Helldivers 2 Devs DESTROY Sweet Baby Agenda + Woke Journalist HATES White Male Players

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what's up everyone it's IND demion and today I want to dive into the ongoing success of one of 2024's biggest games so far which is El divers 2 and why it's doing so well when other AAA Western games seem to be faltering underperforming and in some cases even resorting to bought farming in order to fake success Beyond this there's a Gamespot editor who is basically attacking all players and saying they're awful human beings for existing and that using terms like jrpg are racist apparent ly we'll get there eventually to begin let's start with an article from Forbes titled hell divers 2 player retention continues to be remarkable hell divers 2 has easily become the breakout hit of 2024 so far and has captured the hearts and play time of millions of players across the world so far the latest info we have when it comes to how many copies have been sold was in mid-march which confirmed that hell divers 2 had crossed the 8 million copies sold meaning that the game has sold almost as much as Spider-Man 2 has in less time of course it's also available on PC where the game is currently averaging around 200,000 players plus every single day over 2 months since release I just want to further state for you all to understand just how crazy that really is especially these days after all when that report came out stating that over 60% of playtime in 2023 was consumed by older games hell divers is a remarkable Victory where most players don't really budge out of their gaming habits but this proves that the hype train surrounding this game isn't dying anytime soon a few days ago I had a 5H hour binge session of Hell divers myself might not sound too long to some of you but for me to sit there and play a live service multiplayer game for 5 hours straight in 20124 is crazy for me considering most of my time playing games these past few years has been absorbed by predominantly single player story driven games yet even I feel the pull to return to Hell divers every other day to blast bugs and robots in the name of democracy a big part I think of why hell divers is killing it so much is because it feels like the anti- western game in a lot of ways for starters the game obviously rejects real world symbolism and for good reason but beyond that if you hadn't noticed hell divers also doesn't really follow the mentality and structure of other live service games most other multiplayer only games have seasons which are themed with cosmetics and so on Destiny 2 and Call of Duty are obvious example of this yet in Hell divers that sort of structure isn't present and when you think about it that actually works in its favor most multiplayer games when they bring new content they'll have a seasonal trailer like Destiny 2 does showcasing new weapons armor and so on they'll also show a detailed road map where certain events take place and such as well which is fine if you like to see what's in store for the upcoming season before you buy in but it also in a way removes that sense of mystery from The Game's world as well cuz you know that on this given day this event will start and will end on this day take things like Destiny 2's recent update with the whole Onslaught game mode you can see where things begin and end very neatly but when it comes to Hell divers its World feels more alive and reactive because you not only don't have any Seasons detailing content you genuinely have no idea what the hell is going to happen on any given day at all for example a little over a week ago Arrowhead said that we had successfully pushed back the automatons and called the terminus so players were having Victory laps just killing stuff and having fun then out of nowhere on a random night suddenly a massive automaton Fleet had entered the system and players scrambled to push back these crazy robots is all hell broke loose and it's that reactive almost RE lifik dog of war feeling for the game that keeps it Dynamic cuz I can't tell you when that automaton Fleet will be eradicated completely it's not like Destiny 2 when I know the event will end and begin instead I'm just sitting here naked on my couch with my leg spread like a hooker in church and all of a sudden a starm of filthy robots invade the star system and I got to say goodbye to my girlfriend and grab my laser cannon cuz democracy calls that's really cool to me and I think this sort of gameplay Dynamic would be very cool to see in other games as well it also helps a lot that hell divers actually kind of bucks the trend of fomo or fear of missing out to an extent as well since you could sign in not play much and just go enjoy your life and the community can go shoot stuff and kill a plenty and win back Major orders and you can just sign in at a later date and reap in the awards like medals even if you technically didn't really do anything to contribute to it hell divers is one of the only live service multiplayer games where the developers actually kind of reward you for being lazy but they also realize that hey people also have lives and we can't all be playing a live service game 24/7 in a lot of ways hell divers 2 is kind of the perfect game for people with full-time jobs kids and so on cuz in other life service games they usually have a battle pass and such and you got to grind those suckers out to level 100 in order to get all their rewards but if you don't grind