Call of Duty: Modern War Crimes 3

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welcome to the brand new Call of Duty game critics are saying this is the best one yet war war never changes Ramirez gun down those preschoolers ah iory apparently the campaign in this game can be completed in 4 hours that's almost as long as a video essay and they're still selling it for 70 bucks the mission is half complete the game is half complete bra is inbound solid copy move to set Roger Roger objective locate prisoner 627 Target the guards only copy guards only okay we got to liberate the sledgehammer devs from this Gulag alas On Target standby prisoner 627 oh it's marov the Lord of war crimes okay got to make sure I'm aiming at a guard not a prisoner before I [ __ ] we did it we escaped from tarov go back my comrades We Stand reunited is this a kick stream all right I'm going to let Activision finish their meeting here they seem pretty busy uh we'll come back to this I'm going to prolong the 4-Hour campaign oh my God atam and ncto are in this game ncto oh and Lio is in this game too the operator system exists so they can sell cosmetic bundles but imagine if we could like fully customize a guy and like grind for tactical gear and drip that'd be pretty sick no no no zany you are supposed to buy the Cosmetics not earn them speaking of buying Cosmetics you guys wanted cyberpunk Darth Maul here he [Music] is and since we're in Black Friday season everything else in the store is 15% off Gamers link to my crowd made down in the comments it looks sick right Mission compromised it's a draw oh it's a draw okay great what wait what you guys lost zero two and three it's a mission command is coping dude ah yes the Violator the late stage Minecraft Youtuber oh this gives me 200 CP don't abbreviate Cod points Activision I am faster smarter stronger all right let's go boys stick as a group Apes together strong hostiles launched a cruise missile now we'll be fine don't worry about it hang on do I have like a DMR or something all right I was changing my load out dongdong dongdong is actually maerov second command so this is a big game uh base Comm in hostiles have called down an attack chopper moving in if I stay right under it it won't be able to shoot me base uh come in I need help send ncto to let's see how you like this helicopter I asked the boys who else got this game and I got laughed at $70 for this is insane I didn't pay for [ __ ] man I managed to get a code did you buy this game Kev or did they also give you a code no no I wouldn't have bought this game I got to stop rushing I have no patience this map is rust from the original Modern Warfare 2 this is actually a subtle reference to Cod being good 14 years ago remember no rushing I will wait for the perfect most opportune moment say again mov is out oh congratulations to him here we go mobilize conf oh all the big characters are here didn't that guy die in the first game weapons free open combat Mission oh it's like a it's like a little open world well this is certainly different than the normal Cod levels good attack thank you Graves didn't that guy die in the last game Tango spotted macarov is near I can feel it what you're seeing is Advanced Warfare yeah that's effective oh I'm CIA John I know all about lies ah yes famous quote from World War II General Kate lwell in COD it's all about the movement now did he just Parry my grenade they randomly scattered like 50 dudes in this open level and then called it a day rowers Finds Its way back to this place that was the mission that was like 10 minutes I just went to three spots and held X oh no it's another open combat Mission our Intel suggests smack ROV is in this complex oh a ramp a ramp there's fun there's fun in this game you [ __ ] bastards my objective is to destroy these helic Ops and [ __ ] makarov's Army okay one more to go one minute later we're done oh dear God marov has chemical weapons marov has highly concentrated sarin gas sarin gas isn't that the Naruto thing he's targeting Arizona can we use these computers to deactivate the launch yeah deactivate the game launch do it con's put macarov chemicals into the WarHeads they're going to launch don't worry I'm different I'll stop it stop the launch enemies are too close oh my God got him now we stop the launch enemies are too close of course it makes perfect sense why I can't stop the launch those two guys were back there stop the launch or Millions will die oh my God here game are you happy are you happy now the missile launches in 1 minute [ __ ] Mission Control come in we got two missiles headed to James cordon's house for now attack the poisonous fume I'll save you hang on War as hell but I thrive in toxicity spawn at e spawn at e spawn at e never mind do not spawn at e do not spawn at e I'm reloading oh I can't believe that guy's alive bro yeah John hit marker do not play Zombies did you try zombies I did [ __ ] dude they turned it into an MMO it's like an open world and there's other people there you can run across but they're not in your fire team did that did that blow your mind too now a lot of people made fun of me for using this Yeehaw gun in Modern Warfare 2 but a lot of people are wrong okay it's pretty bad it's like a Red Dead Redemption guns ah B I'm better what am I doing yes boom boom those were dong Dong's Men Please Don't Push I'm so submissive and one shot in yes I'm better could have been bad is there only like four maps in this game I have this attachment to Cod because it was Black Ops and Halo reach that got me into online gaming me me hostiles launched a cruise missile not me not me Lord he is better Lock and Load Gamers who the [ __ ] is this kind of a movement demon in this game what is going on with a kill feed elec is actually uh dongdong second in command damn this guy elect is still popping off and he's not even in the game brother no I will avenge him hostile mosquito is online all right I am bored I'm just getting like incredible lag oh you're getting that too can't be me I'm used to this thing this my natural state for my sniper I a revolver Jesus Christ what was the last like cod multiplayer you guys really enjoyed mine was cold warm Black Ops 3 yo that guy oh s macaroni it's you it's you black noir he's alive uh yes the fortnite ification of video games damn that's pretty good though never mind operate are hilarious keep them