point or multiple times but anyway there were all of these weapons that were just totally broken and they wouldn't say anything about it for like a week and a half before they would acknowledge the problem and then patch it out my conspiracy theory is that I think they did it intentionally because they almost always had the gun that was broken for sale in the in-game store so it's like if you don't want to grind multiplayer for it and if you want that gun to be able to use it even like now that it's meta you can buy it for 20 bucks get the bundle play with the game for a week and a half be competitive because if you don't play with that gun you're going to get basically two- tapped and you don't stand a chance competitively that's my theory I think they did it intentionally but that's beside the point they never were very communicative never very direct or open about any of this it was just very very hush hush and it's like they thought that maybe they would say like talking about it could bring more attention to the problem so they just don't refer to it acknowledge it um maybe it's that old political saying I forget what politicians said it I think it was JFK maybe I don't remember who it was but there was a politician that uh decades ago was quoted as saying in politics if you're explaining you're losing sounds like a Nixon thing to say doesn't it so maybe that's what it was is maybe maybe it's him but the the old saying is if you're explaining you're losing just don't acknowledge your problems don't acknowledge your difficulties just move on past it and everybody will forget eventually but that's not been the approach of the hell divers team at Arrowhead they've been very very transparent with a lot of stuff updating constantly with support improvements with patches for PC PS5 uh all of this stuff with the patch notes to break it down just being very very clear with all of it and they've been very very direct I don't know if it's because the team is smaller in case you're not familiar Arrowhead apparently is only about a 100 developers and and like team members all told they are hiring a lot more people they're bringing on more people to expedite the support plans because the game's been so successful which is awesome but it's it's been interesting to see that they are so open tweeting like multiple times a day to break down what's going on what patches they need to send out um login access stuff sometimes patches are going up multiple times a day with hot fixes and stuff it's crazy crazy cool seeing how transparent they're being with all this known issues that they're working on um trying to figure out how to fix stuff it's super cool and Sagar barosi is uh apparently the the deputy game director interim at Arrowhead and he's one of the guys that's working directly on this and he's actually the guy that wrote this which you might have seen over the last few days um because basically what happens was uh we ran into this one we were playing actually we're aware of a problem that has caused some players reward to not pay out properly at the end of missions we're working on a fix for this but in the meantime we want to try to alleviate the impact as we head into the weekend therefore from now until the end of this Sunday February 18th the game will grant all players XP and requisition at a 50% multiplayer on top of your base Mission score you can tell this additional multiplayer is active when you see the game master effect labeled accounting Corrections while on the Super Destroyer many things for your patience and support and for the Glorious Cascade of memes you've been sharing now get back down there hell divers and defend territory against those automaton incursions it just great other games would be like no we're not going to pay this out you remember with Fallout 76 so like if you didn't get the bag or if you got the bag and like you were promised it would be canvas and it showed up and it was this weird trash bag material if you were upset about it they gave you 500 atoms to just make up for it which is like five bucks in in-game currency cuz they're like yeah we're we're sorry we're sorry yeah and they just straight up we're like oh these dude these messages throw me back this is how other companies have handled these types of live service difficulties and stuff um your request has been updated yeah the bag included with Fallout 76 power armor Edition is Inc correct the bag is advertised as being canvas but it's clearly a much cheaper Nyla material that doesn't look at all like the bag in the promotional material for the Collector's Edition no response can I get a response thanks they finally responded hello we are sorry that you aren't happy with the bag the bag shown in the media was a prototype and was too expensive to make we aren't planning on doing anything about it like you kind of admire the balls just be like suck it up you know you kind of admire the balls it's it's kind of funny miles thank you for uh for becoming a member you know it's it's funny that they're just so direct about it like suck it up buttercup stop crying you know it's it's just funny but instead like that's typically you know if we see direct discussion about issues within like Liv service games we see stuff like that but and instead like with hell divers we've seen a very very transparent process where even when there are difficulties or bugs and stuff they will go out they'll give you increased requisition and XP that are specifically like directly helpful in gameplay and other games you know they would sell you this solution they'd be like yeah for five bucks you get your requisition XP boost or you can open a loot box that gives you the chance to get a 50% multiplayer on requisition XP or or something like that but in instead