Helldivers 2 EXOSUITS announced! Armor Fix, roadmap, and more NEWS! | Myelin Games

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welcome back hell divers I have more news for you for hell divers 2 big announcement of the mech or technically they're called EXO 45 coming uh there is now a post up on the Twitter I'm going to show you that we have some interesting theories about how we will get them there's maybe a bit of an Easter egg in the poster itself I'm going to give you a war update because as usual things are speeding along and if you take a single day off you've probably missed what is it what's happening in the game and then I'll do a Reddit Roundup and a Discord Roundup for you now I do want to jump into the war straight away because things are changing so quickly if I don't grab footage of this it might be gone right if you tuned in yesterday we had to defend Angel's Venture that has now been complete the major orders are all looking at 100% oh man I think this was reset I didn't see it reset because I was sleeping in Australia but I've been told I think it was reset but now it's back to 100% question mark uh still has 1 day and 12 hours to complete but that is looking good and in fact we've almost captured the Arion sector there is a new defense campaign over on the tomat Tom side um 19 hours to defend uh this desert Planet I can't see us going over there it's not a major order right now I didn't even know it was there until I checked hell. so I guess expect to lose that planet and that is your War update onto the mech this was tweeted from the hell divers 2 account hell divers the EXO 45 Patriot EXO suits are in full production in the factories of T corn ready for deployment on the battlefield soon now this is where it gets really interesting in the factories of tan corn people realized over on Reddit that this is a location on the map of well of course it is in the automaton section and you can find it in right here tan 10 T 100% liberated so people are speculating that something will happen here uh that will release the mech I it might be a defense operation uh maybe it will be um yeah maybe just a defense operation or maybe Joel will give us strategems of Mech as part of The Liberation so I think a lot of people are expecting when something happens here cuz this is where the exo suit Factory is that's when we'll get the strategy for the mechs pretty cool the other question is if they do something like this and this is the factory that produces the EXO suits if we lose this area would we lose the strategy I think that would be an interesting way for people to become a little bit more attached to defense missions like I said before I didn't feel like there's much motivation to defend this apart from you know playing the game whereas if we lost a planet that had the factory for the mech suits that would be pretty crazy right let's give you some more Reddit Roundup um there's been a conversation about the strategy bug it's not a bug it is a modifier in the game called electronic countermeasures if you've been playing uh recently and you've been throwing your strategems and realize that it just deploys a random strategy from your strategy list that's not on cold down that is one of the modifiers you can see modifiers if you press C uh when you're on an operation you'll see operation modifiers this one has atmosph atmospheric interference and orbital fluctuations uh you'll see the modifiers for that uh it can be a bit confusing because a lot of people don't check modifiers before they start playing but uh that's why your strategems are all mixed up it is actually a super pain to have the one that mixes uh scrambles your strategems right there's also quite a big conversation on Reddit about I wish harder missions counted more towards Liberation than easier ones there's a couple of very heavily upvoted posts here um this one had almost 1,000 up votes it's hilarious that trivial difficulty missions are the most effective way to liberate a planet let me show you what they're talking about when to get Liberation points you have to complete an operation these are missions Mission One mission two mission three this is the held di a difficulty to get Liberation points you have to complete all three missions which takes a bunch of time now the thing is you don't actually get more Liberation points than uh doing it on an easy difficulty and if you go to trivial or easy there is only one Mission per operation see in this territory there's only one Mission and you can just basically slam out trivial and you get the same amount of Liberation points as if you're doing hell dive now in the Reddit post somebody said in Hell div is one it did not work like that higher higher difficulties actually gave you more Liberation points and they're probably expecting it it should do that I haven't seen any confirmation that it will but I think that would help a lot I also think what would help is if missions individual missions gave you contributions to the galactic War not just operations I think that would be a big help in this overall Galactic War now here is something I did not know these are drops samples and I I realized that they showed up on the map but I didn't realize that when you drop a sample if you've if there's more samples there it actually like fills the bar up so you can see that this one at the top actually has more samples there than anywhere else nice little detail these are the things that I love about hell divers an interesting post here about patrols spawning out of thin air I haven't really paid too much attention but I do feel like patrols just always seem to be close by and uh coming for you I it's probably why I thought that patrols come close to you when you are activating um uh the artillery battery it's probably not to do with the artillery battery but just in general if you're hanging around in an area too long the patrols are kind of spawning um and people just kind of like ah I wish they didn't just spawn out of thin air and you could um impact that in some way you know talking about patrols with the automatons and if you got rid of the Fabricators maybe there would be less patrols I don't know let me know what you think it it does get out of hand very quickly on Hell divers but I also