The Tanks Winning and Losing The War in Ukraine | War On Tape | Season 1 Marathon | Daily Mail

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this is a video taken from Ukrainian spy drone to the north of adiva it shows an American Bradley Fighting one of Russia's best tanks the t90m Breakthrough the Bradley manages to Blind the T90 causing it to lose control and crash but this is not what should have happened let's go back the t90m is designed to destroy other tanks it should be more than capable of taking out a Bradley the Bradley is a battlefield taxi designed to take troops into and out of the fight right so how did It win we're going to analyze this footage delve into the archives and speak to an expert to find out this is a Bradley ifv or infantry Fighting Vehicle America gave Ukraine 190 of these Mean Machines which Kev used to equip the 47th mechanized Brigade it was designed during the Cold War and first entered service in 1981 though these ones probably date back to the 1990s and this is the t90m Breakthrough the most modern tank in use by the Russian army and supposedly its best from the waist down there isn't much new here it's basically the same as the old t72 tanks that Russia's been using since the Cold War but up top the tank is brand new and packed full of state-of-the-art Kit starting with its 125 mm main Cannon which has been upgraded to fire more destructive shells compare that to the Brad's main weapon which is is a 25 mm Bushmaster chain gun the tank Cannon is designed to punch through armor reinforce concrete and basically blow to bits anything that it might encounter on the battlefield whereas the Brad's gun is only really capable of taking out things like infantry and like vehicles trucks and Troop transports both the tank and the Bradley have light machine guns for Close Quarters fighting which can be controlled from inside so the crew doesn't have to get out and risk getting shot and both are covered in explosive reactive armor or ER these are blocks of explosives that are designed to go off when they're hit by enemy shells to deflect them away from the tank up here the Bradley has two anti-tank Rockets so it can take down enemy armor if it has to while the T90 turret is covered in all sorts of sensors and cameras the largest is the Commander's main sight which is known as the Falcon's eye it provides a wide view of the battlefield gives him day and night thermal vision a Laser Rangefinder to identify and lock onto targets as well as a range of other sensors for the onboard targeting computer or fire control system which is called Kina on the other side of the turret is the Gunner site the pnmt which gives a separate day and night thermal view just behind that a windspeed indicator feeds data from the m to the fire control system and cameras attached to the m and the sides of the tank give the three-man crew a three 160° view of the world outside so let's see what happens when these two vehicles take each other on in combat this is the town of stepo or what little is left of it just to the north of adiva this video was taken in early January when Ukraine's 47th Brigade were defending it against Russians who were trying to take the city here a Bradley has found itself facing off with a Russian t90m at very close range the T90 opens but misses before the Bradley drives up close and begins hitting it with rounds from its chain gun you can see a few Trac rounds flying past the tank as well as Sparks when the turret and the hull are hit the Bradley drives behind cover just in time as the tank fires a second shot which seems to hit a nearby building the Bradley keeps up the chain gun fire on the Move made easier by sensors which keep its gun locked on target you can see a couple more Trac arounds and the tank getting hit again here it returns fire but misses once again the Drone then pulls back to show us a wider view of the battlefield over here a second Bradley vehicle is hiding and it's going to take over fighting the tank in just a second the first Brad is almost done but manages to get off a few more shots before it goes suddenly there's what seems to be a large explosion from the tank with flaming debris going everywhere but this probably isn't an explosion the tank has likely fired its smoke canisters which are designed to Blind the Bradley and stop their guns from locking on as the first Bradley drives off the second one takes up the attack we know quite a lot about what happened next because Commander Siri and his driver Alexander spoke to Ukrainian TV about it Siri said they initially hit the tank with their armor piercing rounds but there was a problem likely an ammo jam and so they had to swap to the high explosive rounds which you can actually see happen on the video at first the gunfire from the second Brad looks exactly the same as the first the odd Trace around and a flash anytime one of the rounds hits the tank but then it changes and there's a bigger flash anytime a bullet strikes anything buildings the ground or the tank this is the high explosive ammo and this should really be where the fight