enough before the expiry date you lose the ability to gain those rewards and that content is then vaulted Into The Ether and you just kind of lose out which means you're forced to engage and push constantly every new season of Any Given game in order to get anywhere whereas hell divers just kind of go no we're good and instead your mini battle passes are just kind of there and you can level them up whenever you want to in whichever order you want to do it and you don't feel entitled to reject your family girlfriends boyfriends or job in order to get to the latest content I don't know about you but I really like that I really do cuz it means I don't ever feel like I'm missing out in a sense and I wish more games had their battle passes just available for use even if you weren't there when they released I think Halo infinite does this as well actually I could be wrong about that but let me know in the comments if I'm remembering that correctly but this is just another reason why hell divers 2 is just absolutely killing it then for example you have this article from that parkplace.com titled sweet baby Inc influenced Alan Wake 2 allegedly using Bots to boost sales this has become a worryingly prevalent move by Publishers and studios in recent years and it's not a good sign at all so apparently remedy entertainment has been boosting their social media channels when comes to their games Allen wake 2 to be specific here according to Twitter user the master of the TDS whose's compiled boatloads of screenshots of these bot accounts artificially boosting their channels and it's so obvious it's painful like look at some of this stuff I'm excited to hear that Allen wake 2 has updated its minimum PC requirements to be optimized for older gaming rigs this opens up the game to a wider audience allowing more players to experience the thrilling storytelling and immersive gameplay can't wait to dive in and just look at what these Bots are saying yes finally my ancient potato PC can run Allen wake 2o I can finally dust off my old PC and join in on the Allen wake to fun good news for my old PC finally I can join the Allen wake to Fun Train as you can see the bot comments they just keep coming and they all sound similar first of all if you're a terminally online credent like myself you know these comments do not sound genuine at all the use of exclamation marks are plenty and how every comment is just people saying yay my insert PC here can run Allen wake too can't wait to get my game on stuff it's just not genuine the comments would instead be someone making fun of Remedy one guy posting a meme and someone else saying they want jiggle physics in the update these people however aren't real and as you can see on screen as I post more of what the master of the TDS has compiled here the engagement is just fake across the board but this is the difference between a game that is struggling for relevancy and finan gain compared to something that organically has built its audience like hell divers has the master of the TDS has also found the same sort of Bing on other platforms like IGN who are also doing the same thing to farm engagement as well and we've also seen the sort of Bot engagement from streams like when G4 tech TV came back and their streams had like 30,000 people apparently watching them live yet their chat was crawling at a snail's pace which if you know anything about online engagement and live streaming if there's 30,000 people in a chat watching something that live chat is going Sonic the Hedgehog levels of fast in terms of comments coming through the reason why a lot of these companies from IGN remedy and more are attempting to boost their platforms is simply because they're losing relevancy and whatever their pushing is not resonating with audiences by the way the Allen wake 2 Bing situation was to promote some update to the game yet remedy clearly saw that when that update was released not nearly enough people cared or were even paying attention to it the difference between remedy's lack of Engagement and something like arrowhead's hell divers is evident what we're seeing are companies failing to make products that actually resonate with the worldwide audience but I also find it interesting how every game that doesn't resonate it leans a certain way politically and ideologically as well Allen wake 2 is of course a sweet baby product and it's evident that their fingers can be felt throughout the entirety of that game's DNA as someone who played in platinumed Allen wake 2 I can confirm the game is not a good time and I do not recommend it whatsoever whereas with hell divers which just removes the real world symbols and nonsense from the equation and delivers a fun game where stupidity reain Supreme like air striking your friends or getting thrown around like a rag doll instead most western games are far more interested in the diversity and inclusion of their games here's a post from reedy's annual report 20123 that user Mangal lawyer on Twitter posted which is called remedies materiality Matrix it says here as a result of the materiality analysis carried out in 2022 remedy has seven key topics on which it focuses in sustainability work these can be placed in a materiality matrix which illustrates remedy's most material and impactful sustainability topics in The Matrix the Y AIS shows the level of importance of a topic to our stakeholders based on the materiality analysis the x-axis shows the potential impact caused by making