they they just give it to you give it to everybody for an entire weekend as a as an oopsy we'll fix it don't worry we're sorry you know it's just it's admirable and you can see the response from the community is really really positive because they're transparent they're not hiding behind anything they're just coming out and being like this is what it is to add on to all of this the CEO of Arrowhead um P I don't know exactly how to pronounce it he's like the CEO of the company and he's been super transparent on social media as well yeah one of my favorites this is is the reason why you always simulate everything even when it doesn't make sense at the time so like they simulate throwing grenades and so even like with these bugs they can flick and jump and bounce grenades back at you so if you don't toss it properly you can get got by tossing a grenade into the bugs if it bounces off of them and I've had this happen we're like me and my buddies were all like trying to hold down the extraction Point waiting for the ship to come in and I toss in a big old cluster strike orbital and it bounces right back on us and we all go we all go sprinting and running away because it's uh we made we made an oopsie we made an oopsie and this is great um when you offer Double XP to apologize for your servers overloading but it just caused people to overload your servers even more yeah that was kind of funny that that happened yeah in retrospect this was maybe not the best idea or this one no give but when dialogue and democracy hit at the right time let's hear it what that's the line kill them some of the dialogue is really funny one of my favorites is like for the love of Liberty my leg I stand by it I think the game's industry needs a middle ground between pay to win SL cosmetics and pay to get stuff that is more or less powerful but mechanically different pay to G stim doesn't roll off the tongue though so also you can always uh play and unlock it and I mean it for real I miss this article it is absolutely what I'm going for when I design games concept originates from years of playing uh P pen and paper RPGs where the players manage to turn everything into a forest no matter if it's cthulu or D and D it always ends up with us crying of laughter yeah and I think it's the the key to this and I I don't think it's a coincidence that hardcore players of tabletop RPGs end up being really good video game designers and I think it's not a coincidence because it it kind of makes sense when you break it down like for for a lot of these these games it seems like so often it's just about putting players on tracks to try and create an experience that's like a very tight bubble like okay we have this bubble this is our game and it's going to be really fun and you're going to do your thing you know we were just talking earlier in the Stream about Immortals of avium so maybe if we say that like it's a very tight experience you have a few core mechanics and you go through your journey and it's very tight Journey going along this path and then you end up at the end destination and you have a great time yay everybody wins you played the video game but with balers skate or like hell divers what you do instead of just creating a little bubble that you've crafted very very specifically is that you establish a handful of little pillars and these pillars could be different things like um maybe it could be something like uh in if we go with Boulders gape um like spells and then over here we have dialogue potions and so each of these mechanics and pillars are just different little pieces of each each little bitty thing so instead of creating this little bubble like Immortals of avium did where it's just a tight little experience made up of smaller little bubbles of like the the combat system and then the level design and then the enemy design where it's all just very very tight what they do instead is they create these core pillars and then the rest of the game just kind of sits on top of it and they hold up the whole game in in different ways depending on how you play maybe more of the weight is shifted towards the stealth system if you play that way more weight's going to be shifted to potions or dialogue or spells or uh the AI systems based on how you play it cuz like when you focus on the core pillars of gameplay and then the rest of the game rests on top you can have a spell system like I I talked about in my recent bers gate video where let's say you have the ability to change like polymorph big endgame bosses into sheep just randomly just change them into sheep if you've not seen that video I did so with this like there is a very difficult guy that that is here normally I polymorphed him or polymorphed I uh I changed him into a sheep and because the game is built on those core pillars the cut scene plays out just fine looks a little silly but it plays out just fine with a floating magical sheep instead of the character that's supposed to be there and they let you just break it just like in DND D because it's built on just core pillars of giving players mechanics and they don't really over complicate it from there they just give you the mechanics and let you break the game if you want to and so like in here we just have like this whole cut scene that plays out talking to a gigantic humanoid looking sheep person because you changed and morphed it into a lamb you know it just it looks insane but the game was built to let you break it and I think that that's what I love most about D and D it's what I love about baldder skate and in some ways the same thing kind of applies to Hell divers 2 where they let you break the game they're okay with you breaking the game uh if you are creative enough and resourceful enough to come across the solution to it in this