ends for the Bradley high explosive rounds are designed to take out infantry they have next to no chance of penetrating the t9s armor but sir he has a trick up his sleeve instead of targeting the Tank's Hull he goes for the delicate sights and senses on top to Blind the crew where did he learn this clever trick he tells us himself zoomed in footage shows the strategy in action despite having a physical line of sight to The Bradley the tank never fires back s suggesting his strategy was a success a fire then starts close to the Tank's main gun and there is another explosion that looks similar to The Smoke launchers but this one comes from the wrong part of the turret and is probably one of the explosive armor plates cooking off which means the heat of the fire has caused it to detonate the tank is now in real trouble and it can only try and hide behind cover as the Bradley keeps up the chain gun fire when the Drone pilot Zooms in we can see the turret has completely failed it's spinning in circles while still on fire unable to navigate properly the tank narrowly misses a telegraph pole before slamming into a tree the crew escaped from their disabled tank unheard before the ukrainians use a drone to finish the vehicle off this may come as a surprise but Ukraine is actually not the first time that Bradley have faced off against Soviet tanks the first was all the way back in 1991 during Operation Desert Storm the American Le liberation of Kuwait from Saddam Hussein's Iraqi Army though Russia wasn't involved in the fighting directly Moscow was the iraqi's main arms dealer and so saddam's troops were using Soviet tanks attacking them was a coalition led by the US which had a huge amount of armor including 1,700 Bradley which were taking part in their first combat deployment the operation called for a huge armored charge from Saudi Arabia into Iraq and then across into Kuwait to drive the Iraqis out perhaps the most important battle took place at 73 easting which has been dubbed the last great tank battle of the 20th century there hundreds of Bradley and around 1,000 American abant tanks of the second armored Cavalry Regiment faced off against saddam's Elite National Guard units in their Soviet t72 in one of the opening salvos of the battle two Bradley managed to take out five t72 tanks using their to anti-tank launchers in the space of just a few minutes over the course of the next 90 minutes with the Bradley's fighting alongside the Abrams the second Cavalry destroyed more than 170 Iraqi tanks and dozens of armored vehicles in return they suffered a loss of just one Bradley with one man killed and 12 injured Desert Storm resulted in a Swift and crushing Allied victory over the course of the operation just 20 Bradley were lost only three of which were down to enemy fire the other 17 were friendly fire 12 more were damaged nine of them due to the enemy and despite the Bradley's role as Scouts they actually took out more more Iraqi tanks than the abam overall the Iraqi Army lost 3,000 tanks 2,000 armored vehicles and tens of thousands of men in just 100 hours the Allies suffered only 147 casualties and a few dozen tanks destroyed Bradley Crews gave glowing reports of their vehicles once the fighting was done praising them as both fast and lethal based on those reports the US military went about improving the Brads making them easier to spot so they didn't get shot so much by their own side as well as making them easier to fix these new versions odsa which stands for Operation Desert Storm situational awareness are the versions that Ukraine is thought to have been given three decades ago on the battlefields of Iraq the Bradley's proved themselves Superior to Soviet tanks Putin now likes to brag that Russia's t9m is the best tank in the world but seeing one of them get beaten by two Battlefield taxis that are three decades old makes you wonder whether that's really true here's what an expert thinks what was thing here is is actually something we call uh disco turret head in the tank world where the tank has been so badly bashed up the crew probably seriously injured inside have completely lost uh complete uh sort of spatial awareness not knowing where they are and the tank virtually out of control it might be driving itself but one of the vulnerabilities of the Russian tanks we've seen particularly in Ukraine that uh relatively small amount of of hits they get and then they pretty much go um go crazy and as we're seeing there that that tank that is the Last Action it'll see what we're seeing here is a T90 Russian tank the most advanced one they have being absolutely hammered by some Bradley infantry fighting vehicles with a 25 mm Bushmaster Cannon which is a pretty small weapon to be shooting at a big vehicle like that the T90 is uh you know is a very um very basic tank compared to a challenger 2 or a leopard 2 or an Abrams um it's got a good 125 mm gun uh but it's its protection um is is very lacking it's explosive reactive armor which it appears to have doesn't seem to work and um it's very susceptible to these $500 drones so um likewise Putin