the right choices regarding a topic as you can see based on their graph here the thing that Reigns Supreme above all else is diversity equity and inclusion yet at the very bottom of what's important to remedy according to their own report is responsible gaming which is signified as the color gray if we look down here it even coincides with what says memorable experiences for fans across the globe so what this means is that in remedy's own vision of what's important when it comes to making a video game is that the diversity and wokeness of a project always takes president yet you're actual enjoyment as a player and consumer of video games is the least important thing to remedy when it comes to them making a video game for Mass Market appeal isn't that crazy to see that these development studios are openly stating confidently that your enjoyment and your actual satisfaction with a product is last place when it comes to what's important when it comes to making their video game in the first place as someone who played Allen wake 2 I think this graph perfectly encapsulates that game's experience because I never felt like what I was playing was being made for my own enjoyment and the game would constantly pull control from my hands to show me another cut scene instead of just letting me play the game and often than not whenever someone tells you what their favorite moment of Allen wake 2 is it's almost never actual gameplay or the systems within it no mention of how the enemy variety is terrible the guns lack any imagination and the actual Interac abbility of his environment is piss poor at best if we had a graph of games that don't respect your time or money we would have Allen wake 2 on the far left with games like hell divers 2 on the far right of the same graph everything hell divers is from its ragd doll physics Dynamic live service elements and how all the different strategems react to the world's environment and so on are things that would be in remedy's opinion not deemed important if hell divers 2 was made by remedy the game would be 80% cutscenes feature one or two single enemy types and you could basically just wield your standard pistol and maybe a shotgun at best but this sort of experience is considered what these game companies prioritize I need I remind you that in 2023 alen wake 2 won big at the game awards and on video game websites while the actual player base at large rejected the game pretty much entirely and for good reason which makes you wonder what the hell is going on exactly with what these Western game studios and the websites want versus what the players actually desire instead because based on the critical reception to Alan Wake 2 it should have been a big winner right why didn't you all play the game why didn't you buy the $80 Canadian single player game where you can walk through hallway shooting the same three enemy types sparingly why don't you enjoy games that constantly rip control from you to feed you a nonsensical story where they race swapped a character because sweet baby told them to do so the truth is that what they're selling and pushing you are clearly not buying and they obviously hate that they want you to accept it and they're angry any time they push these terrible games that audiences always reject them as I said before Allen wake 2 has not turned a profit yet it's been out for seven months as of the making of this video and in terms of AAA development what Allan Wake 2 has managed to underachieve is terrible All Things Considered according to gamed developer.com Allen wake 2 has sold around 1.3 million copies since release which for a AAA Western game that is horrendously bad by the way like biblically bad and Hell divers 2 has sold a million as of last month I doubt Alan Wake 2 would even reach hell divers numbers in 10 years never mind 10 months hell divers does seem to be the rare exception to the rule when it comes to the continued underperformance of Western slob coming out these days it's also apparently the fifth most played PlayStation game right now of course the other four spots are held by The Usual Suspects like fortnite cod and so on but this just keeps proving time and again that the best received games by actual players are the ones that respect their time money and most importantly themselves then of course you have Gamespot employees saying that all white men are the devil and jrpgs are a racist term from that parkplace.com we have this article titled Gamespot editor Jessica cogwell attacks Gamers as incel gamer dudes previously shared animous against white people don't harass this person or anything because they have lost their mind anyway Jessica said stuff on Twitter in terms of gamergate 2 and such as man I don't know how all these incel gamer dudes are expecting games to have hot characters and characters representative of them at the same time at these replies get a life weirdos when did we ever say we wanted representation every other effing time your Collective tweets it's about how wokee characters and women are in every role and you miss sis head white men being allowed in things right away Jessica is clearly yet another woke weirdo working in games which is nothing new at all secondly why does representation seem to matter to people like Jessica but also conveniently does it matter if white men are asking for representation as well why is it that in these people's minds representation is somehow only exclusive to people who aren't white men