Helldivers 2 Devs EMBRACE Sweet Baby Agenda?! + EndymionTv Attacked by Woke Game Industry

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what's up everyone it's IND demon and today we got a dooy on our hands as hell divers 2 has been found in the crossfire of controversy but this time it's really troubling to say the least Beyond this I also want to look into another Community manager that is allegedly pushing the narrative that they're being sent horrific racist emails yet people are realizing there might be more going on than we think and much more so let's get into it hell divers 2 as you know is a very fun multiplayer game where you shoot bugs and robots with your friends the game has been targeted by players pushing Arrowhead game studios to implement things like rainbow Pride capes and inject real world symbolisms into the game's world of course Arrowhead smartly has taken the opposite stance towards any of this and has become the unique example of a runaway success story within the current gaming landscape many video games especially those of Western make are drenched in diversity equity and inclusion symbolism and they go out of way to inject as much real world symbolism as possible in order to appease every single Community imaginable which is just a Surefire way to ensure that you'll have to now bend the knee constantly forever for as long as you make video games once you do this hell divers 2 was seen as a Bastion of non-woke gaming and sadly it seems there might be some cracks in the armor so to speak as just a day ago or so there has been this huge discussion exploding over Community managers of video games to begin let's look at this article from that parkplace.com titled hell divers 2 Community manager declares game is pretty woke and reveals game was Banning individuals she deemed bigots transphobes homophobes racists this started when someone tweeted a screenshot of a picture showing another steam curator tool similar to cabus Rambo sweet baby in detected which is called is it woke and list games like among us and hell divers 2 in the list for anyone who's actually played hell divers 2 the game is about as non-woke as it gets at least on the surface anyway there is no real world symbolism or anything like that it's just a game where you shoot stuff and you level up of course in response to this tweet the community manager of Hell divers 2 responded to it with laughing my ass off uh-oh indeed fellas hell diver's Community manager or CM for short is Katherine Baskin no she's not related to that Baskin but firstly do not harass this individual whatsoever let's simply look into what's going on and decipher what this tells us about everything hell diver CM then replies with plus hell divers is pretty woke dog game was made by a lot of LGBT and brown people and black people and women and it's a big satire of jingoism it amuses me they don't know that super Earth is bad it also explains a lot about the world at present this single tweet from Hell diver CM has sent a skism throughout the community in a way that can only be described as Financial death since hell divers was championed as a game being a basion for players sick of the real world politics infesting most corners of video games today what the CM said there alone is a tweet that will likely cost Arrowhead thousands of dollars in Damages and if they're smarts they'll Rectify this before it gets worse I'm not saying straight up fire her although I'm sure many would love that but I think they need to issue a statement showing exactly where they stand when it comes to real world politics and that of their video games of course it's possible for every single person at Arrowhead to have the same stance on every issue I'm sure there are liberal-minded people on the team as there are conservative ones although let's be real the conservative ones might have to hide their political ideology because that's how nonsensical the entire industry is and Believe Me based on my DMs I know there's plenty of conservatives who have to keep silent when it comes to making video games which is pathetic as well not of the people with those views by the way but the fact these Studios and companies are so against that way of thinking this is obviously how Echo Chambers are created and I firmly believe if something is made with only one political view in mind well that's how you end up with the slop of today but like I said if Arrowhead is smart which I like to think they are they will address this head on instead of allowing it to Fester like an open wound hell diver CM had more to say to another user who said this did they ban people from their Discord for suggesting they add LGBT colored capes hell diver CM then said no we only Bann the bigots transphobes homophobes racists Etc are not welcome in our community we had to restrict the topics in the hell divers 2 General chats for a while because it was triggering massive waves of hate speech which our staff was struggling with emotionally the hell diver CM had other tweets compiled where she was expressing having problems with Concepts like casual and hardcore being tied to video games when she Community manages a video game franchise that is pretty much held together by those very Concepts other tweets have a hers were resurfaced and compiled by grumes as well like her doing the usual white savior rhetoric where white people must shut up and listen when black people are speaking and things like that she also expresses that she's tired of seeing parent child relationships in video games stuff like The Last of Us with jool and Ellie is a good example of this she says she doesn't like this Trope not because of its Dynamic but