has also said the the experimental T14 amarti tank which is due to replace the T90 you know is the best tank on the planet but again uh what we seen of it um it's been in incredibly um vulnerable to virtually attack from from everything and I think you know the Russians were synonymous with great tanks in fact probably the greatest tank in history the t34 which the Russians designed and developed in the second world war was what every other tank has built on but it would seem that the t34 was the height of Russian tank design and capability because everything they produced since then has been pretty poor and very vulnerable to even the lightest attack it's reassuring for the ukrainians with their Bradley's and their other kit that they know if they can get in range of Russian tanks they can take them out and the other key element is actually the way that the Russians use tanks they've lost so much crew that the crews who are now in the t9s in the t880s that the Russians have left have virtually no training and can virtually do little more than drive in a straight line and if they're lucky actually fire the main Armament it takes a long time to become an effective tank commander you know it it took me two years to really Master how to how to fight a challenger one and then Challenger 2 and you know I've got thousands of hours on Challenger one and CH Challenger to and it's one thing just being able to fight the tank the key thing is to be able fight tanks together what we call combined arms maneuver Warfare now that takes a heck of a long time you know when I Was preparing the first all tank regiment to do this we had to do two years of training before we were deemed fit enough to go on the battlefield now when we look at the Russians um most of their T tank action is one tank at a time as we've seen in this video here you know what you need is at least two tanks working together to provide what we call Mutual support so as one tank moves the other puts down fire so that the Bradley can't actually hit it but there is no sign at all that the Russians are doing it their skills are shocking as well I'm yet to see a Russian tank with any camouflage on it which seems extraordinary to me and I think the fact that the crews are so exp inexperienced when you see tank troops of three tanks or four moving around the battlefield they almost seem to be tethered one following the other mainly cuz I expect it's only the the officer who has a map in his tank but it makes them really easy targets very predictable and they're always very close together so you know they can be taken out very easily so it's I think it's it's surprising to me I thought the Russians would be far better but but they've got worse because they're having to replace their so-called experienced tank cruise with new tank crws and you just can't learn how to do this stuff in a couple of days it takes weeks months if not years years conversely when we look at the ukrainians at the very start they you know would appear they were naive but actually they weren't they just they were just not trained they weren't experienced but over two years they are gaining that experience and and the action we saw with those Bradley a number of Bradley working together synchronized um you know really shows that they're getting to grips with this armored Warfare I've seen Bradley's for many years First Gulf War second Gulf War and also um in Afghan AR you know these are really capable fighting Vehicles very well protected um in Armament terms but but also really pack a-p punch that 25 mm Bush Master Cannon although it's it's small in tank gun terms um it has a very very high rate of fire has an armored piercing shell and as we seeing you know fairly easily defeating at90 tank we've seen a lot of them on the battlefield in in Ukraine and although you know they're 30 years years old they are still really one of the best infantry fighting vehicles around and have been improved all the time to have an anti-d drone capability as well so I think you know that is one of the key vehicles that they want want to be in want to fight in and it's proving really effective when it comes to Tank Warfare um actually nothing's changed uh if we look at the first great tank battle in 1917 at com when my my regiment was formed you basically had a a a a steel vehicle with a big gun moving forward and it had Firepower it had protection and Mobility but in those days I as a tank officer would be out of the front of my tank with an ash plant checking that the ground was viable for the tank today in Ukraine they have a drone doing that back in 1917 there would be a person in an air balloon looking for targets today in Ukraine there is a drone but though what we learned at combre back in 1917 is exactly still what we learn in Ukraine it's about working together it's about tanks and infantry and artillery working together it's about combined arms maneuver Warfare and uh so although we're over a 100 years later the tank really hasn't fundamentally changed things like drones are having a huge impact um and 500 $1 drones are dropping