The 950 JDJ FAT MAC (The World’s Most Powerful Rifle!!!)

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this is the 950 JDJ fat MAAC the largest sporting rifle in the entire world this gun weighs 50 lb and is going to be producing upwards of 300 lb of felt recoil three of these bullets equal over a pound here it is compared to a can of Vienna sausages and this is it compared to a stick of deodorant this thing is 950 in in diameter weighs 2500 grains is going to be moving at 2400 ft per second and is producing 25,000 foot pounds of muzzle energy oh all right here we go oh my gosh [Music] oh what's up everybody my name is Scott and you're watching Kentucky ballistics and you may not know this but we are now at my threeyear anniversary of my 50 cal accident if you have not seen the original video on April 9th 2021 my 50 cal exploded in my face long story short I got a hold of some ammunition that I was unaware was extremely overpressured so much so that it was three times the normal pressure of a 50 BMG the gun had a catastrophic failure and detonated in my face when that happened it broke several bones in my face including my orbal bone my nose and a few others it snapped this finger in half I went blind in my right eye and the worst of the injuries were a lacerated jugular a punctured right lung and I lost a lot of bodily fluid the doctor said the only reason I even made it to the hospital was from shoving my own thumb into my throat and if you're new to the channel that is why I wear the shirts that say just put a thumb in it now at the three-year Mark I can tell you that I am in excellent health and I'm stronger than I've ever been in my entire life and that may not sound like much to you but they had to bonea my entire rib cage open and my collar bone to get out all the shrapnel including a 1in piece of Steel from my right lung I never thought I would bench press again much less be able to bench press over 400 lb again and the only lasting effects that I have now are my 15-in scar my pupil doesn't constrict all the way and my gums are still numb on this side and the mental Stars I try to keep this channel light-hearted I am all about trying to educate you and make you laugh at the same time but if I'm being completely honest with you every time I come out here I am thinking about April 9th 2021 it is always at the back of my mind before I pull a trigger if you've watched my videos at all since my accident you have heard me say the phrase Ride the Lightning and that's because you cannot let that fear control you you got to face it you got to keep chasing your dreams and you got to Ride the Lightning so to celebrate my three-year anniversary I have these limited edition Ride the Lightning t-shirts on the front here we have Ride the Lightning on this sleeve we have the logo on this sleeve we have the classic thumb logo and on the back we have 1,095 days since last accident but we may have to reset that to zero after today's video because to truly celebrate my three-year anniversary and to truly Ride the Lightning today we have the 950 JDJ fatmac the largest sporting rifle in the entire world this is the 950 JDJ fat MAAC so what is a 950 JDJ well a 950 JDJ fat Mac is a very large powerful rifle the most powerful and largest sporting rifle ever created in the entire world they only made three of these rifles so this is one of only three they are extremely rare this fires a950 caliber projectile and it's built off of the 20 mm Vulcan case when it comes to Firearms over 50 caliber typically they are considered a destructive device unless they have historical use or they have a sporting exemption such as 600 Nitro 700 Nitro four Bo and things like that obviously the 950 JDJ fat MAAC was created to hunt dangerous game and has a sporting exemption so it is not considered a d Ive device the 950 JDJ fat MAAC is actually the most versatile and useful sporting rifle ever created you can hunt dangerous game on earth anywhere in the universe and even other dimensions so now let's give you some stats on the 950 JDJ it is a single shot bolt action rifle this thing has a 24 1/2 in Barrel a 6 and 1/2 in muzzle brake for an overall barrel length of 31 in and an overall rifle length of 52 1/2 in this is a bench rest gun it was not meant to be picked up and fired it was meant to be fired off of a bench and that's because it weighs 50 lbs but it doesn't really matter if you shoot this off of a bench or if you can actually shoulder fire it it's going to kick the absolute snot out of you regardless because the 950 JDJ fat Mac is packing a whopping 300 lb of felt recoil I think it goes without saying but she be kicking so now let's talk about what the 950 JDJ fires first I have some projectiles on the table that you may be familiar with starting over here we have a 223 a 308 500 Nitro 12 gauge 10 gauge 700 Nitro that is a 1,000 grain bullet 50 BMG which is 650 grains and the all 94 boore that is 1 in in diameter and 2,150 Grain and