because it's male Centric and would instead like to see the same concept but with women only which is just a mental gymnastics way of saying that hell diver CM doesn't like seeing men in leading roles within media and would prefer to see more women instead because the concept of a parent child Dynamic is fine to her as long as it's a woman leading the child and not a man which is well I mean that's obviously a pretty feminist likee mentality to have but it doesn't surprise me sadly although what this whole exposure has done will likely cause Arrowhead to lose money in the long run and they could see many players who catch wind of this abandoning the game outright into f this is why I always say you need to keep your real world politics out of video games and the more prevalent social media has become the worse everything surrounding it has as well it's sort of like how before social media existed people looked at Hollywood actors as these icons Gods even but once social media happened you quickly started to realize that a lot of these Hollywood actors are actually dumbasses in real life and don't know what they're talking about look at Mark Ruffalo for example he's a decent enough actor but the more he opens his mouth on things unless I want to see anything he's attached to before you would just enjoy stuff cuz you didn't know every political belief or intention of the people involved and I think losing that Mystique in secrecy has led to where we are now for example I love from software's games like Elden ring Dark Souls and so on I think it would be in from software's best interest to never have their employees or whoever else to express their political leanings or anything in the real world because whatever they say whether it's prol liberal are anti-liberal conservative and so on it will just simply divide people and all you end up doing is making a situation where whatever you're selling or making has to now be stained with this otherwise easily avoidable problem we don't need to know the politics within the developer heads because that's not important just make fun games that don't divide people and you'll make tons of money like hell divers has the game is sold over 8 million copies so far and the current stance of that studio up until now anyway was Rock Sol they rejected any demand for real world symbolism in their games and just told people to go enjoy the game for what it is and play together and it's like I explained in previous videos by adding real world symbolism you'll just ruin your gaming Community if hell divers allowed real world flags as capes you already know the nuclear toxic sludge that would emerge from the in-game fighting one player has a flag on their back of a certain country another player has a problem with it and boom congrats you now got players just murking each other over and over again and the game's fun is ruined I guarantee you because of Hell divers 2's rejection of real world symbols and politics that there has been thousands of instances where players who would never associate with one another have played together somewhere right now in the hell divers 2 Universe there is a super Trump conservative guy playing with a trans person and neither of them have any idea of what the other person thinks and I think that's kind of great cuz it just brings people together and they leave all that other stuff at the doorstep but what this hell diver CM has done now she's basically opened the gates to Oblivion itself within Tamriel and she has created a problem that will not go over well with the community at all admitting that hell divers 2 was always woke is a millions of dollars worth of damaging thing to say and if Arrowhead is smart they will Rectify that statement and what their CM said immediately unfortunately this problem is not unique to Arrowhead as CMS across the board are almost universally always activists at Hearts themselves this is also why when it comes to layoffs at companies positions like social media workers or Community managers are always in the line of fire because they're not really game developers themselves they're usually just there as a connection between the player base and the developers gums who need I remind you was responsible for creating World of Warcraft and producing games like Diablo and Starcraft spoke on the importance of the community manager role this is what he had to say and I quote what do Community manager CMS do and why they actually matter it's simple a community manager sits at the boundary of the dev team and Gamers and thus holds the most power in how a games Community is shaped and policed a Dei authoritarian activist dream I get asked this question a lot as we have uncovered time and again that Community managers are majority Dei supporters while the role varies from company to company and often consists of teams at larger ones here are some of their tasks directly manage and post to the company and game social media accounts x Facebook meta Instagram Etc lead or assists in the creation of user guidelines for Community behavior and acceptable speech policies police the community enact or direct Forum Discord banss warnings and take down posts or threads which violate policies post to social media to help marketing promote the game and respond to users on social media monitor community and gaming Trends noting important reactions to the game including including any design issues reported and filter summarize and Report these to the development items themselves this is why activists are attracted to community manager roles it is a great source of power to affect change you get to decide who talks and who doesn't and why you get to police your