uh $50 hand grenades through hatches of Russian tanks and blowing them up uh we're very quickly learning how to uh counter that but the ba basic premise of a steel vehicle uh moving rapidly over difficult terrain with Firepower is exactly the same as it was 100 plus years ago now I've was in the Army you know for 35 years or so and every year as a tank commander I was told that the end of the tank a bit like the end of the horse on the battlefield but there is no signs uh from what we're seeing in Ukraine that the value of a tank used correctly in a combined arms environment is any less than it was at combre in 1917 we in the British we had Challenger tanks and Warrior armored fighting Vehicles the warrior is very similar to the to the Bradley actually has a slightly bit bigger gun more effective and certainly the Warriors were very effective against the t-72s t-55s that the Iraqis had and I understand the Bradley's were as well and it really shows the difference between Russian armored vehicles and Western armored vehicles when we look at Western kit against Russian kit um we know the Russians have loads of it and there is a quality and quantity mass is important but when it comes to technology and the state of the kit that that is also really important you know the Russians have lost you know it depends who what figures you go by but if the if the British mod is saying plus a 4,000 then that can't be far wrong now the ukrainians have lost a great deal less than that of course you can replace tanks but actually you can't replace the crews the crews are the you know the sort of crocodile nearest of canoe they they they take time but not only with tanks that we've seen it but a whole host of other equipment you know fighter jets attack helicopters um and also anti-tank weapons so I think the the thing that is important here is if we can get enough Western kit the ukrainians in time then they should Prevail because you know as far if we we look at it in a numbers game you know a challenger two tank is probably worth 10 Russian tanks and if you use that metric then ukrainians could gain that mass that is required for a effective combined arms maneuver for combin arms Warfare to be effective you need tanks you need infantry armored fighting Vehicles you need artillery you need attack helicopters and you need air power fighter jets all working together to be able to achieve an advantage now I'm getting more confident that this is possibly likely to happen conversely the Russians although they have made a bit of ground recently it's been at the cost of you know over a thousand dead a day around a DE and we know also they're using crude chemical weapons in the form of Cs gas which is illegal under the Geneva Convention and the chemical weapons convention that's the only way they can move forward so as the Russians are getting worse the ukrainians are getting better and that gives us some hope for the future that actually Ukraine can start pushing these Russian Invaders back this is one of 31 Abrams M1 A1 tanks given to the ukrainians by the US and used to equip the 47th Brigade the M1 A1 entered service in 1986 it weighs around 60 tons is powered by a gas turbine engine that'll run on pretty much any kind of fuel and is armed with a 120 mm main Cannon it is coated in choam composite armor which provides some of the best protection in the world to the crew of four who sit inside the turret at the back of the turret is an armored compartment where the ammunition is stored which is separated from the turret by blast doors that means even if the ammo explodes during battle the crew will be protected and on top of the compartment are blowout panels deliberately weak sections which pop off and vent the Blast away from the crew the Russians claim this tank was spotted by soldiers of the 15th motor rifle Brigade who used a piran fpv or firstperson view drone to disable it there are two kinds of piranha drone the piranha 7 which is smaller and the piranha 10 which is larger both are made up of a quadcopter drone with a top speed of 140 km per hour the pirana 7 can carry a load of up to 2.5 kilos and has a limited range because it only contains a small battery the piranha 10 can carry a load of up to 4 1/2 kilos and has an extended range because of its larger battery and more powerful propellers both are controlled using multiple radio frequencies which the pilot can change in Flight making it very different to jam the drones only cost about $500 each which makes them ideal for destroying high value targets like a 4.3 million Abrams tank the Russians claim this tank was hit by one piranha before they started filming likely targeting the engine or the tracks which has disabled it in military speak this is an M kill or a Mobility kill it means the vehicle cannot move but is probably repairable if it can be rescued what we're about to watch is the Russians trying to convert that M kill into a k kill or a catastrophic kill meaning the tank would be out of action for good how are they going to do it by flying another drone into it the Russians have clearly