think that's kind of the part of it that makes it really hectic another interesting thing that people may not know in the training manual tips the longer a mission takes the heavier the enemy presence gets get her done quick right over to Discord I have gone through uh the community managers replies because they are incredibly active over on the Discord and there is some good things in there this is a response to if mechs are officially in the game or are they considered people cheating we keep getting more and more Mech footage and the community manager 20 responded with if they're not devs which I highly suspect they are if they are playing with mechs in open Lobby they're cheaters and well if we're very nice really curious or in the words of General crash their maggot Traders every last one of them so they haven't I mean this is the close we closest we've had to like confirmation that they are devs testing out equipment in the live service uh you know on live servers cuz I I honestly thought they were devs then then I wasn't too sure cuz I hadn't really responded and then I thought oh maybe they are cheating they're just getting the information cuz it's in the game and they're able to spawn it in it's not really confirmation either way but at least the community manager thinks that there's probably a lot of devs in there that are doing that and that may be why you're seeing me in the game right here is some good news Twi said too long didn't read on some of my previous comments here armor is being worked on and supposedly fixed soon hopefully the next update thank God if you don't know light medium heavy armor the stats uh are not working specifically around heavy armor not being able to tank more shots than light armor so you pretty much always take light armor because you get the stats uh of speed and stamina which are huge especially if the heavy armor is not taking more damage so next next update which could by the time this goes live that update might be out uh somebody asked out of pure curiosity how many people work at Arrowhead Studios roughly 125 people very small game development company uh considering the success that they have had on the topic of mechs again someone did ask oh are Mech officially launched uh do you have to be level 50 to to play with Mech once again reiterating no they're not officially out they're not released and people who have mechs are not affiliated with any special accounts or level I'm assuming that doesn't include like a a special account being a Dev I guess now many of you have come over on Twitch always asked about twitch drops uh I did not have twit twitch drops there were very few people that did have twitch drops and and someone said oh it's a it's a bit of fear of missing out here like what's the plan um and 20 responded with there several ways of supplying content but I agree that we need to do it carefully and stuff like that can easily affect both meta things in the game as well as sentiment we're not going to go pay to win or fullon PVP anyway uh a little note here about personal orders still being broken or not being renewed quickly so this is happening to you at least they are aware of it uh Twi said I'm not sure whether they renew on a 24-hour routine depending on your time zone or not but my guess is it will stabilize itself after the first day since we rolled them out might be 24 hours have to pass globally first so to speak and other words I'm pretty sure you'll have new ones later today I already have new personal orders so if you're having troubles with that uh check in again mine have rolled over right here's an interesting response uh people were concerned with the old engine uh the engine that's used to make hell divers is I I think discontinued is the right word like there's no further support for it so they've had to like um kit bash it a bit to make everything work and this is a response to a question about about the game engine hi there's been a lot of talk of bit squid and Stingray being discontinued and our CEO has addressed it several tweets and interviews as well the thing one the thing one needs to remember is that developing AAA games takes a long ass time and it's not uncommon to work on older engines there a lot of examples new and old of some of the most well-renowned developers working on Obsolete engines obsidian fat shark valve and many more it's just one factor in in developing it's not a simple equation of old engine equals impossible to work with there are simple there are simple put ups and downs with everything in game development like the old Facebook status it's complicated right people have been asking about the road map and dates announced uh Twi said come on now you know better than to trust some guys no road map or dates announced for future content and if I'm wrong I'll deny anything uh reiterating in another post no road map or dates you're trying to trick me Soldier I'm not falling for it at least not without proper reimbursements so we do know they are working on a new road map I have covered that in a tweet previously by the CEO the CEO mentioned yeah we're getting with the success of the game we've actually like redone the road map we're working on a new road map they've had meetings about the new road map but we don't know anything else yet right and that is all of your news for hell divers 2 today you like to support the channel and cannot think give a comment you leave the word EXO 45 waiting for those exo suits to roll out can't wait for it to be officially in the game and get to play around with it as usual it's been a pleasure this is milin games peace
Channel: More Myelin Games
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Keywords: myelin game helldivers, myelin games helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 advanced tips, helldivers 2 tips and tricks ps5, helldivers 2 beginners guide, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 mech gameplay, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 patch notes, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 vehicles, helldivers 2 vehicle footage, helldivers 2 discord, helldivers 2 exosuit, helldivers 2 mechs
Id: dDAPltxYEEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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