community and ban who you wish you can remove threads and discussions with very little oversight you get to control the information both the message of the company to the public but more importantly what the devs think about the community the last part is crucial devs don't have time to sit reading social media or hang out in Discord with customers they rely on reports by the community manager for what is happening and what issues they need to pay attention to for example if gamers are upset that there is political pandering or wokeness in the game the activist Community manager could leave this out of their report or claim it's just a handful of trolls and bigots I hope this explains why it matters that companies carefully review who they are putting into these positions of very great influence end quote and grumes of course having worked on these massive blizzard games would know this since the community managers or CMS would relay the relevant information back to the development Studio this is a big reason as to how certain changes come to a video game too players could be complaining like and say hell divers and go oh we don't like how this gun is underpowered or this strategem is pretty useless and the devs could obviously see in their analytical reporting that players are not choosing to use those items as often but they might might not know the exact reason as to why that is so the community manager obviously compiles the relevant info and goes hey people aren't really liking the flamethrower as much or maybe a certain pistol doesn't do enough damage per bullet whatever it is and this allows the devs to go okay based on the cm's feedback we now know what to prioritize and update thanks to their work and like grum said unfortunately these positions are pretty much overrun by activist weirdos of Plenty because being a cm is akin to having absolute power over the conversation of a certain video game or franchise and in today's world that gives a cm more power than ever before it essentially gives the CM the power to dictate what is considered right or wrong think without the input of the devs or hups this means in a sense the way a community can well for lack of a better word communicate is based on the opinions and worldview of the CM of course this means you'd want someone who is in bias when it comes to these things but of course the realities that pretty much all CMS are about as biased as you get gums and I chat from time to time in the DM so whenever he gets exclusives I want to relay that information in a sense so people know in a way you could honestly look at what I'm doing as to what a community manager does but unlike the hell diver CM I'm not going to emit any information from the conversation whether it's good or bad I'm just telling you straight up what the hell is happening and then letting you decide for yourselves anyway grum spoke to an EXC Community manager which he confirmed their employment at whichever game game franchise they worked on and according to this xcm they said that there are Discord servers completely infested with the CMS of many games and franchises all talking amongst themselves and Within These Discord servers the CMS of various games and such would coordinate with one another when it comes to their politics and what they want to see or push within the communities that they police apparently this particular Discord server was officially labeled an industry server so everyone inside was vetted and verified to be working in the industry and so on and the actual Discord server was moderated by Discord staff themselves according to this xcm the server was rampant with woke Pro diversity equity and inclusion rhetoric and that the politics Within These servers was very liberal leaning and the majority of the discord's beliefs and stances were determined by a very small minority of community managers so like pretty much every other industry the Ws of a vocal few dictate what the many do whether it's pushing ESG into Industries or wokeness by higher reps like a Disney for example this is just the same annoyingly on-brand situation time and again apparently the vocal minority that controlled everything these CMS did or believed were rapid about these things like inclusivity and diversity they would also silence other CMS if they showed any patterns of wrong think and would use intimidation tactics to scare and force other CMS into compliance with their ideological beliefs if these CMS didn't bend the knee they would have their opinions brought to to their respective Human Resources departments which then of course if those HR people also think like these vocal CMS do well those who didn't agree with everything to a t were excommunicated of course being silent is akin to being complicit and you would be labeled a bigot if you didn't show your support whenever someone was pushing back which is crazy but sadly nothing new when it comes to the inner politics of Any Given company these days according to this xcm this Push by these V local minority CMS was designed to flush every Community across multiple video game franchises and Beyond to ban or silence anyone who didn't agree with them so if you've been watching my videos for a while now you know of the many video game franchises and CEOs who've said bluntly that they are trying to remove wrong thinking players they deem bigots from the industry in general and of course they want to replace said spaces with new audiences that don't have wrong thing this of course can't work per se cuz you can't just magically find a new audience that will fit your need and you're likely stuck with whoever is there already but their solution to this is to take