done their homework because the second drone hits the Abrams on the back of the turret the blast causes the ammo to start cooking off which means the heat from the fire is setting off the shells but the ammo compartment armor keeps the blast confined to the back of the tank and and the blowout panels pop off here and here venting the explosion upwards because of these safety features all the crew inside the tank made it out alive and even though the Abrams catches fire it doesn't explode the Russian mission to turn the mill into a kill ends in Failure this took place in late February and was initially dismissed as a one-off but barely a week later two more Abrams were lost in the exact same place in almost the exact same fashion for a tank that is supposed to be World leading that seems like a problem to really get a sense of how the ABS is fairing in Ukraine we need to dive into the archives and compare it to other tanks Russia has mostly relied on Old Soviet t-72s to fight this war and they've not handled it well Ukraine claims to have destroyed around 7,000 of them and when they go they can really go in case you wondering this is what a k kill looks like this is a legacy of the t72 Soviet past when these tanks were built during the Cold War the USSR had an army numbering in the millions it needed a lot of Tanks so they had to be cheap and easy to make the t72 was the result it weighs around 40 tons much lighter than Western tanks and has a crew of just three which means it is much smaller as well the fourth crew member has been replaced by a piece of Kit called an autoloader which automatically reloads the Tank's 125 mm Cannon after each shot because of the way the autoloader works the spare ammunition is stored directly underneath the crew and inside the turret if a t72 is hit and the blast sets off the ammo inside the tank the result is a catastrophic explosion that results in these huge turret tosses otherwise known as the Jack in the Box effect Russia's newer tanks like the t80 and T90 fa slightly better but not by much they generally have better armor than the older t-72s but are still based on the original Soviet designs which means the ammo is still stored in and around the crew Western tanks are by no means indestructible but they do a much better job of protecting the men inside America's Abrams Britain's Challenger and Germany's leopards are also products of the Cold War their designers knew they could never match the Soviets for numbers so to stand a chance their tanks would have to take multiple hits and keep going and if they were destroyed it was important that at least the crew survived to fight another day compared to Soviet tanks like the t72 the Abrams and Challenger are bigger and a lot heavier but that's because they are better protected aside from features like blowout panels on the ABS both of these tanks use a specialist kind of armor called choam arm armor this is made of a composite of different materials layered together exactly which ones is a closely guarded secret but it is thought to offer some of the best protection in the world the leopards use a different kind of composite which is not quite as good but still offers high levels of protection like the Abrams the leopard and Challenger have four crew members including a loader the ammo is also stored in a blast prooof container at the back of the turret rather than underneath the crew this is meant to stop the entire tank exploding in the event the ammo compartment is hit despite being heavier than Russia's tanks Advanced engines make them faster and therefore harder to hit high-tech targeting systems mean their main guns can lock onto targets and fire on the move so they don't have to slow down or stop which would make them vulnerable that is good news for Ukraine because it has saved the lives of many tank Crews which Kiev cannot afford to waste and potentially the tanks themselves provided they can be told off the battlefield for that reason the Abrams looks like it does indeed have a place on the battlefields of the future here's what an expert thinks so here we have footage of the Drone hitting the back of the Abrams which is its most vulnerable point and it's hit it right on top of the ammunition compartment which sits at the back of the turret in an armored compartment and it's got blowout panels on the top which you can see in effect there so that if the ammunition is is hit and it Cooks off and and causes that kind of Fireball it's directed upwards away from the crew inside the tank rather than towards them uh but this of course only works if the armored compartment is sealed so if you're caught as you're opening the compartment to load the gun you might be in trouble as the explosive force can be directed within the turret but there it looks like it did its job and saved the crew the ABS itself it is one of the best tanks out there but I think before you start looking at the Abrams in particular you've got to set the scene on tank warfare in general and I think there's not many examples in the last few Decades of large scale conventional conflict