this Jessica lady is just another crazy person who's drank the Kool-Aid and has the same opinions as literally every other person in her industry all of these people they feel like NPCs you'd see in a town in a video game or something there's no original thoughts in any of their heads everything is just white people bad everyone who isn't white man good and all the same nonsense then of course Jessica goes off on the deep end where she claims the term jrpg is somehow racist back in 2023 one user said the term was created to differentiate jrpgs from Western on so you're literally saying that it was a term created to otherise an outgroup interesting that you can somehow think that's not literally a racist thing to which Jessica then said I've used the term jrpg for years and honestly Hannah is completely right and I'm going to stop it is a category that doesn't need to exist gamees should be separated by contents not the race of the people creating them I think this is one of those things we need to do away with even if you don't meet it in a negative way think about how it comes across for a few minutes and I think you'll realize it feels a bit ick sure we can talk about the differences between Western RPGs and Eastern RPGs but Western should not be the default for the term RPG also I think if you are white please consider thinking before tweeting actually I don't know that it's racist because then promptly delete that tweet and listen to the opinions of the people you're putting in a box good Lord the NPC beh avior is off the chart with this person listen saying something is a jrpg is not racist whatsoever in fact it's actually a good thing to say because jrpgs versus Western RPGs are completely different in terms of how they're structured the characters look and act not to mention the usual ideological nonsense as a stark difference between the two as well looking at a game like Fallout for example that's a western RPG and then you compare how that game looks to something like Final Fantasy which is obviously a jrpg and they couldn't be any more different in terms of themes music and more and honestly at this point using a term like jrpg when talking about your game is likely going to boost your sales than anything else because whenever I see a western RPG these days I just know they're going to fill it to the brim with nonsense at any given moment you know the stuff multiple pronouns ugly female characters boring and repetitive gameplay all of it I also noticed when it comes to Western made RPGs many things are just not as interesting whereas in Final Fantasy for example they have a certain tone and flare to it all that West games can't hope to match so using a term like jrpg is not racist at all and I think anyone who believes that is a but also completely out of touch with what players really want in games if these people haven't noticed already a lot of players are looking for anything that actually is in made in the west already whether it's manga anime or games they want nothing to do with the slot that's being pushed out of the rectums of Western Studios and I think having a term as old as gaming itself like jrpg be able to differ which game is what is very important because obviously Eastern developers have much different wants and philosophies when compared to their Western counterparts and for good reason and again like I said there's a stark difference in how these games look in play when you compare stuff like Fallout against Final Fantasy and of course when it comes to women it's just a night and day difference Western games you have ugly Giga chined monstrosities that have no curves and look gender ambiguous whereas in the East women actually look feminine and look actually like women which again they hate that as well in the West and like always when it comes to woke activists It's never enough no matter how much virtue signaling you do Jessica said more moronic things like sorry but I am very tired of certain groups of feminists mourning the death of very old problematic white women while remaining quiet when women of color who had their whole lives ahead of them are murdered the amount of white women I see constantly mourning the queen or RBG when there are people of color and trans women being attacked and in need of support is giving me a constant headache like I keep telling you guys It's never enough to appease these sort of NPCs another really tiring example here is another user who is friendly with games spots NPC employee Jessica who sees the board of the Xbox gaming leadership team and then says this this is barely diverse this is below the bare minimum to which both of these NPCs then agree by saying yeah I've been seeing people praise this and I'm so confused yeah like this how things have looked for many years now it is not Progressive or radical at all like there are 13 people on this board and 10 are white these morons can't fathom that when it comes to jobs you have to hire the best people for the job but that's not important to them it doesn't matter if these 13 people at Xbox are competent or not what only matters to them is simply that they're too white but this is how NPCs think it's all about diversity and representation an actual skill or Talent has no meaning or place in the conversation isn't that weird to you Jessica is Peak NPC behavior and she's the kind of person who would definitely get robbed and then refus to give the cops an accurate description because she doesn't want