anyone they deemed bigoted and then force them into having right thing and for those who refuse to kneel are just thrown away so when they say they want to change the industry it's not just the CEOs or developers or public figureheads anymore it's even the people who are given essentially unmitigated access to the communities of games you likely play and enjoy as well apparently this Discord channel has largely been disbanded and is splintered off into other forms of as of now so those vocal minority who are hellbent on everything could be chatting and cooking their schemes on their own Discord server WhatsApp Twitter DMS whatever else essentially these sorts of situations are not just oneand done but they are spread across everything and happening all the time but the ultimate goal of these political rewiring of the brain if you will is to force Community managers into compliance through intimidation and fear of job loss or blacklisting and you must under any circumstances push de and wokeness even if it means killing your community in general of course this sort of rhetoric and ideology has costed millions in sales and since these CMS work mostly completely independent and are able to create their own reports likely many of these devs and Studios don't know that it's their own CMS that are tanking their own games in Public Image a great example of a more recent CM that is getting the spotlight is the south of midnight CM who goes by pikach chalita who openly has stated in the past that they hate Gamers and they also hate and Asian players especially and they just retweet Dei Centric posts on compulsion Games official Twitter page instead of you know actually doing real work of course this then brought the attention to another CM this time for Amazon Prime's Fallout series whose name is lyanna rert she used to work for Game Informer and then she worked at Bungie until she was laid off from Bungie when they laid off around a 100 or so people in 2023 anyway don't harass this person let's just observe them in what they do but they're a textbook example of what what a company looks for in a CM lyanna has been revealed to be yet another white savior complex individual working in the industry who believes it's impossible to be racist towards white people the same way Alyssa maranti of Kotaku has and others like them lyanna has also said things like fundamentally people of color can't be racist against white people they can't have bias but racism is systematic and in the US the system benefits the white community and has been since we established ourselves at the start of our country's history she also says sounds about white and cuz he's a mouthy little white boy that knows how to string big words together to sound real smart again need I remind you that everything she said here is racist whether she attempts to say it isn't if you replace the word white with black it's the same level of bad imagine calling someone a mouthy little black boy that knows how to string big words together to sound real smart yeah that would be pretty racist but that's what she said here just with white instead you might also be wondering why did CMS always have previous places they used to be CMS at why did they keep moving lyanna for example has been a cm in multiple places in a span of a few short years it's mostly because when it comes to budget cuts and layoffs their job is the first thing to go mostly because it's not deemed as important as other jobs and for good reason CMS are generally just chronically online individuals and their job is pretty much just copy and paste in writing reports which is fine but I can see why they're on the chopping block when it comes to Cuts cuz these these companies obviously can find another cm in the future probably for Less anyway since the market for a job like that is probably highly saturated to begin with case in point I could never be a CM cuz I don't subscribe to their crazy Shenanigans but if compulsion game cm is anything to go by you just have to retweet stuff that has nothing to do with you and then collect a paycheck I guess very demanding work indeed their index finger must hurt from clicking a few times a day at best but it gets fishy cuz this lyanna roer then attempted to create this narrative that she was being sent emails that were highly offensive and racist towards her here's the email in question she provided that was sent to her which I obviously had to heavily censor because of YouTube it's basically someone allegedly saying she should be assaulted and they keep spew the nword even though lyanna is a white woman already this doesn't make any sense lyanna said just a normal one used to messages like this but a lot of people getting similar ones aren't thanks for all the love from friends and former co-workers appreciate you more than you know but people quickly pointed out that this email doesn't make any sense if you have half a functioning brain mostly cuz the email that allegedly sent this has the n-word in full within its email username and it's apparently from a gmail.com account yet if you look it up it says this Gmail's policy does not allow the creation of usernames that are considered offensive when signing up for a Google account or Gmail if a username is deemed inappropriate or violates their guidelines you will see a message stating username not allowed this includes usernames that are abusive or could be interpreted as spam additionally certain reserved aliases like abuse and postmaster cannot be used as usernames for more details you can refer to Google spam and abuse policy So based on Gmail's own policies it's impossible to have an email that's associated with their service