case it wasn't that useful turning this character into a a sheep because just narrative reasons it doesn't really do anything and after this you know he changes back but there was another late game Boss that I loaded into and I changed into a sheep and just chucked him off the cliff side because I could and it worked like I I changed this highle boss into a sheep and then chucked them off a cliff into the ether and completed the encounter and it's like yep that works that works because it's built on the pillars in the same way that if you go into the goblin Camp early in the game you can use the potion system which is tied up with like poisons and stuff and you can go in and poison the the barrel of Grog and then all of the Goblins that are there all get poisoned and Dro dead because you chose to poison it you could have gone through dialogue and spoken with the characters and done it that way you could have gone in and put them all to sleep somehow you could have just stealthed your way across everything you could have done different things where like you maybe lit something on fire or you distracted the guards with some some spell or potion or reaction or something and had the AI react in a certain way so that you could then go over and use dialogue to sneak in or use the stealth system from there so they allow all of these pillars to kind of work together and in the same way with like hell divers it probably doesn't look quite like this instead with hell divers it's probably something more like a pillar of uh the gun play gun play and then there's like a pillar of um let's say the The Core phys X and then there's a a pillar of maybe just the dynamic uh like you could say the Swarms and then a pillar of the co-op mechanics uh and the collaborative stuff that come comes from that so there's all sorts of things where like you have the physics system which has a blowback for rocket launchers so if you're holding the rocket launcher and fire it if another player is standing behind you they get destroyed they get blasted far away if not killed because of the the blast back so that's the physics system that directly ties into the co-op system or if you Chuck a grenade and it bounces off one of the bugs it's tying up initially gameplay but it ties to the physics system bounces back and that could also affect the co-op over here with everybody getting you know having their gameplay affected because of something as simple as chucking a grenade and having it bounce weird so there's so many like interweaving ways that these core pillars can support the weight of the the fun of the game or the gameplay experience if you want to say it like that and it's just frankly awesome and that's why I think that there's no mistake that a lot of these designers that make these awesome Dynamic games where players can kind of create their own fun and have crazy wacky things happen I don't think it's coincidence that so many of them have a background in pen and paper tabletop RPGs I I really don't think it's a coincidence I think all of it is tied together I I think it's all related because at the end of the day like games are about games are are really at the end of the day about um providing players tools to make their own fun sometimes games spill over and it's like more about the Nar thing you're trying to tell a story and so it's less about fun it's more about the story so sometimes this can change for sure sometimes it's less about stories and it's more about providing players the ability to simulate a different reality like with something like factorio or satisfactory or something like that but most games are trying to provide players systems and tools to create fun experiences and sometimes I think as we've seen with hell divers 2 you don't really have to be that heavy-handed if you just provide a solid system and let players enjoy the sandbox you've given them they'll make their own fun on paper hell divers 2 is a really straightforward game yeah you fight waves and uh take on like little little nests of bugs and bases of automatons with other players completing basic objectives like verifying or veines or destroying certain points of interest really simple really simple if you boil it down to just what's on paper really straight forward but because each of the mechanics is built on interacting with each other it creates this Dynamic thing where players can create really interesting fun situations for each other and that's always going to be more I think emotionally impactful than developers handcrafting a thousand different possible encounters trying to make that feeling for the player you know Mega problem is their servers of matchmaking can't log in since Thursday yeah I mean without a doubt they've they've got to figure out their uh their server issues um they've capped it at 450,000 right now they're under that so I think they should be good I I think you should be good at this point to go and jump in cuz I think they're only at like 270,000 only uh 270,000 or something hell divers their issues they got to figure out their servers they're apparently they're probably still capped at like 450,000 which suggests there's about 47,000 in um PlayStation servers so they got to figure that out it's a good problem to have there are so many people that want to play your game it's breaking it but at the end of the day if players can't play your game for one reason or another it's still bad still bad he took my thing red flag red flag 16 times the detail oh
Channel: Luke Stephens LIVE
Views: 52,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luke stephens, luke stephens clips, luke stephens live, luke stephens stream
Id: JuRWXkmI8vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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