Helldivers 2 New Silenced Guns Coming To The Game! & New Strategems!

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all right so a bunch of new leaks have surfaced in Hell divers ranging from a Deployable cover with a mounted machine gun to a new rocket launcher and a bunch of new weapons also the automaton version of the bile Titan has also been leaked okay maybe not that last one but what's up guys Willis here we're back with another hell divers video before we even begin this video I just want to mention we're giving away a copy of Hell divers every single video so if there's a friend of yours that still doesn't have the game that you want to join you just get them to come to this video support the video with a like make sure you're subscribed and leave a comment and yeah let's jump into it once again there will be time stamps in this video if you want to go to any specific thing but yeah it looks like some new leaks have surfaced and uh people are obviously modding this into the game on public servers if you watch my last video you realize how people are doing this I'm pretty sure this isn't the developer just dropping this in games um I think there's like moders going around public lobbies and basically just injecting their own code and spawning these items into the game um the items themselves I'm pretty sure are already in the game files so all they're doing is just spawning them in for people to use um as for the pictures and the images I'm not really sure where they come from um but yeah let's take a look at the the first thing so this is the the trench wall now I don't know how effective this is going to be against bugs rushing you but maybe it's going to be more effective against the automatons um it basically deploys this sort of like cover with a mounted machine gun on it and yeah it's called the trench wall now yeah I can't really see this being really useful at all unless it's like against a tomons but even then like if any Rockets hit this I feel like you would just go flying back um I think you're honestly just better off using the big mounted machine gun um but yeah it it seems a bit underwhelming maybe it's on a really low cool down which makes it sort of good in that way um but yeah next up here we have the Commando um I guess rocket launcher now unfortunately the gameplay footage I have doesn't actually show it in action but we get to see it's basically like this multi-missile barrage uh sort of rocket launcher and obviously when you pick it up it has obviously the ammo gauge in the bottom I'm assuming I don't think there's a backpack for it it just I'm assuming buyes a a salvo of rockets at the Target so that's pretty much all we can see in it obviously has this huge box like shape to basically show it has a bunch of rockets in it pretty cool now moving on to the weapons now the first weapon we have here is the ar48 now this is an assault rifle and it says it's a silenced assault rifle uh with a built-in suppressor which won't alert distant targets to the user's position now this could be pretty good if you're using it with obviously the Scout armor or basic any light armor that doesn't allow you to be seen if you're maybe trying to do a sneaky Mission as you know people are doing the mission where you do the scientist extraction one person goes to the point and bees like really sneaky gets the scientist out while the other team makes a bunch of noise so maybe the person doing the scientist could actually run this and obviously not cause a lot of attention and make those missions way way easier it says it has light armor penetrating damage 55 Capac 30 um zero recoil apparently and fire rate 750 now you've got to note that there was a um announcement that all weapons have I think at least they said 50 like hidden stats on them so there's a lot of stats on this weapon we don't see they only show us four of like the 50 stats that are on the weapons so we don't actually really know how powerful these weapons are going to be until someone actually figures out way way to see all the hidden stats on the weapon cuz there's stuff like crit I'm pretty sure there's stuff like crit chance and like crit rate on some of these weapons so yeah that could be really interesting to see on like other weapons now the second weapon here is the br14 adjudicator an accurate armor penetrating rifle the br14 adjudicator delivers the righteous judgment to mediumsized enemies through its restrictive magazine limits its Effectiveness against large groups damage 80 capacity 25 recoil 50 and fire rate 550 and it also has medium armor penetrating so this is uh obviously like a marksman rifle I wasn't a fan myself of the previous Marksman rifle that you get feel like it just didn't compare to the breaker I don't think anything really compares to the breaker shotgun right now um but I'm hoping some of these new weapons that do come out obviously bring a bit more variety and they start balancing the weapons a bit more so we can use different different things now finishing up with the Marksman rifle the sniper rifle this is the ar20 L Justice this is a high caliber rifle with high damage and penetration has medium armor penetrating damage 80 capacity 20 recall 50 and fire rate 550 and obviously this is a primary weapon so this isn't like a strategy that you call in this is a weapon you can just spawn with and just start using so me myself I'm not a fan of the snip ERS I'd rather just clear out groups of enemies but yeah to each their own let me know which one of these weapons you guys like the most as well they has been some new footage uh leaked of the mech suit so there's actually some mech suit gameplay going around uh which we haven't seen before because the the modders are actually spawning a ton of these Max suits in public lobbies for people to just use it's kind of crazy um there's a mexit gameplay of someone just like shooting the bile Titan and just absolutely destroying it what also a thing as well I've noticed in a lot of the gameplay the mech suits don't really seem that powerful they die extremely quick so if you get caught off guard in one of these Mex suits you're going to die like they die pretty quickly um as well if you guys didn't see my last video there has been a um APC as well or like I guess like it's a it's a transport vehicle with a massive mounted gun on it with six wheels and it's fully armored and it looks like there's like two lmgs either side I don't know if there can be a grenade launcher attachment to one of them as well but it looks pretty insane as well there is a Rover as well the Rover vehicle sort of like the warthog from Halo it's got the mounted turret in the back and I think this one is based for Speed like getting to the objectives quickly that's going to be super handy for people who just want to get the objectives done and then maybe potentially just unlock the extraction and then just go around doing the side missions I feel like the Jeep's going to be really good for that but yeah hope you guys enjoyed once again be sure to leave a like uh subscribe to channel leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Hell divers um I'll probably be picking the winner from my Discord as well so come and join my Discord it'll be linked at the top of the comment section we do have a hell divver section now on the Discord so for anyone that wants to form some groups play together come and uh join my community and with that being said guys I will see you in my next video peace
Channel: WiLLiSGaming
Views: 115,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2 new weapons, helldivers 2 leaks, helldivers 2 supressor weapon, helldivers 2 new stratagems, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 vehicle, helldivers 2 vehicle leak, vehicle helldivers 2
Id: Tf81JeffItE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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