to perpetuate stereotypes someone could steal her car and she would actually think to herself well maybe they needed the car more than me and that somehow this is white men's faults remember that one liberal guy who got stabbed and then died and his girlfriend went to apologize to the guy who murdered her boyfriend in jail Jessica is likely like that as well these defeis liberal weirdos are why so much is wrong with the world today they'd rather lay down to let a tank drive over them exploding all their bones and killing them and be fine with it cuz a person of color is driving the tank you ever wonder how things can get even worse just clone people like Jessica a thousand times over and you have a society full of NPCs who will just virtue signal as they're literally being lit on fire it's very tiring and pathetic to me especially when I see people like this a plenty on social media thinking they somehow need to renounce their skin color or something you don't have to apologize for anything anyone has done that is in you especially when these white liberal women attempt to say white people need to answer for some crimes in the past like none of it makes any sense I wasn't alive 100 or 200 years ago why am I apologizing for something I wasn't even around for plus not to mention they always talk about how we can't judge a person based on color yet they do exactly that and lump entire demographics into groups on a win white people are not bad people the same way I don't look at all black people and say they're all bad or something there are bad people in color of skin across the world there are also good people in those same skin colors too can we stop being this moronic and perpetuating this NPC like Behavior the only diversity that really matters is that of thought and these people like Jessica are the antithesis of that notion she's likely someone who would find somebody squatting in their home and would go well I am homeless now and I'm very cold and all my belongings have been stolen but at least I'm not a racist these people should be ashamed of themselves there's no other way of putting it and it's these kinds of NPCs that are assembling together like the hall monitor Avengers to say how Games should be made through the Articles they write and the groups that they form finally to close this video out there's one more thing this Jessica NPC said that just boggled my mind with how out of touch it was which said also be cognizant of the fact that white people literally create an industry in community that is super toxic and competitive and causes increased tension in marginalized groups know our role in this have some Grace and sit down there's just so much white savior in these tweets it's off the charts man what's my role exactly as a white person I didn't know this was a DND group I thought we're all just humans everything I read from this Jessica person it just keeps getting worse dude and saying white people created toxic and competitive Industries do you mean capitalism are you mad that capitalism exists now too this person is a communist aren't they I wouldn't be surprised look everything Jessica says is what is echoed by the greater gaming industry and staggering numbers and then you wonder why things are the way they are no wonder gam spot hasn't been relevant in so long the only competent people that came at a game spot was a guy who used to review games there and then went off to create super giant games and that other reviewer guy whose name I don't remember that now works at Lian Studios the rest of them seem to be like Jessica here just your typical pronouns in BIO bows down to everyone cuz I'm white and apologize for their identity you want to know why games like hell divers 2 were so rare from Western Studios these days cuz a lot of them think like Jessica here and and that's why it's so bad right now it's the remedy matrix chart all over again the most important Initiative for these people is always pushing Dei and actual enjoyment and consumer satisfaction always comes dead last it's pathetic but it's not surprising hell divers 2 continues to dominate the market and the conversation for good reason the creators have largely rejected the insertion of real world symbols and their continued success has become an anomaly in the gaming world but maybe if these sites like Gamespot and IGN stop slobbering the knob of bad video games like Alan Wake 2 so much and actually made content that resonated with audiences maybe we wouldn't be where we are right now Legacy Media in my opinion can't die soon enough friends but as always let me know what you think in the comments thank you for watching subscribe like and share the video and thanks to my patrons for their undying support go enjoy some games that don't suck today and thank you for being here and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 175,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, woke media, nerdrotic, woke disney, culture war, marvel, endymiontv, woke tiktok, open bar, South Park, woke bad, exposed, Henry Cavill, reacher, yellow flash, woke character, baldurs gate 3, Asmongold, suicide squad, kill the justice league, rocksteady, stellar blade, model, the last of us, Sony marvel, mcu, Spiderman, disney, elden ring, final fantasy vii rebirth, tifa ff7, final fantasy 7 rebirth, rebirth review, sweet baby inc, sweet baby
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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