this is the 950 JDJ this is 950 in in diameter weighs 2500 grains is going to be moving at 2,400 ft per second and is going to be producing 25,000 ft-lbs of muzzle energy and here it is compared to everything else you can see it is a little bit shorter than the four boore but I'm telling you it's going to be putting out a lot more power 3 950 JDJ bullets weigh over a pound and it would take 45 223 bullets to make one 950 bullet and for those of you watching who are not familiar with Firearms here's the 950 JDJ compared to a Cana Vienna sausages and here it is compared to a stick of deodorant okay it is the moment of truth it is time to actually shoot the 950 JDJ I have been training for this the last 10 years been beating my shoulder up with the largest rifles that I can find and now today we are going to face the final boss so first we're just going to shoot a paper Target and that's because I just want to squeeze the trigger on this thing and feel what kind of recoil it's producing and try to figure out what is the best way to shoot this thing and I will get an idea of where my point of aim is and I would be lying to you if I said I was not nervous let's load it there is no safety on this so once it's loaded it's ready to fire so we slip that in right there woo okay we got to get hyped up we got to get hyped up for this this is a big moment real big moment no one has shot a 950 JDJ on the internet and I don't know when it's been a long time we finally got one and now I get to pull the trigger on it when I started my channel like 10 years ago and my first video was me shooting a bowling ball with a 454 casso never in a million years did I ever dream that it would be as big as it is now I never thought I would ever see one of these in person much less own one and finally get to shoot one today is a good day oh all right here we go oh man oh I don't know what to do with this hand oh my gosh oh wow that kicked the absolute snot out of me I have never felt anything kick that hard it's on a table and it's still kick me back like 2 [Music] feet [Music] listen I am the king of recoil on YouTube and even I will admit that that be kicking I am so fired up right now that was stinking awesome okay so looks like whoever sided that gun in years ago did a pretty good job I was aiming right here and we hit just to the right you will notice that my BM is uh quite reinforced today and that is because we are shooting brass solids they do not deform and they are meant to penetrate deep so I figured that my BM probably wasn't up to that task so I did this we stacked it all up and so now it had to go through two railroad ties and then right here we have a pretty thick piece of mild steel it appears that the round went through these railroad ties you can see it splintered out and then there's a big dent in this steel so it looks like it deflected off of that maybe sideways so after it hit the steel it deflected this way and hit one of the posts we had to do quite a bit of digging but it went down here and I just let the bullet right there but here it is it looks pretty normal on this side but if you flip it it's kind of smoosh and I think that's from where it hit the mild steel and still had quite a bit of energy that is a big ridiculous bullet oh hey I didn't see you standing there it's really hard to see you because my giant 950 JDJ fat Mac was blocking my view hey I have a question for you how many people do you know that have a 950 JDJ oh just me well you better hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on any future 950 JDJ videos and trust me there's going to be a lot more so I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what I should shoot with the 950 JDJ so the other day I was having some real serious thought in my office and then I looked down and I was like oh I should totally shoot toilets so I have five toilets and we're going to see how many it takes to stop a 950 JDJ okay we got one two three four five Poopers how many do you think it's going to take to stop the 950 JDJ all right shot number two I think it's going to hurt just as much as shot number one here we go wow wow I'm pretty sure we destroyed all five and uh I may have bit my [Music] cheek so my guess was that we were going to go through about three toilets and then deflect but we didn't we plowed through every single toilet I thought that five toilets would be enough but obviously not we went through all five and then we smacked our BM about right there I think there's a pretty good dent and then it bounced off the BM and went that way that is one of the downsides of shooting brass solids They Don't Really deform uh they just kind of bounce off things and speaking of bouncing that thing bounced off my shoulder very hard that is kicking the absolute snot out of me I am truly riding the lightning right now but the ride is not over we have one more shot to [Music] take I'mma count it all right so up next we're going to see if we can catch one of