where we can really see how the tank fares on the battlefield and the few examples that we do have show that the tank is by no means Invincible nor is it designed to be so if you go back to 1973 with the yam kipor War where the Israelis were fighting the Egyptians and the syrians that War lasted about a month and the Israelis lost a thousand tanks and the Egyptians syrians lost 2,200 tanks over the course of the month of fighting and one of the reasons that the Israelis lost so many tanks was The Saga wire guided anti-tank missile which a lot of people at the time had similar conversations with drones today so this was uh you know very small weapon that an infantryman could carry on his back into battle lie down and using a little joystick and a wire could guide it onto the tank and it took the Israelis by surprise and resulted in a lot of heavy tank losses not many years after you've got the the Iran Iraq war in the 1980s and that conflict has a few similarities to today with sort of very static front lines trench warfare and there were you know thousands of Tanks lost on both sides in that conflict as well so I think in general you know we're just not used to seeing this kind of fighting and that we've been taken a bit by surprise at how many tanks have been destroyed but there's nothing particularly unusual with that so I guess that brings us onto the Abrams which is you know one of the best tanks out there but one thing that we should bear in mind is the ukrainians were given the M1 A1 variant which is the older variant so the Abrams was first designed and entered service in the 1980s when drones were not much of a problem and the Americans were thinking about designing a tank to fight the Soviets on the sort of PLS and Rolling Hills of West Germany so it's got a lot of armor on the front uh where you'd expect the enemy to be coming at you but on the top it has not got as much armor I think it's about uh 25 mm on the top top of the turret and 38 mm on the top of the whole the driver sits so these are two quite vulnerable points so if you know a weapon strikes you there you are a bit more vulnerable uh it's just that when they were designed this is not where they were expecting weapons to hit them it's not just Abram's tanks that are getting killed in Ukraine it seems no tank is safe anymore figures aren't easy to get but from open source information um you know because the Russians and ukrainians have very high claims of what they've destroyed of of each other's equipment but taking the or database which is a team that looks through what you can visually confirm uh through videos or pictures of being destroyed we can see that the ukrainians over the two plus years of fighting have lost around 800 tanks either destroyed damaged or captured and the Russians have lost uh around 3,000 tanks so for the ukrainians about one tank a day for the Russians three and a half to four tanks a day uh which I think tells you a lot about the the design features of Russian tanks they're a lot lighter designed more for mobility and Firepower than for protection which is uh sort of inverse philosophy to a lot of Western tanks so looking at the Western tanks that Ukraine has received so far they've only received 130 of what you would probably consider modern Western tanks uh so those are your leopard twos your Challenger twos and your Abrams they received several hundred sort of upgraded Soviet era tanks from from NATO countries but these 130 modern Western tanks are the best protected and so far they have lost 19 of those destroyed and 22 damaged or abandoned which I think is actually considering the scale of the fighting and the intensity and the prolonged nature of the fighting quite impressive uh that only that many have been lost especially if you look back to when Ukraine was conducting its counter offensive they were attacking against heavily fortified with mines tank obs obstacles well prepared artillery fire zones and they were doing this without air superiority and without artillery superiority and despite that for being on the offensive for several months the fact that you know only 40 tanks of the western tanks given to them so far have been taken out of action and some of those will have been recovered and repaired of the damaged and abandoned tanks I think that's Testament to the protective features of Western tanks in Ukraine which begs the question why is anyone still using tanks if they keep getting blown up the combination of Firepower mobility and protection that the tank offers simply can't be replaced no other platform uh can do the same thing till a system comes along that can do that both sides will be desperately trying to get as many as they can cuz you've seen what the drones and artillery and mines can do to a tank when they hit it but if you imagine what kind of effect that Firepower has on much less heavily armored vehicles whether it's you the American Humvee or the Russian BMP you're a lot more vulnerable and it's only the tank that can afford you that unique combination of Firepower mobility and protection if no Army is