literally the only reason why Call of Duty is like that is to like tap into fortnite Siege also Siege has Master Chief now although that's pretty sick Siege has rity well yeah you kind of ruined it when I was streaming the Zombies mode someone was like so how's redfall 2 is this an airport no Russian no Russian looks like it's time for a war crime I always [Music] say and now you might think this guy is a terrorist but that would be kind of racist but oh he is a terrorist we're taking control of this plane the flight crew the Air Marshals they're all with us [ __ ] please please I'm not a terrorist just a woman there they are what drop your weapon airsh drop your weapon stop repeating what I said what sir that is not on air plane mode there's no freedom of gameplay anymore hello you what do you think you are oh they're blowing the plane up what is this history don't worry I'm Different I'll contain the explosion go get it okay okay everyone stay calm I'm here to save you move move help me give me the give me that phone we got to uninstall the bomb app open combat Mission this is terrible news the engagements get boring fast because they all play out the same way and why am I even bothering to review this when they spent a grand total of 8 hours making it I'm flying the box and we're done he wants a war East versus West the tile fight yeah game you coward start the World War III that's what this campaign should have been rest in peace sand man and Company rest in peace we're hot on makarov's trail he's going down oh no Russian no Russian a I didn't even see that guy you really got to wait for a clear shot so you don't hit the civilians excuse me excuse me sorry freeze th the responders don't shoot how did you get in here security security I don't believe him Valor is stability not of legs and arms but of courage and the Soul okay nerd game come on give me the real quote War always finds its way back to this place there you go famously said 3 hours ago War always finds its way back to this place two threat remaining Special Forces show your hands this is uh makarov's Banker for lack of a better word give us all of his c c points [ __ ] you nothing in my banking will get you any closer to Vladimir I know that voice oh Marin it's Marin okay credit where it's Jew this open mission's not too bad it's like this long climb of these apartments and as far as I can tell there's different paths for the player and since the areas are more condensed it feels less of a slog to Traverse cool cool see guys this is why you got to let the game cook you know this is Andre makarov's fourth in command you're coming with us macarov needs him been contacting him nonstop he know macarov double texting oh God come get me come get me oh my God why do they have [ __ ] War Machine everyone in the cockpit in the cockp in the [ __ ] everybody oh there he is whate got one no boy there we go run [ __ ] dude all right yeah yeah get him get him get him get no [ __ ] oh I'm going to be the shame kill what is this final kill thank you for purchasing Modern Warfare 3 okay you don't have to rub it in this is my melee build much to learn you still have what you're saying is Advanced Warfare adapt adapt come here where are you going get over here finally a worthy opponent he's well trained this guy damn he's good he's good but now it's time for my second phase guys I know macarov could be anywhere but this feels like a stretch vehicle's clear no marov no ma either nothing can hide from my thermal scope except vampire I saw a report that this game was developed in less than a year and a half and then the head developer denied that report which is funny cuz it's like so this was on purpose marov aims to finish what he started in forance he's ordered con to strike the Gora Dam at nightfall I'll be damned if I let him do that I know the campaign isn't the main selling point of cod anymore but it would be nice if they still tried this is just so unoriginal and soulless the new Trilogy really tries to keep things more realistic and grounded right like nukes aren't going off and Russia isn't invading the us but it could still be interesting like in Modern Warfare 1 when they introduced the super tactical stealth Mission Modern Warfare 2 had that mission with the moving containers and the one where you're like sneaking around with ghost Guerilla style but Modern Warfare 3 it's 4 hours long and nothing stood out it's so generic all the missions practically play the same the story is stop ma of but they barely take the time to develop him and here we go now the real game Begins the air support Mission this brings me back to burning ants with a magnifying glass when I was a kid [ __ ] that guy oh you guys should not have showed up to work today the AC-130 is my dream car that's why I'm always grinding so I can get one 3 things you cannot outrun in this world folks death taxes and me pleasure I actually really like Graves he's such a good bad guy Mr Graves were you given orders to use lethal Force against TF 141 yes I was your honor in my client's defense Freebird was playing hello good doggy nice try Activision this doesn't change anything [Music] funny story Kieran got discovered on one of his walks and he was offered this audition to be the face of this local dog food brand I wasn't there for it cuz I was out on a trip but look at that little superstar meanwhile the other two are unemployed and useless we're really close to catching macarov like for real this time freeze I said freeze viory will be ours man what back in my day the NPCs just walked it offg [ __ ] take it down what the [ __ ] was that we need to cut both at the same time red wire red wire okay red wire you son of a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] so he's getting away [ __ ] it's going to be another game [ __ ] man soap is two for two ghost is still alive though Activision redacting Community feedback rest in peace Johnny it's over but makarov's still alive Modern Warfare 4 he's going down that game releases like next week probably today's featured xan Clan meme should I add Tom Heston to this like the video or else I'll give you my copy of Modern Warfare [Music] [Music] 3
Channel: zanny
Views: 484,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: noVZD-wbao4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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