these 950 JDJ bullets in water/ Orbeez I have 10 five gallon water jugs five have Orbeez five have water I'm going to put them all up here on the table and we're going to see what happens also I'm not going to stack these in front of the BM because if we make it through all tin and it loses just enough energy it's totally going to bounce off that bnm so I rather it just go completely through the water jugs and then bury in the dirt let's do Orbeez and then water and a second I think I was I think I was wrong on how many have Orbeez in them looks like we got one two three four five six with Orbeez it's a lot of water I don't think it's going to stay in a straight line I don't think there's any way we are going to be able to continue straight through 10 5 gallon water jugs but there's only one way to find out so I'm going to go I want to go shoot it again I actually changed my mind just slightly I went ahead and put some cinder blocks up at the very back of those water jugs that way if we do make it through all 10 it will smash into those and I don't think we have much risk of anything deflecting off the center blocks they should just break up okay place your bets in the comment section down below third shot oh here we go oh wow that does not get any better no that that still really hurt [Music] all right well I really appreciate the 950 JDJ and all of its energy transfer because it went ahead and destroyed my tables for me I looked at the slow-mo and it's really hard to see how many jugs we made it through because it delivered so much energy that it filled up the whole frame and you can't see what's going on so we're just going to have to figure this out on our own we had 10 right all right we had 10 there's one uh that's a bottom and that's a bottom so there's three this is a bottom there's four I'm going to be slipping and sliding out here for quite a while look at all these Orbeez and they're just like so slick so right now we are at four jugs five six this guy right here is okay this one is okay so it's this one and this one that's 10 oh wait oh no that's the bottom that's the top of me oh dear oh oh there's the bullet it's right there oh my goodness look at this it's got like a line of cross it or something scraped it but it's pretty much intact I mean that is still 2500 grains of Fury oh this right here may answer my question right there let me get this C off top of here that's actually a lot of fun I'm going to do that again oh that was really satisfying I got to do that at least one more [Music] time one one more one more I'm I can't help [Music] myself okay I'm done I'm done that was a lot of fun okay anyways yeah oh yeah looks like we may have slapped this table and I don't know if we actually no there would have been a bar there that bar I I think we may have you can actually see the bands of the round on this thing so yeah that fits perfectly see these right here are your bands and this is what catches the rifling in the barrel and create spin so looks like we went through six jugs went downward smacked the table and then went into the dirt which I'm kind of surprised I figured we would have deflected a lot sooner because this is a brass solid it's pointed it's not going to deform at all so I'm actually pretty impressed with how many we went through and I'm even more impressed with how much energy transfer we had my shoulder is impressed also well that is quite the mess but I think we can do better let me know in the comments section down below what you think about the 950 JDJ and let me know what you'd like to see me shoot with it next if you enjoyed today's video as much as I did do me a big favor and give this video a like hit that subscribe button if you want to see more 950 JDJ content also be sure and check me out on Kentucky ballistics breakdowns Kentucky Customs patreon Facebook Instagram and Twitter links to all those can be found in the description down below along with a link to Kentucky just in case you want to pick up one of the limited edition Ride the Lightning shirts and as always my name is Scott thank you so much for watching Kentucky ballistics and I'll see you next time it's it's hailing right now uh before we film with the 950 uh on my anniversary some would say that's a sign [Music] he hey
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 468,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 950 jdj, 950 jdj rifle, most powerful rifle in the world, ssk 950 jdj, 950 jdj fat mac, kentucky ballistics 950 jdj, worlds most powerful rifle, 2500 grain bullet, 950 jdj kentucky ballistics, biggest rifle, most powerful gun in the world, 950 jdj rifle fat mac, 950 jdj firing, largest rifle caliber, largest rifle in the world, .950 jdj, most recoil ever, most recoil gun in the world, biggest rifle in the world, 950 jdj gun, most powerful gun ever, kentucky ballistics, 950
Id: Xlv0SK-vpow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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