that contains a racial slur so what the hell's going on how did lyanna Rupert get sent an email from someone whose name is a racial slur atgma mail.com of all things the obvious answer is she didn't and she's lying and ousted herself in the very same message she sent to Virtue signal she would have at least picked a normal sounding Gmail username like I don't know I love toasters 95@gmail.com or something whatever doesn't matter as long as it was something at least not blatantly offensive like this like come on dude nword gmail.com are you being serious but she went hard on The Virtue signaling and created something that actually can exist based on the information she's provided the only likely scenario here is she used another website such as a personal website of her own which she has by the way leer.com and she likely went on her own website contacted herself and made the racist email to send herself a message saying all of these things that's the only logical explanation for that message existing I'm not outright accusing her of that of course but I'm just saying that it's the only scenario where that could actually exist exist cuz otherwise the existence of nword whatever at gmail.com it it just can't exist it simply can't there is no way an email like that can be made within that platform you can mtle gymnastics all over it and do somersaults in your brain it just can't exists within the confines of the narrative that she's attempting to State the only logical answer here is she made it herself and a post to herself through her own website or maybe through Amazon Prime's website but here look I can even go on her own website and use scroll down and you can contact her right here so I'll just name myself blah blah blah cuz it doesn't matter my email is some nonsense which I never even created on any website whatsoever or prior to this my phone number is just going to be random numbers with no area code or anything I literally just slapped my keyboard and there you go some numbers and here you are I can write whatever I want on her website I'll even let her know that I'm sending it just to prove a point here and I can send it away into her inbox and it automatically accepts the email and sends it to her without verifying that anything I just sent was from any official Source the phone number doesn't make any sense my name is obviously not blah blah blah and that email is not registered I just rolled it right there in front of you so you can see how easy it would be for her to falsify these claims and then send herself a racist message of her own making because again no matter how many times I need to repeat it you cannot use a racist username when it comes to gmail.com or any other even hot mail or whatever else you can't anyone who felt for this obvious bait is just doing it without realizing how easy it is to fake something like this you can't be this stupid dude come on now she falsified it she even shows in her post that the supposed message was sent via a contact form so that means it came from a message sent to her personal website so she literally did exactly what I just did in front of you and claimed it was harassment look into your souls my friends you know it to be true this is fake news at its finest just a quick edit here this is futuring demon while I'm editing this so if I sound a little different I apologize I do want to say that I did speak to lyanna Rupert in the DMS and she explained herself further to me and I think we had a pretty candid conversation all things considered I explained to her why this whole movement is happening and that the people involved with it like yourselves are not bad people but I also told her that the consumers at large are tired of being belittled and that her side of the aisle as in the game industry needs to stop attacking the consumer base and labeling them bigots I did tell her I would still speak on this in my video which sure she may not like that but I do think what happen still feels Shady to a degree obviously she will never admit to it but I did tell her I didn't like how her and the people around her attempted to use this email message as a way to blanket everyone on my side of the aisle as being bad or something we are not bad people me Grumps whoever else I'm sure there's bad apples regardless of any side of any conversation but we need to be able to speak about these things out loud and I also do think that even though I had a pretty civil conversation with her I still don't believe her Omission 100% I just think the parameters surrounding how this specific hateful email she decided to share was too easily modifiable for it to be taken as legitimate in any way I could do the same thing for myself and claim someone hates me and write an email and send it as proof so you may disagree with that but I don't take everything anyone says as gospel you have to question it no matter what what and in my gut anyway what she presented it didn't feel genuine I don't think she should be attacked mind you and while I've gotten plenty of harassment from Twitter for The Stance from her side I do stand by it which is fine and I don't need apologies or anyone singing me Kumbaya in order to make me feel better I'll be okay but doing what I do here it's going to be some dicey moments where you're making this sort of stuff and don't worry I got plenty of thick skin so while her side has harassed me a plenty already I don't want that to happen to her we got to do better and I just want this part of the video to be a confirmation that I don't think lyanna rert is a bad person in fact after speaking to her and listening to her if anything I honestly felt a sense of sadness for her