about to give up the tank then what I wanted to know is whether there's anything tank Crews can do to better protect themselves the massive benefit of a fpv drone is that if you attach a an anti-tank weapon to it you can literally sort of guide it around to the very specific point of the tank that you you most want to hit and there's not much uh the moment that tankers can do about it in Ukraine for stopping drones uh electronic warfare is one option whacking some Jammers onto the tank is one way of interfering with either the drone's targeting systems if it's a a loitering munition or the communication between the Drone pilot you know several miles away and the Drone itself for an fpv you can try and jam them although again as part of the measure counter measure the Drone Pilots themselves can switch frequencies and try and evade the the jamming you could add extra armor to the weak points this is what the swedes did with the leopard twos that they gave to Ukraine and only one of those so far has been destroyed although several have been hit the problem with adding extra armor to the top of the tanks is that it adds a lot of weight and in Ukraine that's not ideal given the sort of Muddy pictures we're used to seeing of tanks getting bogged down after it's been raining uh these things are already very heavy sort of 40 50 60 tons uh so adding armor is not the route you would want to go um but beyond that there's also active Protection Systems which are a relatively new uh feature of tanks not many have them but people are very quickly exploring options and these uh could include hardill measures so you've got a couple of small Radars on the top of the tank and a couple of uh sort of projectile firing systems which basically fire a shotgun shell equivalent an incoming threat and either try and destroy it uh Destro it or if it's a tandem Warhead that's coming in uh to try and make it prematurely fire to protect the tank the problem with an active protection system is they're quite expensive uh and it probably adds something like 25 to 50% of the cost of the tank but if you want to protect it that's something that I think most people are going to have to do the issue with current generation of active prodection systems is they're not really designed to deal with drones but people are already looking into how they can be adapted to face that threat and sometimes it isn't about the tank itself so much as how the tank is being used ideally your tanks would be used as part of a combined arms effort working in tandem with other elements of your land forces but also your Air Forces as well the artillery and air power can protect the tank from uh infantry and drone operators and enable it to work as effectively as possible and I think one of the reasons why it wasn't supported in the the footage we saw is this lack of ammunition the other problem is uh the types of vehicles available to support wouldn't be able to do much they'd be sitting ducks they've not got the kind of range or protection that the tank does and they would be very vulnerable to to drones whereas a lot of Western countries at the moment are now looking into what kind of vehicles can be sent in with tanks and other mechanized formations to protect them from the Drone threat so there's an increased emphasis these days on short range air defense vehicles or Shore r or very short range air defense Vehicles which is V shad and we used to have a lot of these during the Cold War to face off against low-flying attack aircraft or helicopters and one of these you can see is the German Gard um self-propelled anti-aircraft gun uh which ukrainians do have a few of and they've been using to good effect Against drones but I think at the moment they're mostly being used to protect critical infrastructure from the uh Shad drones whereas if they could be on the front line then they would be able to protect the tanks and the Americans and others in the west are very aware of this problem and are designing a new generation of shorad uh mobile shorad platforms uh the Americans very recently ordered 144 shorad variants of the striker armored personnel carrier as a stop Gap measure while they think about what the best approach moving forward is and now for the big question does William think tanks have a place on the battlefield of the future yes they absolutely certain do uh it's just about making sure that they're as good as they can be moving forward that's where this tape stops we'll be back soon to play you through another episode of War on tape hey everyone thanks for watching if you want more videos like this in your feed don't forget to hit like And subscribe to our YouTube channel
Channel: Daily Mail
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Keywords: Daily Mail, daily mail news, daily mail latest, daily mail video, War on Tape, War on Tape Daily Mail, War on Tape Show, War on Tape Russia Ukraine, Russia Ukraine, Ukraine, Russia War, Russia Ukraine War, Ukraine War
Id: f73Y_spLfYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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