she seems like someone who's been through a lot of course I wouldn't pry too deep because I don't know her well enough but I'm at least attempting to build some sort of a path between both sides so that we can understand that we are not all bigots or Monsters as they claim us to be and I hope this edit that I've placed here shows you that not all Community managers are as mean or as evil as say the compulsion one who just straight up hates people who don't look like them lyanna seems like a generally good person and I told her to use that situation that we're in as a lesson to apply it for the Fallout Amazon Prime community and maybe just keep politics and virtue signaling out of it to hopefully bring people together instead of driving them apart will she do that I don't know I don't control her or anyone else but this is me saying saying that don't harass her or anything I think she just made a stupid mistake presenting that very easily modifiable email and although her side did attack ours we need to do better or else this is all lost I'm not admitting defeat or anything I'm mostly just trying to ensure lyanna that if she watches this she can relax I'm not coming for your job or anything the fact that you reached out it means more than most people on your side who usually just block or protect their tweets so I guess lyanna rert is not one of The Crazy Ones at least sure she made some mistakes but she's not compulsion games Community manager that's for sure that lady is crazy dude anyway back to the original video thank you we also have people like this guy named Jeff zley who is apparently a games journalist at places like the gamer and others again don't harass him or anything but I do just want to point out that he did tell Grumps to self- delete himself on Twitter which is technically against the terms of service when it comes to well any social media platform really so the gamer apparently employs people who advocate for self harm so that's neat that we all know this too oh yeah I almost forgot about that do so apparently compulsion games got dosed and their sight went down yet nobody has any proof of this ever happening and when it was claimed multiple people including me and grumes checked and we both confirmed to each other that the site was fine so there was no dos attack whatsoever again they're falsifying events of course people like khif Adams who does that podcast spawn on me which I talked about in a previous video was asked when he said grumes and his followers caus a dos that never actually happened to which a user asked you got any receipts to share because their website seems fine and is the site down searches don't show any history of interruptions nor is there any reports on a targeted dos attack on the Studio's web page and any media at all weird to which khif Adams said nope was an assumption due to the targeted harassment we are seeing very nice so we're now just assuming people are doing things they haven't done because we can khif Adams came to this conclusion simply because the voice is in his head told him so are we really attempting to act like people's thoughts are somehow now evidence when it comes to claims what's next grumes or yellow flash gave you a wedgie in your dreams and now you're going to claim it was assault this is where we're at fellas this whole gamergate 2 thing has broken all of these people's brains Beyond repair they have no evidence whatsoever of any actual real harassment or anything no dos attacks with receipts or even mentions of them happening and we've reached a point where the voices of these people's heads are being used as evidence to push narratives this is why I keep telling you guys don't harass these people cuz it's way funnier to see themselves harass themselves and then get exposed like this we are literally doing more to unravel their entire stance and campaign by genuinely just standing there and vibing and playing video games they want you to send racist stuff they are begging for any of you to attack them but don't because we know that we're better than that so stay morally Above This and let's just observe like the Watchers we are and just laugh at it all keep letting them self-own themselves like this if for any other reason then it's funny to see but whether it's the hell diver CM committing Financial death this khif guy using the ghost in his head as a moral compass or Alysa maranti and the other CMS hating on white men for no other reason than they exist I just want you to know that you're winning friends and you literally don't even have to do anything just don't buy their stupid games and just laugh to yourselves and eny enjoy your lives this is about as close to a Flawless Victory as it gets we're like the guys in Tucker and Dale Versus Evil and the joural are the teens who inadvertently get themselves axed so thank you for watching and let me know what you think as always like subscribe and share this video and thanks to my patrons as well have a wonderful day enjoy your life and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 236,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, woke media, nerdrotic, woke disney, culture war, marvel, endymiontv, woke tiktok, open bar, South Park, woke bad, exposed, Henry Cavill, reacher, yellow flash, woke character, baldurs gate 3, Asmongold, suicide squad, kill the justice league, rocksteady, stellar blade, model, the last of us, Sony marvel, mcu, Spiderman, disney, elden ring, final fantasy vii rebirth, tifa ff7, final fantasy 7 rebirth, rebirth review, sweet baby inc, sweet baby
Id: qTd1mky5jFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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